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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flight dynamics multi-mission software development for optical link planning and execution / Mjukvaruutveckling för optisk länkplanering och exekvering inom flygdynamiska rymduppdrag

Dal Toso, Giacomo January 2023 (has links)
The Generic Planning Tool (GPT) is a new software package being developed by the Flight Dynamics team at DLR. In an era where laser communications are becoming more and more relevant to data transmission for space missions, the GPT’s purpose is to compute highly accurate visibility windows and provide a wide variety of support information for both satellite-to-ground and inter-satellite links. What sets the GPT apart from previous products, is its shift from mission-specific to multi-mission and being able to accept various orbit and attitude data formats, thus enabling the support of multiple missions from DLR and external clients with flight dynamics information for mission planning applications. Its two main components are the core libraries written in Fortran, which serve as the powerhouse for the orbital mechanic’s computations, and the microservice architecture, enabled by JSON input/output files and Python scripts, which implement an automatic request-response service accessible over the network. This thesis will present why, how, and which GPT software functionalities were developed and tested during the internship at the German Space Operation Center. / Det generiska planeringsverktyget, Generic planning tool (GPT), är ett nytt mjukvarupaket som utvecklas av den flygdynamiska avdelningen på DLR. I en tid när kommunikation med hjälp av laser blir alltmer relevant vid dataöverföringar för rymduppdrag, är syftet med GPT att beräkna mycket exakta öppningar för dataöverföringar, men också att bidra med en mängd olika sorters användbar information för både ”satellit-till-mark”- och ”satellit-tillsatellit”-länkar. Det som skiljer verktyget från tidigare produkter är dess omvandling från att vara uppdragsspecifik till att kunna hantera multipla uppdrag. I och med GPT:s förmåga att acceptera olika dataformat gällande omloppsbana och orientering, öppnar det upp för att kunna stödja multipla uppdrag från DLR och externa klienter med flygdynamisk information, för applikationer inom uppdragsplanering. GPT:s två huvudsakliga delar är, de centrala biblioteken skrivna i Fortran vilka verkar som ett kraftverk för de orbital-mekaniska beräkningarna, och mikroservice-arkitekturen skapad från JSON input/output-filer och Pythonskript, vilket implementerar en automatisk begär- och svarstjänst tillgänglig via nätverket. Detta examensarbete kommer presentera varför, hur och vilka av GPT:s mjukvarufunktioner som utvecklades och testades under praktikplatsen på German Space Operations Center (GSOC).

Accessible UX in digital 3D application solutions on the example of the planning experience by IKEA : An empirical mixed-method approach beyond accessibility

Nguyen, Hoang Dung January 2023 (has links)
The research investigates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance a 3D digital planning tool's accessibility for individuals with visual impairments. Three primary research questions guide this study. It incorporated a mixed-method data collection approach to comprehensively investigate these questions. The study began with a designer interview to understand the current state of accessibility within a 3D planning tool, how designers ensure compliance with guidelines, guideline adherence, and implementation strategies.Subsequently, empirical user testing was conducted involving six participants with visual impairments. This methods aimed to obtain diverse user perspectives, emphasizing the user-centered nature of the study. The designer interview highlighted four critical accessibility issues: keyboard accessibility, information clarity, clear labeling, and focus visibility. Addressing these issues aligned the 3D planning tool with WCAG 2.1 guidelines and resulted in significant enhancements in it's accessibility.Empirical user testing revealed varying degrees of success among different users with visual impairments, highlighting both the successes and challenges of implementing accessibility features, and emphasizing the complexity of designing for individuals with visual impairments. The study identified key features that contributed to an enhanced user experience, including accessibility through assistive technology, effective scanning navigation strategies, and challenges for improvements in areas such as clear descriptions and interaction feedback. This research has broader implications, impacting both the practical and scientific fields of accessibility. It offers practical significance for companies like IKEA, emphasizing the importance of a user-centered approach to empower users and gather unique insights from individuals with disabilities. Contributing inclusivity and user-friendliness in 3D planning tools.The findings highlight the significance of accessible user interface elements and the importance of compatibility with assistive technologies. A need for inclusive design methods in the development of 3D planning tools and the creation of specific accessibility guidelines designed for 3D environments. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance the accessibility of 3D digital planning tools. The research contributes to both practical design considerations and the scientific understanding of accessibility challenges in 3D environments.It holds the potential to improve the industry, empower users, and enhance overall accessibility standards. The findings underscore the importance of user-centered design, the complexity of designing in 3D context and to diverse user needs, the interplay between accessibility and usability, and the ongoing need for improvements to enhance the user experience, to create more inclusive and user-friendly 3D digital planning solutions for everyone.

A Feature Based Design Software For Parts To Be Machined In A Four-axis Cnc Lathe

Hatipoglu, Demiralp 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A previously developed feature library and algorithm are improved in order to develop a software capable of designing of parts to be manufactured using a four-axis CNC lathe. The developed program is composed of sections which are / part geometry design, process planning, cutting tool and machining parameter selection, part program generation and G-code simulation for verification. The developed program is capable of designing parts which contain axisymetric features for turning and related operations, and non-axisymetric features for milling on facial, lateral and cylindrical surfaces. Implemented design procedure defines a blank material shape that can be circular or polygonal cross-sectioned bar or a pre-manufactured part. A detailed database is created for proper cutting tool selection and machining data determination. User can either define or let the program to automatically select the cutting parameters like cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut for each cutting tool with respect to the workpiece material being machined. After completing design and process planning procedures / information for generation of the CNC program becomes readily available for editing or transferring to the CNC machine tool. User can also simulate the NC program to verify the tool path. User friendly interface, which runs on Autodesk&#039 / s INVENTOR software to visualize the design process, allows design and modifications to be done very easily moreover previously designed parts can be redesigned to produce new modified parts.

Beware the bogeyman : capital gains tax and loan accounts / Ilandi Hoon

Hoon, Ilandi January 2014 (has links)
Estate planning is the arrangement and management of an estate owner’s estate to the effect that the estate owner and his beneficiaries can enjoy maximum benefit from his worldly possessions during his lifetime and after his death. Unfortunately, for estate owners and their beneficiaries, a deceased estate has to pay an executor’s fee, estate duty and capital gains tax on the demise of the estate owner, which means the amount the estate owner intended his heirs to receive, might be substantially decreased. For decades trusts have been used for estate planning purposes. The decision of the estate owner to utilise a trust for estate planning purposes involves the disposal of growth assets from the estate owner’s estate to the trust. This ensures that the value of a growth asset is pegged in the estate owner’s estate and the asset continues to grow in the trust. The asset is disposed of by way of a loan account in favour of the estate owner and the parties agree that the outstanding amount is payable on demand. In his will, the estate owner then bequeaths the outstanding amount back to the trust. However, Paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 stated that capital gains tax will be levied in cases where a debt is reduced or discharged by a creditor for no consideration or for an amount which is less than the outstanding amount. In ABC Family Trust ITC 1793 the estate owner transfer assets to the trust on a loan account and in her will, bequeathed the exact outstanding amount back to the trust. It was argued on behalf of the trust that the bequest constituted a set-off and not a discharge of the debt. However, the court stated that the set-off took place because of the “operation of law” which is specifically included in the definition of a “disposal” for capital gains tax purposes. The court applied Paragraph 12(5) and found that the trust is liable to pay capital gains tax on the full outstanding amount. In XXX Trust ITC 1835 the estate owner also transferred asset to a trust, but in her will she bequeathed the residue of her estate, and not the exact outstanding amount, to the trust. In this case the court placed emphasise on the intention of the estate owner and not on the possible application of Paragraph 12(5). The court found that it was not the intention of the estate owner to discharge or reduce the debt for no consideration. Subsequently, it was found that the trust is not liable for capital gains tax. Since these two cases Paragraph 12(5) has been deleted and Paragraph 12A inserted in the Eight Schedule to the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962. The focus of this mini-dissertation is to determine which estate planning tools were available to estate owners to prevent a capital gains liability under Paragraph 12(5). The capital gains tax effect that Paragraph 12A might have on estate planning is also discussed. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Effektivisering vid bedömningsprocessen av  indikatorn Dagsljus för miljöcertifieringsmetoden Miljöbyggnad : Ett förprojekteringsverktyg

Fredriksson, Jane, Weissmann, Angelica January 2015 (has links)
Dagsljus i byggnader är viktigt för både den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Dagsljusinsläpp i byggnader sker genom fönster, men fönster är även den byggnadskomponent som medför störst energiförluster i en byggnad. Därför finns det problem i att skapa en god balans mellan utformning, energieffektivisering och termisk komfort samtidigt som ett tillfredsställande dagsljus ska tillämpas i byggnader där människor vistas. Detta examensarbete som omfattar 15 hp syftar till att effektivisera samt förenkla bedömningen av ett tillfredsställande dagsljus, för att uppnå kraven i miljöcertifieringsmetoden Miljöbyggnad, där även intilliggande faktorer som energi och termiskt klimat studeras. Målet var att upprätta ett förprojekteringsverktyg för indikatorn Dagsljus som i framtiden kan användas av konsulter, arkitekter och andra inom byggbranschen när en byggnad ska miljöcertifieras enligt metoden Miljöbyggnad. För att skapa verktyget gjordes datamodeller av testrum med olika förutsättningar, där dagsljusfaktorn, DF, kontrollerades. Under arbetets gång har datorprogrammen Velux, ParaSol och Thermal Comfort Calculator använts. Parameterstudier utfördes för att åskådliggöra samband mellan dagsljusfaktor, fönsterarea samt rummets form och storlek, vilket resulterade i att två diagram upprättades. För att kontrollera att parameterstudiens resultat kan tillämpas för verkliga objekt och rum utfördes en fallstudie på byggnaden Ängsbacken i Sandviken. Denna fallstudie validerade att diagrammen som upprättats kan uppskatta en dagsljusfaktor, DF, för ett rum som sedan kan erhålla ett preliminärt betyg för indikatorn Dagsljus inom Miljöbyggnad. Diagrammen som upprättats kan användas som ett grovt förprojekteringsverktyg som kan tillämpas när konsult, arkitekt m.fl känner till rumsdjup samt fasadväggens area (bredden och höjden i rummet) men vill veta hur stort fönster som krävs för att uppnå BRONS eller SILVER för indikatorn Dagsljus inom Miljöbyggnad. Vidare kan vara intressant att studera om det även finns ett samband mellan de tre indikatorerna Dagsljus, Solvärmelast och Termiskt klimat och vilken påverkan fönsterglas, solavskärmningar m.m kan ha på dagsljusfaktorn. För samtliga testrum som modellerats och tillämpats i studien har betyget GULD erhållits för Solvärmelasten. För det Termiska klimatet fick samtliga testrum betyget SILVER. Dessa indikatorer verkar inte påverkas av rummets geometri i lika stor utsträckning som dagsljusfaktorn, som tar mer hänsyn till både rummets och fönstrets storlek samt utformning. Därför bör vid bedömning enligt Miljöbyggnad största vikt ligga på att uppfylla ett tillfredsställande dagsljusinsläpp genom att kontrollera att dagsljusfaktorn uppfylls i rummet, vilket enkelt kan utföras med hjälp av studiens förprojekteringsverktyg. Det effektiva förprojekteringsverktyget kan användas för att förenkla och påskynda bedömningsprocessen samt uppskatta ett betyg för indikatorn Dagsljus inom Miljöbyggnad. Genom att använda sig av verktyget i ett tidigt projekteringsskede, där användningen av tidskrävande datorprogram undviks, kan både kostnader och tid minimeras. / Daylight in buildings is important for both physical and mental health. Daylighting in buildings is transferred through windows, but the windows are also the building component that causes the greatest energy loss in a building. Therefore, there is a problem in creating a good balance between design, energy efficiency and thermal comfort while maintaining a sufficient daylight to be applied in buildings where people are staying. This thesis comprising 15 hp aims to efficiency and simplify the assessment of satisfying daylight, to achieve the requirements of the environmental certification method Miljöbyggnad, where neighboring factors such as energy and the thermal environment is studied. The goal was to establish a pre-planning tool for the indicator Daylight that can be used in the future by consultants and similar when a building is assessed by environmental certification according to the method Miljöbyggnad. The tool is based on computer models of experimental room with different conditions where the daylight factor, DF, was controlled. The computer programs Velux, ParaSol and Thermal Comfort Calculator where applied during the study. Parametric studies were performed to illustrate the connection between daylight factor, window area and the shape and size of the room, resulting in the establishment of two charts. To check that the parameter results of the study can be applied to real-world objects and rooms a case study was performed on the building Ängsbacken in Sandviken. This case study validated that the diagrams drawn can appreciate a daylight factor, DF, for a room that can then obtain a preliminary rating for the indicator Daylight in Miljöbyggnad. The diagrams can be used as a rough pre-planning tool that can be applied when the consultant, architect or similar knows the room depth and facadewall area (width and height of the room) but want to know how big window needed to achieve BRONZE or SILVER for indicator Daylight in Miljöbyggnad. In the future it might be interesting to study if there is also a correlation between the three indicators Daylight, Solar Thermal Load and Thermal environment and the impact of windows, sun screens etc. which can affect the daylight factor. For all test room modeled and applied in the study, grade GOLD were obtained for the Solarheating. For the Thermal environment all the test room obtained the grade SILVER. These indicators seem unaffected by the geometry just as much as the daylight factor, which takes more into account both the room and the window size and design. Therefore the assessment according to Miljöbyggnad paramount lie on meeting a satisfying daylight by checking that the daylight factor is fulfilled in the room, which can easily be performed with the help of this studies pre-planning tool. The effective pre-planning tool can be used to simplify and speed up the evaluation process and appreciate a score for indicator Daylight in Miljöbyggnad. By making use of the tool in an early planning stage, where the use of time-consuming computer programs is avoided, both the cost and time can be minimized.

Die mittelfristige Strategie

Haag, Manuel 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge erster Reformbemühungen der UNESCO wurden 1977 die Mittelfristigen Strategien ("C/4-Dokumente") als sechsjährige Planungsinstrumente eingeführt. Durch ihren längerfristigen konzeptionellen Rahmen sollten sie größere Kontinuität und Kohärenz zwischen den bisher bestehenden zweijährigen Programmen und Haushaltsplänen herstellen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung der Funktion der Mittelfristigen Strategien im Lichte ihrer historischen Entwicklung und im Zusammenspiel mit Reformtrends im System der Vereinten Nationen dar; deren Hauptfunktion ist demnach eine bessere Planung der Aktivitäten der UNESCO unter einer möglichst effizienten Mittelverwendung. Der Vorbereitungsprozess dient als Katalysator für eine umfassende Diskussion über die grundlegende Ausrichtung und über die Schwerpunkte der Aktivitäten der UNESCO. Ferner dient sie als Instrument der Legitimation und der Rechenschaft – da sie vorab darlegt, was die UNESCO in einem Zeitraum erreichen wird.

Beware the bogeyman : capital gains tax and loan accounts / Ilandi Hoon

Hoon, Ilandi January 2014 (has links)
Estate planning is the arrangement and management of an estate owner’s estate to the effect that the estate owner and his beneficiaries can enjoy maximum benefit from his worldly possessions during his lifetime and after his death. Unfortunately, for estate owners and their beneficiaries, a deceased estate has to pay an executor’s fee, estate duty and capital gains tax on the demise of the estate owner, which means the amount the estate owner intended his heirs to receive, might be substantially decreased. For decades trusts have been used for estate planning purposes. The decision of the estate owner to utilise a trust for estate planning purposes involves the disposal of growth assets from the estate owner’s estate to the trust. This ensures that the value of a growth asset is pegged in the estate owner’s estate and the asset continues to grow in the trust. The asset is disposed of by way of a loan account in favour of the estate owner and the parties agree that the outstanding amount is payable on demand. In his will, the estate owner then bequeaths the outstanding amount back to the trust. However, Paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 stated that capital gains tax will be levied in cases where a debt is reduced or discharged by a creditor for no consideration or for an amount which is less than the outstanding amount. In ABC Family Trust ITC 1793 the estate owner transfer assets to the trust on a loan account and in her will, bequeathed the exact outstanding amount back to the trust. It was argued on behalf of the trust that the bequest constituted a set-off and not a discharge of the debt. However, the court stated that the set-off took place because of the “operation of law” which is specifically included in the definition of a “disposal” for capital gains tax purposes. The court applied Paragraph 12(5) and found that the trust is liable to pay capital gains tax on the full outstanding amount. In XXX Trust ITC 1835 the estate owner also transferred asset to a trust, but in her will she bequeathed the residue of her estate, and not the exact outstanding amount, to the trust. In this case the court placed emphasise on the intention of the estate owner and not on the possible application of Paragraph 12(5). The court found that it was not the intention of the estate owner to discharge or reduce the debt for no consideration. Subsequently, it was found that the trust is not liable for capital gains tax. Since these two cases Paragraph 12(5) has been deleted and Paragraph 12A inserted in the Eight Schedule to the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962. The focus of this mini-dissertation is to determine which estate planning tools were available to estate owners to prevent a capital gains liability under Paragraph 12(5). The capital gains tax effect that Paragraph 12A might have on estate planning is also discussed. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Energeticky efektivní řadový rodinný dům / Energy efficient terraced house

Král, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of a new energy efficient terraced house in the gap site. Building has two dwelling unit of category 4+kitchenette and 6+ kitchenette. Building has a cellar, two floors and an attic. The cellar structures and horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete. Sand-lime bricks are used for masonry. The building is covered with gabled roof with timber roof truss. In this building there are used rainwater and renewable energy in a form of electrical energy made by photovoltaic panels.

Die mittelfristige Strategie: Funktion des zentralen Planungsinstruments der UNESCO

Haag, Manuel 03 December 2013 (has links)
Im Zuge erster Reformbemühungen der UNESCO wurden 1977 die Mittelfristigen Strategien ('C/4-Dokumente') als sechsjährige Planungsinstrumente eingeführt. Durch ihren längerfristigen konzeptionellen Rahmen sollten sie größere Kontinuität und Kohärenz zwischen den bisher bestehenden zweijährigen Programmen und Haushaltsplänen herstellen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung der Funktion der Mittelfristigen Strategien im Lichte ihrer historischen Entwicklung und im Zusammenspiel mit Reformtrends im System der Vereinten Nationen dar; deren Hauptfunktion ist demnach eine bessere Planung der Aktivitäten der UNESCO unter einer möglichst effizienten Mittelverwendung. Der Vorbereitungsprozess dient als Katalysator für eine umfassende Diskussion über die grundlegende Ausrichtung und über die Schwerpunkte der Aktivitäten der UNESCO. Ferner dient sie als Instrument der Legitimation und der Rechenschaft – da sie vorab darlegt, was die UNESCO in einem Zeitraum erreichen wird.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis II I. Einleitung 1 II. Entstehungsgeschichte und normative Wirkung der Mittelfristigen Strategie 3 1. Expertenausschuss zur Begutachtung der Finanzen der VN 3 2. Aktivitäten der UNESCO zur Einführung Mittelfristiger Planungsinstrumente – der erste Mittelfristige Plan (1977-1982) 4 3. Völkerrechtlicher Rahmen und normative Wirkung der Mittelfristigen Strategien der UNESCO 6 4. Zwischenergebnis 8 III. Die Genese der Mittelfristigen Strategien 9 1. Der zweite Mittelfristige Plan (1984-1989) – Einführung umfassender Konsultationen 9 2. Der dritte Mittelfristige Plan (1990-1995) – Positions- und Strategiepapier der UNESCO 10 3. Die erste Mittelfristige Strategie (1996-2001) – grundlegende Neuausrichtung 11 4. Zwischenergebnis 12 IV. Die Mittelfristigen Strategien im beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert 13 1. Die Mittelfristige Strategie (2002-2007) als Ausdruck der neuen Reform 14 2. Die Mittelfristige Strategie (2008-2013) 15 3. Zwischenergebnis 15 V. Die Funktion der Mittelfristigen Strategie der UNESCO im Fazit 16 Dokumentenverzeichnis I Literaturverzeichnis III

Development of evaluation tools as an approach to pre-design district energy systems : Qualitative modeling and performance simulation using OpenModelica

Faramarzi, Ghazal, Torestam, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Cities and districts contribute to a large fraction of the total energy consumption in Sweden. The residential- and service sector accounted for almost 40% of the total energy consumption in 2018. The increasing urbanization also puts more importance on the energy supply, distribution and consumption in these areas. One way of planning an energy system in urban areas is to have integrated energy systems where synergies between different technologies and energy carriers are utilized. Such a solution can increase the flexibility of the energy system and thus help integrate more intermittent renewable energy sources. The aim of this study was to suggest tools for planning energy systems in districts. This was done by performing a literature review regarding the design of energy systems and the identification of barriers and opportunities for the integration of different production- and distribution technologies. The focus was on systems for heating, cooling and electricity. The proposed tools are three Excel-based modules. The first module is a qualitative model that presents the reviewed technologies and their connections. It also includes synergies between different energy carriers and sectors for consumption and production. The second module is qualitative model related to market mechanisms, juridical, organizational and institutional aspects. The third module is a table containing the barriers and opportunities. Furthermore, relevant stakeholders are identified to be district heating companies, building owners, joint associations, municipalities, district cooling companies and photovoltaic plant owners. The proposed tools can be used in the first stage of planning when the technologies are selected. To show how the suggested tools can be applied, a case study was performed. The study case is a district being planned in Stockholm, Sweden. For the analysis, a model for a hypothetical heating system was required. Two models were developed for the heat supply system using the modelling environment OpenModelica. The main objective of the case study was to compare the techno-economic and environmental performance of different scenarios. Three different scenarios were considered for covering the total heating demand in the district. In the first scenario the total heating demand is covered only by local heat pumps. In the second scenario the space heating demand is covered by heat pump(s) coupled with a thermal energy storage (hot water tank). An electric boiler is used as backup. In the third scenario, the electric boiler is replaced by district heating as backup. A sensitivity analysis was included for different numbers of heat pumps and different sizes of thermal energy storage in the two last scenarios. The economic and environmental results in this study were strongly dependent on the assumptions regarding prices and emission factors. The result of the case study indicates that the third scenario causes the lowest CO2 emissions. An increased size of the thermal energy storage causes a higher compressor electricity consumption thus more emissions. However the total emissions from the system depends on the backup component. For this result, the emission factor related to Swedish electricity mix and the emission factor stated by a district heating company in Stockholm was used. The cheapest alternative in terms of annual operational cost of energy is the first scenario with only heat pumps. However, from the scenarios which also includes thermal energy storage, the second scenario with three heat pumps and a 100 m3 large thermal energy storage, presents the lowest cost. This system design in scenario 2 is only 0.6% more expensive than the first scenario. For the energy prices, the assumption for electricity is based on hourly values from Nordpol and for heat, the values presented in a normal price list from a district heating company is assumed. Regarding the technical performance of the system the result indicates that the contribution from the thermal energy storage as it is modelled in this case study is not significant on anannual basis. However it is observed that a larger thermal energy storage unit covers a higher fraction of the power demand during the hours it is utilized. / Städer och stadsdelar står för en stor del av totala energikonsumtionen i Sverige. Bostads- och servicesektor stod för ungefär 40% av totala energikonsumtionen under 2018. Den ökande urbaniseringen lägger också mer vikt vid energiproduktion, distribution och konsumtionen i dessa områden. Ett alternativ för planering av energisystem i urbana områden är att ha integrerade energisystem där synergier mellan olika teknologier och energibärare kan utnyttjas. Den typen av system skulle kunna öka flexibiliteten i energisystemet och därför förenkla integrering av oförutsägbara förnybara energikällor. Syftet med denna studie var att föreslå verktyg för planering av energisystem i stadsdelar. Detta gjordes genom en litteraturstudie angående utformningen av olika energisystem samt identifiera hinder och möjligheter för att integrera olika produktions- och distributions teknologier. Fokus låg på systemen för värme, kyla och elektricitet. Det föreslagna verktygen är tre Excel baserade moduler. Den första modulen är en qualitative modell som presenterar de studerade teknologier och deras kopplingar. Den innehåller också synergier mellan de olika energibärarna och konsumtions- och produktionssektorn. Den andra modulen är en qualitative modell, men relaterad till marknad mekanismer, juridiska, organisatoriska och institutionella aspekter. Den tredje modulen är en tabell som beskriver hinder och möjligheter för några av teknologierna. Utöver det de relevanta aktörerna identifierades. För värme-, kyla- och elektricitet marknaden är de fjärrvärmeföretagen, fastighetsägare, samfälligheter, kommuner, fjärrkyla företagen, solcells ägare. De föreslagna verktyget kan användas för planering av energisystem i ett första skede när teknologier ska väljas.  En fallstudie genomfördes för att visa hur det föreslagna verktyget kan användas. Fallstudien en stadsdel som planeras i Stockholm, Sverige. För att genomföra en analys behövdes en modell för ett hypotetiskt värmesystem. Två modeller utvecklades för värmesystemet genom att använda modelleringsmiljön OpenModelica. Det huvudsakliga målet med fallstudien var att jämföra den teknoekonomiska- och miljöinriktade prestandan för olika scenarierna. Tre olika scenarier övervägdes för att täcka totala värmebehovet i stadsdelen. I det första scenariot täcks det totala värmebehovet endast av lokala värmepumpar. I andra scenariot täcks värmebehovet för uppvärmning av värmepump(ar) kopplade till en värmelagrings komponent (ackumulatortank). En elpanna användes för reserveffekt. I tredje scenariot är elpannan ersatt av fjärrvärme. En känslighetsanalys var utförd för olika antal värmepumpar kopplade till olika storlekar av värmelagrings-komponenten i de två sista scenarierna. De ekonomiska och miljörelaterade resultatet i den här studien är starkt beroende av antaganden gällande priser och utsläppsfaktorer. Resultatet indikerar att det tredje scenariot har de lägsta CO2 utsläppen. Ökad värmelagringsstorlek bidrar till att värmepumpen förbrukar mer elektricitet och därför ökar de relaterade utsläppen. Däremot beror de totala utsläppen i systemet på vilken reservkraft som används. För dessa resultat användes utsläppsfaktorn för svensk elmix samt utsläppsfaktorn från ett fjärrvärme företag i Stockholm. Den billigaste alternativet gällande årlig driftsenergikostnad är det första scenariot med endast värmepumpar. Däremot, bland de scenarion som innehåller värmelagring, har det andra scenariot med tre värmepumpar och 100m3 stor värmelagringsenhet den lägsta kostnaden. Detta system är endast 0.6% dyrare än det första scenariot. För energipriser har timvärden från Nordpol antagits för elektricitet och för värme har normalprislistan från ett fjärrvärmebolag i Stockholm antagits. Angående den tekniska systemprestandan, indikerar resultatet att bidraget från värmelagringsenheten som den är modellerad i den här fallstudien inte är signifikant på årsbasis. Det observeras emellertid att en större värmelagringsenhet täcker en större andel av effektbehovet under de timmar som enheten används.

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