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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studenternas uppsatser. När poliser får välja - vad vill man skapa vetenskaplig kunskap om? : En studie på tre års kandidatuppsatser vid Umeå universitet.

Sörman, Pauline January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see what the students include in the area of police work and police science A summary of bachelor thesis hasn’t been done before. This thesis contribute to understand how police science in Sweden is interpreted by students at undergraduate level. The police science discipline is emerging and we have to make knowledge of what it is. All the studies that are included in this study are made by sworn police officers or police academy students that are qualified. That means that all studied bachelor thesis are made by persons within the police domain. By using grounded theory by Barney Glaser in the analysis, the author of this study has discovered themes of working method, leadership, working environment, law, equality, information and other. The result of this study shows that the law is the biggest theme and also working method and working environment are most of interest. Although even sports and foreign service is included as police work. This study has also been related to three Nordic overwievs from the early 90´s to 2011, to see similarities and differences of the author´s results. In the future there will be interesting to see if the themes that´s been found in this study are the same or if it´s changing over time.

“Det är de privilegierade och oss andra” : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas attityder och erfarenheter av polisensarbete i Göteborg

Halvardsson, Agnes, Zingmark, Adela January 2024 (has links)
Swedish society is characterized by trust and confidence in authorities. In connecting with society changing and becoming more multicultural, shortcomings and mistrust against authorities have become increasingly common. The police are seen as a threat and are subjected to threats. The threats are a consequence of repeated situations where discrimination and special treatment of certain groups of people took place rather than being treated with respect and helpfulness. The aim of the study was to investigate to what extent experiences, in terms of meetings and interactions, shape young adults' attitudes towards the police. Furthermore, we wanted to find out whether geographical residence area plays a role in an individual's attitudes, and if so, in what way. Earlier research shows that the pronounced value base of the police and guidelines do not always agree with their treatment of and contacts with all groups of people. Through qualitative interviews with young adults, living in different areas of Gothenburg, it emerges that previous experiences of police actions have the greatest significance for the young adults' attitudes towards the work of the police. / Det svenska samhället utmärks av tillit och förtroende för myndigheter. I samband med att samhället förändrats och blivit mer mångkulturellt har brister och misstro mot myndigheter blivit allt vanligare. Polisen ses som ett hot och utsätts för hot. Hotet är en konsekvens av upprepade situationer där diskriminering och särbehandling av vissa grupper av människor ägt rum. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken grad erfarenheter, i form av möten och interaktioner, präglar unga vuxnas attityder till polisen. Vidare vill vi undersöka om geografisk bosättning spelar roll för en individs attityd och i så fall på vilket sätt. Tidigare forskning visar att polisens egen formulerade värdegrund och riktlinjer inte avspeglas i kontakt med alla grupper. Det finns en skillnad i behandling, bemötande och tillit. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med unga vuxna, bosatta i olika områden i Göteborg, framkommer att tidigare erfarenheter av polisers agerande har störst betydelse för de unga vuxnas attityder till polisens arbete.

”Det fanns inte på kartan att vi skulle mötas av det våldet” : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelser och erfarenheter av verksamhetens arbetssätt under påskupploppet i Örebro år 2022 / The work of the police during the Easter riot in Örebro

Anderzon, Fanny, Hedborg, Tilda, Sabani, Melinda January 2024 (has links)
Under påsken år 2022 eskalerade ett antal allmänna sammankomster på olika platser i Sverige till våldsamma upplopp med allvarliga konsekvenser. Händelserna har fått stor medial uppmärksamhet och en av städerna där upploppen skedde var Örebro. Forskning har visat att polisens arbete spelar en avgörande roll för uppkomst samt utveckling av upplopp och är därmed av intresse att studera. Föreliggande kvalitativa studie har syftat till att undersöka polisers upplevelser och erfarenheter av de arbetsmetoder som verksamheten använde under påskupploppet i Örebro, där ett stort fokus har lagts på den särskilda polistaktiken. Detta har uppnåtts genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som var inblandade i och/eller har goda kunskaper om arbetet med påskupploppet i Örebro. Ett teoretiskt ramverk användes som stöd vid analys av det insamlade materialet. Detta bestod av Flashpointmodellen (Flashpoints model of public disorder) och Newburns relativt nya förklaringsmodell för upplopp (The life cycle model for the analysis of riots). Av resultatet framgick en gemensam upplevelse av svårigheter att förbereda sig inför påskupploppet, som främst berodde på att händelsen var oförutsägbar och att tiden till förberedelser var bristande. Den särskilda polistaktiken som metod under upplopp upplevs av respondenterna som god, men implementeringen av denna brast. Detta var en följd av resurs- och kompetensbrist, men även fysiska förutsättningar på plats. Efter händelsen har ett omfattande utvecklingsarbete genomförts och metoden är idag fullt implementerad i region Bergslagen. Resultaten av studien förhåller sig väl till tidigare forskning och det teoretiska ramverket. / During Easter in 2022, a number of public gatherings in various locations in Sweden escalated into violent riots with serious consequences. The events have received a lot of attention in the media and Örebro was one of the cities where the riots took place. Research has shown that the work of the police plays a crucial role in the occurrence and development of riots and is therefore of interest to study. The current qualitative study has aimed to investigate police officers' experiences of the working methods that the authority used during the Easter riot in Örebro, where a large focus has been placed on the Special Police Tactics. This has been achieved through five semi-structured interviews with police officers who were involved in and/or have good knowledge of the work with the Easter riot in Örebro. A theoretical framework was used to support the analysis of the collected material. This consisted of the Flashpoint model of public disorder and Newburn's relatively new explanation model for riots (The life cycle model for the analysis of riots). The results revealed a common experience of difficulties in preparing for the Easter riot, which was mainly due to the fact that the event was unpredictable and that the time for preparation was insufficient. The Special Police Tactics as a method during riots are perceived by the respondents as good, but the implementation of this failed. This was a consequence of a lack of resources and skills, but also physical conditions on site. After the incident, extensive work with developmenting the working method was carried out, and the method is today fully implemented in the Bergslagen region. The results of the study relates well to previous research and the theoretical framework.

Direitos humanos e segurança pública: prioridades conflitantes

Carrasco, Jorge Carlos 23 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jorge Carlos Carrasco.pdf: 858437 bytes, checksum: dc8f70d6f288566e14679b4408f8e985 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-23 / The aim of this research was the analysis on the historical aspects of Human Rights and Public Safety applied to the activities of the Police within the Public Safety in the State. With respect to Human Rights, the concretion of citizenship in a Democratic State of Law passes by the role of the police - guaranteeing the social stability - in the investigation of criminal offenses, which should perform their duties in accordance with legal requirements, always grounded in the reflections that its actions could cause for the society. Thus, the analysis of the method of ostentatious, community and preventive policing expert, proactive action, consist of operational actions, the result of decomposition of certain criminal situations previously located, which should produce reduced sense of impunity. The studies were inspired by the Constitution of Brazil, in international and infra-constitucional treaties, considering the Fundamental Rights and Guarantees, Human Rights aimed at society and individuals that brighten the police actions. The Civil and Military Police, members of government agencies with roles and own specific regulations, are tasked to perform specialized ostensive and preventive policing, reflected on administrative law, stressing the duty of effectiveness and efficiency as the purpose of the public security organ. The proper profile of the acting professional in this procedure was described, highlighting the background and personal qualities necessary for the proper performance of the activity. We conducted, in a shortly panel, the effects of this form of policing in other countries and the relations of the officers responsible for it with the media. Brazil, guided by Democratic State of Law, since 1988, goes in search of a peaceful awareness among all citizens. And also advances in the search for structures, which reassure peace, strong, legalistic and legitimate. One of these structures is the Public Security, in this research highlighted in its operating agencies - Civil and Military Police. The adoption of specialized and intelligent policing, fully compliant and respectful of fundamental human rights standards, has as immediate goal, the reduction of violence, save lives by and large, cause a healthier, more peaceful and more respectful environment. If the institutions fail to function or become part of the problems, or even if the solution they present is not good or healthy, we have to change, replace, and, renew them. In pursuit of this innovation, the most important is the effective involvement of all police officers with Education, respecting the Fundamental Rights, Human Rights because only then you will get success in your institution, briefly, with effective crime prevention. We conclude that all these elements boots to a better, more humane, fairer and social world / Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa a análise sobre os aspectos históricos dos direitos humanos e segurança pública aplicados às atividades das polícias que integram a segurança pública no Estado. Com respeito aos direitos humanos, a concretização da cidadania num Estado Democrático de Direito passa pelo papel da polícia garantidora da estabilidade social na apuração das infrações penais, a qual deve desempenhar suas funções de acordo com as prescrições legais, sempre pautadas nos reflexos que sua atuação pode causar à sociedade. Assim, a análise do método de policiamento ostensivo, comunitário e preventivo especializado, uma ação proativa, consiste em atos operacionais, resultado da decomposição de certas situações criminais previamente localizadas, que deverão reduzir a sensação de impunidade. Os estudos foram inspirados na Constituição Federal de 1988, nos tratados internacionais e na legislação infraconstitucional, considerando-se os direitos e garantias fundamentais, os direitos humanos e os indivíduos que iluminam as ações policiais. As polícias civil e militar, órgãos integrantes da administração pública, com funções e regramentos próprios, são encarregadas de efetuar o policiamento ostensivo e preventivo especializado, refletido sobre o direito administrativo, realçando o dever de eficácia e eficiência como finalidade do órgão de segurança pública. Descreveu-se o perfil adequado ao profissional que atua nesse procedimento, com realce à sua formação e às qualidades pessoais necessárias para o bom desempenho da atividade policial. Um breve painel demonstra os efeitos dessa forma de policiamento em outros países e as relações dos policiais responsáveis por ele com a mídia. O Brasil, norteado pelo Estado Democrático de Direito, desde 1988, caminha em busca de uma consciência pacífica entre todos os cidadãos. Avança na procura de estruturas asseguradoras da paz, fortes, legalistas e legítimas. Uma destas estruturas é a segurança pública, nesta pesquisa, realçada em seus órgãos operacionais polícia civil e polícia militar. A adoção de policiamento especializado e inteligente, inteiramente cumpridor e respeitador das normas fundamentais de direitos humanos, tem por objetivo imediato reduzir a violência, salvar vidas em geral, proporcionar um ambiente mais saudável, pacífico e respeitoso. Se as instituições deixam de funcionar, passam a ser parte dos problemas, ou se a solução que apresentam não é boa, sadia, temos que mudá-las, substituí-las, inová-las. Na busca dessa inovação, o mais importante é o envolvimento eficaz de todos os policiais com a educação, respeitando os direitos fundamentais e os direitos humanos, pois só assim obterá o sucesso de sua instituição com a efetiva prevenção do crime. Conclui-se que todos esses elementos contribuem para um mundo melhor, mais humano, mais justo e mais social

The challenges facing traffic officers in the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District

Ramavhunga, Muthuhadini Hendrick 21 September 2018 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies / The study investigates the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District and explore possible solutions to the challenges facing Vhembe District in the management of traffic law. Road transport safety, particularly enforcement of traffic laws is challenging globally, especially in developing countries, where it affects both road users and governments. Due to a number of reasons the subculture of traffic and other law enforcement agents is not always viewed in a favorable light. Media reports and newspaper articles give evidence of a total disregard for law enforcement and lack of respect for law enforcement officials. The study used both quantitative and qualitative techniques for data collection and analysis. The Quantitative techniques were mostly used in that they provided the researcher with an understanding of experiences and challenges facing traffic officers in the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District. A simple random and purposive sample was used for selection of a sample population. A purposive sampling technique will be employed in selection study participants of qualitative method. A sample of 50 traffic officers was randomly selected for the survey and 10 traffic chiefs and principals were purposively selected for the interviews. The study found that of lack of good managerial skills, lack of motivation to work, shortage of staff, lack of modern equipment and lack of training as challenges. The treatment of traffic offenses as “petty” by the Department of Justice and in particular magistrates was also identified as a major challenge. The study recommends that the Department of Transport Management should provide traffic police officials with sufficient resources and equipment at the traffic police stations in order to perform optimally. / NRF


Rostö, Mårten, Sydner, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Begreppet psykologisk trygghet har visat sig vara en faktor som påverkar om personal trivs och stannar på arbetsplatsen. Begreppet innebär hur tryggt det upplevs att visa sig sårbar i en grupp och vad det får för konsekvenser. Forskning om poliskultur har visat att den karaktäriseras av tradition och rigida normer, vilket påverkar beteenden i gruppen. Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka hur nyblivna poliser upplever psykologisk trygghet i sin arbetsgrupp, samt hur de beskriver normer i förhållande till detta. Åtta deltagare intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på Edmondsons teori om psykologisk trygghet samt forskning på poliskultur. Datat analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. Majoriteten av deltagarna upplevde att humor var ett framträdande sätt att hantera svåra upplevelser, men det fanns även behov av annat typ av stöd. De flesta deltagare upplevde att det var viktigt att visa sårbar för att lära sig yrket, samt att det påverkade relationerna i arbetsgruppen positivt, men flera upplevde det även som skrämmande och skamfyllt. Deltagarnas beskrivningar av arbetsgruppens normer, och deras förhållande till dem, verkade påverka upplevelsen av psykologisk trygghet. Normbrytande beteende sanktionerades, vilket avskräckte från framtida normbrytande. Resultaten stärker teorierna om att psykologisk trygghet är förenat med lärandebeteende och att poliskulturen är traditionsbunden. Psykologisk trygghet kan vara en bidragande faktor till att få poliser att trivas och stanna inom yrket. / Psychological safety has been shown to affect employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention. The term “psychological safety” means how safe one feels in showing vulnerability in a group and the consequences it might bring. Research has shown that police culture is characterized by traditionality and rigid norms, which affects group behaviour. The present study aimed to examine how new police officers’ experience psychological safety within their work group. Eight police officers were interviewed with a semistructured interview guide based on Edmondson’s theory of psychological safety and literature on police culture. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Most participants found humour to be a pronounced coping strategy for negative experiences, but there was a need for alternative ways of coping. Most participants found showing vulnerability to be essential for learning the police role, and that these behaviours had a positive effect on relationships within the work group, even though several found showing vulnerability frightening and shameful. The participants’ descriptions of the norms within the work group, and how well you fit into them, affected their experience of psychological safety. Breaking norms in the group was often followed by sanctions, which disencouraged similar future behaviour. The findings in this study support existing research on the link between psychological safety and learning behaviour and on police culture being governed by traditions. Psychological safety could be a contributing factor to keeping police officers satisfied so that they might stay within their line of work.

Finns det mågon anledning för polisutbildningen att inkludera en kandidatexamen? : En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån ett polisiärt perspektiv / Is there any reason for the police education to include a bachelor's degree? : A qualitative study from a police perspective

Krantz, Julia, Larsson, Paulina January 2024 (has links)
Diskussionen om att akademisera polisutbildningen i Sverige har under en tid förekommit främst på regeringsnivå. Ett förslag angående att införa en kandidatexamen på polisutbildningen har även framförts av Polisförbundet, där de uttrycker ett positivt förhållningssätt till akademiseringen. Till följd av detta har ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt tagits för att erhålla en fördjupad bild kring ämnet ur ett polisiärt perspektiv. Studien syftar således till att undersöka vilka uppfattningar, i form av möjligheter och begränsningar, som yrkesverksamma poliser och polisstudenter har kring en akademisering av polisutbildningen. Vidare har även eventuella likheter och skillnader mellan dessa undersökts. Studien baseras på elva fokuserade intervjuer där materialet illustrerar flertalet möjligheter och begränsningar samt likheter och skillnader. Materialet har analyserats tematiskt och resulterade i två teman där ett behandlar polisutbildningen och det andra berör det efterföljande yrkeslivet. Resultatet berör möjligheter och begränsningar samt likheter och skillnader gällande de sökande till utbildningen, utbildningens innehåll, den teoretiska och praktiska kunskapen som erbjuds under utbildningen samt den kandidatexamen som diskuteras att införas. Dessutom berör resultatet även de yrkesroller och arbetssätt som förekommer inom Polismyndigheten, forskning inom det polisiära arbetet samt allmänhetens tilltro till polisen. Sammantaget visar resultatet att den polisiära yrkesutövningen upplevs främst som praktiskt, men där teoretiska ämnen och inriktningar även anses vara väsentliga för både utbildning och yrkesutövning. En kandidatexamen kan vara fördelaktig för vissa yrkesroller och för dem med teoretiskt eller akademiskt intresse, men har samtidigt ansetts kunna bidra med flera problematiska aspekter. Exempelvis lyfts en farhåga för att det praktiska ska åsidosättas eller att praktiska individer avstår att söka utbildningen. Trots att flera möjligheter belyses anses en akademisering av polisutbildningen på programnivå vara omotiverad, där andra förslag på alternativa vägar lyfts som bättre alternativ. / An academic police education in Sweden has been discussed on the state level. Polisförbundet has proposed to implement a bachelor’s thesis in police education where they express a positive approach to an academic police education. This study has a qualitative approach to obtain a deeper understanding from a police perspective. The study aims to investigate the perceptions of possibilities and limitations that working officers and police students experience regarding a police education with a bachelor. It also investigates potential similarities and variations between these. This study is based on eleven focused interviews where many possibilities and limitations, but also similarities and variations, are illustrated. The material has been analyzed thematically and resulted in two overarching themes where one processes police education and the other refers to the upcoming life of work. The results refer to possibilities and limitations, and also similarities and variations, regarding the applicants, the content of the education, the theoretical and practical knowledge during the education, and also the potential bachelor’s degree. The results also refer to the professional roles and working methods in Polismyndigheten, research on police work and the public’s trust in the police. All together the result shows that the police practice is experienced as practical, but theoretical subjects are also essential for the education and police practice. A bachelor’s degree can be favorable for some professional roles and for those who have more theoretical and academic interest. It has also been considered to contribute with problematic aspects with concerns that practical aspects were being set aside or that fewer practical individuals will apply. Even though there are several possibilities, an academic police education including a bachelor thesis is considered unmotivated. Other alternative educational routes are suggested to be a better option.

"Doing" masculinity in police work: A study of the narratives of 'becoming' a police officer in Sweden

da Silva Carvalho, Ana Filipa January 2023 (has links)
Police officer has been conventionally regarded as a masculine occupation, where values such as strength, aggressivity and, bravery are commemorated. In Sweden, a country that is highly regarded for its gender equality status, understanding how police officers navigate gendered expectations is crucial to understand the implications of gender in policing. The aim of this thesis is to understand the role of masculinity in the everyday practices that define a police officer. For this purpose, a process of triangulation combines discourse analysis of the National education plan for police and the three videos from the campaign “Are you ready for a bigger assignment?” [“Är du redo för en större upgift?”], together with the narrative interviews of six police officers. The findings show that masculinity works as a normative standard in police work and influences narratives and role constructions of crime and justice. Policewomen are excluded through the diffusion of stories about risky situations, discursive gendered boundaries and ‘punishing’ feminine practices.

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