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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den hälsodiskursiva praktiken : En etnografisk studie av hälsofrämjande aktiviteter på ett HVB-hem

Moberg, Anna, Nilsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
På grund av oroligheter i världen skedde under år 2015 en kraftig ökning av asylsökande, där ibland även ensamkommande barn. Ökning av ensamkommande barn medförde en boendeproblematik för Sveriges kommuner, vilket lett till behov av flertalet nyuppstartade HVB-hem. Det fanns ett intresse av att studerades hälsofrämjande aktiviteter i kontexten, detta för att förstå dem som en del av en hälsodiskursiv praktik. Detta gjordes utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, diskurs analys samt ett helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Därav har studien genomförts som kvalitativ studie med inspiration ifrån etnografisk forskning. Deltagande observationer utfördes vid tre tillfällen. Observationerna utfördes på två olika avdelningar på ett HVB- hem för ensamkommande pojkar. Genom ett hälsopedagogiskt perspektiv var avsikten med studien att synliggöra hälsodiskurser och dess betydelse för ungdomarnas lärande och skapande av hälsa. Kategorierna för studiens analyserade resultat återspeglar de hälsofrämjande aktiviteter som observerades. Teman för diskussionsdelen framanalyserats med utgångspunkt i studiens valda teorier och utföll i följande sex kategorier: Tidspassning, Vi och dem, Laganda och att ha trevligt ihop, Minskad förtäring av sötsaker, Regelföljning och självständighet samt Dubbla budskap. Av resultatet framkom det att den rådande hälsodiskursen tycks bygga på ett omedvetet helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Det framkommer genom personalens utsagor att en strävans finns mot att skapa förutsättningar för att ungdomarna att utvecklas till självständiga individer, dock strider detta mot vad som kan ses i den hälsodiskursiva praktiken. Därav kan det tänkas att hälsa är ett ämne som kan behöva lyftas i praktiken. Då det var svårt att hitta relevant forskning i ämnet tycks även behov finnas av att bedriva forskning kring hur insatser på HVB-hem bör utformas för att uppnå ökad självständighet hos ungdomarna. / 2015 saw a sharp rise in unaccompanied children seeking asylum. This is due to turmoil in many parts of the world. The rise has brought housing problems for Sweden’s municipalities, with more housing and treatment facilities started as a result. A study was conducted, motivated by ethnography research. Participants were observed on three occasions, in two separate wards in a HVB resident for unaccompanied boys. Health promoting activities were observed, to gain an understanding of them for use from a pedagogic perspective. This was done using a sociocultural perspective in teaching, study analysis, as well as health in general. Through a health discourse perspective, the purpose of the study was to analyze health awareness in the children. The categories for the analysed results reflected the health promoting activities that were encouraged during the study. The study was analysed using the following six categories Punctuality, Us and them, Team spirit and getting along, Reduced sugar consumption, Following rules and independence, as well as Double standards. The results showed that the current health discourse is founded on a subconsciously overall perspective on health. Housing and HVB resident staff have the aim to create possibilities for the children to develop into independent individuals. It can be seen as a field that needs to be improved in practice, through staff education. Relevant data is lacking, further research is needed into what action is required to help the children reach independence.

The Impacts of Urban Renewal: The Residents' Experiences in Qianmen, Beijing, China

Kou, Yongxia 18 November 2013 (has links)
The study examines the influences of the Qianmen urban renewal project on its original residents, which is one of a few demonstration projects under the new policy orientation of urban renewal practices in Beijing, China, entering the new century. It employs "residential satisfaction" as an evaluative indicator to understand the residents' experiences before and after urban renewal. Seventy-two residents were interviewed. Among them, 25 remained in Qianmen; 20 relocated to Hongshan, a neighborhood in the central city area; 21 moved to Longyue, a neighborhood in one of the suburban areas; and 6 residents relocated to other locations. The study found that the participants' level of residential satisfaction was skewed toward dissatisfaction before the urban renewal, whereas participants showed a much higher satisfaction level after the urban renewal, which means that overall the Qianmen urban renewal project had positive impacts on the residents' residential environment. However, among the three neighborhoods, there are no statistically significant differences. The policy arrangements of the Qianmen urban renewal project contribute to the results. Under the new policy orientation, the policy arrangements of the Qianmen urban renewal project featured a government-led approach with a large amount of public investment, which formed a good basis to provide better compensation to the residents, in particular to provide extra aid to low income residents. Therefore, the residents got their housing conditions improved to a large extent contributing to their higher level of residential satisfaction after the project was implemented. Because of the extra aid, the low income residents were even more satisfied than the middle-high income residents. On the other hand, the policy arrangements took into account the opinions of the original residents, in other words, most residents made their own decision about where to live after the urban renewal. In this circumstance, they actually saw the urban renewal as an opportunity to improve their residential environment, in spite of the fact that the urban renewal project was initiated by the municipal government. Therefore residents stayed or relocated voluntarily, which significantly predicts the resulting higher level of residential satisfaction. The findings in the Qianmen case remind us that we do need a more open, balanced perspective for analysis of urban renewal processes and outcomes, rather than a predominantly negative displacement view embedded in a gentrification discourse; and that policy arrangements toward more redistribution and social equity are more likely to achieve positive outcomes for disadvantaged people. However, the improvements in unit size and housing quality are the main achievements of the urban renewal. Many residents still face the shortage of community facilities in the short run, and in the long run they might continue to suffer from poorer accessibility to public facilities and other resources. Furthermore, the urban renewal inevitably caused social disturbances for many residents, in particular for disadvantaged people (low income residents, and the elderly, etc), although the negative impacts of relocation on social networks were mitigated by the benefits of escaping the social conflicts and annoyance in the original neighborhood, and were compensated by the improved housing conditions. Generally, the key argument of this study is that policy makers need to pay more attention to the disadvantaged class; in other words, the government needs to assume its role more actively in redistribution and social equity.

Mezinárodní a vnitrostátní aspekty dvojího zdanění / International and domestic aspects of double taxation

Ferková, Marianna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with different aspects of international and domestic double taxation. Within international double taxation short treatise about national legislation related to double taxation is followed by the longer part dedicated on the tax conventions on income and capital which are the most effective instrument in the field of double taxation elimination. Then the negotiation process and their place in czech domestic legislation is described. One part focuses on the role played by European union in direct tax adjustment. Part about residence determinig (both individuals and companies) in case of existence of the tax convention and in case of its absence follows. Unilateral, multilateral and bilateral measures especially are desribed. As the example to illustrate the impact of different methods used to eliminate double taxation on tax is given practical calculation. Double taxation elimination procedure is explained on the concrete kind of income (dividends) at the end of the international double taxation charter. Within domestic double taxation its causes and kinds are desribed. Finally, last part looks at current and forthcoming czech legislation related to economical domestic double taxation.

Barnets vilja i tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge : En studie om hur barnets vilja framkommer och beaktas i svenska tingsrättsdomar / The child's will in custody, residence and visitation disputes

Vilander, Carolin, Johansson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase understanding of the extent to which the child's will is given in Swedish courts' overall assessments of the best interests of the child in disputes on custody, resident and visitation (VBU). 18 District Court judgments have been collected from the database Zeteo via court judgments from Sweden's six Courts of Appeal. Based on a qualitative research effort, a content analysis was conducted on the judgments. The content analysis resulted in the following three categories being identified: The court judges according to the expressed will of the child, The court judges against the expressed will of the child, and The will of the child was omitted in the district court's assessment. The results were mainly analyzed based on childhood sociological perspectives, Hart’s ladder of participation and family law regulations. The theoretical framework was used to illustrate how the child was presented and socially constructed, and what impact this had on the space the child's will was given in the court's assessments of the best interests of the child. This was then reflected in the prevailing laws. The results of the study showed that the child's will appeared in about half of the cases, and that the court judged according to the will of the child in less than one third of them. The study also showed that the court tended to question the authenticity of the will of the children whose wishes did not comply with what the court considered to be the best interests of the child. In the majority of the cases where the children’s will were not given any room in the judgment, the court generally gave no reasons why the will was not reported.

Modely pro podporu rozhodování managementu destinace cestovního ruchu / Models Supporting Decision Making of a Tourism Destination Management

STUDENÝ, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of decision making within destination management and its organizations. The main aim of the thesis was to create a model to support decision making of destination management organization and to plan sustainable and responsible tourism development in the destination. A partial aim was to create a simplified model in which a simulation of the given system was performed. This aim has been applied to the destination of Cesky Krumlov. The contribution of the work is to find optimal decisions, policies and individual processes in order to assess the subsequent impacts and manage the development of tourism destination towards sustainability.

Contribuição para o estudo da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos / Contributions to the study of social recognition memory in rats

Moura, Paula Jaqueline de 21 July 2008 (has links)
O paradigma intruso-residente vem sendo intensamente empregado em estudos para avaliar a memória de reconhecimento social em roedores. Tipicamente, ratos adultos, denominados residentes, são expostos a dois encontros sucessivos, de 5 minutos cada, com um mesmo rato juvenil ou com ratos juvenis diferentes, denominados intrusos; o intervalo de tempo entre encontros é 30 minutos. A quantidade de comportamentos sociais do residente (no segundo encontro) em relação a um intruso familiar é substancialmente menor do que o observado no primeiro encontro, o que não ocorre quando o segundo encontro envolve um juvenil novo; esse resultado caracteriza a memoria de reconhecimento social. Se o intervalo de tempo entre os encontros é aumentado para 60 minutos, a redução da investigação social do intruso familiar por parte do residente desaparece, levando à conclusão de que a memória de reconhecimento social seria um mecanismo para retenção temporária de informações. O objetivo central do presente trabalho foi contribuir para o entendimento da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos. Foram realizados três experimentos. No primeiro experimento avaliou-se se a expressão de comportamentos sociais e também da memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal. No segundo experimento avaliou-se em que extensão o aumento do tempo de exposição ao intruso durante o primeiro encontro resulta num aumento da duração da memoria de reconhecimento social. No terceiro experimento avaliou-se se um procedimento de rotina na maioria dos laboratorios, o transporte dos animais da sala de experimentos para o biotério, interfere na memória de reconhecimento social, quando realizado 0,5 ou 6 horas após o primeiro encontro. Os resultados mostraram que (1) a expressão de comportamentos sociais e a memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal, sendo mais intensos quando os testes são realizados na fase inativa (Capítulo 2), de modo que este fator deve ser levado em consideração quando do planejamento de experimentos envolvendo sociabilidade, (2) o aumento da duração do primeiro encontro para 2 horas ou mais revelou uma memória de reconhecimento social que dura pelo menos 24 horas (Capítulo 3), permitindo questionar que se trate de um dispositivo de curta duração, e (3) o transporte dos animais para o biotério 0,5 horas, mas não 6 horas, depois do primeiro encontro, prejudica a memória de reconhecimento social (Capítulo 4), indicando que se deve estar atento às rotinas laboratoriais pois as mesmas podem interferir no desempenho dos animais em testes de memória. Em associação com essas relevantes observações experimentais, foram propostas estratégias de análise dos dados gerados com esse tipo de experimentação e também discussões conceituais sobre a caracterização da memória de reconhecimento social, que contribuem marcadamente para essa área de estudos. / The intruder-resident paradigm has been extensively employed in studies of social recognition memory in rodents. Typically, adult rats, named residents, are exposed to two 5-min successive encounters with the same juvenile intruder or with two different juveniles; the time interval between the encounters is 30 min. The amount of social behaviors exhibited by the resident rats towards the same intruder juvenile in the second encounter is substantially smaller when compared to both that seen in the first encounter and that seen towards a different juvenile; these results characterize social recognition memory. When the time interval between encounters is increased to 60 min, that reduction of the investigation towards the familiar juvenile intruder vanishes, which is seen as evidence that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism. The aim of this study was to contribute for our understanding of social recognition memory in rats. Three experiments were run. The first experiment evaluated to which extent both social behaviors and social recognition memory are influenced by temporal phase effects. The second experiment evaluated to which extent the increase in the duration of the first encounter renders social recognition memory longer. The third experiment evaluated to which extent the transportation of the resident rats from the experimental room to the animal facilities either 0.5 or 6 hours after the first encounter, interferes with social recognition memory. The results showed that (1) the expression of social behaviors and of the social recognition memory are modulated temporal phase effects, being stronger when animals are tested in their inactive phase (Chapter 2); thus, this aspect has to be considered in studies on sociability, (2) the increase of the first encounter duration for 2 hours or longer renders social recognition memory to last at least 24 hours (Chapter 3); this allows to question that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism, and (3) transportation of the resident rats to the animal facilities 0.5, but not 6 hours, after the end of the first encounter disrupts social recognition memory (Chapter 4), indicating that one has to be cautious about usual laboratory routines, because they may interfere with performance of the memory tasks when executed a short time after training the animals.Associated with these relevant experimental observations, these studies allowed proposing novel strategies for data analysis and discussing conceptual issues about the characterization of social recognition memory that give a substantial contribution for this area.

Borréliose de Lyme : rôle de l’interface cutanée et du microbiome dans la physiopathologie de la maladie / Lyme Borreliosis : role of the skin interface and the microbiome in the physiopathology of the disease

Grillon, Antoine 14 November 2017 (has links)
La maladie de Lyme est la maladie à transmission vectorielle la plus répandue de l’hémisphère Nord. La peau est un organe clef dans cette maladie, car c’est à cet endroit qu’interagissent les cellules de l’hôte, le pathogène, le microbiote cutané et le vecteur. Nous avons développé un modèle murin d’infection disséminée de borréliose de Lyme, qui nous a permis de développer une méthode spécifique de détection de protéines de Borreliella dans le tissu cutané murin par SRM-MS, pouvant aboutir à une méthode de diagnostic chez l’homme. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux relations entre le microbiote cutané, les cellules résidentes de la peau, kératinocytes et fibroblastes, avec Borreliella. Les sécrétomes de trois bactéries commensales, S. epidermidis, P. acnes et C. striatum possèdent un effet synergique sur l’expression de gènes inflammatoires par les kératinocytes et les fibroblastes. Les sécrétomes de P. acnes et de C. striatum se sont également montrés capables d’inhiber une partie de la réponse inflammatoire des kératinocytes, pouvant aider le pathogène lors de la transmission/dissémination précoce. / Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere. Skin is a key organ in the disease, since it is the key interface where host cells, pathogen, skin microbiota and vector interact early during pathogen transmission. We developed a late lyme borreliosis model on mice. This model allowed us to develop a specific detection method of Borreliella proteins in the mouse skin by SRM-MS that might be used to develop a human diagnosis of disseminated Lyme disease. In a second part, we analysed the relationship between skin microbiota, resident skin cells (keratinocytes and fibroblasts), in the presence or absence of Borreliella. The secretome of three commensals bacteria, S. epidermidis, P. acnes and C. striatum was shown to have a synergistic activity with Borreliella in pro-inflammatory gene expressions by keratinocytes and fibroblasts. P. acnes and C. striatum secretomes were also able to inhibit partially the inflammatory response of keratinocytes that might help the transmission/dissemination of the pathogen.

Resident-centered care and work satisfaction of health care aides working with personal care home residents living with dementia

Marcotte, Anita 14 April 2009 (has links)
Resident-centered care has been the standard philosophy in accredited personal care homes (PCHs) across Canada since 1990. Health care aides (HCAs) are the primary health care providers in PCHs and key to residents' quality of care and quality of life. However, studies have not examined HCA work satisfaction in relation to the four elements of resident-centered care: providing flexible scheduling, following residents' preferences, promoting a home-like environment and offering permanent assignment to promote consistency of care. This cross-sectional, ethnographic study was conducted using face-to-face interviews with nine HCAs working in four PCHs in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The results indicate that HCAs' work satisfaction was highly related to their caring relationships with residents and their working relationships with other HCAs and staff. The implementation of resident-centered care depended on institutional and managerial support. Lack of this support created stressful situations for HCAs and caused them concern about the quality of care and quality of life of residents. / May 2009

Demographic study of military selection in the state of Ohio, 1917-1919

Saberian, Michael Reza 12 April 2006 (has links)
This thesis studies the influence of ethnicity, nationality, and occupation upon military selection of the residents of Ohio during the First World War. This is a quantitative study, based on a data set constructed from samples of the 1910 and 1920 censuses and The Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the World War, 1917-1918. Chapter I introduces the sources and the methodology. Chapter II examines the ethnicity of conscripts, and whether or not ethnic identities affected draft registration or military selection. Chapter III examines the numerical significance of resident aliens in the military population. Chapter IV examines the influence of social class on conscription: determining whether persons of wealth avoided military service and the influence of occupational deferments on the population at risk. Chapter V concludes the thesis by summarizing the results.

Resident-centered care and work satisfaction of health care aides working with personal care home residents living with dementia

Marcotte, Anita 14 April 2009 (has links)
Resident-centered care has been the standard philosophy in accredited personal care homes (PCHs) across Canada since 1990. Health care aides (HCAs) are the primary health care providers in PCHs and key to residents' quality of care and quality of life. However, studies have not examined HCA work satisfaction in relation to the four elements of resident-centered care: providing flexible scheduling, following residents' preferences, promoting a home-like environment and offering permanent assignment to promote consistency of care. This cross-sectional, ethnographic study was conducted using face-to-face interviews with nine HCAs working in four PCHs in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The results indicate that HCAs' work satisfaction was highly related to their caring relationships with residents and their working relationships with other HCAs and staff. The implementation of resident-centered care depended on institutional and managerial support. Lack of this support created stressful situations for HCAs and caused them concern about the quality of care and quality of life of residents.

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