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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PAULO HAMURABI FERREIRA MOURA 24 March 2010 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem como tema: Os Fundamentos Ético-Morais da paz no De Civitate Dei de Santo Agostinho. Ela aborda a visão agostiniana da paz e a sua influência no Magistério da Igreja, em especial na Pacem in Terris, Gaudium et Spes e a Sollicitudo Rei Socialis. Segundo estes documentos, a ordem social é indispensável para a realização da paz. No entanto, sem menosprezar este aspecto, Agostinho afirma que esta ordem pressupõe a paz do indivíduo, a qual procede do equilíbrio entre o uti e o frui, princípios básicos da ética e da moral. Também a paz agostiniana pode ser analisada de acordo com a teologia moral, pois a paz, para ser alcançada, requer a valorização tanto da subjetividade como da intersubjetividade. Na realidade, os meios de se atingir a paz, defendida por Agostinho, continuam pertinentes, pois ele já intuía que a paz, para ser eficaz, envolve todos os aspectos relacionados ao homem, em si, e ao seu contexto social, não devendo ser confundida com o intimismo ou com uma espiritualidade desencarnada das estruturas sociais. Assim, a tranquilitas ordinis não significa conformismo ou resignação diante das estruturas injustas e desumanas deste mundo, pois quem vive de acordo com a ordem estabelecida por Deus sabe, perfeitamente, que deve colaborar com a cidade terrestre para que haja justiça e paz, sem perder de vista a Jerusalém do alto, meta e fim de todos que se empenham, sem desânimo, para implantar neste exílio as sementes do reino de Deus. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a recuperação de uma visão integral do ser humano e do resgate da dimensão pluridimensional da paz. / [en] Considering the title of this thesis, The Ethical-Moral Fundamentals of Peace on De Civitate Dei of Saint Augustine, we debate the Augustinian view of peace and its influence in the Church Magisterium, specially in the Pacem in Terris, Gaudium et Spes and Sollicitudo Rei Sociali documents. According to these documents the social order is indispensable to the realization of peace. Nevertheless, without despising this aspect, saint Augustine affirms that this order presupposes the peace of the individual, which arises from the balance between the uti and the frui, both the basic principles of ethics and moral. Saint Augustine s peace can also be analysed according to the moral theology, because the peace to be reached needs the valorization of both the subjectivity and the intersubjectivity. It is true that the means indorsed by saint Augustine to achieve peace are still pertinent, because he had already perceived by intuition that the peace is only effective when it involves all the aspects related to the human being and his social context, without confusing it with intimism or with a spirituality not incarnated within the social structures. Therefore, tranquilitas ordinis does not mean both the conformism or the resignation with the unjust and inhuman structures of this world. Because everybody who lives according to the order established by God knows perfectly that must cooperate, on the Earth, to have justice and peace, without loosing the sight of the Celestial Jerusalem, which is the aim of everyone that are commited, without discouragement, to establish the seeds of the Kingdom of God in this exile. This research plans to contribute to the restoration of the whole vision of the human being and to redeem the many dimensions of peace. / [fr] Cette Mémoire a comme Thème: Les Fondements Ethiques Morales de la paix, dans De Civitate Dei, de Saint Augustin. Elle aborde la vision augustinienne de la paix et son influence dans le Magistère de l’Eglise, en spécial dans les documents : Pacem et Terris, Gaudium et Spes, Sollicitudo Rei Sociales. Selon ces documents, l’ordre social est indispensable à la réalisation de la paix. Nonobstant, sans déprecier cet aspect, Augustin affirme que cet ordre présume la paix de l’individu, qui procède de l’équilibre entre le uti et le frui, les principes basiques de l’éthique et de la morale. La paix augustinienne aussi, peut être analysée en accord avec la théologie morale, car, la paix, pour être atteinte, éxige la valorisation tant de la subjectivité, comme de l’intersubjectivité. Vraiment, les moyens pour atteindre la paix, défendus par Augustin, continuent valables, car il pressentait que la paix pour être éfficace, englobe tous les aspects rélationnés à l’homme en soi-même et à son contexte social, ne pouvant pas être confondu avec l’intimisme ou avec une spiritualité pas incarnée des structures sociales. De cette façon, la tranquilitas ordinis ne signifie pas conformisme ou résignation devant des structures injustes et inhumaines de ce monde, car celui qui vit en accord avec l’ordre établie par Dieu, sait parfaitement qu’il doit collaborer avec la cité terrestre pour qu’il puisse avoir la justice et la paix, sans perdre de vue la Jérusalem Céleste , le terme et la fin de tous ceux qui s’engagent, sans défaillir, pour établir dans cet éxile, les sémences du Royaume de Dieu. Cette petite recherche veux contribuer à la récupération de cette vision intégrale du l’être humain et du rachat de la dimension pluridimensionale de la paix.

The meaning of the expression having died to sin in Romans 6:1-14

Mabelane, Kolena Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The letter to the Romans conveys a message of God's love and how through his grace, he has prepared a way to liberate mankind from a life of sin to a life of righteousness. But the way the message is presented, this grace may easily be misunderstood as an encouragement for people to live in sin. In Chapter 6:1-14, a concise but detailed outline of the message of the epistle unfolds into two main sections, namely, the Indicative and the Imperative. Key statements in these sections are: 'How can we who have died to sin, continue to live in it?' (6:2), and 'Consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God' (6:11). Failure to distinguish the separate meanings of these statements may lead to the conclusion that the pericope encourages libertinism. In outlining the:meaning of this expression, 'We have died to sin ... ', I hope to make a contribution for a better understanding of the message of this pericope, namely: The grace of God that enables believers to live a righteous / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Theology)

La notion de progrès à travers une distinction entre éthique et morale / The notion of progress through a distinction between ethics and morals

Roume, Stéphane 02 December 2017 (has links)
Toute économie ainsi que toute science a pour mission d’atteindre un certain progrès dans son domaine. Or si nous pouvons tous être d’accord sur ce point, nous ne partageons pas forcément la même définition du progrès. Pour élucider cette divergence de compréhension, nous avons pris le parti d’adhérer à une distinction entre éthique et morale : là où tout ordre moral consiste à ordonner les éléments d’un cadre déterminé pour une fin donnée, une posture éthique consiste à adopter et à adapter un principe faisant autorité pour découvrir un environnement alors inconnu. Nous avançons alors que le domaine de l’économie ainsi que toute idée de progrès ne peuvent être rattachés qu’à un ordre moral et non à une posture éthique. Pour illustrer ces propos, nous menons une réflexion sur la question de l’identité, notion certes vide et idéologique mais qui permet tout de même, couplée avec la distinction entre éthique et morale, de nous concentrer notamment sur les notions d’Etat, de personne ou encore de pouvoir. Ces réflexions nous éclairent sur certains fondements de l’économie et sur la philosophie utilitariste, philosophie avant tout liée au langage et de ce fait à la notion d’identité une fois encore ; utilitarisme et économie seraient en un sens déterministes, nous permettant d’accéder à un bonheur identifiable et vers lequel nous pourrions progresser. Ainsi nous avançons que le progrès ne peut qu’être conçu à partir d’un ordre moral et qu’il faille plutôt rechercher un certain équilibre pour que la dimension éthique puisse être elle aussi cultivée, au même titre que la catallaxie puisse être encouragée au côté de l’économie. / Every economics or science has to reach some progress in its field. But, if we can agree on this point, we do not necessarily share the same definition of progress. To clarify this divergence of understanding, we have chosen to distinguish between ethics and morals: if a moral order permits to order elements in a determined frame for a specific goal, an ethical posture means to adopt and to adapt an authoritative principle for the discovery of an unknown environment. We advance that the economic field and the idea of progress can only be associated with a moral order and not with an ethical posture. To illustrate that, we conduct a reflection about identity, which is an empty and ideological notion but which allows us, along the distinction between ethics and morals, to focus especially on notions like State, person or power. These reflections can enlighten us about some foundations of economics and utilitarianism which is a philosophy deeply related to language and then with the notion of identity once again; utilitarianism and economics are in a certain way playing a defining role, allowing us to reach a well-being which we can identify and to which we can progress. Thereby, we are advancing that the progress can only be conceived from a moral order and that we should search a kind of equilibrium to let the ethical dimension be cultivated, as well as to encourage catallaxy outre economics.

Système de l'obligation naturelle / System of Natural Obligations

Bellis, Kouroch 29 March 2018 (has links)
La notion d’obligation naturelle passe assez inaperçue en doctrine. Cette discrétion est due à un courant doctrinal issu au XXe siècle du positivisme juridique, qui a estimé qu’il n’y a pas de système rationnel de l’obligation naturelle en droit français. Un tel système existe pourtant. L’heure est donc à la restauration de la notion d’obligation naturelle, et avec elle, de celle de droit naturel. La tradition juridique française est par essence jusnaturaliste, de type humaniste, et l’obligation de droit naturel apparait être le fruit de cette longue tradition. La technique juridique qui lui est afférente est un point de conjonction entre le droit positif et le droit naturel à travers la matière fondamentale qu’est le droit des obligations. En découvrant un véritable système du droit naturel, le système de l’obligation naturelle tel qu’il se présente en droit français apparait tout naturellement. Il permet alors de comprendre et donc de résoudre bien des difficultés pratiques qui émergent dans la jurisprudence très abondante en la matière. / The notion of natural obligation is often overlooked in France. This is the result of a doctrinal trend from the last century, which, nourished by legal positivism, has concluded that there is no rational system of natural obligations in French Law. Such a system does exist nonetheless.The time has come to restore the notion of natural obligations and with it the notion of natural law. The French legal tradition is by essence jusnaturalist, of humanist type, and the system of natural obligations appears to be the fruit of this long tradition. The rules pertaining to this notion are a confluence of positive law and natural law through the fundamental field which is the law of obligations. Through the discovery of a true system of natural law, the system of natural obligations as it manifests itself in French law appears quite naturally. It enables us then to understand and resolve many practical difficulties arising in court cases.

Le Roman russe d'Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé dans l'histoire intellectuelle, spirituelle, poltique et culturelle de la France / The Russian Novel by Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé in the intellectual, spiritual, political and cultural history of France

Gichkina-Stich, Anna 18 December 2014 (has links)
Le Roman russe d’Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé paraît au bon moment. À la fin du XIXe siècle, l’« horizon d’attente » de la France est plus que favorable à la réception de la littérature russe. Saturée et étouffée non seulement par le pessimisme consécutif à la défaite de 1871 mais aussi par le scientisme et le naturalisme, la société française ressent un besoin de renouveau dans tous les domaines de la vie. L’affaiblissement de la France sur la scène internationale fait de l’alliance avec la Russie un objectif politique prioritaire. Cette problématique nourrit aussi l’ambition de Vogüé de rapprocher les deux pays. « La pauvre vie spirituelle » de la France contemporaine incite le vicomte à accentuer le caractère chrétien de la littérature russe. Redonner à la France ses valeurs chrétiennes d’autrefois – voilà encore une ambition du vicomte exprimée au travers du Roman russe.À sa parution, en 1886, l’ouvrage connaît un succès immédiat non seulement dans le milieu intellectuel mais également auprès du grand public. En important la littérature russe en France, Vogüé veut découvrir à ses compatriotes, en plus de son génie littéraire et culturel, les particularités de l’âme russe. L’alliance franco-russe, le rapprochement culturel et intellectuel entre les deux pays, la russomanie du peuple, la russophilie des intellectuels, la renaissance de l’idéalisme, telles furent en France les nombreuses résonances du Roman russe. / The Russian Novel by Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé comes out just at the right time. At the end of the 19-th century «the horizon of expectation» in France is more than favourable to perceive Russian literature. Satiated and suppressed by the postwar (1871) pessimism, exultant scientism and naturalism the French society begins to feel the need for change in all spheres of life. The loss of position on the international scene makes the country seek for alliance with Russia which becomes the main political goal of France in this historic period. Soon it becomes one of the goals of the viscount’s literary works. Seeing spiritual poverty in contemporary France Vogüé gives emphasis to Christian nature of Russian literature. Bringing the country back to its original Christian values – that is the other goal of Vogüé embodied in The Russian Novel.Before the book comes out in 1886, it is a total success both among intellectuals and general public. Introducing Russian literature in France Vogüé wants his compatriots not only to know and appreciate Russian literary and cultural genius, but to discover specific features of the Russian soul. The French-Russian alliance, cultural and intellectual convergence of the two countries, Russomania among the general public, Russophilia among the intellectuals, rebirth of idealism - these were the numerous echos of The Russian Novel in France.

Ethical leadership in the Limpopo Provincial Public Service of South Africa: an imperative for good governance

Singo, Angeline Thivhilaeli 18 May 2018 (has links)
PhD (Public Administration) / Department of Public and Development Administration / The study reviews and assess the impact of ethical leadership in promotion of good governance in the Limpopo Province in South Africa. Since the inception of the province in 1994, the provincial government witnessed an alarming statistics of unethical behaviour within its echelons. The media reports is frequently dominated by negative news of ethical transgression within the province’s public institutions. The reports on fraud and corruption scandals ranges from conflict of interests which manifest itself through payment of ghost workers, tardiness, weak institutions, lack of accountability and honesty by senior and subordinate public officials. In 2011, some of the provincial government’s departments were placed under “Administration”, meaning the control of province by the National Treasury. The placement of the departments under administration confirms the public perception that the province is engulfed by ethical challenges which result to poor governance of the province. The findings from the study confirm that although the province attempted to put strategies to minimise acts of unethical behaviour in the province, there is still a concern of ethical transgression that is ongoing and unabated. The study adopted the mixed methodology research design for data collection. The senior public managers and subordinate public officials were sampled as the population for the study. The aim is to assess the pivotal role that senior public managers as leaders play in fostering the organisational performance, hence good governance through modelling behaviour. The findings of the study assist to respond to the concern of why transgressions of ethical conduct occurs despite progressive legislative frameworks were introduced to promote good governance. The study recommended an Integrative Model of Ethical Leadership, which takes into account / NRF

Rodina a její role ve vnímání současné zdravotnické etiky / The family and its role in the perception of current medical ethics

Teubner, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The diplomathesisdiscussesthe issue of familyandthe approach to family in the context of current medical ethics. The introductiondescribesthe perceptionof familyby humanities and social sciences and identifies the elements shared by all disciplines, including health care. The firstsectionof the thesislooksintothe development of the relationship between the physician and the patientandhisor her family,rangingfromapaternalisticrelationshiptoinformedconsentto patients' previously expressed wishes. The author places each of these principles in context with legislative andethical normsandhighlightsthe dilemmasassociatedwiththe understandingthereof. At the same time it solves the possibilities of family involvement in each of them. The secondsectionof the thesisfocusesonpalliative care.Itdescribesthe basicprinciples related to adultpatientsatthe terminal stage of theirillnessandalsothe proceduresfollowedinpaediatricand perinatal palliative care. The conclusion offers a description of the practical procedures followed whenthiscare wasbeingintroducedatthe Královské VinohradyUniversityHospital inPrague.Partof the thesis is also casuistry derived from the operation of the palliative care team.

Rodina a její role ve vnímání současné zdravotnické etiky / The family and its role in the perception of current medical ethics

Teubner, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The diplomathesisdiscussesthe issue of familyandthe approach to family in the context of current medical ethics. The introductiondescribesthe perceptionof familyby humanities and social sciences and identifies the elements shared by all disciplines, including health care. The firstsectionof the thesislooksintothe development of the relationship between the physician and the patientandhisor her family,rangingfromapaternalisticrelationshiptoinformedconsentto patients' previously expressed wishes. The author places each of these principles in context with legislative andethical normsandhighlightsthe dilemmasassociatedwiththe understandingthereof. At the same time it solves the possibilities of family involvement in each of them. The secondsectionof the thesisfocusesonpalliative care.Itdescribesthe basicprinciples related to adultpatientsatthe terminal stage of theirillnessandalsothe proceduresfollowedinpaediatricand perinatal palliative care. The conclusion offers a description of the practical procedures followed whenthiscare wasbeingintroducedatthe Královské VinohradyUniversityHospital inPrague.Partof the thesis is also casuistry derived from the operation of the palliative care team.

Doktrína a judikatura k zákonu proti nekalé soutěži (1927) a jejich vliv na současné právo proti nekalé soutěži / Legal Doctrine and Case Law Related to the Act on Protection Against Unfair Competition (1927) and Their Influence on the Current Law Against Unfair Competition

Veselý, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is the analysis of the Czech pre-WW2 legislation on unfair competition as laid out by the Act on Protection against Unfair Competition 111/1927 Sb. and the vast body of work concerning its interpretation and application as contained in both doctrinal works and especially the case law of the Czechoslovak Supreme Court. The thesis then attempts to thoroughly compare these to the relevant contemporary Czech case law and theoretical works. To achieve this goal, after a thorough preliminary analysis and selection of the relevant sources (especially applicable case law), the thesis lays out the most crucial legal questions and areas of interest in which the current legal doctrine and case law have been influenced by the pre-war era. The thesis contains thorough analysis of provisions containing vague legal terms, such as "good morals of competition", "business relations" or "average consumer" and attempts to put these into the context of legislation, legal doctrine and case law of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Considerable attention is also paid to the relationship between industrial property law and the law on unfair competition. The focus has been put on providing an analysis of the foundations that had shaped the legal thinking of the first Czechoslovak Republic in...

The effect of asymmetric information in real estate agent commissions / Effekten av asymmetrisk information vid fastighetsmäklarprovisioner

Kaczmarczyk, Kamila, Kaddani, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Real Estate Agencies compensation consists of commissions and a part of the commission corresponds to what the real estate agent gets as salary. This incentive-based commission system is usually covered by an agreed fixed amount, a variable commission model or a combination of both depending on the brokerage object's final selling price. Commission system can lead to adverse consequences when the real estate agent abuses their position and exploits an information advantage to gain a financial benefits. Based on completed questionnaires, that have been posted for this study, directed to consumers and real estate agents, it is recognized that the parties in the Swedish real estate agent industry has experienced or is experiencing a certain unethical behavior because of commission-based pay structures. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how asymmetric information affects the real estate industry brokerage contract negotiations regarding the commission and whether conflicts of interest may occur due to this. Because of asymmetric information in contract situations, there may be situations in which agreements will contradict societal norms and ethical principles, because the broker abuses his advantage. The essence of this thesis is to convey a discussion in order to associate the legal application of contracts with normative ethics. The essay writers propose for instance based on ethical approaches to create a complement to the existing law and further to come up with practical solutions to limit the possibility of unreasonable commission models in real estate brokerage. The essay writers argue that the introduction of a stricter supervision of the commission procedure would create stronger assurance and reduce the abuse of the information asymmetry in the industry. / Fastighetsmäklarbranschens ersättningssystem utgörs av provision och motsvarar en del av vad en fastighetsmäklare får i lön. Detta incitamentbaserade provisionssystem brukar omfattas av ett avtalat fast belopp, en rörlig provisionsmodell eller en kombination av båda som beror på förmedlingsobjektets slutliga försäljningspris. Provisionssystemet kan föranleda negativa följder om fastighetsmäklaren missbrukar sin ställning och utnyttjar ett informationsövertag till att skapa sig en finansiell fördel. Utifrån genomförda enkätundersökningar i denna studie riktade till konsumenter och fastighetsmäklare medges det att parterna inom den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen har upplevt eller upplever ett visst oetiskt beteende på grund av provisionsbaserade lönestrukturer. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka hur asymmetrisk information påverkar fastighetsmäklarbranschens avtalsförhandlingar avseende provisionen och huruvida intressekonflikter kan uppstå till följd av detta. På grund av asymmetrisk information i avtalssammanhang kan det förekomma situationer där avtalen strider mot samhällsnormer och etiska principer när mäklaren missbrukar sitt övertag. Kärnan i denna uppsats är att föra en samlad diskussion som avser att koppla den rättsliga tillämpningen av avtalslagen med den normativa etiken. Uppsatsförfattarna resonerar bland annat utifrån etiska synsätt för att skapa ett komplement till gällande lag och vidare komma fram till praktiska lösningar till hur eventuellt oskäliga provisionsmodeller kan begränsas. Uppsatsförfattarna hävdar att ett införande av en starkare tillsyn över provisionsförfarandet skulle skapa större förtroende och minska asymmetrin i branschen.

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