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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faculty Roles in Curricular Change: Postmodern Narrative Ontologies

Mallory Lim Chua (15380036) 01 May 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Faculty are the primary designers and implementers of engineering curricula within the U.S. higher education system. This places them in a unique position to respond to decades of national calls for curricular change in undergraduate engineering education. Individual and institutional faculty efforts to respond to these calls are inevitably influenced by faculty ontologies of curricular change – in other words, what faculty understand curricular change to be. By ‘ontology,’ I mean what is or what they perceive as what is. Ontologies are agentic, meaning that ontological assumptions shape how faculty envision their own roles and thereby influence the sorts of curricular change actions they envision and legitimize for themselves.</p> <p>Faculty ontologies of curricular change and their roles therein are complex roles within complex phenomena. By interrogating these ontologies, I make-visible the ways faculty might view – and thereby shape – the curricular worlds they and their students inhabit. To use a theatrical analogy: how do faculty stage their narratives of curricular change – what kinds of worlds do they set up in their stories? What kinds of interactions do they allow within that world? What kinds of characters do they cast themselves and others as playing?</p> <p>To investigate faculty ontologies of curricular change, I analyzed the narratives they told about several curricular change projects they had been personally involved with. I gathered narrative data by conducting recurring interviews with six faculty narrators. I deconstructed the resulting narrative data corpus using a postmodern approach focused on tensions and contradictions. The resulting analysis generated four distinct and interrelated ontologies for curricular change. These four ontologies are presented as a starting point rather than an exhaustive catalogue, since infinitely many ontologies could be generated. Each of the four ontologies created for this work portrays faculty roles in curricular change in relation to both curriculum and students. Creating multiple ontologies then enabled me to show how the interaction of multiple ontologies can create insights that are not apparent from each ontology alone. Among other things, the interactions of all four ontologies form a complex portrait of faculty as learners who are always unmaking and remaking themselves in the context of curricular change.</p> <p>By constructing a collective memory of faculty ontologies, I work to interrogate and disrupt current conceptions of roles and relationships in curricular change. These ontologies, and the methods developed to pursue and play with them, serve as tools for “cutting meaning loose” and “keep[ing] difference… at play” (Jackson & Mazzei, 2012, p. 70-71). In turn, these tools open up a wider space of new ideas and possibilities for courses, pedagogies, and cultures to be expressed, evaluated, and legitimized.</p>

Everyone has an Angle: Exploring the Complexity of Supporting Characters using the Storyworld of Judges 10:6-12:7

Birge, Traci L 11 1900 (has links)
Literary theory widely attests to the powerful role of characters as vehicles in producing meaning. Yet current narrative models focus almost exclusively on primary characters, neglecting supporting characters, who are capable of reshaping narrative emphases or revealing layers of story within the story. This project demonstrates the significance of supporting characters in biblical narratives by applying a narrative methodology drawn from cognitive narratology to the Jephthah story (Judg 10:6 12:7) in order to illuminate the distinct perspectives of each secondary character within its storyworld. The first chapter outlines a cognitive narrative methodology, which asserts that the purpose of narrative is not merely to convey a meaning, but for readers to experience and engage the story. Therefore, it focuses not on determining the meaning of the text, but embracing the power of stories to become transformative and meaningful experiences for the reader with multiple points of engagement (characters). Chapter two introduces the timecourse (causally related sequence of events) of the Jephthah cycle and then analyzes the initiating event perspective. This chapter establishes the situations and expectations between Yhwh and his people that echo in unique ways into the scenes that follow. Each chapter that follows re-reads the story of Jephthah (Judg 10:17 12:7) through the lens of a supporting character king, the daughter of Jephthah, and the Ephraimites person and perspective through their social role (social and historical expectations built into social models), mode of conduct (character assessment based on biblical and social norms), and disposition (the personality of that character determined through speech, action, or direct narration). Each chapter also assesses the tellability of the story (establishing their viable perspective within the text) and concludes by summarizing the perspective and engaging with it from my own subjective awareness. Using the Jephthah account, I demonstrate the complexity and depth of the many unnamed characters who engage with this morally ambiguous judge, suggesting that they are part of a pattern of outside, or other, voices in biblical narrative that have the power to transform readers.

Reconstructing Dominant History : The Potential of Chinese Historical Digital Games

Wang, Yuyan January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of Chinese historical digital games in reconstructing historical narratives and engaging players. By using narrative interviews and game analysis, the study examines how players interact with these games and how game communities react to them. The emotional attachment of players to historical elements in these games is identified, which can lead to harmful disputes, but also foster tolerance, empathy, and inspiration. The study reveals the potential of historical digital games to encourage civic responsibility and reflection on social issues, but also highlights the challenges posed by restricted artistic expression and game content censorship in China. The research concludes that historical digital games can serve as a unique form of historical narrative that not only ensures the survival of history in popular culture but also fosters a more ideal and attractive future. The study calls for further research on specific games to fully understand the potential of Chinese historical digital games in promoting critical thinking and civic responsibility.

Narrating spheres of influence : An analysis of Russian and Chinese strategic narratives

Axelsson, Kasper January 2023 (has links)
This thesis compares the projection of strategic narratives in Chinese and Russian state media narratives in their pursuit of spheres of influence. Previous research about spheres of influence have sought to explain why and how spheres of influence are maintained and under what circumstances one’s sphere is accepted or rejected by external great powers. Arguing that China and Russia seek power projection through various means, the aim of this thesis is to broaden the constructivist understanding of how spheres of influence are pursued by authoritarian states. This is done by bridging the concept of spheres of influence with research on strategic narratives, accounting for the communicative power used by Russia and China to legitimize each other’s spheres. Using a framework inspired by Somers (1994), news articles published by Chinese Global Times in 2014 and 2022 and by Russian Sputnik and RT in 2020-2022 are analyzed. The study found that Chinese and Russian state media project narratives that might strengthen each other’s and, by extension, their own sphere of influence. This is primarily done by narrating a new international order and by deploying antagonistic narratives.

"13 meter från marken" : Poetiska texter i en svensk niondeklass

Hodzic, Mersad January 2024 (has links)
This master’s thesis investigates poetic text writing through a teaching project conducted on a secondary school class in Sweden. Inspired by ekphrastic poetry, the teaching project consisted of poetry and literature reading. The students visited a sculpture related to the literature, upon which they wrote poetic texts about the sculpture. The main purpose of the study is to describe how teaching in the Swedish subject can make use of Swedish language teaching by developing students’ poetic texts that touches on topics such as living conditions and identity. Drawing from thematic narrative analysis, most notably Bamberg’s positioning model, the analysis investigates the narratives constructed in the students’ poetic texts as well as identity aspects negotiated through the narratives. The students’ identities were further discovered through participant observation and semi-structured interviews to deepen the understanding of the meeting between art, identity and learning.The general perception drawn from the interviewees’ answers is that the Swedish subject rarely includes knowledge of nor writing of poetic texts. However, the study emphasises that poetry could have an integral part of the education in the Swedish subject in secondary education.The results show that the students’ poetic texts tend to relate to the sculpture and the physical environment, as well as the social context of the environment. Furthermore, the identities of the students were shown to have a high relevance in the writing process. The teaching project was based on principles of culturally sustaining pedagogy and aimed at contributing to the sociocultural support of the school. As the students’ language and cultural backgrounds proved to be significant in the writing process, it became evident that multilingualism was a natural part of the student’s everyday school life.

Vad är poängen? : En narrativ jämförande analys av Kevin Bangs egna videor och marknadsföringsvideor / What is the point? : A narrative comparative analysis on Kevin Bang’s own videos and marketing videos

Larsson, Amanda, Månsson, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Reklam har genom tiderna utvecklats från att vara övervägande argumenterande text till att påsenare år ha en mer berättande ansats, särskilt med framväxten av videoreklam. Socialamedier har lockat många företag att flytta sin reklam från traditionella medier till socialamedier på grund av den ökande användningen. Samtidigt som företag söker sig till socialamedier gör även allmänheten det, där ibland barn. Att urskilja reklam från annat innehåll pådessa plattformar har visat sig vara särskilt utmanande för barn. Mot denna bakgrund syftardenna studie till att undersöka skillnader och likheter i Kevin Bangs TikTok-videor med fokuspå deras berättarstrukturer. Studien analyserade tio videor, fem samarbetsvideor och fem av Kevin Bangs egna videor.Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av aktantmodellen, Hey You See So och plott. Studiens resultatindikerar att videorna följer liknande berättarstrukturer med några få distinkta skillnader. Detär även tydligt att hans samarbetsvideor inte går att separera från hans egna videor, främst pågrund av att det inte finns tydliga säljarargument. / Advertising has evolved over time, transitioning from predominantly persuasive text to adopting a more narrative approach in recent years, especially with the rise of video advertising. Social media has enticed many companies to shift their advertising from traditional media to social platforms due to the increasing user engagement. Simultaneously, as businesses migrate to social media, so does the public, including children. Distinguishing advertisements from other content on these platforms has proven to be particularly challenging for children. Against this backdrop, this study aims to examine differences and similarities in Kevin Bang's TikTok videos, focusing on their narrative structures.  The study analyzed ten videos, comprising five collaboration videos and five of Kevin Bang's own videos. This analysis was conducted using the actantial model, Hey You See So, and plot. The results of the study indicate that the videos follow similar narrative structures with only a few distinct differences. It is also evident that his collaboration videos cannot be easily distinguished from his own videos, primarily due to the absence of a clear selling point.

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? : En semiotisk och narrativ analys över porträtteringen av kvinnliga antagonister och protagonister i Disney / Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? : A semiotic and narrative analysis on female antagonists and protagonists portrayal in Disney

Norman, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen har gjort i syfte att undersöka porträtteringen av kvinnliga antagonister samt protagonister i två Disneyfilmer för att se om porträtteringen skiljer sig filmerna emellan. De filmer som varit aktuella för undersökningen har varit Snövit och de sju dvärgarna (1937) samt Trassel (2010). Materialet har analyserats utifrån representationsteori med nedstamp i stereotyper, genus samt mise-en-scéne inom animation. De valda metoder för analysen är en narrativ samt semiotisk analys där karaktärernas handlingar samt utseende tolkats för att sedan jämföras. Antagonisterna och protagonisterna från båda filmerna porträtteras likadant och har liknande narrativa funktioner, där antagonisten är kontrasterande och binär gentemot protagonisten som ses som filmens normala. / The purpose of this essay has been to analyze the female antagonists and protagonists in two films from Disney to see if the portrayal of these characters differentiate. The films fitting for the analysis are Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and Tangled (2010). The material has been analyzed through a perspective of representation theory as well as stereotypes, gender and mise-en-scéne in animation. The methods chosen for this essay are a narrative analysis and a semiotic analysis where the characters’ actions and appearance  are being interpreted and compared. The antagonists and protagonists from both films are portrayed in a similar way and have narrative functions that are similar, where the antagonists are contrasting and binary opposite the protagonists who are viewed as the normal.

Транспрофессиональные компетенции сотрудников средств массовой информации и их развитие : магистерская диссертация / Media workers' transprofessional competencies and their development

Шерстобитова, А. Н., Sherstobitova, A. N. January 2023 (has links)
Целью магистерской диссертации является изучение принципов процесса управления транспрофессиональными компетенциями персонала, исследование уровня транспрофессионализма сотрудников в организациях индустрии СМИ, разработка предложений по усовершенствованию процесса развития транспрофессиональных компетенций. В теоретической части рассмотрены основы управления транспрофессиональными компетенциями персонала, сформулированы особенности их управлением, а также проведена оценка степени распространение транспрофессионализма в современных СМИ. В практической части описаны база исследования, дана краткая характеристика системы управления и кадрового состава исследуемых организаций индустрии СМИ, обозначены методические основы исследования, проведен анализ уровня транспрофессионализма сотрудников в исследуемых организациях и обобщены его результаты. На основе полученных данных разработаны предложения по совершенствованию процесса управления транспрофессиональными компетенциями сотрудников. Научная новизна исследования определяется как постановкой научной проблемы, так и полученными результатами: впервые предпринят теоретический и эмпирический анализ транспрофессиональных компетенций персонала в организации индустрии средств массовой информации и осуществлен анализ проблем управления, влияющих на развитие транспрофессиональных компетенций в организации индустрии СМИ. / The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the principles of the process of managing the personnel transprofessional competencies, to investigate the level of transprofessionalism of employees in media industry organizations, to develop proposals for improving the process of developing transprofessional competencies. In the theoretical part, the foundations of the management of personnel transprofessional competencies are considered, the features of their management are formulated, and the degree of spread of transprofessionalism in modern media is assessed. The practical part describes the basis of the research, gives a brief description of the management system and staffing of the media industry organizations under study, outlines the research methodological foundations, analyzes the level of transprofessionalism of employees in the organizations under study and summarizes its results. Based on the data obtained, proposals were developed to improve the process of managing the employees transprofessional competencies. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by both the formulation of the scientific problem and the results obtained: for the first time, a theoretical and empirical analysis of the transprofessional competencies of personnel in the organization of the media industry was undertaken and an analysis of management problems affecting the development of transprofessional competencies in the organization of the media industry was carried out.


RENAN SILVA DA PIEDADE 03 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] Orientado pelos princípios da Linguística Aplicada Crítica (PENNYCOOK, 2015; FABRÍCIO, 2006) e da Prática Exploratória (ALLWRIGHT; HANKS, 2009; MILLER, 2013), o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as narrativas de experiências pessoais e profissionais (LABOV; WALETZKY, 1967; LABOV, 1972) contadas por Josiele, estudante de licenciatura bilíngue (Português-Inglês) de uma universidade privada localizada na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. Com dados gerados em quatro conversas reflexivas, discutimos, dentre outros tópicos, sobre partes da trajetória formativa da participante ligadas às suas vivências no estágio supervisionado, no PIBID/Inglês, no curso de línguas onde leciona, especialmente seus medos e frustrações. Dentro de uma visão qualitativa e interpretativa de pesquisa (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006), a análise é conduzida de acordo com as perspectivas da Análise da Narrativa (BRUNER, 2004; BASTOS, 2005) e do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). Dessa forma, busco: (i) investigar como as narrativas elaboradas por Josiele são (co)construídas na interação, (ii) refletir criticamente sobre os tópicos que delas emergem, (iii) examinar as marcas discursivas avaliativas e como elas contribuem discursivamente para a (co)construção de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2003). Em meio a diferentes experiências, o estudo contribuiu para a geração de entendimentos a respeito do processo situado nesta pesquisa de ser e de tornar-se professor e os resultados indicam que as nossas interações nos possibilitaram (i) refletir criticamente sobre o tipo de aluna/profissional que Josiele vem sendo, bem como (ii) compartilhar reclamações, propostas pedagógicas, momentos de êxito e episódios de fracasso que, muitas vezes, foram intensificados e ampliados pelo nosso discurso avaliativo de (co)narradores. / [en] Aligned with the principles of Critical Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 2015; FABRÍCIO, 2006) and of Exploratory Practice (ALLWRIGHT; HANKS, 2009; MILLER, 2013), the present study aims to analyze the narratives of personal and professional experiences (LABOV; WALETZKY, 1967; LABOV, 1972) told by Josiele, a Portuguese-English undergraduate student of a private university located in the south zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. With data generated in four reflective conversations, we take into consideration, among other topics, parts of Josiele s formative trajectory linked to her experiences in the supervised teaching practice, in the PIBID/English Project, in the language course where she teaches, especially her fears and frustrations. Within a qualitative and interpretative view of research (DENZIN, LINCOLN, 2006), the analysis is conducted according to the perspectives of Narrative Analysis (BRUNER, 2004; BASTOS, 2005) and of Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). Thus, I seek to: (i) investigate how the narratives told by Josiele are (co)constructed throughout the interaction, (ii) reflect critically on the topics emerging from them, (iii) examine the evaluative marks and how they contribute discursively to the (co)construction of identities (MOITA LOPES, 2003). Amongst different experiences, the study contributed to the generation of understandings about the process situated in this research of becoming and of being a teacher and the results indicate that our interactions have enabled us to (i) reflect critically on the type of student/professional Josiele is becoming, as well as (ii) to share complaints, pedagogical proposals, moments of success and episodes of failure which were, on many occasions, intensified and expanded by our evaluative discourse as (co)narrators.

Från krishantering till resiliens : En narrativ analys av ansvarsprincipen i MSB:s policydokument / From Crisis Management to Resilience : A Narrative Analysis of the Principle ofResponsibility in MSB's Policy Documents

Prskalo, Helen January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar förändringar i styrning och ledning inom svensk offentlig förvaltning, med särskilt fokus på ansvarsprincipen i kontexten kring krishantering. Genom en narrativ analys av Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskaps policydokument undersöks hur ansvarsprincipen har formulerats och utvecklats under perioden 2014 till 2024. Resultaten visar att ansvarsprincipen har genomgått betydande förändringar. Före Covid-19-pandemin präglades den svenska förvaltningen av decentralisering och ett starkt fokus på kommunalt självstyre. Pandemin blottade dock allvarliga brister i denna modell, såsom fragmentering, bristande samordning och otydlig ansvarsfördelning. Studien identifierar att under pandemin och andra kriser har det funnits en ökad betoning på samverkan och tydligare ansvarsfördelning. MSB:s roll som samordnande myndighet har blivit alltmer central, med ett starkare fokus på att bygga resiliens och effektiv krisberedskap. Trots detta kvarstår utmaningar, särskilt när det gäller att implementera en mer integrerad och adaptiv styrningsmodell som kan hantera framtida kriser effektivt. Slutsatsen är att en effektiv krishantering inom svensk offentlig förvaltning kräver en balanserad integration av både centraliserade och decentraliserade styrningsmodeller. En sådan balanserad modell innebär en tydlig ansvarstagande nationell strategi, där både formella strukturer och institutioner samt bredare processer för styrning inkluderas. Detta gör det möjligt att bättre hantera komplexa och varierande kriser genom att utnyttja fördelarna med både samordning och flexibilitet. Trots att samhällsfrågor har blivit alltmer komplexa och kräver ökad expertis, kvarstår statens roll som central. Detta innebär att en blandad modell av styrning är nödvändig för att möta samtidens utmaningar effektivt genom att säkerställa en omfattande och inkluderande styrning. / This thesis explores changes in governance and management within Swedish public administration, with a particular focus on the principle of responsibility in the context of crisis management. Through a narrative analysis of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency's (MSB)policy documents, the formulation and evolution of the responsibility principle from 2014 to 2024 are examined. The results show that the responsibility principle has undergone significant changes. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Swedish administration was characterized by decentralization and a strong focus on municipal self-governance. However, the pandemic exposed serious flaws in this model, such as fragmentation, lack of coordination, and unclear allocation of responsibilities. The study identifies that during the pandemic and other crises, there has been an increased emphasis on collaboration and clearer allocation of responsibilities. MSB's role as a coordinating authority has become increasingly central, with a stronger focus on building resilience and effective crisis preparedness. Despite this, challenges remain, particularly in implementing a more integrated and adaptive governance model capable of effectively managing future crises. The conclusion is that effective crisis management within Swedish public administration requires a balanced integration of both centralized and decentralized governance models. Such a balanced model entails a clear, responsible national strategy that includes both formal structures and institutions as well as broader governance processes. This approach enables better handling of complex and varied crises by leveraging the advantages of both coordination and flexibility. Although societal issues have become increasingly complex and require greater expertise, the state's role remains central. This implies that a mixed model of governance is necessary to effectively address contemporary challenges by ensuring comprehensive and inclusive governance.

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