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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка диалоговой системы для ответов на часто задаваемые вопросы на основе Телеграмма с интеграцией в Яндекс.Алиса : магистерская диссертация / Development of a dialogue system for answering frequently asked questions based on Telegram with integration into Yandex.Alice

Шевченко, С. Д., Shevchenko, S. D. January 2023 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена необходимостью различных предприятий в автоматизации процесса обработки обращений клиентов в чаты, для повышения эффективности работы сотрудников и снижения ресурсных затрат, а также для повышения уровня клиентского сервиса. Цель работы: улучшение качества обслуживания клиентов посредством разработки чат-бота, автоматизирующего бизнес-процессы обработки обращений клиентов в чат на языке программирования Python в мессенджере «Telegram» с интеграцией бота в Яндекс.Алиса. Для достижения поставленной цели необходимо решение следующих задач: изучил понятия чат-бота и его функции; использовать преимущества использования мессенджеров для бизнеса; настроить языки программирования и выбрать язык для разработки чат-бота; выбрать мессенджер, в котором будет реализован чат-бот; разработать ИТ-проект по разработке чат-бота. Объектом исследования данной выпускной квалификационной работы является информационная система предприятия. Предметом исследования является обработка бизнес-процессов клиентов с часто задаваемыми вопросами в клиентских сервисах различных предприятий. Научная новизна составила то, что проанализировано большое количество программных средств для реализации проекта, показано большое количество прикладных чат-ботов в бизнесе, а также разработан уникальный чат-бот. Практическая оригинальность заключается в том, что данного чат-бота можно применять в любой компании, в которой есть бизнес-процесс обработки обращения клиентов в чат. / The relevance of the topic is due to the need of various enterprises to automate the process of processing customer requests in chats, to increase the efficiency of employees and reduce resource costs, as well as to increase the level of customer service. Goal of work: improving the quality of customer service by developing a chat bot that automates the business processes of processing customer requests via chat in the Python programming language in the Telegram messenger with the integration of the bot into Yandex.Alice. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: studied the concepts of a chatbot and its functions; take advantage of the benefits of using instant messengers for business; configure programming languages and select a language for developing a chatbot; select the messenger in which the chatbot will be implemented; develop an IT project to develop a chatbot. The object of study of this final qualifying work is the enterprise information system. The subject of the study is the processing of customer business processes with frequently asked questions in customer services of various enterprises. The scientific novelty was that a large number of software tools for the implementation of the project were analyzed, a large number of applied chatbots in business were shown, and a unique chatbot was developed. The practical originality lies in the fact that this chatbot can be used in any company that has a business process for processing customer requests via chat.

Внедрение CRM-системы на предприятии ООО Авторапорт в целях повышения эффективности бизнеса : магистерская диссертация / Implementation of a CRM system at Autoraport LLC in order to increase business efficiency

Заичко, Н. Д., Zaichko, N. D. January 2023 (has links)
Объектом выпускной квалификационной работы является компания ООО «Авторапорт». Предметом исследования является информационная система компании ООО «Авторапорт». При выполнении данной работы использованы следующие методы: моделирование, синтез информации, сравнительный анализ, сбор документов. По результату внедрения CRM-системы «Битрикс 24» были достигнуты все цели и задачи. Внедрение «Битрикс 24» позволило повысить эффективность работы компании ООО «Авторапорт» благодаря расширению функциональности информационной системы компании, что в значительной мере увеличило качество и скорость работы сотрудников, повысило эффективность взаимодействий с клиентами, а также улучшило коммуникацию между работниками. / The object of the final qualifying work is the company Avtoraport LLC. The subject of the study is the information system of the company Autoraport LLC. When performing this work, the following methods were used: modeling, information synthesis, comparative analysis, document collection. As a result of the implementation of the Bitrix 24 CRM system, all goals and objectives were achieved. The implementation of Bitrix 24 made it possible to increase the efficiency of Avtoraport LLC by expanding the functionality of the company’s information system, which significantly increased the quality and speed of employees’ work, increased the efficiency of interactions with clients, and also improved communication between employees.

Разработка информационной системы для анализа ключевых показателей эффективности (KPI) персонала в сети филиалов компании «ДПО» : магистерская диссертация / Development of an information system for the analysis of key performance indicators (KPI) of personnel in the network of branches of the company "DPO"

Коломытцева, А. А., Kolomyttseva, A. A. January 2023 (has links)
Актуальность выбранной темы заключается в том, что эффективность персонала является одним из главных факторов успеха любой компании. Однако оценка эффективности персонала может быть трудной задачей, особенно для компаний с большим числом филиалов. Информационная система для анализа KPI персонала позволит компаниям оптовой и розничной торговли более точно оценивать работу своих сотрудников, а также идентифицировать проблемные места и принимать своевременные меры для их устранения. Объектом исследования являются методы оценки результативности работы персонала. Предметом исследования является использование KPI для предприятий оптовой и розничной торговли. Научная новизна данной работы заключается в нахождении алгоритмического, программного и математического решения задачи управления персоналом, позволяющего сократить время на процесс анализа деятельности компании. / The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the effectiveness of the staff is one of the main success factors of any company. However, evaluating staff performance can be a difficult task, especially for companies with a large number of branches. The information system for personnel KPI analysis will allow wholesale and retail companies to more accurately evaluate the work of their employees, as well as identify problem areas and take timely measures to eliminate them. The object of the study is the methods for assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel. The subject of the research is the use of KPI for wholesalers and retailers. The scientific novelty of this work lies in finding an algorithmic, software and mathematical solution to the problem of personnel management, which allows to reduce the time for the process of analyzing the company's activities.

Digitalisation for sustainability in procurement within the textile value chain : Analysis of artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and blockchain

Jentsch, Theresa January 2022 (has links)
Background/ Problem/Purpose: Sustainability and Digitalisation are two buzzwords nowadays. The textile value chain is one of the most criticised value chains with respects to ecological as well as social sustainability. Thus, it seems a worthwhile project to be examined in the context of how digital technologies can be used to support sustainability aspirations. Academic literature rarely describes the relation between sustainability and digitalisation in a theoretical and empirical way. Most studies focus on one of the two topics, especially in the context of textile procurement. The purpose of this study is to investigate to which extent digital technologies, such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation, can contribute to sustainable procurement in the textile value chain. Methodology: The study follows a qualitative approach and combines insights obtained by means of conducted semi-structured interviews combined with secondary data related to the studied cases. While embracing an abductive approach, the data analysis follows the extended six-dimension model by Münch et al. (2022) based on the socio-technical system theory. The findings were summarised in two frameworks and discussed in the context of the socio-technical system theory and academic literature. Findings – Through the differentiated model, the findings shed light on the relationship between sustainability and digitalisation in the context of textile procurement. Internal and external organisational aspects of technology implementation were identified for digital tools towards sustainability in the textile procurement. Consequently, possible external and internal drivers, challenges and requirements could be identified for implementing digital technologies. Moreover, the contribution of specifically Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence as well as Blockchain to sustainable procurement in the textile value chain was analysed and compared. Originality/Value – This study combines, as one of the few, sustainability and digitalisation in the context of the textile value chain. It provides an insight into external as well as internal aspects that can foster or hamper the successful implementation of advanced digital technologies, as well as requirements needed for a successful implementation. Furthermore, the study applies the theory of socio-technical system theory in the context of sustainability and digitalisation. The study offers practitioners a better understanding of the potential effects of advanced digital technologies towards sustainable procurement. It also provides a framework that can support the sustainability driven implementation of advanced digital technologies.

Sistema de reconocimiento de texto mecanografiado mediante redes neuronales para la gestión de boletas de pago en la Ugel Ferreñafe

Bonilla Vilchez, Jonathan Alonso January 2024 (has links)
En este proyecto, se llevó a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) diseñado para identificar y almacenar la información de las boletas de pago de docentes en la UGEL Ferreñafe. Esto se debió a la necesidad de agilizar la búsqueda de boletas en formato físico, un proceso que, en ocasiones, podía llevar semanas y requerir la contratación de personal adicional. Esta problemática impulsó la búsqueda de una solución eficaz y rentable. Siguiendo las metodologías SCRUM y CRISP-DM, se optó por utilizar Redes Neuronales (RN) como la técnica principal. Esta elección se basó en investigaciones previas y tendencias identificadas en Google Trends. El objetivo fundamental era alcanzar un porcentaje de error bajo en la tasa de caracteres reconocidos, y se logró un hito significativo del 1.8%, a pesar de la degradación de la tinta en muchas boletas debido al paso del tiempo. Para evaluar la usabilidad del sistema, se aplicó la escala SUS (System Usability Scale), y el sistema obtuvo una puntuación de 80, superando las expectativas iniciales. Esto resalta la alta usabilidad y satisfacción de los usuarios finales con la aplicación desarrollada. / In this project, a study was carried out with the objective of developing an optical character recognition (OCR) system designed to identify and store information from teacher pay slips at UGEL Ferreñafe. This was due to the need to expedite the search for physical ballots, a process that could sometimes take weeks and require the hiring of additional staff. This problem prompted the search for an effective and profitable solution. Following the SCRUM and CRISP-DM methodologies, it was decided to use Neural Networks (RN) as the main technique. This choice was based on previous research and trends identified in Google Trends. The fundamental objective was to achieve a low error rate in the rate of recognized characters, and a significant milestone of 1.8% was achieved, despite the degradation of the ink on many ballots due to the passage of time. To evaluate the usability of the system, the SUS scale (System Usability Scale) was applied, and the system obtained a score of 80, exceeding initial expectations. This highlights the high usability and satisfaction of end users with the developed application.

Implementación de un sistema web utilizando una tecnología de gestión de almacén para mejorar el proceso del picking de una droguería en Lima en el año 2020

Aragon Guevara, Manuel Eduardo January 2023 (has links)
El uso de tecnologías en procesos cotidianos de las empresas en la actualidad está teniendo un gran apogeo e interés por parte del nivel estratégico de éstas. El proceso de almacén, en donde la distribuidora de medicamentos permitió la implementación de un sistema web en el que se utilizó la tecnología para el picking de las ordenes de almacén, implementando un algoritmo con el método de salida de productos, el que se seleccionó tomando en cuenta la certificación actual con la que cuenta la empresa, integrándolo con las API’s de Google Cloud Platform, las cuales son API Speech to Text y Text to Speech, éstas permiten la transformación de voz a texto y viceversa respectivamente empleando la IA de Google y redes neuronales de la plataforma. se cumple con el funcionamiento del Pick to Voice, método seleccionado por la facilidad de implementación sin necesidad de modificación física del almacén ni estantería, que en comparación con otros se seleccionó por tener mejor resultados a menor costo, logrando una disminución de las devoluciones en un 93.3%, un 5.5% los productos vencidos, 4% los productos dañados y el 15.4% de productos erróneos. / The use of technologies in the daily processes of companies is currently having a great apogee and interest on the part of the strategic level of these. The warehouse process, where the drug distributor allowed the implementation of a web system in which the technology was used for the picking of warehouse orders, implementing an algorithm with the product delivery method, which was selected by taking into account the current certification that the company has, integrating it with the Google Cloud Platform APIs, which are API Speech to Text and Text to Speech, these allow the transformation of speech to text and vice versa respectively using Google's AI and neural networks of the platform. the operation of the Pick to Voice is fulfilled, a method selected for the ease of implementation without the need for physical modification of the warehouse or shelving, which in comparison with others was selected for having better results at a lower cost, achieving a decrease in returns in a 93.3%, 5.5% expired products, 4% damaged products and 15.4% wrong products.

Artificiell Intelligens vid redovisning : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag använder Artificiell Intelligens i sin redovisning och de utmaningar som användningen medför / Artificial Intelligence in Accounting : A qualitative study on how companies use Artificial Intelligence in their accounting and the challenges it entails

Weman, Frida, Norder, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Redovisning har historiskt präglats av noggranna, manuella och tidskrävande metoder. AI-teknologier har revolutionerat redovisningsprocessen genom att automatisera uppgifter, lösa problem och fatta beslut. AI-teknologier inom redovisning inkluderar maskininlärning (ML), robotprocessautomatisering (RPA) och naturlig språkbehandling (NLP). Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera AI’s användningsområden inom företags redovisning och de praktiska och teoretiska utmaningarna användningen medför. Dessutom syftar studien till att undersöka relationen mellan de teoretiska och praktiska utmaningarna för att bidra med kunskap om de utmaningar som användning av AI inom redovisning faktiskt medför i praktiken. Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats och samlar in empirisk data genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 7 respondenter. Analysen av den empiriska datan görs med en tematisk analysmetod. Studiens teori utgörs av tidigare forskning från vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats utgår ifrån att AI inom redovisning tillämpas hos företag för automatisering av repetitiva och tidskrävande uppgifter, där RPA till skillnad från ML och NLP har implementerats hos flest företag. De utmaningar som presenterats av teorin gällande användningen av AI inom redovisning, återfinns även i praktiken. Däremot har praktiken förmedlat nya utmaningar som inte tagits upp av tidigare forskning. Utmaningar som exempelvis den manuella tid som AI faktiskt kräver. / Background: Accounting has historically been characterized by meticulous, manual, and time-consuming methods. AI technologies have revolutionized the accounting process by automating tasks, solving problems, and making decisions. AI technologies in accounting include machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), and natural language processing (NLP). Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the areas of AI application in accounting and the practical and theoretical challenges it entails. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the relationship between theoretical and practical challenges to contribute knowledge about the actual challenges of using AI in accounting practice. Method: The study employs a qualitative approach with an abductive stance, gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with 7 respondents. The analysis of the empirical data is conducted using a thematic analysis method. The theoretical framework of the study is based on previous research from scientific articles and books. Conclusion: The study concludes that AI is applied in accounting primarily for automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, with RPA being more widely implemented than ML and NLP. The theoretical challenges related to AI usage in accounting, as presented in previous research, are also evident in practice. However, practical applications have revealed new challenges not previously addressed in the theory, such as the manual time that AI actually requires.

Формирование процедуры сопровождения банкротства клиентов крупного бизнеса в контексте минимизации проблемной задолженности в банке : магистерская диссертация / Formation of the procedure for bankruptcy support for large business clients in the context of minimizing bank`s problem debts

Маркова, Ю. А., Markova, Y. A. January 2024 (has links)
The study systematizes the conceptual apparatus of “problem debt”, provides proposals for improving the process of supporting the collection of debt on loans through early identification of problem assets and taking measures to optimally satisfy the bank’s requirements. The recommendations will reduce credit risks in the form of overdue debt and increase the amount of debt collected under bankruptcy. / В исследовании систематизирован понятийный аппарат «проблемной задолженности», даны предложения по улучшению процесса сопровождения взыскания задолженности по кредитам организаций, в отношении которых инициировано банкротство или которые находятся в процессе банкротства, путем раннего выявления проблемных активов и принятия мер по оптимальному удовлетворению требований банка. Предложенные автором рекомендации позволят снизить кредитные риски в виде просроченной задолженности и увеличить размер взыскиваемой задолженности в рамках банкротства.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) i bygglovsprocessen: En studie om effektivisering och dess påverkan på arbetstillfällen / Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the building permit process: A study about streamlining and its impact on employment

Stenström, Johanna, Hagman, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Den rådande digitaliseringen av samhällsbyggandet leder till möjlighet att automatisera och effektivisera processer inom samhällsbyggandet. Att automatisera delar av bygglovsprocessen med hjälp av Robotic Process Automation (RPA) är möjligt. En sådan implementering skulle kunna leda till effektivare processer, men kanske även andra effekter, negativa som positiva. Några av Sveriges kommuner har redan implementerat RPA i bygglovsprocessen och andra står i begrepp att göra det inom kort. Därför är det av hög relevans att utreda hur mycket RPA kan effektivisera bygglovsprocessen samt undersöka hur automatisering påverkar arbetet för personal på bygglovsenheter. Syftet med denna studie är, därför, att undersöka i vilken utsträckning bygglovsprocessen kan effektiviseras med hjälp av RPA. Vidare önskar studien utreda hur en sådan implementering kan påverka arbetsuppgifter och arbetstillfällen för bygglovshandläggare och administratörer på bygglovsenheter i Sverige. Metod: Denna studie utförs som en survey. För att uppnå studiens syfte och mål har två olika datainsamlingstekniker valts, där primärdata insamlas genom intervjuer och sekundärdata via en dokumentstudie. Studien är således i huvudsak av kvalitativ karaktär, men kompletteras med kvantitativ empiri för att kunna styrka slutsatser. Resultat: I rapporten framkommer det att bygglovsprocessen effektiviseras med hjälp av RPA. Genom att automatisera moment i processen, beräknas 141,5 timmar/månad sparas in på tidigare manuellt utförda arbeten. Tiden som sparas in läggs istället på uppgifter som anses relevanta och mer kunskapskrävande. Detta i sin tur leder till en förändring av arbetsuppgifter för de anställda på bygglovsenheten och lyfts som en positiv aspekt. Vidare visar studien att bygglovshandläggares arbetstillfällen inte har påverkats på grund av RPA samt ger inga anvisningar på att deras arbeten i framtiden kommer hotas. De som påverkas mest av implementeringen är administratörer, då det främst är administrativa uppgifter som kan ersättas av RPA. Studien ger en viss indikation på att administrativa tjänster och behovet av administratörer på bygglovsenheter kan komma att minska, som en följd av automatisering. Konsekvenser: Genom att implementera RPA i bygglovsprocessen uppnås inte bara en effektivisering av processen. Andra fördelar som nöjdare medarbetare och högre kvalitét på besluten är också effekter av automatisering. Nöjdare medarbetare kan, i förlängningen, leda till färre antal uppsägningar och följaktligen en förhöjd kompetensnivå på bygglovsenheten. Högre kvalitét på beslut leder till ett ökat förtroende för bygglovsenheter i Sverige. Vidare kan även RPA bidra till en mer enhetlig bygglovsprocess kommuner emellan, då uppsatta funktioner och regler, samt information kan delges mellan kommunerna. Begränsningar: Då studien utförts som ett examensarbete har begräsningar funnits i form av antal ord som studien får omfatta. Utöver det har studien undersökt tre av Sveriges kommuner som arbetat med RPA i minst ett år. Om fler kommuner undersökts, skulle studiens validitet kunnat öka. / Purpose: The current digitalization of community building leads to the opportunity to automate and streamline processes in community building. Automating parts of the building permit process using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is possible. Such implementation could lead to more efficient processes, but perhaps also other effects, negative and positive. Some of Sweden's municipalities have already implemented RPA in the building permit process and others are about to do so shortly. Therefore, it is of high relevance to investigate how much RPA can make the building permit process more efficient and investigate how automation affects the amount of work for employees at building permit units. The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the building permit process can be streamlined with the help of RPA. Furthermore, the study wishes to investigate how such an implementation can affect the tasks and jobs of caseworkers and administrators at building permit units in Sweden. Method: This study is carried out as a survey. In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, two different data collection techniques have been selected, where primary data is collected through interviews and secondary data via a document study. The study is thus mainly of a qualitative nature but is supplemented with quantitative empirical evidence in order to substantiate conclusions. Findings: The report shows that the building permit process is made more efficient with the help of RPA. By automating steps in the process, it is estimated that 141.5 hours/month is saved on previously manually performed work. The time saved is instead mainly spent on tasks that are considered relevant and more knowledge-intensive. This in turn leads to a change in tasks for the employees at the building permit unit, and is highlighted as a positive aspect. Furthermore, the study shows that jobs of building permit caseworkers have not been affected due to RPA and does not provide any indications that their work will be threatened in the future. Those most affected by the implementation are administrators, as it is mainly administrative tasks that can be replaced by RPA. The study provides some indication that administrative services and the need for administrators in building permit units may decrease, as a result of automation. Implications: By implementing RPA in the building permit process, not only is the process streamlined. Other benefits such as more satisfied employees and higher quality of decisions are also effects of automation. Satisfied employees can lead to fewer redundancies and consequently an increased level of competence at the building permit unit in the long run. Higher quality of decisions leads to increased trust in building permit units in Sweden. Furthermore, RPA can also contribute to a more unitary building permit process between municipalities, as established functions and rules, as well as information can be shared between the municipalities. Limitations: Since the study was carried out as a bachelor thesis, there were restrictions of the number of words that the study may include. In addition, the study examined three of Sweden's municipalities that worked with RPA for at least one year. If more municipalities were examined, the validity of the study could increase.


[pt] A Automação Robótica de Processos (RPA) surge como uma nova tecnologia advinda da indústria 4.0, focada na automação de tarefas humanas repetitivas, rotineiras e baseadas em regras. Ela promete eliminar esses processos que consomem mais tempo, sem substituir os sistemas de TI existentes. Consequentemente, reduziria custos e riscos operacionais; e melhoraria a eficiência, os processos internos e a experiência do cliente. Além disso, a RPA tem o potencial de revolucionar a auditoria tradicional, pois minimizaria as atividades tenocráticas, que apresentam baixo valor agregado, e permitiria que os auditores se concentrassem mais em atividades que exijam raciocínio analítico e julgamento profissional. Assim, levaria à ampliação da cobertura dos testes e do monitoramento de transações, aumentando a performance e a qualidade da auditoria contínua. Devido ao exposto, a RPA está sendo vista como um ativo estratégico para enfrentar os desafios da transformação digital. Por ser uma nova tendência, a literatura científica sobre o tema ainda é escassa, mas está crescendo rapidamente. E, nos últimos dois anos, foi amplamente adotada em muitas organizações e instituições financeiras com sucessos e fracassos. Portanto, considerando o modelo das três linhas de defesa, este estudo tem como objetivo propor um framework para implantação da RPA na auditoria interna de bancos brasileiros. / [en] Robotic Process Automation (RPA) emerges as a new 4.0 industry technology focused on the automation of repetitive, routine, rule-based human tasks. It promises to eliminate the most time-consuming processes without replacing existing IT systems. Consequently, reducing costs and operational risks as it improves efficiency, internal processes, and customer experience. Moreover, it has the potential to disrupt the traditional audit model as it minimizes mechanical low added value activities, enabling auditors to concentrate more on assignments that require thinking skills and professional judgment. Thus, it would lead to the expansion of testing and monitoring analytics coverage, enriching continuous audit quality and performance. Due to the above, RPA is being seen as a strategic asset to face the challenges of digital transformation. Since it is a new trend, there is limited literature on the subject, but growing fast. And, in the last couple of years, it has been widely adopted in many industries and financial organizations with successes and failures. Therefore, considering the three lines of defense model, this paper aims to propose an RPA framework for internal audit in Brazilian banks.

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