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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Higher the Score, the Darker the Core: The Nonlinear Association Between Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism

Jauk, Emanuel, Kaufman, Scott Barry 26 September 2018 (has links)
Narcissism is a truly Janusian phenomenon, consisting of both narcissistic grandiosity, exhibitionism, admiration-seeking, boldness, and dominance on the one hand, and narcissistic vulnerability, introversion, withdrawal, hypersensitivity, and anxiety on the other hand. While there is broad consensus that these two seemingly contradictory faces of narcissism can be empirically discerned and have different implications for psychological functioning and mental health, there is not yet agreement on whether grandiose and vulnerable narcissism should be regarded as independent traits or as two manifestations of one personality trait. Previous research indicates that both views hold true when the level of grandiosity is considered a moderating factor: while grandiose and vulnerable narcissism are largely unrelated in the range of normal personality variation, they are correlated in the range of high grandiosity (Jauk et al., 2017b). Here, we replicate and extend this work in an independent sample (N = 891) using a more comprehensive narcissism inventory grounded in a new trifurcated model of narcissism. The trifurcated model partitions narcissism into three main personality dimensions: agentic extraversion, antagonism, and neuroticism. We found a significant breakpoint in the association between narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability at 75% cumulative frequency of grandiosity. While grandiosity and vulnerability are unrelated below this breakpoint (r = 0.02), they are strongly correlated above (r = 0.45). In the lower range of grandiose narcissism, grandiosity draws more upon agentic extraversion and is largely associated with mental health. In the upper range, however, grandiosity is more strongly linked to antagonism and is substantially associated with fear, negative affect, and depression. These findings provide evidence for the view that grandiose and vulnerable narcissism are distinct traits at lower levels of grandiosity, but blend into an antagonistic core with signs of psychological maladjustment at higher levels. Implications for research on narcissism as a personality trait, as well as clinical practice, are discussed.

Conception et réalisation d’un moteur piézoélectrique pour application automobile haute température / Design and realization of a piezoelectric motor for a high temperature automotive application

Harmouch, Khaled 31 January 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est deconcevoir et de réaliser un moteurpiézoélectrique destiné à une application derécupération de chaleur du gaz d’échappement.Cette application nécessite un couplerelativement élevé, une compacité importante,une endurance thermique et un coût acceptable.Afin d’atteindre ce but, la conception du moteurpasse par le choix de son mode defonctionnement. Ce choix est fait en se basantsur des critères comme bas coût, fort couple etcompacité importante.Après la détermination de l’architecture dumoteur piézoélectrique, la modélisation estabordée. Le but du modèle est de calculer lescaractéristiques couple/vitesse connaissantses dimensions et ses matériaux, l’état desurface du contact, la précontrainte et la tensiond’alimentation.La modélisation développée était validée pardes mesures expérimentales.Dans la dernière partie, le moteur dimensionnéest réalisé et testé. Son comportementdynamique et ces caractéristiquescouple/vitesse étaient mesurés. A l’exceptiondu couple à l’arrêt et celui de blocage, toutes lesperformances requises par l’application étaientremplies.Finalement, les résultats de modèle sontcomparés aux mesures faites sur le prototype.Le comportement dynamique était bienreproduit par la modélisation. Néanmoins, uneimprécision du calcul des déplacements dustator était constatée. Cela implique uneimprécision du calcul des caractéristiquesmoteur. Il s’avère que cette imprécision est liéeà l’absence du coefficient d’amortissement decontact. / The goal of this thesis is to designand build a piezoelectric motor for an exhaustgas heat recovery application. This applicationrequires relatively high torque, highcompactness, thermal endurance and acceptablecost.In order to achieve this goal, the design of theengine passes by the choice of its mode ofoperation. This choice is made based on criteriasuch as low cost, high torque and compactness.After the determination of the architecture ofthe piezoelectric motor, the modelling isaddressed. The purpose of the model is tocompute the torque/speed characteristicsknowing the motor dimensions and materials,the surface state of the contact, the precompressionforce and the supply voltage.The modeling developed was validated byexperimental measurements.In the last part, the motor is build and tested. Itsdynamic behavior and torque/speedcharacteristics were measured. With theexception of the peak and blocking torque, allthe performances required by the applicationwere fulfilled.Finally, the model results are compared to themeasurements done on the prototype. Thedynamic behavior is well predicted by themodel. However, the model is not able tocompute accurately the stator displacements.This implies inaccuracy in the motorcharacteristics computation. It turns out thatthey are related to the absence of the coefficientof contact damping.

Effective Nonlinear Susceptibilities of Metal-Insulator and Metal-Insulator-Metal Nanolayered Structures

Hussain, Mallik Mohd Raihan 22 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Single-Photon Generation through Unconventional Blockade in a Three-Mode Optomechanical Cavity with Kerr Nonlinearity

Sethi, Avtej Singh 31 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Design of a High Speed Mixed Signal CMOS Mutliplying Circuit

Bartholomew, David Ray 12 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design of a mixed-signal CMOS multiplier implemented with short-channel PMOS transistors. The multiplier presented here forms the product of a differential input voltage and a five-bit digital code. A TSMC 0.18 µm MOSFET model is used to simulate the circuit in Cadence Design Systems. The research presented in this thesis reveals a configuration that allows the multiplier to run at a speed of 8.2 GHz with end-point nonlinearity less than 5%. The high speed and low nonlinearity make this circuit ideal for applications such as filtering and digital to analog conversion.

Adaptive filtering for maritime target tracking from an airborne radar

Zimmer, Loïc January 2018 (has links)
Maritime target tracking from an airborne radar faces many issues due to the features of theenvironment, the targets to be tracked and the movement of the radar platform. Therefore, aunique tracking algorithm is not always able to reach the best possible performance for everyencountered situation. It needs to self-adapt to the environment and to the targets which areobserved in order to always be as ecient as possible. Adaptability is thus a key issue of radartracking.Several implementations of the mathematical Bayesian estimation theory, commonly called lters,have been used in the literature in order to estimate as precisely as possible targets trajectory.Depending on the situations and the assumptions that are considered, some of themare expected to perform better. This thesis suggests to look deeper into the tracking techniquesthat can be found in the literature and compare them in order to dene more precisely the advantagesof each of them over the others. This should enable to wisely choose the method thatis most likely to provide the best performance for a given situation. In particular, the nonlinearconversion between the Cartesian coordinates with which the state vector is dened and thespherical coordinates used for the measurements is investigated. A measure of nonlinearity isintroduced, studied and used to compare the extended Kalman lter and the particle lter.The size of the detected maritime targets is a special feature that makes it possible to draw amaneuverability-based classication which enables to adapt the tracking technique to be used.Joint tracking and classication (JTC) has already been described in the literature with a specicmeasurement model. This thesis makes this model more realistic using a random distribution ofthe reection point on the target's shape. The tracking method is modied to take into accountthis new measurement model and some simulations are run.This modied JTC algorithm proves to be more ecient than the JTC structure presented inthe literature. Eventually, this thesis shows that nonlinearity is a paramount issue that needsto be considered to implement an ecient self-adapatable radar tracking algorithm, this beingespecially true for extended targets. / Maritim malfoljning fran en luftburen radar star infor manga problem pa grund av miljons karaktar, de mal som ska sparas och radarplattformens rorelse. Darfor kan en unik sparningsalgoritminte na basta mojliga prestanda for varje situation som uppstar. Den maste anpassa sig sjalvtill miljon och till de mal som overvakas for att bli sa eektiv som mojligt. Anpassningsformagaar alltsa en viktig fraga inom radarsparning.Flera implementeringar av den matematiska Bayesianska berakningsteorin, vanligtvis kalladelter, har anvants i litteraturen for att forutsaga malbanor sa exakt som mojligt. Beroendepa situationer och antaganden som beaktas forvantas vissa av dem bli battre. Denna avhandlingforeslar att noggrant undersoka sparningsteknikerna som kan hittas i litteraturen ochjamfora dem for att mer precist deniera fordelarna av var och en framfor de andra. Det skulleunderlatta ett klokt val av metoden som mest sannolikt ger basta prestanda for varje given situation.Sarskilt undersoks den icke-linjara omvandlingen mellan kartesiska koordinatsystemet,som denierar tillstandsvektorn, och sfariska koordinater som anvands for matningarna. Ettmatt pa icke-linjaritet presenteras, studeras och anvands for att jamfora ett utokat Kalmanltermed partikelltret.Storleken pa de detekterade maritima malen ar en speciell egenskap som gor det mojligt attgora en klassicering baserad pa manovrerbarhet som hjalper till att anpassa sparningsteknikensom ska anvandas. Simultan foljning och klassiering, "joint tracking and classication" (JTC)pa engelska, har redan beskrivits i litteraturen med en specik matmodell. Denna avhandlinggor modellen mer realistisk med hjalp av en slumpmassig fordelning av reektionspunkten pamalets form. Sparningsmetoden ar modierad for att beakta denna nya matmodell och nagrasimuleringar utfors.Denna modierade JTC-struktur visar sig mer eektiv an JTC-strukturen som presenteras ilitteraturen. Slutligen visar denna avhandling att icke-linjaritet ar en viktig fraga som mastebeaktas for att erhalla en eektiv radarsparningsalgoritm som kan anpassa sig sjalv. Dettagaller sarskilt for utstrackta mal.

Nonlinear dynamics of one-way clutches and dry friction tensioners in belt-pulley systems

Zhu, Farong 25 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.


RAFAEL LOPEZ RANGEL 06 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A análise não linear de estruturas é uma tarefa de grande importância na execução de projetos eficientes e seguros, permitindo a economia de recursos materiais, ao tempo que se identifica efeitos de segunda ordem no comportamento do modelo que podem vir a ter consequências significativas. Esse tipo de análise é realizado através de algoritmos numéricos iterativos, e a visualização de resultados gráficos é essencial para auxiliar a interpretação do analista. Por isso, a análise não linear só se tornou recorrente com o advento de aplicações computacionais gráfico-iterativas. Porém, diferentemente de uma análise linear-elástica, em que os resultados fornecidos pelo programa pouco dependem do conhecimento do usuário sobre os métodos de solução, a análise não linear requer uma série de parâmetros de entrada relacionados aos métodos numéricos e, portanto, exige um conhecimento básico por parte do usuário sobre os algoritmos de solução e comportamento do modelo. Tendo isso em vista, este trabalho busca desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional de fácil uso e com uma interface gráfica simples, porém com um solver robusto, para auxiliar a aprendizagem da análise geometricamente não linear de modelos aporticados bidimensionais. Para isso o programa de análise estrutural Ftool, consagrado na comunidade de Engenharia Civil e no meio acadêmico, foi adotado para receber os novos recursos para executar a análise com não linearidade geométrica. Na nova versão do Ftool, os usuários têm a oportunidade de utilizar e testar diversas técnicas de solução do sistema não linear de equilíbrio do modelo, descritas nesse trabalho. A forma como a análise é executada permite um controle total do usuário sobre o progresso da análise. Além disso, resultados em forma de gráficos podem ser estudados no novo ambiente de plotagem do programa. / [en] Nonlinear analysis of structures is an important task for efficient and safe projects, allowing the saving of material resources and the identification of second-order effects on the behavior of structural models that may have significant consequences. This type of analysis is performed with iterative numerical algorithms, and visualization of graphic results is essential to auxiliary the interpretation of the analyst. For this reason, nonlinear analyses only became common with the advent of graphical-interactive computational applications. However, unlike a linear-elastic analysis, where the results provided by the program depend very little on the users knowledge about the solution methods, a nonlinear analysis requires a series of input parameters related to the numerical methods and thus demands a basic understanding about the solution algorithms and nonlinear structural behavior. With this in mind, this work aims to develop a user-friendly computational tool with a simple graphical interface, but with a robust solver, to assist the learning of geometrically nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional frame models. The structural analysis software Ftool, largely used by the Civil Engineering community and academia, was adopted to receive the new features to perform geometrically nonlinear analyses. In the new version of the Ftool program, students, engineers and researchers have the opportunity to use and test various solution techniques of the nonlinear system of equilibrium equations, which are described in detail throughout this work. The way the nonlinear analysis is performed allows for a full control by users over the progress of the analysis. In addition, graph results can be studied in the new plotting environment of the program.


LUIZ EDUARDO FERNANDES SEQUEIRA 31 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] O crescente uso de antenas para a transmissão de dados tem demandado a instalação de um número crescente de torres, com destaque para as torres estaiadas. Essas estruturas são compostas por um mastro central e diversos níveis de estais. As torres são estruturas esbeltas e apresentam um comportamento altamente não linear sob cargas estáticas e dinâmicas, devido à interação mastro-cabos e altura elevada da torre. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a influência da não linearidade no comportamento estático e dinâmico de uma torre estaiada. Para isto, desenvolvem-se modelos de torre estaiada em elementos finitos, com dois níveis de cabos pré-tensionados. Consideram-se dois tipos de geometria para a disposição dos cabos: em leque e em paralelo. Em particular, investiga-se o efeito da ruptura de um ou mais cabos e do comportamento elastoplástico dos materiais que compõem a torre estaiada na estabilidade e vibrações não lineares da estrutura. Inicialmente, avalia-se o comportamento linear da estrutura, obtendo-se as frequências naturais e cargas críticas. A seguir, obtêm-se os caminhos não lineares de equilíbrio de cada modelo, aplicando o conceito de imperfeição modal. Finalmente, realiza-se a análise da vibração livres e forçada amortecida. Para isto utilizam-se as respostas no tempo e plano de fase, transformadas de Fourier e espectrográficos. Em todos os casos analisa-se em detalhe o efeito da perda de cabos e da plastificação dos elementos na capacidade de carga, estabilidade e deslocamentos da estrutura. Os resultados demonstram que a perda de cabos e plastificação dos elementos têm grande influência nas frequências naturais e cargas críticas. Finalmente, nessas condições observa-se um comportamento não linear com perda de capacidade de carga e aumento significativo de deslocamentos, velocidades e acelerações, evidenciando a necessidade de investigação do comportamento não linear desse tipo de estrutura. / [en] The growing use of antennas for data transmission calls for the installation of growing number of high towers, with the cable-stayed towers standing out. These structures are composed of a central mast and several levels of stays. These towers are slender structures and exhibit a highly non-linear behavior under static and dynamic loads, due to the mast-cable interaction and the tower height. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the nonlinearity on the static and dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed tower. For this, finite element models of cable-stayed towers with two levels of pre-tensioned cables are developed. Two cable disposition geometries are considered: fan and parallel. In particular, the effect of the rupture of one or more cables and the elastoplastic behavior of the cable-stayed tower materials on the stability and non-linear vibrations of the structure is investigated. Initially, the linear behavior of the structure is evaluated through the natural frequencies and critical loads. Next, the non-linear equilibrium paths of each model are obtained, applying the concept of modal imperfection. Finally, free and forced damped vibration analysis is performed. For this purpose, responses in time and phase plane, Fourier transforms and spectrographs are used. In all cases, the effect of the loss of cables and the plastification of the elements on the load capacity, stability and displacements of the structure is analyzed in detail. The results demonstrate that the loss of cables and plastification of elements have a great influence on natural frequencies and critical loads. Under such conditions, non-linear behavior with loss of load capacity and significant increase in displacements, velocities and accelerations stand out, and highlight the need for investigation of the nonlinear behavior of this type of structure.

Simulation methods for the mechanical nonlinearity in MEMS gyroscopes

Putnik, Martin 16 September 2019 (has links)
Im Zuge der Miniaturisierung werden mechanische Nichtlinearitäten immer wichtiger für die Auslegung und Optimierung von mikromechanischen Drehratensensoren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit neuen Simulationsmethoden zur Beschreibung dieser mechanischen Nichtlinearitäten. Die Methoden werden mit Benchmark-Simulationen und Messergebnissen validiert. Die Genauigkeit der neuen Simulationsmethoden erlaubt den Einsatz in der Designoptimierung von kommerziellen MEMS Drehratensensoren. / In this thesis, new simulation methods for the mechanical nonlinearities in microelectromechanical gyroscopes are developed and validated with benchmark simulations and experimental results. The benchmark simulations use transient finite element analysis that consider geometric nonlinear effects. Experimental results are from Laser Doppler Vibrometry and electrical measurements on wafer level. Two different simulation methods, the energy- and stiffness-based approach, are compared with respect to numerical performance and accuracy. In order to evaluate these methods, four different mechanical structures are taken into account: a doubly-clamped beam, a gyroscope test structure and two state-of-the-art gyroscopes with 1 and 2 axes. For the accuracy measurement, the simulated frequency shifts of modes are compared to the true frequency shifts that are developed from either benchmark simulation, Laser Doppler Vibrometry or electrical measurement. The presented methods allow to predict the frequency shift of modes accurately and with a minimum of computational cost. Furthermore, the methodologies allow to generate modal reduced order models which are compatible with common model order reduction in the field. This makes it possible to incorporate mechanical nonlinearity in already established reduced order models of gyroscopes. The simulation and modeling strategies are applicable for generic actuated structures that can be also in different fields of study such as the aerospace and earthquake engineering.

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