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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JOAO FERNANDES REINERT 02 January 2017 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa é um diálogo entre dois temas fundamentais e, ao mesmo tempo, desafiadores para a agenda pastoral do século XXI: iniciação à vida cristã e instituição paroquial. Iniciar na fé, em tempos do fim do cristianismo sociológico, e atrair para a vida em comunidade, quando cresce a disinstitucionalização religiosa, são tarefas nada fáceis. A Igreja vem se empenhando para responder a tais desafios. Encontrou no catecumenato a grande redescoberta pastoral para iniciar na fé. Trata-se de um caminho privilegiado de transmitir a fé, de amadurecê-la e fazê-la progredir. A pedagogia catecumenal possui características fundamentais para o amadurecimento do ser cristão, tais como a progressividade da fé, o casamento catequese-liturgia, forte densidade mistagógica e experiencial da fé, entre outras. Contudo, o catecumenato depende de renovadas estruturas eclesiais, e aqui chegamos ao paroquial, cujo cansaço institucional não vem de hoje, assim como não são de hoje as tentativas de renovação. Nossa pesquisa mostra que fundamental é perceber que iniciação cristã catecumenal e renovação paroquial não são dois temas distantes, por isso mesmo devem ser pensados conjuntamente, na certeza de que o futuro de um depende da vitalidade do outro, e vice-versa. Há entre eles uma relação muito próxima, uma feliz dependência, a qual chamamos relação dialética. A dinâmica catecumenal é fundamental não somente para a iniciação cristã, mas questiona, provoca, ilumina a conversão paroquial, e esta, à medida que se renova é decisiva para a consolidação e prática catecumenal. Portanto, trata-se de um processo relacional, de iluminação mútua. Entre novo modelo de paróquia, e consolidação da prática catecumenal, o futuro de um depende da vitalidade do outro. / [en] This present research is a dialogue between two fundamental themes and at the same time challenging for the pastoral agenda of the XXI century: initiation into Christian life and parochial institution. Initiate faith, in the end times of sociological Christianity, and to attract community life, when growing religious disinstitutionalization, are not easy tasks. The Church has been committed to respond to these challenges. In the catechumenate, is found the great pastoral rediscovery of faith initiation. It treats a privileged way to transmit faith, ripen it and make it progress. The catechumenal pedagogy has fundamental characteristics for the maturity of the Christian being, such as the progressing of faith, the marriage catechesis- liturgy, strong mystagogic density and experiential of faith, among others. However, the catechumenate depends on renewed ecclesial structures, and here we come to the parochial level, whose institutional fatigue does not come today, as they are not today s attempts of renewals. Our research shows that fundamentally, it is seem that, the Christian Initiation catechumenal and the parochial renewal are not two distinct themes , therefore, should be thought of together, in the certainty that the future of one depends on the vitality of the other, and vice versa . There is a very close relationship between them, a happy dependency, which we call dialectical relationship. The catechumenal dynamical is essential not only for the Christian initiation, but questions, provokes, enlightens parochial conversion, and this , as it renews itself, is decisive for the consolidation and catechumenal practice. Therefore, it treats a relational process of mutual illumination. Among new model of parochial, and consolidating catechumenal practice, the future of one depends on the vitality of the other.

L'explication touchant le temple divin, les ornements sacrés et la divine Mystagogie de Syméon de Thessalonique (1429) : édition, traduction, commentaire / The Explanation about the Divine Temple, the Sacred Ornaments and Divine Mystagogy, of Symeon of Thessalonica († 1429) : Edition, translation and commentaries

Garnier, Sébastien 04 June 2011 (has links)
À la veille de la prise définitive de Thessalonique, l’archevêque Syméon (†1429) apporte les dernières retouches à son commentaire mystagogique, l’Explication touchant le temple divin, les ornements sacrés et la divine Mystagogie. Il s’agit de la troisième version d’un traité destiné à l’origine au clergé crétois. Le dernier traité mystagogique byzantin fait le tableau des fastes d’une liturgie pontificale et enregistre les derniers développements d’un rituel dont l’évolution touche alors à son terme. Synthèse de la tradition mystagogique qui l’a précédé, l’ouvrage manifeste un véritable retour aux sources du genre (Denys l’Aréopagite et Maxime le Confesseur). Syméon y propose un exposé de la doctrine eucharistique conforme aux thèses palamites sur la Grâce, conçue comme énergie commune aux hypostases de la Trinité mais distincte de son essence. Ce commentaire a joué un rôle essentiel dans le développement et la transmission du palamisme au sein de l’Église grecque. Cette dernière version est conservée dans le Zagorensis 23, où une main est intervenue directement dans le corps et les marges du texte afin de le corriger et de l’amplifier. La question de savoir si ces interventions sont autographes se pose. Nous tenterons d’en comprendre la signification. D’autre part les quatre témoins qui conservent cette version révisée, nous permettront d’en retracer l’histoire. Complétée par ces quatre témoins, nous présentons une édition de la leçon du Zagorensis, de lecture souvent difficile et lacunaire. Elle sera accompagnée d’une traduction. En contrepoint, l’étude de la tradition manuscrite nous permettra d’esquisser l’histoire de deux premières versions de cette œuvre / On the eve of the definitive fall of Thessalonica, archbishop Symeon (1429 ) brings the last touch to his mystagogical comment, the Explanation about the Divine Temple, the Sacred Ornaments and Divine Mystagogy. It is the third version of a treaty originally intended for the Cretan clergy. The last Byzantine Mystagogical treaty made thepicture of the splendors of an episcopal liturgy and registered the last developments of a rite the evolution of which touched then its term. Synthesis of the mystagogical tradition which preceded, the work testifies for a real return to the sources of the genre (Denys the Areopagite and Maxime the Confessor). Symeon proposes a presentation of the eucharistic doctrine in accordance with the palamites theses on the Grace, conceived as the energy common to the hypostases of the Trinity but different from Their essence. This comment played anessential role in the development and the transmission of Palamism within the Greek Church. This last version is preserved in Zagorensis 23, where a hand intervened directly in the body and the margins of the text to correct and amplify it. The question to know if these interventions are original arises. We shall try to understand its meaning. On the other hand four witnesses which keep this revised version, will allow us to redraw its history. Completed by these four witnesses, we present an edition of the lesson of Zagorensis, whose reading is often difficult and incomplete. It will be accompanied with a translation. In counterpoint, the study of the handwritten tradition will allow us to sketch the history of first two versions of this work.


RODRIGO CARDOSO CONDEIXA DA COSTA 04 February 2016 (has links)
[pt] A tese doutoral que tens sob teus olhos nasceu de uma caminhada. Ela é parte integrante de nossa ventura, na lida da vida, como discípulo do Mestre de Nazaré: vinculada a uma genuína vocação pastoral e teológica. O tema aqui tratado está inextricavelmente ligado a uma intensa vivência como humano, cristão e professor de teologia: fruto de uma transfiguradora experiência de Deus; de um encontro com o Sentido da vida: uma caminhada feita de afastamentos, descaminhos, dúvidas, incertezas, de noites escuras. Ao longo desta caminhada, uma questão fustiga-nos o coração, desde os primeiros passos no mundo da teologia, a saber: uma (pre)ocupação em relação ao conhecimento de Deus; sobre a chamada gnosiologia teológica. Esta questão têm nos acompanhado (e inquietado) desde os primeiros passos no labor teológico. Pois, se Deus desvelou Seu Rosto, conforme afirma a fé cristã, como se dá o conhecimento de Deus? Esta é uma pergunta que nos remete à gnosiologia teológica (e, lato sensu, aponta diretamente para a epistemologia teológica). Esta (pre)ocupação fundamental têm norteado e impulsionado nosso caminho na pesquisa acadêmica em teologia, fustigado nosso coração, pondo-nos a pensar. Questão para a qual buscamos uma resposta/proposta ao longo desta tese. Tendo em vista que o conhecimento de Deus sempre se dá entre homens e mulheres situados, inseridos numa determinada conjuntura histórico-cultural, sócio-política, sócio-econômica, etc., que nos condiciona e limita, mas simultaneamente nos possibilita e desafia a elaborar outras concepções teológicas, agora no horizonte pós-moderno. Neste sentido, propomos outra racionalidade teológica que tenha como ponto de partida a constatação da crise e declínio da Razão - a civilização da Razão entrou em colapso (seu logocentrismo, presente na gênese da teo-logia). Sendo assim, garimpamos outras fontes de sabedoria e racionalidade: outras fontes de inspiração. A primeira encontrada foi a rica concepção de racionalidade presente no pensamento pós-moderno, chamada doravante de razão sensível. A segunda fonte, é oriunda do século XVII (do racionalismo cartesiano): a razão sensível (cordial) conforme propunha o francês Blaise Pascal; na qual a mística encontra-se em primeiro plano: uma mística centrada no coração. A terceira e última fonte provém do húmus fértil da fé cristã, pela qual somos interpelados acerca de nossa real condição: finitude, indicando não só uma radical transitoriedade, mas desvelando com absoluta crueza nossa precariedade ontológica e profunda interdependência. Daí, a humildade não ser apenas mais uma virtude, em última análise, mas resultado de uma mínima tomada de lucidez. Neste Espírito de humildade, que é espaço vital (útero/húmus): somos gerados e regenerados, e podemos crescer. Trata-se do Espírito que ao lado do Pai e do Filho forma uma Comunidade de Amor humilde (em kénosis) e dançarina (em pericóresis). Modelo de Relação no qual o Terceiro está incluído: o Espírito. Somos filhos e filhas dessa Relação-Comunhão, e para Ela estamos vocacionados, que implica a possibilidade de desenvolver uma intercorporeidade trinitária. Abrindo espaço para a inclusão de dimensões antes marginalizadas no decorrer da história do pensamento ocidental: tecendo com outros fios, oriundos de novelos diversos, uma teopo(ética) trinitária. / [en] The doctoral thesis you have under your eyes born of a walk. It is an integral part of our venture, the read of life, as a disciple of the Master of Nazareth: linked to a genuine pastoral and theological vocation. The hereof theme is inextricably linked to an intense experience as a human, Christian and professor of theology: the result of a transfiguring experience of God; a meeting with the sense of life: a walk made of leaves, waywardness, doubt, uncertainty, dark nights. Throughout this walk, a matter harasses our hearts (since first steps in the world of theology), namely one (pre)occupation against the knowledge of God; on the call theological epistemology. This question has accompanied us (and troubled) from the first steps in theological work. But if God unveiled His face, as stated in the Christian faith, how is the knowledge of God? This is a question that takes us to theological epistemology (and lato sensu, points directly to the theological epistemology). This (pre)fundamental occupation have guided and pushed our way in academic research in theology, battered heart, putting us to think. Question to which we seek an answer/proposed along this thesis. Given that the knowledge of God always is between situated men and women, entered in the historical-cultural context, socio-political, socio-economic, etc., conditions and limits us, but at the same time enables us and challenges to develop others theological concepts, now in the postmodern horizon. In this sense, we propose another theological rationality that has as its starting point the finding of crisis and decline of Reason - Reason civilization collapsed (its logocentrism, the genesis of this theo-logy). So we have searched other sources of wisdom and rationality: other sources of inspiration. The first was found a rich conception of rationality in this postmodern thought, hereinafter called sensible reason. The second source comes from the seventeenth century (the cartesian rationalism): a sensible reason (friendly) as proposed to the French Blaise Pascal; in which the mystic is in the foreground: a mystical heart-centered. The third and final source comes from the fertile humus of the Christian faith, for which we are questioned about our real condition: finitude, indicating not only a radical transience, but unveiling with absolute rawness our ontological insecurity and deep interdependence. Hence, the humility not being just a virtue, ultimately, but the result of a minimum making lucidity. In this Spirit of humility, who is living space (uterus/humus): we are generated and regenerated, and we can grow. It is the Spirit that beside the Father and the Son form a humble Love Community (kenosis) and dancer (in perichoresis). Relationship model in which the Third is included: the Spirit. We are sons and daughters of this ratio Communion, and She are oriented, which implies the possibility of developing a trinitarian intercorporeality. Making room for the inclusion of previously marginalized dimensions throughout the history of Western thought: weaving with other wires, from various skeins, a trinitarian teopo(ethics).


JULIO CESAR DE MACEDO SOUZA 13 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] A crise econômica e a pressão do mercado, muitas vezes, impõem decisões estratégicas contrárias aos princípios mantenedores das instituições confessionais, levando seus gestores a contratar parcerias indesejáveis por não corresponderem aos princípios cristãos. Esse contexto exige das mantenedoras uma gestão qualificada, com indicadores, estratégias, e planejamentos bem claros e definidos, fundamentados em sua identidade e em comunhão com seu carisma. Para alcançar este objetivo, a presente pesquisa se fundamentou na literatura patrística sobre os princípios de carisma e suas origens, para contemplar, com maior clareza, a essência de sua identidade e apoiar essas instituições, tendo em vista sua perenidade missionária. Apresenta-se a Metodologia C.H.A.V.E. que inclui a espiritualidade como parte imprescindível no processo da gestão e a mistagogia, também como método que, aplicado à gestão, contribui com a compreensão da identidade, gerada pelo carisma da espiritualidade e da missão dessas instituições. Por fim, no desenvolvimento da pesquisa, contempla-se a relevante abrangência teológica e sua interação com a ciência da gestão. / [en] The economic crisis and the market pressure, often, impose strategic decisions contrary to the principles that maintain confessional institutions, leading their managers to hire undesirable partnerships, for not corresponding to Christian principles. This context, requires the maintainer a qualified management, with very clear and defined indicators, strategies, and plans grounded in its identity and in communion with its charisma. To reach this goal, the research was based on the patristic literature about the principles of the charism and its origins, to contemplate with more clarity, the essence of its identity and support these institutions, in accordance to their missionary enthusiasm that lasts till nowardys. The research shows the C.H.A.V.E. methodology, which includes spirituality as an indispensable part of the management process and mystagogy, also as a method that, applied to management, contributes to the understanding of the identity generated by the charism, spirituality and mission of these institutions. Finally, the development of the research, shows the relevant breadth of thheology and its interaction with the science of the management.

Théurgie et mystagogie chez le néoplatonicien Proclus

Vachon, David 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de présenter en détails l’importance de la théurgie dans la philosophie de Proclus, ainsi que sa relation avec la mystagogie. Un des premiers objectifs de la recherche est d’expliciter les raisons du jaillissement de la théurgie au cours de l’Antiquité tardive. Nous présentons ainsi le cadre historique d’où émerge la notion de théurgie dans un contexte de christianisation de l’Empire à partir du IVe siècle. Il est ensuite primordial de définir clairement la théurgie, ce que les chercheurs n’ont pas fait jusqu’à maintenant, en tant qu’opération rituelle par laquelle un réceptacle matériel est animé par le divin. Puis, nous démontrons que, bien que le terme « théurgie » soit tardif, celui-ci trouve néanmoins ses racines dans la longue tradition platonicienne, de Platon lui-même jusqu’à Proclus, en passant notamment par Plotin, Porphyre et Jamblique. À la suite du volet historique et après avoir présenté une définition claire de la notion de théurgie, il est important de préciser son statut au sein de la philosophie de Proclus, notamment en nous intéressant au passage-clef TP, I, 25 dans lequel le néoplatonicien présente la théurgie comme étant supérieure (κρείττων) à la philosophie. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à deux rites théurgiques concrets présentés dans l’œuvre proclienne en les analysant en profondeur : le rite de l’ensevelissement du corps (TP, IV, 9) et le rite de l’immortalisation d’Achille (In Remp., I, 152-152). Après avoir exposé le lien intrinsèque de la théurgie avec la mystagogie, notamment autour de l’importance du silence (σιγή) mystique, nous développons sur les implications de la théurgie pour le système philosophique de Proclus. Nous constatons que ces implications sont monumentales et touchent une multitude d’aspects de sa pensée : le statut de l’âme, celui de la matière, l’ontologie, la primauté du véhicule (ὄχημα) de l’âme, la notion d’imagination (φαντασία), l’importance des symboles (σύμβολα et συνθήματα) et le rôle de l’amour (ἔρως). Nous terminons finalement la recherche en présentant l’héritage de Proclus, principalement à travers l’œuvre du néoplatonicien chrétien Pseudo-Denys. / This thesis has for goal to present in detail the importance of theurgy in the philosophy of Proclus, as well as his link with mystagogy. One of the first objectives is to describe the causes of the emergence of theurgy during the late Antiquity. So, we present the historical setting from where emerges the notion of theurgy in the context of the process of Christianisation of the Empire starting during the 4th century. It is after that primordial to propose a clear definition of theurgy, something that the researchers haven’t done yet, as the ritual operation by which a material receptacle is animated by the divine. Then, we demonstrate that, even if the term “theurgy” is late, it finds however his roots in the long platonic tradition, from Plato to Proclus, passing by Plotinus, Porphyry, and Iamblichus. Following the historical aspect and after having clearly define the notion of theurgy, it is important to explain the status of theurgy in the philosophy of Proclus, especially by analyzing the crucial passage in TP, I, 25, where the Neoplatonist declares that theurgy is superior (κρείττων) to philosophy. Moreover, we examine two concrete theurgical rites presented in the Proclus’ works: the burial of the body (TP, IV, 9) and the immortalisation of Achille (In Remp., I, 152-152). After having exposed the intrinsically relation between theurgy and mystagogy, notably with the mystical silence (σιγή), we develop the implications of theurgy in the vast philosophical system of Proclus. These implications are monumental and touch many aspects: the status of the soul, the one of the matter, the ontology, the primacy of the soul’s vehicle (ὄχημα), the notion of imagination (φαντασία), the importance of symbols (σύμβολα et συνθήματα) and the role of love (ἔρως). We finally end this research by presenting the legacy of Proclus, especially through the work of the Christian Neoplatonist Pseudo-Dionysius.


ADEMILSON TADEU QUIRINO 21 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa sobre a escuta na experiência litúrgico-cristã é um diálogo entre a ciência teológica e outras áreas das ciências humanas, perfazendo um caminho interdisciplinar. O texto foi construído a partir do binômio Palavrarito e intuído com base na celebração do culto cristão. A questão levantada como hipótese para este trabalho é: se a Escritura tem seu primado no culto cristão, por que se constatam tantos obstáculos em escutá-la e compreendê-la nas celebrações litúrgicas? E quais são as consequências disso para o processo de iniciação e amadurecimento dos cristãos, no que se refere à experiência de fé e, por conseguinte, ao seu testemunho? Indagações e inquietações como estas marcaram profundamente o percurso desta pesquisa de reflexão teológico-litúrgica e pastoral. O cenário apresentado a partir das questões elencadas revela como a Igreja do século anterior se viu provocada pelos movimentos de renovação bíblica e litúrgica, os quais desaguaram no Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II e, particularmente, nas constituições Sacrosanctum Concilium e Dei Verbum, marcadamente por propostas teológico-pastorais. Nelas percebemos como os Padres conciliares viram a urgência de considerar a excelência da escuta e da resposta da Escritura na liturgia e na vida cristã. Portanto, a Igreja, provocada a educar-se à escuta, é incentivada a um permanente e constante processo de conversão pastoral, pois esse novo cenário requer dela novos métodos. Um deles é o processo de iniciação à Escritura e à liturgia, em vista do itinerário à vida cristã. Esse caminho tão urgente e necessário para a Igreja hoje potencializa a via possível para a pessoa chegar ao encontro pessoal e comunitário com Jesus Cristo. Esse encontro é vivenciado mediante uma consistente experiência de fé conduzida pelo itinerário catequético, o qual orienta e conduz o iniciante a testemunhar Cristo no seu cotidiano. Assim, a pesquisa parte da fundamentação antropológica e bíblica da escuta, com o objetivo de preparar o alicerce para a compreensão da escuta litúrgica da Escritura, à luz da Sacrosanctum Concilium, para depois trabalhar as perspectivas pastorais em vista de uma renovada expressão da escuta litúrgica da Escritura. / [en] The present research on listening in the liturgical-Christian experience is a dialogue between theological science and other areas of the human sciences, making an interdisciplinary path. The text was constructed from the binomial Spirit-Word and intituded on the basis of the celebration of Christian worship. The question raised as a hypothesis for this work is: if Scripture has its primacy in Christian worship, why are there so many obstacles in listening to it and understanding it in liturgical celebrations? And what are the consequences of this for the process of initiation and maturation of Christians, with regard to the experience of faith and, therefore, their witness? Questions and concerns such as these have deeply marked the course of this research of theological-liturgical and pastoral reflection. The scenario presented from the questions listed reveals how the Church of the previous century was provoked by the movements of biblical and liturgical renewal, which came at the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and, particularly, in the constitutions Sacrosanctum Concilium and Dei Verbum, marked by theological-pastoral proposals. In them we perceive how the Council Fathers saw the urgency of considering the excellence of listening and the response of Scripture in the liturgy and in Christian life. Therefore, the Church, provoked to educate oneself to listen, is encouraged to a permanent and constant process of pastoral conversion, because this new scenario requires new methods from her. One of them is the process of initiation into Scripture and the liturgy, in view of the journey to Christian life. This urgent and necessary path for the Church today enhances the possible way for the person to reach a personal and community encounter with Jesus Christ. This encounter is experienced through a consistent experience of faith conducted by the catechetical itinerary, which guides and leads the beginner to witness to Christ in his daily life. Thus, the research is based on the anthropological and biblical foundation of listening, with the aim of laying the foundation for the understanding of the liturgical listening of Scripture, in the light of the Sacrosanctum Concilium, and then working on pastoral perspectives in view of a renewed expression of the liturgical listening of Scripture.


ANDRE LUIZ BENEDITO 16 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] A revalorização da Sagrada Escritura na celebração litúrgica foi uma das grandes conquistas no tocante à reforma dos ritos promovida pelo Concílio Vaticano II. A partir desse evento, tanto o Magistério como a reflexão teológica amadureceram essa temática, inclusive rumando para uma perspectiva da Palavra de Deus sob a ótica da sua sacramentalidade nas ações litúrgicas. A presente tese, então, inicia-se com esta abordagem suscitada pelas intuições da Constituição Sacrosanctum Concilium. Em vista de aprofundar o tema da sacramentalidade da Palavra, o estudo em questão recorre à teologia patrística, mais precisamente, a de Ambrósio de Milão, com enfoque nas suas duas renomadas obras mistagógicas: De Sacramentis e De Mysteriis. Nelas, há o recurso à tipologia bíblica, cuja finalidade é conduzir os neófitos à experiência do mysterium. O método tipológico de Ambrósio procura demonstrar aos recém-batizados que a palavra eficaz de Deus, manifestada na história salvífica, continua realizando sua missão de resgatar a humanidade. À luz das instruções pós-batismais de Ambrósio, a pesquisa buscou encontrar elementos teológico-pastorais em relação à sacramentalidade da Palavra de Deus nas celebrações litúrgicas. A pregação mistagógica de Ambrósio, com efeito, se revela profundamente atual e se apresenta hoje como fonte de inspiração para que as nossas comunidades – ainda em processo de recepção das propostas do Concílio – façam a experiência litúrgico-assembleal das Escrituras. A contribuição ambrosiana, nesse sentido, tem a potência de fazer com que os cristãos descubram a eficácia salvífica da Palavra proclamada nas celebrações da Igreja e se tornem capazes de responder a essa mesma Palavra no culto e na vida. / [en] The revaluation of Holy Scripture in the liturgical celebration was one of the great achievements regarding the reform of the rites promoted by the Second Vatican Council. From this event, both the Magisterium and theological reflection have matured this theme, including moving towards a perspective of the Word of God from the viewpoint of his sacramentality in liturgical actions. The present thesis then begins with this approach raised by the intuitions of the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium. In order to deepen the theme of the sacramentality of the Word, the study in question uses patristic theology, more precisely, that of Ambrose of Milan, focusing on its two renowned mystagogical works: De Sacramentis and De Mysteriis. In them, there is the use of biblical typology, whose purpose is to lead the neophytes to the mysterium experience. Ambrose s typological method seeks to demonstrate to newly baptized that God s effective word manifested in saving history continues to fulfill its mission of redeeming humanity. In light of Ambrose s post-baptismal instructions, the research sought to find theological-pastoral elements in relation to the sacramentality of the Word of God in liturgical celebrations. Ambrose s mystagogical preaching, in fact, is profoundly current and is today a source of inspiration for our communities – still in the process of receiving the Council s proposals – to make the liturgicalassembly experience of Scripture. The ambrosian contribution, in this sense, has the power to make christians discover the salvific efficacy of the Word proclaimed in the celebrations of the Church and to be able to respond to that same Word in worship and life.

Analyse empirique et théologique du principe de la participation active dans deux communautés rituelles montréalaises

Bokossa, Damien 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour principal objectif l’analyse empirique et théologique de la participation active (PA) des pratiquants dominicaux au sein de deux communautés montréalaises catholiques romaines. Les débats portant sur l’objet de l’étude sont encore ouverts eu égard aux récentes réappropriations religieuses des contemporains et aux nouveaux modes culturels. Cette thèse se penchera succinctement sur le sens historique de ce principe, pour ensuite privilégier l’évolution contemporaine des discussions. Ce sont, tout particulièrement, les catégories de participation théologale, externe, interne, communautaire et d’expérience liturgique qui constitueront le cadre d’observation qualitative de cette étude. La notion de PA est en pleine évolution depuis la réforme voulue par Vatican II. En s’appuyant sur des postures théologiques récentes, cette thèse vise à savoir comment les différents paramètres de la PA sont perçus et vécus chez certains pratiquants. Du point de vue pastoral, cette thèse prend appui sur ce courant théologique pour interroger les manières de faire participer les pratiquants pour leur faire vivre authentiquement le mystère eucharistique en s’inspirant notamment des perspectives patristiques. Elle procède aussi à l’étude de l’expérience liturgique des pratiquants suivant les traces de Join-Lambert et de Jean Séguy. Ces théologiens ont traité des problématiques liées au champ émotionnel de la liturgie, Séguy le subordonnant au rituel régulé et rationnel dans le Catholicisme romain. Tout en faisant état des dissidences théologiques concernant cette notion, sujet à controverse, cette thèse conclut que les réformes conciliaires ont eu des impacts positifs sur la pratique liturgique. Elle indique que la participation liturgique paraît moins envisagée sous l’angle d’un rapport implicatif, que d’un rapport électif à la liturgie dominicale. Exprimant des attentes à la fois rituelles rationnelles et rituelles émotionnelles, les pratiquants recherchent davantage l’expérience d’une rencontre personnelle avec Dieu, alors que certains valorisent l’assemblée elle-même. Ensuite, la thèse révèle les enjeux liés au défi ministériel. Surgit la question de la centralité de la figure du prêtre, à l’heure de la synodalité en Église. / The main focus of this thesis is the empirical and theological analysis of the active participation (AP) of Sunday churchgoers in two Roman Catholic Montreal communities. Debates on the object of the study are still open in view of the new religious reappropriations of contemporaries and new cultural modes. This thesis will briefly examine the historical meaning the notion of AP, to then focus on the contemporary evolution of the debate. It is, in particular, the categories of external, internal, community participation and liturgical experience that will constitute the qualitative observation framework of this study. The concept of PA is in full evolution since the reform desired by Vatican II. Based on recent reflections, this thesis aims to know how the different parameters of AP are perceived and experienced by some practitioners. From a pastoral point of view, this thesis is based on this theological current to question the ways of involving practitioners in order to make them live authentically the Eucharistic mystery by drawing inspiration in particular from patristic perspectives. It also proceeds to the study of the liturgical experience of practitioners following in the footsteps of Join-Lambert and Jean Séguy, theologians who have dealt with issues related to the emotional field of the liturgy, Séguy subordinating it to regulated and rational ritual in Catholicism. While noting the theological disagreements concerning this controversial notion, this thesis concludes that the conciliar reforms have had positive impacts on liturgical practice. It indicates that liturgical participation seems less envisaged from the angle of an implicative relationship, than of a selective relationship to the Sunday liturgy. Expressing both rational ritual and emotional ritual expectations, practitioners seek more the experience of a personal encounter with God, while just some value the assembly itself. Then, the thesis reveals the issues related to the ministerial challenge. The question of the centrality of the figure of the priest arises at a time when synodality in the Church is being considered.

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