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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Data protection and transborder data flows : implications for Nigeria's integration into the global network economy

Allotey, Asuquo Kofi Essien 02 1900 (has links)
One of the realities that developing countries like Nigeria have to face today is that national and international markets have become more and more interconnected through the global platform of telecommunications and the Internet. This global networked economy is creating a paradigm shift in the focus of development goals and strategies particularly for developing countries. Globalisation is driving the nations of the world more into political and economic integration. These integrations are enhanced by a globally interconnected network of economic and communication systems at the apex of which is the Internet. This network of networks thrives on and encourages the expansion of cross-border flows of ideas and information, goods and services, technology and capital. Being an active member of the global network economy is essential to Nigeria’s economic development. It must plug into the network or risk being shut out. The global market network operates by means of rules and standards that are largely set by the dominant players in the network. Data protection is a critical component of the regime of rules and standards that govern the global network economy; it is evolving into an international legal order that transcends geographical boundaries. The EU Directive on data protection is the de facto global standard for data protection; it threatens to exclude non-EU countries without an adequate level of privacy protection from the EU market. More than 50 countries have enacted data protection laws modelled on the EU standard. Access to the huge EU market is a major motivation for the current trend in global harmonisation of domestic data protection laws. This trend provides a compelling reason for examining the issues relating to data protection and trans-border data flows and their implications for Nigeria’s desire to integrate into the global network economy. There are two primary motivations for legislating restrictions on the flow of data across national boundaries. The first is the concern for the privacy of the citizens, and second, securing the economic well-being of a nation. It is important that Nigeria’s privacy protection keeps pace with international norms in the provision of adequate protection for information privacy order to prevent potential impediments to international trading opportunities. / Public, Constitutional, & International / LLD

獨立董事的貞操兼論其未來性 / Chastity of Independent Directors and discuss its Future

姜統掌 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以公司治理作為開場,簡述百餘年來我國公司法的濫觴,以及近十年最大的變革為引入獨立董事制度。更指陳國內相關法條中,已將長期以來的股東會中心改變為董事會中心,而企業營運由追求股東最大利益轉換為公司最大利益。旋而,說明公司治理之定義及原則,進而應用公司治理之概念,作獨立董事必要功能之論述。接著闡述監督公司經營者之方式,整體而言,監督方式可分為內部監督和外部監督,然後依OECD之架構,探討公司內外部監督型態。 由於各界對公司治理實務現狀仍嫌不足,更有殷切期待。值此新政府財經團隊上路之際,財經法條、辦法、規章有待變革,甚而已計劃逕行全面翻修現行公司法。當此之時,由金融監督管理委員會全力推動,代表相當比重社會價值之上市上櫃公司營運監理,業已由傳統董監事之雙軌(二元)制,變更為董事會全面主導營運及監控。國內以公司治理之名,全面單軌(一元)制似已成必然之路。 鑑於獨立董事制度施行必要性,本文說明單軌制的美國獨立董事現狀,並將傳統監董雙軌制的德國作整理。兼而比較鄰近與我國互為影響的日中之獨立董事制度實行現狀和法律規範,期待在台灣未來再定位獨立董事,能有更多思考空間。其間,分別介紹各國獨立董事(或內部監理)制度之發展,包括該國特殊監理之原因和制度。在此加強說明其獨立董事制度之功能、獨立董事制度實踐之情形、獨立董事之重要資格和針對獨立董事制度各界提出可能之問題。 面對我國獨立董事的實務與挑戰,探討我國獨立董事制度現階段發展情形,分析討論我國獨立董事制度之利弊得失,進而指出目前制度應改進之處。於此之時,針對我國獨立董事的缺點提出建議,並針對各國的特色優點作引用,以提高本文建議調整規範之妥當性。更進一步,將董事會興利除弊的天職,提出兼具各利害關係人權益,與國際接軌的理想性公司治理藍圖。 由於本文多項結論建議與現行證券、公司等法規定未盡相同,未來實行將可預期以專章修法為必要。其中側重在提高獨立董事的權利和義務,力求在獨立董事與一般董事間作區別對待,奠定獨立董事制度效能開展之基石。具體內容包括,主張強化外部稽核的獨立董事占董事會比重,由現行不低於五分之一,提高至不低於三分之一。推動董事會治理長(祕書)為常設單位、依陽光透明為最佳殺菌劑原理,增設吹哨者條款、基於股東行動主義,賦與一定投資比重和持股期間之專職投資法人(以下稱機構投資人)定額法定提名權,以吸引長期且穩定的國內外機構法人和基金的加入,提升長期投資法人股東的比重。並課與揭露相關訊息,以突顯其推介客觀獨立價值。 鑑於長期以來,獨立董事不獨立,甚而有之淪為大股東的護航配角。本文希望藉由保護其貞操(忠實義務)之實,進而促建其完整執行功能與例行和不定期權責,並設定歸責條件及規避原則下,得由其他獨立董事及法定訴追機構如投資人保護中心,行使較目前更嚴格的競業禁止、歸入權及有限連帶賠償責任等,以專章立法更進一步推動法治與專業獨立董事的公司治理制度,將可蔚為世界典範。


謝昀璉 Unknown Date (has links)
2006年1月11日公布之證券交易法修正條文,正式將「獨立董事」、「審計委員會」等制度納入我國公開發行公司法制中,因此,我國目前公開發行公司的董事會,可分為三種型態:第一種是傳統的董事會,不設獨立董事,僅設董事會及監察人;第二種是設立獨立董事,且同時設有監察人;第三種類型則是有董事會及審計委員會,但無監察人。 這樣劇烈的變革,毫無疑問地,勢必將對我國公司治理法制中內部監控機關之設置帶來深刻的影響。譬如說:獨立董事與監察人二者並用,是否在組織機制層面上會疊床架屋,其相互間之權責會否不易界定而混淆不清,進而相互推諉?監察人和審計委員會之間是否為可相互取代之制度?二者設計的目的、監控方法和範圍在本質上有何異同?又如何的設計才能確保其「獨立性」和監控機能的有效發揮,但又不致陷入只會除弊不會興利的刻板印象?2006年修正之證券交易法的相關條文,其優劣為何,是否尚有不足之處仍待補充?本文即以此為研究方向,進行探討,惟鑑於國內研究監察人之專著專文已汗牛充棟,故本文著重於介紹此次證券交易法所正式引進之審計委員會制度在美國法下之相關規範及運作情形,並就引進獨立董事和審計委員會制度須搭配之相關配套措施及監察人制度之改善等相關問題提出淺見。 針對以上三種模式,本文認為,在模式二下的獨立董事,有責無權,頂多只能在董事會中扮演「諍友」的角色,其力量之極限亦僅止於透過公開其「諍言」來引起外部力量對公司之注意與監督。此種逐步、分階段實施獨立董事制度之設計,雖然優點是對企業之衝擊較小,但壞處是使得獨立董事制度的健全性,仍有很大的進步空間 。蓋立法者若真希望獨立董事能發揮其監督功能,則至少要讓其權責相符,如此一來功能性委員會之運作配合便是不能少的,且尚須使獨立董事能占董事會及功能性委員會之多數,才能使其較無懼地發揮監督之功能,此亦為國外法制之發展趨勢 。因此,此種既非純粹雙軌制亦非純粹單軌制之過渡階段的模式二設計,將來修法時實宜予以廢除,改由公司從經過修法補強完備之模式一(即水平式雙軌制)或模式三(即單軌制)中,依公司本身之需求,選擇適用其一,如此一來不但可避免現行架構上之混亂,亦符「公司自治」之法理。 而關於現行模式一下尚存如監察人之專業性、獨立性不足,欠缺對內、外審計單位之人事權及相關權責執行規定不夠細緻與選任方式不甚理想等缺失部分,本文建議可透過確立監察人獨立性資格;改善監察人提名、選任、報酬決定機制;賦予監察人辭任時之意見陳述權及引進監察人會等方式加以改進。 至於模式三之部分,本文則建議透過明確劃分董事會、管理階層及審計委員會之責任範圍;引進獨立董事責任免除或減輕之機制;明文要求公司應同時設置提名委員會及報酬委員會;加重對金融犯罪之處罰與設立專責法庭及禁止違反相關規定者轉任至其他發行公司擔任董事或經理人和引進預警機制等方法,以補強現制未臻完美之處,期使單軌制能真正於我國法制中落地生根、成長茁壯。

Essays on Fiscal Policy in OECD and developing countries / Essais sur la politique budgétaire dans les pays de l'OCDE et les pays en développement

Gnangnon, Sèna Kimm 23 January 2014 (has links)
La problématique du financement du développement dans les pays en développement se trouve au coeur de cette thèse. Cette dernière s'articule autour de quatre chapitres sur les questions liées au financement du développement. Le chapitre 1 explore les effets des épisodes budgétaires dans les principaux pays donateurs principaux de l'OCDE (Organisation pour la Coopération et le Développement Economique) sur leur offre d'aide au développement aux pays en développement. On observe que les épisodes budgétaires affectent significativement l'offre d'aide, avec une différence comportementale en termes d'offre d'aide du groupe de pays de l'Union européenne versus le groupe de pays de l'OCDE n'appartenant pas à L'Union européenne. Le chapitre 2 s'intéresse aux conséquences des transferts des migrants et de l'imprévisibilité de l'aide au développement sur la probabilité de consolidation budgétaire dans les pays en développement. Les résultats montrent que les transferts des migrants affectent positivement et significativement cette probabilité alors que l'effet est statistiquement nul pour l'imprévisibilité de l'aide. Ces résultats suggèrent en l'occurrence qu'une meilleure gestion des recettes issues de ces transferts durant les périodes de boom économique pourrait aider à éviter de telles situations et offrir une marge de manoeuvre plus importante à ces gouvernements pour la mise en oeuvre de politiques contra-cycliques pendant les périodes de basse conjoncture. Le chapitre 3 analyse l'existence ou non d'effet de la vulnérabilité structurelle des pays en développement sur leur dette publique totale. Les résultats suggèrent qu'un tel effet existe : en l'occurrence, on montre l'existence d'une relation en forme de 'U' entre la vulnérabilité structurelle de ces pays et leur dette publique totale. En focalisant dans le chapitre 4 sur les pays de la zone Franc CFA, nous examinons si leur vulnérabilité structurelle conduit les gouvernements à un endettement excessif. Les résultats suggèrent que plus ces pays sont vulnérables, plus ils sont enclins à un endettement excessif et qu'au-delà d'un seuil de vulnérabilité, leur probabilité d'endettement excessif diminue. Ces résultats obtenus aussi bien pour l'ensemble des pays en développement que pour les pays de la zone Franc CFA suggère que les Institutions Internationales telles que la Banque Mondiale et le Fonds Monétaire International (FMI) devront prendre en compte cette vulnérabilité dans l'évaluation des politiques de développement ainsi que leurs recommandations – en particulier sur les questions liées à l'endettement – pour ces pays. / The issue of financing development in developing countries is at the heart of this thesis. The latter revolves around four chapters on financing development related matters. The chapter 1 explores how fiscal episodes in the main traditional OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) donors affect their supply of development aid towards developing countries. Evidence is shown that fiscal episodes affect significantly aid supply, with a behavioural difference between European Union and Non-European countries in terms of aid supply. The chapter 2 deals with the consequences of development aid unpredictability and migrants' remittances on fiscal consolidation in developing countries. We find evidence that while migrants' remittances exert a positive and significant effect on the likelihood of fiscal consolidation in developing countries, development aid unpredictability does not. These results particularly suggest that a better management of the revenues derived from these private transfers during their booms could help avoid such situations and allow greater room of maneuver for governments’ recipients to implement countercyclical measures during bad times. The chapter 3 investigates whether the structural vulnerability of developing countries matters for their public indebtedness and evidence is obtained that it does. More specifically, we observe the existence of U-curve relationship between this structural vulnerability and the total public debt of these countries. Focusing on the specific case of CFA Franc Zone countries in chapter 4, we examine the relationship between the structural vulnerability and the probability of entering into excessive public debt. We also obtain evidence of a nonlinear effect of the structural vulnerability indicator with respect to the probability of entering into excessive debt: a rise in the structural vulnerability of these countries increases their probability to engage into excessive debt; however this probability declines after a certain threshold of their structural vulnerability. These results (both for developing countries and particularly for CFA Franc Zone countries) suggest that international development institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) should take into account such vulnerability in their assessment of the adequate development policies and recommendations - especially those related to debt issues -, to these countries.

Data protection and transborder data flows : implications for Nigeria's integration into the global network economy

Allotey, Asuquo Kofi Essien 02 1900 (has links)
One of the realities that developing countries like Nigeria have to face today is that national and international markets have become more and more interconnected through the global platform of telecommunications and the Internet. This global networked economy is creating a paradigm shift in the focus of development goals and strategies particularly for developing countries. Globalisation is driving the nations of the world more into political and economic integration. These integrations are enhanced by a globally interconnected network of economic and communication systems at the apex of which is the Internet. This network of networks thrives on and encourages the expansion of cross-border flows of ideas and information, goods and services, technology and capital. Being an active member of the global network economy is essential to Nigeria’s economic development. It must plug into the network or risk being shut out. The global market network operates by means of rules and standards that are largely set by the dominant players in the network. Data protection is a critical component of the regime of rules and standards that govern the global network economy; it is evolving into an international legal order that transcends geographical boundaries. The EU Directive on data protection is the de facto global standard for data protection; it threatens to exclude non-EU countries without an adequate level of privacy protection from the EU market. More than 50 countries have enacted data protection laws modelled on the EU standard. Access to the huge EU market is a major motivation for the current trend in global harmonisation of domestic data protection laws. This trend provides a compelling reason for examining the issues relating to data protection and trans-border data flows and their implications for Nigeria’s desire to integrate into the global network economy. There are two primary motivations for legislating restrictions on the flow of data across national boundaries. The first is the concern for the privacy of the citizens, and second, securing the economic well-being of a nation. It is important that Nigeria’s privacy protection keeps pace with international norms in the provision of adequate protection for information privacy order to prevent potential impediments to international trading opportunities. / Public, Constitutional, and International / LL. D.

La sécurité du système bancaire africain : contribution à la modernisation de la régulation bancaire dans la CEMAC / The security of the african banking system : contribution to the modernization of banking regulation in the CEMAC

Ngomo Obiang, Renaud Fernand 14 May 2014 (has links)
La recrudescence des crises bancaires et financières place la problématique de la sécurité financière au centre des grands enjeux des politiques de régulation économique. En effet, la crise dite des Subprimes et les crises budgétaires y consécutives, puis la crise chypriote avec le sentiment de défiance du public qui en a résulté, amènent à penser que seule la sécurité financière permet de sauvegarder l’industrie financière malgré elle. Cet enjeu, plus pragmatique du reste, semble davantage trouver un écho en droit, contrairement à celui de stabilité financière qui apparait plutôt subjective, voire incantatoire.En Afrique centrale, comme dans les systèmes juridiques de tradition romano-latine, la question de la sécurité financière procède d’abord du statut juridique des déposants bancaires, de leur place dans l’ordre légal de désintéressement des créanciers, en cas défaillance. Mais la question de la sécurité d’un système bancaire intéresse aussi les établissements de crédit eux-mêmes, non simplement en raison de la nature risquée de leurs activités de transformation, mais surtout en raison de l’existence d’un risque systémique exacerbé par l’ingénierie financière. La question de la sécurité se pose dès lors non simplement en terme de protection des acteurs pris individuellement, mais davantage en terme de préservation voire de sauvegarde de l’outil économique qu’est le système bancaire et/ou financier. / The resurgence of banking and financial crises up the issue of financial security at the center of major policy issues of economic regulation. Indeed, the so-called subprime crisis and subsequent fiscal crises there, and the Cyprus crisis with a sense of public defiance that resulted, one may suggest that financial security will save the financial industry in spite of herself. This issue, more pragmatic moreover, seems to resonate more in law, unlike that of financial stability that appears rather subjective or incantatory. In Central Africa, as in the legal systems of Roman- Latin tradition, the question of financial security shall first the legal status of bank depositors, their place in the legal order of payment of creditors in the event of failure. But the question of the security of the banking system as interest credit institutions themselves, not simply because of the risky nature of their processing activities, but mainly because of the existence of systemic risk exacerbated by financial engineering. The question of safety arises therefore not simply in terms of protection of individual players , but more in terms of preservation or backup tool called economic banking and / or financial .


潮木, 守一, ジャマダル, ナシル・ウッディン, 加藤, 徳夫, 清水, 和樹, 中井, 俊樹, 塚越, 由美子, 岡村, 美由紀 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:06451049 研究代表者:潮木 守一 研究期間:1994-1996年度

The Role of Taxation in Nigeria's Oil and Gas Sector Reforms - Learning from the Canadian Experience

2015 November 1900 (has links)
Several stakeholders in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry have emphasized the need for petroleum sector reforms in Nigeria. Canada is reputed to have one of the best oil and gas tax regimes in the world. This thesis argues that certain tax measures in Canada’s oil and gas industry have considerable potential for addressing certain industry inefficiencies in Nigeria’s petroleum sector. In developing this argument, this thesis gives an overview of oil and gas taxation in both jurisdictions and examines the possibility of transferring laws between Nigeria and Canada by exploring legal and tax comparative law theories. The thesis also examines the major challenges in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry and identifies viable areas in Canada’s oil and gas tax system which have the potential to address these challenges. Given the peculiarities of oil and gas taxation in each jurisdiction, this thesis suggests that the selected Canadian fiscal and administrative measures may require certain modifications in order to make these measures more suitable for Nigeria’s legal and tax system.

An Analysis of the interventions to improve the geographic distribution of physicians in OECD countries

Danish, Alya 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Non-Discrimination Clause in Double Taxation Agreements / La Cláusula de no Discriminación en los Convenios de Doble Imposición

López Nieto, Sebastián 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the scope of the non-discrimination rule contained in Double Taxation Avoidance Treaties, especially those signed by Argentina. This document considers the OECD and the ILADT Models, which contain provisions designed to ensure that Contracting States do not give any preferential treatment in taxing its own residents or citizens as opposed to the treatment granted to non-residents. Additionally, it analyzes the recent jurisprudence in the Argentine Courts. / En el artículo se analiza el concepto y alcance del principio de “no discriminación” contenido en los Convenios para evitar la Doble Imposición, con especial énfasis en aquellos suscriptos por la República Argentina. Se analizan los Modelos de Convenio OCDE e ILADT, los cuales contienen provisiones diseñadas para prevenir que un Estado contratante otorgue a sus residentes o nacionales un tratamiento impositivo preferencial en relación al otorgado a los no residentes. Adicionalmente, se analiza la reciente jurisprudencia de los tribunales argentinos aplicable en la materia.

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