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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flickor och pojkar går i samma klass i Sverige : En undersökning om nyanlända elevers syn och uppfattning om den svenska skolan

Razmgah, Morvarid January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of my study was to find out about the newly arrived students’ views and perceptions of the Swedish high school, how this vision and perception looked like before they moved here, and if it has changed. I also wanted to find out how they perceived the meeting with the Swedish school, and if they believed that this meeting should or could be improved. In this study, I used a qualitative research method, the phenomenological method, in which I have used qualitative research interviews to collect the empirical data and detect patterns in my research. The theory I used is cultural encounters, and with it, I try to understand how people with different cultural backgrounds create interactions to work together in communities. I also wanted to understand how the students thought and acted, based on their cultural backgrounds. What I concluded was that in all, the newly arrived students’ views and perceptions of the Swedish school before they moved here was relatively positive. The views and perceptions of most of the students consist quite well with the ones they have today. But for those that it doesn’t, the explanations could be many. One of the reasons was how they hade been treated by the school, another was the lack of existence of Swedish speaking students, that forced the newly arrived ones to associate with the ones that spoke the same mother tongue. Also, the educational level seemed to be too low for some students. The treatment they all received looked similar, but some of the students mentioned that the Swedish school needed to develop the introduction classes so that the students with similar expertise could develop in the same rate. It is to be mentioned that the title of my research is a quote from one of the students I interviewed.

Lyssna till min berättelse : Två nyanlända elevers berättelser om mötet med det svenska språket / Listen to my story : Two newly arrived students’ stories about how they learned Swedish

Terlegård, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Det råder brist på forskning som utgår ifrån nyanlända elevers perspektiv. Syftet med undersökningen var att göra två nyanlända elevers röster hörda och återge deras berättelser om hur de lärde sig det svenska språket. För att belysa detta syfte observerades två nyanlända elever under en skoldag och intervjuades en timme vardera. Eleverna bidrog till insamlandet av empiri genom att fotografera under en skoldag och berätta om sina möten med det svenska språket. Empirin tolkades utifrån en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och med hjälp av en narrativ analys skapades nya berättelser utifrån elevernas perspektiv. De två nyanlända eleverna har genomgått en stor resa för att komma till Sverige och upplever att lärandet av svenska är viktigt men samtidigt en utmaning. Det har funnits nyckelpersoner i deras möte med det svenska språket. Elevernas sociala, kulturella och personliga historia tas inte tillvaro på eller bekräftas i undervisningen, vilket är viktigt för att främja elevernas inlärning av det svenska språket. Nyanlända elever bär på stora berättelser som är viktiga att lyssna till. / There is little research done about newly arrived students in Sweden, even less based on newly arrived students’ perspectives. The aim of this survey was to raise the voice of two newly arrived students and retell their stories about how they learned Swedish. In this survey, two newly arrived students were observed during one school day and interviewed for one hour. The students participated actively in the survey by photographing what happened during one school day and telling their stories of their encounter with the Swedish language. The empirical facts were interpreted through a hermeneutical perspective and by using a narrative analytical approach new stories from the students’ perspective were formulated. These students have made a big journey coming to Sweden and they perceive learning Swedish an important but challenging task. Learning Swedish there have been key figures such as friends or family supporting the students. In school, the students’ social, cultural and personal history are not recognized or seen as a resource, which is important to promote their learning of Swedish.

De är ganska segregerade, det är de, och det ärproblem : En studie om nyanlända grundskoleelevers skolgång i en förberedelseklass

Gevriye, Bahie January 2010 (has links)
My study is about a preparation class in a selected municipality. It is based on the child¹s perspective, and it tries to highlight the school situation of new arrivals in a school where the majority of the pupils are of Swedish origin. The purpose of my study is to visualize how the education for newly arrived children is organized in the municipality, and to get an understanding of a range of student’s view of the schooling in the preparation class as an introduction to a regular class. To reach my goal, I have used qualitative methods, based on qualitative interviews. The interviews were made with six newly arrived pupils, and one interview was made with the deputy head of the school, which is in charge of immigrant education in the municipality. The results show that the four primary schools in the municipality have two preparation classes located in a school for year 1-5 and 6-9. The interviewed pupils are between 13 and 15 years old. The interview reveals deficiencies in different areas, concerning the newly arrived children. The pupils are relatively segregated in school and they have no opportunities to form relationships with other pupils, which can lead to stigma. The education is characterized by lower expectations, and it is not ideal for the children’s cognitive development. The pupils also receive mother tongue education, and a few of them get student consolation. Most of them prefer student consolation, where the education is in Swedish simultaneously with their native language. The mother tongue education is not yet suited to the pupils’ abilities and needs, and the teachers in mother tongue language have a lack of qualifications.

Organisation av undervisning för nyanlända elever : Ett exempel från två skolor med inkluderande arbetssätt

Abrahamsson, Carina January 2015 (has links)
Ett aktuellt ämne inom skolan i Sverige idag är hur man på bästa sätt kan organisera för undervisning för nyanlända elever. Antalet nyanlända elever ökar och detta kommer att ställa nya krav på skolan beträffande mottagande och organisation för undervisning för dessa elever. Detta innebär också att skolan behöver förbättra sin kunskap kring dessa elever. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva rektors, lärares och elevers upplevelse av en inkluderande organisation av undervisning för nyanlända elever. Två olika skolor med inkluderande arbetssätt i invandrartäta områden i en av Sveriges största städer har valts ut. På dessa skolor har lektionsobservationer genomförts för att få en förförståelse för hur skolan arbetar. Därefter har intervjuer genomförts med rektorer, lärare och elever. Rektor på båda skolorna anser att arbetet kring nyanlända elevers undervisning ska bedrivas i en inkluderande organisation. Dels beroende på hur länge skolan har arbetat på detta sätt men också beroende på lärarnas egna tidigare erfarenheter anser lärarna att det är gynnsamt för eleverna att arbeta inkluderande. På den skola, Betaskolan, som arbetat på detta sätt längst av de två skolorna ser också lärarna fler fördelar med arbetssättet. Eleverna är i högre grad positiva på båda skolorna. Det kapital eleven har med sig när de börjar på skolan påverkar i hög grad de har lätt att anpassa sig. Det finns också en skillnad i vilken position den nyanlända eleven intar beroende på det kapital den har med sig. Flera beståndsdelar är av betydelse i den skola som väljer att arbeta inkluderande. Några av dessa är studiehandledning, språkutvecklande arbetssätt, relationer och en gemensam syn på nyanländas undervisning på skolan. / A current subject in Sweden today is how to organize education for newly arrived children in school. The number of newly arrived children continues to increase and this will ask for new demands on the school regarding reception and organization of learning for these students. This also demands the school to improve the knowledge about these children. The aim of this study is to describe the principals’, teachers’ and students’ experience of an inclusive organization of learning for newly arrived students. Two different schools in an area frequented of immigrants in one of the largest cities in Sweden have been selected. Both schools are working with inclusion around the newly arrived students. To obtain a pre-understanding of how the school works, lesson observations have been carried out in the schools. Thereafter interviews with principals, teachers and students have been carried out. The principals at both schools believe that the work with newly arrived students should be carried out in an inclusive organization. Depending on how long the school has had this way of working, but also depending on the teachers’ backgrounds, they are thinking differently about if it is favourable for the students to be included. At the Betaschool which is a school that has worked longer than the Alfaschool in an inclusive way, the teachers see more advantages with this way of working. The students at both schools are more positive than the teachers. The cultural capital that the students already have when they arrive to the school is important for the way of adjusting to the new school. There is also a difference in which position the student take on depending on the capital they bring with them. Several components are important for the school choosing to work inclusively with newly arrived students. Some of these are study counsellors, language development approach, relations and a shared view on how to educate newly arrived children at the school.

Modersmålets betydelse för inlärningen av ett nytt språk. : En litteraturstudie om didaktiska möjligheter och förutsättningar för modersmålanvändning i andraspråksinlärning och kunskapsinhämtning för elever med utländsk bakgrund. / The importance of native language implementation for the learning of a new language. : A litterature study on didactic oppoturnities and prerequisites for mother tongue use in second language leaning and knowledge acquisition for students with foreign backgrounds.

Andersson, Ann-Marie, Johansson, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar sin grund i frågeställningen varför elever med annat modersmål än svenska verkar ha det svårare att förvärva de ämneskunskaper och språkliga färdigheter i sitt nya språk som krävs för att kunna lyckas i det vanliga klassrummet.    För att försöka komma fram till en förklaring på detta görs en litteraturstudie och genomgång av forskningsläget kring kopplingen mellan kunskapsnivå i modersmålet, språklig färdighet i det nya språket och förvärvandet av ämneskunskaper i ett klassrum där undervisningen sker på det nya språket.    Resultatet redovisas i två delar kopplade till elevernas och lärarnas inställning till närvaron av modersmålet i det vanliga klassrummet och visar att skillnaderna mellan elevernas upplevda behov av modersmål och känslan när de tillåts använda det för att visa sina färdigheter och lärarnas upplevelse av förlorad kontroll av undervisningssituationen.    Den bild av modersmålets betydelse för kunskapsinhämtning på ett nytt språk som framträder presenteras och problematiseras i viss mån från ett undervisningsperspektiv men också ur ett resursperspektiv och jämlikhetsperspektiv.  Slutsatsen är att den klassiska tron på att utveckling av det nya språket och därigenom ökad kunskapsinhämtning i specifika ämnen på det nya språket inte har förutsättningarna att ge optimalt resultat utan att tillgången till modersmålsundervisning säkerställs då dessa framstår som kopplade till varandra.

Inkludering och anpassningar i svensk skola : en kunskapsöversikt med fokus på nyanlända elever.

Zinajic, Sandra, Saouli, Sali January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Sverige har sedan 2015 tagit emot en större mängd nyanlända ensamkommande barn. Då dessa barn har rätt enligt svensk lag att gå i svensk skola, har skolorna fått utvecklas och anpassas för att de nyanlända barnen ska få en så bra skolgång som möjligt. Det finns trots detta inget tydligt ramverk för hur skolor ska anpassa ordinarie undervisning för nyanlända elever, så att de blir inkluderade, vilket innebär att skolor i Sverige agerar olika beroende på hur organisationen ser ut. Syfte Kunskapsöversikten syftar till att ta reda på vad som karaktäriserar forskningen kring hur nyanlända elever inkluderas inom svenskämnet. För att uppnå detta syfte besvaras frågeställningarna Hur definieras begreppen integrering och inkludering?, Vilka anpassningar görs för nyanlända elever i svenskämnet?, Hur utformas undervisningen i svenskämnet för att inkludera nyanlända elever? och Vilka svårigheter och brister uppstår i arbetet med nyanlända elever i svenskämnet? Metod Genom en systematisk litteratursökning gjordes ett urval av studier i databaserna ERIC och Primo. Dessa sökningar dokumenterades och sorterades utifrån relevans, genom att läsa titel och abstract utifrån vad denna kunskapsöversikt skulle syfta till. Sju vetenskapligt granskade artiklar valdes slutligen från dessa databaser utifrån urvalskriterier som var förutbestämda. Studierna skulle vara gjorda i svensk skola och innehålla orden nyanländ, newly arrived, inkludering och anpassning samt vara publicerade mellan år 2014 och 2020. Resultat Utifrån kartläggning av studierna framkom det tydligt att studiehandledare i modersmål är till stor hjälp när det kommer till inkludering av nyanlända elever. Lärare behöver arbeta utifrån ett transspråkande arbetssätt där elevernas modersmål synliggörs i undervisningen och används som ett redskap. Vid anpassning av ordinarie undervisning med hjälp av transspråkande arbetssätt inkluderas de nyanlända eleverna och får en känsla av sammanhang och acceptans. Studierna påvisar positiva effekter av transspråkande arbetssätt, men problematiserar också att studiehandledare ofta används på fel sätt, samt att det inte alltid genomsyrar en positiv attityd till flerspråkighet i ordinarie undervisning. Studierna problematiserar att det inte finns ett tydligt organisatoriskt ramverk som säger hur länge nyanlända elever ska vara i förberedelseklass innan de börjar i ordinarie klass.

Vilka olika typer av stöd gynnar nyanlända elevers lärande i samhällskunskapsundervisning? / What type of support benefits newly arrived pupils learning civics?

Hadrous, Layal, Abedelrazek, Nadine January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to investigate what research says about what different types of support that the teacher has to benefit to support newly arrived students' learning in the social studies subject. With a focus on clarifying why the subject of social studies is important in school for both newly arrived students as well as for native students. To answer the purpose, we started from a question. The question served as an aid and guideline during the course of the work, “What does past research say about different types of support to benefit newly arrived students’ learnings in civics?”. In order to obtain a clearer result based on the research, we demarcated the study from grades 7-9 to secondary school students.   To answer our question, we implemented a search process that has been structured based on three databases we used, Swepub, Libsearch and ERIC via EBSCO.    The result shows that there are different types of support that benefit newly arrived students’ learning in teaching and in social studies teaching, for example, the inclusion of newly arrived students’ first language in teaching, scaffolding, placement and study guidance. The conclusion of this study has given us that it’s important for teachers to be able to master knowledge and skills in how to support newly arrived students’ learning in social studies teaching. Which indicates that it’s an important aspect to highlight for the future teaching profession.

“And so each and every teacher has to handle it to the best of their abilities”

Musa, Ibrahim, Nordström, Charles January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods and strategies teachers in Malmö and Lund, Sweden, use to overcome issues faced when working with newly arrived students in teaching English. There was a need to explore this further since there is a lack of previous research in the area, as well as a lack of education on how to teach these students. Our two research questions investigate what specific difficulties teachers report facing when working with newly arrived students in English, and what teaching strategies/methods these teachers utilize to overcome these difficulties. To answer this, we conducted five semi-structured interviews with teachers who have experience in teaching English to newly arrived students. Our results show teachers feel a general feeling of unpreparedness through the lack of official support and measures in coping with these challenges. Moreover, the teachers employ several different types of coping strategies to help the newly arrived students, and they also report on the issues which can arise due to cultural contrasts. The implications of our findings is that there is a lack of a centralized, coherent approach among teachers on how to work with this population, as well as a lack of education in how to do so. Teachers require more training and more resources to better meet the needs of these students.

Riktlinjer på riktigt? Direktintegration i teori och praktik

Alphonce, Amy, Johansson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This case study aims to explore how the stated guidelines, regarding direct immersed newly arrived students and their subsequent education, are complied with in practice in a school in Sweden. To examine this relation between theory and practice, we have chosen a qualitative approach which consists of semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. The interviews with the school’s headmaster and SSL-teacher (Swedish as Second Language) intend to inform the analysis from an organizational perspective, while the interviews with two teachers as well as the observations of one newly arrived student intend to provide the empirical basis of the classroom perspective. Our results have been analyzed within the frames of Thomas and Collier’s (1997) Prism model which is grounded in their theories concerning language minority students’ education. The conclusion drawn based on this case study is that there is a discrepancy between the formulated guidelines and the studied educational practice. The headmaster and the SSL-teacher convey clear intentions regarding how the education for the newly arrived students should be organized. However, the teachers’ statements and our observations indicate that these guidelines are not complied with to the extent that is being sought. In order to optimize the education for newly arrived students, it is insufficient to merely create theoretical guidelines without ensuring that they are fully implemented in practice.

Inkludering av nyanlända elever i ordinarie klassrum i utsatta områden : En kvalitativ etnografisk studie

Soxbo, Linn, Boladian, Maggie January 2022 (has links)
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