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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interdicting an adversary's economy viewed as a trade sanction inoperability input-output model

LeSeane, Cameron R. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / Reissued 30 May 2017 with Second Reader’s non-NPS affiliation added to title page. / The United States has made use of economic sanctions to achieve political goals by limiting the relationship between trade, travel, and finance. However, economists are uncertain if the use of economic sanctions is effective and achieves the desired results. Applying the notion of demand-based inoperability, we present two nonlinear models to identify the optimal placement of sanctions and assess the sanctions' cascading effects to all sectors of an adversary's economy. For purposes of demonstration and validation, we pose a hypothetical scenario in which the U.S. considers trade sanctions on Canada. Specifically, our analysis proposes the Trade Sanction Inoperability Input-Output Model (TS-IIM). We devised this model to permit ranking of sectors by the order in which the greatest production loss occurs. Given the strong dependence of Canada on the United States, is it reasonable to expect that a sanction could result in economic repercussions? In response to this question, we also present the Inter-Country Inoperability Input-Output Model (IC-IIM), which extends the TS-IIM by considering the reduction in trade in value added (TiVA) the U.S. economy will experience. Our results from the TS-IIM and IC-IIM lead us to conclude that the proper design of a sanction considers not only the impact to an adversary's economy, but also sanction's associated repercussions at home. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Současný pohled mezinárodních organizací na koncept celoživotního učení - srovnání UNESCO a OECD / Contemporary Perspectives of International Organisations on the Concept of Lifelong Learning - A Comparison of UNESCO and OECD

Moss, Linda January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the concept of lifelong learning as an ambitious political project born in the field of international organisations at the beginning of the 1970s which now reaches far beyond the borders of national states and education policy. The sphere of education still remains the responsibility of national governments, however, even here strong globalising tendencies have occurred since the 1990s, as a result of which the national policy is more and more being influenced by supranational institutions. Although the concept of lifelong learning now serves as a common framework, it has been interpreted differently during its evolution and a consensus on what it exactly means and how it should be put into practice still does not exist. Based on analysis of key documents, this thesis aims to compare the view of lifelong learning held by the international organisation UNESCO with that of OECD, as two distinctive perspectives on this issue. The comparison draws on Rubenson's model (2004), which examines lifelong learning through three key categories representing the main actors of social life - the state, the market and civil society. As this topic has not been widely explored in the Czech Republic, this thesis aims to present a complete overview, including a critical assessment of both...

Dualiteternas förbannelse : En översikt över evidensproblematiserande litteratur och dess implikationer för utbildningsområdet / The Curse of the Dualities : An overview of evidence-problematizing literature and its implications for thefield of education

Ivarsson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Föreliggande uppsats behandlar debatten om hur den svenska skolan ska evidensbaseras på bästa sätt. Olika former av evidensdefinitioners lämplighet för tillämpning inom utbildningsområdet utgör således fokus i uppsatsen och undersöks med hjälp av två svenska tvärvetenskapliga antologier och en svensk fenomenologisk doktorsavhandling. Huvudsakligt fokus läggs på utrönandet av det så kallade Cochrane-formatets lämplighet. Detta som en följd av att dess evidensdefinition förfäktas av OECD, en inflytelserik part i debatten, och att det visat sig vara en populär evidensdefinition hos politiska makthavare, bl. a. i Danmark. Utrönandet av Cochrane-formatets lämplighet för utbildningsområdet inleds genom en redogörelse för hur Cochrane-formatet växt fram som ett svar på bristen av metodologisk stringens inom sjukvården, en brist som äldre metoder, så som registerstudier och klinisk epidemiologi, visat sig inkapabla att hantera. Därefter definieras särarten i Cochrane-formatets evidensdefinition; randomiserade kliniska prövningar och metaanalyser och systematiska översikter av dessa. Dess lämplighet undersöks sedermera utifrån tre lämplighetskategorier; ändamålsenlighet, implementerbarhet och trovärdighet. Undersökningen visar på att betydande problematik föreligger i relation till Cochrane-formatets lämplighet för det svenska utbildningsområdet. Detta främst som en följd av dess reduktionistiska fokus på metodologisk stringens. Uppsatsen redogör för, och problematiserar, efter detta den mångfald av alternativa evidensdefinitioner som uppstått som ett svar på kraven på evidensbaserad praktik. Också denna mångfald av alternativ visar sig uppbära betydande problem. Detta främst som en följd av dess ambivalenta fokus på praktisk relevans. Efter detta undersöks litteraturens förslag på lösningar på Cochrane-formatets reduktionism och ambivalensen i mångfalden av alternativa evidensdefinitioner, vilka visar sig landa i en uppfattning om att problemet ska lösas genom en balansakt mellan metodologisk stringens och praktisk relevans genom modifierade varianter av critical appraisal som möjliggör ett beaktande av för- och nackdelar i den professionella praktiken. Slutligen diskuteras rimligheten i litteraturens resonemang och följderna av dess begränsningar. I diskussionen framställs själva idén om konkreta och enkla evidensdefinitioner som den faktor som förhindrar framväxten av den evidensbaserade skolan. Utifrån detta landar uppsatsen slutligen i en slutsats om att det finns ett behov av blocköverskridande politisk enighet i relation till skolan samt tvärvetenskapliga samarbeten mellan forskningsparadigm och yrkesverksamma lärare i syfte att utarbeta möjligheter för lärare att evidensbasera sitt arbete utifrån dess kontextuella förutsättningar, oberoende av de ideologiska och paradigmatiska maktförhållanden som råder.

Právo mezinárodního obchodu s elektřinou / International Power Trading Law

Vaculíková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, Department of Commercial Law Dissertation topic: International Power Trading Law Author: Mgr. Klára Vaculíková March 2011 The purpose of the thesis was legal analysis of the power trading in the today's global world. This entails mainly the discipline of international private law. Power trading, in particular transactions on sale and purchase of electric power with an international element are subject to general rules of international private law. Nevertheless, the exceptional nature of electric power and of its disposition described in the thesis makes the area of power trading quite special sub-discipline of international private law. In the same time, very complex and significantly relevant part of the power trading, which the study cannot avoid to consider, is the regulatory framework, within which this specific sort of business is carried on. After introductory Chapter One, the thesis describes characteristic issues in the international power trading, in its Chapter Two. Chapter Three provides necessary basic conceptual classification of the given topic within the system of law. Although the main topic of this thesis is the core of the power trading business, meaning the private transactions related to electric power and their analysis, fair part...

Can Changes to Tax Policy Have an Impact on a Shrinking Middle Class? : An explorative and comparative case study of changes to tax policy in Sweden and the United States

Ramirez, Karen January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Energy, Environment and Transportation : An Actor-Role Network Analysis of the World Energy Outlook 1977-2016

Söderqvist, Felicia January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores how energy and environmental issues have been presented in the transportation sector over time in World Energy Outlook (WEO) publications; the flagship publication of the International Energy Agency (IEA). The thesis covers WEO publications from the first publication of 1977 up to 2016 (with the exception of WEO 1982). The data was extracted through the aid of interpretive content analysis, focusing on the transport sector. Energy and Environmental issues within the context of transportation were then discussed as to their roles and forms of action they were ascribed throughout the publications. Actor-network theory was used as a theoretical framework to map and showcase how these roles and actions conditioned and connected to each other. The results of the study show that energy has had a tendency to be divided into the camps of fuels that are either solutions or problems. The exceptions are biofuels, which stand out as fuels that are both solutions and problematic. The environmental issues are solved and caused through energy use, and in 1977,environmental consideration were presented as obstacles to energy security. In 1993 global warming and emissions have changed into being major policy concern. Pollution, congestion, dust, noise, and related health issues are added to the fray as time proceeds, and so are more forms of energy for solutions. Goals and interests showcased in the publications are shown to conflict with others, while energy efficiency as a solution has emerged as a solution to both global warming and energy security. The transport sector starts of as framed more asan area or space where environmental issues take place and solutions are implemented,however, increasing motorisation of the sector and traffic and its role as amajor emitter are later added as active aspects of the conditioning of thesector and in offsetting the solutions. Regional cases are used to exemplify the issues and solutions, with a major focus on OECD contexts, and technological renewal emerges early on as a mayor pathway in solving the environmental issues, through the support of consumers. However, the major issues still remain the same as in 1993.

Le choc pétrolier, nouvelle impulsion ou ralentissant pour la politique énergétique commune? Les politiques énergétiques de la Communauté européenne autour le premier choc pétrolier. / “The oil crisis, lever or barrier for the development of a common European energy policy?The energy policy of the European Community at the time of the first oil shock.”

Beers, Marloes 08 January 2015 (has links)
RésuméCette thèse a pour but de contribuer à l'histoire des communautés européennes et à la compréhension du processus de prise de décision au sein de cette coopération. Elle a pour objectif de clarifier l'importance du choc pétrolier pour la coopération européenne. Plus particulièrement, elle vise à comprendre quels effets immédiats et à court terme cette crise eut sur le développement d'une politique énergétique commune : La crise pétrolière fut-elle un levier ou une barrière au développement d'une politique énergétique commune? D'un côté, il se peut que le choc pétrolier ait accéléré le processus de prise de décision parce qu'il créa une urgence à traiter les problèmes d'approvisionnement du moment et à changer la dépendance européenne envers le pétrole du Moyen-Orient sur le long terme. D'un autre côté, il se peut que le choc pétrolier ait ralenti l'évolution d'une politique énergétique commune en intensifiant une confrontation entre les perspectives divergentes des Neuf, bloquant ainsi tout compromis. Dans ce contexte, des questions se posent quant aux raisons pour lesquelles les états membres recherchaient une coopération dans le domaine énergétique sans chercher de compromis au niveau de leurs intérêts divergents.Cette thèse a donné un aperçu sur différents aspects du processus de prise de décision dans les communautés européennes. La Commission européenne apparait dans cette recherche comme intervenant activement dans le développement d'une politique énergétique commune après la fusion de l'exécutif des communautés en 1967. L'échec de consensus en mai 1973 prouve toutefois que le besoin d'une coopération énergétique commune des gouvernements nationaux ait été moins fort que les différences d'intérêt mutuelles. En outre, on peut en conclure que les Neuf jugèrent l'OCDE comme un organisme plus approprié pour faire face aux tensions du moment du marché pétrolier.Après le début du choc pétrolier la coopération au niveau supranational fut considérablement minimisée. Il est certain que la Commission ne resta pas apathique face aux problèmes pétroliers lors du choc pétrolier. L'institution réagit vivement aux déclarations des pays producteurs de pétrole par des propositions de juridiction sur une politique pétrolière à court terme et des lettres insistant sur une position commune face aux problèmes d'approvisionnement en pétrole. Au sein de la Commission plusieurs comités et groupes furent créés, ou se rencontrèrent plus fréquemment, et se concentrèrent sur différents aspects du choc pétrolier.Le choc pétrolier ne fut pas un accélérateur du traitement des juridictions au niveau commun. Toutefois, il y a quelques remarques à faire. Il convient de mentionner que le Groupe de l'énergie du Conseil permit, curieusement, un forum pour la discussion d'actions communes possibles pour traiter les problèmes pétroliers du moment. En outre, la création du Comité de l'énergie signifiait un changement important dans le processus européen de prise décision. Troisièmement, l'OCDE a eu un rôle plus important que constaté avant en tant qu'acteur important du processus de prise de décision européen au niveau de l'énergie.Lors du choc pétrolier il ne fut pas donné à la Commission européenne de rôle d'élaboration de politique concernant les problèmes pétroliers du moment. Dans une première phase, le Conseil refusa ce rôle à la Commission à cause des mesures arabes sur les réductions de production et par crainte d'aggraver la situation. Mais même si cet argument n'était plus valable, les propositions pour des politiques à court termes de la Commission ne furent pas acceptées. Par contre, à cette époque, il fut confié à la Commission la tâche d'élaborer un programme à moyen et long terme pour une politique énergétique commune jusqu'en 1985. À cet égard, le choc pétrolier semble avoir été le catalyseur d'une politique énergétique commune. / This thesis aims to contribute to the history of the European communities and to the understanding of the decision-making process within this cooperation. More specifically, it seeks an answer to the question of what immediate and short-term effects he oil shock had on the development of a common energy policy: Was the oil crisis a lever or a barrier for the development of a common European energy policy? On the one hand, the oil shock may have possibly accelerated the decision-making process because it created an urgency to deal with the current supply problems and to change the European dependency on Middle Eastern oil on the longer term. On the other hand, the oil shock may have slowed down the development of a common energy policy by escalating a confrontation between the diverging perspectives of the Nine, blocking, in this way, a compromise. In this context, questions arise about the reasons why member states were searching for cooperation in the field of energy without searching for a compromise for their diverging interests.This thesis gives insight into different aspects of the decision-making process at the European communities. The European Commission emerges from the research as an active actor in the development towards a common energy policy after the merger of the communities' executives in 1967. The failure to reach consensus in May 1973 shows, however, that the need from national governments for a joint energy cooperation was less significant than the mutual differences of interest. Moreover, it might be concluded that the Nine deemed the OECD a more appropriate body to face the current tensions in the oil market. Two weeks after the Energy Council, they had committed themselves to the consumer cooperation at the OECD, just like the other member countries of this organisation. The idea for such a closer cooperation had been pushed by the United States since 1972. Within the OECD's Oil Committee, the theme of a worldwide apportionment scheme was being discussed as well as the danger of outbidding prices. The most important questions of the time were thus already discussed within this forum which maintained the large advantage of including the United States.After the start of the oil shock, cooperation at supranational level was significantly minimised, although the Commission did certainly not remain apathetic towards the oil problems. The institution swiftly reacted to the oil producer countries' announcements with new proposals for jurisdiction on short-term oil policy and letters insisting on a joint position faced with the oil supply problems. Within the Commission several committees and groups were created, and existing committees met more regularly, and focused on different aspects of the oil shock. The oil shock was not an accelerator for the processing of jurisdiction at common level. Noteworthy is the fact, however, that the Energy Group of the Council surprisingly provided a forum for the discussion of possible common actions to counter the current oil problems. Moreover, the creation of this Energy Committee signified an important change within the European decision-making process. Thirdly, the OECD had a more important role than assumed in other studies in this field, as an actor in the European decision-making process on energy.During the oil shock the European Commission was not attributed a role in the policy making concerning the current oil problems. In a first phase, the Council refused to such a role for the Commission because of the Arab measures on production cuts and a fear to aggravate the situation. But even when this argument no longer applied the proposals for jurisdiction of the Commission were not accepted. By contrast, at that time the Commission was given the assignment of elaborating a mid- and long-term programme for a common energy policy until 1985. In that respect, the oil shock seems to have been a catalyst for a common energy policy.

La lutte contre les paradis fiscaux à l'aune des exemples français et américain / The fight against tax havens in French and American laws

De Ravel d'Esclapon, Anne 16 November 2016 (has links)
Les scandales financiers survenus ces dernières années et l'hémorragie des recettes fiscales ont remis sur le devant de la scène la lutte contre les paradis fiscaux. Au niveau national, la France et les États-Unis ont mis en place tout un arsenal de dispositifs afin de mettre un terme à l'utilisation des paradis fiscaux. Ils ont renforcé leur législation, qui met l'accent sur la coopération en matière fiscale. L'efficacité de la lutte contre les paradis fiscaux nécessite également une intervention au niveau international. L'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement économiques en est le chef de file et met en œuvre une série de mesures en faveur de la coopération en matière fiscale, tout comme l'Union européenne. C'est donc autour de deux axes que se constitue la lutte contre les paradis fiscaux : l'unilatéralisme et le multilatéralisme. / Financial scandals and the massive drain of tax revenue have highlighted the fight against tax havens. At a national level, France and the United States are strengthening their laws in order to eradicate tax havens. They focus on tax cooperation. But the fight has to be also at an international level. The OECD and the European Union are adopting an important series of measures about tax cooperation. The fight against tax havens is organized around two main lines: unilateralism and multilateralism.

A autorregulação da destinação final dos resíduos nanotecnológicos: a possibilidade de utilização do protocolo da OECD e do pluralismo jurídico (Teubner) para Gestão do Risco do Nanowaste

Leal, Daniele Weber da Silva 22 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-11-14T12:32:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniele Weber da Silva Leal_.pdf: 8788752 bytes, checksum: 05403935f61c00a5d8015dee9a383bc1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-14T12:32:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniele Weber da Silva Leal_.pdf: 8788752 bytes, checksum: 05403935f61c00a5d8015dee9a383bc1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-22 / Nenhuma / Enfrenta-se na atualidade as novas demandas oriundas de complexidades da era nanotecnológica. São diversos produtos em escala nano, difundidos pela sociedade em todas as áreas, como nos cosméticos, medicina, engenharia, construção civil, remediação ambiental, dentre tantos outros. Contudo, paralelamente às promessas benéficas, verifica-se o (potencial) risco. Tal faceta vem permeada por dúvidas, incertezas científicas quanto aos possíveis impactos das nanos na vida humana e meio ambiente. Seus efeitos no ecossistema, até o momento, não tiveram reflexos concretos. Surgem consternações antes sequer imaginadas, dada às particularidades da escala nano e sua interação com o ecossistema. Ante a crescente produção industrial das nanotecnologias, e utilização difundida na sociedade, observa-se uma nova inquietação: os resíduos nanotecnológicos, ou nanowaste. Quanto maior a circulação de nanoprodutos, maior será o descarte ao final da vida útil de nanomateriais. Relacionando-se ainda no contexto de risco, de que forma o nanowaste poderia obter uma destinação final adequada? Resposta para tal questionamento encontrar-se-á na análise do ciclo de vida dos nanomaterias, aliado ao estudo específico realizado pela OECD, sobre a gestão dos resíduos nanotecnológicos, iluminado pelas bases do Princípio da Precaução. Não se encontram marcos regulatórios específicos para as nanotecnologias, tampouco sobre o nanowaste. Portanto, esta investigação tem por objetivo demonstrar de que maneira o protocolo específico sobre resíduos nanotecnológicos, da OECD, localizada em espaço destacado em âmbito internacional, poderá ser adotado como instrumento autorregulatório, a fim de regular a destinação final do nanowaste como gestão de risco, num espaço iluminado pelo princípio da precaução. Utilizar-se-á a metodologia sistêmico-construtivista, aliada à análise de dados na coleta de dados de documentos da OECD. Neste contexto, como a estruturação dos elementos do Pluralismo Jurídico proposto por Gunther Teubner, aliado aos pools de responsabilidade (dialogando ainda com a comunicação de Luhmann), poderão contribuir para modelar um instrumento de autorregulação, permeado pelo princípio da precaução, a partir do protocolo específico da OECD? Adotando e validando o instrumento da OECD, como medida de autorregulação, será possibilitada uma verdadeira gestão do nanowaste, utilizando mecanismos mínimos na destinação final e tratamento dos resíduos, protegendo o meio ambiente e vida humana, respeitando a precaução, e ainda como medida de desenvolvimento responsável da era nanotecnológica. / Currently it’s faced the challenge of new demands arising from the nanotechnology’s complexities era are. They are various products at nano scale, spread by society in all areas, such as cosmetics, medicine, engineering, civil construction, environmental remediation, among many others. However, in parallel with the beneficial promises, there is (potential) risk. This facet is permeated by doubts, scientific uncertainties about the possible nano impacts on human life and the environment. Its effects on the ecosystem, so far, have not had concrete effects. Shown are dismay before imagined, given the particularities of the nano scale and its interaction with the ecosystem. Given the growing industrial production of nanotechnologies, and widespread use in society, there is a new concern: nanotechnology wastes, or nanowaste. The higher the circulation of nanoproducts, the greater the disposal at the end of the useful life of nanomaterials. Still in the context of risk, how could nanowaste get an adequate final disposal? An answer to this question will be found in the life cycle analysis of nanomaterials, together with the specific study carried out by the OECD, on the management of nanotechnological wastes, illuminated by the principles of the Precautionary Principle. There are no regulatory specific frameworks to nanotechnologies, nor about nanowaste. Therefore, this research aims to demonstrate how the specific protocol on nanotechnology residues of the OECD, located in a prominent international space, could be adopted as a self-regulatory instrument in order to regulate the final destination of nanowaste as risk management, in a space illuminated by the precautionary principle. The systemic-constructivist methodology, combined with the data analysis in the OECD data collection, will be used. In this context, such as the structuring of the elements of Legal Pluralism proposed by Gunther Teubner, together with the pools of responsibility (also in dialogue with Luhmann's communication), may help to model an instrument of self-regulation, permeated by the precautionary principle, specific to the OECD? Adopting and validating the OECD instrument, as a self-regulation measure, a true management of the nanowaste will be possible, using minimal mechanisms in the final disposal and treatment of waste, protecting the environment and human life, respecting the precaution, and also as a measure of responsible development for the nanotechnology era.

Planejamento tributário, erosão da base tributável e o Plano de Ação do BEPS: uma análise acerca dos impactos do Plano de Ação da OCDE ma legislação brasileira

Soufen, Raquel Arruda 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-10-28T10:59:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Raquel Arruda Soufen - Prefaciais.pdf: 13655 bytes, checksum: c93308d746e3b4103b134d2f1ecced32 (MD5) Raquel Arruda Soufen - Texto.pdf: 299295 bytes, checksum: b2046ce22cb6854309399044d95e37bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-28T10:59:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Raquel Arruda Soufen - Prefaciais.pdf: 13655 bytes, checksum: c93308d746e3b4103b134d2f1ecced32 (MD5) Raquel Arruda Soufen - Texto.pdf: 299295 bytes, checksum: b2046ce22cb6854309399044d95e37bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / This study aims to analyze the recommendations proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") together with the G20, with regard to combating base erosion profit split ("BEPS"). The study will be developed under the Brazilian legislation, and will examine how these guidelines can be implemented in Brazil, and if they could not, whether such guidelines would impact in any way our rules. In addition, it will be demonstrated that, despite the OECD's recommendations have not binding on Brazil, the BEPS's resolutions end up influencing the decisions of Brazilian multinationals / O presente estudo visa estudar as medidas propostas pela Organização e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Econômico ("OCDE"), conjuntamente com o grupo G20, no que tange ao combate à erosão de base tributária ("BEPS"). O estudo será desenvolvido sob o pronto de vista do sistema tributário brasileiro, e irá analisar como tais medidas podem ser aplicadas no Brasil, e em caso negativo, se tais medidas repercutiriam na legislação brasileira. Adicionalmente, buscar-se-á demonstrar que, apesar das recomendações da OCDE não terem caráter vinculante para o Brasil, as resoluções do BEPS acabam influenciando as decisões das empresas multinacionais brasileiras

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