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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle de la recherche de légitimité dans la communication de la responsabilité sociétale : cas des caisses d'épargne / Role of the search for legitimacy in the communication of corporate social responsibility : case of the French saving banks

Walas, Aurélie 22 November 2018 (has links)
Selon la théorie de la légitimité, la volonté de l’entreprise de se légitimer influence la communication de sa responsabilité sociétale (RSE). Nous voulons comprendre le rôle de la recherche de légitimité dans la communication de la RSE par une démarche multi-méthodes et ancrée sur le terrain des Caisses d’Épargne. Nous montrons que les banques communiquent davantage sur la RSE spécifique de leurs activités après la crise bancaire de 2008, conformément à la théorie de la légitimité (papier 1). Elles communiquent différemment sur la RSE, ce que l’on associe à la recherche de différents types de légitimité (pragmatique, moral, cognitif). Les Caisses d’Épargne se démarquent par leur communication sur les volets sociétal et communicationnel. Cette différenciation n’est pas surprenante au regard de leur philanthropie intégrée dans leurs activités, gouvernance et culture (papier 2). Le type d’intégration de la RSE apporterait une explication appropriée du type de légitimité visé. L’emploi de la responsabilité morale viserait à restaurer la légitimité et celui de la philanthropie de l’entreprise à la maintenir ; les légitimités (pragmatique, moral et cognitive) seraient associées à différentes intégrations (activités, gouvernance, culture) de la philanthropie (papier 3).Un retour à la théorie affine notre définition de la RSE (papier 4) et de la légitimation (papier 5) pour élargir l’étude de la légitimation par la philanthropie à celle de la légitimation par la RSE (papier 6). Les liens entre la légitimité visée et la RSE communiquée nous conduisent à proposer un approfondissement conceptuel de la théorie de la légitimité et des outils de gestion de la légitimation par la RSE. / According to legitimacy theory, the driver of corporate legitimacy influences corporate communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We aim to understand the role of the search for legitimacy in the communication of CSR, through a multi-method approach, embedded in the French Saving Banks research field.We show that banks disclose more CSR information related to their activities tafter the 2008 banking crisis, in accordance with legitimacy (paper 1). Banks communicate differently on CSR, which is associated with the search for different types of legitimacy (pragmatic, moral and cognitive). The French Saving Banks differentiate themselves from the other banks by communicating more about the societal and communicative CSR component. This differentiation is not surprising given their philanthropy integrated into their activities, governance and culture (paper 2).The type of integration of CSR could provide an appropriate explanation of the type of legitimacy sought.The use of moral responsibility would seek to restore legitimacy and the use of corporate philanthropy would seek to maintain legitimacy; the types of legitimacy (pragmatic, moral and cognitive) would be associated with different types of integration of philanthropy (activities, governance, culture) (paper 3).We return to the theoretical framework, to refine our definition of CSR (paper 4) and legitimation (paper 5) in order to expand the study of legitimation through philanthropy, into the study of legitimation through CSR (paper 6). The linkages between the legitimacy sought and the CSR communicated leads us to propose a deepening of legitimacy theory and CSR legitimation management tools.

Definice náboženství z hlediska sémiotiky Ch. S. Pierce / The definition of religion from the point of view of Ch. S. Pierce's Semiotics

Bromková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on delimiting the basic problematic of definition of religion in terms of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics. Its objective is througt selected Peirce's texts to interpret Peirce's philosophy of religion, which consists of concept of religion closely connected with Peirce's metaphysics, phaneroscopy, semiotics and agapism. It focuses primarily on Peirce's theory of evolution, the idea of God, the pragmatic way of inference through which one can come to the idea of God, and the relationship between religion and science. I conclude through the interpretation of Ch. S. Peirce's texts that the precise definition of religion can not be pursued in his theory. Even so, the semiotic conception of religion brings a new perspective: the religion could be based on the same principles that govern the science. It can also be understood as a community of people continually striving for truth. This community of people searches in its investigation for answers to the questions about theological ideals. The precondition of faith of individual members of religious communities is an experience of God, who is a perfect and the most general sign and together growth and semiosis in the universe, which people interpret. A believer comes to the worship of God through Musement, a special purposeless...

Sémantický web v konfrontaci s Peircovým pojetím sémiotiky / Semantic web in the confrontation with Peirce's Semiotics

Řeháčková, Dana January 2017 (has links)
The Semantic web was created for the conceptualization of data available on the Internet. Through formalized representations that are determined for data sharing and reusing, its vision should be achieved. One of the main aims of the Semantic web is to achieve answers to a searched question which demonstrates high exactness and relevance. The controversy and polysemy of the term "Semantic web" lets us consider the question: "What is the limit of involving semantic aspects provided on Semantic web?" Is it not only the amount of determinations of specific standards that are connected with data itself? The main aim of this thesis is to compare the use of the terminology appearing on the Semantic web in semantic metadiscourse with traditional academic semiotic approaches appearing from pragmatism of Ch. S. Peirce, Ch. W. Morris, and H. P. Grice. The main thesis aim is to clarify the function of semantic web, basically its function and its conception, by comparation academic's semiotics' approaches of pragmaticism Ch. S. Peirce and pragmatism H.P. Grice to help with mapping the problematic area which is connected with using terms such as "meaning," and "understanding," and to explore and make less confused the possibilities of the function of the Semantic web.

Estetická dimenze hraní počítačových her / The Aesthetic Dimension of playing Videogames

Rubášová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The Aesthetic Dimension of playing Videogames Abstract The Thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part follows the beginning of the discussion which considers computer games as Art. Selected theories are analyzed and critically reviewed. Specifically, these are theories considering the emotional potential of games, their narativity, or their cluster definition. In the second part are computer games seen as aesthetic experiences. In a short diversion the similarities between computer games and sport are shown. Also the role of winning and rules is contemplated. Subsequently, John Dewey's theory is used to interpret the phenomenon. The text is interwoven with examples of old and current computer games. Key words: Videogames, Aesthetics of Everyday life, New Media Art, an Experience, Pragmatism, John Dewey

Dynamique épistémologique de la science : défense d'une gestion pragmatique des problèmes complexes

Thomas, Jean-Philippe 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse du rôle épistémologique des problèmes scientifiques complexes. En partant du holisme épistémologique hérité des positions philosophiques de Pierre Duhem et de Willard Van Orman Quine, et de la thèse voulant que la pratique scientifique s’effectue toujours à partir d’un champ théorique et conceptuel reconnu, nous développons un modèle de gestion qui propose aux chercheurs l’adoption d’une attitude pragmatique pour réagir aux problèmes complexes. Nous expliquons dans cette recherche que ces problèmes affectent l’applicabilité des théories et concepts qui forment les connaissances scientifiques. Pour les résoudre, il faut initier des recherches qui suivront les étapes d’un processus pragmatique permettant d’évaluer progressivement la situation et d’en acquérir une meilleure compréhension. Durant cette période, les conséquences négatives du problème complexe sont tolérées afin d’assurer le maintien des activités scientifiques, qu’elles visent directement ou non l’atteinte d’une solution. La thèse défendue dans cette étude veut que la gestion des problèmes complexes qu’elle propose se conclut par l’élaboration rationnelle, encadrée par des décisions pragmatiques et une conjoncture favorable, d’une hypothèse ad hoc offrant une solution au problème. Si la communauté scientifique reconnait la valeur épistémologique de cette hypothèse, elle sera intégrée au champ théorique et conceptuel ce qui aura pour effet d’enrichir les connaissances scientifiques et de redonner à la science son statut « normal ». / This thesis proposes an analysis of the epistemological role of complex scientific problems. Starting from the epistemological holism inherited from the philosophical positions of Pierre Duhem and Willard Van Orman Quine, and from the thesis that scientific practice is always based on a recognized theoretical and conceptual field, we develop a management model that proposes that researchers adopt a pragmatic attitude to react to complex problems. We explain in this research that these problems affect the applicability of theories and concepts that form scientific knowledge. To solve them, we must initiate research that will follow the steps of a pragmatic process to progressively assess the situation and gain a better understanding. During this period, the negative consequences of the complex problem are tolerated in order to ensure the maintenance of the scientific activities that it directly targets, or not, the achievement of a solution. The thesis defended in this study is that the management of the complex problems that it proposes is concluded by the rational elaboration, framed by pragmatic decisions and a favorable conjuncture, of an ad hoc hypothesis offering a solution to the problem. If the scientific community recognizes the epistemological value of this hypothesis, it will be integrated into the theoretical and conceptual field which will have the effect of enriching scientific knowledge and giving back to science its "normal" status.

Problem solving: A psycho-pragmatic approach

Giannakopoulos, Paul, Buckley, Sheryl B. 15 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Copingstrategier i Undervisning för Hållbar Utveckling : En kvalitativ studie av lärares utsagor / Coping strategies in Education for Sustainable Developmen

Thurberg, Jonna January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur lärare i lågstadiet resonerade kring copingstrategier (hantering avemotioner) i förhållande till undervisning för hållbar utveckling. Förhoppningen var att detta emotionellaperspektiv på undervisningen skulle bidra till ökad förståelse för undervisning för hållbar utveckling och förcopingstrategiers eventuella potential att bidra i densamma. Studien utfördes genom två halvstruktureradegruppintervjuer/fokusgrupper. De fem lärarna fick innan intervjuerna ta del av en kortare sammanfattning av(psykologisk) forskning som berör copingstrategier i förhållande till lärande för hållbar utveckling.Utsagorna tolkades utifrån en analys inspirerad av en fenomenografisk analysmodell. Resultatet av analysenlandade i fem framträdande reflektioner; Konkreta närmiljöer och lösningsfokuserad undervisning, Allvartonas ner genom att inte lyftas, Copingstrategiernas potential finns i högre årskurser och i kännedomensvärde, Eleverna uppvisar miljöengagemang, samt Fördelen att följa eleverna under hela skoldagen. Deframträdande reflektionerna jämfördes i relation till studiens syfte och frågeställningar, bakgrund ochtidigare forskning. Studier om copingstrategier (hantering av emotioner) pekar på vikten av att utvecklakonstruktiva copingstrategier i förhållande till klimatförändringarna. I enlighet med forskningen visaderesultatet att lärarnas beskrivna undervisning kan kopplas till problemfokuserad coping och i viss mån äventill meningsfokuserad coping, vilka båda är konstruktiva copingstrategier. Lärarna nämner att det ärvärdefullt att vara medveten om copingstrategierna, men att eleverna är för små för att själva ta del av dem.Detta kan sägas strida mot forskning som talar för att inkludera emotioner i lärande för hållbar utveckling,samt mot det pragmatiska synsättet att emotioner bör intellektualiseras. Eleverna sägs vidare vara för små föratt presenteras inför globala miljöhot. Detta öppnar frågan om det är så att eleverna inte klarar av att hanteradenna information och det därför är ett klokt beslut av lärarna att undvika informationen, eller om elevernaklarar denna information (alternativt får den någon annanstans och då riskerar att hamna i den ickekonstruktivastrategin känslofokuserad coping) och eleverna därför bör presenteras för globala miljöhot.Dock upplever lärarna ett starkt miljöengagemang hos eleverna. / Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers in primary school reasoned about copingstrategies in the context of education for sustainable development (ESD). It was hoped that the study,through this emotional perspective, would contribute to an increased understanding for ESD and for copingstrategies eventual potential in ESD. The study was conducted using semi-structured group interviews, whichwere interpreted on the basis of an analysis inspired of a phenomenographic analysis model. The analysis ofthe teachers' statements fell into five prominent reflections; Concrete local environments and problemfocused teaching, The gravity is toned down by not being lifted, The potential of the coping strategies existsin higher grades and in the value of knowing, The pupils show environmental commitment, and The benefitof being able to follow the pupils throughout the school day. Previous research points to the importance ofthe development of constructive coping strategies in the context of ESD. In accordance with the research, thestudy showed that the described teaching was related to problem focused coping and, to some extent, also tomeaning focused coping (which both are contructive coping strategies). The teachers mention the value inbeing aware of coping strategies, but the pupils are considered being to young to take part in them. Thiscould be seen as contrary to research pleading for including emotions in ESD, as well as to the pragmaticalviewpoint that emotions should be intellectualized. The pupils are furthermore argued to be too young to beintroduced to global environmental threats. This opens the question whether the pupils are unable to handlethis kind of information and therefore avoiding the matter is a wise decision, or if the pupils can handle thisinformation (alternatively take part of it elsewhere and being at risk of developing the unconstructivestrategy emotion focused coping) and therefore should be introduced to global environmental threats.However, the teachers point out that they experience strong environmental commitment among the pupils.

L’impact de l’asymétrie des pouvoirs sur le mécanisme de règlement des différends de l’OMC : vers une justice pragmatique?

Semhat, Marwa 09 1900 (has links)
Le passage du GATT à l’OMC a été voulu comme le passage d’un système basé sur le pouvoir à un système basé sur le droit. Pourtant, une analyse approfondie du contentieux de l’OMC révèle une image plus nuancée d’un mécanisme juridictionnel qui n’a pas pleinement réussi à évincer l’influence du pouvoir politique. Dans les faits, le mécanisme de règlement des différends de l’OMC apparaît comme un organe qui opère dans un contexte d’indépendance limitée en ce qu’il interagit avec les éléments politiques du système à différents égards. Dans cette perspective, et malgré un bilan généralement positif, de nombreux auteurs affirment la nécessité de renforcer le mécanisme. Ils invoquent certains différends qui n’ont pas été résolus suite à l’épuisement de la procédure contentieuse. À cet égard, et bien que la mise en œuvre des engagements étatiques joue assurément un rôle essentiel dans l’atteinte de la justice dans le contentieux de l’OMC, nous avons tenté de démontrer dans le cadre de cette thèse que la justice que dispense ce mécanisme va au-delà de l’idée répandue selon laquelle le système est essentiellement un instrument de mise en œuvre du droit. La thèse démontre que différentes formes de justice dispensées par le mécanisme peuvent inclure notamment une forme pragmatique de justice, qui ne se limite pas aux règles et aux procédures, mais qui consiste également à délivrer le meilleur résultat dans un différend spécifique. C’est cette justice pragmatique qui se manifeste particulièrement dans les différends mettant en jeu une asymétrie de pouvoir que nous avons cherché à analyser selon le cadre théorique du pragmatisme juridique. Il est donc question dans cette thèse de l’étude des moyens par lesquels les acteurs du mécanisme, à savoir les membres des groupes spéciaux et de l’Organe d’appel mais aussi les États, adaptent l’application des règles de droit selon le contexte spécifique de chaque différend. Les résultats obtenus peuvent à certains égards susciter des interrogations quant à leurs fondements juridiques mais ils mènent certes à contenir les effets du pouvoir politique qui demeure une réalité dans le cadre du processus de règlement des différends à l’OMC. / The transition from the GATT to the WTO was intended as the transition from a power-based system to a rule-based system. Yet an in-depth analysis of WTO litigation reveals a more nuanced picture of a jurisdictional mechanism that has not fully succeeded in crowding out the influence of political power. In fact, the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO appears as a body operating in a context of limited independence in that it interacts with the political elements of the system in different ways. In this perspective, and despite a generally positive assessment, many authors affirm the need to strengthen the mechanism by pointing to different instances of non-compliance that have persisted long after the exhaustion of the litigation procedure. In this respect, and while the implementation of State commitments certainly plays a key role in achieving justice in WTO litigation, this thesis aims to demonstrate that the WTO dispute settlement is not only an instrument of law implementation. The thesis will demonstrate that different forms of justice dispensed by the mechanism may include a pragmatic form of justice, which is not limited to rules and procedures, but which helps deliver the best result in a specific dispute so as to reflect the interests of the parties.. It is this pragmatic justice that manifests itself particularly in disputes involving an asymmetry of power and that we seek to explore through the theoretical framework of legal pragmatism. This goal will be achieved by studying the means through which the actors of the mechanism, namely the panelists but also the States, adapt the application of WTO rules according to the specific context of each dispute. The results obtained may in some respects raise questions as to their legal basis, but they certainly lead to the containme

The Disguised Variable - The Influence of Russian Elite Clans on Russian Foreign Policy

Deksnys, Domininkas January 2020 (has links)
This paper analyzes the influence of Russian elite clans on Russian foreign policy-making. The goal of this paper is to discover the missing link that connects the changes in the International System to the formation of Russian foreign policy, more specifically the Russo-Georgian War, the occupation of Crimea, and the intervention in Syria. Therefore, the theory of neo-classical realism is applied to a systematic process analysis in order to trace the chain of causal relations in which the struggle of elite clans influences foreign policy-making. The combination of neo-realism and state capacity analysis complements the approach of neo-classical realism. This paper argues that the beliefs of the elite clans play an important role in shaping Russia’s foreign policy. The elite clans struggle to establish themselves and consolidate their power within the Russian government structures, which affected the shift from pragmatism and a multipolar approach to a transimperialist approach in Russian foreign policy.

Matlagning i Hem- och konsumentkunskap : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om integreringen av teori och praktik i undervisningen / Cooking in Home Economics : A qualitative interview study on the integration of theory and practice in teaching

Brolin Johansson, Emelie, Azzarri Klingström, Gerd January 2022 (has links)
Background The teaching of Home Economics combines theory and practice. Most knowledge requirements are theoretical, but the subject includes practical cooking. The food is prepared with a purpose, which makes the food an educational tool. The student should be able to make healthy choices and gain knowledge to manage different everyday situations. Learning by doing summarizes pragmatism's view of the integration of theory and practice. In Home Economics, it means knowledge in action. With cooking techniques, students can proactively plan their cooking, read recipes, and solve unexpected challenges to develop their skills by training in authentic situations.Objective The purpose of the study was to investigate how teachers used cooking in Home Economics.Method Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight qualified, active teachers who teach Home Economics years 7–9. These were conducted using a semi-structured question guide. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results Three main categories and eight subcategories were identified. The teacher started from knowledge requirements by prioritizing method cooking, using all food groups and starting from central content of the subject when the teaching was planned. The teacher also started from practical conditions such as time, budget, and the room design. The basic idea of intertwining theory and practice was difficult to achieve due to students' expectations and taste, which meant that teachers' sense of care for students affected the content. The cooking was adapted to students and to give practical students the opportunity to feel good in an otherwise theoretical environment.Conclusion The teaching and cooking opportunity had an educational purpose. However, teachers' ambitions were hampered by practical circumstances, such as time, location, and budget. They also considered student concerns that the food should be tasty.

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