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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of intellectual property rights from publicly financed research and development on governance mode decisions for research alliances

Staphorst, Leonard 12 May 2012 (has links)
This study consisted of two distinct research phases, performed within the context of the South African Council for Science and Industrial Research (and its current and potential research alliances). The purpose of the study was to develop a decision making model that would enable strategists at publicly financed research and development organisations to analyse and predict governance mode decisions, as well as select optimal governance mode structures (ranging from quasi-market structures, such as once-off contracts, to quasi-hierarchy structures, such as research joint ventures) for research alliances. During the qualitative first phase, the study aimed to identify impact domains within South Africa’s new Bayh-Dole-like Intellectual Property Rights legislative framework that consists of the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, as well as the Technology Innovation Agency Act, which could potentially influence research alliances (based on the Transactional Cost Economics, Resource-based View and Real Options Approach perspectives) with publicly financed research and development organisations. This was followed by the quantitative second phase, which attempted to verify the validity of a value-mediated governance mode model that included the highest ranked impact domains identified during the first phase as formative indicators for the perceived Intellectual Property Rights regime strength uncertainty factor. A qualitative online survey amongst senior managers at the Council for Science and Industrial Research, followed by Theme Extraction combined with Constant Comparative Method analysis, as well as a weighted frequency analysis, constituted the research methodology employed during the first phase’s identification and ranking of impact domains within the South African legislative framework. This phase demonstrated that the highest ranked impact domains (primarily driven by the Transactional Cost Economics perspective) included the choice of Intellectual Property Rights ownership, state walk-in rights on undeclared Intellectual Property, and benefit-sharing policies for the creators of Intellectual Property. The second phase consisted of a quantitative online survey, distributed amongst current and potential research alliance partners of the Council for Science and Industrial Research, followed by Structural Equation Modelling of a value-mediated governance model that included, amongst others, the perceived Intellectual Property Rights regime strength as an uncertainty factor. This phase revealed not only that the impact domains identified during the first phase could be used as formative indicators of the perceived Intellectual Property Rights regime strength, but also that stronger perceived regimes are positively related to the preference for quasi-hierarchy research alliance governance modes. Furthermore, it established that the expected value of a research alliance, which was shown to be positively influenced by the strength of the perceived Intellectual Property Rights regime, acted as a mediating factor on the relationship between the perceived Intellectual Property Rights regime strength and the preferred research alliance governance mode. Keywords: Bayh-Dole, Formative Indicators, Intellectual Property Rights, Research Alliances, Real Options Approach, Resource-based View, Quasi-Market Governance Modes, Quasi- Hierarchy Governance Modes, Structural Equation Modelling, Transactional Cost Economics, Value-mediated Governance Model. Copyright / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

"According to the custom of the country": Indian marriage, property rights, and legal testimony in the jurisdictional formation of Indiana settler society, 1717-1897

Schwier, Ryan T. January 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This study examines the history of Indian-settler legal relations in Indiana, from the state’s pre-territorial period to the late-nineteenth century. Through a variety of interdisciplinary sources and methods, the author constructs a broad narrative on the evolution and co-existence of Native and non-Native customary legal systems in the region, focusing on matters related to marriage, property rights, and testimony. The primary thesis—which emphasizes reciprocally formative relations, rather than persistent conflict—suggests that Indiana’s pre-modern legal past involved an ad hoc yet highly effective process of cultural brokerage, reciprocity and inter-personal accommodation. That the American Indians lost much of their self-governing status following the period of contact is clear; however, a closer look at the ways in which nations historically defined, exercised, asserted, and shared jurisdiction, reveals a more intricate story of influence, authority, and concession. During the French and British colonial and American territorial periods, settler society adjusted to and often accommodated Native concepts of law and justice. Through a complex order of social obligations and community-based enforcement mechanisms, a shared set of rules and jurisdictional practices merged, forming a hybrid system of Indian-settler norms that bound these individuals across the cultural divide. When Indiana entered the Union in 1816, legal pluralism defined jurisdictional practice. However, with the nineteenth-century rise of legal positivism—the idea of law as the sole command of the nation-state, a sovereign entity vested with exclusive authority—territorial jurisdiction and legal uniformity became guiding principles. Many jurists viewed the informal, pre-existing custom-based regulatory structures with contempt. With the shift to a state-centered legal order, lawmakers established strict standards for recognizing the law of the “other,” ultimately rejecting the status of the tribes as equal sovereigns and forcing them to concede jurisdiction to the settler polity.

Agile Contracts Implementation for Industrial Companies Purchasing Embedded Systems / Implementering av Agila Kontrakt för företag som köper in Inbyggda System

Arnelo, Albin, Fogelgren Broberg, Nicole January 2020 (has links)
The continuous advances and prevalence of embedded systems, being systems consisting of both hardware and software put together, provides a great challenge for industrial companies. Due to the increasing need of complex products to meet the demands of customers, companies more often need to source software from external suppliers. Software has the characteristic of being a product which is difficult to specify as it has the ability to iteratively update itself according to the changing environment, making it hard to determine precisely what it will look like at the beginning of its development. As a result, traditional waterfall contracts, for which the intention is to set clear specifications early on, are often not suitable for developing systems including software. Therefore, the need for flexible contracts, called agile contracts, among industrial companies is emerging to support new technological applications. The purpose of this thesis was to examine what the main challenges are when implementing agile contracts in industrial companies who are purchasing embedded systems, and how these challenges can be mitigated or rectified. This was done by an empirical study in the form of interviews with various relevant actors. Firstly, employees from an industrial company looking to implement agile contracts within its procurement processes to support its embedded system purchases were interviewed. The respondents expressed their concerns and perceived challenges with introducing agile contracts to their business. Then, to answer the challenges interviews were conducted with people who were knowledgeable within the topic of agile contracts. Also, a benchmark, a literature review and a theoretical framework have been performed to analyse previous findings within this research area. This thesis identified nine main challenges being Risk Management, Payment Model, Time Aspect, Communication, Embedded Systems, IP-Rights, Supplier Management, Mindset & Knowledge and Future. Each of these challenges was answered separately, but it was found that some answers overlapped between different challenges. The most prevalent challenge was regarding communication, as a successful relationship built on sufficient collaboration and trust lays a foundation for all the other challenges to be managed more easily. Another recurrent theme was that all involved parties must understand precisely what an agile contract implies in order to make beneficial decisions to manage all the challenges. / De kontinuerliga framstegen för inbyggda system, som består av både hårdvara och mjukvara sammansatt innebär en stor utmaning för industriella företag. På grund av det ökade behovet av mjukvara för att möta kundernas efterfrågan behöver företag köpa in mjukvara från externa leverantörer. Mjukvara är svårt att specificera eftersom det har förmågan att iterativt uppdatera sig själv i enighet med den förändrade miljön. Detta gör det svårt att i ett tidigt skede av ett projekt fastställa exakt hur produkten ska vara utformad. På grund av detta är traditionella kontrakt, som ofta följer vattenfallsmodellen för vilken avsikten är att tidigt sätta tydliga kravspecifikationer, sällan lämpade för att köpa in inbyggda system. Därav uppstår behovet av agila kontrakt bland industriföretag för att stödja nya tekniska tillämpningar. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka vilka de huvudsakliga utmaningarna är gällande att implementera agila kontrakt på ett industriföretag som köper in och utvecklar inbyggda system samt hur dessa utmaningar kan bemötas. Detta gjordes i form av en empirisk studie med relevanta aktörer, främst inom ett industriföretag som avser att implementera agila kontrakt i sin inköpsprocess för att effektivisera inköp av inbyggda system. Först intervjuades medarbetare som idag köper in inbyggda system. Dessa fick uttrycka sina tveksamheter och utmaningar kring att implementera agila kontrakt i sin inköpsprocess. Efter det utfördes mer strukturerade intervjuer med kunniga personer inom agila kontrakt med målet att hitta lösningar till de tidigare identifierade utmaningarna. Dessa intervjuer i kombination med en litteraturstudie, ett teoretiskt ramverk och en benchmark användes för att analysera och besvara de identifierade utmaningarna. Denna avhandling identifierade nio huvudsakliga utmaningar från de explorativa intervjuerna; Riskhantering, Betalningsmodell, Tidsaspekt, Kommunikation, Inbyggda System, IP-Rättigheter, Mentalitet & Kunskap samt Framtid. Dessa utmaningar har alla blivit besvarade separat men det fastställdes tidigt att de finns tydliga överlappningar mellan utmaningarna. Den vanligaste överlappningen var angående kommunikation då en framgångsrik relation byggd på samarbete och förtroende lägger grunden för att alla andra utmaningar lättare ska kunna bemötas och lösas. Ytterligare ett återkommande tema var att alla parter måste förstå exakt vad ett agilt kontrakt innebär och hur det fungerar för att kunna fatta rätt beslut och hantera övriga utmaningar.


Thampy, Gayatri S. 09 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Quick and dirty / Institutional analysis of agricultural land privatization in Post-Soviet Georgia

Buschmann, Anna 18 December 2020 (has links)
Die Studie erforscht institutionalle Arrangements, die auf eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands in der Republik Georgien abzielen, deren Formalisierung der Eigentumsrechte den letzten Schritt der Agrarreformen darstellen, und speziell, wie sich die Durchsetzung des Rechts auf Privateigentum entwickelt hat. Laut Schätzungen ist bisher nur ca. ein Drittel des Landes registriert. Das Ziel der Analyse dient dem Verständnis, wie sich politische Reformen, die eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands beabsichtigen, auf den Landbesitz allgemein und die Agrarproduktion im Besonderen auswirken. Anhand von zwei der führenden landwirtschaftlichen Exportprodukte – Haselnuss und Wein –, verfolgt die Studie methodologisch einen abduktiven Forschungsansatz, der von Triangulation geleitet ist. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Umfrage, Fokusgruppen-Interviews mit Agrarproduzenten sowie Interviews mit Leitern verarbeitender Betriebe, Repräsentanten der Regierung sowie Experten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einerseits, dass Nutzungs- und später Eigentumsrechte konstant kraft einer ‚property rule’ durchgesetzt wurden, und somit einen Status quo gesichert haben, der besonders die Mitglieder ehemaliger einflussreicher (lokaler) Regierungskreise begünstigt hat; demgegenüber haben die Reformen kontinuierlich Unsicherheit unter der Landbevölkerung erzeugt – indem die Durchsetzung privater Eigentumsrechte von einer ‚property rule’ hin zu einer ‚liability rule’ verändert worden ist –, während die erforderlichen Kosten zur (Wieder-)Erlangung der Besitzansprüche zunehmend den ehemaligen Rechtsinhabern aufgebürdet worden ist. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine potentielle Umverteilung in Form konzentrierten Landbesitzes vermuten, während die Mehrheit der Betriebe künftig auf die Durchsetzung von Landnutzungsrechten vertrauen darf, um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft fortzuführen. / This study focuses on the institutional change of agricultural land privatization in the Republic of Georgia, where the formalization of private property rights forms the last step of the agrarian land reforms, and specifically how people’s entitle-ment to land has been protected over time. It is estimated that so far only about a third of the land has been registered. The aim of the analysis is to understand how political reforms targeting land privatization have affected land ownership, and to show the effects on agricultural production. By focussing on two leading export products of Georgian agriculture – hazelnut and wine – the study methodologi-cally follows an abductive research strategy led by the principles of triangulation. It is based on survey data, focus groups interviews with agrarian producers as well as interviews with processors, government representatives and experts. The results reveal, on the one hand, that by constantly enforcing use and then owner-ship rights according to a property rule maintained a status-quo which has mainly favored former influential (local) government circles; in contrast, the reforms have persistently generated insecurity to rural neighborhoods – by changing the enforcement of people’s private ownership rights from a property rule to a liabil-ity rule –, while the emerging costs to (re-)claim ownership were increasingly shifted to the former right holders who can hardly raise the required financial means. The results suggest a re-distribution of land in the form of a rising concen-tration of land ownership, while the majority of agricultural producers may rely on the granting of use-rights to proceed with their subsistence farming in the fu-ture.

Laying a net across mountain valleys and plains / managing water through distributed property rights, Wyoming 1890 - 2010

Mackinnon, Anne 22 May 2014 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Herausforderungen im Management natürlicher Ressourcen und dem Bedarf geeigneter Institutionen, um diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit ein Managementsystem für Wasserressourcen im Bundesstaat Wyoming, USA. Die Autorin untersucht die über 100-jährige Geschichte der Wasserrechte im landwirtschaftlichen Bewässerungssektor. Die Studie zeigt, wie und warum die Verfügungsrechte zwischen privaten Nutzern und der staatlichen Administration hin und her geschoben wurden und welche Konsequenzen dies brachte. Sie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass das System im Laufe des letzten Jahrhunderts gegenüber seinem Hauptzweck – der Bewässerung – als resilient gelten kann. Was jedoch andere neuere Funktionen angeht, im Besonderen die Nutzung ohne Verbrauch ist das System als weniger resilient einzustufen. Die Arbeit trägt zu einer Weiterentwicklung der Theorien des institutionellen Wandels bei. Die Autorin zeigt die Wichtigkeit von extremen physischen Bedingungen, wie geringer Niederschlagsmenge, kurzen Wachstumsperioden oder schwierigen Bodenverhältnissen, für den institutionellen Wandel. Solche Gegebenheiten können zu pfadabhängigen Veränderungen führen. Gleichzeitig diktieren sie den Rahmen, innerhalb dessen ein stärkerer institutioneller Wandel im natürlichen Ressourcenmanagement möglich wäre. / Given the need for institutions managing natural resources that can be foundations for dealing with challenges like climate change, this dissertation examines more than 100 years of a water resource management system in the Western U.S., in the state of Wyoming. The dissertation identifies the key actors in this system as water users and the water administrators in the state government. The study determines that the Wyoming system distributes property rights in water between users and the state. The study finds that over a century the system has proved itself resilient towards its most longstanding users, in irrigated agriculture. However, the system has lacked a resilient response to new demands, particularly non-consumptive uses of water. In a contribution to theories of institutional change, the dissertation demonstrates the important role in natural resource management systems played by harsh physical conditions such as lack of precipitation, short growing seasons, and difficult terrain. These conditions can create path dependency and dictate the circumstances that allow path-breaking in natural resource management institutions.

The role of property rights for land degradation and land use conflicts / the case of Wetland in Gujranwala (Pakistan)

Akhter, Tasneem 11 March 2011 (has links)
Bodendegradation ist ein wachsendes Problem von Pakistan, die Biomasse Verlust verursacht und hat einen schlechten Einfluss auf die Wirtschaft des Landes. Nordöstlich von der Provinz Punjab, die berühmt für die Reisanbau ist, leidet auch mit diesem Problem. Zusammen mit einigen anderen Gründen, sind institutionelle Aufbau in den Regionen und der Landnutzungsänderungen der Hauptgründe für diesen Abbau. Obwohl das Land ist, die privaten Eigentümern, aber wegen der Störung der bestehenden Eigentumsrechte und die jüngste Stadterweiterung in der Region hat interfamiliären Konflikte zwischen Grundbesitzern im Zusammenhang mit Entfremdung Land provoziert. Diese Konflikte haben ein Potenzial von gefährden ländlichen Setup und der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion des Landes. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, diese Konflikte Ansatz, den Schwerpunkt auf die Notwendigkeit des institutionellen Wandels für die Nutzung von landwirtschaftlichen degradierten Flächen und mögliche Governance-Struktur für Land Umwandlung in Pakistan. Die Organe der Sustainability Framework von Hagedorn et al (2002) wird verwendet werden, und einige politische Empfehlungen gehen abgeleitet werden. / Land degradation is a growing problem of Pakistan, which causes biomass loss and has a bad effect on the economy of the country. Northeast of Punjab province, which is famous for the rice cultivation, is also suffering with this problem. Along with some other reasons, institutional setup in the regions and the land-use change are the main reasons of this degradation. Although the land is owned by private owners, but because of the malfunctioning of existing property rights and the recent urban expansion in region has provoked interfamily conflicts between landowners related to land alienation. These conflicts have a potential of jeopardising rural setup and agriculture production of the country. The aim of the study is to approach these conflicts, focus on the need of institutional change for the use of agricultural degraded lands and possible governance structure for land conversion in Pakistan. The Institutions of Sustainability Framework of Hagedorn et al (2002) will be employed and some policy recommendations are going to be derived

Essays on small and medium sized enterprises as drivers of competition in the software market / an intellectual property rights perspective

Swaminathan, Sushmitha 11 March 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation behandelt Fragen des Wettbewerbs auf Softwaremärkten. Konkret geht es um folgende Frage: Welchen Einfluss haben kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMUs) auf die Wettbewerbskonditionen in der Softwarebranche vor dem Hintergrund des zunehmenden Einsatzes von rechtlichen Maßnahmen zum Schutze des geistigen Eigentums? Theoretischer Teil: Wir untersuchen theoretisch Übertragungseffekte (Spillovers) zwischen KMUs und größeren Softwareunternehmen im Kontext von gebündelten Produkten (bundling). Während Bundling und die resultierenden wettbewerbspolitischen Optionen in einem statischen Kontext gut verstanden sind, gibt es noch offene Fragen im dynamischen Kontext. Hier untersuchen wir, inwieweit die Standardargumente gegen Bundling an Gültigkeit verlieren. Wir kommen zum Schluss, dass Wettbewerbspolitik in Softwaremärkten in einem dynamischen Kontext Bundling durchaus in Betracht ziehen sollte. Empirischer Teil: Wir untersuchen, ob der zunehmende Einsatz von Schutzrechten durch KMUs dazu führt, dass der Wettbewerb im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK) zunimmt. Diese empirisch fundierte Arbeit analysiert einen Datensatz von KMUs aus der IuK-Industrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Softwareherstellern. Mit Hilfe einer Varianzanalyse untersuchen wir den Einfluss von vier Faktoren auf den Einsatz von Schutzrechten, nämlich: Globalisierung, rechtliches Umfeld, kooperative Forschung und Open Source Software-Nutzung. / This dissertation focuses on competition within the software market. Specifically it aims to provide further understanding and insights to the following question: In the context of intellectual property rights (IPR), what impact do small and medium sized enterprises (SME) have on competition in the software industry? Normative contribution to the dynamic policy literature: Bundling and the resulting competition policy measures are well understood under static conditions. In this essay, we theoretically examine the spillover exchange between SME and large software firms in the context of bundling. Based on the findings of our static model, we suggest that competition policy in the software market should consider bundling under dynamic competition because it could lead to a different conclusion resulting from the factors unique to the software market e.g., OSS programmers. Positive contribution to IPR literature: We empirically examine whether increased IPR adoption by small and medium sized enterprises enables greater competition within the information and communications sector. The analysis is based on a dataset of SME in the information and communications sector which also includes the software industry. We make use of the analysis of variance in order to study the impact of four factors on SME adoption of intellectual property rights, namely; globalization, legal frameworks, cooperative research and open source software use and development. i

The regulation of water in Namibia in the context of property rights : a comparison with South African water legislation / John Matthew Thomas Pinto

Pinto, John Matthew Thomas January 2014 (has links)
The Water Resources Management Act 24 of 2004 will change the water regime in Namibia dramatically. Section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act provides for this change by excluding private ownership of water from the new water law dispensation. This study focused on section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act and the implication that this section will have on property rights in the Namibia. The dissertation firstly outlines the historical development of ownership of water in Namibia. It is indicated that private ownership of water was an established principle under Roman-Dutch law. A further examination of Roman-Dutch law reveals that surface water could be divided into private and public water. Public water belonged to the whole nation, while ownership of private rivers was vested in the land owner. Under South West Africa’s water legislation, the Irrigation and Water Conservation Act 8 of 1912 and the Water Act 54 of 1956 maintained the distinction between public and private water. However, the Water Act of 1956 expanded the definitions of both public and private water, and acknowledged that the land owner where the water found its source or flowed over, could exercise the exclusive use rights of such water. The Water Resources Management Act has been approved and published in the Government Gazette. However, it has not yet come into force as a date for commencement of the Act, as prescribed by section 138(1)(b), has not yet been determined by the Minister. Once the Act is in force, the Water Act will be repealed as a whole. Section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act will abolish the private ownership of water in Namibia. This is clearly in violation of article 16 of the Namibian Constitution of 1990, which provides for private ownership of water when read with article 100. Therefore, the research concludes that the Water Resources Management Act will dramatically affect property rights in Namibia. Under the Water Resources Management Act there will be no private ownership of water, and the affected person will have no recourse under the Act to claim compensation. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The regulation of water in Namibia in the context of property rights : a comparison with South African water legislation / John Matthew Thomas Pinto

Pinto, John Matthew Thomas January 2014 (has links)
The Water Resources Management Act 24 of 2004 will change the water regime in Namibia dramatically. Section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act provides for this change by excluding private ownership of water from the new water law dispensation. This study focused on section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act and the implication that this section will have on property rights in the Namibia. The dissertation firstly outlines the historical development of ownership of water in Namibia. It is indicated that private ownership of water was an established principle under Roman-Dutch law. A further examination of Roman-Dutch law reveals that surface water could be divided into private and public water. Public water belonged to the whole nation, while ownership of private rivers was vested in the land owner. Under South West Africa’s water legislation, the Irrigation and Water Conservation Act 8 of 1912 and the Water Act 54 of 1956 maintained the distinction between public and private water. However, the Water Act of 1956 expanded the definitions of both public and private water, and acknowledged that the land owner where the water found its source or flowed over, could exercise the exclusive use rights of such water. The Water Resources Management Act has been approved and published in the Government Gazette. However, it has not yet come into force as a date for commencement of the Act, as prescribed by section 138(1)(b), has not yet been determined by the Minister. Once the Act is in force, the Water Act will be repealed as a whole. Section 4 of the Water Resources Management Act will abolish the private ownership of water in Namibia. This is clearly in violation of article 16 of the Namibian Constitution of 1990, which provides for private ownership of water when read with article 100. Therefore, the research concludes that the Water Resources Management Act will dramatically affect property rights in Namibia. Under the Water Resources Management Act there will be no private ownership of water, and the affected person will have no recourse under the Act to claim compensation. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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