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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisationskultur och kulturens inverkan påstyrningen inom Polismyndigheten i Sverige / Organizational culture and the impact of the culture on themanagement within the Swedish police authority

Pellbäck, Elvira January 2023 (has links)
Organizational culture is a comprehensive concept and is defined as norms, values and ideasof an organization. All organizations consist of management but what influences themanagement? What influences the orientation of activities? It could be interesting to reflecton which objectives the leadership form in the organization and which factors affect theformulation of the objectives. Could it be the underlying norms in the organization? Doesorganizational culture matter? Research shows that the police authority has a strongorganizational culture. The aim of this essay is to analyze the organizational culture andmanagement of the Swedish police authority. In order to gain a deeper insight into a policeorganization the police in Umeå will also be studied. In this paper organizational culture hasbeen operationalised as norms. The formal and informal organization of the police has beenstudied and thus the formal and informal norms. The questions of this essay are to investigatewhat characterizes the organizational culture and how the culture affects the management ofthe police. The methods in this graduation project are based on organizational analysis wherethe data collection has been done partly through literature review but also through interviews.The results show that different kinds of cultures occur in the Swedish police authority and theculture contains both formal and informal norms. The results also show that the cultureinfluences the objectives that are formulated, in particular with regard to a changing culturewhich requires other types of objectives. However the results indicate that the organizationalculture and the management are strongly correlated since the cultures themselves arecharacterized by objectives. The conclusions of this work are as previously mentioned thatthe culture is characterized by formal and informal norms. The culture must consist ofspecific norms in order for the police to fulfill their missions. Norms also arise morespontaneously in interaction with colleagues and the environment. Finally as previouslymentioned the organizational culture have an impact on the management.

Understanding Organizational and Ecological Impacts on Police Use of Formal Authority: Testing an Ecological Theory of Police Response to Deviance

Stoddard, Cody J. 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Role státního zástupce v trestním řízení / The Role of Public Prosecutor in Criminal Proceedings

Petrů, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with the role of Public Prosecutor in Criminal Proceedings. Public prosecutor is an irreplaceable entity of criminal proceedings where he is tasked with defending a public interest. The aim of the thesis is to provide an analysis of the status of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings while the main part of the thesis focuses on the status of the public prosecutor in preparatory criminal proceedings - the third chapter gives an overview over the relationship between the public prosecutor and police authority and the fourth chapter outlines an usage of diversions in criminal proceedings. The thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter outlines the history of the institute of public prosecution focusing on the Czech territory because there is no doubt the historical development is significantly reflected in the current form of this institute. Chapter Two provides a general overview over Public Prosecutor's Office which is important for understanding the following parts of this diploma thesis. Firstly, questionable issue of the position of Public Prosecutor's Office according to the Constitution of the Czech Republic is explored, then a description of a structure of the Public Prosecutor's Office and its internal relations including an issue of supervision...

Sammanhållen men splittrad? : Polisers upplevelser av en omorganisering

Degerhäll, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie har upplevelser av Polismyndighetens omorganisation undersökts. Studien utgår utifrån en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med åtta verksamma poliser som arbetat vid omorganisationens implementering. Syftet med examensarbetet var att skapa djupare förståelse för polisers upplevelser av Polismyndighetens omorganisering. För att uppfylla syftet hade tre frågeställningar formulerats: ”hur beskriver poliserna omorganiseringen av Polismyndigheten?”, ”om och på vilket sätt upplever poliserna att omorganiseringen har påverkat deras känsla av organisatorisk tillhörighet?” samt ”om och på vilket sätt upplever poliserna att omorganiseringen har påverkat deras yrkesutövning?”. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån det teoretiska ramverket som bestod av teori om organisationskultur, organisationsidentitet och krav-, kontroll- och stödmodellen. Resultatet pekade på att samtliga informanter upplevde att omorganisationen förändrat yrkesutövandet i sig, men även den organisatoriska tillhörigheten i stort. Implementeringen av omorganisationen upplevdes som rörig och informationsutbytet otillräckligt för att förändringsarbetet skulle kunna utföras på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Det finns inte heller resurser för att realisera förändringsarbetet som planerat, de har istället placerats ut på Regionalledningscentraler runt om i landet. Det lämnar den lokala verksamheten utan resurser och det för poliserna högt värderade lokala arbetet åsidosätts. Det blev dock tydligt hur bärande det sociala stödet bland informanterna var för att hantera den krävande arbetssituationen. Ett välfungerande samspel med kollegor och överordnade blev en förutsättning för att klara av det fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande arbetet som omorganisationen genererat i. Det framkom även att hur poliserna upplevde omorganisationen berodde till stor del på vilket kulturellt sammanhang de tillhörde, något som tydde på vikten av att ha organisationskulturen i beaktande vid omorganiseringar. / In this study, experiences of the Police Agency reorganization were investigated. The study is based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews have been conducted with eight active police officers which were working while the implementation of the reorganization occurred. The purpose of the degree project was to create a deeper understanding of the police officer's experiences of the Police Authority's reorganization. In order to fulfill the purpose, three questions had been formulated: "how do the police describe the reorganization of the Police Authority?", "if and in what way do the police feel that the reorganization has affected their sense of organizational belonging?" and "if and in what way do police officers feel that the reorganization has affected their professional practice?". The collected empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework, which consisted of theory of organizational culture, organizational identity and the demand, control and support model. The result indicated that all of the informants felt that the reorganization changed their professional practice, but also the organizational belonging. The implementation of the reorganization was perceived as confusing and the information exchange inadequate for the work of change to be carried out satisfactorily. There are also no resources to implement the change work as planned, instead they have been placed at Regional Management Centers around the country. It leaves the local business without resources and the local presence highly valued among the police officers is overridden. However, it became clear how supportive the social support among the informants was in dealing with the demanding work situation. A well-functioning interaction with colleagues and superiors became a prerequisite for coping with the physically and mentally stressful work that the reorganization generated, something that indicated the importance of having the organizational culture in mind when reorganizing.

”VI HAR NOG INTE SETT DEN SISTA SKOLATTACKEN” : En kvalitativ studie om den svenska polismyndighetens förebyggande- och krisstödsarbete kring skolattacker

Berndtsson, Adéla, Larsson, Estelle, Åsenhed Angvall, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Skolattacker är en av de värsta händelser som ett samhälle kan utsättas för och polisen kan anses ha en viktig roll för att arbeta mot att detta brott inte ska behöva inträffa. Den föreliggande studiens syfte var att få djupare kunskap för hur den svenska polismyndigheten arbetar förebyggande mot att en skolattack ska ske, samt hur polisens eget krisstödsarbete ser ut inom myndigheten. Studien genomförde fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från polismyndigheten i region Bergslagen. Resultatet visade att polisen kategoriserar skolattacker som “pågående dödligt våld”, och har utformat riktlinjer enbart utifrån den brottskategorin. Resultatet visade även att vissa insatser som polisen använder inte anses effektiva baserat på evidensen. Fortsättningsvis påvisade resultatet på ett behov av utveckling inom det krisstöd som polisen kan använda efter en skolattack. Den föreliggande studiens slutsatser visar att polisens förebyggande- och krisstödsarbete generellt sett är tillfredsställande, men att vissa aspekter inom arbetet bör förbättras. / A school attack is perceived as one of the worst incidents that a society can be exposed to, and the police is considered to have an essential role in preventing that such a crime will occur. The present study’s aim was to deepen the knowledge regarding how the swedish police authority works to prevent school attacks, and how the crisis support within the authority, after such an event, works. The study was conducted through four qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from the region Bergslagen. The results revealed that the police categorize school attacks as “ongoing deadly violence”, and that the guidelines are based solely on that category of crime. The results also showed that some methods the police use are not considered effective based on previous research. Furthermore, the results indicated a need for development within the crisis support that the police can use after a schoolattack. The present study’s conclusions showed that the preventive work and crisis support generally is seen as satisfactory but that some aspects can be improved upon.

Att leda inom Polismyndigheten : Gruppchefers förutsättningar att fullfölja sitt uppdrag / To lead within the Swedish Police Authority : Team Leaders presumptions to pursue their assigned duty

Johansson, Sofia, Bergström, Molly January 2022 (has links)
Som gruppchef upplevs krav både under och ovanifrån samtidigt som bristen på resurser för att bemöta alla krav lyser med sin frånvaro. Syftet med denna studie är därför att studera gruppchefers upplevda förutsättningar och hinder i deras funktion för att fullfölja sitt uppdrag inom tjänsten som gruppchef för yttre verksamhet inom Polismyndigheten i Sverige. För studien använde vi oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer av 8 respondenter med påföljande individuell kodning och tematisk analys. Resultatet påvisade att många av gruppcheferna upplever press på grund av en hög administrativ belastning, personalbrist, tidsbrist och bristande introduktion till arbetet samt en känsla av maktlöshet inom bristen på handlingsutrymme som uppstår i och med ställda krav både ovan- och underifrån. Dock påvisar även resultaten att gruppcheferna trivs med känslan av att kunna påverka både sin och sina medarbetares situation till en viss del, att de uppskattar det upplevda kollegiala stödet samt att karriärmöjligheterna blir fler. / As a team leader, one experiences high demands from both above and below, while the lack of resources to meet all requirements shines with its absence. The purpose of this study is to examine the team leaders' perceived resources to fulfill their function as a team leader for the Police Authority in Sweden as well as how they are perceiving the demands from both superiors and employees. We used a qualitative method in the form of semi structured interviews of 8 team leaders followed by individual coding thematic analysis. The results portrays that many of the line managers experience pressure due to a high administrative burden, lack of staff, lack of time and lack of introduction to the work as well as a feeling of powerlessness in the lack of room for maneuver that arises due to demands from above and below. However, the results also show that the line managers are content in the feeling of being able to influence both their and their employees' situation to a certain extent, that they appreciate the perceived collegial support and that they are facing more career opportunities.

En fossilfri fordonsflotta inom Polismyndigheten : En realistisk framtid eller en utopi?

Mårtensson, Elvira January 2022 (has links)
För att nå internationella såväl som nationella miljömål står samhället inför en omfattande omställning av fordonsflottan. Utfasningsutredningen (2021) redogör i sin rapport för hur samtliga aktörer i samhället behöver vidta åtgärder för att bidra till måluppfyllnad. En central aktör som i dagsläget vidtar åtgärder är fordonstillverkare som med ett varierande tidsspann har förmedlat ambitionen om att enbart producera fordon med nollnettoutsläpp inom spannet 2030 – 2035. Fordonstillverkarnas omställning kommer att få konsekvenser för andra samhälleliga aktörer som är beroende av en tillförlitlig fordonsflotta i syfte att genomföra sitt uppdrag, en av dessa aktörer är polismyndigheten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga vilka främjande samt hindrande faktorer som finns för implementering av en fossilfri fordonsflotta i dagsläget. Ett särskilt fokus kommer i uppsatsen att vara polisregion Nord som med sina geografiska förutsättningar upptar 55% av Sveriges yta, samtidigt som 26 av Sveriges 30 mest glesbefolkade kommuner återfinns inom regionen. För att kartlägga förutsättningarna ska uppsatsen utifrån implementeringsteoretiska utgångspunkterna förstå, vilja och kunna studera dokument och genomföra intervjuer med relevanta aktörer från nationell, regional samt polisområdesnivå. I dagsläget framgår det av kartläggningen att en fossilfri fordonsflotta inom polismyndigheten snarare är en utopi än en realistisk framtid. Ingen av de valda teoretiska utgångspunkterna förstå, vilja och kunna kan i dagsläget betraktas som helt uppfyllda. I de fall åtgärder inte vidtas kan myndighetens operativa förmåga komma att bli begränsad, vilket kommer särskilt hårt mot polisregion Nord och dess invånare. / To achieve international as well as national environmental targets, society is facing a major shift in the vehicle fleet. Utfasningsutredningen (2021) sets out how all actors in society need to take action to contribute to meet the targets. A key actor currently taking action is vehicle manufacturers. With varying timeframes, several manufacturers have communicated the ambition to produce only vehicles with zero net emissions within the range 2030 - 2035. The transition of vehicle manufacturers will have implications for other societal actors that depend on a reliable vehicle fleet to carry out their mission, one of these actors being the police authorities. The aim of this paper is to identify the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of a fossil-free vehicle fleet in the present time. A special focus will be the police region North which with its geographical conditions occupies 55% of Sweden's surface, where 26 of Sweden's 30 most sparsely populated municipalities are found in the region. To map the conditions, the paper will study documents and conduct interviews with relevant actors from national, regional and police area level based on implementation theory regarding the concepts understanding, will and being able to. At present, the thesis shows that a fossil-free vehicle fleet in the police authority is more of a utopia than a realistic future. None of the implementation theoretical starting points can be considered as fully met at present. If no action is taken, the operational capability of the authority may be limited, which will have a particular impact on the Northern police region and its inhabitants.

Intern kommunikation under krissituation : en kvalitativ studie av Polismyndighetens interna kommunikation under och efter terrorattentatet i december 2010 / Internal communication during a crisis situation : a study of the Police Authority's internal communications during and after the terrorist attack in December 2010

Tanase Karlsson, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Att ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation inom en organisation är av yttersta vikt. Att dessutom ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation under en krishändelse är fundamental. Idag hamnar samhällen och organisationer ofta i olika typer av problematiska och hotfulla situationer. Detta är nästintill oundvikligt. Det som dock är hanterbart är kommunikation kring dessa situationer. Vintern 2010 sattes Polismyndighetens kommunikation på prov i och med ett terrorattentat där en självmordsbombare sprängde sig i centrala Stockholm. Denna uppsats tar sikte på att studera och undersöka polisens interna kommunikation under denna händelse. Avsikten är att redogöra för huruvida retoriska strategier så som retorisk situation, definition och angreppssätt, tagits i beaktande under den interna kommunikationens skapande och förmedlande. Genom användandet av en kvalitativ fallstudie som metod analyserade den interna skriftliga kommunikationen. Studien visar att flera delar inom den interna kriskommunikationen kan sammankopplas med olika retoriska strategier och modeller. Dock finns det delar som kan förbättras rent retoriskt. / To have an effective internal communication within an organization is of utmost importance. To also have a well-functioning internal communication during a crisis event is fundamental. Today, communities and organizations are often placed in different types of problematic and threatening situations. This is almost inevitable. However, the communication about these situations is manageable. In the winter of 2010 the communication of the Police Authority were put to the test, because of a terrorist attack that also included a suicide bomber. This essay aims and investigates the police's internal communication process during this event. The intention is to report on whether rhetorical strategies such as rhetorical situation, definition and approach, has been taken into consideration in the internal communication. Through the use of a qualitative case study method the internal written communication were analyzed. The study indicates that several elements within the internal crisis communication can be linked with various rhetorical strategies and models. However, there are parts that can be improved.

Dizendo-se autoridade : polícia e policiais em Porto Alegre, 1896-1929

Mauch, Cláudia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma história da polícia e dos policiais nas décadas que se seguiram à proclamação da República no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstitui as práticas do policiamento na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre 1896 e 1929, no entrecruzamento entre a polícia projetada pelos governantes republicanos e as experiências dos homens que exerceram diretamente esta atividade. A partir de fontes produzidas pelas próprias instituições policiais (registros de ocorrências, fichas de pessoal e inquéritos administrativos movidos contra policiais, entre outras) investigo quem eram, como viviam, trabalhavam e lidavam com a autoridade a eles atribuída os policiais - grupo ocupacional marcado pela ambígua condição de agentes da dominação estatal recrutados no meio social que deveriam controlar. Minha hipótese é que sua autoridade era constantemente reinventada e seus sentidos atualizados contextualmente, no âmbito das interações sociais. A dominação que os policiais exerciam ou pretendiam exercer, portanto, não dependia unicamente de seu mandato legal, embora não existisse sem ele. / This study is a history of the police and the policemen in the decades that followed the establishment of republican regime in Brazil. The research reviews the practices of policing in the city of Porto Alegre (capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul), from 1896 to 1929, in the intersection between the police, as projected by republican leaders, and the experiences of the men who exercised this activity directly. Based on sources produced by the police institutions themselves (incident reports, personnel files and cases against police officers, among others), I ask who were the policemen, how they lived, worked and dealt with the authority ascribed to them. Policemen formed an occupational group marked by an ambiguous condition: they were agents of state domination recruited in the social environment that should control. My argument is that the senses of his authority were constantly reinvented. The domination that policemen exercised or intended to exercise, therefore, did not depend only from its legal mandate, but did not exist without it.

Dizendo-se autoridade : polícia e policiais em Porto Alegre, 1896-1929

Mauch, Cláudia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma história da polícia e dos policiais nas décadas que se seguiram à proclamação da República no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstitui as práticas do policiamento na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre 1896 e 1929, no entrecruzamento entre a polícia projetada pelos governantes republicanos e as experiências dos homens que exerceram diretamente esta atividade. A partir de fontes produzidas pelas próprias instituições policiais (registros de ocorrências, fichas de pessoal e inquéritos administrativos movidos contra policiais, entre outras) investigo quem eram, como viviam, trabalhavam e lidavam com a autoridade a eles atribuída os policiais - grupo ocupacional marcado pela ambígua condição de agentes da dominação estatal recrutados no meio social que deveriam controlar. Minha hipótese é que sua autoridade era constantemente reinventada e seus sentidos atualizados contextualmente, no âmbito das interações sociais. A dominação que os policiais exerciam ou pretendiam exercer, portanto, não dependia unicamente de seu mandato legal, embora não existisse sem ele. / This study is a history of the police and the policemen in the decades that followed the establishment of republican regime in Brazil. The research reviews the practices of policing in the city of Porto Alegre (capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul), from 1896 to 1929, in the intersection between the police, as projected by republican leaders, and the experiences of the men who exercised this activity directly. Based on sources produced by the police institutions themselves (incident reports, personnel files and cases against police officers, among others), I ask who were the policemen, how they lived, worked and dealt with the authority ascribed to them. Policemen formed an occupational group marked by an ambiguous condition: they were agents of state domination recruited in the social environment that should control. My argument is that the senses of his authority were constantly reinvented. The domination that policemen exercised or intended to exercise, therefore, did not depend only from its legal mandate, but did not exist without it.

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