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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tsiang Tingfu : une vie intellectuelle et politique (1895-1937)

Zhao, Fangwei 07 1900 (has links)
Dans l’histoire de la République de Chine, Tsiang Tingfu était un historien et un critique politique, en même temps, il était un politicien représentatif dans la grande vague des « experts en politique ». Ce mémoire se concentre sur sa pensée et ses expériences dans la première moitié de sa vie. Pendant cette période, Tsiang a présenté les caractères de la maturité et l’activité dans sa pensée. En particulier, dans les années de 1930, il a déjà préconisé la pensée la plus importante qui a provoqué un gros débat entre les intellectuels chinois. Au travers des expériences de Tsiang de suivre les études, on fait ressortir que la culture traditionnelle chinoise et la nouvelle éducation occidentale ont conjointement influencé sa pensée. Dans ce mémoire, on analyse ses opinions et ses pratiques en politique et trouve que les noyaux de sa pensée consistent au nationalisme et à son intention de la modernisation chinoise. Au fur et à mesure de l’aggravation de l’invasion japonaise en Chine, la sauvegarde de la nation a occupé la position centrale dans ses opinions, et sa pensée a été devenue conservatrice. En 1935, stimulé par son sens de responsabilité comme un intellectuel, Tsiang a participé au gouvernement nationaliste chinois et a servi ce régime jusqu’à sa retraite. / Tsiang Tingfu was a historian and political critic. In the history of the Republic of China, he was also a representative politician in the wave of "scholar-bureaucrat". This thesis focuses on his thoughts and his experiences in the first half of his life when Tsiang exhibited characteristics of maturity and activity in his thinking. In particular, in the 1930s, as one of the leaders of the public opinion in China, he had advocated most of his important thoughts which triggered a heated discussion among the Chinese intellectuals. Through investigating each step in his educational career, we come to the conclusion that both the Chinese traditional culture and the Western education had shaped his later political and social thinking. By examining his principle political thoughts and his social practices, it is also found that the core of his thoughts lies in the nationalism and his intention of Chinese modernization. As the Japanese invasion intensified in China, saving the nation became his superior value and his thought therefore turned to the conservative. In 1935, prompted by the sense of responsibility as an intellectual, Tsiang participated in the Nationalist government and had served it until his retirement.

Kasvatuksen taide ja taidekasvatus:estetiikan ja taidekasvatuksen merkitys John Deweyn naturalistisessa pragmatismissa

Väkevä, L. (Lauri) 16 April 2004 (has links)
Abstract John Dewey has been widely accepted as a modern classic in educational philosophy. Dewey's general philosophy has gained new interest lately, as well. This interest reflects both a need to find alternatives for analytic and continental philosophies, as well as a need for a naturalistic critique of the modernist presuppositions of Cartesian and transcendental philosophies. Dewey's reconstructive philosophy has encouraged the approach of this study. The reconstructive approach combines the synchronic and diachronic analyses of philosophical concepts with a pragmatist critique that trusts in the power of philosophy to guide human practice. The possibility of such pragmatist critique explains the central role of pedagogy in Dewey's philosophy: Dewey saw pedagogy as a social laboratory where philosophical concepts are tested for their pragmatic potential in enhancing democratic cultural formation. The present study is guided by the central idea that the naturalistic outlook of Dewey's mature philosophy can serve as a thematic framework for contemporary philosophies of art and music. Recent readings of Dewey's work suggest important links between his pedagogy and aesthetics. If Dewey's later philosophy is examined systematically, it becomes clear that his concept of (a)esthetic experience has an important summative function; it unifies his ideas concerning epistemology, ontology, and moral theory in a "soft" naturalistic anthropologic-pedagogical perspective. Dewey finds the core of existence in the process of human growth where experience is continually transformed into culture through communicative practice. Ideally, human growth involves both an immediate, aesthetic dimension, as well as a mediated, instrumental dimension. An important function of art is to bring out the aesthetic moments of growth. With this thesis in mind, Dewey radically extends his concept of art to comprise all cultural practices that balance their means with their ends. Art educates as it is worked out in means-ends-praxis, that is, in social practice that aims both at mediate and immediate good. In the framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism, art education has two crucial functions: (1) to work out the possibilities of aesthetic expression and perception in a pragmatic process of learning by doing; and 2) to point out the paradigmatic moments of meaning making in the best of art. To the philosophers of music education, Dewey's philosophy can open up a new critical horizon where both aesthetic and praxial outlooks can meet in the experimental terms of naturalistic pragmatism. / Tiivistelmä John Deweyn asema pedagogiikan klassikkona on tunnustettu jo vuosikymmeniä. Myös Deweyn laajempi filosofia on saanut osakseen uutta kiinnostusta. Tämä kiinnostus liittyy sekä vaihtoehtojen hakemiseen analyyttiselle ja mannermaiselle filosofialle että modernin filosofian kartesiolaisten ja transsendentaalisten lähtökohtien naturalistiseen kritiikkiin. Deweyn filosofialle ominainen rekonstruktiivinen lähestymistapa on innoittanut käsillä olevaa tutkimusta. Rekonstruktiivinen lähestymistapa edellyttää filosofisten käsitysten synkronisen ja diakronisen analyysin ohella pragmatistista kritiikkiä, johon liittyy luottamus filosofian voimaan ohjata inhimillisiä käytäntöjä. Pragmatistisen kritiikin mahdollisuus selittää pedagogiikan keskeisen aseman Deweyn filosofiassa. Deweylle kasvatus on laboratorio, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden koetella filosofisten käsitysten pragmatistista toimivuutta demokraattisen kulttuurin rakennusaineina. Tämän tutkimuksen temaattisena johtolankana toimii ajatus Deweyn myöhäiskauden naturalistisen pragmatismin soveltuvuudesta oman aikamme taide- ja musiikkikasvatusfilosofiseksi tarkastelutavaksi. Uudemmassa Dewey-tutkimuksessa onkin tuotu esiin Deweyn estetiikkaan ja pedagogiikan välisiä yhtymäkohtia. Tarkasteltaessa Deweyn myöhäiskauden filosofiaa kokonaisuutena, mikä on tämän työn tavoitteena, on lisäksi helppo huomata, että esteettisen kokemuksen käsitteellä on tärkeä asema hänen tiedonfilosofiansa, ontologiansa ja moraalifilosofiansa täydentäjänä. Deweylle inhimillisen eksistenssin ytimessä on kasvuprosessi, jossa kokemuksesta muovataan demokraattista kulttuuria kommunikatiivisessa toiminnassa. Tähän pragmatistiseen merkityksen tuoton prosessiin (ja siihen liittyvään pedagogiseen projektiin) liittyy parhaimmillaan esteettinen ulottuvuus. Kasvu sulkee sisäänsä sekä välineellisiä että välittömästi koettuja momentteja. Taiteen tärkeänä tehtävänä on tuoda esiin kasvuprosessiin liittyviä esteettisiä momentteja osana pragmaattista merkityksen tuottoa. Taide käsittääkin Deweylla kaiken kulttuurisen toiminnan, johon liittyy keinojen ja päämäärien välinen tasapaino. Kasvattavana toimintana taide on means-ends-praksista, keinonsa ja päämääränsä tasapainottavaa yhteiskunnallista käytäntöä, joka pyrkii samanaikaisesti sekä välilliseen että välittömään hyvään. Taidekasvatukselle jäsentyy Deweyn naturalistisessa pragmatismissa kaksi päätehtävää: (1) harjoituttaa esteettisen ilmaisun ja havainnon mahdollisuuksia pragmaattisessa tekemällä oppimisessa ja (2) osoittaa taiteissa kulminoituvia inhimillisen merkityksentuoton paradigmaattisia momentteja. Musiikkikasvatusfilosofeille Deweyn filosofia voi avata uuden kriittisen horisontin, jossa sekä perinteinen esteettinen näkökulma että uudempi praksiaalinen näkökulma voivat kohdata toisensa naturalistisen pragmatismin eksperimentaalisessa viitekehyksessä.

Pokusnictví v Československu na příkladě škol v Michli, Nuslích a Hostivaři / Experimental education in first Czechoslovak republic. At the example of schools in Michle, Nusle, Hostivař

Svobodová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The topic of my thesis is experimental schools in Prague Michle, Nusle and Hostivař. It tries to shed light on the circumstances of the birth and end of these schools and to determine their characteristic features. Emphasis is put on the social aspect of experimentation and its close relation to the environment of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Inspiration by modern pedagogical theories is taken into account. The thesis traces the lives of several teachers. As sources were used not only archives but also a series of interviews with graduates of these schools. It aims, on the basis of a comparison of written and oral sources, to give a complex image of experimental education in Czechoslovakia at the time of the First Republic and the Protectorate. Last but not least it tries to answer the question whether experimental schools can contribute to today's education. Keywords: experimental schools, Dalton plan, pragmatism, globalisation, individualisation, differentiation, social studies, coeducation

La médiation socionumérique du street artivisme en Egypte (2010-2013) et sa contribution à l’émergence d’un public politique : approche sémiotique d’une expérience esthétique révolutionnaire / The sociodigital mediation of street artivism in Egypt (2010-2013) and its contribution to the rise of a political public : semiotic approach of an aesthetic revolutionary experience

Abdel Hamid, Mohammad 26 January 2017 (has links)
La transgression discursive que constitue le street art peut s’exprimer dans divers espaces. Si les œuvres apparaissent tout d’abord dans la rue, leurs reprises sur les réseaux socionumériques leur octroient de nouvelles spatialité et temporalité ; elles sont alors non seulement inscrites dans la durée, mais également intégrées dans un nouvel « effet de sens ». Passant d’un mur urbain à un mur socionumérique, cet acte subversif engage à la constitution d’une communauté autour d’une thématique ou un centre d’intérêt plus ou moins politisé. L’Egypte voit le street art soudainement apparaître dans ses rues et se répandre comme une traînée de poudre sur les réseaux socionumériques dès le soulèvement insurrectionnel de janvier-février 2011. A partir de ce constat, il s’agit d’étudier la contribution de la médiation socionumérique du street art, prise en charge par des communautés activistes, à un agir des collectifs politiques. Ce travail de thèse a pour principal objectif de vérifier dans quelle mesure ces collectifs s’instituent en un public politique revendiquant la chute d’un régime ainsi que la mise en place d’un pouvoir civil et démocratique. Une approche pragmatiste, associant une « théorie de l’action » deweyienne à une sémiotique peircienne, est mise à l’œuvre afin d’observer les actions d’un public. Celles-ci sont suscitées par des dispositifs médiatiques, dont les auteurs insèrent dans leur discours des images street artivistes, générant des récits mythographiques victimaires et martyrologiques. / The discursive transgression of street art can be expressed in various spaces. In the street for a first appearance, but the coverings on the social networks give new spatiality and temporality to a work, they now inscribe it in duration as well as in a new "effect of meaning". Moving from an urban wall to a sociodigital wall, subversion commits to the constitution of a community around a thematic or a more or less politicized center of interest. Egypt in 2010 sees street art suddenly appearing in its streets and spreading like wildfire on the sociodigital networks from the insurrectional uprising of January-February 2011.From this observation, it will be necessary to study the contribution of the social media mediation of street art, taken over by activist communities, to incite political collectives to an action. This work of thesis will try to verify to what extent these collectives are instituted in a political public demanding the fall of a political regime as well as the establishment of a civil and democratic power. A pragmatist approach will combine a deweyian "theory of action" with a Peircian semiotics in order to observe the actions of a political public. These are aroused by media devices, which include street artivist images in their speeches, generating victimary and martyrological mythographic narratives.

Ethique et vie scolaire : pragmatisme du censeur de vie scolaire chargé de la discipline / Ethics and school life : pragmatism of of deputy headmaster in charge of school life and discipline

Cissé Mpemba, Liz Odette 10 December 2015 (has links)
Au Gabon, le Censeur de vie scolaire (CVS) est nommé en Conseil de Ministres. C’est une fonction qui suscite un certain nombre de préoccupations au regard de l’environnement entropique dans lequel elle s’exerce, de sa méconnaissance et incompréhension par les différents acteurs et surtout à cause de l’inexistence d’un cadre institutionnel et fonctionnel clairement défini. L’environnement entropique pose la question des valeurs dont l’élève est imprégné et celle du pragmatisme éthique du CVS, vu qu’il a la responsabilité de donner aux élèves la capacité de « s’élever » eux-mêmes sur les plans physique, intellectuel, moral, mental et pourquoi pas spirituel. Par une approche de l’étendue du mouvement profond de l’éthique, de la responsabilité vocationnel, par des valeurs caractéristiques, il a été possible de comprendre, à travers l’analyse du contenu des entretiens avec les sujets, l’éthique des sujets. C’est une éthique aux variations et vibrations fréquentielles faibles, propres à chaque sujet. Elle présente aussi des convergences vers une transversalité à tous les sujets. A cette éthique, nous proposons une amélioration de l’environnement de travail des sujets tout comme une croissance et un dépli de leur ipséité professionnelle. Nous entrevoyons de mettre l’instabilité et la faiblesse des interactions des sujets au profit d’un mouvement réenchanteur de leur réalité, par l’action non intentionnelle. Les sujets pourraient se défaire du moi observateur pour accepter l’instabilité qu’occasionne le changement constant de ce moi. / In Gabon, the deputy Head master in charge of life and discipline reaches that function after a nomination decided in a council of ministers. This function raises some concern related to the entropic environment in which the activity is practiced.The entropic setting with reference to the learner raises the question of the values the latter is marked with. As for the function of deputy headmaster in charge of school life and discipline, the concern is that of his/her ethical pragmatism, given that he/she has the duty to conduct the training of the pupils while giving them the opportunity to “arise” physically, intellectually, morally and if possible, spiritually. As for the approaches in this dissertation, we dealt with the complexity of the deep movement of ethics, the responsibility at vocational and meta-levels and that of specific and contextual values that have been identified through the analysis of the interviews the pupils have been submitted to and which are recorded as ethics of the target audience. It is an ethics whose variations and weak frequencial variations are specific to each person.At the individual level, every deputy headmaster in charge of school life and discipline should reach a growth and a depli of his/her professional ipseity. Beyond the individual ethics, our aim in proposing an improvement of the working environment is to use the instability and the weakness of the subjects’ interactions as unintentionally favoring elements of their reality. The subjects can therefore get rid of the consciousness of their observing ego, to adopt the instability caused by a constant change of standpoint.

Éducation, Science et Société dans la dernière philosophie de John Dewey (1929-1939) : de la continuité de l'enquête à l'inquiétude des frontières / Education, Science and Society in John's Dewey's later thought : between continuity of inquiet and inquietudetowards frontiers

Renier, Samuel 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le 26 février 1929, le philosophe américain John Dewey prononce une conférence devant un public d’étudiants et d’enseignants dans lequel il se prononce nettement en faveur de la mise en place d’une science de l’éducation, dont il développe les principales caractéristiques. La décennie qui suit va alors s’avérer d’une grande richesse intellectuelle et voir Dewey travailler ardemment à l’approfondissement et à l’élargissement de sa réflexion philosophique en direction de nouveaux champs et de nouvelles problématiques. Paradoxalement, cette période est également celle où son œuvre éducative semble la moins bien connue, en comparaison de ses premiers travaux sur le sujet, qui contribuèrent à sa renommée précoce sur le plan international. L’ambition du présent travail est donc d’étudier la réflexion éducative qu’il mène dans cette période, à la lumière du renouveau qu’elle apporte dans la compréhension globale de son œuvre. A travers la science de l’éducation, l’enjeu est alors d’observer en quoi la réflexion éducative de Dewey est susceptible de rejoindre ses théories du social et de la connaissance afin de proposer un schème d’analyse cohérent, à même de nous aider à faire face à l’inquiétude d’un monde en perpétuelle évolution. / On November 26th 1929, American philosopher John Dewey gave an address to an audience comprising students and teachers, in which occasion he advocated for the development of a Science of education and described its main features. The following decade is then one of a great intellectual wealth and sees Dewey working hard to broaden and deepen the range of his philosophical thought towards new fields and new problems to deal with. Surprisingly enough, this period also seems to be one concerning which his contribution to education appears to be of less importance, when compared to his first achievements in the field which brought him an early and international fame. The scope of our paper is accordingly to study the educational thinking entertained by Dewey at that time, at the dawn of the renewed light it sheds over the comprehensive significance of his work. Through a Science of education, our aim is then to analyze how Dewey’s educational thinking may connect to his theories of science and society in order to provide a consistent scheme of analysis, which may reveal itself helpful in facing the inquietude of a world in constant evolution.

Identifying female mobile bully-victim characteristics in selected high schools in South Africa: towards an anti-bullying mobile application

Adeyeye, Oshin Oluyomi 22 December 2020 (has links)
Within the majority of learners' years in high school, bullying is one common experience that pervades those years of transitioning to adulthood. The bullying phenomenon has been studied over a few decades and we have basically come to understand that bullying is any situation where a perpetrator, over a period, continually behaves aggressively towards another individual who cannot defend themselves; here an imbalance of power is accentuated. This has been studied in recent years with the increasing reports of fatalities among high school learners who have resorted to suicide and self-harm as a solution. In the current digital age, the extent of bullying is faster and reaches further, and as such, more dynamics seem to be involved in the mix. The role of technology in improving the way we live and do things has also extended to the way crimes and injustice are being meted out in society. Youths and adolescents, particularly high school learners have been noted to have a phenomenal adoption of technology. They are also noted to increasingly acquire the most updated mobile technology devices and are therefore a fit sample for examining mobile bullying. In addition, more studies are finding out distinct classifications such as bully, victim and bully-victims, with the bully-victim studies just beginning to gain attention. As with the more familiar traditional bullying, fundamental psychological, social and economic factors largely predict the exhibiting of bully-victim characteristics. Some studies have found that the consequences are, however, more severe within the group but not without some inconsistencies in findings; hence the need to investigate and begin to proffer the right interventions or solutions. This current study set out to investigate characteristics of female mobile bully-victim behaviours amidst claims that they are a minority and so no special attention need be given to them. A pilot study, conducted by this researcher, examining the bully-victim subgroup from previous cyberbullying research studies (Kabiawu & Kyobe, 2016), found the group exists and is fast gaining more popularity in research. Further examination of literature found the discourse around age factor in prevalence, with gender variances, interventions, and country differences, among others. Many of the past studies on gender variance enquiries were conflicting, interventions were largely not technology-oriented, and studies were mostly from outside the continent of Africa. This stirred up the interest in studying female mobile bully-victims in South African high school students and the exploration of a general (i.e. non-gender-specific) technical intervention. The study followed a pragmatic philosophy and mixed method in collecting and analyzing the data. The study was carried out in Cape Town, South Africa; eight schools agreed to participate in the survey, and 2632 responses were collected from a range of schools (consisting both public and independent schools). Of these, 911 were females and 199 bully-victims, placing the group in a minority position. This maintained the keen interest in understanding the issues that face them rather than overlooking the subgroup as some studies would argue. Additionally, the study vii entailed the development of an IT artefact in the form of a mobile application, called “The BullsEye!” through a Design Science process. The aim of the artefact was to proffer a technical intervention and observe the usefulness of the artefact in dealing with general bullying as well as for addressing, mitigating and providing support for bullying. The study collected information quantitatively to explore the differences in age, school grade, type of school, family type, ethnicity and perceptions of interventions from students. This process was also used to recruit interested students in designing the mobile app intervention to address the secondary aspect of the research. The study predicted that at different ages and school grades, female mobile bullyvictim behaviours would be different. It also proposed that these behaviours exhibited by bully-victims would differ when the school type, ethnicity and family from which students come, are compared. When interventions by teachers, family and friends were compared, the study predicted that the female bully-victim behaviours exhibited would not be same, depending on the perception of the level of intervention the students received. These hypotheses were tested empirically using quantitative methods to check the analysis of the variance of the mean scores of the collected data. The results of the analysis of variance showed findings that resulted in some partial and some strong acceptance of the hypotheses. As expected, there were age and grade differences observed among the behaviours of the female bully-victims surveyed. The younger in age and grade these students were, the more of the behaviours were found to be exhibited by them. Students from conventional families with two parents were expected to exhibit fewer female bully-victim characteristics, but this was not necessarily the finding in the study and inconsistent with most previous studies. The prediction on ethnicity was also partially accepted due to mixed indications according to findings. Establishing the respondents' ethnicity showed a group of students who did not wish to reveal their ethnicity but were rife in bully-victim behaviour via phone calls, email and SMS's. This raised a question of whether their societal status affected their behaviour. The type of school was also found not to accurately predict female bully-victim behaviours in this study as expected or in accordance to majority of existing literature. There was, however, evidence of a distinct social media mechanism of bullying/victimization peculiar to an Independent school in relation to other schools. The prediction on interventions, while being partially supported, provided a useful insight into strengthening the need to appreciate and continually invest in the quality of interventions provided to address mobile bullying. Generally, the findings revealed that female mobile bully victims had significantly higher experience of being victims (i.e. had been bullied) than those who were not. This may be due to failings in the provision for reporting issues or the way reports are being handled, which is another useful insight into interventions. The artefact designed as an intervention in this study also showed high acceptance of the app. This can be attributed to the fact that the design process followed a methodology that is grounded in practice and in the body of knowledge. This was embellished by emerging methodologies of involving the intended users, though schoolchildren, in the evolution of the artefact design. The implication of these findings is that there may be current frameworks addressing female mobile bully-victim behaviour at school and family levels; however, focus of interventions should be on teaching the right culture with regards to mobile phone use. This gives credence to the second objective of this study, which was to design a digital intervention. The artefact was designed to empower victims and bystanders, the purpose of which seemed to have been achieved with a high rate of approval for the app. The knowledge gained from this phase, despite the limitations, points that visual appeal is important when designing for high school students. It also showed that students are interested in learning in an environment free of adult presence or supervision. However, many more strategies and principles can be applied to intervene from different perspectives to create a more wholistic solution. This knowledge is useful for future works that seek to include their input in design process. The understanding of these characteristic mechanisms is important in proffering relevant interventions as the distinct female bully-victim group is newly gaining attention. This is useful in theory development, especially feminist theories on violence as well as where and how to target interventions. This impacts practice in terms of knowledge of how female mobile bully-victims operate and how one can begin to empower them to protect themselves and reflect on their online and mobile phone behaviour. Therefore, for Information Systems practice, this study provides a worthwhile contribution, especially in answering questions such as, what information systems and interventions should be developed and how to maximize such systems for their intended learning purposes. From the lessons learned in this study, the research also contributes by proposing considerations for future and further research.

Démocratie expérimentale et philosophie pour enfants

Néron, Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
Actuellement au Québec, une majorité d’électeurs ont exprimé leur mécontentement vis-à-vis du système politique actuel. Les citoyens déclarent être privés de contrôle et ressentir un manque de choix réel dans le processus politique. À l’ère du populisme croissant, cela représente une préoccupation urgente pour assurer la vitalité de notre démocratie. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’aborder la question de l’engagement civique et de la transformation sociale et politique à partir d’une évaluation critique de la Philosophie pour enfants (PPE). La question de la recherche peut être formulée ainsi : « Comment la Philosophie pour enfants peut-elle aider à répondre aux aspirations non satisfaites qu’une majorité de citoyens ressentent à l’égard du système politique actuel ? » Afin de répondre à cette question, nous évaluons la valeur et le potentiel démocratique de la PPE à travers une théorie sociale et politique radicale. Nous nous éloignons des philosophies politiques plus « traditionnelles » pour nous intéresser au programme politique de « démocratie expérimentale » développé par Roberto Unger pour montrer comment il peut offrir un moyen d'envisager la PPE comme un moyen de perturber la simple reproduction de la structure sociale et de la rapprocher d'une activité qui le transforme à travers l'expérimentation et l'engagement collectif. Pour ce faire, nous argumentons que les pratiques et les fondements théoriques de la PPE peuvent être considérés comme compatibles avec une telle vision démocratique. Nous soutenons néanmoins que son potentiel démocratique est limité par le manque de l’aspect pratique ainsi que par l'absence de soutien institutionnel capable de permettre l'expérimentation et la collaboration collective. / Recently in Quebec, a majority of eligible voters have expressed their discontent with the current political system. Citizens say they experience disempowerment and feel a lack of real choice in the political process. In the age of rising populism, this represents a pressing concern to ensure the vitality of our democracy. The purpose of this thesis is to engage with the issue of civic engagement and social reform from the standpoint of Philosophy for children (P4C). The research question can be formulated as such: “How can P4C contribute to an effective response towards the unsatisfied aspirations that a majority of citizens feel toward the current political system?” In order to answer this question, we assess P4C’s democratic value and democratic potential through a radical social and political theory. We depart from more “traditional” political philosophies and direct our attention to Democratic Experimentalism developed by Roberto Unger to show how it can offer a way to envisage P4C as a means to disrupt the mere reproduction of the structure of society and bring it closer to an activity that transforms it through experimentation and collective engagement. To do so, we examine how P4C’s practices and theoretical underpinnings can be said to be compatible with such a vision of democratic life and how nonetheless its democratic potential is limited by the lack of practicality and the absence of institutional support capable of enabling experimentation and collective engagement.

Studiebesök och heliga texter i undervisningen : En studie om studiebesök och heliga texter som didaktisk metod i religionskunskap i gymnasieskolan / Study visits and sacred texts in teaching : A study of study visits and sacred texts as a didactic method in religious education in upper secondary school

Efverman, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the research situation regarding study visits and the use of sacred texts as a didactic method in religious education. With the help of the overview, the methods are combined to investigate whether they can be used in an advantageous way in religious studies teaching at the Swedish upper secondary school. The study is based on a theoretical framework consisting of hermeneutics and John Dewey's pragmatism. With the help of concepts and thoughts from these, the results of the overview and how the methods can be advantageous are discussed. The study shows that both study visits and the use of sacred texts in teaching can bring benefits for students' learning. In combination, many of the challenges that exist can be met, but this requires the teacher to take these into account. The use of a combination of methods of study visits and sacred texts in teaching can have positive effects on the school's educational mission and students role as citizens in a democratic society.

Le proxénétisme et la police : trajectoires, efficacité et logiques de décision policières

Chadillon-Farinacci, Véronique 01 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à analyser et à explorer la gestion du proxénétisme par les forces de l’ordre suivant les trajectoires criminelles et policières de personnes éventuellement enquêtées pour du proxénétisme, les logiques de décisions policières et l’efficacité des interventions policières dont ces proxénètes font l’objet. Elle étudie les interventions policières dont les proxénètes font l’objet par l’analyse quantitative de données policières d’une grande ville canadienne entre 2001 et 2014 (n=589) en trois analyses. D’abord, l’approche typologique privilégiée consiste à partitionner les trajectoires des proxénètes enquêtés en différentes classes. Elle rend compte de la diversité des proxénètes contemporains, diversité perceptible dans les caractéristiques mises en lumière par la construction de trois groupes de trajectoires : les gestionnaires discrets, les polymorphes peu violents et les suractifs querelleurs. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une minorité de proxénètes se démarquent par leur polymorphisme criminel. Ensuite, l’étude des logiques de décisions policières comprend l’examen de trois principaux registres : le premier s’opère dans une logique policière de résolution d’un crime où le policier priorise les crimes graves et ceux qui s’inscrivent dans une série, le deuxième découle d’un profilage basé sur l’apparence ethnique cumulée du sexe et de l’âge et le troisième registre reprend un discours moralisateur en matière de prostitution. Les séries chronologiques indiquent qu’au fil des années le proxénétisme principalement coercitif gagne en importance par rapport au proxénétisme non coercitif. Les analyses de survie montrent que la fréquence de la criminalité n’influence pas les risques de surveillance proactive, mais que le score moyen de gravité influence les probabilités d’être visé par un contrôle d’identité pour un mois donné. Ce résultat est logique : la gravité d’un crime joue plus sur la surveillance que sa fréquence. Ces résultats cumulés à l’effet important de trois caractéristiques sociodémographiques nous conduisent à rejeter l’hypothèse selon laquelle les policiers sévissent uniformément sans tenir compte du fait que les proxénètes sont criminalisés à des degrés très divers. Or, même si les décisions policières ciblant les proxénètes obéissent à une logique pragmatique qui les conduit à contrôler plus souvent les suspects ayant des antécédents les plus graves, il n’en reste pas moins que, à criminalité comparable, la distribution des interventions policières s’apparente à des pratiques qui ne sont pas limitées à des considérations pragmatiques. Enfin, en ce qui a trait à l’efficacité des interventions policières à dissuader la récidive des proxénètes enquêtés, d’autres analyses de survie indiquent qu’une criminalité fréquente précipite la récidive, peu importe le type de proxénétisme. De plus, la surveillance policière n'a pas d’effet sur les probabilités de récidive. Les proxénètes enquêtés semblent insensibles à ces mesures, donc si l’arrestation est dissuasive, elle ne l’est pas suffisamment pour montrer un effet sur la trajectoire. De plus, l’influence de la gravité moyenne sur les risques de récidive porte à croire à la présence d’un délai de l’effet de dissuasion où les proxénètes en viennent à commettre plusieurs délits, donc leur trajectoire accumule les interventions policières, par exemple pour des crimes contre la personne ou encore pour des bris de conditions. Sans prostitution, il n’y a pas de proxénétisme. C’est pourquoi afin de comprendre la place du proxénétisme dans l'industrie de la prostitution, il est essentiel de tenir compte des deux principales approches d’études de la prostitution : d'une part la perspective réglementariste, qui cadre la prostitution comme un travail non reconnu, d'autre part la position abolitionniste, qui suggère que la prostitution est une forme de violence faite aux femmes dans le cadre d'une situation à laquelle elles n'ont jamais consenti. Bien que les deux postures puissent être défendues, la présente thèse offre un point de vue nuancé où des questions relatives à la criminalité des proxénètes et à l’influence du discours dominant sur les pratiques policières et à leur efficacité sont soulevées. La thèse conclut par une discussion sur l’allocation de ressources policières spécialisées dans la lutte au proxénétisme, à la traite de personne et à l’exploitation sexuelle et sur leur apport pour réunir des conditions de prostitution plus sécuritaires. / The present thesis aims to analyze and explore the management of procuring by the police according to the criminal and police trajectories of people eventually investigated for procuring crimes, the logics of police decisions and the effectiveness of police interventions aiming these people. The thesis analyzes police interventions of which pimps are the object during their trajectory by the quantitative analysis of police data reconstituting the criminal and police trajectories of people eventually targeted in a pimping investigation of a large Canadian city between 2001 and 2014 (n=589). First, the preferred typological approach consists in dividing trajectories into different classes. It accounts for the diversity of contemporary pimps, a perceptible diversity in the characteristics brought to light by the construction of three groups of trajectories: discrete managers, low-violent polymorphs and quarrelsome overactives. Our results indicate that a minority of pimps stand out for their criminal polymorphism. Second, the study of the logics of police decisions includes the examination of three main registers: the first takes place in a police logic of resolution of a crime where the police officer prioritizes the serious crimes and those which are part of a series, the second arises from profiling based on the cumulative of ethnic appearance, sex and age and the third register takes up a moralizing discourse on prostitution. Time series indicate that, over the years, coercive pimping has gained in importance in investigations over non-coercive pimping. However, survival analyzes show the frequency of crime does not influence the risks of proactive surveillance, but that the average severity score does influence the odds of being targeted for an identity check in a given month. This result is logical: the seriousness of a crime affects surveillance more than its frequency. These results, combined with the important effect of the three socio-demographic characteristics leads us to reject the hypothesis according to which the police force uniformly target their suspects without considering the fact that alleged pimps are criminalized to varying degrees. However, even if police decisions targeting pimps obey a pragmatic logic which leads them to more often check suspects with the most serious criminal records, the fact remains that, for comparable criminality, the distribution of police interventions regarding street checks are not limited to pragmatic considerations. Third, with regard to the effectiveness of police interventions in deterring the recidivism of alleged pimps, survival analyzes indicate that frequent crime precipitates recidivism, regardless of the type of pimping. In addition, police surveillance has no effect on the likelihood of recidivism. The pimps investigated seem unresponsive to these measures, so while the arrest might be a deterrent, it is not enough to show an effect on the trajectory. In addition, the influence of average severity on the risk of recidivism suggests the presence of a delay in the deterrent effect where pimps come to commit several offenses, so their trajectory accumulates police interventions, for example for violent crimes or for breach of conditions. Without prostitution, there is no third parties or pimps. This is why in order to understand the place of pimps and third parties in the sex industry, it is essential to address the two main approaches and their vision of prostitution: one perspective frames prostitution as a unrecognized work, and the other one suggests that prostitution is a form of violence against women in a situation to which they have never consented. Although both positions can be defended, this thesis offers a nuanced point of view where questions relating to the criminality of pimps and the influence of the dominant discourse on police practices and their effectiveness are raised. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the allocation of police resources specializing in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation and their contribution to bringing together safer prostitution conditions.

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