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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traduire la lettre vive, vers une approche théorique de la traduction théâtrale : l’exemple du duo dans le répertoire britannique / Translating for the stage, a theoretical approach based on two-character scenes in British drama

Vatain-Corfdir, Julie 21 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une réflexion théorique et esthétique sur la traduction du théâtre, à partir d’un corpus de scènes à deux personnages (duos et duels) tirées du répertoire britannique, de l’époque élisabéthaine à nos jours. Selon la démarche traductologique recommandée par Antoine Berman, un parcours historique des théories fait d’abord ressortir la nécessité croissante, dans la pensée de la traduction, de prendre en compte les exigences spécifiques posées par le genre du texte — par sa forme et par son usage. S’impose alors un travail de définition du langage dramatique comme matière vivante et sonore, qui concentre les effets et prépare l’incarnation. Ceci conduit à l’analyse détaillée de sa traduction, depuis l’expressivité des phonèmes jusqu’aux grandes articulations de toute la scène et aux rapports qui s’établissent entre la voix de personnages venus d’ailleurs et l’écoute du public. La traduction participe ainsi à la recréation de l’œuvre théâtrale, tout en permettant d’explorer sa nature paradoxale, entre le dit et l’écrit. / The aim of this thesis is to provide a theoretical and aesthetic background for the translation of theatre, basing the analysis on a corpus of two-character scenes (love scenes, duels or witty dialogues), from the Elisabethan age to contemporary British authors. Following the method for translation analysis recommended by Antoine Berman, the thesis begins with a historical overview of translation theories which highlights the growing need to take into account the demands of each genre in terms of form as well as use. It is then necessary to define the language of theatre as acting matter—words which are efficient, resonant, and alive. This leads to a detailed analysis of their translation, from the expressivity of phonemes to the mechanics of a whole scene and to the relationship between the voices of foreign characters and the audience’s perception. Thus, translation becomes a way of participating in the recreation of a dramatic work of art, while providing a way to explore its paradoxical nature, halfway between the spoken word and the written word.

Poéticas que germinan entre la voz y la letra : itinerarios de la palabra a partir de las obras de Hugo Jamioy y Anastasia Candre / Poétiques qui germent entre la voix et la lettre : itinéraires de la parole à partir des œuvres de Hugo Jamioy et Anastasia Candre / Poetics that germinate between the voice and the letter : itineraries of the word from the works of Hugo Jamioy and Anastasia Candre

Vargas Pardo, Camilo 28 September 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche présente une lecture des textes poétiques de deux auteurs indigènes contemporains: Hugo Jamioy Juagibioy et Anastasia Candre Yamacuri. Dans leurs œuvres, ils évoquent des pratiques culturelles et des expressions rituelles des groupes ethniques auxquels ils s’identifient. Ce pourquoi cette étude établit des liens entre les textes poétiques et les contextes culturels où se déroule l’art verbal des camënstá et múruimuina, respectivement. Dans la première partie nous encadrons cette analyse dans une perspective conceptuelle, historiographique et critique dans le débat académique qui réfléchit sur l’incorporation des expressions littéraires de racine orale dans le domaine des études littéraires. La deuxième partie comprend deux chapitres à propos de l’œuvre de chaque auteur. Chaque chapitre expose une analyse qui se partage entre l’herméneutique littéraire et une approche documentaire et ethnographique des contextes rituels évoqués dans leurs œuvres. De cette façon, nous constatons que ces auteurs mettent en lumière la dignité de leurs langues maternelles, ainsi que les formes d’expression symbolique de leurs groupes ethniques vis-à-vis de la société majoritaire. De plus, leurs textes expriment des formes alternatives d’interprétation du monde à partir d’un exercice complexe de traduction qui constitue une poétique particulière. / This research focuses on two contemporary indigenous authors and their poetic texts: Hugo Jamioy Juagibioyand Anastasia Candre Yamacuri. In their work, these authors evoke cultural practices and ritual expressions ofthe ethnic groups which they identify with. Bridges between the poetic texts and the cultural areas where theCamëntsá and the Múrui-Muina verbal art exist, will be proposed. In the first part, I will analyze conceptually,historically and critically, the academic debate about literary expressions with oral roots that have beenincluded in the field of Literary Studies. The second part is divided in two pieces, each one focusing on one ofthe authors. An analysis between literary hermeneutics and ethnography on the ritual contexts and culturalpractices that the authors mention in their texts will be used. In celebrating in the society at large their ownnative language and the symbolic expressions of their ethnic groups, Candre’s and Jamioy’s texts propose aunique poetics based on a complex translation exercise, and an alternative interpretation of the world.

Las canciones infantiles de transmisión oral en Murcia durante el siglo XX

Martín Escobar, María Jesús 18 January 2002 (has links)
Investigations carried out by us in Murcia have brought to the fore the changes in children's orality as expressed in their songs. We have analyzed many children's songs transmitted through the oral tradition, which, in experiments in situ, we compiled from all the provinces of that Region and covering the entire XX century, given that the persons who enlightened us were aged from 4 to 99. Our fieldwork was not only limited to assembling the music and text of the songs, but also included the social, cultural and functional data of each song, whereby the analysis assumed an Anthropological profile. This thesis shows how children's songs have always been predetermined by the changing circumstances suffered by children throughout the entire century. The relationship between children's musical orality and the changing social and cultural climate in Murcia is possibly an indication of similar processes in other geographical areas. / En investigaciones realizadas en la Región de Murcia hemos venido verificando cambios en la oralidad infantil a través de sus canciones. Hemos analizado numerosos cantos infantiles de transmisión oral recogidos en trabajos de campo de todas las comarcas y décadas del siglo XX, pues acudimos a informantes entre 4 y 99 años. Esos trabajos no se limitaron al acopio de los elementos musicales y textuales de las canciones, sino que incluyeron datos del contexto social, cultural y funcional de cada una, por lo que el análisis entró en el campo de la Antropología musical. Esta tesis muestra cómo las canciones infantiles han venido estando sobredeterminadas por el entorno cambiante de la infancia a lo largo del siglo. La relación entre oralidad musical infantil y el mutante entorno socioeconómico de Murcia puede revelar procesos similares en otras áreas geográficas.

The spoken and the written word : stylistic creation in Black broadcasting.

Mkhize, V. V. O. January 1993 (has links)
In this investigation an attempt is made to show that in the world of radio communications in South Africa the oral mode of expression or radio oralism is manifestly more valued than the literate mode. The study deals with three basic issues: firstly, the new electronic culture which, to a large extent, depends on the spoken word, secondly, the significance of the spoken word that new mass media has developed; and, thirdly, what is likely to happen in broadcasting as a whole in South Africa, where the new oralism already had a decisive impact. The study explores the structure of the oral poetic language of radio grammar by examining black announcers' language usage. The thesis focuses on the individual announcer, her or his repertoure of repetitions and styles, and the quality of her or his practice of the traditional artistic expressions. It explores why one phrase is used and not another; it examines the many forms of repetition, their meanings, sounds, and the sound patterns formed by what precedes and follows them. starting with the individual announcer, the study worked outwards to the group to which she/he belongs, namely to other announcers who have influenced him or her and then to South African black society as a whole. The language of black South African radio announcers is in many respects stylised and ordered. In their creations, these announcers have incorporated praise names, geneologies and formulas which show their reliance both on the more specialized bardic repertoire and on the wider Izibongo tradition. At the end of this study, four things are noted: 1. The meaning of word in radio is controlled by what Goody and Watt (1968:28) call 'direct semantic ratification', that is by the real-life situations in which the word is used here and now. Words acquire their meanings only from their insistent actual habits - these include gestures, vocal inflections, and the entire human existential setting in which real, spoken words always occur. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1993.

Analisis de los mecanismos orales que han asegurado la conservacion del romancero en Colombia con referencia especial a las colecciones hechas por G. Beutler, G. de Granda, F. Dougherty y G. Hersalek.

Hersalek, Gloria. January 1997 (has links)
The thesis is a description and analysis of the oral style devices on four collections undertaken by G.Beutler, G. de Granda, F. Dougherty and G. Hersalek in Colombia. Themes and their transmitters are analysed. Oral features such as formulas, the uses of repetition and parallelism as well as variability are explored in individual chapters which are illustrated with Colombian texts. The thesis consists of an introduction to the theme of the Oral Spanish Balladry and its collections; a summarized description of the primary sources; an annotated transcription of our compilation of texts in the department of Boyaca and five chapters of analysis and description of oral style mechanisms. Charts showing the themes collected in Colombia and the number, gender and age of its repositories are included. Maps indicate the departments in Colombia where those themes were found. Graphs have the purpose to show a clearer perspective on the distribution of the Spanish Balladry in Colombia, thus, offering a guide for new researchers. This analysis shows that the Colombian transmitters have made use both of the oral style devices inherited from Spain as well as their own initiative that has produced innovations at different levels in this tradition. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1997.

Les critiques et les pratiques de l’oralité et de l’écriture dans la tradition philosophique grecque de l’Antiquité

Cambron-Goulet, Mathilde 10 1900 (has links)
À la lecture d’ouvrages philosophiques anciens, nous sommes souvent surpris par la virulence des critiques adressées à l’écriture, dans la mesure où ces critiques nous parviennent au moyen de textes écrits. N’est-il pas paradoxal de tout à la fois rejeter et utiliser une même technologie ? Ou est-ce que les pratiques de l’oralité et de l’écriture des philosophes grecs, telles que ceux-ci les décrivent dans leurs ouvrages, peuvent être cohérentes avec leurs critiques ? Notre thèse visait, d’une part, à répondre à ce questionnement en confrontant les pratiques des philosophes anciens aux critiques qu’ils adressent à l’écriture, par le biais d’une étude systématique des discours sur la lecture et l’écriture dans des textes anciens d’auteurs et d’époques variés, et notamment des textes qui n’ont pas l’écriture pour objet. D’autre part, comme les travaux déjà publiés sur ce thème tentaient le plus souvent de trouver le point de rupture entre la tradition orale et la tradition écrite (cf. Havelock 1963, Lentz 1989), nous avons voulu inscrire notre objet d’étude dans une plus longue durée, ce qui nous a permis de constater qu’une rupture radicale entre les philosophes de tradition orale et ceux appartenant à la tradition écrite n’avait pas eu lieu, et que l’on observait plutôt une continuité des critiques et des pratiques de l’oralité et de l’écriture depuis l’époque classique jusqu’à l’Antiquité tardive. Malgré le développement de nouveaux supports matériels pour l’écriture, l’émergence d’une religion du livre, et la mise à l’écrit des poèmes homériques, la tradition philosophique grecque témoigne d’un usage circonspect de l’écriture et du refus de rejeter définitivement l’oralité. / When we read ancient philosophical works, often we are surprised to find that the Greek philosophers strongly criticize literacy, as we are still confronted with a written text. Is it not paradoxical to reject a technology while still using it? Or is the philosophers’ practice of literacy, as described in their works, consistent with their criticism? Is the philosophers’ practice of literacy, as described in their works, consistent with their criticism of it? This thesis aims to answer these questions, firstly, by comparing the ancient philosophers’ criticism of literacy to their practice of it, through the study of what various authors from various periods say about reading and writing. On the other hand, since earlier works on this topic have proposed that the classical period witnessed a sudden and, to a certain extent, definitive turn to literacy, and have tried to locate this turn in time, I have examined the situation in a broader perspective, over a longer period of time. The results show that, if we consider how philosophers criticize literacy and how they describe themselves in their own discourses, literacy patterns tended to remain similar until late Antiquity; and that, in spite of Aristotle's new use of literacy, the criticism we find in Plato lingers on. As a result, what we usually call the transition from an oral tradition to a written tradition could be better viewed as a cultural continuity. In spite of the commitment to writing recording of the Homeric poems, of the emerging of a book-centered religion, and notwithstanding an evident use of literacy, the ancient philosophical tradition testifies to a refusal, both theoretical and practical, of throwing away orality.

Compliments and caveats : an 'implicated' view of Zulu personal naming as a retaliatory function in the Emaqwabeni and Kwaluthuli areas of Kwazulu-Natal.

Gumede, Mzuyabonga Amon. January 2000 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

A study of the Afro-American oral tradition with special reference to the formal aspects of the poetry of spirituals.

Nobin, Brian Edward. January 1991 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the Afro-American oral tradition with special reference to the formal aspects of the poetry of spirituals. In the introduction. an attempt has been made to take a look at the value of oral tradition; the interplay between oral and written tradition; the use made of orality in a society that was denied conventional literacy; the concept and the definition of the term, “spiritual". The organization of the rest of the essay is as follows: The sections are divided into four chapters. The first chapter concerns the origins of Afro-American spirituals and the anthropological foundations of the Afro-American oral style (anthropology of gesture). In addition, an attempt has been made to place the Afro-American oral tradition vis-a-vis the African oral tradition. The second chapter deals with key characteristics in the expressive phase of the Afro-American slave community with special reference to the dynamics of language usage. In the third chapter, there is consideration in some detail on the Afro-American oral composer and the transmission of the spirituals in an oral style milieu. The fourth chapter investigates stylized expression and is devoted to analyses of mnemotechnical devices within the spirituals. In the concluding chapter, an attempt has been made to take an overall look at Afro-American sacred poetic achievement. I must point out that it is not my intention to embark on any technical analysis of the music form and configuration of the spirituals - that is beyond the scope of this essay. In including "representative" samples of spirituals (and portions of spirituals), I do not intend them to be seen as "islands unto themselves" but rather, each spiritual must be seen as part of the whole corpus of Afro-American sacred oral composition. The question may arise: "Why a study of the Afro-American spirituals when there is so much to be studied on the oral traditions of Southern Africa? My response would be that the spirituals fascinate me for I see in them their widespread influence on the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in South Africa. The Gospel song, so beloved of Pentecostal congregations, is an heir to the Spiritual. An enquiry on the sacred music and performance styles (improvisation, extemporization, dance, handclapping, shouts, etc.) of Pentecostalism will reveal that much of the Afro-American oral style still exists within the fellowship of Black and, venture to say, all Pentecostal churches in South Africa with obvious nuances that vary from denomination to denomination. But, the spirited and lively sacred music is encouraged and preserved. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1991.

Izwe alithuthuki by Phuzekhemisi as sung in KwaZulu-Natal : maskandi song as social protest analysed as an oral-style text.

Hadebe, Josiah Sillo. January 2000 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

The influence of oral culture and English on the academic and social interaction among tertiary students for whom English is not a mother - tongue.

Maharaj, Prenitha. January 1995 (has links)
The oral background, ability in English and academic and social interaction of the non mother-tongue student was the focus of this study. The oral background of the African student is an important consideration as it helps one to contextualise his life and educational experiences. A severe lack of knowledge and interest in each others' cultures and backgrounds among all the players at the tertiary institution was apparent. The focus group interview technique was adapted to elicit students' perceptions of their own problems. This technique proved invaluable in allowing participants to express their views freely, thus offering the researcher an in-depth insight into their life at the tertiary institution and an understanding of the problems they encounter. The focus group discussion was supplemented by questionnaires. The study comprised 40 non mother-tongue students who were divided into 8 groups of 5 students each. On completion of the group discussion, a verbatim transcript of each audio-recording was made. Analyses of the focus group discussion and the questionnaire revealed that non mother-tongue students do in fact experience many problems with academic and social interaction due to their cultural background and ability in English. These students feel isolated and misunderstood. Racism, albeit subtle, seems to be a problem on the campus. It was found that with a few exceptions, there is very little difference between the experiences of the first year students as compared to the second year students. Also, the admissions criteria for the different faculties did not 'eliminate' problems.This illustrates that the problems do not 'disappear' after a whole year at the institution, because the underlying causes are not being addressed. One cannot expect the non mother-tongue student to simply adapt to the new experiences, namely, a different environment and a second language as the medium of instruction and communication. Several recommendations were made for the implementation of the research findings in the tertiary environment. Further research possibilities were also suggested. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.

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