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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da máquina erudita à instituição arquivístiva : rupturas e continuidades nas relações entre pesquisa histórica e técnicas de arquivo; o caso da reforma administrativa do Arquivo Nacional (1958-1964)

Buzzatti, João Vicente Teixeira January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta uma reflexão sobre as relações entre pesquisa histórica e técnicas de arquivo no âmbito da reforma administrativa do Arquivo Nacional, empreendida por José Honório Rodrigues, no período em que foi diretor da instituição, entre 1958 e 1964. Amparada nos desenvolvimentos teóricos apresentados por Michel Foucault e Michel de Certeau, busca analisar os Regulamentos e Regimentos do Arquivo Nacional, desde 1838 a 1958, e os Relatórios Anuais referentes ao período entre 1958 e 1964, com vistas a problematizar a introdução dos princípios e das práticas da arquivística moderna e as alterações provocadas nas relações entre pesquisa histórica e práticas de arquivo, que redundaram na transformação da finalidade, do modelo institucional e da organização da documentação do Arquivo Nacional. Apresenta uma perspectiva alternativa aos entendimentos que enfatizam a ascensão da arquivística moderna no Brasil somente ao longo da década de 1970, evidenciando as iniciativas, exitosas ou não, de modernizar a instituição e coloca-la na posição central, enquanto órgão normativo e coordenador, do conjunto de órgãos e instituições arquivísticas do país. Conclui, por fim, que, no período abordado, houve uma reorientação na finalidade da instituição, antes dedicada à pesquisa histórica e, a partir de então, à administração pública; a modernização na estrutura institucional e a introdução dos princípios da arquivística moderna na recepção, no tratamento e na organização da documentação custodiada pelo Arquivo Nacional. / This thesis presents a study of the links between historical research and archival techniques under the administrative reform of the National Archives, undertaken by José Honório Rodrigues, in the period when he was director of the institution between 1958 and 1964. Supported in theoretical developments presented by Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau, seeks to analyze the Rules and Regulations of the National Archives, from 1838-1958, and the annual reports for the period between 1958 and 1964, in order to discuss the introduction of the principles and practices of modern archival and the changes brought about in the relations between historical research and archival practices, which resulted in the transformation of purpose, the institutional model and the organization of the National Archives documentation. Presents an alternative perspective to the discussions that emphasize the rise of modern archival in Brazil only throughout the 1970s, highlighting the initiatives, successful or not, to modernize the institution and place it in the center position, while regulatory agency and engineer, set of organs and archival institutions. Concluded, finally, that in the period approached, there was a shift in the purpose of the institution, before dedicated to historical research and, from then on, public administration; modernizing the institutional framework and the introduction of the principles of modern archival at the reception, treatment and organization of the documentation guarded by the National Archives.

國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之比較研究 / The comparative Study on the System of National Archives Appraisal and Transfer among Canada, The United Kingdom and Taiwan

詹幼華, Chan, yu-hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國與加拿大及英國國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度,以我國檔案管理局、加拿大國家圖書暨檔案館及英國國家檔案館為研究對象,探討其國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之內涵。首先採用文獻分析法,將文獻資料有系統有目標地收集,進行文獻資料分析,予以組織起來,連結到論文或研究問題上,發展進一步研究的問題,詮釋文獻所持之觀點,進而給予建議,以瞭解過去關於我國與加拿大、英國三國國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之文獻與研究方法。接著採用比較法,針對檔案管理體制之比較、檔案清理授權、國家檔案鑑定制度以及國家檔案移轉制度進行對照比較;最後採用個案研究法,選擇移轉至檔案管理局之國家檔案,包括二二八事件檔案、美麗島事件檔案、國民大會檔案以及國營事業民營化第二階段檔案等四個個案作為研究主體,以探討我國檔案鑑定與移轉過程中,關於國家檔案鑑定原則、標準、方式、方法及移轉程序與步驟等相關問題。 / 根據研究結果,本研究提出研究結論為:(一)對於文書檔案之管理,應符合文件生命週期;(二)檔案清理授權乃世界潮流;(三)訂定檔案移轉相關法規、行政規則及檔案移轉年限;(四)國家檔案鑑定制度由微觀走向宏觀;(五)設立檔案委員會,提供檔案保存、分類、鑑定等各種檔案相關事宜之建議。(六)二階段之檔案鑑定制度可資參酌;(七)加、英兩國實施多層次之國家檔案移轉策略;(八)多元化之國家檔案典藏制度,可降低風險與疏解庫房壓力;(九)檔案鑑定重視專家、利害關係人與使用者之意見(十)資訊價值在檔案鑑定之重要性。 / This research is mainly to understand the systems of archives appraisal and transfer in Canada,the United Kingdom and Taiwan. The mainly researching objects are Library and Archives Canada, the National Archives in the United Kingdom and the National Archives Bureau in Taiwan. This research adopts the documents analytic approach at first, documents are collected having goals, carry on document analysis, organized it and linked on the thesis or the research question, develop the question further, annotate the view that documents oppose, and then propose, in order to understand that the system of the national archives appraisal and transfer in Canada, the United kingdom and Taiwan. Secondly, to adopt the comparative approach and to compare the administrative, disposition, general retention schedules, the system of national archives appraisal and transfer among these three countries. Finally, to adopt the case study approach and to choose four cases including 228 incident archives, beautiful island incident archives, national assembly archives and government undertaking privatization second stage archives to transfer archives from the government institutions to the National Archives Bureau in Taiwan.

Records management practices and public service delivery in Kenya.

Kemoni, Henry N. January 2007 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Using online primary source resources in fostering historical thinking skills : the pre-service social studies teachers’ understanding

Liaw, Hongming 01 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation entailed a qualitative case study on the confluence of technology and social studies in fostering a constructivist education. Through the examination of pre-service social studies teachers’ understanding of the online primary source resources (OPSR), three themes emerged. The first exposed the fragmented understanding of important pedagogical theories of constructivism and historical thinking among participants; the second suggested that OPSR was mostly valued by pre-service teachers for its provision of primary sources; and the third related to how pre-service teachers viewed the current state of technology and context as problematic for technology integration. Accordingly, four findings were revealed. First, the pre-service teachers in the study demonstrated a limited understanding of the application of foundational theories central to their field of study; second, there were instances of deeper appreciation of the potential of OPSR, indicating that pre-service teachers’ theoretical understanding is ix nascent and may deepen overtime; third, the full potential of technologies such as OPSR was not recognized; and fourth, the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of school and educational system conditions tended to negatively influence their views toward the integration of technology into their teaching practices. Implications indicate that first, foundational pedagogical theories are critical with regard to technology integration in education and as such teacher preparation programs must not assume what is taught is what is learned; second, instances of deeper understanding among pre-service teachers only appeared during the application of their theoretical understandings; third, context is critical in how OPSR would be used in classrooms and such contextual issues must not be ignored by teacher preparation programs; and fourth, teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (PCK/TPCK) is critical in the integration of technology in education. / text

我國國家檔案館保存策略之研究 / The study of preservation strategy for the National Archives of Taiwan

陳淑美, Chen, Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是紀錄人類文明發展的重要史料,也是行政機關執行業務過程的重要憑據,先進國家對於檔案的管理都極為重視,且均已興建現代化的檔案館來保存珍貴的國家檔案,設置適足的空間與設備以提供優質的應用服務,這不僅有助於文化資產之保存,也是國家發展進步的重要指標與象徵。我國現代化之檔案管理制度係師承歐美各先進國家,參酌國情後制定並予以立法規範,就長遠觀之,雖然已在2015年啟用首座永久性之國家檔案庫房,然而,這只能算是完成了因應典藏空間需求的近程目標,未來在制度面方面仍需建構完整的國家檔案管理體系,爭取興建獨立且多功能之館舍,讓珍貴的國家檔案得以妥適典藏並提供各界應用,發揮檔案存在的價值與功能。   檔案保存維護策略之擬訂,需掌握空間規劃、環境控制、修護處置、複製儲存及風險管理等要項,各要項皆有賴相當的專業能力方可成就,國家發展委員會檔案管理局為我國檔案中央主管機關,依法負有管理國家檔案之責,由於數量龐大且因年代久遠、原保管條件不佳等因素,檔案接管時多已嚴重劣損,更需要儘速研訂保存策略以為作業準據。本研究之目的,即以世界各先進國家之國家檔案館業務概況為探究目標,針對各國國家檔案館發展之保存策略加以研析,並就保存維護工作之範圍與業務重點比較其內涵之異同,據以研議適合我國國家檔案之保存策略,建立一致性、完整性、正確性之處置作業標準,提供未來國家檔案館規劃之參考,達到提升國家檔案典藏效益與作業品質之目的。本研究之重要成果與建議,歸納如下:  一、國家檔案館興建刻不容緩    本次研究調查發現,屬嚴重劣化的受損檔案多達一成以上,可合理推估具永久保存價值之國家檔案在尚未移轉前,恐有滅失之危機;據統計現有100公里以上之國家檔案尚待移轉,然受限於典藏空間不足而無法加速移轉作業之進行。因此,無論是從國際趨勢或是保存珍貴國家記憶的角度來看,興建國家檔案館都是未來首要推動的工作目標。  二、國家檔案保存維護優先順序有待建立   國家檔案數量龐大,媒體型式及材質種類又十分多元,在資源有限情形下,除了必須爭取經費持續進行預防性保護相關作為,亦應衡酌檔案的價值性、應用性、保存性等條件,建立客觀的評量標準,研訂國家檔案保存修護及數位化等優先處置原則,兼顧檔案長期保存與便捷應用之需求,提升國家檔案管理效益。 三、國家檔案保存維護作業人力亟待充實   面對數量龐大且媒體類型多元的檔案,若無經費、人力、設備等資源的持續挹注,實難完成。為有效提升國家檔案保存維護工作的執行績效,未來仍應加強人力的支援,並思考業務傳承方式,使是項工作得以順遂推動。 四、各機關檔案人員保存維護正確觀念有待加強   國家檔案移轉前在各機關保存時間長達數十年,若原管有機關未善盡保存維護之責,或是施以錯誤的保管方式,等到檔案徵集移轉時再來搶救,恐為時已晚。為了讓檔案能夠延長保存壽命,進而減輕國家檔案移轉後所需花費的修護成本,應透過培訓、輔導等方式強化各機關檔案人員對於保存維護觀念的正確認知,宣導檔案保存環境控制與保管作為的有效作法,才能有效降低國家檔案劣化的數量與嚴重程度。 / Archives are not only important records of the development of human civilization but also concrete proofs of the works of government agencies. All the advanced nations attach great importance to the management of archives. They have therefore set up modernized buildings to house and preserve such precious archival materials, and have provided adequate space and facilities for quality service to users. By doing so, precious cultural assets can be best kept. These actions significantly symbolize the progress of a nation. In formulating correct strategies of archival preservation, we need to carefully take into consideration space planning, environment control, repair & restoration, duplicate & storage, and risk management. All of these rely on professional expertise. The National Archives Administration (NAA) under the Cabinet-level National Development Council is accountable for overall management of national archives in Taiwan. However, many of the archival materials had been damaged or deteriorated even before having been transferred to NAA due to their long history and the poor handling by the original agencies. Preservation of such archives urgently need efficient strategies. This dissertation therefore aims to conduct some researches on the operations of national archives agencies in advanced nations, analyze their preservation strategies, and compare the differences of their works and emphases. More importantly, this author tries to come up with standard operation procedures, which are coherent, complete and accurate, for Taiwan to preserve our national archives. Hopefully this will offer reference in planning for a new national archives hall, so as to enhance the efficiency and upgrade the quality of national archives preservation. The major study results and suggestions are as follows: I. There is urgent need for a national archives hall. This study finds out that seriously damaged or deteriorated archives in different agencies account for ten percent of the total archives. It can therefore be estimated that national archives worth preserving might be lost before being transferred to NAA. Statistics show that there are over 100-km long national archives waiting to be transferred. Yet, due to the limited space in NAA, it is impossible to speed up the transfer process. Therefore, in view of international trend or the need to retain precious national memories, to build a new national archives hall is top on the agenda. 2. Priorities should be set to best preserve national archives. National archives are not only large in quantity but also diverse in media types and material sorts. With limited resources, NAA has to allocate budgets to continue preventive protection measures. Meanwhile, it needs to establish objective criteria for assessing the value, usage, and preservation of different national archives before setting priorities for the restoration and digitalization of each sort. It is equally important to ensure long-term preservation and offer convenient service to users, so as to enhance the management efficiency of national archives. 3. The quality and quantity of workforce in national archives preservation need to be strengthened. Faced by the challenges in both large number and different types of national archives, NAA assuredly needs more financial, workforce and equipment support to continue fulfilling its missions. In order to more effectively preserve national archives and keep the operation going smoothly, more professionals are needed, and skills and experiences must be passed down to new staff members. 4. The preservation-related knowledge of staff members in different agencies needs to be strengthened. The current national archives had been kept by different agencies for several decades before having been transferred to NAA. If the original agencies failed to do their jobs well or kept their archives in a wrong way, it would be too late to rescue those archives after transfer. Therefore, in order to prolong the life of archives and reduce the expenses on repairing them after transfer, staff members in all agencies should receive training and assistance to gain better knowledge of archival preservation. After that, they can together take correct, effective measures as environment control and careful preservation to significantly reduce the number and degree of deteriorated archives.

我國國家檔案館組織與功能之研究 / The organizations and functions of the National Archives of the Republic of China

唐建清, Tang, Cheng-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,世界各國紛紛設立國家檔案館以保存其珍貴的國家檔案,我國以往的國家檔案由國史館兼管,主要的館藏仍以歷史檔案為主,許多珍貴的國家檔案無法得到妥善的保存,至為遺憾,因而更顯得成立國家檔案館之迫切需要。本研究的目的在了解國、內外國家檔案館的現狀,發掘國內檔案事業所面臨的問題,並提供一些淺見供我國國家檔案館之成立、發展方向之參考,並不意欲創造或建構一個實際的、理想中的國家檔案館。更具體的說,本研究的目的在於藉助國家最高檔案指導機構之組織與功能的研究,提出國家檔案事業、及檔案學的意義與價值之再思考。本研究探討了國外國家檔案館的成立過程,及其組織與功能發揮之現況、國內檔案事業的發展債形,並運用了深度訪談與仿德爾斐的研究方法,與國內關心檔案事業的專家、先進作了一番深入的意見交流,得到了一些寶貴的結論。 / Although the Academia Historica has preserved records of the Republic of China since 1912, it emphasizes the preservation of historical documents only. Today most countries have established National Archives. The author would like to suggest an establishment of the National Archives of the Republic of China. Based on the system and practice of the NARA - PRO、Mainland China's National Archives, and the great opinions of 16 experts', the author would like to suggest guidelines for establishing the National Archives of the Republic of China.

Preserving electronic memory : an investigation into the role played by the National Archives of South Africa in the management of electronic records of central government.

Abbott, Brad Steven. January 1999 (has links)
This study sought to investigate the role of the National Archives of South Africa in terms of the management of the electronic records of central government. The research methodology selected for this study was descriptive research, utilising the case study approach. Two data gathering techniques were employed, that of the record and the interview methods. In utilising the record method extensive use was made of a variety of documents ranging from legislation to the manuals and internal circulars of the National Archives. After the documentary evidence had been analyzed, three nonscheduled-structured-interviews were carried out with National Archives staff. In the process of the investigation a number of findings were generated. It was established that the National Archives is responsible for managing the electronic records of governmental bodies. In order to fulfill this responsibility the National Archives has developed an electronic records management programme. This programme aims to involve the National Archives in the design and maintenance of electronic records systems, to allow the early transfer of electronic records into archival custody, and to facilitate the identification of those archival electronic records that should remain in the possession of the creating body. As a result of the literature reviewed and the interviews conducted, a number of challenges were identified with regards to the National Archives' management of the electronic records of central government. Among these were issues such as the lack of staff resources that the National Archives currently faces, the perceived low status of the National Archives within the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, and the lack of cooperation and communication between the National Archives and its client bodies or components thereof. The National Archives is attempting to deal with a number of these challenges, but it would appear as if they are adopting a reactive and overly cautious approach to the management of electronic records. While they are well informed in terms of the theory of electronic records management, they are greatly lacking in terms of practical experience. It was recommended that the National Archives address the issue of staff resources as a priority. It was further recommended that the National Archives emphasise the business benefits to be gained by governmental bodies implementing records management practices, and that the National Archives become a more active player in the broader discipline of information management. / Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

Inte bara en jakt på likes : En undersökning av Riksarkivets hantering av Instagram / More than a hunt for likes : A study of the Swedish National Archives use of Instagram

Nygren, Albin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the Swedish National Archives manages its presence in social media by examining five local sections use of Instagram. By studying different forms of practices in relation to Instagram, the aim of the thesis is to define in what way the Swedish National Archives work with outreach activities on new forms of media platforms, here exemplified with Instagram. The thesis is based on semi-structured interviews with five archivists responsible for handling Instagram, analysis of the National Archives policy documents as well as an analysis of a selection of posts made by local sections of the National Archives on Instagram. The theoretical foundation of the thesis lies in practice theory and is based on an understanding of practice that focuses on statements, actions and rules that together constructs different forms of practices in regard to their context. The analysis of the three sources is a cross-examination of how these different forms of actions contribute to form practices which defines the National Archives use of Instagram. The results of the thesis indicate that the National Archives of Sweden, in line with many other archive institutions, mainly uses social media as a one-way communication form where primarily text-based information is distributed to interested followers. The interactive practices typical of social media is only used to a lesser extent. This is mainly due to the institution’s workload, a view on social media as a lesser form of outreach and several practices related to the national archives public mission as a provider of infor-mation. The findings also indicate that organizations use of social media is based on practices of trial-and-error that creates individual practices of posting material online within the organization.

Att vara eller inte vara laglösa : En intervjustudie om hur den enskilda arkivsektorn ställer sig till att inkluderas i arkivlagen och deras plats i kulturpolitiken / To be or not to be lawless : An interview study regarding how Swedish private archival institutions respond to the possibility of being included in the Archival Law and their place in cultural politics

Hamrén, Nina, Svelander, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Introduction. The aim of this thesis is to examine how Swedish private archival institutions perceive the possibility of being included in the Archival Law. At present the Archival Law of 1990 only applies to official documents from the public sector. Recently however a proposal to change the legislation so that it in part also applies to private archives has been made in the newly published Archival Inquiry commissioned by the government. A more far-reaching proposal to include the private archives in the law has also been made by the Swedish National Archives. Method. We conducted a qualitative research study using semi-structured interviews with 10 informants from 8 different private archival institutions in Sweden. Analysis. By presenting what has been said regarding legislation for private archives in previous archival inquiries, government propositions and other official reports we frame the idea of legislation for private archives by putting it in its culturalpolitical context. An important concept that permeates this thesis is the concept of cultural heritage and how it relates to private archives. The transcriptions from the interviews were analysed by the use of force-field analysis which has its roots in Karl Lewin’s field theory. Results. By collecting the informants thoughts concerning a new legislation for private archives and analysing them as forces working for (driving forces) and against (restraining forces) change we show the complexities surrounding this issue. Conclusion. In many cases uncertainty of what the consequences of the new legislation will be for the private archival institutions prevents them from supporting the change. Our informants also feel that the Swedish National Archives has a top-down perspective which prevents them from listening to and learn from the private sectors experiences. Collaboration between the public and the private sector seems to be the way forward. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science

Shots for Peace: Examining the Utility of Mass Vaccination Campaigns as a Diplomatic Weapon, 1947 – 1990

Samuel, Sara Jane January 2024 (has links)
Vaccine Hesitancy is a critical public health issue that threatens global health security, increases rates of transmission of deadly diseases, and poses additional infectious risk to everyone. This dissertation uses records from the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States, National Archives of Mexico, World Health Organization, multiple Presidential Libraries, and an assortment of digital records to examine the historical roots of vaccine hesitancy. I argue that the choice to delay vaccination or outright refusal of vaccination often constitutes a form of political protest. This anti-vaccine sentiment has historically functioned as political protest that opposes American and Western presence in developing countries. Illustrative case studies of Pakistan and Mexico between 1947 and 1990 illustrate how the manner in which vaccines are distributed within the context of Cold War disease eradication campaigns can influence vaccine hesitancy. Horizontal vaccine programming in Mexico wherein vaccines were distributed using a robust, native public health infrastructure found more epidemiological success than Pakistani vaccination programs that relied on vertically-oriented, Western-led mass vaccination programming to mitigate the burden of infectious diseases including smallpox and polio. Rhetorical analysis of archival vaccine-related media in these countries also reflects the politicized nature of Cold War vaccine hesitancy. Additionally, this dissertation broadly considers the array of weaponry in the American diplomatic arsenal and compares the diplomatic utility of vertical mass vaccination campaigns with military assistance that was also provided to developing nations in the pursuit of American anti-communist goals in the midst of the Cold War. I argue that certain programmatic ambiguities in Cold War American Foreign Policy led to the production of a uniquely militarized form of American diplomacy. An examination of biosurveillance networks constructed to support the global eradication of smallpox and subsequently replicated to eradicate polio illustrate the long-standing historical intersection between public health programming and military force that underlie historical and modern vaccine hesitancy.

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