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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projeto participativo como garantia de apropriação e regionalização de casas de memória de compensação socioambiental de usinas hidrelétricas? / Participatory project as an appropriation warranty and regionalization of memory houses from socio-environmental compensation of hydroelectric plants

Paulo Cassio de Moraes Gonçalves 29 May 2015 (has links)
O trabalho que se apresenta tem como propóstio avaliar o processo de projeto participativo da Casa de Memória em Altamira, cidade do Estado do Pará. A exigência da construção das Casas de Memória, uma na cidade de Altamira e outra na cidade vizinha de Vitória do Xingu, é uma das condicionantes do processo de licenciamento ambiental do empreendimento da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. A partir dessa avaliação crítica, expõem-se os desafios, dificuldades, possibilidades, limites e as especificidades do processo de participação no projeto museológico e arquitetônico das Casas de Memória originários do programa de compensação socioambiental. O trabalho não corrobora com a necessidade da construção da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte e tampouco com o plano de eletrificação da Amazônia, assume-se aqui que, dada a aprovação da construção da usina as edificações das Casas de Memória, o acervo e as atividades propostas pelo projeto de museologia são uma possibilidade desejável de compensação para a população. Como arquiteto, urbanista e paisagista acredito ser importante o registro e a documentação das transformações, dos valores naturais e culturais da paisagem e da população impactadas. Entendo as Casas de Memória como espaço vivo, animado e apropriado pela população que contribua com a compreensão, o enfrentamento e rsistência frente às transformações e a história da comunidade. A hipótese que se quer provar é de que apenas adotando o processo participativo de trabalho e construção do acervo e do projeto, as casas terão alguma chance de ser concretizada a contento, ou seja, apenas com o envolvimento efetivo da população afetada pela construção da barragem no processo teremos a chance de vê-los apropriem-se do espaço e conotem o valor seimbólico que o espaço remete, caso contrário, o espaço servirá como um museu da cidade que sediará a edificação / The present study aims to evaluate the participatory design process of the Memory House in Altamira, Pará State. The requirement of memory houses construction, one in the city of Altamira and another in the nearby town of Vitória do Xingu, is one of the conditions of the environmental licensing process to the construction of Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant. Fromthis critical evaluation, i expose challenges, difficulties, possibilities, limits and specificities of the participation in the museum and architectural desing of the memory houses originating from environmental compensation program process. The study does not corroborate the need to build the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, nor with the electrification plan of the Amazon. Otherwise, it is assumed here that, give the approval of the construction of the plant, buildings of memory houses, the collection and activities proposed by the museology project is a desirable possibility of compensation for the population. As an architect, urban planner and landscaper designer, I think the registration and documentation of change, natural and cultural values of the landscape and the affected population is important. I understand the memory houses as living space, lively and taken by the population, a space that contributes to the understanding, facing and resistance before the change and the history of the community. The hypothesis we want to prove is taht only by adopting the participatory process of work and construction of the collection and design, the houses will have any chance of being implemented satisfactorily, in other words, only with the effective involvement of the population affected by the dam construction in the process, we will have the chance to see them take the space and understand all the symbolic value that the space refers, otherwise the space will mwerely serve as a city museum which will host the building.

Facilitating participation : A joint use of an interactive communication tool by children and professionals in healthcare situations

Stålberg, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Children’s right to participation in situations that matter to them is stated in law and convention texts and is emphasized by the children themselves in research studies, too. When actively involved, their perspective is visualized. Children’s use of interactive technology has increased considerably during the last decade. The use of applications and web sites are becoming a regular occurrence in paediatric healthcare. The overall aim was to develop and test, together with children, an interactive communication tool meant to facilitate young children’s participation in healthcare situations. To understand children’s varied perceptions of their involvement in healthcare situations, interviews, drawings and vignettes were used in a phenomenographic approach (I). A participatory design iteratively evaluated evolving prototypes of an application (II). Video observations and hermeneutics captured the meanings of the participation cues that the children demonstrated when they used the application in healthcare situations (III). A quantitative approach was used to identify patterns in the children’s cue use (IV). In total, 114 children in two clinical settings and in a preschool were involved. The result showed that the children perceived themselves, their parents and the professionals as actors in a healthcare situation, although all were perceived to act differently (I). The children contributed important information on age-appropriateness, usability and likeability in the iterative evaluating phases that eventually ended up in the application (II). When using the application in healthcare situations, the cues they demonstrated were understood as representing a curious, thoughtful or affirmative meaning (III). Curious cues were demonstrated to the highest extent. The three-year-olds and the children with the least experience of healthcare situations demonstrated the highest numbers of cues (IV). Conclusion: when using the application, the children demonstrated a situated participation which was influenced by their perspective of the situation and their inter-inter-action with the application as well as the health professional. The children’s situated participation provided the professionals’ with additional ways of guiding the children based on their perspectives. / I lag- och konventionstexter, liksom i forskning, som använder barnens egna uttryck betonas deras rättighet att vara delaktiga i situationer av betydelse för dem. Genom att delta kan de göra sitt perspektiv synligt. Under det senaste årtiondet har barns användning av interaktiv teknik ökat kraftigt. Applikationer och web-sidor används nuförtiden även flitigt inom barnsjukvården. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att utveckla och pröva, tillsammans med barn, ett interaktivt kommunikationsverktyg avsett att möjliggöra yngre barns delaktighet i vårdsituationer. Intervjuer, teckningar och vignetter användes för att, fenomenografiskt, förstå barnens uppfattningar av att vara i en vårdsituation (I). En iterativ deltagarbaserad design användes för att utveckla en prototyp av en applikation. En hermeneutisk tolkning av video-observationer fångade meningen i barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet (hintar) vid användningen av applikationen i vårdsituationer (III). En deduktiv, kvantitativ ansats användes för att identifiera mönster i barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet när de använde applikationen (IV). Resultatet visade att barnen uppfattade sig själva, föräldrarna och vårdpersonalen som aktörer i situationen, även om alla uppfattades agera på olika sätt (I). Barnen bidrog i den iterativa processen med viktig information gällande aspekter som åldersanpassning, användbarhet och hur väl den tilltalar dem, vilket slutligen ledde fram till den färdiga applikationen (II). Barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet när de använde applikationen förstods ha en nyfiken, tankfull och självbekräftande mening (III). Nyfikenheten visades mest vid användningen av applikationen. Treåringarna samt barnen med minst vårderfarenhet använde applikationen i störst utsträckning (IV). Sammanfattning: när applikationen användes i vårdsituationen visade barnen en situerad delaktighet vilken byggde på deras perspektiv på den aktuella situationen samt på deras inter-inter-aktion med applikationen och vårdpersonalen. Genom detta erbjöds vårdpersonalen ytterligare ett sätt att guida barnet utifrån barnets eget perspektiv.

How to support and enhance communication : in a student software development project / Hur man stöder och förstärker kommunikation : i ett studentdrivet mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt

Ahlström, Catharina, Fridensköld, Kristina January 2002 (has links)
This report, in which we have put an emphasis on the word communication, is based on a student software development project conducted during spring 2002. We describe how the use of design tools plays a key role in supporting communication in group activities and to what extent communication can be supported and enhanced by tools such as mock-ups and metaphors in a group project. We also describe a design progress from initial sketches to a final mock-up of a GUI for a postcard demo application. / I denna rapport, som baserar sig på ett studentprojekt utfört under våren 2002, har vi fokuserat på ordet kommunikation. Vi beskriver hur användande av designverktyg kan spela en nyckelroll när det gäller att stöda kommunikation i gruppaktiviteter och i vilken utsträckning kommunikation kan stödas och förstärkas av verktyg som mockuper och metaforer. Vi beskriver också en designprogress från initiala skisser till färdig mockup av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt för en demoapplikation av en vykortstjänst.

Requesting Utility in Usability -Perspectives from a large team software engineering project

Heinstedt, Elin, Johansson, Niklas January 2001 (has links)
Many companies invest large amount of money in developing new technology, without knowing how it will be used. To succeed in making these technologies useful it is necessary to understand the context that gives meaning to the artifact. In the case of generic products, especially in new domains, the context is not obvious. This bachelor thesis analyses what Usability Engineering, Participatory Design and Ethnography can contribute to the problem of learning about the context of usage for generic artifacts. Understanding and identifying details of context is considered to be important to achieve usability in software development. The experience is that most recommendations on usability methods concern situations of specific users in a specific context. In order to find important aspects of the real-world use of generic products, we suggest that ethnographic studies can be conducted in contexts where behaviors relevant to the design are thought to be found. The problem of not knowing the context was experienced in usability work practiced in a large software engineering project. The project task was to develop a web browser for Symbian's ?Quartz? reference design for handheld devices. Methods used were taken from participatory design and usability engineering.

User Driven Software Development in a Small Company

Hansson, Christina January 2002 (has links)
Field studies, interviews and participative observations have been the main methods in this master thesis where the author has studied, and partially participated, in the development process of a booking system called FRI. Idavall is the small company that develops this suc-cessful software despite small resources. Characteristic for Idavall is in the way they manage to involve their about 1300 users in the development process. The development process is highly flexible which is required when rapidly changes are common. The overall question in this thesis is: How do Idavall manage to develop this software in a flexible way and successfully involve their users in the development process? Idavall arranges FRI-meetings, courses and demonstrations where users meet each other and a representative from Idavall. All participants discuss FRI and have the opportunity to propose changes, improvements and report bugs. One of the most important parts of the busi-ness idea of Idavall is to offer a proper, friendly and professional support. The support is one of the most important possibilities to be informed about the users? needs, wishes and propos-als. This, what I called, user driven development has a lot of common with Participatory De-sign (PD) where users participate in the design of new software. PD implies that users of software should take part in decisions that affect the system and the way it is used and de-signed. Idavall make use of a kind of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which is a concept used in the marketing arena. The objective of CRM is to create a strong, mutual and trustful relationship between supplier and customer. By using CRM in combination with PD it is possible to enhance the user participation and enable user driven development. The company has a flexible development process, which is built on an informal way of driving the process. Informal meetings are common where decisions about changes and im-provements are taken quickly. New versions are delivered about 20 times a year. The employ-ees meet several times a day in the central located coffee room and discuss problems. The development process has a lot of common with Extreme Programming (XP), which is a software development methodology that aims to make software development more flexi-ble and focus on highly flexible environments with quickly changing requirements. XP is de-scribed briefly and comparisons are made to the development process of FRI as well as short-comings of XP in the context of PD.

Utvecklarmedverkan: Ett annorlunda perspektiv på relationen mellan utvecklare och användare : En undersökning över hur utvecklare kan involveras i användarens verksamhet / Developer Participation: A different view on collaboration between developers and users

Nordlander Wiik, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Inom systemutveckling har utvecklare och användare länge samarbetat för att nå mer framgångsrika systemutvecklingsprojekt. Detta samarbete grundar sig i vad som brukar kallas den skandinaviska skolan eller den skandinaviska traditionen. Detta var en utveckling som var mycket tydlig i de skandinaviska länderna som innebar att man började arbeta med medbestämmande på arbetsplatser och man började involvera de tilltänkta användarna i systemutvecklingsprojekt. Detta är ursprunget till konceptet användarmedverkan som är populärt att tala om idag och som nästan ses som en nödvändighet för att nå framgångsrika projekt. Användarmedverkan står för involveringen av användare i aktiviteter under systemutvecklingsprocessen. Detta är ett utforskat tillvägagångssätt som bevisats kunna bidra med många positiva effekter till systemutvecklingsprojekt. Trots att användarmedverkan har blivit en accepterad norm blir majoriteten av alla systemutvecklingsprojekt inte framgångsrika. System är ofta inte anpassade efter användarnas villkor och i projekten finns det inte någon med makt att påverka som bevakar deras intressen. Detta väcker fråga om samverkan skulle kunna ske på andra sätt för att fånga verksamhetens behov och få framgångsrika IT-lösningar. Därför introducerar och undersöker denna studie möjligheterna kring en utvecklarmedverkan. Utvecklarmedverkan innebär en involvering av utvecklare i användares verksamhet. Det ger ett nytt fokus på användarna och innebär en samverkan där användarna har makt att påverka. I linje med detta syfte ämnar studien besvara följande tre forskningsfrågor; På vilka sätt kan utvecklare involveras i användarens verksamhet?, Vilken nytta kan man se av involveringen?, Vilka utmaningar kan man möta vid involveringen?. Studien har följt en kvalitativ metod där data har samlats in genom en litteraturstudie, samt genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har genomförts via ett samarbete med ett konsultföretag där intervjupersoner har plockats från deras personalstyrka eller kundbas. Genom en tematisk analys har jag i studien kommit fram till att förutom att det innebär ett nytt arbetssätt där många olika roller ska samarbeta så krävs det även att man kan påvisa att den tid och pengar man lägger på utvecklarmedverkan är värd den nytta det kan bidra med. Studien lyfter den möjliga nyttan av utvecklarmedverkan dels som en allmän större förståelse mellan utvecklare och användare och dels att det möjliggör en verksamhetsförbättring för användare. / It is not a new thing for developers and users to work together in system development projects for the projects to succeed. This collaboration comes from what is known as the Scandinavian approach. This refers to a progress that took place in and was dominant in Scandinavia where codetermination in the workplace became important and they started to involve users in the decisions regarding new computer systems. The Scandinavian approach is the origin of user participation, which is well used today and almost considered necessary to reach success in system development. User participation stands for the participation of users in activities during the development. User participation is well researched and acknowledged to contribute to successful development projects. Although user participation has become established most of system development projects does not end in success. Often the systems don’t meet the needs of the users and there’s also often no one with influence that sees to their interests. This leads to the question if collaboration between developers and users could be done by other means, as a way to identify business needs and reach successful IT-solutions. Because of this, this study introduces and explores the possibilities surrounding the concept developer participation. Developer participation stands for the participation of developers in the user’s activities. This presents a new way to look at it with a new focus on the users which means collaboration where the users have the power to influence. In extension of this objective the study was set to answer these three research questions; How can developers participate in the users business?, What benefits can the participation lead to?, What challenges can the participation face?. The study was carried out with a qualitative approach where data was collected through literature and semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with help from a consultant company which accounted for the interviewees through their staff and customer base. With a thematic coding as the analytic method the study concludes that developer participation face mainly two challenges. It means that a new approach where quite different people have to collaborate are introduced and this approach has to be proven worth the time and money it takes to use it. Furthermore the study presents a greater understanding between developers and users and an opportunity for organizational improvements on the user side as possible effects of developer participation.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE : KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

Järvliden, Ida, Rydin, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system. / Den här rapporten fokuserar på problem med införande av affärssystem i företag. En studie har utförts på service- och supportavdelningen på ett svenskt elektronikföretag, SVM North Node. Med arbetet hoppas vi tillföra insikter som gör avdelningen och företaget till en bättre kund i sitt val och anpassande av affärssystem. I rapporten beskriver vi avdelningen och det arbete som utförs där i ljuset av lärande och kunskap. Slutligen presenterar vi några idéer för hur datorsystem skulle kunna stödja deras arbete. Syftet med detta är att de ska kunna ställa adekvata krav på ett nytt affärssystem. / Ida Järvliden, ida_jervliden@hotmail.com Stefan Rydin, rydinstefan@hotmail.com

Smarter technologies towards Greener Homes : A Human-Centred Approach

Bennani, Mohamed January 2018 (has links)
Advances in technology continuously reshape habits, behaviours and interactions at individual, organisational and societal levels. Information and Communication technology (ICT) is pervasive, and is the bearer of crucial information, analysis and responses to the recipient. It assists in processes such as understanding phenomena and taking appropriate action. It also provides communication means, platforms and tools to interact with one another. In the United Kingdom’s (UK) Energy industry, smart meters are currently being deployed by energy suppliers to their customers. These are presented as a revolutionary device that supports a more efficient energy use at home and/or in the workplace, and helps customers save on their energy bill and reduce carbon footprint. Using interpretivist phenomenological Human-centred qualitative research, The thesis work explores the impact of using smart meter devices, as perceived by UK customers, in helping to monitor, use and manage energy consumption at home. Also, the study looks into alternative technology and customers’ expectations in the context of energy efficiency. And finally, the principles of a design is presented to respond to customers demands and desires. Passive participant observation, Future workshop and inspiration cards session are the methods and techniques applied in this research to collect  data. The findings constitute good grounds for individual consumers to be aware of the opportunities made available by alternative technology. At organisational level it is a basis for energy suppliers to change their behaviour towards a changing demand and adapt by switching their core business to supplying Information and analysis as well as energy efficiency management solutions. At societal level government bodies and regulating agencies can tackle sustainability and green energy issues by controlling the profit driven character of privatised energy companies and responding to real market demand as perceived by consumers. Emerging technologies present opportunities that have the capabilities of breaking the status quo of energy supply industry in the UK as well as the rest of world. The value of this research is to show customers’ perceived reality and expectations, as well as opportunities to change the way energy is supplied and consumed.

Conception et évaluation de systèmes de production intégrant culture et élevage à l'échelle du territoire / Co-design and assessment of integrated crop-livestock systems at territory level

Moraine, Marc 28 April 2015 (has links)
L’intégration culture – élevage à l’échelle territoire représente une voie pour améliorer le fonctionnement métabolique et les services écosystémiques fournis par les systèmes agricoles, malgré les contraintes de spécialisation des exploitations. Cette thèse propose une méthodologie de conception de systèmes culture – élevage au niveau du territoire, dans une démarche participative structurée en trois grandes étapes : diagnostic des enjeux, conception d’options techniques et organisationnelles, évaluation multicritère. Chaque étape est outillée par un cadre conceptuel et une grille d’évaluation multicritère adaptée aux dispositifs de terrain menés sur le bassin versant de l’Aveyron. Les scénarios construits présentent deux modèles de l’intégration culture – élevage : une « filière territorialisée » pour la production de luzerne dans les systèmes de culture de l’aval du bassin à destination des élevages de l’amont, un « collectif d’agriculteurs bio » échangeant directement de la luzerne, des méteils et du fumier dans des groupes locaux. Chaque scénario présente des performances de durabilité améliorées et pourraient être complémentaires pour le changement de pratiques sur le territoire. La méthodologie développée permet la conception multi-niveaux et multi-domaines de scénarios d’intégration, et pourrait être renforcée par une évaluation quantitative des bénéfices attendus et des coûts de coordination entre acteurs. / Crop-livestock integration at territory level may be a pathway to impove metabolic functions and delivery of ecosystem services in agricultural systems, overcoming the constraints of farm specialization. This thesis builds on a methodology of participatory design of integrated crop-livestock systems at territory level in three steps: diagnosis of issues, design of technical and organizational options for change, multicriteria assessment. Each step is supported with a conceptual framework and a multicriteria grid adapted to the case study in Aveyron river basin. The designed scenarios show two approaches of crop –livestock integration: the introduction of alfalfa in downstream cropping systems sold to upstream livestock systems through a local supply chain and the direct exchanges of alfalfa, cereal-legume mixtures and animal manure in local groups of organic farmers. Both scenario present improved sustainability performances and could be complementary to initiate more sustainable practices in local farming systems. The methodology allows designing multi-level and multi-domain scenarios of crop-livestock integration. It could be improved with models for quantitative assessment of benefits and coordination costs among stakeholders.

Etablera er online eller dö : En grafisk utforskning av ett hantverksföretag med ändamål att etablera sig online / Establish yourself online or die. : A graphic exploration of a craft company for the purpose of establishing oneself online.

Arve, Mårten January 2021 (has links)
I mitt examensarbete har jag valt att fokusera på att skapa en visuell identitet till mina föräldrarshantverksföretag och att etablera dem online. De har aldrig haft en grafisk identitet av någotslag, trots att de varit i branschen över 30 år. Den enda visuella identitet som existerat ärderas produkter, tomtarna, som fått tala för sig själva. Jag har därmed valt att bygga vidare påjust denna grund för att bibehålla deras varumärkesidentitet och genuinitet. Under arbetet harjag utvecklat en logotyp, en hemsida, skapat en närvaro på sociala medier på Facebook ochInstagram, designat ett utskick för mer åtråvärda kunder, samt gjort en kortfilm för att presenteradem och deras yrke. Som grund för arbetet har jag utgått från intervjuer, workshopsoch deltagande design i samarbete med mina föräldrar, för att få en känsla för vad just de villförmedla för framtida kunder. Företaget har även genomgått ett namnbyte för att bättre speglaverksamheten. / This is a study of a small craftwork establishment, and the balance between creating a graphicidentity and maintaining the essence and voice that has been developed through the company’s30 year history. Through close collaboration with the clients we have pinpointed thebrand personality and how they want their visual identity to be represented towards potentialfuture clients. To establish this I have used the methods of participatory design through interviews,workshop and business model canvas. For the end result I have developed a graphicidentity that contains a website, logotype, social media presence on Facebook and Instagram,and designed a sendout that will be targeted towards their more desirable clients. I have alsoproduced a short film to present both of them as creators and th eir products and will be thelarger piece of the storytelling aspect of my work. The company has also undergone a namechange to better reflect the business.

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