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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förutsättningar för vuxnas lärande : En observationsstudie influerad av ramfaktorteorin

Wikner, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Abstrakt Wikner, E. (2015). Förutsättningar för vuxnas lärande: En observationsstudie influerad av ramfaktorteorin. Högskolan i Gävle.   Detta arbete är en observationsstudie med syfte att undersöka vilka förutsättningar för lärande är vid tre specifika lärandesituationer i samhället samt att undersöka hur förutsättningarna varierar beroende på vad det är man ska lära sig. Observationerna som gjordes var semi-strukturerade och genomfördes utifrån en observationsguide vid tre icke-formella lärandesituationer. Resultatet visade att de förutsättningar för lärande som fanns vid observationstillfällena var tidsbegränsningar, lokalens begränsningar, styrgruppsfenomen, förförståelse och ledarnas agerande. De skillnader när det gäller förutsättningar för lärande som fanns mellan lärandesituationerna visade sig inte bero på vad man skulle lära sig. Istället varierade förutsättningarna på grund av mer praktiska saker som vilket utbud på lokaler som fanns, hur lokalen såg ut och hur mycket tid som fanns. Studien använder sig genomgående av Urban Dahllöfs ramfaktorteori och denna teori används även när resultatet presenteras och analyseras.   Nyckelord: förutsättningar för lärande, icke-formellt lärande, vuxnas lärande, ramfaktorteori, observationsstudie.   Keywords: conditions for learning, non-formal learning, adult learning, framefactortheory, observational study.

lncreased bicycle helmet use: Time series observational studies on bicycle helmet use in Denmark from 2004 to 2021

Olsson, Bjørn 02 January 2023 (has links)
Using a bicycle helmet markedly reduces the risk of head injuries. The most recent systematic review and meta-analysis has documented that the use of bicycle helmet reduces the risk of serious head injuries by 60 % [1]. Given the large safety-gains from wearing a helmet while cycling, it is highly relevant to promote the uptake of bicycle helmets while also measuring how the prevalence of bicycle helmet use evolves over time across different groups. In Denmark, bicycle helmet use has been promoted in several nationwide campaigns targeting both the general cyclist population and cycling school children. Since 2004, the use of bicycle helmets among cyclist in Denmark has also been measured observationally in two different nationwide time series. One time series (termed 'city traffic'') consists of observations of cyclist across all age groups in city traffic. The other nationwide time series (named 'school traffic'') consists of observations in front of schools, and only includes observations of cycling children. This paper presents the results of these two observational time series, while also cautiously linking the increase in bicycle helmet use to campaigns that have promoted the uptake of bicycle helmets. This paper is structured as follows. First, the methods of the observational bicycle helmet studies are presented. Second, the results of the bicycle helmet observational time series are presented. Third, the discussion section assesses potential explanations for the increased bicycle helmet use in Denmark. The paper concludes that the use of bicycle helmets has increased markedly in Denmark. In 2004, approximately 6 % of the observed cyclists in city traffic used bicycle helmets. This number increased to 28 % in 2014 and to 48 % in 2021. In school traffic, helmet use among cycling school children increased from 33 % in 2004 to 60 % in 2014 and to 80 % in 2021. [From Introduction]

Är pendeltågens stopp för långa : - En studie av Stockholms pendeltågs uppehållstider . / Are the Stops in Stockholm’s Commuter Train System too Long : – A Survey of the Dwell Times of the Commuter Trains in Stockholm

KENNERÖ, JONAS January 2023 (has links)
An important aspect during the planning of commuter trains is how long they will be waiting at the platform. All travelers must be able to board and get off the train in time while the process cannot take too long. The train’s waiting time is called its dwell time, and this is a study of how the dwell time of the commuter trains in Stockholm behaves with a focus on the larger station Stockholm Odenplan and the smaller station Årstaberg. The duration of the dwell time compared to the stations planned dwell time was analyzed with manual measurements on the stations. The dwell time was analyzed both during and after rush hours. Possible reasons for the dwell time’s length were also analyzed and a potential factor that was in focus was the impact of the removal of train conductors. Train conductors in Stockholm’s rail system are responsible for monitoring the boarding and closing the train’s doors after it is finished. They began to dismantle from the trains Mars 2023 due to efficiency reasons. Half of the trains will run with a train conductor until autumn 2023, where they will disappear entirely. The train drivers will afterwards monitor the travelers with cameras instead. The commuter trains in Stockholm have three routes between Bålsta and Nynäshamn, Uppsala/Märsta and Södertälje and Södertälje and Gnesta. Factors considered when planning their timetables are the system’s capacity, how long the train should wait at a station and how long it takes to drive between stations. 94 % of the trains run on time in the system according to the operator MTR. The analyzed stations Stockholm Odenplan and Årstaberg are in Stockholm and have their separate conditions. Stockholm Odenplan is the second to largest station in the system and is in a central part of the city. The station is underground, and the rails are separated from the platform with platform doors. The doors are shown to cause delays for the dwell time as they are slow. Årstaberg has considerably fewer travelers than Stockholm Odenplan and is in the south parts of the city. The station is over the ground and has no platform doors. There are many theories about the causes behind a train’s dwell time based on the behavior of the passengers. They vary from where they are waiting on the platform, how they are queueing during boarding and the behavior during the boarding. The study shows that the dwell time in Årstaberg stays under its planned 42 seconds, but it is six seconds too long from its planned 60 seconds in Stockholm Odenplan. The dwell time increases during rush hour in Årstaberg and decreases outside of it, while Stockholm Odenplan seems to be largely unaffected by rush hours. Trains with train conductors seem to have a lower dwell time than those without them. The boarding has a shorter duration with train conductors, which shows that they are more efficient than the train drivers using cameras to monitor the boarding. However, it does take a little longer for the train to depart after the boarding is finished when they have a train conductor. Factors causing the dwell time are believed to be related to the flow of passengers and the design of the stations. The platform doors are believed to increase the dwell time in Stockholm Odenplan. Meanwhile, the protection from the weather and the location of the entrance in Årstaberg might impact its dwell time. When the number of passengers increases will the boarding take longer. The boarding will also be concentrated on a few doors in Årstaberg depending on the weather or if the trains are short. The dwell time should be analyzed further for a longer period and during more hours of the day. More stations in Stockholm’s rail system should be analyzed too.

Safety of intramuscular COVID-19 vaccination in patients with haemophilia

Tiede, Andreas, Leise, Hendrik, Horneff, Silvia, Oldenburg, Johannes, Halimeh, Susan, Heller, Christine, Königs, Christoph, Holstein, Katharina, Pfrepper, Christian 04 January 2024 (has links)
Background: Guidelines recommend that patients with haemophilia should preferably receive vaccination subcutaneously. COVID-19 and other vaccines, however, are only licenced for intramuscular application. Aims: To assess the safety of intramuscular COVID-19 vaccination in patients living with haemophilia. Methods: Part A of this prospective observational study enrolled consecutive patients with haemophilia A (HA) and B (HB) of all ages and severities and assessed injection site bleeding and other complications within 30 days of vaccination. Part B enrolled patients providing informed consent for detailed data collection including medication and prophylaxis around the time of vaccination. Logistic regression was performed to assess potential risk factors for bleeding. Results: Four hundred and sixty-one patients were enrolled into part A. The primary endpoint injection site bleeding occurred in seven patients (1.5%, 95% confidence interval .7–3.1%). Comprehensive analysis of 214 patients (404 vaccinations, part B) revealed that 97% of patients with severe haemophilia had prophylaxis before vaccination, either as part of their routine prophylaxis or using additional doses. 56% and 30% of patients with moderate and mild haemophilia, respectively, received prophylaxis before vaccination. Among the seven bleeds recorded, three occurred when intramuscular vaccination was done without prophylaxis (odds ratio 12). Conclusions: This is the first prospective study reporting on the safety of intramuscular vaccination in haemophilia. The rate of injection site bleeding was low in mild haemophilia, and in moderate and severe haemophilia if patients received factor prophylaxis.

Micro‑mobility and road safety: why do e‑scooter riders use the sidewalk? Evidence from a German field study

Anke, Juliane, Ringhand, Madlen, Petzoldt, Tibor, Gehlert, Tina 19 August 2024 (has links)
Objectives: Since their introduction in 2019, the use of e-scooters has become widespread in Germany. Concerns about road safety, especially pedestrian safety, have arisen as the popularity of micro-mobility has grown. In light of this context, the present study investigates which types of road infrastructure e-scooter riders use, with a focus on riding on the sidewalk, which is not permitted in Germany. We considered the following infrastructures: (1) off-road bike lane (+ sidewalk and road), (2) on-road bike lane (+ sidewalk and road), and (3) road (+ sidewalk). Methods: Observations at six sites (recording 738 e-scooter riders) and on-site surveys (involving responses from 129 e-scooter riders) were conducted in two German cities in August 2020 and September 2020. Results: Self-reported sidewalk riding was not found to be linked directly to a lack of rule knowledge, a preference for this type of infrastructure, or perceived safety. Observations indicated that using the sidewalk might be related to situational components, such as comfort or convenience, comprising up to 40% of instances of sidewalk riding. Conclusion: Considering the comfort and convenience factor of sites when building or improving cycling infrastructure can help keep e-scooter riders from riding on the sidewalk.

Profil nutritionnel d’adultes obèses souffrants d’insuffisance rénale chronique en évaluation ou en attente de greffe rénale

Marcotte, Cynthia 08 1900 (has links)
Problématique. La Fondation Canadienne du rein soutient qu’en 2013, la prévalence de l’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) avoisinait les 10% et qu’elle touchait une proportion considérable de gens souffrant d’obésité. Il semble raisonnable de viser une perte pondérale modérée chez les gens atteints du duo obésité – IRC. Malgré cela, aucune recommandation nutritionnelle n’est spécifiquement bâtie afin de respecter les restrictions alimentaires liées à l’IRC et aux autres co-morbiditées, tout en permettant un déficit énergétique. Objectifs. Ce projet de recherche vise à étudier les facteurs associés avec la réussite d’une perte de poids dans le contexte restreint de ces patients. Méthodologie. 45 patients en évaluation ou en attente d’une transplantation rénale seront recrutés à la clinique de greffe rénale de l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont. Une entrevue sera menée afin de compléter deux questionnaires (valeurs biochimiques, anthropométrie, historique médical, habitudes de vie, contexte sociodémographique, comportement alimentaire) suivie de la remise d’un journal alimentaire de quatre jours. Les apports nutritionnels obtenues seront analysés et comparés aux lignes directrices actuelles. Résultats. La perte de poids est difficile et limitée, chez les gens obèses souffrant d’IRC, malgré l’atteinte des cibles caloriques estimées et le niveau de motivation élevé de ceux-ci. Discussion. La sédentarité (46,7%, actif ˂ 1 hr/ jr) et le peu de suivi en nutrition pourraient entraver l’atteinte du poids ciblé. Conclusion. L’échec observé dans la perte pondérale semble principalement lié à la sédentarité alors qu’il n’y aurait aucune influence directe de l’apport calorique, du manque de motivation ou des comportements alimentaires. / Problematic. The Kidney Foundation of Canada argues that in 2013, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) was around 10% and it touched a considerable proportion of people suffering from obesity. It should be reasonable to consider moderate weight loss in these patients. Despite this, no nutritional recommendation is specifically built to meet the dietary restrictions related to CKD, while allowing an energy deficit. Objectives. The objective of this project is to establish the nutritional profile of the population of obese renal failure patients, while identifying the risk factors associated with weight loss before renal transplantation. Methodology. 45 patients identified during the evaluation process or who were awaiting a kidney transplant and recruited from the kidney transplant clinic of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital. Their medical and nutritional profiles were evaluated by questionnaires filled during a short interview (biochemical profile, vital signs, medical history, socio-demograpic data, anthropometry, food habits). Finally, a four-day food diary, accompanied with pictures if feasible, were used to compare to the nutritional guidelines, depending on the stage of renal disease and ongoing treatment. Results. Weight loss is difficult and limited in obese people with CKD, despite achieving targets estimated calorie and their high level of motivation. Discussion. A sedentary lifestyle (46,7%, actives ˂ 1 hr/ jr) and inadequate nutritional follow-up could hinder the achievement of the target weight. Conclusion. The failure observed in weight loss seems mainly related to a sedentary lifestyle then there would be no direct impact of caloric intake, lack of motivation or eating behaviors.

Valor prognóstico dos padrões eletrocardiográficos em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST: Estudo ERICO-ECG / Prognostic value of electrocardiographic patterns in patients with non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome

Brandão, Rodrigo Martins 30 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Alguns autores estudaram o valor prognóstico do eletrocardiograma inicial na sobrevida em longo prazo dos pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. O valor prognóstico de outros traçados eletrocardiográficos na fase intra-hospitalar do tratamento foi menos estudado. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel no prognóstico clínico dos registros eletrocardiográficos obtidos durante o evento índice dos participantes do estudo Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana (ERICO) com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Métodos: Foram analisados e classificados, de acordo com o Código de Minnesota, os traçados eletrocardiográficos intra-hospitalares de 634 participantes do estudo ERICO com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, no período de fevereiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2013. Foram classificados como alterados os traçados eletrocardiográficos com infradesnivelamento do segmento ST > 1mm e/ou com onda T negativa > 1mm. Foram construídos modelos de regressão de Cox brutos e ajustados, para estudar se o padrão eletrocardiográfico foi um preditor independente de desfechos clínicos (morte por qualquer causa, morte por causa cardiovascular, morte por infarto agudo do miocárdio, e desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal). Resultados: A mediana de seguimento foi de 3 anos. Encontramos uma tendência não significativa para a associação entre a presença de alteração de segmento ST no eletrocardiograma inicial com o desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal [Hazard Ratio (HR) ajustado: 1,64, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. Encontramos um risco significativamente maior de morte por infarto do miocárdio em indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST no eletrocardiograma final (HR ajustado: 2,04; IC 95%: 1,06-3,92). Os indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST em qualquer traçado durante o evento índice apresentaram risco significativamente maior para desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal (HR ajustado: 1,71; IC 95%: 1,04-2,79). Quando as alterações de onda T foram incluídas na classificação dos traçados, não houve associação significativa com o prognóstico a longo prazo. Conclusões: Encontramos associações significativas entre as alterações de segmento ST e pior prognóstico em longo prazo. A avaliação sequencial dos traçados eletrocardiográficos durante o evento índice parece adicionar informação prognóstica ao ECG inicial / Introduction: Some authors have studied the prognostic value of initial electrocardiogram in long-term survival of patients with a non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). The prognostic value of other in-hospital electrocardiographic tracings has been less studied. Objectives: To describe the association between electrocardiogram abnormalities (in ST-segment and T wave) during the index event and outcomes in patients with NSTE ACS in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO) cohort. Methods: We analyzed and classified, according to the Minnesota Code, in-hospital ECG tracings of 634 ERICO participants with NSTE-ACS, from February 2009 to December 2013. We considered as altered electrocardiographic tracings with ST-segment depression > 1 mm and / or negative T wave > 1 mm. We built crude and adjusted Cox regression models to study if ECG pattern was an independent predictor for clinical outcomes (death from any cause, death from cardiovascular causes, death from acute myocardial infarction, and combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction). Results: Median follow-up was 3 years. We found a trend for the association between initial ECG tracing and the combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction [Hazard Ratio (HR) adjusted: 1,64, confidence interval 95% (95% CI): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. We found a significantly higher risk of death due myocardial infarction in patients with ST-segment abnormalities in the final ECG tracing (adjusted HR: 2,04; 95% CI: 1,06 to 3,92). Individuals with ST-segment abnormalities in any tracing had significant higher risk for fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction (adjusted HR: 1,71; 95% CI: 1,04 2,79). When the T wave changes were included in the classification, there was no significant association with long-term prognosis. Conclusions: We found significant associations between ECG patterns and worse long-term prognosis. Sequential evaluation of electrocardiographic tracings during the index event seems to add prognostic information to the initial ECG

Uso de estatinas em pacientes com doença isquêmica do coração: análise de custo-efetividade / Statins use in patients with ischemic heart disease: A cost effectiveness analysis

Luque, Alexandre 14 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: As avaliações econômicas completas do tipo custo-utilidade, suportadas por dados de efetividade do mundo real, permitem uma perspectiva diferenciada da avaliação de tecnologia em saúde. Objetivo: Realizar uma análise de custo-utilidade do uso de estatinas para a prevenção secundária de eventos cardiovasculares em portadores de doença cardiovascular isquêmica, e avaliar a variabilidade da efetividade e da razão de custo-efetividade incremental com diferentes classificações de usuários de estatina (incidentes e prevalentes). Método: Um modelo de microssimulação de Markov com 5 estados, ciclos anuais e horizonte temporal de 20 anos, com taxas de desconto de 5% foi desenvolvido. As probabilidades de transição para mortalidade por todas as causas foram extraídas após pareamento por escore de propensão dos dados e tratamento de dados ausentes de uma base secundária de registro assistencial com linkage determinístico com a base de mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. As probabilidades dos desfechos não-fatais foram obtidas na literatura. As medidas de efetividade (QALY) foram calculadas com dados publicados dos domínios do SF-36 de um estudo realizado com a população do mesmo hospital, no mesmo período e com as mesmas condições clínicas e transformados em medidas de utilidade por modelo validado. Somente custos diretos na perspectiva do reembolso do SUS foram considerados. Resultados: 3.150 pacientes foram pareados após o escore de propensão, 1.050 não usuários de estatina, 1.050 usuários de estatinas classificados como prevalentes e 1.050 usuários de estatinas classificados como incidentes, com diagnóstico de doença cardiovascular isquêmica prévia, com seguimento médio de 5,1 anos. A efetividade das estatinas quando considerados todos os usuários em relação aos não usuários resultou em um HR para mortalidade de 0,992 (IC 95% 0,85; 0,96) e de 0,90 (IC 95% 0,85; 0,96) para os usuários incidentes. A RCEI comparando todos os usuários de estatinas versus não usuários foi de R$5.846,10/QALY e de R$7.275,61/QALY para os usuários incidentes. Conclusão: As estatinas diminuíram a mortalidade por todas as causas, e a análise incluindo usuários prevalentes diminui o tamanho do efeito. O tratamento possui custo-efetividade favorável dentro do limiar de disponibilidade a pagar definido, sendo modificado pela forma de extração do dado de efetividade / Background: The complete economic evaluations, such as cost-utility analysis, supported by real world data of effectiveness lead to a more realistic perspective of a health technology assessment. Objective: Perform a cost-utility analysis of statins for secondary prevention in ischemic cardiovascular disease patients based on effectiveness from real world data and evaluate the variability of effectiveness and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) considering prevalent and incident users. Methods: A Markov microssimulation model with five states, annual cycle and time horizon (TH) of 20 years, with discount rate of 5% was developed. Transition probabilities for all cause mortality was derived from a secondary database of a teaching hospital after record linkage with national registry of mortality database and an analysis of propensity score matching and multiple imputation analysis for missing data. Non-fatal endpoints were derived from a published meta-analysis. Utility measures was calculated with a validated model to derive values from published domains of SF-36 QoL questionnaire, domains was measured for a published RCT in the same teaching hospital, over the same period, with similar age and diagnostic characteristics. Only direct costs were analyzed from the Brazilian public health reimbursement perspective. Results: 3150 patients were matched, 1050 non-statins users (CG), 1050 prevalent statins users (PSU) and 1050 incident statins users (ISU) with previous cardiovascular disease, with mean follow-up of 5,1 years. Treatment effects on the treatment group considering all statins users for all cause mortality had a hazard ratio of HR:0,992 (IC 95% 0,85 - 0,96) and HR: 0,90 (IC 95% 0,85 - 0,96) only for ISU. The ICER comparing all users with non-users was R$5.846,10 per QALY and for ISU was R$7.275,61 per QALY. Conclusion: Real world evidence demonstrated that statins are an effective treatment to reduce all cause mortality in secondary prevention and are a cost-effective strategy considering the willingness to pay established, but the prevalent users resulted in less effectiveness of the drug when included in the analysis and influenced the ICER

Papel da tromboelastometria em pacientes com dengue e trombocitopenia / Thromboelastometry role in patients with dengue and thrombocytopenia

Piza, Felipe Maia de Toledo 19 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Dengue é uma doença viral prevalente e potencialmente fatal associada à alteração da permeabilidade capilar e coagulopatia. Entretanto, não há estudos concernentes aos achados tromboelastométricos nesta doença. Realizamos o presente estudo para analisar pacientes com dengue e plaquetopenia por meio de um exame rápido, efetivo e a beira leito comparando com os exames convencionais de coagulação. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal conduzido entre os dias 6 de abril a 5 de maio de 2015, em São Paulo, Brasil, durante epidemia de dengue. Foi realizado tromboelastometria ROTEM® em 53 pacientes com dengue e trombocitopenia em associação com exames convencionais de coagulação: tempo de protrombina (TP), international normalized ratio (INR), tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativado (TTPa), tempo de trombina (TT), contagem de plaquetas, fibrinogênio e d-dímero. Um grupo controle de pacientes foi estabelecido para comparação do status tromboelastométrico. RESULTADOS: Um total de 38 pacientes de 53 (71,7%) apresentaram anormalidades no INTEM e 29/53 (57,4%) no EXTEM. Em contrapartida, alterações no FIBTEM foram encontradas apenas em 3/53 (5,7%). Houve significância estatística em pacientes correlacionando alterações tromboelastométricas no EXTEM e INTEM e contagem de plaquetas (p=0,052) e (p=0,005), respectivamente; assim como os valores de fibrinogênio (p=0,006) e (p=0,021), respectivamente. O grupo controle (GC) apresentou status tromboelastométrico normal em 10/10 (100%) na análise do INTEM, EXTEM, FIBTEM. Avaliação do EXTEM demonstrou significância estatística entre o GC e o grupo Dengue: CT (p=0,044); CFT (p<0,001); MCF (p < 0,001) e Alpha (p < 0,001). Foram observados níveis normais de fibrinogênio (mediana: 290) e altos níveis de d-dímero (mediana: 1330) com IQR (800-1840). Todos os pacientes (53/53) apresentavam trombocitopenia abaixo de 100 x 109/L (mediana 77 x 109/L) IQR (63-88). Exames convencionais de coagulação revelaram-se completamente normais: TP (mediana: 100%) IQR (90-100); INR (mediana: 1,0) IQR (1,0-1,1); TTPa (mediana: 28,9 segundos) IQR (26,0-32,5) e TT (mediana: 18,2 segundos) IQR (17,0-19,5). Apenas (7/49) 14,3% pacientes apresentaram sangramento e (3/52) 5,8% necessitou de hospitalização. Não houve associação entre alterações tromboelastométricas com sangramento ou hospitalização. CONCLUSÕES: Dengue representa um processo inflamatório intenso, mantendo níveis normais de fibrinogênio. Portanto, FIBTEM mantém-se normal promovendo boa formação do coágulo sem risco imediato de sangramento. Não houve correlação entre os achados tromboelastométricos com os exames convencionais de coagulação, sugerindo que testes viscoelásticos são exames mais sensíveis para análise de coagulopatia precoce nessa população / INTRODUCTION: Dengue is a prevalent and potentially fatal viral disease associated with plasma leakage and coagulopathy, though no information is available on thromboelastometric profile. We performed this study to analyze dengue fever patients with thrombocytopenia clot changes through point-ofcare thromboelastometry tests and standard coagulation tests. METHODS: This was an observational, transversal and cross sectional study conducted between April 6th and May 5th 2015 in São Paulo, Brazil, during a dengue outbreak. Thromboelastometry ROTEM® was performed in 53 patients with dengue and thrombocytopenia, in association with conventional coagulation tests: prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), thrombin time (TT); platelet count, fibrinogen level, and d-dimer. A control group of 10 patients was established to compare thromboelastometry profiles. RESULTS: A total of 38 patients in 53 (71,7%) had abnormalities in INTEM, 29 in 53 (57,4%) in EXTEM. Conversely, FIBTEM was abnormal in 3/53 (5,7%). Statistical analysis revealed significant relation in those patients with impairment EXTEM and INTEM with lowered platelet (p=0,052) and (p=0,005) respectively and lowered fibrinogen levels (p=0,006) and (p=0,021) respectively. Control group (CG) had normal status in 10/10 (100%) of INTEM, EXTEM, FIBTEM analysis. EXTEM analysis demonstrated statistical differences between CG and dengue group: CT (p=0,044); CFT (p < 0,001); MCF (p < 0,001) and Alpha (p < 0,001). Normal levels of fibrinogen (median: 290) and high levels of ddimer (median: 1330) IQR (800-1840) were found. All patients (53/53) had platelet under 100 x 109/L (median 77 x 109/L) IQR (63-88). Standard coagulation tests were completely normal: PT (median: 100%) IQR (90-100); INR (median: 1,0) IQR (1,0-1,1); aPTT (median: 28,9 seconds) IQR (26.0- 32,5) and TT (median: 18,2 seconds) IQR (17,0-19.5). Only (7/49) 14,3% patients had bleeding manifestations and (3/52) 5,8% needed hospitalization. There was no association between altered thromboelastometry with bleeding manifestations or hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: Dengue represents an intense inflammatory process, maintaining normal levels of fibrinogen. FIBTEM remains normal providing good clot strength without immediate bleeding risk. There were no correlation between thromboelastometry findings and standard coagulation exams, suggesting that viscoelastic tests are more sensible method to analyze early coagulation impairments in this population

Retorno ao trabalho em pacientes com câncer de mama tratadas em um serviço oncológico do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) / Return to work after breast cancer diagnosis: experience of a cancer institute from the unified health system (SUS) in Brazil

Landeiro, Luciana Castro Garcia 01 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Câncer de mama é o mais comum em mulheres. Embora sua incidência ainda esteja em ascensão, as taxas de recorrência e mortalidade têm diminuído, em especial nos países desenvolvidos. Assim o câncer pode ser considerado um choque transitório que não impede que os sobreviventes retomem a normalidade em suas vidas, incluindo atividades laborais. Na América do Norte e Europa, as taxas de RT entre as pacientes com câncer de mama variam de 24-66% após 6 meses e 53-82% após 36 meses de diagnóstico. Os fatores mais associados ao RT são: idade, quimioterapia, sequelas da terapia do câncer e apoio do empregador e colegas de trabalho. Esses achados, no entanto, variam sugerindo que outros fatores e até aspectos de diferentes legislações podem interferir no RT. Na América Latina há escassez de dados sobre RT após o diagnóstico de câncer de mama. Objetivos: Avaliar as taxas de retorno ao trabalho nos meses 12 e 24 após o diagnóstico de câncer de mama e verificar a correlação de fatores à retomada ao trabalho aos 24 meses. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo observacional avaliando taxas de RT em mulheres com câncer de mama tratadas no Instituto do Câncer do estado de São Paulo, com idade > 18 e < 57 anos e que trabalhavam de forma remunerada por pelo menos 03 meses ao diagnóstico. Pacientes com doença inoperável ou metastática foram excluídas. Nos meses 06, 12 e 24 do seguimento responderam à questionários do estudo e de qualidade de vida (FACT-B), por telefone. Resultados: Entre julho/2012 e setembro/2014, 125 pacientes assinaram o TCLE. Quatro foram excluídas da análise (02 óbitos e 02 sem contato por telefone). A idade média foi de 45.1 anos (± 8,1). A maioria (94%) gostava do trabalho, 73% receberam apoio do empregador, mas apenas 29% relataram ter recebido oferta de ajuste no trabalho. Metade apresentava doença no estádio II e 93% fizeram quimioterapia como parte de seu tratamento. As taxas de RT foram 21,5%, 30,3% e 60,4% aos 06, 12 e 24 meses, após o diagnóstico de câncer de mama. Na análise multivariada os fatores que afetaram de forma positiva as taxas de RT foram: renda familiar mensal >= 02 salários mínimos (OR 17,76, IC95% 3,33-94,75, p 0,001), cirurgia conservadora da mama (OR 9,77, IC 95% 2,03-47,05, p 0,004) e oferta de ajuste no trabalho pelo empregador (OR 37,62, IC95% 2,03-47,05, p 0,004). Fatores que se associaram de forma negativa ao RT foram: terapia endócrina (OR 0,11, IC95%0,02-0,74, p 0,023) e diagnóstico de depressão após o câncer (OR 0,07, IC95% 0,01-0,63, p 0,017). Conclusões: As taxas de RT aos 12 e 24 meses após diagnóstico de câncer de mama são inferiores a maioria dos estudos conduzidos na América do Norte e Europa. Oferta de ajuste no trabalho, maior renda familiar, cirurgia conservadora da mama, terapia endócrina adjuvante e diagnóstico de depressão após o câncer de mama desempenharam importante papel no RT / Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. While its incidence has been increasing, recurrence and mortality rates have been decreasing, mainly because of better treatment options. Because of that cancer can be regarded as a transient shock that does not prevent survivors resume normality in their lives including return to their workplace. In North America and Europe return to work (RTW) rates vary among breast cancer patients from 24- 66% after 06 months and 53-82% after 36 months of diagnosis. Factors most associated with the decision to return to work are: age, chemotherapy, sequelae related to cancer therapy and support from the employer and coworkers. However, these findings vary among the different populations evaluated, suggesting that other factors and even variations in countries laws may interfere with the decision to return to work. So far there is a lack of data on RTW after breast cancer diagnosis in Latin America. Endpoints: To evaluate return to work rates on months 12 and 24 after breast cancer diagnosis, and check the correlation of some factors with the decision to return to work at 24 months. Methods: A prospective, observational study evaluating RTW rates in patients with breast cancer diagnosis, > 18 and < 57 years old and a paid work for at least 03 months at the time of dianosis. Patients with inoperable or metastatic disease were excluded. On months 6, 12 and 24 they answered a telephone interview and the quality of life questionnaire (FACT-B). Results: Between july/2012 and september/2014, 125 patients were enrolled. Two of them died and two other could not be reached by telephone, and were excluded from the analysis. Mean age was 45,1 years (± 8,1). Most of them reported that they liked their job (94%) and received support from employer (73%), but only 29,1% reported having been offered work adjustment. Half of patients had stage II disease and 93% received chemotherapy as part of their treatment. Overall, 21,5%, 30,3% and 60,4% of patients returned to work 06, 12 and 24 months after breast cancer diagnosis, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, factors associated with positive RTW outcomes included higher income (OR: 17,76, CI95% 3,33-94,75; p = 0,001), breast conserving surgery (OR: 9,77, CI95% 2,03-47,05; p = 0,004) and work adjustment (OR: 37,62, CI95% 2,03-47,05; p= 0,004). Factors associated with negative RTW outcomes included adjuvant endocrine therapy (OR: 0,11, IC95% 0,02-0,74; p = 0,023) and depression diagnosis after breast cancer diagnosis (OR: 0,07, IC95% 0,01-0,63; p = 0,017). Conclusion: RTW rates after 12 and 24 months of breast cancer diagnosis are lower than reported in North America (with exception for low income americans) and Europe. Workplace adjustments, higher income, breast conserving surgery, endocrine therapy and depression after breast cancer played an important role in the RTW decision

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