Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate law"" "subject:"5private law""
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La réservation des innovations variétalesDessainjean, Fanny 20 September 2019 (has links)
L’agriculture et l’alimentation dépendent, en grande partie, des rapports entre le droit et le végétal. Cette interdépendance, source d’enjeux vitaux actuels et futurs, est, notamment, cristallisée par la réservation des innovations variétales. Les semences, contenant les variétés végétales, sont les premiers maillons de la chaîne alimentaire, nécessaires à la production d’aliments. Or, l’immixtion de la propriété industrielle a conditionné l’amélioration variétale et l’utilisation des semences justifiant une étude en droit privé en associant plusieurs matières telles que le droit des biens, le droit des contrats spéciaux, le droit des obligations, le droit rural et les propriétés intellectuelles. Présenter l’existant, déterminer les interactions juridiques et envisager des évolutions afin de sauvegarder les intérêts des innovateurs et de la société participent à la protection de l’innovation et à la sécurité alimentaire. Ainsi, l’étude, décomposée en deux temps, se focalise, tout d’abord, sur la réservation exclusive des innovations variétales et ses conséquences puis sur des alternatives possibles. Un régime original de réservation, dédié à la protection de nouvelles variétés végétales, indépendant du droit des brevets d’invention, est apparu au début des années 1960 au plan international, puis a également été intégré aux niveaux européens et français. L’adoption de la Convention internationale pour la protection des obtentions végétales le 2 décembre 1961, ratifiée en 1968, puis révisée en 1972, en 1978 et 1991, a consacré, via l’octroi d’un titre de propriété industrielle (certificat d’obtention végétale), de nouveaux droits exclusifstemporaires sur un type d’innovation variétale. Toutefois, seules les nouvelles variétés végétales distinctes, homogènes et stables peuvent faire l’objet d’un certificat d’obtention végétale. Le standard, imposé dans ce régime par l’ensemble des critèrescumulatifs, exclut, de facto, d’autres innovations variétales, prouvant une non-automaticité de la protection. Les droits exclusifs du réservataire sur l’obtention végétale ne sont pas absolus, ni illimités. De nombreuses exceptions attestent d’un exclusivisme relatif, témoignant d’un régime de réservation nuancé. L’autonomie de la réservation exclusive des innovations variétales standardisées, par rapport au droit des brevets d’invention protégeant les inventions biotechnologiques végétales, en fort développement, renforce la singularité du régime et conforte la nécessité de le sécuriser. Néanmoins, malgré les dérogations aux droits exclusifs de l’obtenteur, l’utilisation des innovations variétales, faisant l’objet d’un certificat d’obtention végétale, conditionne les pratiques agricoles ancrées dans le droit rural. Les semences, contenant les variétés végétales, sont nécessaires à la production agricole. Une mauvaise utilisation ou une utilisation sans autorisation du titulaire du certificat d’obtention végétale, hormis dans le cas des semences de ferme, peut justifier la qualification de ces agissements en actes de contrefaçon. Ainsi, le champ d’application spécifique et les réalités pratiques n’altèrent pas la dichotomie entre le bienintellectuel et son enveloppe corporelle. Des alternatives, proposées à partir de ce régime original de réservation et en parallèle de celui-ci, doivent émerger pour assurer une meilleure sécurité alimentaire. La réservation de l’innovation variétale par lapromotion d’un modèle inclusif, reposant à la fois sur le droit des contrats et sur la protection de biens communs privés, est une voie pour faire évoluer l’existant au niveau interne. De plus, la reconnaissance des innovations variétales alternatives, jusqu’alors exclues, en leur dédiant un régime autonome inséré dans le Code rural, permettrait un nouvel équilibre. / Non fourni
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[pt] A presente dissertação tem como objeto o estudo do silêncio previsto no
artigo 111 do Código Civil de 2002, isto é, o silêncio enquanto comportamento
apto a qualificar manifestação de vontade para o negócio jurídico, segundo seus
pressupostos legais. Diz o referido artigo que [o] silêncio importa anuência,
quando as circunstâncias ou os usos o autorizarem, e não for necessária a
declaração de vontade expressa. Sendo assim, este trabalho, limitado ao âmbito
do Direito Civil brasileiro, procura estabelecer, com clareza, quais são os
pressupostos de aplicação do silêncio enquanto instituto jurídico, à luz da norma
que orienta a sua interpretação no caso concreto.
O trabalho parte da análise de dois julgados do Superior Tribunal de
Justiça, que mencionam o artigo 111 do Código Civil de 2002, sem, contudo,
observar os aspectos fundamentais do instituto. Em seguida, o texto se volta para
a investigação dos significados dos silêncios mencionados nos Códigos Civis de
1916 e 2002, procurando discernir o seu conteúdo normativo, passando, ato
contínuo, para a análise da importante obra desenvolvida por Miguel Maria de
Serpa Lopes, jurista brasileiro que mais aprofundou os estudos sobre o silêncio no
Direito Civil, em 1937.
Na sequência, o texto procura estabelecer dogmaticamente as premissas
sobre as quais opera a manifestação de vontade por meio do silêncio, para
qualificá-lo, estabelecendo seu melhor termo e sugerindo identidade própria para
sua forma. Após, portanto, definir o que é o silêncio previsto no artigo 111 do
Código Civil de 2002, este trabalho se propõe a estabelecer o que ele não é, ou
seja, cuida de discernir o silêncio de outros institutos comportamentais (i.e.
reserva mental, boa-fé objetiva, nemo potest venire contra factum proprium,
suppressio e abuso do direito), ocasião em que são citadas diversas decisões
judiciais para ilustrar como os tribunais confundem o silêncio previsto no artigo
111 do Código Civil com outras figuras de Direito Civil. Por fim, esta dissertação
esclarece o conteúdo dos pressupostos necessários à qualificação do silêncio
enquanto comportamento apto a manifestar vontade, para que o intérprete possa,
mediante os corretos instrumentos, valer-se da norma específica com tanta
história, notadamente relevante para os negócios jurídicos. / [en] The objective of this master thesis is to analyze the meaning of the party s
silence under the article 111 of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002; i.e., silence as a
behavior capable of qualifying an expression of a party s will for a legal
transaction, considering the legal requirements applicable thereto. The
aforementioned article states that [t]he silence implies consent, when
circumstances or habits and customs authorize it, and an express declaration of
will is not necessary. Therefore, this work, limited to the scope of Brazilian Civil
Code, seeks to clearly establish what are the assumptions for the application of
silence as a legal institute, according to the legal norm that guides its
interpretation in the specific case.
The thesis departs from the analysis of two cases ruled by the Superior
Court of Justice, in which article 111 of the Civil Code of 2002, was mentioned
without observing its essential aspects. Following that, the thesis investigates the
meanings of the silence element provided for in the Civil Codes of 1916 and
2002, discerning its normative content. Then, it reviews the literature of Miguel
Maria de Serpa Lopes, a brazilian jurist who has developed the most complete
study on meaning of silence in Civil Law, in 1937.
Subsequently, the text seeks to dogmatically establish the premises to
qualify the expression of will through silence, establishing its best terms and
suggesting its own identity for its form. After defining the true meaning of silence
provided for in article 111 of the Civil Code of 2002, this work proposes to
distinguish the silence from other behavioral doctrines (i.e. mental reserve, good
faith, nemo potest venire contra factum proprium, suppressio and abuse of law).
In this context, several court decisions are mentioned to illustrate how the courts
confuse the silence doctrine set forth in article 111 of the Civil Code with other
figures of Civil Law. Finally, this dissertation clarifies the content of the
assumptions necessary for the qualification of silence as a behavior capable of
expressing will, to make the specific norm useful in practice.
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Arbitrage en ligne et les litiges du commerce électroniqueNdiaye, Penda 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LLM)" / Le commerce électronique n'est plus un simple support promotionnel de la
distribution des biens de consommation: il s'apparente de plus en plus à un marché
parallèle à la distribution classique. Cependant, quel que soit le schéma emprunté, les
rapports humains suscitent inévitablement des conflits et le commerce électronique ne
fait pas exception à la règle. Ce nouveau vecteur n'a pas pour seule vertu le
rapprochement des individus; de la même façon qu'il a affecté nos relations, il a eu
un impact sur les litiges eux-mêmes.
Le contexte particulier dans lequel s'inscrivent les transactions privées sur Internet,
ont pour conséquence des litiges portant sur de faibles sommes d'argent et qui sont qui
plus est - conditionnés par certains aspects techniques ou certaines particularités
du monde en ligne. A cela s'ajoute une dimension internationale qui accentue encore
la complexité du règlement des litiges, dans la mesure où elle implique pour les
parties de délicates délibérations sur la question du forum et du droit applicable. La
dispersion des parties ne facilite pas l'exercice de l'action en justice.
Aussi l'arbitrage en ligne a-t-il pour ambition éthérée d'éluder la voie
judiciaire et, plus encore, la voie judiciaire à l'étranger. La Toile, par la multitude de
possibilités qu'elle offre, perturbe autant les repères de la justice classique qu'elle ne
lui apporte des solutions jusqu'alors inexplorées. Par un recoupement de leurs
caractéristiques, l'arbitrage fait ainsi écho au commerce électronique. En d'autres
termes la gestion de la procédure arbitrale se fera à distance.
Une attention toute particulière doit être accordée aux spécificités
d'Internet et à l'impact que ce contexte particulier peut avoir sur le cadre traditionnel
de l'arbitrage. La transition vers le monde virtuel ne se fait donc pas sans heurts. Si
l'arbitrage en ligne est techniquement praticable, juridiquement il soulève nombre de
questions. L'arbitrage classique exige de nombreuses conditions de fonds et de
fonnes que l'arbitrage en ligne par sa nature même ne peut totalement satisfaire.
Malgré cette évidence, le droit, dans un souci de perfection et de maniabilité toujours
plus poussé, tend peu à peu à passer outre cet écueil. Voilà ce à quoi nous essaierons
de répondre modestement au travers cet exposé. / E-Commerce is no longer a channel in support of the standard fonu of
trading consumption goods. It has become an alternative trading market for those
consumption goods. However, whether trade takes place through e-trading or more
traditional ways, human relationships are likely to entail conflicts. As a new fonu of
trading, e-commerce fostered and strengthened the relationships between individuals,
inc1uding lawsuits.
Nonetheless, the types of lawsuits related to e-commerce differ from those
related to the standard trade in several ways. For example, lawsuits related to etrading
often involve relatively limited amounts of money because of the particular
context in which trade takes place through the internet or some technical aspects of it.
In addition, the international dimension of the trade further complicates the settlement
of litigation since it implies sensitive deliberations about the place ofjurisdiction and
the applicable law. In this case, the difficulty in conducting the legal practice is
exacerbated by the fact that parties are far apart.
Consequently, online arbitration has the noble goal of eluding the legal
process, especially abroad. The World Wide Web, through its numerous possibilities,
raises questions on the references of the c1assical justice and proposes solutions in
ways that so far were unexplored. Since they share many of the same characteristics,
on-line arbitration is similar to e-trading-that is, the on-line arbitration process is
made from distance.
Overall, a very particular attention must be paid to the specificities of the
Internet and to its possible effects on the traditional arbitration framework. For the
arbitration, the transition of trade toward the electronic world has created lots of
difficulties. While online arbitration is technically practicable, it raises many legal
issues. Online arbitration cannot totally fulfill the numerous conditions of content and
fonn that standard arbitration requires. Nevertheless, the Law, with its growing
concern for perfection and adaptability, is progressively overcoming this difficulty.
Those are the issue that we will try to address in this study.
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Die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers bei Schädigung Dritter / eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung mit dem Regelungsentwurf für ein europäisches ModellgesetzSchelp, Ira 26 November 2004 (has links)
Die vorgelegte Arbeit behandelt die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers, wenn dieser im Rahmen seiner Arbeitstätigkeit einen Dritten schädigt. Es handelt sich um eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung, die sich die Erstellung eines europäischen Regelungsentwurfes zum Ziel gemacht hat. Rechtsvergleichend konnte festgestellt werden, dass im europäischen Rechtsraum teils gravierende Unterschiede bei der Haftungsinanspruchnahme des Arbeitnehmers zu verzeichnen sind. Diese Unterschiede beruhen auf divergierenden Wertungen der Frage ob eine Haftungsaufteilung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer geboten ist. Von den untersuchten Argumenten für und wider einer Haftungsentlastung des Arbeitnehmers haben sich die Fürsorgepflicht des Arbeitgebers und das Betriebsrisiko als tragende Argumente für eine Haftungsverlagerung erwiesen. Es wird daher die Haftung des Arbeitnehmers nur für vorsätzliches Verhalten vorgeschlagen. Im übrigen wird das Haftungsrisiko dem Arbeitgeber zugewiesen. Für den europäischen Rechtsraum wird eine Versicherungspflicht empfohlen. Die Pflichtversicherung tritt hierbei für den entstehenden Schaden ein. Nur im Falle der Vorsatzhandlung durch den Arbeitnehmer kann diesem gegenüber Regress genommen werden. Die Versicherung wird nach diesem Modell durch den Arbeitgeber abgeschlossen. Eine Mindestversicherungssumme soll festgelegt werden. Im Einzelfall wird bei hinreichend nachgewiesener Liquidität eine Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht ermöglicht. Die Beitragsgestaltung richtet sich nach der Gefahrgeneigtheit der im Betrieb durchgeführten Arbeiten sowie nach der Häufigkeit von Haftungsfällen, so dass das individuelle Schadensrisiko des Unternehmens berücksichtigt wird. Eine zuverlässige Kontrolle des Versicherungsabschlusses soll von staatlicher Seite aus gewährleistet werden. Eine Vereinheitlichung dieser Haftungsfrage im europäischen Rechtsraum sollte nur im Rahmen eines europäischen Zivilrechtsbuches erfolgen. Es wurden die bestehenden Harmonisierungsmöglichkeiten untersucht. Eine Privatrechtsvereinheitlichung kann nach Autorenauffassung am besten über den Weg eines Modellgesetzes umgesetzt werden. / The present dissertation deals with the liability an employee bears in case he injures a third person in course of employment. It’s a comparative study which aims to draft an outline for a unified European rule. There were apparent differences between the compared European laws regarding the topic of vicarious liability. The variations in how liability is shared between employee and employer are created by dissimilar morals and values. Of the studied arguments for or against the principle of vicarious liability have two persuaded in favour of a shared liability between the parties of employment. The first is the employers obligation to care for the welfare of his employees and the second the inherent risk of the business itself which puts an obligation on the employer to share the liability for damage done to third parties in course of employment. In detail this study suggests to keep the employee liable for intended acts only. Apart the liability is to be carried by the employer. The concept proposes further a compulsory insurance which is to be paid for by the employer. The insurance however is obliged to step in for all the damage done in course of the employment by the employee. Only in case of intention there is the right of the insurance to take regress at the employee. Part of the concept is a minimum sum to be insured. State enterprises and comparable solvent companies shall have the opportunity to apply for an exception of the requirement to insure. Insurance rate should connect to the individual risk of the business, considering the risk-level in course of the operation of the particular business and the quantity of actual damages done. A reliable control by officials is necessary to ensure that the employer cared for the insurance. A unification of the matter should only take place in a European context of a unified civil law. A study of the existing possibilities to harmonise private law in Europe led to the conclusion that the subject of vicarious liability within a new European civil code should be drawn in the shape of a model law.
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A constitucionalização do direito privado e os seus reflexos na propriedade imobiliária rural à luz da principiologia constitucionalKindel, Marcelo 06 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-14T23:15:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-06 / Nenhuma / Com o desfecho do período submetido ao Direito Natural e o consequente surgimento do modelo de conformação estatal, aparecem com ele a segmentação entre o público e o privado e entre nacionais e estrangeiros. Sendo o território questão de interesse nacional, toca a cada Estado soberano decidir sobre como tratar a aquisição de imóveis por estrangeiros. Embora seja relevante uma análise comparativa sobre a condução do tema em outros países, a temática será desenvolvida sob a perspectiva do Direito brasileiro. Trata-se de tema que, de forma inerente, envolve Direito Privado e Direito Público. Afinal, a propriedade encontra respaldo tanto na Constituição Federal quanto no Código Civil, o que demanda uma análise da Constitucionalização do Direito (Privado), logo, do movimento dicotômico vislumbrado entre estas ramificações do Direito ao longo do tempo. Em uma sociedade transnacional de complexidade extrema, como a hoje experimentada, verificam-se significativas mudanças na concepção de ser humano, enquanto indivíduo, enquanto integrante da sociedade e enquanto partícipe da figura do Estado. Nesse cenário, aparece o específico e conturbado tratamento dado à pessoa jurídica brasileira equiparada a estrangeira, no tocante à imposição das restrições. A sua viabilidade passa pela inarredável leitura hermenêutica da influência da garantia fundamental da função social da propriedade, pautada no fundamento da dignidade da pessoa humana, na nova visão de propriedade inaugurada no século XXI. Ao pretender sejam impostas às pessoas jurídicas brasileiras as restrições típicas de aquisição de imóvel rural por estrangeiros, uma série de medidas precisam ser planejadas e implementadas. / With the outcome of the period referred to the Natural Law and the consequent emergence of the state conformation model, appear with him the segmentation between the public and private and between nationals and foreigners. Being the territory issue of national interest, touches every sovereign state to decide how to treat the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. Although relevant a comparative analysis on the driving theme in other countries, the theme will be developed from the perspective of Brazilian law. It is a topic that inherently involves private law and public law. After all, the property is supported by both the Federal Constitution and the Civil Code, which requires an analysis of the Constitutionalization of (Private) Law, so thus dichotomous glimpsed movement between these branches of the law over time. In a transnational society of extreme complexity, as experienced today, are reported to be significant changes in the conception of human being as an individual, as a member of society and as a participant in the figure of the State. In this scenario, appears the particular and troubled treatment given to Brazilian entity treated as foreign, concerning the imposition of restrictions. Its viability passes by the unmoved hermeneutic reading of the influence of the fundamental guarantee of the social function of property, based on the grounding of the dignity of the human person, in the new view of property opened in the XXI century. When you want the typical restrictions acquisition of rural property by foreigners are imposed on the Brazilian legal entities, a number of measures need to be planned and implemented.
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公私協力與自主規制在我國勞動法之實踐研究─以保全業為例 / A Study of Public-Private Partnerships & Self-Regulation in Practice of Taiwan Labor Law-Take Security Service Industry as an Example張成發, Chang, Chen-Fa Unknown Date (has links)
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Domicile and jurisdiction as criteria in external conflict of laws with particular reference to aspects of the South African law of personsSchoeman, Elsabe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of domicilium as a criterion in choice of law and
jurisdiction in South African law with special reference to private-law status. In this area
of the law adherence to the status theory has, in the recent past, resulted in the use
of domicile as an exclusive ratio jurisdictionis. This has impacted negatively on choice
of law issues in status matters: since domicile constituted the sole jurisdictional
criterion, little attention was devoted to choice of law. Even though the lex domicilii
was, in actual fact, applied to choice of law issues concerning private-law status, it
happened only as a result of the assumption of jurisdiction by the forum domicilii. With
the emergence of alternative jurisdictional criteria, such as ordinary residence, choice
of law issues will have to be addressed from a conflict of laws perspective, since the
jurisdictional criteria will no longer ensure the application of the appropriate lex causae.
In this regard recognition of the functional diversification of jurisdictional and conflicts
connecting factors is crucial: different principles and policies underlie the fields of
jurisdiction and choice of law and this must be borne in mind when a connecting factor is selected. In view of the prominence of domicilium as a connecting factor, problem areas in
regard to the interpretation and ascertainment of domicile, especially the domicile of
choice, is investigated within the context of the Domicile Act 3 of 1992 and with a view
to future reform. It is submitted that the subjective animus requirement for the
acquisition of a domicile of choice remains uncertain and undefined. Since domicile
constitutes such an important connecting factor in issues pertaining to private-law
status, as well as other non-status matters, it is essential that it should be readily and
easily ascertainable. In this regard certain concrete proposals for future reform are
advanced. Ultimately the domicile of an individual should indicate the community to
which he/she truly belongs: only then will domicile constitute a conflicts connecting factor which satisfies the demands of conflicts justice. / Private Law / LL. D. (Law)
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Building encroachments and compulsory transfer of ownershipTemmers, Zsa-Zsa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Private Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African courts seem to be adopting a new approach to the problem of building
encroachments. For pragmatic and policy reasons courts are now inclined to
exercise its discretion in favour of leaving building encroachments in place, against
compensation, despite the common law right to demand removal. It has been widely
accepted that courts indeed have the discretion to award damages instead of
removal of the building encroachment. However, the circumstances involved and the
consequences of these orders are uncertain and hence these orders result in
confusion. It is unclear how this discretion is exercised. Furthermore, it is uncertain
whether this discretion includes the power to order transfer of the encroached-upon
land to the encroacher. There are doctrinal and constitutional implications that may
be triggered by these court orders that leave building encroachments in place. The
doctrinal issues centre on what happens when an encroachment is not removed and
nothing is said about the rights of the respective parties after the order is made.
Possible solutions are investigated to provide a doctrinally sound outcome in
encroachment disputes. It is clear that the encroacher is allowed to continue
occupying the portion of property on which the encroachment is erected. It seems as
though a use right is indirectly created when the encroachment remains in place.
The constitutional difficulty lies in the fact that the court orders may result in
infringements that conflict with section 25 of the Constitution. The focus is
specifically to determine whether these orders result in the compulsory loss of
property or property rights.
With reference to Germany, the Netherlands and Australia, a comparative
perspective is provided in order to support the doctrinal and policy arguments. The
comparative law provides a source of guidelines for what may work effectively and
informs the ultimate suggestion of this project, namely the need for legislation to
regulate building encroachments in South Africa. The legislation envisaged would
have to prescribe with at least some sort of certainty how and in which
circumstances the discretion should be exercised. It should also provide clarity with
regard to the right that is created when the encroachment is not removed and how
the compensation that is awarded in exchange for removal, should be determined. The unnecessary confusion and uncertainty that result from court orders made in the
context of building encroachments may be cleared up by legislation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrikaanse howe begin al hoe meer om ‘n nuwe benadering te volg ten opsigte
van oorskrydende bouwerke. Dit lyk asof howe meer geneig is om hul diskresie uit te
oefen ten gunste daarvan om die oorskryding vir pragmatiese en beleidsredes teen
vergoeding in stand te hou, ten spyte van die gemeenregtelike reg om verwydering
te eis. Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat howe wel die diskresie het om in die
konteks van oorskrydende bouwerke skadevergoeding toe te ken in plaas van
verwydering. Die omstandighede betrokke by en die nagevolge van hierdie
beslissings is egter onseker en daarom lei dit tot verwarring. Dit is nie altyd duidelik
hoe hierdie diskresie uitgeoefen word nie. Daarbenewens is daar ook onsekerheid
oor of die diskresie die bevoegdheid insluit om oordrag van die grond waarop die
oorsrkryding staan, te gelas. Die beslissings kan ook doktrinêre en grondwetlike
implikasies hê. In terme van die doktrinêre probleem is daar vrae oor wat gebeur as
die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie en niks word gesê oor die regte van beide
partye in die dispuut nie. Oplossings word ondersoek om die beste moontlike
doktrinêre verduideliking te probeer vasstel. Die eienaar van die oorskrydende
bouwerk mag voortgaan om die grond waarop die oorskryding staan te okkupeer. Dit
lyk asof ‘n gebruiksreg indirek geskep word ten gunste van die oorskryder wanneer
die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie. ‘n Grondwetlike probleem mag veroorsaak
word deur die moontlike oortreding van artikel 25 van die Grondwet. Die beslissings
mag lei tot die gedwonge verlies van grond of regte, wat aan die vereistes van artikel
25 moet voldoen.
‘n Vergelykende perspektief met verwysing na Duitsland, Nederland en Australië
word verskaf om die doktrinêre en beleidsargumente te ondersteun. Die
vergelykende reg bied ‘n bron van riglyne vir wat effektief kan werk en het dus die
wetgewing wat in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel word geïnspireer. Die wetgewing wat
beoog word sal moet voorskryf hoe en onder watter omstanghede die diskresie
uitgeoefen moet word. Dit moet ook sekerheid gee ten opsigte van die reg wat
geskep word as die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie en hoe die skadevergoeding
bepaal moet word. Die onnodige verwaring en onsekerheid wat veroorsaak word deur hierdie hofbeslissings kan opgeklaar word deur die promulgering van
wetgewing om oorskrydende bouwerke te reguleer.
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Invloed van die begrip kinderregte op die privaatregtelike ouer-kind verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse regHuman, Cornelia Sophia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Private Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 1998. / 490 leaves double sided printed, preliminary pages and numbered pages 1-469. Includes bibliography. Digitised using a HP Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis investigates the effect of the recognition of the rights of the child on the
parent-child relationship in private law. Rights of the child seem, on the face of it, to
undermine parental authority and family values. The impression is created that the
state is abdicating its role as protector of the child in favour of unfettered freedom of
the child. The delicate balance between individual freedom and family autonomy
may in the result also be under threat. It was, therefore, necessary to extend the
investigation to include the role of parents and that of the state.
The study is divided into three parts. The first contains a theoretical analysis of the
concept rights of the child. It is clear that the concept is a manifestation of
fundamental human rights. The rights of the child are unique in nature and
accommodate the changing phases of dependence and developing abilities of the
child. Theoretical analysis negates the perception that the recognition of the rights of
the child contributes to erosion of the family: the importance of the commitment of
parents and of the state is apparent.
The second part consists of a comprehensive review of the parent-child relationship in
the South African private law, and an analysis of the public law dimension of the
concept rights of the child. This part of the investigation demonstrates that parental
authority is firmly rooted in legal history and that substantive private law does not
recognise the child as bearer of rights within the context of the family. However, the
Bill of Rights and the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
unequivocally give public law status to the child as bearer of rights. The study shows
that the private and public law status of a child cannot be isolated from one another
and that adaptations will have to be made to implement the rights of the child.
In the third part of the study an attempt is made to identify the kind of adaptation that
must be made. The impact of the idea of the rights of the child upon the parent-child
relationship in private law is investigated. Australian and Scottish law are examples
of legal systems which endeavour to implement fully the concept of the rights of the
child. Indigenous law places a high value on human dignity. The interaction between
rights and duties in indigenous systems reflect values which are inherent in the idea
of the rights of the child.
The study shows that the impact of the rights of the child on the parent-child
relationship is such that change and adaptation of private law is necessary. Change
and adaptation are required at both theoretical and practical level. A number of
obstacles which may inhibit the process of change are identified. Finally, the kind of
change and adaptation required is illustrated by a number of practical examples of the
impact ofchange on the parent-child relationship. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word in hierdie proefskrif gepoog om te bepaal wat die effek van die erkenning
van kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding in die privaatreg is. Kinderregte skep op
die oog af die persepsie dat ouerlike gesag en gesinswaardes onderrnyn word en dat
die staat sy rol as beskerrner van 'n kind abdikeer ten gunste van onbeperkte vryhede
aan 'n kind. Die delikate balans tussen individuele vryhede en gesinsoutonomie is in
gedrang en op hierdie wyse word die rol van ouers en die staat ook by die ondersoek
Die studie behels 'n drieledige ondersoek. In die eerste plek vind 'n teoretiese
ontleding van die begrip kinderregte plaas. Hierdie ondersoek toon aan dat
kinderregte 'n verskyningsvorrn van fundamentele menseregte is. Kinderregte het 'n
eiesoortige aard en akkommodeer die wisselende fases van afhanklikheid en
ontwikkelende verrnoens van 'n kind. Die betrokkenheid van ouers en die staat word
beklemtoon en die teoretiese uitgangspunt besweer gevolglik negatiewe persepsies dat
die erkenning van kinderregte tot gesinsverbrokkeling sal meewerk.
Die tweede deel van die ondersoek bestaan uit 'n volledige uiteensetting van die ouerkind
verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse privaatreg en 'n ontleding van die
publiekregtelike dimensie van die begrip kinderregte. Hierdie deel van die ondersoek
bewys dat ouerlike gesag regshistories sterk fundeer is en dat die substantiewe
privaatreg nie die kind as draer van regte binne gesinsverband erken nie. Daarteenoor
verleen die Handves van Regte en die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie op die Regte
van die kind 1989 'n duidelike publiekregtelike status aan die kind as draer van regte.
Die ondersoek toon aan dat die privaatregtelike en publiekregtelike status van 'n kind
nie van mekaar gelsoleer kan word nie en dat aanpassings sal moet plaasvind ten
einde kinderregte te implementeer.
Die tipe aanpassings wat gemaak sal moet word, vloei voort uit die derde element van
hierdie studie. Hierdie deeI van die studie behels 'n toepassing van die idee van
kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding in die privaatreg. 'n Regsvergelykende
element word betrek en die Australiese en Skotse reg word as modelle van 'n
regstelsel voorgehou wat poog om kinderregte tot sy volle konsekwensies te
implementeer. Vir doeleindes van interne regsvergelyking word daar ook na die
inheemse reg verwys. Die hoe premie wat laasgenoemde regstelsel op
menswaardigheid plaas en die wisselwerking tussen regte en verpligtinge
verteenwoordig waardes wat eie aan die idee van kinderregte is.
Die gevolgtrekking is dat die effek van kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding van
sodanige omvang is dat aanpassings in die privaatreg sal moet plaasvind.
Veranderings in regsdenke en formele aanpassings word vereis en 'n aantal
struikelblokke wat deel van hierdie proses is, word uitgelig. Sekere praktiese
implikasies vir die ouer-kind verhouding word ook voorgehou ten einde te illustreer
wat die aard van die aanpassings is wat vereis word.
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Les dispositions spéciales de la lex situs en droit international privé des successionsChikoc Barreda, Naivi 07 1900 (has links)
Les « dispositions successorales spéciales » de la lex situs apportent une exception particulière au système unitaire de la loi applicable à la succession. Leur reconnaissance dans le récent Règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions, et l'acceptation et l'exécution des actes authentiques en matière de successions et à la création d'un certificat successoral européen du 4 juillet 2012 témoigne de l’importance et de l’actualité de cette prévision normative. L’exception trouve sa source dans l’article 15 de la Convention du 1er août 1989 sur la loi applicable aux successions à cause de mort, formule qui fut suivi par l’article 3099 al. 2 du Code civil du Québec. La conception originaire de la règle se situe à l’article 28 de la Loi d’introduction au Code civil allemand de 1896. Ces législations reconnaissent la nécessité de respecter certaines dérogations aux règles successorales ordinaires dont le contenu matériel justifie une rupture exceptionnelle de l’unité de la succession internationale. Ainsi, l’opposition traditionnelle entre le système scissionniste qui divise la loi applicable à la succession en fonction de la nature mobilière ou immobilière des biens et celui qui postule l’unité législative trouve dans le respect des « dispositions spéciales » de la lex rei sitae régissant certains biens de la succession un facteur conciliateur. Il s’agit de respecter un minimum normatif de la loi de l’État où sont situés certains biens de la succession malgré la compétence générale d’une lex successionis étrangère. Ce bloc normatif irréductible se présente comme un pont qui relie les deux solutions extrêmes dans une position intermédiaire où il n’y a plus de scission au sens classique du terme mais où l’unité est néanmoins brisée en raison de certaines considérations substantielles tirées de la destination des biens. / The « special inheritance rules » of the lex situs introduce a particular exception to the unitary system of the law applicable to succession. Its recognition by the recent Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession demonstrates the importance and the current relevance of this legal provision. We find the immediate precedent of the rule in Article 15 of the Convention of 1 August 1989 on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons, which also inspired Article 3099 par. 2 of the Civil Code of Quebec. The original conception of the rule comes from Article 28 of the Introductory Act of the German Civil Code of 1896. These legislations acknowledged the necessity of giving effect to some special provisions on succession whose material content legitimates an exceptional breach of the unity in international successions. Therefore, the traditional conflict between the scission and the unitary system of the law applicable to succession finds a conciliatory factor in the observation of the “special provisions” of the lex rei sitae over some particular assets of the estate notwithstanding the conflict rule. The intention is to preserve a minimal content of the State’s law where certain assets are located against the threat that a foreign lex successionis brings about. This uncompromising set of rules presents itself as a bridge to close the gap between these two extreme solutions. It does not contemplate the classic meaning of scission based on the movable or immovable nature of the property (territorial scission), but it breaks nonetheless the principle of unity, in favor of certain substantial considerations derived from the economic, family or social function of some specific assets, by means of a special connection to the lex situs.
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