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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manipulation eller relation? : Om språket som medel för påverkan

Johansson, Matilde January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Manipulation or relation – the language as an instrument for influence (relation eller manipulation – om språket som medel för påverkan)</p><p>Number of pages: 42</p><p>Author: Matilde Johansson</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn term 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and communication, Department of information science, Uppsala university</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to gain a deeper understanding of how communication consultants work with communication. The purpose is to sort out whether or not the consultants have the same view in their strategic work with influence as they have when they build relations to customers. In the end the essay will answer if the perspective is the same between their strategic work, their relations and the research definition of how to obtain a genuine dialogue and a good relationship.</p><p>Material/Method: This is a qualitative research. I have interviewed five communication consultants from three different corporations. In the analysis the data from the interviews will be applied with relevant communication theory.</p><p>Main results: In broad outline the result shows that communication consultants see communication mainly as a verbal instrument with a capacity to influence other people through the conversations between them. It’s the integration and the talk between people that affects them and make changes possible. In their relations with customers they strive for a personal relationship based on dialogue and mutual understanding. To affect others they work with word-of-mouth and storytelling, both of these strategic types deal with verbal communication and networking. The conclusion is that they mainly base their view of communication from a cultural perspective.</p><p>Key Words: Communication consultants, public relation, relation, dialogue, influence, cultural perspective, sensemaking, mutual understanding, people who influence people, word-of-mouth, storytelling</p>

Gestão da ética nas organizações: possibilidades aos profissionais de relações públicas e comunicação organizacional / Ethics management in organizations: possibilities given to public-relation professionals and organizational communicators.

Andrade, Zilda Aparecida Freitas de 18 March 2010 (has links)
O estudo analisa como se dá o processo de implantação e gestão da ética nas organizações e nos relacionamentos com os seus públicos, e estabelece a relação entre ética organizacional e reputação corporativa, com dados levantados por meio de entrevista em profundidade realizada com representantes de seis empresas com sede em São Paulo. Nas dimensões teóricas, são abordados os conceitos de ética, ética no âmbito das organizações, o papel do profissional de relações públicas e de comunicação organizacional na gestão da ética e os reflexos da ética na reputação corporativa. Na análise, são colocados em teste nove pressupostos e os dados da pesquisa são confrontados com os guias construídos a partir das noções de poder de Michel Foucault, e de ajustamentos do indivíduo no âmbito da organização de Erwing Goffman. Os resultados permitem afirmar, dentre outras conclusões, que, embora haja participação dos profissionais em significativos processos de gestão da ética, esta ainda é orientada em linha descendente; que são evidentes a relação ética e reputação corporativa; que a comunicação é considerada essencial no processo de gestão; que as organizações priorizam o relacionamento ético com os seus públicos, daí a possibilidade aos profissionais de relações públicas e de comunicação organizacional de atuação estratégica nesse processo. Tema que não se esgota, a ética constitui objeto permanente de pesquisa e investigação. / This study reports on how corporations implant and manage ethic practices in their organizations and in the relationship with their public, establishing the relation between organizational ethics and corporate reputation by means of data collected thorough interviews with representatives of six corporations established in São Paulo. It has approached the concept of ethics; ethic at the organization environment; the role of public-relation professionals and of organization communicators in managing ethic and its reflection on corporate reputation. Nine presuppositions were tested and the results compared to the guide of power-knowledge by Michel Foucault, and adjustment in organization environment by Erwing Goffman. It was concluded that although the participation of the professionals in this area was relevant to the process of ethics management it is still done in a controlled way; it was evident the relationethics and corporate reputation; that communication is essential in this process; that organizations prioritize ethical relation with their public, outstanding the necessity of public-relation professionals and organization communicators to strategically act in this process. Being a complex subject, ethic is in permanent studying and investigation.

企業參與公益活動與公益行銷之研究 / The research of corporate philanthropy and cause-related marketing

游舒惠 Unknown Date (has links)
企業參與公益活動在台已日漸普及,形式上也趨於多元,如公益行銷便逐漸為實務界採用。企業在公益活動參與上有不同面貌之原因以及其決策過程,企業界及消費者對公益行銷之觀感等皆為本研究重點。 本研究分為兩部分,一為以企業訪談深入了解企業公益參與之決策過程;次為對明□電腦公司與兒童福利聯盟之公益行銷活動進行量化之消費者調查,以評估效果。 參考過去文獻後,本研究將企業參與公益活動之動機區分為企業自利與社會責任,影響企業參與公益活動之因素分為組織因素與活動因素探討,過去參與經驗則全面影響企業決策過程;公益參與之行動決策分為活動類型、受益對象與參與形式三構面。本研究以質化方式進行,選取八家企業進行深度訪談,輔以次級資料收集補強。 於訪談後本研究將參與動機進一步區分為短期企業自利、長期企業自利與社會責任,並針對參與動機與行動決策之關係發展出五項命題:企業公益參與動機偏向長期企業自利時,傾向由公關部門負責且自行主辦公益活動、長期參與,其選擇參與之議題或參與形式較不考量與企業相關程度;企業公益參與動機偏向短期企業自利,傾向由行銷或業務部門負責,多選擇與企業相關性高之議題或形式參與;企業進行公益行銷時,參與動機較偏向短期企業自利。 根據訪談結果,將影響因素中之活動因素進一步區分為議題因素與非營利組織因素,針對影響因素與行動決策之關係發展六項命題:高階主管個人偏好或經驗,影響企業公益參與之議題選擇,且高階主管對公益參與越支持,公益參與之資源分配越充分,越有成立獨立部門專責之傾向,且部門層級與自主性皆較高;企業若隸屬某集團之一部份,母公司在公益活動參與之經驗,將影響集團內其他公司對企業參與公益之理念、態度、議題選擇以及負責部門。另外,研究發現在公益參與資源分配較少之企業中,傾向由業務或行銷部門兼職負責,且認為公益行銷為較討喜之參與方式,且採主辦方式。隨著參與經驗累積,專責部門有由行銷部門轉向公關部門之傾向。 本研究亦修正將公益活動進一步區分為議題與非營利組織兩者,研究發現議題因素對企業公益參與決策之影響主要為參與形式與負責部門:企業進行公益行銷時,極注重議題之社會顯著性及議題與企業之關連性;此外,議題之急迫性影響企業公益參與之形式與負責組織。 針對效果評估、過去經驗與參與決策之關係發展三項命題,概述如下:動機偏向長期自利之企業,效果評估以大眾傳播媒體報導情形為主;過去經驗對企業參與公益活動決策之影響主要為專責部門及效果評估能力。 公益行銷之量化研究顯示,該活動對明□電腦公司之企業形象確有提升效果,且在公益形象方面尤為顯著,但該活動對消費者之購買決策影響有限,綜合受訪者對該活動之感覺以及受訪者推測明□電腦公司舉辦該活動之原因大多傾向正面回答,且有參與活動之消費者又更為正面,顯示受訪者對於企業以公益行銷從事公益活動之模式並不排斥,且態度越正面者,參與可能性越高。 本研究最大貢獻在發展出較完整之企業參與公益決策模式,對公益行銷活動進行實證研究,亦較過去研究更能真實評估其成效。建議有心從事公益活動之企業,除公益行銷活動可由行銷或業務部門主導外,應成立專責單位負責,如此在公益參與較為專業有序;在公益行銷部分,建議企業應注重宣傳、突破窠臼且注意產品之適用性。

企業公共關係運作模式之研究 / The Research of Corporate Public Relations

趙基宏, Chao, Chi-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
有關「公共關係」一詞,由於定義非常廣泛,且不同組織所從事公共關係的目標及目的亦有所差異。職是之故,本研究僅就企業從事公共關係專案時所應確立之架構模式予以討論。本研究所需之資料舉凡有關公共關係理論及實務介紹的文獻、書籍皆為主要來源。研究中乃以四家企業為個案,以驗證依據理論建立架構之可行性。整體內容以理論和實務並重,重點在理論架構的建立和實務運作程序之探討。 第2章:公共關係理論發展的文獻回顧。 第3章:公共關係運作架構建立為本研究之重心所在。 第4章:乃舉個案公司之實務運作,以驗證說明理論架構之可行性。 第5章:對前兩章內容作一總結。說明理論架構之特色,適用性及運用範圍,以及實務運作之發現,以利後續研究之方向參考。研究之主要發現有: (1) 公關運作架構能契合個案公司之需求 (2) 理論架構的程序,有助於企業掌握公關問題 (3) 決策導向的運作程序,提高了公關活動的品質 (4) 公關運作架構,使企業更能掌握內、外部公眾 (5) 目標公眾特質分析使公關活動運用更為恰當 (6) 完整的公關運作分析,有效界定不同的公關媒介與方法 (7) 不同的公司特性會影響公關媒介與方法的運用 (8) 有效的公關評估準則,能掌握目標公眾態度、行為的改變

Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Hochschulmarketing in Deutschland : am Beispiel der Region Berlin/Brandenburg / Current developments in the marketing of Germany’s higher education system : the example of the region Berlin/Brandenburg

Jäger, Reingard January 2009 (has links)
1. Problemstellung und Relevanz des Themas Die deutsche Hochschullandschaft hat in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Veränderungen bewältigen müssen und steht weiterhin großen Herausforderungen gegenüber, durch welche sich zunehmend wettbewerbsähnliche Merkmale in diesem Sektor verfestigen: • Umstellung auf international vergleichbare Studiengänge • Neuregelung der Studienplatzvergabe • Einführung von Studiengebühren in einigen Bundesländern • Leistungsindikatoren zur Verteilung der staatlichen Haushaltsmittel • Demographischer Wandel Eine Bildungseinrichtung besitzt mehrere Anspruchsgruppen: die Studierenden, welche Bildungsleistungen nachfragen, den Staat, der für die Leistungen zahlt, die Öffentlichkeit, die an Grundlagenforschungen interessiert ist und schließlich die Wirtschaft, die Absolventen rekrutiert (vgl. Berthold, C. 2001, S.431). Die Hochschulen befinden sich untereinander verstärkt im Wettbewerb um qualifizierte (und ggf. zahlungswillige) Studierende, um finanzielle Mittel vom Staat oder aus der Privatwirtschaft und um renommierte Wissenschaftler. Hochschulen müssen sich nun den veränderten Bedingungen anpassen, um auch weiterhin im nationalen und internationalen Wettbewerb überlebensfähig zu bleiben. Grundsätzlich kann sich hierbei an in der Privatwirtschaft erfolgreich eingesetzten Marketinginstrumenten orientiert werden. 2. Zielsetzung und Aufbau der Arbeit Nach einer Analyse der oben genannten Rahmenbedingungen, wird im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit gezeigt, welche Erkenntnisse aus dem Marketing auf Hochschulen übertragen werden können. Dabei werden sowohl strategische Fragen beleuchtet als auch die Instrumente des Marketing-Mix vorgestellt. In einer anschließenden Untersuchung wurden Faktoren bestimmt, welche sich positiv auf den Entwicklungsstand von Marketingaktivitäten an Hochschulen auswirken. Dabei konnten - beispielhaft für die Region Berlin/Brandenburg - sechs verschiedene Hochschultypen identifiziert werden. Diese weisen, in Abhängigkeit der verschiedenen Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Institutionen, einen unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstand oder ein anderes Verständnis von Hochschulmarketing auf. Aufgrund dessen erscheinen für sie jeweils andere Marketingstrategien empfehlenswert. Die größte Rolle für den differenzierten Status quo im Hochschulmarketing an Berliner und Brandenburger Hochschulen spielt die Stärke des äußeren Drucks unter dem sich die Hochschule befindet, um ihre Auslastung und die notwendige finanzielle Ausstattung sicherzustellen. Ferner unterscheiden sich die Hochschulleitungen erheblich in ihrem Engagement und der Bereitschaft, diesen Herausforderungen mit Marketinginstrumenten zu begegnen. Trotz der gestiegenen Anzahl von Beiträgen zur Notwendigkeit der Einführung von ökonomischen Überlegungen auch im Hochschulmanagement gibt es viele Kritiker, die ein Ende der Freiheit für Forschung und Lehre prophezeien, wenn der Marketing-Gedanke verstärkt auch an Bildungseinrichtungen Einzug hält. Unumstritten ist, dass Managementansätze aus der privaten Wirtschaft nicht ohne weiteres auf eine Hochschule adaptiert werden können. Wahrscheinlich besteht jedoch die größere Gefahr für Freiheit und Erfolg von Forschung und Lehre in der Missachtung dieser aktuellen Tendenzen (vgl. Tutt 2006, S. 171)! / 1. Problem and Importance Germany’s academic landscape has dealt with several transformations recently and still faces enormous challenges, which have resulted in the ever-increasing competitive nature within the educational sector: • reorganization of educational degrees for international comparability • adjustments in the allocation of places available for study • initiation of tuition fees in some federal states • efficiency indicators for resource allocation of public funds • demographic change An educational institution has several groups of interest: students who demand educational services, the state which pays for the these services, the general public that is interested in fundamental research and an economic system that recruits qualified graduates (cf. Berthold, 2001, p. 431). Institutions of higher education compete among each other for competent students (who are willing to pay if necessary), qualified scientists and public funding or means from the private sector. To remain viable competitors on a national and international level, institutions of higher education need to adapt themselves to changing conditions. Here it is possible to utilize the successfully applied marketing tools from the private sector. 2. Goal and Structure of this Thesis After an analysis of the above mentioned general conditions, the first part of this thesis will explore which marketing strategies can be adapted for higher education institutions. Both, strategic questions and marketing tools will be discussed. A subsequent research defined criteria, which have a positive impact on the stage of development of marketing-activities in institutions of higher education. Six different types of educational institutions could be identified for the region Berlin/Brandenburg. Depending on the different characteristics ofeach institution, they exhibit a variety of stages of development or diverse understandings of marketing for higher education. Thus, differing marketing strategies can be recommended in each case. The most important factor in the differences in the marketing management of higher education institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg is the level of intensity of external pressure put on these establishments in order to guarantee the maximum utilization of resources and financial strength. Furthermore, the institution’s administrations differ in the commitment and willingness to respond to these challenges with marketing tools. Despite the increasing number of papers written on the necessity to introduce economic considerations into the management of higher education institutions, there are many critics that prognosticate the end of freedom within research and teaching if the spirit of marketing enters into education. Though it is an indisputable fact that management approaches from the private sector cannot be adapted into educational institutions without changes, freedom within research and teaching possibly faces a bigger threat from the disregard of these current changes and developments (cf. Tutt 2006, p. 171)!

Manipulation eller relation? : Om språket som medel för påverkan

Johansson, Matilde January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Manipulation or relation – the language as an instrument for influence (relation eller manipulation – om språket som medel för påverkan) Number of pages: 42 Author: Matilde Johansson Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn term 2007 University: Division of Media and communication, Department of information science, Uppsala university Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to gain a deeper understanding of how communication consultants work with communication. The purpose is to sort out whether or not the consultants have the same view in their strategic work with influence as they have when they build relations to customers. In the end the essay will answer if the perspective is the same between their strategic work, their relations and the research definition of how to obtain a genuine dialogue and a good relationship. Material/Method: This is a qualitative research. I have interviewed five communication consultants from three different corporations. In the analysis the data from the interviews will be applied with relevant communication theory. Main results: In broad outline the result shows that communication consultants see communication mainly as a verbal instrument with a capacity to influence other people through the conversations between them. It’s the integration and the talk between people that affects them and make changes possible. In their relations with customers they strive for a personal relationship based on dialogue and mutual understanding. To affect others they work with word-of-mouth and storytelling, both of these strategic types deal with verbal communication and networking. The conclusion is that they mainly base their view of communication from a cultural perspective. Key Words: Communication consultants, public relation, relation, dialogue, influence, cultural perspective, sensemaking, mutual understanding, people who influence people, word-of-mouth, storytelling

企業危機溝通管理初探:以台灣企業公關業務負責人調查為例 / A study on crisis communication management of Taiwan companies

蘇世欣, Shyh Shin Su January 1990 (has links)
論文摘要 本研究旨於探討國內五百大企業危機溝通管理概況,透過問卷調方式,針對台灣五百大企業公關業務負責人進行實證調查,並將危機溝通管理過程分為預防與準備階段以及回應階段,分從議題管理、關係管理、溝通機制設立、形象修復策略使用、選取形象修復策略之考量因素、形象修復策略息之傳遞形式、以及公關從業人員溝通自主性等面向,探討國內五百大企業危機溝通管理概況。 研究結果顯示,就危機溝通預防與準備階段的議題管理而言,國內五百大企業負責公關業務的部門,有高達九成以上平時有蒐集組織或產業的相關議題或報導資訊。另外,有近八成比例的企業有專人負責執行議題偵測任務,主要利用平面媒體(報紙、專業期刊或一般期刊雜誌)作為議題偵測的來源管道。其次,就關係管理面向而言,國內五百大企業最重視的利益關係人為「顧客」,其次為「政府主管單位」與「投資者」。企業公關業務負責人,大多表示組織與利益關係人間的關係良好。在溝通機制設立上,國內五百大企業有近六成比例設有書面或具備成文的危機管理政策,另有近七成比例設有危機管理小組的溝通機制,小組成員多由組織中各部門所組成,公關業務負責人也多半身任危機管理小組成員。在設有危機管理小組機制的企業中,有近七成比例設立可供危機管理小組運作的危機管理中心,以及多數在平時握有一份最新媒體名單。 研究結果亦發現,國內五百大企業有近九成五比例設有媒體發言人,配置以1位媒體發言人為主,其中主要以公關業務負責人或執行總裁擔任。整體而言,國內五百大企業的媒體發言人,有近五成比例曾受過媒體應對之訓練。 在危機溝通回應階段方面,研究結果指出,國內五百大企業不論面對天然災害、惡意破壞、科技型、消費者使用不當、管理失當或價值扭曲等不同危機類型,較常採用「提供資訊」與「哀兵策略」等形象修復策略。另外,「建構新議題」、「承認/道歉」、「逃避責任」與「否認」策略,是企業面對危機事件時較不常使用的策略。研究結果顯示,相較於由外在環境所引發的危機類型,企業在面對由組織內部所引發的危機類型時,傾向採取「進行修正行動」、「形式上致意」、與「承認/道歉」等形象修復策略。 另外,在選取形象修復策略之考量因素方面,研究結果顯示,公關業務負責人大多同意Coombs(1995)所提的四個考量因素:危機類型、危機損害程度、證據真實度、組織過去表現。換言之,此四因素是影響企業在實際危機事件中,決定選取何種形象修復策略的重要考量因素。有關形象修復策略訊息之傳遞形式上,國內五百大企業多能達成「一致性」、「易得性」等訊息傳遞形式要求。不過,相較於組織在「一致性」與「易得性」等訊息傳遞形式上的表現,企業在訊息傳遞形式中有關「迅速性」的實際表現則屬較弱一環。最後,就公關從業人員溝通自主性而言,國內五百大企業公關業務負責人,多半具有溝通自主性,其與組織內部的法務人員在危機溝通回應階段的互動概況良好。 本研究進一步觀察企業特性與危機溝通管理的關聯性,發現企業的營收排名、員工人數、有無獨立關部門等特性,與組織危機溝通管理預防與準備之關聯。研究結果顯示,營收排名愈前、員工人數愈多的大型企業,不論是對議題偵測的重視程度、或對危機溝通機制設立,都顯示較高比例的重視情形。再者,設有獨立公關部門的企業,在以下面向上也呈現高度成效:1)提昇與其最重視利益關係人的關係管理,2)形象修復策略訊息傳遞形式的表現,顯示公關專業的確有助於提升企業危機溝通管理成效。 / none / 目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究的重要性 3 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 危機溝通管理的意義與重要性 9 第二節 危機溝通的預防與準備 15 第三節 危機溝通的回應 29 第四節 企業特性與危機溝通管理的可能關聯性 51 第五節 研究架構與研究問題 53 第三章 研究方法 58 第一節 研究對象 58 第二節 測量工具與測量變項 58 第三節 施測程序 66 第四章 資料分析與研究發現 69 第一節 樣本基本資料 69 第二節 組織在危機溝通預防與準備階段的管理概況 74 第三節 組織在危機溝通回應階段的管理概況 88 第四節 企業特性與危機溝通管理的關聯性 99 第五章 結論 112 第一節 研究發現 112 第二節 研究限制與建議 119 參考文獻 123 附錄 131

La communication publique et ses évolutions. La localisation de la communication de l'Etat à travers l'exemple de la sécurité routière / The public communication and its evolutions. Localization of the communication through the example of the road safety

Tamboura, Welore 20 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse, en sciences de l’information et de la communication, est de questionner les enjeux liés à la localisation de la communication de prévention à l’occasion de la politique publique de sécurité routière en France.L’émergence de la communication publique de l’État en France est récente. Elle remonte aux années 1970 avec la politique de création des villes nouvelles et l’introduction de la communication comme facteur de changement de l’administration et de modification du comportement des individus. Ce dernier aspect montre la croyance en un « pouvoir d’influence » de la communication médiatisée de la part des pouvoirs publics et par là-même la tendance qui en résulte d'analyser la communication publique de l’État à travers sa seule dimension « médiatique ». Sans occulter la place des médias dans la communication publique, l’analyse s’intéresse aux différentes dimensions sous-jacentes, qui émergent par la localisation de la communication de prévention sur le thème de la sécurité routière, dont les médias ne semblent refléter qu’une partie.Cette approche par la localisation met en présence des logiques, des stratégies d’acteurs et des représentations qui s’affrontent et montrent que de la question de la sécurité routière émergent d’autres enjeux qui dépassent le cadre initial comme notamment celui de la quête de la visibilité, celui de la légitimation de l’action publique à travers la communication, celui de la normalisation du comportement à travers l’encadrement de la conduite individuelle et celui de la gouvernance des territoires à l'heure où l'État semble perdre de plus en plus de prérogatives au profit des collectivités territoriales.L'approche diachronique de l’ « institutionnalisation » de la communication de l’État sur la question de la sécurité routière et de ses enjeux montre trois périodes clés : les années 1970 avec une approche "technique" de la sécurité routière et la naissance des premières campagnes de prévention (d’abord dans le milieu associatif). Ensuite les années 1980 et les premiers mouvements de décentralisation qui marquent une nouvelle orientation dans le cadre de l’action publique concernant la sécurité routière qui se lit non seulement à travers la structuration interne de l’appareil d’État (restructuration de ses services externes) mais également à travers son déploiement territorial et le transfert de compétences aux pouvoirs locaux. Enfin, les années 2000 voient le renforcement de la dimension « coercitive » et la mise en place d'un ensemble d'outils en ce sens.L’analyse de l’évolution de la communication publique sur la thématique de la sécurité routière et de sa localisation montre qu’elle est intrinsèquement liée à l’évolution même de l’administration d’État (aux niveaux structurel et politique) d’où les tentatives de réorientations successives (et pas nécessairement différentes) de cette politique, l’intervention d'acteurs aux intérêts et logiques différents qui n’apportent pas forcément une redéfinition de la politique de communication (du moins pas dans sa partie la plus visible), l'importance de la mobilisation des outils quantitatifs, réactivée par les lois de finance ainsi que les impératifs au niveau européen. / The objective of this thesis, in information and communication sciences, is to question the issues related to the location of prevention communication during the public policy about road safety in France.In France,the emergence of public communication of the state is recent. It dates back to the 1970s with the policy of creating new towns and the introduction of communication as a factor of change of administration and modification of the behavior of individuals. This last aspect shows the belief in a "power of influence" of the publicized communication on the part of the public authorities and hence the resulting tendency to analyze public communication of the State through its sole dimension “The media ". Without obscuring the role of the media in public communication, the analysis focuses on the various underlying dimensions emerging from the localization of prevention communication on the theme of road safety, the media of which seem to reflect only “a part.This localization approach brings together the logics, the strategies of the actors and the representations that confront each other and show that issues of road safety emerge from other issues that go beyond the initial framework, in particular that of the quest for The visibility, the legitimisation of public action through communication, the normalization of behavior through the management of individual conduct and the governance of territories at a time when the state seems to lose More and more prerogatives for the benefit of local and regional authorities.The diachronic approach of the "institutionalization" of state communication on the issue of road safety and its stakes shows three key periods: the 1970s with a "technical" approach to road safety and the birth of First prevention campaigns (first in the voluntary sector). Then the 1980s and the first decentralization movements marked a new orientation in the framework of public action concerning road safety, which is read not only through the internal structuring of the State apparatus (restructuring of its external services ) But also through its territorial deployment and the transfer of powers to local authorities. Finally, the 2000s saw the strengthening of the "coercive" dimension and the setting up of a set of tools in this sense.The analysis of the evolution of public communication on the issue of road safety and its location shows that it is intrinsically linked to the evolution of state administration (at the structural and political levels) Where attempts at successive (and not necessarily different) reorientations of this policy, the intervention of actors with different interests and logics that do not necessarily bring about a redefinition of the communication policy (at least not in its most visible part ), The importance of the mobilization of quantitative tools, reactivated by the finance laws as well as the imperatives at European level.

Gestão da ética nas organizações: possibilidades aos profissionais de relações públicas e comunicação organizacional / Ethics management in organizations: possibilities given to public-relation professionals and organizational communicators.

Zilda Aparecida Freitas de Andrade 18 March 2010 (has links)
O estudo analisa como se dá o processo de implantação e gestão da ética nas organizações e nos relacionamentos com os seus públicos, e estabelece a relação entre ética organizacional e reputação corporativa, com dados levantados por meio de entrevista em profundidade realizada com representantes de seis empresas com sede em São Paulo. Nas dimensões teóricas, são abordados os conceitos de ética, ética no âmbito das organizações, o papel do profissional de relações públicas e de comunicação organizacional na gestão da ética e os reflexos da ética na reputação corporativa. Na análise, são colocados em teste nove pressupostos e os dados da pesquisa são confrontados com os guias construídos a partir das noções de poder de Michel Foucault, e de ajustamentos do indivíduo no âmbito da organização de Erwing Goffman. Os resultados permitem afirmar, dentre outras conclusões, que, embora haja participação dos profissionais em significativos processos de gestão da ética, esta ainda é orientada em linha descendente; que são evidentes a relação ética e reputação corporativa; que a comunicação é considerada essencial no processo de gestão; que as organizações priorizam o relacionamento ético com os seus públicos, daí a possibilidade aos profissionais de relações públicas e de comunicação organizacional de atuação estratégica nesse processo. Tema que não se esgota, a ética constitui objeto permanente de pesquisa e investigação. / This study reports on how corporations implant and manage ethic practices in their organizations and in the relationship with their public, establishing the relation between organizational ethics and corporate reputation by means of data collected thorough interviews with representatives of six corporations established in São Paulo. It has approached the concept of ethics; ethic at the organization environment; the role of public-relation professionals and of organization communicators in managing ethic and its reflection on corporate reputation. Nine presuppositions were tested and the results compared to the guide of power-knowledge by Michel Foucault, and adjustment in organization environment by Erwing Goffman. It was concluded that although the participation of the professionals in this area was relevant to the process of ethics management it is still done in a controlled way; it was evident the relationethics and corporate reputation; that communication is essential in this process; that organizations prioritize ethical relation with their public, outstanding the necessity of public-relation professionals and organization communicators to strategically act in this process. Being a complex subject, ethic is in permanent studying and investigation.

Marketing bankovních služeb v České spořitelně, a.s. / Marketing of banking instruments of Česká spořitelna, a.s.

Rychlá, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work deals with marketing problems of bank services. The theory of marketing bank mix is described in it, creation of marketing campaign and control of relations with clients. The goal is a detection of an embarrassment of marketing methods and campaigns used in Česká spořitelna, then evaluation of this methods and finally making some concept how to solve this situation.

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