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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framework to assist organisations with information technology adoption governance

Jokonya, Osden 03 1900 (has links)
The evidence from the literature suggests that Information Technology adoption (IT) governance in organisations is still a challenge. The diversity of application and the ever-increasing use of IT results in making decisions on IT adoption a major challenge for organisations. The decision about using a particular technology from an organisational perspective is problematic since individual users have different worldviews. The implicit assumption in IT adoption literature is that stakeholders always reach consensus during IT adoption decision making in organisations. This study explored the existing models and frameworks in order to develop a preliminary improved IT adoption governance framework. This study used a case study sequential explanatory mixed methods research approach to validate the preliminary IT adoption governance framework. The first validation phase of the framework was done using a quantitative approach followed by the second validation phase based on qualitative interviews. The last validation was done after integrating the quantitative and qualitative results to produce the refined framework. The results suggest that the developed framework may improve IT adoption governance in organisations. The results showed that the framework components facilitate IT adoption governance in organisations. The results also suggest that the components have an association with each other except for the Technology Acceptance Model component. The results indicate that stakeholder participation and hard systems thinking components have a strong predictive impact on IT governance framework component perception in organisations. The study results suggest that IT adoption decision makers need to balance different stakeholders’ demands during IT adoption decision making in organisations. The framework helps in that regard by reconciling different stakeholders’ demands through collective IT adoption decision making. The strength of the framework is its integration of theories from various disciplines in understanding stakeholder expectations. On that basis the framework is in a better position to offer more insight into understanding challenges of IT adoption decision making than existing frameworks and models. The framework offers a potentially valuable basis for future research in IT adoption decision making in organisations. The results suggest that the framework may facilitate IT adoption in organisations using different components. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information systems)

An exploration of processes of mutual recognition in organization development initiatives from the standpoint of a practising consultant

Wenzel, Eric January 2012 (has links)
What usually goes unaddressed in the consultancy literature is an exploration of how consultants make sense of their contributions in particular when they come to work in politically laden contexts. Resulting conflictual debates with clients and colleagues severely influence how their advice is responded to. Against this background, consultants’ ability to determine and predict future outcomes of their work is hardly problematized. Additionally, consultants are mutually dependent on both colleagues and clients. This dependency underpins power differentials and the struggle which arises when these are contested can often take violent forms, such as misrecognition, humiliation or public shaming. The central argument put forward in this thesis is that tolerating (the potential for) misrecognition and/or for violence when goals are not met or when power fluctuates is an important, yet rarely mentioned, aspect for being recognized as a consultant. These aspects deserve as much attention as the often ideal-typical forms management consulting is said to take in the mainstream management literature because they speak to the irremediably incomplete and rather probabilistic nature of consultants’ advice, and the multiplicity of (often not anticipated or undesired) meanings their work evokes. In order to make sense of the flux and flow of organizational activity, the plethora of responses such activity calls out and its attendant ambiguities are considered and critically reflected upon. The theory of complex responsive processes of relating (Stacey, 2007, 2010; Griffin, 2002; Shaw, 2002), theories of recognition, (Honneth, 1994, 2008; Kearney, 2003; Ricoeur, 2005), Hegelian dialectics and neo-pragmatist thought (Bernstein, 1983, 1991) are provided as non-orthodox views on human organizing. A perspective is proffered which pays attention to the inchoate, ambivalent and indeterminate dimensions of organizing as a way to make sense of how these simultaneously and paradoxically order, regularize, and normalize human activity. Particular attention will be paid to negotiations which take place in microinteractions to exemplify that it is not pre-planned human cooperation but the intermingling of intentions of people who are mutually dependent on one another which paradoxically gives rise to regular population-wide patterns and spontaneous change. To make sense of what these insights mean for a practising consultant a view is offered where our reflections (thought) on our interactions (practice) at once form and are being formed by one another. An attempt is made to move beyond the practice/theory dualism by taking a pragmatist view which claims that thought and action only ever arise together, thus rendering an understanding of consultative intervention in which thought comes before action idealized and rather dubious. It will be argued that the most important contribution consultants can make is to try to stay radically open, and to try to keep on exploring as long as possible the multiplicity of narratives which constitute the differing perspectives of organizational reality.

La conversion entre intimité et publicité : essai d'imagination sociologique

Blouin, Samuel 08 1900 (has links)
Avec ce mémoire, j’ai souhaité cerner ce qui serait le propre d’une conversion, soit ce que j’ai appelé un processus de trans-formation. Avec ce concept original, j’ai voulu orienter le regard de l’observateur vers les points de basculement de l’intimité à la publicité qui caractérisent les conversions. Pour ce faire, il m’est apparu fertile de mobiliser et de réhabiliter l’étude des valeurs, un thème classique en sociologie. Des valeurs portées par des individus aux valeurs publiques, la notion de « valeur » recèle le potentiel heuristique nécessaire pour étudier les conversions à différentes échelles d’analyse et par-delà des qualifications a priori religieuses, politiques, sexuelles, etc. Avec cette perspective théorique pragmatique inspirée par Dewey et articulée à la sensibilité aux positions sociales des cultural studies, je me suis donné les moyens d’analyser la façon dont change au cours d’une vie ce à quoi les gens tiennent. Cette représentation dynamique de la conversion vient ajouter des éléments de compréhension à un phénomène trop souvent appréhendé à la lumière de « lectures préférées » modernes et coloniales qui demandaient à être subverties pour redonner place à l’exercice de l’imagination sociologique. Les apports du concept de trans-formation sont illustrés à partir de la comparaison de quatre études de cas individuels : Paul Claudel, un écrivain converti au catholicisme ; Michelle Blanc, une transsexuelle québécoise ; Joe Loya, un Mexican American qui modifie ses conceptions du bien et du mal en isolement carcéral ; et Mlle Pigut qui est devenue « vegan ». / In this master thesis, I had the objective to pinpoint what is peculiar to conversions, that being what I have called a process of trans-formation. With this original concept, I wanted to guide the observer’s eyes toward the shifting points from intimacy to publicity, which are central in conversions process. To do so, I considered fruitful to acknowledge and reinstate the study of values, a classical theme in sociology. From values held by individuals to public values, the notion of “value” comprises the necessary heuristic potential to study conversions at different analytical scales and across assumed qualifications such as religious, political, sexual, etc. My pragmatic theoretical approach informed by Dewey and the cultural studies’ sensibility to social positions allowed me to analyse how what people value changes in the course of their life. This dynamic representation of conversions adds some insights to grasp a phenomenon often tackle from the perspective of modern and colonial “preferred readings”; readings that need to be challenged and revisited as to allow the exercise of sociological imagination. The contributions of the trans-formation’s concept are illustrated by the comparison of four individual case studies: Paul Claudel, a writer converted to Catholicism; Michelle Blanc, a québécoise transsexual; Joe Loya, a Mexican American who modifies his conceptions of good and bad in solitary confinement; and Mlle Pigut who becomes vegan.

Une réponse pragmatiste à la tension entre les notions d'individu et de population dans le cadre des théories de l'évolution darwinienne

Papale, François 08 1900 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’explications darwiniennes, il est nécessaire de référer minimalement à deux niveaux d’organisation biologique, soit celui de l’individu et celui de la population. Dans ce mémoire, nous cherchons à fournir des outils pour distinguer ces deux niveaux et, du même coup, ces deux concepts. À la lumière des travaux de Millstein (2010b) et de la conception de l’individualité défendue par Hull (1978) et Ghiselin (1974), nous proposons un continuum de l’individualité pensé en termes d’intégration sur lequel se situent les individus et les populations. Les populations sont associées à un faible degré d’intégration alors que les individus présentent un degré d’intégration élevé. En adoptant la méthodologie des paramètres gradients de Godfrey-Smith (2009b), la distinction catégorique entre les deux concepts est repensée comme étant une distinction graduelle. Dans ce mémoire, nous explorons les fondements pragmatistes de cette méthode et argumentons pour son utilisation en philosophie de la biologie. / Darwinian explanations require the distinction between two levels of biological organisation, that of the individual and that of the population. This research aims at identifying tools to distinguish these two levels and the related concepts. Building on Millstein’s work concerned with the notion of population (2010b) and on the theory of individuality defended by Hull (1978) and Ghiselin (1974), we propose a continuum of individuality understood in terms of integration and on which figure both populations and individuals. The population concept is associated with a low degree of integration, while the notion of individuality refers to a high degree. Such a continuum of individuality relies on a specific philosophical standpoint associated with Godfrey-Smith’s gradient parameters methodology (2009b). Our research will explore the pragmatist foundations of this methodology in order to argue for its use in philosophy of biology.

Création sonore et cinéma contemporain : la pensée et la pratique du mixage

Dallaire, Frédéric 04 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse décrit et analyse les conditions esthétiques, matérielles et idéelles qui rendent possibles les agencements sonores du cinéma contemporain. Au cours des 30 dernières années, le raffinement des outils de manipulation du son, l’importance grandissante du concepteur sonore et le nouvel espace de cohabitation des sons (favorisé par le Dolby et la diffusion multicanal) sont des facteurs qui ont transformé la création et l’écoute du son au cinéma. Ces transformations révèlent un nouveau paradigme : le mixage s’est graduellement imposé comme le geste perceptif et créateur qui rend compte de la sensibilité contemporaine. Notre thèse explore les effets de la pensée du mixage (qui procède par résonance, simultanéité, dosage et modulation) sur notre écoute et notre compréhension de l'expérience cinématographique. À l'aide de paroles de concepteurs sonores (Murch, Beaugrand, Thom, Allard…), de textes théoriques sur le son filmique (Cardinal, Chion, Campan), de documentaires sur des musiciens improvisateurs (Lussier, Glennie, Frith), de films de fiction à la dimension sonore affirmée (Denis, Van Sant), de textes philosophiques sur la perception (Leibniz, James, Straus, Szendy…), d'analyses du dispositif sonore cinématographique, notre thèse rend audibles des tensions, des récurrences, de nouveaux agencements, des problèmes actuels et inactuels qui forgent et orientent l'écoute du théoricien, du créateur et de l'auditeur. En interrogeant la dimension sonore de la perception, de l’action, de l’espace et de la pensée, cette thèse a pour objectif de modifier la façon dont on écoute, crée et pense le son au cinéma. / This thesis describes and analyzes the esthetic, material and conceptual conditions that make the acoustic structures of contemporary cinema possible. The refinement of tools used for manipulating sound, the growing importance the sound designer and the emergence of a new space for sounds to coexist in (brought on by Dolby and multichannel sound systems) are factors that, over the past 30 years, have transformed the way we work with and listen to sound in film. These transformations reveal a new paradigm: mixing gradually imposed itself as the creative and perceptual act capable of accounting for our contemporary sensibility. This thesis explores the effects of the “thought process of mixing” (which functions by resonance, simultaneity, dosage and modulation) on the way we hear and understand the cinematographic experience. Working from the accounts of sound designers (Murch, Beaugrand, Thom Allard…), theoretical texts on film sound (Cardinal, Chion, Campam), documentaries on improvisational musicians (Lussier, Glennie, Frith), fiction films with a acute acoustic sensibility (Denis, Van Sant), philosophical texts on perception (Leibniz, James, Straus, Szendy…) and analyses of the cinematographic sound apparatus, this thesis renders audible the tensions, the recurrences, the structural connections and the problems, old and new, that forge and direct the theoretician, the artist and the auditor’s way of listening. By questioning the auditory dimension of perception, action, space and thought, this thesis aims to change the way we hear, create and think cinema.

Qu’est-ce que le bien des écosystèmes? Fondements philosophiques des notions de fonction écologique et de santé écosystémique

Corriveau-Dussault, Antoine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une caractérisation du bien propre des touts écologiques, comme les communautés biotiques et les écosystèmes, dont peut être dérivée une notion de ce qui est bon pour eux. Ceci vise à défendre les deux principales approches holistes en éthique de l’environnement, c’est-à-dire l’approche pragmatiste défendue par Bryan G. Norton et l’approche écocentriste défendue par J. Baird Callicott, contre certaines objections ayant été soulevées contre elles, faisant valoir l’impossibilité pour les écosystèmes d’avoir un bien propre. Cette thèse répond à ces objections en mobilisant plusieurs ressources théoriques issues de la philosophie de la biologie et de la méta-éthique. Ces ressources sont notamment celles fournies par les discussions sur les notions de fonction et de santé en philosophie de la biologie, celles fournies par les conceptions néo-aristotéliciennes de la normativité en méta-éthique, et celles offertes par les discussions de philosophie de l’écologie sur le holisme et le réductionnisme, sur l’idée d’équilibre de la nature, et sur le concept de santé écosystémique. Cette thèse mobilise ces ressources afin d’élaborer les fondements philosophiques des notions de fonction écologique et de santé écosystémique, desquelles est dérivée une caractérisation du bien propre des écosystèmes. / The goal of this dissertation is to defend the view that ecological wholes, such as biotic communities and ecosystems, have a good of their own, from which an idea of what is good for them can be derived. This aims to respond to the common criticism addressed to the two main holistic approaches to environmental ethics, namely Bryan G. Norton’s pragmatist approach and John Baird Callicott’s ecocentrist approach, which argues that biotic communities and ecosystems have no such good. This dissertation addresses those objections by mobilizing theoretical resources taken from the philosophy of biology and metaethics. In particular, those theoretical resources come from studies about the notions of function and health in the philosophy of biology, from neo-aristotelian accounts of normativity in metaethics, and from discussions in the philosophy of ecology on holism and reductionism, the balance of nature idea, and the concept of ecosystem health. Those resources are mobilized to elaborate some philosophical foundations for the notions of ecological function and ecosystem health, from which an account of the good of ecosystems is derived.

L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July

Guilmaine, Anne-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie. / This master’s thesis proposes to establish a dialogue between the practices of two contemporary writers and artists, Sophie Calle and Miranda July. The four studied pieces of work – Calle’s Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011) and Rachel, Monique (2012) and July’s Il vous choisit (2013) – are based on concrete experiences occurring beforehand, prior to the act of writing itself. Those experiences mobilize the body of the writers engaging them in a real action and often in interactions with other people. This form of action art becomes the foundations of their writing and could be linked to the theories of pragmatic philosopher John Dewey and artist Allan Kaprow – one of the first to develop a reflexion on performance art. The intermedial writing that Calle and July practice as a game of relations between different medias in the same work allows both artists to revive the performative value of the experience. It impulses the writing and initiates a reading experience which itself becomes performative. Exemplary of a relational aesthetic, polyphonic in the voices that are expressed, the studied body of work reveals glimpses of community to feel and experiment. It is a literature that is interdisciplinary and intersubjective but primarily performative in its constant questioning of art’s capacity to transform life.

Vědění jako nástroj: instrumentalismus ve filozofii přírodních věd / Instrumentality of knowledge: instrumentalism in philosophy of scienc

Cvek, Boris January 2015 (has links)
Richard Rorty's main thesis in his work Philosphy and the Mirror of Nature centers on a critique of representationalism in a fundamentally relativistic way. The aim of this disseration is to grasp Rorty's ideas in broader sense as a critique of inadequate interpretation of knowing- that and shift the attention to knowing-how as a key to new understanding the success of natural sciences. The fact that something is reproducibly possible for us to make in the surrounding world is not relative, and it is precisely in this way that technology (knowing- how) spreads so successfully even at multi-cultural level. In contrast, the explanatory function (knowing-that) of the natural sciences is relative, making sense only in the context of what is already known and accepted. Natural sciences are so successful because their experiments and only then take agreement of hypothesis with experimental practice (knowing-how) as the criterion of its acceptability. This dissertation offers, as a way out of Rortian relativism, the concept of "open authority" and proposes a new development in philosophic pragmatism based on it.

Essai sur la compétence matérielle des juridictions pénales de jugement / The jurisdiction material competence of criminal courts of law

Perrin, Maxence 11 June 2013 (has links)
Une notion fondamentale en droit pénal pour la première fois mise en perspective dans le cadre d’un travail de recherche approfondi. L’évaluation de ce thème est méritée tant cette compétence est sujette à conséquence. En l’évaluant in extenso, des incidences latentes y acquièrent droit de cité tant dans le champ du droit public et du droit privé, que dans la sphère procédurale ou en droit pénal de fond. Le point nodal de ce thème constitue l’appréciation des causes à effet dans l’étude de l’évolution de la compétence matérielle de jugement en matière pénale.À l’heure de la confrontation entre plusieurs nécessités de la justice répressive immanentes à une telle étude s’agrègent des tendances entre égalité et individualisation, juste temps et célérité, ou encore légalité et équité ; à l’instar de ces défis évolue la compétence étudiée.L’étude menée l’a été sous de nouveaux auspices tout au long du travail de rédaction. L’actualité sur ce thème reste brûlante. Force est de constater que la compétence des juridictions peut faire l’objet de prospectives.Si des nécessités de la justice a priori antagonistes postulent à fournir des contradictions, des voies médianes peuvent être envisagées de manière à trouver équilibre. / A core notion in criminal law for the first time put into perspective within the framework of a detailed research work. The assessment of that theme is deserved as this competence is subject to consequences. By evaluating it in extenso, latent incidences find a legitimate place as much in the field of public and private law than in the procedural sphere or in the criminal law. The key point of that theme sets up the assessment of causes and effects in the study of the jurisdiction's evolution in criminal matter.At the time of the confrontation between several necessities of the repressive justice which are immanent to such a study, tendencies between equality and individualization, fair time and swiftness, or legality and equity are joining them ; following the example of those challenges, the jurisdiction is evolving.This study was led under new auspices throughout the writing of that work.The topicality on that theme remains ardent.It should be noted that the jurisdiction of courts of law can be the object of prospectives. If justice's necessities, which seem a priori antagonists, reveal contradictions, middle ways can be taken into account in a way to strike a balance.

Smysl života v díle Karla Čapka / Meaning of life in the work of Karel Čapek

Hodinková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis named "Sense of Life in the Work of Karel Čapek" treats the problems of raison- d'etre of life seen by Karel Čapek. At first this thesis is preoccupied by Čapek's personality and character of his era. Karel Čapek is characterized as an author in whose works were projected his philosophical views influenced mainly by pragmatism. The thesis analyses Čapek's works treating issues of sense of life. Particularly these are two proses by Čapek "Obyčejný život" (Common Life) and "Život a dílo skladatele Foltýna "(The Life and Work of Composer Foltýn). These two novels are at first analyzed separately and then compared.

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