Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pragmatism"" "subject:"pragmatisme""
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Les accords bilatéraux de l'Union européenne / Bilateral agreements of the European UnionRochereuil, Katia 18 March 2013 (has links)
La diversité des accords bilatéraux a constitué un moyen pour l'Union européenne d'étendre ses compétences externes. Cela rend compte du volontarisme mais surtout du pragmatisme de son action extérieure, ce qui n'est pas sans poser de problèmes.La mise en cohérence des accords bilatéraux devient alors une exigence impérieuse. Cette rationalisation des accords devra être confortée par un schéma institutionnel rénové autant que par la reformulation synthétique des fondements juridiques de la compétence externe de l'Union européenne. / The different bilateral agreement is a tool for the European Union to wide its external competences. This illustrates it voluntarism but even more it pragmatism of it external action, what is not without raise problems.The harmonization of bilateral agreements is a very strong need. This rationalization should be hold by an institutional scheme and by a reformulation of legal basis.
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Épistémologie de la biologie synthétique et pluralisme du concept de « vivant »Plante, Mirco 08 1900 (has links)
Selon la théorie cellulaire, issue des travaux de M. J. Schleiden, T. Schwann et R. Virchow au 19e siècle, le plus petit niveau d’organisation comprenant toutes les caractéristiques nécessaires et essentielles au vivant serait la cellule. Cette affirmation est aujourd’hui remise en question par les scientifiques et philosophes, d’une part à la suite de l’analyse d’entités biologiques ambiguës aux frontières (inférieures et supérieures) de la « cellule vivante », et d’autre part de l’avènement des récents enjeux en lien avec la création et la recherche de nouvelles entités vivantes. Un pluralisme épistémologique du concept de « vivant » a ainsi émergé, duquel aucune définition claire et unanime n’est encore acceptée.
L’objectif général de cette thèse est de trouver des pistes de solution au problème du pluralisme épistémologique du concept de « vivant » ainsi qu’aux enjeux pratiques reliés à ce concept en biologie. Pour ce faire, je propose l’idée que les enjeux pratiques peuvent contribuer à résoudre le pluralisme conceptuel du « vivant », en particulier que la biologie synthétique est à même de nous offrir une définition du vivant permettant de dépasser l’actuel pluralisme de ce concept.
Plus spécifiquement, en ce qui a trait à la question du pluralisme, j’expose dans cette thèse un pluralisme « biologique » et « philosophique ». Du côté « biologique », je démontre la flexibilité d’application ainsi que le pluralisme du concept de « vivant » grâce à l’exposition de cas ambigus d’entités biologiques issues de divers niveaux hiérarchiques de complexité du vivant. Ce faisant, je défends une position symbiotique et holistique d’organisation du vivant (permettant d’inclure et d’articuler ces divers niveaux hiérarchiques). Du côté « philosophique », je démontre le pluralisme du concept de « vivant » à la suite d’une analyse que je qualifierai de disciplinaire, ontologique, linguistique et épistémologique. Ce faisant, je défends une position gradualiste et opérationnelle du concept de « vivant ». En ce qui concerne les enjeux pratiques, j’explore principalement la discipline de la biologie synthétique, qui s’est donné l’objectif de construire de nouvelles entités biologiques vivantes et ainsi le fort potentiel de contribuer au développement de nouvelles connaissances sur le vivant. Ce faisant, je prends ainsi la position que la biologie synthétique peut apporter des pistes de solution pragmatiques (par la construction d’entités vivantes fonctionnelles) au pluralisme épistémologique du concept de « vivant ».
Finalement, après une analyse de théories de la connaissance associées à ces enjeux, de définitions stipulatives, ainsi que de concepts du vivant issus de la biologie synthétique, je développe mon propre modèle du « vivant» (que je qualifie de biosynthétique), qui se veut « pragmatique » (en accord avec la pratique des biologistes synthétiques), « progressiste » (s’adaptant à de futures découvertes dans le domaine), « holistique » (s’appliquant à l’ensemble des niveaux d’organisation du vivant) ainsi que « minimaliste et universelle» (correspondant aux caractéristiques essentielles de base retrouvées au sein de toutes les entités vivantes).
Cette thèse présentera ainsi « pourquoi » et « comment » la biologie synthétique peut répondre à la question de la définition du vivant. / According to the cell theory, resulting from the works of M. J. Schleiden, T. Schwann and R. Virchow in the 19th century, the smallest level of organization including all the necessary and essential characteristics to the living would be the cell. This assertion is now challenged by scientists and philosophers, on the one hand following the analysis of ambiguous biological entities at the boundaries (lower and upper) of the "living cell", and on the other hand the advent of recent issues related to the creation and search for new living entities. An epistemological pluralism of the "living" concept has thus emerged, from which no clear and unanimous definition is yet accepted.
The general objective of this thesis is to find possible solutions to the problem of epistemological pluralism of the "living" concept and to the practical issues related to this concept in biology. To do this, I propose the idea that practical issues can contribute to solving the conceptual pluralism of the concept "living", in particular that synthetic biology is able to offer us a definition of the living allowing to overcome the current pluralism of this concept.
More specifically, regarding the question of pluralism, I expose in this thesis a "biological" and "philosophical" pluralism. On the "biological" side, I demonstrate the flexibility of application as well as the pluralism of the concept "living" following the description of ambiguous cases of biological entities coming from various hierarchical levels of complexity of life. In doing so, I defend a symbiotic and holistic view of organization of the living (allowing to include and articulate these various hierarchical levels). On the "philosophical" side, I demonstrate the pluralism of the "living" concept following an analysis that I will describe as disciplinary, ontological, linguistic and epistemological. In doing so, I defend a gradualist and operational position of the concept "living". Regarding practical issues, I am mainly exploring the discipline of synthetic biology, which has set itself the goal of building new living biological entities and thus the potential to contribute to the development of new knowledge about life. In doing so, I take the position that synthetic biology can provide pragmatic solutions (through the construction of functional living entities) to the pluralism of the concept "living".
Finally, after an analysis of the relevant theories of knowledge associated with these issues, of stipulative definitions, as well as of living concepts stemming from synthetic biology, I develop my own model of the "living" (that I call biosynthetic), which is "pragmatic" (in agreement with the practice of synthetic biologists), "progressive" (adapting to future discoveries in the field), "holistic" (applying to all levels of organization of the living) as well as "minimalist and universal" (corresponding essential characteristics found within all living entities).
This thesis will present “why” and “how” synthetic biology can provide an answer to the question “what is life ?”.
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Styrkor och utmaningar med utomhusundervisning i NO-ämnena utifrån ett elevperspektiv / Strengths and challenges of outdoor education from a student perspectiveEliasson, Caroline, Zreim, Layla January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie innefattar en enkätundersökning där mellanstadieelevers inställning till utomhusundervisning undersöks samt hur arbetsmetoden kan bidra till ett ökat intresse och motivation för NO-ämnena. I studien presenteras även vilken undervisningsmiljö som eleverna föredrar samt hur miljön bidrar till att stärka deras NO-relaterade kunskapsinhämtning. Metodiken består av insamling av statistiska data via en digital enkät som författats i Google Forms. Det statistiska underlaget har sedan omvandlats till grafisk statistik i form av cirkeldiagram, stapeldiagram och tabeller. För tydlighetens skull har vi delat upp statistiken i en tematisk analys med olika kategorier som motsvarar våra frågeställningar. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår från den sociokulturella teorin och pragmatismen. Vårt resultat visar att majoriteten av respondenterna är positivt inställda till utomhusundervisning och att arbetsmetoden bidrar till ett ökat intresse och motivation för NO-ämnena.
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Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey a kreativní čtenář / Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey, and the Creative ReaderĽuba, Peter January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this MA thesis was to analyze the correspondences and differences between the individual philosophers and writers from the loosely formed intellectual group of Euro- American pragmatism. The thesis utilizes a chronological approach, starting with the early signs of transatlantic pragmatism in Immanuel Kant's philosophy, and traces this development throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century. In addition to the comparison of philosophical similarities and dissimilarities of the examined authors, each chapter also considered the possible uses of pragmatic techniques in pedagogy and education. Therefore, besides the examination of differing epistemologies of writers of transatlantic pragmatism, this thesis also aims to offer educational suggestions, ideas and practical methods for an educator. The first chapter of the thesis is designed to introduce the theme of the work at large. The second chapter of the thesis analyzes the rudimentary signs of pragmatism, in the revolutionary ideas of Immanuel Kant and Johan Gottlieb Fichte. This chapter focuses on the genesis of subjective idealism, subjective category creation and Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre, along with his lectures on vocations. The third chapter surveys the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson and his approaches towards the...
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Secular Moral Reasoning and Consensus: Uncertainty or Nihilism?Hluch, Aric January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Lärares val av metod i tidig läsinlärning : En intervjustudie av yrkesverksamma lärare i årskurserna F-3Boberg, Matilda, Ekery, Louise, Eriksson, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Studien belyser läsinlärningens betydande roll för varje elevs läsförmåga, med syfte att undersöka vilka metoder lärare använder i den tidiga läsinlärningen för att elever ska utveckla fonologisk medvetenhet i årskurserna F-3, samt vilka strategier som skapar motivation i läsinlärningen. Det resulterade i frågeställningarna: Vilka metoder och undervisningsmoment i den tidiga läsinlärningen använder lärare inom årskurserna F-3 för att utveckla elevernas fonologiska medvetenhet? Hur skapar lärare strategier för att underlätta för och motivera elevers läsinlärning? Bakgrund och tidigare forskning presenterar olika läsinlärningsmetoder i syfte att ge läsaren goda kunskaper om forskningsområdet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med 14 verksamma lågstadielärare ligger till grund för vår empiri. Empirin vägs samman med tidigare forskning i diskussionsdelen och utifrån ett pragmatiskt perspektiv och “lära genom görandet” som teoretiskt perspektiv. Via empirin framkom tre teman; arbete med elevaktiva övningar, lärares struktur på läsundervisningen och lärarnas arbetssätt och mätning gällande progression av avkodningsförmågan. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare använder olika läsinlärningsmetoder och undervisningsmoment för att skapa kreativa och elevaktiva lektioner, där strategier som rim och ramsor, stavelseträning, kooperativa övningar, Bornholmsmodellen, Fonomix och andra språklekar innefattas. Genom att utveckla den fonologiska medvetenheten förbättrades elevernas läsflyt. Studien visade att lärarna inte använder endast en läsinlärningsmetod, utan valde ut delar av metoderna som de ansåg vara mest framgångsrika och givande för eleverna. Genom att lärarna arbetade varierat och använde mycket repetition i undervisningen skapades glädje och motivation, vilket ledde till att eleverna utvecklade ett intresse genom att de fick vara delaktiga i sin egen utveckling av den fonologiska medvetenheten. / The purpose of this study was to highlight the significant role that learning how to read has in each pupil's life. This study aims to examine which methods teachers use in grades F-3, when the pupils are learning how to read, to get them to be skillful readers and form phonological awareness. The study also examines which strategies teachers use to motivate early reading. This resulted in the questions: What methods and tools do teachers use in grades F-3, when pupils are learning to read and develop their phonological awareness? How teachers use strategies to aid and motivate pupils' early reading ability? The study is based on semi-structured interviews with fourteen working primary school teachers. The study holds a pragmatic perspective, with “learning by doing” as a theoretical perspective. Through the analysis of the empirical data three themes emerged: teaching with pupil active exercises, teacher's structure of reading instruction and how teachers work and measure the progression of pupils' decoding skills. The study concluded that all teachers use different reading strategies and teaching tools to create creative and pupil engaged lessons, where work with rhymes, syllable training, cooperative exercises, the Bornholm model, Fonomix and other language games are included. When phonological awareness has developed, pupils showed better reading fluency and higher results in reading exercises. The study shows that the teachers do not only use one method when the pupils are learning to read. Instead, teachers selected parts of different methods that they consider to be the most successful, effective, and most rewarding exercises for the pupils. Because the teachers worked variedly and used a lot of repetition, joy and motivation were created, which led to the students developing an interest by being able to participate in their own development of phonological awareness.
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An Ensemble of Difference: : Understanding(s) of Participant Experiences and Learning in a Heterogenous Adult Community Drama Class of First and Second Language Speakers in SwedenOuellette-Seymour, Julia January 2023 (has links)
This case study research aimed to explore, understand, and compare the experiences of individuals participating in a heterogeneous adult community drama class in Central Sweden. Drawing from classical pragmatism and employing a conceptual framework rooted in sociocultural theory, the study utilized semi-structured interviews, open-questionnaire responses, and participant observations to collect data which was analyzed through reflexive thematic analysis. Key findings indicated that participants generally viewed their engagement in the class positively while also recognizing the challenges and complexities of working within a mixed-language level group. As such, participants identified diverse motivations and preferences which informed their expectations and impressions of participation. As well, Swedish L2 learners of various levels and Swedish L1 speakers identified distinct challenges and opportunities in relation to learning and navigating language within the class context. Despite identified challenges, the high degree of group diversity emerged as a centrally important and beneficial feature of participation by facilitating opportunities to learn and assist one another in a supportive community environment through mediation. Subsequently this paper offers recommendations for transferable contexts to mitigate language-related challenges based on participant accounts and observations. Moreover, this study seeks to contribute to the fields of comparative education and applied drama through its focus on exploring and examining possibilities and consequences of heterogenous group learning among adults and in a community drama class. Consequently, the results of the study may be useful in adult education settings, applied drama contexts, and among policymakers interested in exploring participatory learning approaches, particularly in relation to supporting migrant individuals and migrant integration.
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Niebuhr, Dewey, and the Ethics of a Christian Pragmatist Public Elementary School TeacherMackey, David R. 07 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Pragmatism, Growth, and Democratic CitizenshipDempster, Wesley 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Défis éthiques entourant la prise de décision en contexte de dépendance aux drogues : une analyse qualitative du discours de parties prenantesRochette, Marianne 08 1900 (has links)
La consommation de drogues est répandue au Canada, et on estime qu’environ un Canadien sur cinq développera une dépendance au cours de sa vie. Les personnes vivant ou ayant vécu avec une dépendance aux drogues (PVVDD) font souvent l’expérience d’interactions stigmatisantes dans le système de santé, qui peuvent être exacerbées par des facteurs socioculturels. Cela peut affecter leur sentiment d’efficacité face aux décisions de santé et les empêcher d’exercer leur agentivité au quotidien.
Ce projet de recherche explore les compréhensions de divers groupes de parties prenantes par rapport à la légalisation du cannabis, la consommation de drogues, la dépendance aux drogues et la prise de décision volontaire. Trois groupes ont été interrogés par des entrevues semi-dirigées : les PVVDD, les cliniciens travaillant auprès de PVVDD et les membres du public. Les données, analysées par des méthodes qualitatives cohérentes avec l’éthique pragmatiste inspirée de Dewey, ont démontré que les parties prenantes canadiennes avaient une opinion positive de la légalisation du cannabis au Canada, mais que leurs jugements moraux variaient en fonction du groupe. Les résultats ont aussi démontré que les participants avaient une compréhension complexe de la dépendance aux drogues et de la prise de décision volontaire que ne reflètent pas les modèles prédominants.
L’identification des dimensions morales en jeu peut informer la pratique de l’éthique clinique dans les problèmes éthiques incluant des PVVDD. De plus amples recherches sur l'interaction de ces aspects dans des problèmes et dilemmes concrets qui émergent dans les relations de soins sont nécessaires. / Drug use is common in Canada, and it is estimated that one in five Canadians will develop a drug use problem in their lifetime. People with a lived experience of drug dependence (PWLE) often experience stigmatizing interactions in the healthcare system, which can be exacerbated by other layers of stigma based on socio-cultural factors. This can impact their sense of self-efficacy related to health decisions and prevent them from exercising agency in everyday life.
This research project explores the understandings of various stakeholder groups in relation to cannabis legalization, drug use, drug dependence and volitional decision-making. Three groups were interviewed using semi-structured interviews: PWLE, clinicians working with PWLE and members of the public. The results, analyzed through qualitative methods consistent with Dewey’s pragmatist ethics, showed that Canadian stakeholders had a positive opinion of cannabis legalization in Canada, but that their moral judgments varied according to group. The results also showed that participants had a complex understanding of drug dependence and volitional decision-making that did not mirror the predominant models.
Identifying the moral dimensions at play can inform clinical ethics practice in ethical problems including PWLE. Further research into the interplay of these aspects in concrete problems and dilemmas that emerge in care relationships is needed.
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