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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Run Forrest run! : About Parkour as a tool in a humanitarian life skills intervention

Rosendahl, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Aim:                Parkour is a relatively new action sport, which is not only popular in non-conflict regions but also in regions where armed conflict is taking place. When being featured in the media, youth from conflict regions frequently report that Parkour has helped them to deal with the consequences of armed conflict. Although Parkour is being used in psychosocial and life skills interventions in European countries, and despite the fact that action sports are used in humanitarian assistance, there is no research on the potential of Parkour as a tool in humanitarian interventions. The aim of this thesis is to analyse how Parkour can be used in humanitarian aid interventions, particularly focusing on its potential for life skills interventions. In order to do so, a mapping of Parkour teams in conflict regions is conducted. What is more, example cases highlight the importance Parkour has for youth in conflict regions. Lastly, a qualitative thematic analysis, will review the cases and academic literature, in order to discuss to what extent these characteristics coincide with the ten life skills as they were outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO). Methods:       Mapping is limited to the timeframe 2013 – 2018 and to countries which display a high amount of organized violence within said timeframe. Furthermore, qualitative thematic analysis in combination with a review of relevant literature is used, in order to understand what Parkour’s potential for life skills interventions could be. Findings:         The mapping indicates that Parkour teams and individuals are active in 16 out of the 22 countries which comply with the mapping criteria. The cases further exemplify that for many practitioners in the conflict regions, Parkour is used as a tool to deal with the consequences of armed conflict.  The qualitative thematic analysis shows that Parkour’s characteristics seem to coincide with the 10 life skills laid out by the WHO. Conclusion:    Action sports are already being used in aid interventions. Parkour’s assets in particular are multiple. It is an accessible, cost-effective and popular sport that youth globally and in conflict regions is attracted to. That, in combination with its characteristics and social media based nature, could be compelling arguments to use Parkour in humanitarian assistance.

Modelagem eletroquímica e do distúrbio ácido-básico de praticantes dos fundamentos do Parkour / Electrochemical and acid-base disorders modeling in Parkour athletes

Andrade Junior, Cassio Dias de 04 December 2015 (has links)
A análise da concentração de metabólitos no sangue pode refletir o comportamento metabólico durante o exercício físico. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o comportamento eletroquímico e do distúrbio ácido-básico de praticantes de Parkour, durante a realização de um percurso que utilizou movimentos fundamentais desta modalidade. Foram avaliados 23 praticantes de Parkour do sexo masculino, com idade média de 21,4±2,7 anos, com no mínimo dois anos de experiência na modalidade. Foram realizadas cinco coletas de sangue capilar da polpa digital dos dedos da mão, em diferentes momentos: (1) repouso, (2) após aquecimento, (3) logo após o esforço, (4) após cinco minutos e (5) após dez minutos. Foi realizado um percurso usando movimentos fundamentais da modalidade para caracterizar o esforço. A amostra foi analisada utilizando o aparelho de gasometria GEM Premier 3000, utilizando os parâmetros pH, Na+, K+, pH, lactato e HCO3−. Os valores de pH, lactato e HCO3− apresentaram diferença significativa (p<0,05) na maioria dos momentos analisados. Os valores de Ca2+, Na+, K+ apresentaram diferença significativa após o esforço, e uma rápida recuperação após cinco e dez minutos, quando comparados com os valores de referência. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram uma adaptação fisiológica dos eletrólitos, com rápida recuperação aos valores de referência. As alterações dos valores do pH, lactato e HCO3− identificam a utilização de vias anaeróbias para a produção de energia, assim como uma evidente acidose metabólica após o esforço. Os valores obtidos são similares a atletas de alto rendimento, principalmente de modalidades de força e velocidade. O presente estudo contribuiu para o entendimento do comportamento eletroquímico e do equilíbrio ácido-básico da modalidade Parkour, preenchendo assim uma lacuna na literatura. / The analysis of the blood metabolites can show the metabolic behavior during physical exercises. This study aimed to analyze the electrochemical and acid base disorders behavior in Parkour athlets, during an exercise routine that used basic movements of this particular sport. Twenty three male athletes (average of 21,4±2,7 years old) with a minimum of two years of experience in Parkour were evaluated. The capillary blood was collected through the fingers in five diferent moments: (1) rest, (2) after warm-up, (3) after exercise, (4) five minutes later and (5) ten minutes later. A course using basic Parkour movements was used as reference. The samples were analyzed by the gasometric equipment GEM Premier 3000. The variables pH, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), lactate and bicarbonate (HCO3−) were used. The pH, lactate and HCO3− showed significant variation (p<0,05) in most of the analyzed moments. Ca2+, Na+ and K+ values showed significant difference right after the exercise and a fast recovery after five and ten minutes when compared to the reference values. Results showed a physiological adaptation of electrolytes with a fast recovery back to the reference values. The values of pH, lactate e HCO3− present an anaerobic system usage, as well as a clear metabolic acidosis post exercise. The values obtained in this study are similar to high performance athletes values, mostly in strength and speed modalities. This study contributes to the understanding of the eletrochemical and acid-basic disorders behavior of Parkour athletes, filling a gap in the literature.

Modelagem eletroquímica e do distúrbio ácido-básico de praticantes dos fundamentos do Parkour / Electrochemical and acid-base disorders modeling in Parkour athletes

Andrade Junior, Cassio Dias de 04 December 2015 (has links)
A análise da concentração de metabólitos no sangue pode refletir o comportamento metabólico durante o exercício físico. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o comportamento eletroquímico e do distúrbio ácido-básico de praticantes de Parkour, durante a realização de um percurso que utilizou movimentos fundamentais desta modalidade. Foram avaliados 23 praticantes de Parkour do sexo masculino, com idade média de 21,4±2,7 anos, com no mínimo dois anos de experiência na modalidade. Foram realizadas cinco coletas de sangue capilar da polpa digital dos dedos da mão, em diferentes momentos: (1) repouso, (2) após aquecimento, (3) logo após o esforço, (4) após cinco minutos e (5) após dez minutos. Foi realizado um percurso usando movimentos fundamentais da modalidade para caracterizar o esforço. A amostra foi analisada utilizando o aparelho de gasometria GEM Premier 3000, utilizando os parâmetros pH, Na+, K+, pH, lactato e HCO3−. Os valores de pH, lactato e HCO3− apresentaram diferença significativa (p<0,05) na maioria dos momentos analisados. Os valores de Ca2+, Na+, K+ apresentaram diferença significativa após o esforço, e uma rápida recuperação após cinco e dez minutos, quando comparados com os valores de referência. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram uma adaptação fisiológica dos eletrólitos, com rápida recuperação aos valores de referência. As alterações dos valores do pH, lactato e HCO3− identificam a utilização de vias anaeróbias para a produção de energia, assim como uma evidente acidose metabólica após o esforço. Os valores obtidos são similares a atletas de alto rendimento, principalmente de modalidades de força e velocidade. O presente estudo contribuiu para o entendimento do comportamento eletroquímico e do equilíbrio ácido-básico da modalidade Parkour, preenchendo assim uma lacuna na literatura. / The analysis of the blood metabolites can show the metabolic behavior during physical exercises. This study aimed to analyze the electrochemical and acid base disorders behavior in Parkour athlets, during an exercise routine that used basic movements of this particular sport. Twenty three male athletes (average of 21,4±2,7 years old) with a minimum of two years of experience in Parkour were evaluated. The capillary blood was collected through the fingers in five diferent moments: (1) rest, (2) after warm-up, (3) after exercise, (4) five minutes later and (5) ten minutes later. A course using basic Parkour movements was used as reference. The samples were analyzed by the gasometric equipment GEM Premier 3000. The variables pH, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), lactate and bicarbonate (HCO3−) were used. The pH, lactate and HCO3− showed significant variation (p<0,05) in most of the analyzed moments. Ca2+, Na+ and K+ values showed significant difference right after the exercise and a fast recovery after five and ten minutes when compared to the reference values. Results showed a physiological adaptation of electrolytes with a fast recovery back to the reference values. The values of pH, lactate e HCO3− present an anaerobic system usage, as well as a clear metabolic acidosis post exercise. The values obtained in this study are similar to high performance athletes values, mostly in strength and speed modalities. This study contributes to the understanding of the eletrochemical and acid-basic disorders behavior of Parkour athletes, filling a gap in the literature.

En studie på traceurers maximala styrka och explosiva styrka : att mäta hoppförmåga inom Parkour/Freerunning med Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull och Countermovement Jump

Piili, Don, Nilsson, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet för studien var att undersöka om isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) tillsammans med (CMJ) kan anses som lämpliga testmetoder för att mäta prestation i hoppförmåga inom parkour/freerunning (PK/FR). Vi undersökte detta genom att mäta traceurers maximala styrka och explosiva styrka i de nedre extremiteterna, för att sedan jämföra resultaten med fysiskt aktiva idrottsstudenter på högskolenivå. Vi undersökte även om IMTP och CMJ korrelerar med varandra. Urval: 23 personer, 11 traceurer och 12 fysiskt aktiva idrottare rekryterades för denna studie. Metod: vi mätte maximal styrka: Peak force (PF) IMTP (N) på kraftplatta och maximal vertikal hopphöjd: CMJ (cm) på IR-matta. Statistisk analys: Shapiro Wilks användes för normalfördelningar, en oberoende tvåvägs Mann-Whitney U t-test användes för att undersöka skillnader mellan grupperna. Två Spearmans- och ett Pearsons korrelationskoefficienttest användes för att undersöka samband mellan IMTP och CMJ. Resultat: PK gruppen var normalfördelad i alla variabler IMTP (N) och CMJ (cm) men kontroll (KTRL) gruppen var ej normalfördelad i CMJ (cm) och gav utslag för IMTP (N). PK gruppen uppnådde ett IMTP (N) medianvärde på: 2269,9 ± 661.72N och CMJ medianvärde på 36.2 ± 7.48 cm. KTRL gruppen uppnådde ett IMTP (N) medianvärde på: 1626.9 ± 501.95N och ett CMJ medianvärde på: 31.8 ± 5.91cm. Ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad hittades mellan grupperna, men traceurerna visar en trend för ett högre IMTP (N) värde. Ett statistiskt signifikant samband fanns mellan IMTP och CMJ för hela populationen. R-värde = 0.404. R² värde avrundades till 23%. P-värde = 0.031. Inget statistiskt signifikant samband fanns för PK eller KTRL grupperna individuellt. Slutsats: Traceurerna och de fysiskt aktiva högskolestudenterna visade snarlika resultat i maximal styrka och explosiv styrka i denna studie. Resultaten klassificerades som lågpresterande i förhållande till referensvärden från tidigare studier på traditionella idrotter för IMTP och på traceurer i CMJ. Den maximala styrkan från IMTP tycks förklara 23% av hoppförmågan i CMJ vilket kan vara en indikation av betydelse för traceurers prestation. Framtida forskare uppmuntras använda IMTP och CMJ på större populationer för att kartlägga traceurers force-velocity kurvor och/eller inrätta skadepreventiva program för PK/FR. Begrepp: Traceur (FRE) = tracer (ENG), spårare (SWE). Traceur = manlig Parkour utövare. Traceuse = kvinnlig Parkourutövare. PK/FR = Parkour/Freerunning. PK = Studiens Parkour grupp. KTRL = Studiens kontrollgrupp. Countermovement jump (CMJ), (N) = Newton. 1RM = en 100% maximal ansträngd repetition. / Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate if IMTP together with CMJ can be considered as suitable methods to measure performance in jumping ability in PK/FR. We investigated this by measuring maximal strength and explosive strength of the lower extremities of traceurs and comparing the results with physically active college student athletes. We investigated also if IMTP and CMJ correlate with each other. Recruitment: 23 people, 11 traceurs and 12 psychical active collegial sport athletes were recruited for this study. Method: We measured maximal strength: PF IMTP (N) on force plate and maximal vertical jump height: CMJ (cm) on IR mat. Statistical analysis: Shapiro Wilks was used for normal distribution; an independent two-way Mann-Whitney U t-test was used to examine differences between groups. Linear regression tests with two Spearman's and one Pearson's correlation coefficient tests were used to examine relationships between IMTP and CMJ. R² values were calculated. Results: The PK group was normally distributed in IMTP (N) and CMJ (cm). The KTRL group was not normally distributed in CMJ (cm) and flagged an indication for IMTP (N). The PK group achieved a IMTP (N) median of 2269.9N SD ± 661.72N. And CMJ median of 36.2cm SD ± 7.48cm. The KTRL group achieved a IMTP (N) median of 1626.9N SD ± 501.95N. And a CMJ median of 31.8cm SD ± 5.91cm. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups. But the traceurs showed a trend for a higher IMTP (N) value. A statistically significant relationship was found between IMTP and CMJ for the entire population. R value = 0.404. R² value was rounded to 23%. P-value = 0.031. No statistically significant relationships were found for the PK- or the KTRL groups individually. Conclusion: The traceurs and the physically active college students were similar in maximal- and explosive strength in this study. The results were classified as low performance in comparison to previous studies of traditional sports on IMTP and on traceurs on CMJ. The maximal strength from the IMTP appears to account for 23% of the jumping ability in CMJ which may be an indication of importance for traceurs performance. Future researchers are encouraged to use IMTP and CMJ on larger populations to map force-velocity curves and/or establish injury prevention programs for PK/FR. Concepts: Traceur (FRE) = tracer (ENG), tracker (SWE). Traceur = male Parkour practitioner. Traceuse = female Parkour practitioner. PK/FR = Parkour/Freerunning. PK = The study's Parkour group. KTRL = Study control group. Countermovement jump (CMJ), Isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). 1 RM = a 100% maximum effort repetition. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>

O trato com o conhecimento contemporâneo no curriculo de licenciatura em Educação Física da UFBA:O Parkour e sua contribuição ao debate no eixo dos conteúdos específicos.

Lordêllo, Alexandre Francisco 21 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Lordêllo (alexandre_lordello@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-10T20:58:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alexandre Lordêllo.pdf: 16396195 bytes, checksum: 5eaeacfb721a39721e7333a0630552c9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-08-11T17:01:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alexandre Lordêllo.pdf: 16396195 bytes, checksum: 5eaeacfb721a39721e7333a0630552c9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-11T17:01:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alexandre Lordêllo.pdf: 16396195 bytes, checksum: 5eaeacfb721a39721e7333a0630552c9 (MD5) / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o trato pedagógico com o conhecimento contemporâneo da Cultura Corporal denominado Parkour (abreviado como Pk), na formação de professores no currículo do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física, de Caráter Ampliado, em andamento na FACED – UFBA, enquanto possibilidade de ampliação e contribuição para o Eixo Conteúdos Específicos. Tendo como objetivo, avaliar possibilidades do trato pedagógico com o conhecimento do Parkour, enquanto elemento contemporâneo da Cultura Corporal. O referencial teórico-metodológico que fundamenta esta pesquisa é a concepção Materialista e Dialética da História. Utilizamos como procedimento de pesquisa: (a) revisão bibliográfica, (b) pesquisa de campo (educação básica e ensino superior). A pesquisa bibliográfica buscou material para estudos em diversas fontes: artigos, monografias, dissertações, teses, livros, banco de dados e documentos. A pesquisa de campo se desenvolveu em três disciplinas do curso de Educação Física da UFBA, com experiências práticas a partir do trato pedagógico com o conhecimento do Parkour. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, podemos concluir que: (a) é preciso ampliar as produções científicas acerca do Parkour, a fim de alavancar o debate; (b) ampliar os tipos das produções para além de artigos, sendo objeto de estudos tratados em monografias, dissertações e teses; (c) ampliar as produções acerca do trato pedagógico com o conhecimento do Parkour; (d) que estas produções superem as conceituações idealistas de Parkour - que são hegemônicas até o momento - na perspectiva de elaborar explicações para além da aparência, embasadas na concepção materialista e dialética da história. A partir das experiências com o trato do Parkour na Formação de professores da UFBA, reconhecemos regularidades no que se refere a necessidade de elaboração, enquanto possibilidade de organização pedagógica, de uma primeira aproximação na sistematização dos conhecimentos acerca do Parkour a partir dos ciclos de ensino. As hipóteses que levantamos: (1) é de que a relação de produção e a ideologia da classe dominante, são determinantes nas produções científicas e no trato pedagógico com o conhecimento do Parkour e; (2) existe possibilidade de trato pedagógico com o conhecimento do Parkour, que seja comprometida com os interesses da classe trabalhadora, a saber, o acesso ao conhecimento sistematizado que permita a apropriação da cultura humana e com isto a elevação do padrão cultural se confirmaram. Concluímos que, a ideologia da classe dominante se reflete diretamente nas produções acerca do Parkour e suas propostas metodológicas de ensino. No entanto, ao se confrontarem, no real concreto, com as condições objetivas da existência humana, explicitam-se as contradições e os interesses de classes antagônicas, próprios de uma sociedade capitalista e, a partir do trabalho pedagógico, em espaços formativos, existem possibilidade de essência, de apropriação, pela transmissão e assimilação deste conhecimento. Novos conhecimentos socialmente produzidos, historicamente acumulados e socializados, pedagogicamente ensinados permitem entender e agir, considerando as determinações históricas e, as condições objetivas e subjetivas, em um movimento que, ao longo da historia poderá ser capaz de superar essas contradições, orientadas para um processo de transição ao Modo de Produção Socialista. / Abstract This dissertation chose as the object of study pedagogical approach with the contemporary knowledge of the called Parkour Body Culture (abbreviated as Pk) in teacher training in the Expanded Character curriculum underway in FACED - UFBA, while the possibility of expansion and contribution to the Axis Specific content. The study aims to evaluate possibilities of the pedagogical approach with knowledge of Parkour as contemporary element of Body Culture, the Expanded character Degree curriculum Physical Education teachers UFBA and its contribution to the Axis Specific Content. The theoretical framework that justified this research is to design and Materialist Dialectics of history. We used as research procedure: (a) literature review, (b) field research (basic and higher education). The literature sought material for studies in various sources: articles, monographs, dissertations, theses, books, database and documents. The field research was developed in three disciplines of the course of Physical Education of UFBA with practical experiences based on pedagogical approach with knowledge of Parkour. From the literature review, we conclude that it is necessary to: (a) expand the scientific production about Parkour in order to leverage the debate; (B) expand the types of productions in addition to articles, the object of study treated in monographs, dissertations and theses; (C) expand the productions about the pedagogical approach with knowledge of Parkour; (D) that these productions exceed Parkour idealistic concepts - that are hegemonic to date - with a view to elaborate explanations beyond appearance, supported on historical dialectic materialism. From experience with parkour tract in the UFBA teacher training, regularities recognized as regards the need to prepare, as a possibility of pedagogical organization in a first approximation in the systematization of knowledge about Parkour, based on cycles teaching. the hypotheses were confirmed we raise for research, namely: (1) the relation of production and the ideology of the ruling class are determining the scientific production and pedagogical approach with knowledge of Parkour; (2) there is a possibility of pedagogical approach with knowledge of Parkour, which is committed to the interests of the working class. This leads us to conclude that the ideology of the ruling class is reflected directly in the production about Parkour and its methodological proposals for education. However, faced from the contradictions of class interests, own a capitalist society, based on historical determinations and the objective and subjective conditions, there is essentially possibilities of a movement capable of overcoming these contradictions, oriented to a process of transition to the socialist project.

Analysis and generation of highly dynamic motions of anthropomorphic systems : application to parkour / Analyse et génération des mouvements hautement dynamiques des systèmes anthropomorphes : application au Parkour

Maldonado Toro, Galo Xavier 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche interdisciplinaire originale du traitement du mouvement humain corps-complet grâce à l'utilisation couplée d'approches issues de la biomécanique, du contrôle moteur et de la robotique. Les méthodes biomécaniques sont utilisées pour l'enregistrement, le traitement et l'analyse du mouvement humain. L'approche << Uncontrolled Manifold >> du contrôle moteur est étendue à l'étude des mouvements hautement dynamiques. Ceci permet de déterminer si d'éventuelles tâches dynamiques sont contrôlées et stabilisées par le cerveau, puis d'inférer une organisation hiérarchique des tâches motrices. Le formalisme de l'espace des tâches utilisé en robotique pour la génération de mouvement corps-complet ainsi que la hiérarchie des tâches extraites dans l'étude du contrôle moteur sont utilisés pour simuler des mouvements humains hautement dynamiques. Cette approche permet de mieux comprendre le mouvement humain et de générer des mouvements inspirés de l'humain pour d'autres systèmes anthropomorphes tel que des robots ou avatars. La discipline du Parkour, impliquant des actions hautement dynamiques tels que des sauts et des techniques d'atterisage, est choisie pour illustrer l'approche proposée. / This thesis proposes an original and interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of whole-body human movements through the synergistic utilization of biomechanics, motor control and robotics. Robust methods of biomechanics are used to record, process and analyze whole-body human motions. The Uncontrolled Manifold approach (UCM) of motor control is extended to study highly dynamic movements processed in the biomechanical study, in order to determine if hypothesized dynamic tasks are being controlled stably by the central nervous system. This extension permits also to infer a hierarchical organization of the controlled dynamic tasks. The task space formalism of motion generation in robotics is used to generate whole-body motion by taking into account the hierarchy of tasks extracted in the motor control study. This approach permits to better understand the organization of human dynamic motions and provide a new methodology to generate whole-body human motions with anthropomorphic systems. A case study of highly dynamic and complex movements of Parkour, including jumps and landings, is utilized to illustrate the proposed approach.

Gymnastikens Hus : Ett referenskoncept för anpassade gymnastikhallar / Gymnastics Centre : A concept for a customized training facility

Rolander, Paula, Westman, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
På Svenska Gymnastikförbundets begäran har detta projekt gjorts som ett koncept för dem att ha som utgångspunkt i diskussioner med såväl föreningar som politiker i frågan om gymnastikens behov av anpassade idrottsanläggningar. En användarstudie av gymnastiken, samt flera discipliner, har gjorts och stått som utgångspunkt för anläggningens utformning. Därtill har även en utvärdering av flertalet befintliga hallar som används för gymnastik gjorts för att motivera beslut gällande anpassningar som lyfter anläggningens utförande i jämförelse. Arbetet kommer ge en skriftlig rapport och en digital modell av anläggningen. Modellen presenteras i form av ritningar och visualiseringar. / This project is based on a request from the Swedish federation of gymnastics to create a concept for a customized training facility that could be used as a reference in discussions with gymnastics associations and politicians. A user study of the gymnastic disciplines has been done and thereafter used to motivate the formation of the facility. An evaluation of existing facilities will set the base of what the new facility should contain and also have to improve. The work has led to a report and a digital model of the facility. The model is presented as architectural drawings and visualizations.

Elevers motivation till lärande och utvecklande av förmågan ”allsidiga rörelser inom olika fysiska sammanhang”

Klockar, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka möjligheterna till att öka elevernas motivation till att lära sig obekanta rörelser. Den praktiska undervisningen har varit inspirerad av Parkour och planeringen av den intervention som genomfördes har skett med inspiration av diverse teorier om lärande. Dessa teorier var Antonovskys KASAM-begrepp, Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande, samt den dynamiska systemteorin. För att kunna undersöka elevers motivation så har interventionen genomförts på en högstadieskola i Mellansverige, där två klasser från årskurs 9 deltagit i undersökningen. Båda klasserna besvarade enkäter innan genomförd intervention, samt efter den genomförd intervention. Mellan de båda enkäterna så har eleverna i en klass, studiens experimentgrupp, genomgått undervisning tillsammans med en interventionspedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen IP). Den andra gruppen, studiens kontrollgrupp, har genomgått undervisning med deras ordinarie pedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen OP).Det visade sig genom sammanställningen av enkäterna, att en grupp kom att höja sin motivationsnivå för deltagande i undervisningen, medan den andra gruppen kom att sänka sin motivationsgrad för deltagande i undervisningen. Resultatet diskuterades ur olika synvinklar, där är en aspekt som framkommer som kan ha spelat en mer central roll än övriga delar i att det blev den förändring mellan grupperna som det blev.

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