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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämförelse av vägpunkter och navigationsnät för vägfinning

Hjelm, Per January 2009 (has links)
<p>Då artificiella intelligenta agenter försöker navigera i en virtuell värld med statiska hinder så behöver dess väg beräknas. För denna beräkning används ett lager som beskriver hur och vart agenten kan röra sig i världen kallat för sökrymd. Detta kan göras på flera olika sätt vilket ger skillnad i prestanda och minnesåtgång samt indirekta fördelar genom sättet sökrymden är uppbyggd på. Genom att jämföra dessa skillnader i olika miljöer så kan resultatet påvisa vilka egenskaper sökrymdstyperna ger i de olika miljöerna.</p><p>Rapporten visar att n-sidat polygonbaserat navigationsnät ger mycket bra egenskaper i de olika mätningarna och ger även flera fördelar på grund av dess utformning som gör att det kan anpassa sig bra till olika miljöer.</p>

Antispinn för högprestandabilar och motorsport

Westerlund, Niklas January 2006 (has links)
<p>This master’s degree project includes the construction, implementation and the theory of function of the traction control system NTRAC, a traction control system designed to increase performance. A closer functionality study of the more common safety-designed traction control systems has been executed. As a result of this study different techniques in decreasing engine torque has been concluded. NTRAC uses a fuel-cutting method to decrease the torque. The risks and consequences by this, as well as different solutions, are in detail discussed in the report.</p><p>One of the main design purposes with NTRAC was to be able to adapt it easily to different vehicles. To evaluate this ability NTRAC has been implemented into two test vehicles, most different to each other by means of physical measurements. As an outcome of this evaluation, a number of mathematical models have been derived and implemented in numerical MATLAB programs. Two models are explained in the report and are included in MATLABfiles as appendix three and four at the end of the report.</p><p>The first model describes the dependency between the action of decrease in torque and the relative remaining degree of efficiency and the report explains why this does not show a linear dependency. The friction between the tire and the road surface plays a crucial part in the theory behind traction control and the report describes in detail how traditional traction control systems are designed to make compromises, in wheel spin tolerances, and thus not uses the maximum amount of traction. To increase performance traction control systems continuously have to optimise this amount and also minimise its fluctuations. Wheels travel with different speeds when cornering, thus the traction control system has to compensate for this, and the second mathematical model in the report describes this in detail.</p><p>Finally an increase in performance is verified through the usage of NTRAC in the formula car KTHR2. During an international competition in the summer of 05, at Bounthingsthorp proving grounds, Leicestershire, England, under perfect weather conditions, a time-saving of nine percentage where registered at acceleration tests from 0 to 75 meters. </p>

Modeling pavement performance based on data from the Swedish LTPP database : predicting cracking and rutting

Svensson, Markus January 2013 (has links)
The roads in our society are in a state of constant degradation. The reasons for this are many, and therefore constructed to have a certain lifetime before being reconstructed. To minimize the cost of maintaining the important transport road network high quality prediction models are needed. This report presents new models for flexible pavement structures for initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks in the bound layers and rutting for the whole structure. The models are based on observations from the Swedish Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database. The intention is to use them for planning maintenance as part of a pavement management system (PMS). A statistical approach is used for the modeling, where both cracking and rutting are related to traffic data, climate conditions, and the subgrade characteristics as well as the pavement structure.

En jämförande studie mellan olika JavaScriptbibliotek för visualisering : Prestandamätning av JavaScriptbibliotek för statistiska grafer och diagram / A comparative study between different JavaScript libraries for visualization : Performance measurements of JavaScript libraries for statistical graphs and diagrams

Carlström, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Visualisering av statistik är ett tydligt sätt att presentera data som annars kan ses som svår att tyda och analysera. Med hjälp av visualiseringar på webben kan man nå ut till många och det är ett smidigt sätt att ta med sig och dela med sig av information. Denna rapport bygger på ett experiment där olika JavaScriptbibliotek jämförs baserat på tiden det tar att rita ut diagram av olika storlekar och typer. Linjediagram, punktdiagram och stapeldiagram skapas med de olika biblioteken. Vilka bibliotek som jämförs väljs ut utifrån ett antal kriterier och Chart.js, Google Charts och Plotly.js är de som uppfyller alla krav. Undersökningar där utritningstiden mäts genomförs och resultaten visar att Chart.js är snabbast på att rita ut diagram i de flesta mätningarna. Det finns signifikanta skillnader mellan alla diagrammätningar förutom mellan Linjediagram 2 skapat med Chart.js och Linjediagram 2 skapat med Plotly.js samt Plotly.js Stapeldiagram 1 och Plotly.js Stapeldiagram 5. Mätningarna visar också att diagram som baseras på större datamängd, i de flesta fall, också har längre utritningstid än diagram baserade på mindre datamängd.

Does Boardroom Gender Diversity Affect Firm Financial Performance? : A quantitative study surveying 32 Swedish companies over the years 2011-2014

Elander, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
The board of directors holds a key position in corporate governance. The board is responsible for the strategy and development of the firm. The gender composition of the board can affect the quality of this operating procedure by changing the dynamic of the group. This paper aims to investigate if there is any relationship between board gender diversity and the firm’s financial performance, as measured by Tobin’s Q. While most of the previous studies in this field has been conducted on US data, this study adds to a growing number of articles outside of the US by using Swedish data. The study uses panel data over the years 2011-2014 and finds no statistically significant link between gender diversity and a firm’s financial performance. This study adds to the minority of articles that argue that gender diversity does not affect performance. Limitations regarding the methodology is presented and strategies for future research is discussed.


Jonsson, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
Firewalls are one of the most common security tools used in computer networks. Its purpose is to prevent unwanted traffic from coming in to or out of a computer network. In Linux, one of the most common server operating system kernels available, iptables has been the go-to firewall for nearly two decades but a proposed successor, nftables, is available. This project compared latency and throughput performance of both firewalls with ten different rule-set sizes and seven different frame sizes using both linear look-ups and indexed data structures. Latency was measured through the round-trip time of ICMP packets while throughput was measured by generating UDP traffic using iPerf3. The results showed that, when using linear look-ups, nftables performs worse than iptables when using small frame sizes and when using large rule-sets. If the frame size was fairly large and rule-set fairly small, nftables was often performed slightly better both in terms of latency and in terms of throughput. When using indexed data structures, performance of both firewalls was very similar regardless of frame size or rule-set size. Minor, but statistically significant, differences were found both in favour of and against nftables, depending on the exact parameters used. / Brandväggar är en av de vanligaste säkerhetsverktygen som används i datornätverk. Dess syfte är att förhindra oönskad trafik att komma in på eller lämna ett datornätverk. I Linux, en av de vanligaste operativsystemkärnorna som används i serversystem, har iptables varit den rekommenderade brandväggen i nästan två årtionden men en tänkt ersättare, nftables, är tillgänglig. Detta projektet jämförde latens och genomströmning för båda brandväggarna med tio olika storlekar på regeluppsättning samt sju olika ramstorlekar genom både linjära regeluppslag och indexerade datastrukturer. Latens mättes genom tur- och returtid för ICMP-paket medan genomströmning mättes genom att generera UDP-trafik med iPerf3. Resultaten visade att, när linjära regeluppslag användes, nftables presterade sämre än iptables när små ramstorlekar användes samt när stora regeluppsättningar användes. Om ramstorleken var relativt stor samt regeluppsättningen relativt liten presterade nftables något bättre än iptables både i fråga om latens och i fråga om genomströmning. När indexerade datastrukturer användes var prestandan för bägge brandväggarna jämförbar oavsett ramstorlek eller storlek på regeluppsättning. Mindre, men statistiskt signifikanta, skillnader fanns både till nftables för- och nackdel, beroende på vilka parametrar som användes.

Detection of glass in RDF using NIR spectroscopy

Hedlund, Philip January 2018 (has links)
Purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities of using Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to detect glass in refuse derived fuel (RDF) as well as what on-line data of glass content could be used for in terms of boiler operation and performance determination. Sample configurations were done with dried RDF (to prevent mass loss due to moisture and spectroscopic disturbance) and increasing concentrations of colored soda-lime glass, total of 100 samples. Glass was randomly scattered among the RDF by shaking the added glass and RDF in a bucket to generate representative samples of real life conditions. NIR-spectra acquisition was done between 12000 and 4000 cm-1, at 8 cm-1 resolution and average of 32 scans. The determination of boiler performance was done in accordance to Swedish standards for acceptance testing and heat loss due to glass was treated as slag. Resulting performance calculations showed boiler efficiency via indirect method matching efficiency calculated via direct method (deviating at maximum 2 %) which validates the summarized losses (including due to glass). The heat loss due to glass was calculated to 0,068 MW/%glass, which equated to average of 0,16 MW for 2,37 % glass. Total heat loss was amounted to an average of 11,53 MW. The developed models were not satisfactory in their quality of regression prediction. Although some had, through pre-processing, good development of explained variance at increasing factors, but still had a “Not Applicable” coefficient of determination by regression prediction. The poor quality of models can be explained by poor glass detection (poor representation) of the spectroscopic instrument due to a combination of glass being randomly scattered in the background material and sometimes covered by RDF as well as that the NIR-spectroscopy light beam only hits a small area. By increasing the number of samples upwards 300 -500, the effect of random scatter of glass can be mitigated and acceptable models could be acquired. / FUDIPO

Dynamisk webbprogrammering : Varför väljer systemutvecklande organisationer ASP.NET? / Dynamic Web Programming : Why Do System Developing Organizations Choose ASP.NET?

Blom, Jan, Ljung, Jörgen January 2004 (has links)
Vi har i vår studie tittat på dynamisk webbprogrammering med fokus på Microsofts senaste teknik ASP.NET. Studien syftar till att ta reda på varför systemutvecklande organisationer infört ASP.NET, vilka förväntningar de har på tekniken och vilka utvecklingsverktyg som används. Vi har arbetat enligt ett hermeneutiskt synsätt för att få kvalitativ förståelse och ett helhetsperspektiv. Vi har valt semistrukturerade intervjuer för datainsamling och för analysen har vi valt en anpassad variant av Grundad teori. Vårt resultat visar att några av anledningarna till införandet av ASP.NET hos organisationerna i studien beror dels på att de vill ligga långt fram i användandet av nya tekniker, dels upplever de att krav ställs på dem att de ska tillhandahålla och behärska de senaste utvecklingsteknologierna. Få uttalade förväntningar fanns på ASP.NET vid införandet och som utvecklingsverktyg används uteslutande Microsoft Visual Studio.NET som anses vara ett kraftfullt verktyg. Microsofts licensavtal och dominans på marknaden har också påverkat. Några av slutsatserna blir att konkurrensfördelar kan erhållas genom en övergång till ASP.NET. Systemintegration blir enklare, vilket kan attrahera nya kundgrupper. Bättre möjligheter till struktur i programmeringen gör projekt lättare att planera och system lättare att underhålla. / In our research we have studied dynamical Web programming with the latest technology from Microsoft, ASP.NET. The purpose of the study is to find out why system developing organizations have introduced ASP.NET, what expectations of the technology they have and which development tools they use. We have worked according to a hermeneutical approach in order to get a qualitative understanding and a comprehensive view. We have chosen semi structured interviews for data acquisition and for analyze we have chosen an adapted variant of Grounded Theory. Our result shows that some reasons to why the organizations in the study have introduced ASP.NET are that they will be in the frontline regarding the use of new technologies. They also feel that there is an expectation of them to use and know the latest of development technologies. There weren’t much explicit expectations of ASP.NET during the introduction. All of the organizations in the research used Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as development tool, because it is a powerful tool. The license agreement with Microsoft and its dominance on the market has also influenced them. Some of our conclusions are that the organizations could have some competitive advantages if they introduce ASP.NET. System integration will be easier, which can attract new groups of customers. The possibilities to structure in the programming will make projects easier to plan and the maintaining of systems will be simpler.

Prestandaskillnader mellan IPv4 och IPv6 i Windows 7 och Ubuntu 10.10

Svedlund, Jacob, Carlsson, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Det nya internetprotokollet, IPv6 är annorlunda uppbyggt och har större header jämfört med dess föregångare IPv4. Denna rapport undersöker de två protokollens prestanda, avseende överföringskapacitet, jitter, paketförlust och CPU-belastning i operativsystemen Windows 7 och Ubuntu 10.10. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av experiment och mätningar för att visa vilket protokoll och operativsystem som har bäst prestanda. Mätverktyget som användes är Iperf. Resultatet visar att det äldre protokollet presterar lite bättre än dess ersättare vid flertalet mätningar, såsom överföringskapacitet och paketförlust. Resultatet visar även att Windows fick en högre CPU-belastning än Ubuntu vid flertalet tillfällen. / The new internet protocol, IPv6 is differently structured and has a larger header compared to its predecessor, IPv4. This report examines the two protocols performance, in regard of transfer, jitter, packet loss and CPU-load on the two operating systems, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10:10. The survey was conducted by means of experiments and measurements to show which protocol and operating system that accomplishes the best performance. The measurement tool used in the experiments was Iperf. The result shows that the earlier protocol, IPv4, performs slightly better than its replacement in most measurements, such as transmission capacity and packet loss. The results also shows that Windows 7 has a higher CPU-load than Ubuntu on several occasions in the experiments.

Guidelines for Web Application Usability / Riktlinjer för användbara webbapplikationer

Pärsson, David January 2010 (has links)
More people are connecting to the Internet, by using computers and other devices. At the same time web applications are replacing locally installed applications. This makes web application usability an interesting and important subject. The aim of this thesis was to find a set of usability recommendations and guidelines specifically suited for web-based applications. The guidelines were derived both from studies on how web applications and regular web sites should be designed, usability studies for locally installed applications as well as more general usability and interaction design guidelines. A prototype was created based on the list of guidelines. The prototype was then evaluated from a usability perspective, using heuristic evaluation with Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics, to test the validity of the guidelines. The results of the evaluation says that while the list of guidelines can be used to help creating usable web applications, following the guidelines is not alone a mean of getting rid of all usability problems.

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