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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anställningsbarhet: Nyanländas hinder och möjligheter på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om nyanländas anställningsbarhet på den svenska arbetsmarknaden utifrån ett jobbcoachperspektiv

Jeppsson, Julia, Oskarsson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur jobbcoacher framställer nyanländas anställningsbarhet och utsatta position på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Genom en socialkonstruktivistiskt ansats och kvalitativ metod, har vi intervjuat sju jobbcoacher om deras framställning av nyanländas anställningsbarhet. Studien undersöker även hur jobbcoacher resonerar och beskriver vilka hinder och möjligheter nyanlända möter i etableringen på den svenska arbetsmarknad. Studien undersöker ytterligare hur jobbcoachernas beskrivningar kan förstås utifrån kritiska teorier om andrafiering, fördomar och diskriminering. Resultatet visar att jobbcoacherna framställer att nyanlända befinner sig i en utsatt situation och att de möter flertalet hinder vid etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Språkkunskaper i det svenska språket, bristande nätverk och arbetsgivares attityder är tre exempel på hinder som nyanlända möts av. Resultatet visar vidare att nyanlända erbjuds insatser som språkträning och intervjuträning. Slutligen visar studien att jobbcoachernas beskrivning av nyanländas anställningsbarhet kan förstås som en slags “andrafierad” bild av nyanlända eftersom de målas upp som en “annorlunda” grupp på arbetsmarknaden i behov av särskilda insatser. Vi hoppas att studien bidrar med förståelse och kunskap om nyanländas situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. / This study investigate how job coaches presents newcomers' employability and their vulnerable position in the Swedish labour market. Through a social constructivist approach and qualitative method, we have interviewed seven job coaches about their portrayal of new arrivals' employability. The study also examines how job coaches' reason and describes what obstacles and opportunities newcomers encounter in their establishing in the Swedish labour market. The study further investigates how job coaches' descriptions can be understood on the basis of critical theories of ‘othering’, prejudices and discrimination. The results show that job coaches represent newcomer's vulnerable situation and that they encounter several obstacles in their establishing in the Swedish labour market. Language skills in the Swedish language, lack of networks and the attitude of employers are three examples of obstacles that new arrivals encounter. The results also show that newcomers are offered supportive measures, such as language training and interview training. Finally, the study shows that job coaches descriptions of newcomer's employability can be understood as a kind of "othering" image of newcomers because they are presented as a "different" group in the labour market, in need of special efforts. We hope that this study contributes with understanding and knowledge of the situation of newcomers in the Swedish labour market.

Measuring Hispanic/Latino Satisfaction with Health Services in Chesterfield County, Virginia

McClinton, Lynell H. 01 January 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to measure and describe the overall satisfaction of Hispanics/Latinos with services they receive from Chesterfield County's Health Department and compare it to that of African Americans and Caucasians. Also, the objectives were to analyze reasons for different levels of satisfaction, assess the nature and degree of satisfaction with particular services, and suggest implications of the Hispanic/Latino opinions for public policy. While the empirical literature revealed that Hispanics/Latinos experience lower levels of satisfaction with health care services, this study did not provide evidence to support this theory.This is a multi-method non-experimental research design combining a cross-sectional design and qualitative interviews. Quantitative data was collected through a patient satisfaction survey, in both English and Spanish, incorporating both closed and open-ended questions. Qualitative data was collected through taped in-depth interviews conducted with each subject to obtain their perspective on the services provided by the Health Department.The Spanish and English research instrument (Appendix C and D) was a self-designed survey to provide a more comprehensive approach to assess customer satisfaction of health services, collect demographic information, and determine how to better deliver these services. The survey consisted of 46 questions (and several follow-up questions) with 23 questions pertaining to the six satisfaction dimensions. These dimensions were measured by a Likert-type response scale ranging from strongly agrees to strongly disagree.Item identification was based on suggestions offered by staff of Chesterfield County's Health Department, theoretical concepts introduced in the literature review and miscellaneous information adapted from the following surveys: The Connecticut Surgical Group - Patient Satisfaction Survey (2004); SERVQUAL--an instrument for measuring quality service (1990); and The Patient's View on Health Care by RAND and UMQC (1994). Authors of these surveys suggest satisfaction be assessed across the following dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, understanding/knowledge of the customer, and tangibles (appearance of physical facilities). Data were collected from 166 non-Hispanic/Latino and 90 Hispanic/Latino patients that were 18 years of age or older and receive services, at Chesterfield County, Virginia's Health Department. The independent variables were sex, age, level of school completed, income, marital status, children, ethnic background, ability to speak English, modes of transportation, and length of residency in Chesterfield County, Virginia. Dependent variables in the analyses included the six dimensions of satisfaction--staff reliability, staff responsiveness, staff courtesy, staff communication, access to Health Department services, and Health Department Facilities. The data were analyzed through several inferential statistical techniques--univariate, bivariate, multivariate, and nonparametric.Results of the tests indicated that overall, ethnic background only influenced satisfaction with services across two dimensions--staff responsiveness and staff courtesy. However, there were noted differences in the measured levels of satisfaction across the racial/ethnic groups. This study also found that valid comparisons can be made among Hispanics/Latinos, African Americans, and Caucasians on their levels of satisfaction using the 23 measures. Population characteristics had no influence on the differences in satisfaction among the racial ethnic/groups. Results of the in-depth interview revealed that respondents were satisfied with the services as well as the quality of the services provided by the Health Department.

Nyanlända elever, språkbarriärer och digitala verktyg : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Newly arrived pupils, language barriers and digital tools : A systematic literature study

Pecakovska, Bianca January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om digitala hjälpmedels roll för att överbrygga nyanlända elevers språkbarriärer i grundskolan. Resultatet utgår från 16 publikationer som visar att undervisningen måste anpassas till nyanlända elever och den mångkulturalitet som råder i klassrummen. Exempelvis visar McManis & Gunnewigs (2012) resultat att digitala hjälpmedel gynnar eleverna i arbetet med digitala berättelser, eftersom eleverna kan skriva, tala in ljud och lägga in bilder, vilket gör att de utvecklar språkkunskaperna. Sadik (2008) såg i sin studie att digitala berättelser stärkte elevernas ämneskunskaper, eftersom de blev mer intresserade av att arbeta när de fick använda digitala hjälpmedel. Nemeths och Simons (2013) resultat visar att digitala hjälpmedel, som en digitalkamera, är användbart för att andraspråkselever ska öka sitt ordförråd när de tar kort på ett föremål och sedan diskuterar och lär sig mer om det. Teorier som forskning utgår ifrån innefattar huvudsakligen post-migration ecology som undersöker nyanlända elevers situation och den miljö de befinner sig i. Även Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori förekommer mycket i forskning som handlar om att kunskap blir till när människor interagerar med andra. Majoriteten av studierna på området har en positiv inställning till digitala hjälpmedel och menar att applikationerna kan användas för att skapa intresseväckande lektioner, eftersom de har ett stort utbud av olika språk och eleverna kan arbeta tillsammans och lära sig av varandra. Forskningen håller sig dock kritisk till hur insatta skolor är i de nyanlända elevernas situation och menar att lärare och rektorer behöver ha rätt kompetens och ge nyanlända alla verktyg som finns tillgängliga för att eleverna ska kunna utvecklas kunskapsmässigt.

Teenagers at a Crossroad: Exploring Newcomer Teenagers’ Identity as Learners of Mathematics and English as an Additional Language

Fellus, Olga Osnat 26 November 2018 (has links)
This PhD thesis was set to examine newcomer teenagers’ identity as learners of mathematics and English as an Additional Language (EAL) in the context of their transition into the Canadian educational system. Drawing on Ivanič (1998) who suggests a four-part model for the conceptualization of identity as a co-constitutive multi-dimensional framework, and addressing Ricoeur’s (1992) etymological distinction between idem and ipse (identity as sameness and identity as selfhood), a research design was set up to allow for an exploration of newcomer teenagers’ identity as learners of mathematics and of English as an Additional Language (EAL). The theoretical framework of this study draws on Ivanič’s (1998) four identity-related dimensions of (a) autobiographical identities, (b) authorial identities, (c) discoursal identities, and (d) socioculturally available selfhoods. The research design comprised three sets of data collection through family and individual interviews and focus group discussions. Following a dissemination of a Call for Participants, six families who have recently emigrated from Israel to Canada expressed interest to participate in the research. In total, six sessions of 90-minute family-unit interviews, 16 sessions of 90-minute individual interviews, and two sets of all-parent and all-teenage focus groups lasting 90-minute each yielded 26 interviews of over 39 hours. Data were organized according to the four identity-related dimensions that are developed in the theoretical framework of this study. Multiple, iterative rounds of analyses were conducted to first examine how identity is formulated in and through each of the four dimensions identified in the research literature and later explore the inter-relationship between the four identified dimensions and emergent themes. Findings reveal that teenage newcomers’ identity as learners of mathematics and EAL is multifarious, multidirectional, and inter-animated. While the teenage newcomers struggle with their developing identities as speakers of EAL and learners of mathematics in a new educational system, their collective identity as Israelis who make it against all odds, their developing stances in relation to EAL and mathematics, and the socioculturally available selfhoods draw a complex picture that depicts identity work in its making. Given the findings, the study adds to our understanding of the multifaceted and multidirectional nature of identity as crucial in the learning of EAL and mathematics among teenage newcomers.

Assessing the Social and Mental Health Services Provided to Middle-Eastern Newcomers in the Resettlement Process in the National Capital Region

Jennifer, Gedeon January 2015 (has links)
This is a qualitative case study based on a literature review, an analysis of the websites of two social service organizations, and interviews with 16 social service providers (counselors, physicians, community leaders) who work with newcomers from conflict affected countries in the Middle East. This study explores the social and mental health services provided to newcomers in the National Capital Region, and identifies the internal and external obstacles associated with the resettlement process and reception of mental health treatment options. Social environments, gender roles, pre-migration experiences and cultural implications play a role in the resettlement process and the ability to live in the host country. The mental health services offered acknowledge the cultural differences between the immigrant population and the host country’s population; there is evidence that mental health services in Canada are incorporating the cultural differences into the therapy methods. While this has begun, there are still many difficulties associated to stigma, language barriers, misunderstandings of social norms and institutions, and structural issues linked to that fact that the federal government funds many of these mental health services.

Integration och socialt kapital : Nyanländas sociala kapital på folkbiblioteket enligt uppfattningar hos bibliotekspersonal / Integration and Social Capital : Newcomers Social Capital at Public Libraries According to Library Staff

Sölvebring, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
In countries like Sweden the public libraries add to what schools and other institutions do, trying to fill the less formal gaps regarding the needs of learning language and customs of society, and making information more available. This essay; Integration and Social Capital: Newcomers Social Capital at Public Libraries According to Library Staff, seeks to research how activities for immigrants within Swedish public libraries enables strengthening of social capital and trust in society within this group. Earlier research within this subject lean towards that is the case, though most of the earlier research tend to primarily focus on the immigrant perspective, why this essay seeks to view the subject within the profession, interviewing library staff responsible for such activities. To do so this essay lean on social capital theories of Robert E. Putnam and alike, semi structured interviews and several scientific articles and well as semi scientific reports of this matter. Results and conclusions of the study will confirm the possibility of public libraries strengthening social capital and trust, but cannot claim that this is always the case. It also confirms that this possibility is what library staff experience, since they without knowing what theory has been used, depicts happenings typical for evolving social capital and trust.

‌Vägen‌ ‌till‌ ‌arbetsmarknadsetablering‌ ‌ : En fallstudie om utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer för nyanlända syriers arbetsmarknadsetablering som invandrade till Sverige år 2015.

Ali, Lava, Hammoush, Sham January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats beskriver och analyserar vägen till arbetsmarknadsetablering för den syriska invandrargruppen som sökte asyl i Sverige i samband med den stora flyktingvågen året 2015. Detta har skett genom att intervjua tolv syrier som sökte asyl i Sverige år 2015 på basis av humanitära skäl och som blev etablerade på arbetsmarknaden genom att ha fått en tillsvidareanställning eller genom att ha stadigvarande inkomst genom andra anställningsformer. Fokus ligger på hur informanterna beskriver utmaningarna för att etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden som nyanlända och vilka faktorer de upplever ha varit avgörande för deras etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Dessutom studeras upplevelser av vilka utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer som funnits för deras arbetsmarknadsetablering.  Data har analyserats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med hjälp av olika teoretiska förklaringsmodeller som integration och assimilation, byråkratiska organisationsformer och human- och socialt kapital teori. Fynden har visat att utmaningarna för syriers arbetsmarknadsetablering ligger både på individ- och samhällsnivå i form av språk, integrationssvårigheter, byråkratiska trösklar, ineffektiv etableringspolitik och svårighet med bostadsanskaffning. Fynden har även visat att hjälpande faktorer för invandrargruppens arbetsmarknadsetablering består av nyanländas effektivitet, humankapital, etableringspolitikens effektiva sida, Arbetsförmedlingens roll och betydelsen av socialt kapital.

Organizational socialization, psychological needs satisfaction and job outcomes : a moderated mediation model / La satisfaction des besoins psychologiques par la socialisation organisationnelle : un modèle de médiation modérée

Ilyas, Saqib 20 December 2018 (has links)
La socialisation organisationnelle est un long processus à travers lequel les nouveaux venus apprennent tout ce qui concerne la nouvelle organisation dont ils deviendront membres. Les thèmes abordés concernaient : le nouveau travail, l’expérience de la socialisation et les éléments de motivation. Cette étude introduit la satisfaction du besoin psychologique comme résultat proximal de la socialisation organisationnelle, comme suggéré dans l’étude 1. Le soutien social organisationnel, c’est-à-dire le rôle des agents de socialisation, a été ajouté aux tactiques organisationnelles de socialisation comme variable indépendante. Afin de renforcer les résultats et pour prendre en compte les effets externes, deux variables modératrices (le capital psychologique et la proactivité du nouveau venu) ont été introduites. Une relation positive a été trouvée entre les tactiques organisationnelles de socialisation et la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques, ce qui fait de cette dernière un résultat proximal de la socialisation. La performance au travail et l’implication affective sont positivement influencées par les tactiques organisationnelles de socialisation et le soutien social des agents de socialisation. Il a été établi que capital psychologique des nouveaux venus renforce les relations entre les tactiques organisationnelles de socialisation, le soutien social des agents de socialisation (variables indépendantes) et la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques ; également, la proactivité des nouveaux venus renforce les relations entre la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques et les variables dépendantes à savoir la performance au travail et l’implication affective. / Organizational socialization is a dynamic process by which newcomers learn and adjust to attitudes and behaviors needed to assume their new organizational roles. Nowadays managing newcomers becomes a challenge for organizations as they demand more from their organization, and push organizations to invest time and resources for their adjustment. The present study introduces psychological needs satisfaction in the scope of organizational socialization research. 34 newcomers were interviewed about their new job, socialization experience and required motivational elements by using the critical incident technique. The results showed that newcomers’ psychological needs fulfillment was helping the success of the organizational socialization process. Subsequently, a quantitative study was conducted to test the theoretical model. A positive relationship was found between organizational socialization tactics and psychological need satisfaction proving it as a proximal outcome of socialization. Distal outcomes i.e. job performance and affective commitment were also positively influenced by organizational socialization tactics and organizational social support from socialization agents. Further, it was found that newcomers’ psychological capital (moderating variable at T1) strengthened the relationship between socialization resources (i.e. organizational socialization tactics and organizational social support) and newcomer’s psychological needs satisfaction; and that newcomers’ proactivity (moderating variable at T2) strengthened the relationship between psychological needs satisfaction and job outcomes, i.e. performance and affective commitment.


Lisa, Palm January 2021 (has links)
Palm.L ”Sometimes you feel shame to ask such questions” A qualitative study of  a group of female newly arrived refugees view on education of virginity norms in school. Master thesis (sexology) 30 hp. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, January 2021.  The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how a group of female newly arrived refugees wish that the school teach, discuss and give information concerning virginity and virginity norms in a school context.  The study focuses on virginity norms hence they constitute a central part of the honour-related violence. Previous studies indicate that there is a strong connection between virginity norms and honour-related violence and oppression and that the preventive work against that could be dealt with in school. Both professionals who meet female refugees as well as researchers, highlight the importance of cultural knowledge when talking about sex and reproduction. Furthermore, recently made surveys indicate that virginity norms are affecting adolescents negative.   The data in this study was collected through focus-group discussions with three different ethnically homogeneous groups. The study uses Foucault’s theories about discourse, power and cultural relativism. The results of this study indicate that a cultural sensitive approach in the preventive work against honour-related violence and oppression is important. The informants wish that the information and discussions concerning virginity norms should be given in gender-separated groups by female professionals. The informants opinions concerning the methods used in giving such information does not entirely correlate with the material published by RFSU and Youmo. Despite some similarities, the informants in this study emphasizes their own cultural background, the impact of their religion and the sensitivity concerning topics like virginity and virginity norms.


Rankin, Vanessa M. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The City of Toronto has become synonymous with themes of culture and diversity. With close to one half of the city’s population now comprised of those born outside of Canada, Toronto represents a dynamic and exciting cultural mosaic. Yet, underneath this surface exist real disparities in health and well being for many newcomers and racialized communities. In addition to and because of such disparities, changes in the demographics of Toronto have led to challenges and questions involving the participation of such communities within the formal political realm. Much research to date has focused on issues of representation and the exercise of political franchise within such communities.</p> <p>As opposed to the formal political realm, the aim of this research is to better understand the substantive participation of newcomers and members of racialized communities in processes of government sponsored citizen participation at the municipal level by asking: what is the ability of this approach to policy making to meaningfully include a diverse range of voices? This question is important because it is decisions in this realm that most immediately impact residents of the city. Additionally, if social policy developers are to keep up with shifts in demographics and create inclusive and responsive policy, then consideration must be given to all community members.</p> <p>To understand the ability of government sponsored citizen participation to be inclusive of a diverse range of voices, a literature review was conducted. Also, an analysis of the case of the 2000-2001 Community Consultations on Social Development held in Toronto was undertaken. Finally, five interviews were held with policy practitioners within Toronto to gain insight into the ability of practices of government sponsored citizen participation to be inclusive. The findings of this research study highlight that political will and increased funding must be directed towards the purposeful inclusion of newcomers and racialized communities in processes of government sponsored citizen participation so as to foster increased experiences of inclusion and the creation of responsive and effective policies of social development.</p> / Master of Social Work (MSW)

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