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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUÍSA CRUZ LOBATO 26 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação investiga o papel das companhias de segurança cibernética na produção da segurança cibernética contemporânea. A crescente pressão para securitizar o ciberespaço contribuiu para o crescimento de um lucrativo mercado voltado para a provisão de produtos e serviços para clientes comerciais e governamentais. Utilizando uma perspectiva inspirada em Bourdieu, o trabalho: analisa as condições históricas nas quais as tecnologias da informação ganharam terreno no debate de segurança; identifica as posições e investiga as práticas das companhias de segurança cibernética no campo da segurança cibernética e analisa as disputas em andamento pela produção da segurança cibernética. Abordagens voltadas ao risco são pilares na concepção e comercialização de produtos e serviços anunciados pelas companhias. Neste sentido, argumenta-se que ambas as abordagens voltadas ao risco e as práticas comerciais das companhias de segurança cibernética produzem formas específicas de segurança. O trabalho identifica três distintas formas de segurança produzidas no campo: segurança defensiva, segurança ofensiva e defesa ativa. Analisa-se as implicações de cada forma para a segurança, de um modo geral, e argumenta-se que, enquanto grande parte das companhias adota uma estratégia de defesa ativa em seus produtos e serviços, algumas tem se orientado para a adoção de medidas mais ofensivas para lidar com os atuais riscos. A análise é concluída com algumas reflexões a respeito das implicações das atuais dinâmicas do mercado de segurança cibernética para a segurança e governança da Internet. / [en] This dissertation examines the role of cyber security companies in the production of contemporary cyber security. The increasing pressures to securitize cyberspace have contributed to the growth of a lucrative market oriented at providing cyber security products and services to commercial and government customers. Using a Bourdieu-inspired framework, the work: analyzes the historical conditions under which information technologies gained ground within security debates; identifies the positions and investigates the practices of cyber security companies within the cyber security field and analyzes the ongoing struggles for the production of cyber security. Risk-based thinking is a cornerstone of the process of conceiving and commercializing products and services advertised by companies. In this sense, it is argued that both risk-based thinking and the commercial practices of cyber security companies produce specific forms of security. The work identifies three distinct forms of security produced within the field: defensive security, offensive security and active defense. It analyzes the implications of each form to the overall security of cyberspace and argues that whilst the majority of companies adopt an active defense approach in their products and services, some of them are leaning towards more offensive solutions to deal with current risks. It concludes the analysis with some thoughts on the implications of the current dynamics of the cyber security market for security and Internet governance.

La stigmatisation des aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes par la maladie d’Alzheimer

Côté, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population entraîne une hausse des maladies chroniques telle que la maladie d’Alzheimer dans nos sociétés occidentales. L’enjeu du vieillissement se répercute aussi dans les réformes de nos politiques sociales, et plus généralement dans la gestion des services publics. Dans ce contexte, le régime de santé publique québécois connaît diverses modifications concernant la prestation de soins de première ligne. De nouveaux acteurs acquièrent des rôles et des responsabilités définissant des enjeux particuliers. Nous étudierons l’un de ces enjeux. Ce mémoire vise à spécifier les processus sociaux à la base de l’isolement des aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes par la maladie d’Alzheimer. La stigmatisation des aidants et les microprocessus afférents sont les principaux mécanismes analysés. Les données sont extraites d’entrevues semi-structurées réalisées avec une cohorte d’aidants familiaux (N=60) suivie longitudinalement depuis le début de leur trajectoire de soins. Une démarche qualitative soutient ce projet. Nous avons analysé un échantillon de douze participants au moyen d’une approche séquentielle. Trois processus typiques ont été identifiés : le stigma de forme en ruptures (séparation sociale), le stigma de forme transitoire (stigma transitoire) et le stigma de forme anomique (anomie sociale). Les résultats suggèrent que les réseaux sociaux des aidants sont soumis à un ensemble de conditions favorisant la structuration du stigma social, la principale condition étant un enjeu de pouvoir concernant le contrôle de la personne malade. Les aidants conjoints de personnes atteintes sont plus enclins à la stigmatisation en début de trajectoire. / Aging populations in western societies contribute to the raise of chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer disease. The issue of aging also echoes in recent political reforms and more generally in the way we manage public services. In this context, Quebec’s public health regime has known diverse modifications concerning “first line caregiving” (soins de première ligne). New actors of the public system have acquired roles and responsibilities defining particular issues. We address one of these issues. This research aims at specifying the social processes inherent to the isolation of family caregivers helping a relative suffering from Alzheimer disease. The stigmatization process and related microprocesses are the principal mechanisms analysed. The data derives from in-depth, semi-structured interviews, realised with a cohort of sixty family caregivers followed longitudinally since the beginning of their care trajectories. A qualitative scheme bears out our investigation. We have analysed a sample of twelve participants using a sequential approach. Three typical processes were identified: social separation, transitory stigma and social anomia. Results suggest that the caregivers’ support networks are subjected to a setting of conditions structuring social stigma, the recurrent condition being an issue of power implying the social control of the ill relative. Caregivers who also are the spouses of the ill relative are the most inclined to stigmatization in early trajectory.

Maktrelationer innanför fängelsemurarna : En fältteoretisk studie av Orange Is the New Black / Power relationships within the prison walls : A field theoretical study of Orange Is the New Black

Dizdarevic, Nurvedina January 2017 (has links)
Viktiga frågor konstrueras på olika sätt, inom fiktion, utefter producentens uppfattningar om världen. Genom att undersöka maktrelationerna kan man ta reda på vilken betydelse makt har i viktiga frågor som hat, ras, klass. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka och analysera hur maktrelationer opererar i den populärkulturella tv-serien Orange Is the New Black. För att utföra studien analyserades ett avsnitt, det sjunde ur säsong 4, som släpptes i juni år 2016. De frågeställningar som ställdes till materialet var: Hur konstrueras maktrelationer inom fältet Orange Is the New Black?”, ”I vilka situationer är dessa maktrelationer tydliga?”, samt ”Är dessa situationer positiva/negativa och i sådana fall på vilka sätt?”. Dessa frågeställningar utformades för att ge en helhetsbild av maktrelationerna inom avsnittet. För att utföra studien tillämpades Pierre Bourdieus klassperspektiv, där begreppen fält, habitus och kapital användes. I uppsatsen diskuterades även Marx definition av begreppet klass, då klass-begreppet är mest associerat till honom. Även Goffmans teori angående stigma användes för att kunna gå in med en förståelse av vad de utsatta kan ha för attribut som kan påverka hur andra ser på dem. För att utföra studien tillämpades även Bourdieus metodologi. Analysen visade att maktrelationer konstrueras på olika sätt. Genom att producenten skapar situationer där karaktärerna tävlar om makt och kapital får tittaren se vilken betydelse makt har inom viktiga frågor. Kamper om makt och kapital visades på flera olika sätt. Slutsatsen som drogs var att maktrelationer konstrueras på flera olika sätt, att dessa händelser och situationer inte enbart är negativa, utan även positiva och hur situationerna konstrueras kan påverka människors tankar då det är en populärkulturell serie som når ut till en massa. / Important subjects in fictional tv-series are being constructed in different ways, depending on the producers view on the world. By examining power relationships you can find out what role power plays within subjects like hate, race and class. The purpose of this study was to analyze how power relationships operate on the popular cultural tv-show Orange Is the New Black. The seventh episode of season 4 was analyzed, which aired in June 2016. The questions that were asked to the material were: ”How are power relationships constructed within the field of Orange Is the New Black?”, ”In what situations are these power relationships clear?”, and ”Are these situations positive/negative, and if so, in which way?”. These questions were asked to get the whole picture of the power relationships within the episode. In this study the theory of class by Pierre Bourdieu was used, where the concept of field, capital and habitus took a lot of space. Marx definition of class was also discussed in the study, because class is mostly associated with him. Another theory that was discussed was Erving Goffman’s theory about stigma. The purpose of using this theory was to understand what attributes a prisoner can have that could affect how other people view them. In this study, the methodology of Bourdieu was used. The analysis showed that power relationships are being constructed in different ways. When the producer creates situations where the characters are fighting about power and capital, the viewer is able to see how power is operating within important questions. Fights about capital and power were shown in different ways. The conclusion that was made is that power relationships are being constructed in different ways, that these situations are both positive and negative and that they can affect peoples mind due to being a popular cultural tv-show that is seen by many.

Existerar finkulturella och populärkulturella medarbetare? : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares bakgrund och museums organisationsidentitet

Mildton, Jenny, Brisling, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera relevansen av Pierre Bourdieus teorier idag genom att undersöka om bakgrunden hos individer påverkar vem som arbetar på ett fint – gentemot ett populärkulturellt museum och om denna distinktion uttrycker sig i museernas organisationsidentiteter. För att samla in empiriskt material genomfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer på ledande positioner från Nationalmuseum och ABBA the museum. Även analys av arbetsannonser utfördes för att nå vilka egenskaper som eftersöks på vardera museum. Utfallet av studien visar att det finns tendenser av det finkulturella på Nationalmuseum och av det populärkulturella på ABBA the museum som vi kan knyta till de intervjuade personernas bakgrund. I ett fall av de fyra intervjuade stämde inte Bourdieus teorier helt, vilket gör att teorierna i det anseendet kan ifrågasättas. Distinktionen återfanns även i arbetsannonserna. Dessa tendenser mot det fin- och populärkulturella lyser delvis igenom i organisationsidentiteten. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the theories of Pierre Bourdieu to capture their relevance today. Does the background of an individual affect whether they choose to work at a high culture museum or a museum of popular culture? Furthermore, if this expresses itself in the organizationalidentity. To collect empirical data four semi-structured interviews were performed with persons in managerial roles at the Swedish Nationalmuseum and ABBA the museum. An analysis of employment advertisements was also carried out to reach which attributes were required at the two museums. The study show that Nationalmuseum have tendencies categorising them as high culture whilst ABBA the museum is of the popular kind. Both findings can be related to the backgrounds of the interviewed managers. However, one of the four cases did not match with the theories of Bourdieu, making the theories in that regard questionable. The distinction was also found in the employment advertisements. These tendencies towards the high – and popular culture partially shines through in the organizationalidentity.

Expats´ in Zürich : A qualitative study of expats´ reasons and choices regarding integration, education and social grounds

Andersson, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
This study examines expats and their families in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland. Their reasons and choices regarding integrating (or not) into the Swiss society, educational strategies for their children and possessed capital assets upon arrival in Switzerland is the three problem statements being explored. Pierre Bourdieu’s´ sociology is the theoretical framework for this study – the concept of different types of capital and educational strategies are especially important in this regard. Interviews with female expats whose children attend the Inter-Community School Zürich (ICSZ) were conducted and the stated purpose of the study was obtained. This study concludes that these expat families choose the international grounds rather than the local, due to language barriers. The language makes it hard for both themselves and their children to integrate and/or feel part of the Swiss community and society. The expats are integrated into the international ´expat-bubble´ rather than the Swiss society or community, and the reason is due to the lack of time spent with the local people, not mastering the language and/or not being interested enough to make the effort to integrate. This specific group of expats can be seen as an ´international elite- group´, based on their assets of capital, their cosmopolitan lifestyle and international social grounds.  These expats value their capitals highly but is not stating that one specific capital is more needed than another; all their assets are of worth and they do not consciously use a specific capital for their integration.

Quando uma garota entra em um bar: uma análise do consumo feminino de cerveja em Um ambiente historicamente masculinizado

Klock, Douglas Araujo 23 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-11T11:40:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Douglas Araujo Klock_.pdf: 716663 bytes, checksum: 63e83c55fd9b26ff1e9beb8d58dedd7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-11T11:40:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Douglas Araujo Klock_.pdf: 716663 bytes, checksum: 63e83c55fd9b26ff1e9beb8d58dedd7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-23 / Nenhuma / De forma geral, os estudos de consumo colocam a mulher sob três prismas distintos: como coadjuvante, ao considerar que suas atividades de consumo dependem do masculino; buscando condições de equidade, ao analisar o momento que ela se masculiniza para uma determinada situação de consumo; ou em posições conservadoras, ao estudar o consumo em seus papéis de mãe, esposa ou em eventos ligados ao lar. Alinhado com Pierre Bourdieu, que defende a existência de uma espécie de dominação masculina na sociedade operando por meio de mecanismos bem definidos e seus reflexos podem ser vistos no comportamento de consumo. Especificamente, a cerveja e o bar, no Brasil, são frutos dessa dinâmica preestabelecida, onde a mulher é vista como um objeto dentro de um ambiente historicamente masculinizado. O objetivo desta dissertação é, justamente, analisar o consumo feminino de cerveja em bares da cidade Porto Alegre e, ainda, verificar a possível influência de padrões sócio-historicos de consumo, descrevendo o comportamento feminino dentro do contexto estudado. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, inspirada em estudos etnográficos, no momento do consumo de cerveja por mulheres em bares da cidade, identificando os significados e as representações do consumo feminino de cerveja. Os resultados foram estruturados em três partes para discussão. Primeiro, por meio das mitologias de mercado, que interferem no consumo. Na segunda parte, por intermédio dos discursos e o reflexo no comportamento feminino. A terceira parte traz o contexto e o produto pela lente das entrevistadas. Este estudo incentivou contribuições teóricas no avanço sobre a visão das mulheres nas pesquisas de consumo em uma posição privilegiada dentro de um ambiente masculinizado, sugerindo a existência de desdobramentos para novas investigações. Sob a ótica profissional, o estudo inspira um conjunto de sugestões práticas para tornar as experiências de consumo feminino de cerveja mais inclusivas, usando o posicionamento da marca, a atuação de mercado das empresas do setor e o surgimento de novos produtos. / In general, consumer studies place women under three different prisms: as a coadjuvant, when considering that their consumption activities depend on the masculine, seeking conditions of equity when analyzing when it masculiniza to a situation of consumption or in conservative positions, by studying consumption in their roles as mother, wife or in household-related processes. Aligned with Pierre Bourdieu who advocates the existence of a kind of male domination in society, operating through well defined mechanisms and their reflexes can be seen in consumer behavior. Specifically, beer and bar in Brazil are reflections of this pre-established dynamics, where the woman is seen as an object within a historically masculinized environment. The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the female consumption of beer in bars in the city of Porto Alegre and to verify the possible influence of socio-historical consumer patterns, describing the female behavior within the studied context. For this, a qualitative research was carried out, inspired by ethnographic studies, at the moment of the consumption of beer by women in bars of the city, identifying the meanings and the representations of the female consumption of beer. The results were structured in three parts for discussion: first through market mythologies that interfere with consumption. In the second part through the discourses and the reflex in the feminine behavior. The third part brings the context and the product through the lens of the interviewees. This study encouraged theoretical contributions in advancing the position of women in consumer studies in a privileged position within a masculinized environment, suggesting the existence of unfoldments for new studies. From a professional point of view, the study inspires a set of practical suggestions to make female beer consumption experiences more inclusive using brand positioning, market performance of companies in the sector and the emergence of new products.

O Projeto de Aceleração da Aprendizagem Ensinar e Aprender: a formação continuada em debate

Tonon, Sandra de Fátima Tavares Rodrigues 08 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra de Fatima Tavares Rodrigues Tonon.pdf: 1253477 bytes, checksum: d0df0ff077351507a57216a21ed10ea2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This essay is about teachers continual updating within a program developed from the Projeto Ensinar e Aprender Corrigindo o Fluxo do Ciclo II , known as a project to speed the 5th and 8th years students learning in the secondary school which started in the years 2001 and 2002. The purpose of this essay is to detect what kinds of changes happened to the professionals who took part in the continual updating and to determine which conditions the project offered that allowed, made it easier and/or helped these changes. The qualitative research was developed by analyzing documents of the project implantation and implementation, the students and teachers protocols in the time of the continual updating as well as the interviews with three professionals who took part in the project and the author s reflexive point about the proposal to the Mathematics in the project in study. The results of the analysis were based on Pierre Bourdieu studies about Reproduction, symbolic violence, habitus, cultural capital and in Gary Sikes e Michael Huberman studies about the stages in the teachers lives and their carriers. It was possible, from this analysis, to identify changes in some teachers way of teaching related to the continual updating program during the project development. These changes are related to the ways of mediation, to the institutionalized cultural capital and to the recognition of the reproduction process and symbolic violence done by the school and the rupture of this process by the project / A formação continuada de professores é o tema deste trabalho, desenvolvido a partir do estudo do Projeto Ensinar e Aprender Corrigindo o Fluxo do Ciclo II, conhecido como projeto de aceleração da aprendizagem para alunos de 5ª a 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, implementado pela SEE/SP nos anos de 2001 e 2002. O objetivo do trabalho é detectar quais tipos de mudanças ocorreram com os profissionais que participaram da formação, além de determinar quais foram as condições proporcionadas pelo projeto que permitiram, facilitaram e /ou contribuíram para estas mudanças. A investigação de caráter qualitativa foi desenvolvida a partir da análise de documentos referentes à implantação e à implementação do projeto e de protocolos de alunos e professores da época da formação, além da análise de entrevistas realizadas com três profissionais participantes do projeto e de um registro reflexivo realizado pela autora da proposta pedagógica de Matemática do projeto em estudo. As análises dos resultados foram realizadas com base nos estudos de Pierre Bourdieu, acerca da Reprodução, violência simbólica, habitus e capital, e nos estudos de Gary Sikes e Michael Huberman, acerca das fases de vidas dos professores e de sua carreira. Com as análises foi possível identificar algumas transformações na prática docente de alguns dos participantes relacionadas à formação realizada durante o desenvolvimento do projeto. Essas transformações estão relacionadas às formas de mediações, às organizações dos campos, ao capital cultural institucionalizado e ao reconhecimento do processo de reprodução e violência simbólica exercida pela escola e a ruptura desse processo propiciado pelo projeto

Meritpoäng eller skoj? : en undersökning om meritpoängens konsekvenser för ämnet moderna språk och framtiden

Järlborn, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11? The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects. The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system: The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses. The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future. A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society. The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions.

Twitter och nyhetsrapportering : En studie om Twitters roll för journalism och kommunikation

Shamsparto, Alireza January 2011 (has links)
Since the emergence of social media websites as an established part of our society, the landscape ofcommunication has undergone dramatic changes. Especially in the field of journalism, the impact ofsocial media websites, such as Twitter, has been the subject of discussions about the actual partsocial media play in communication and news reporting. The general opinion has been that socialmedia has revolutionized the way we communicate and that a shift in power is taking place as themasses now engage in, and affect, our societies way of spreading information. This study is acritical discussion about whether Twitter in particular, and social media in general, has affected thejournalistic field in the extent that many claim it has. By comparing theories about traditionalmedia, such as television and newspapers, with recent studies about Twitter, we conclude that it isto early to establish the role of social media. I find that Twitter has today become an extended partof the journalistic methods and that it is merely a new tool for communication rather than a platformthat has allowed the masses to challenge the current ways of news reporting.

La stigmatisation des aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes par la maladie d’Alzheimer

Côté, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population entraîne une hausse des maladies chroniques telle que la maladie d’Alzheimer dans nos sociétés occidentales. L’enjeu du vieillissement se répercute aussi dans les réformes de nos politiques sociales, et plus généralement dans la gestion des services publics. Dans ce contexte, le régime de santé publique québécois connaît diverses modifications concernant la prestation de soins de première ligne. De nouveaux acteurs acquièrent des rôles et des responsabilités définissant des enjeux particuliers. Nous étudierons l’un de ces enjeux. Ce mémoire vise à spécifier les processus sociaux à la base de l’isolement des aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes par la maladie d’Alzheimer. La stigmatisation des aidants et les microprocessus afférents sont les principaux mécanismes analysés. Les données sont extraites d’entrevues semi-structurées réalisées avec une cohorte d’aidants familiaux (N=60) suivie longitudinalement depuis le début de leur trajectoire de soins. Une démarche qualitative soutient ce projet. Nous avons analysé un échantillon de douze participants au moyen d’une approche séquentielle. Trois processus typiques ont été identifiés : le stigma de forme en ruptures (séparation sociale), le stigma de forme transitoire (stigma transitoire) et le stigma de forme anomique (anomie sociale). Les résultats suggèrent que les réseaux sociaux des aidants sont soumis à un ensemble de conditions favorisant la structuration du stigma social, la principale condition étant un enjeu de pouvoir concernant le contrôle de la personne malade. Les aidants conjoints de personnes atteintes sont plus enclins à la stigmatisation en début de trajectoire. / Aging populations in western societies contribute to the raise of chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer disease. The issue of aging also echoes in recent political reforms and more generally in the way we manage public services. In this context, Quebec’s public health regime has known diverse modifications concerning “first line caregiving” (soins de première ligne). New actors of the public system have acquired roles and responsibilities defining particular issues. We address one of these issues. This research aims at specifying the social processes inherent to the isolation of family caregivers helping a relative suffering from Alzheimer disease. The stigmatization process and related microprocesses are the principal mechanisms analysed. The data derives from in-depth, semi-structured interviews, realised with a cohort of sixty family caregivers followed longitudinally since the beginning of their care trajectories. A qualitative scheme bears out our investigation. We have analysed a sample of twelve participants using a sequential approach. Three typical processes were identified: social separation, transitory stigma and social anomia. Results suggest that the caregivers’ support networks are subjected to a setting of conditions structuring social stigma, the recurrent condition being an issue of power implying the social control of the ill relative. Caregivers who also are the spouses of the ill relative are the most inclined to stigmatization in early trajectory.

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