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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion des déchets solides municipaux en Méditerranée : Trois approches d'instruments de financement pour une gestion durable / Municipal Solid Waste in Mediterranean countries : Three contributions for a sustainable management

Gnonlonfin, Houévoh Amandine Reine 09 December 2015 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières années, les Déchets Solides Municipaux (DSM) se sont révélés comme une problématique environnementale et économique majeure dans tous les pays. Les quantités collectées et les dépenses publiques nécessaires à leurs gestions croissent de façon insoutenable et ce, particulièrement dans les pays en développement (y compris ceux en transition). Face à ce constat, notre thèse a pour objectif de proposer des éléments de compréhension ainsi que des recommandations pour les politiques publiques. Pour cela, nous avons combiné une approche macroéconomique, pour étudier les liens entre la quantité de DSM et la croissance économique, à une approche microéconomique centrée sur la question du financement par une taxe incitative. Les contributions de cette thèse sont de trois ordres et ont pour référence les pays méditerranéens. La première contribution a consisté à tester la viabilité de l’hypothèse de la Courbe Environnementale de Kuznets (CEK) dans un contexte d’ouverture au commerce international. Cette première approche a permis de déceler une relation monotone croissante entre l’intensité de la production des DSM et la croissance économique sur la période 1990-2010 et ce, quel que soit le niveau de revenu des pays. Ce qui nous conduit à la conclusion d’une incompatibilité entre les objectifs de croissance et de prévention de la production des DSM. La deuxième contribution a été l’occasion de considérer, dans un modèle théorique, le recyclage informel qui est une caractéristique commune au pays en développement. L’objectif de cette contribution a été d’une part d’analyser l’impact du recyclage informel sur l’efficacité d’une politique de taxation incitative et d’autre part, de déterminer les conditions optimales d’une telle politique en présence du recyclage informel. En étudiant l’efficacité d’une politique de taxation directe de type tarification à l’acte et d’une politique de taxation indirecte de type Deposit and Refund System (DRS), nous montrons que la présence du recyclage informel ne permet pas de faire coïncider optimum social et équilibre du marché. Cependant, la politique DRS peut être optimale, à condition de subventionner à la fois le recyclage formel et informel. Enfin, la troisième contribution est une étude économétrique des impacts du système de taxation incitative d’un pays riche méditerranéen. Cette étude vient du constat selon lequel les pays riches, contrairement aux pays en développement, mettent en œuvre plusieurs taxes incitatives de façon concomitante. Nous évaluons l’efficacité du système de taxation de la France, qui avec ses trois taxes incitatives est un cas d’école en la matière. Nous proposons dans cette contribution, à l’aide de tests économétriques sur données départementales, une mesure de l’élasticité de la quantité de DSM collectés, valorisés et éliminés par rapport à la Redevance sur l’Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères (REOM), la Responsabilité Élargie du Producteur (REP) et la Taxe Générales sur les Activités Polluantes (TGAP). Les résultats montrent une complémentarité des trois taxes avec une supériorité de la REOM pour inciter les ménages à la prévention et à la valorisation, et une supériorité de la REP pour inciter les collectivités locales à la substitution des technologies d’élimination à celles de valorisation / In last decades, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has become a major environmental and economic problem in many countries. The quantity of MSW collected and the expenditures necessary for its management have rapidly increased, particularly in developing countries (including those in transition). Our thesis aims to shed light on the relationship between MSW collection and economic growth and to propose how public policy can sustainably manage this pollution. To attempt our objective, we combined a macro and micro economic approaches in theoretical and empirical studies. The contributions of this thesis are threefold and have the scope of Mediterranean countries. First, we complete the empirical literature on the validation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC) by studying the relationship between MSW collected and the economic growth over the period 1990-2010. The main added value of this study is the use of multiple imputations methodology to control for the sample bias due to missing values. We find out that MSW collected monotonically increase with income whatever countries’ income level. This leads us to conclude that the economic growth and MSW prevention are not compatible. So in a second contribution, we investigate, in a theoretical model, the efficiency of using market-based incentives to reach to objective of waste prevention and diversion from disposal in developing countries. We consider the common phenomenon of waste picking in these countries and we analyze the conditions in which a policy of Deposit and Refund System (DRS) can help to achieve the first best optimum. We first analyze the impact of waste picking on the effectiveness of the user fee and the DRS, then we show that social optimum and market equilibrium can be hold by taxing consumer goods and by subsidizing both formal recycling and waste picking. Our third contribution in this thesis is an econometric evaluation of French MSW taxing system in order to test the hypothesis of the complementarity of direct and indirect MSW incentive taxes in developed countries, which implement simultaneously several incentives taxes. Using data aggregate at French administrative departments level, we assess the prevention and substitution effects of the three incentive taxes namely the French user fee (La Redevance d’Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères), the Extended Producer responsibility and disposal tax levied at landfill and incineration (la Taxe Générale sur les Activités Polluantes). We confirm the complementarity hypothesis of these taxes.

Essays on environmental regulation under imperfect competition / Essais sur la régulation environnementale dans un cadre de concurrence imparfaite

Zamorano-Ford, Jorge 10 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse couvre deux sujets : le dessin des permis à polluer et la gestion des déchets. Le premier chapitre analyse la mise en œuvre des permis à polluer. Le chapitre se concentre sur les impacts de la distribution liés à la sévérité de l’allocation gratuite basée sur la production courante quand deux secteurs sont couverts par le marché des permis et le plafond reste constant. Un nouveau type d’augmentation des profits dans les secteurs qui ne sont pas exposés à la concurrence internationale a été démontré théoriquement. Le deuxième chapitre traite la question de la différenciation de l’allocation des permis dans les différentes régions, liée à la possibilité des entreprises à délocaliser. Les conditions dans lesquelles le bien-être décroît avec la délocalisation sont déterminées. Dans ce cas, des distributions gratuites de permis peuvent être utilisées pour éviter la délocalisation des entreprises. Le troisième chapitre compare l’efficacité des programmes de la responsabilité élargie du producteur (REP) avec l’efficacité d’une ex-ante taxe. La taxe permet plus de flexibilité ex-ante quant aux conditions du marché, mais la REP permet plus d’adaptation ex-post aux réalisations des coûts. Ainsi, l’efficacité relative de la REP augmente avec l’incertitude des coûts et la compétitivité du marché. / This thesis covers two subjects. One is the design of pollution permits and the other is the waste management. The first chapter analyses the implementation of pollution permits. It focuses on the distributional impacts linked with the stringency of output-based allocation,when two sectors are covered by the market for permits and the total cap is held constant. Theoretically demonstrated is a new type of profit increase in sectors that are not exposed to international competition. The second chapter addresses the issue of differentiating permit allocation across areas, this being linked to the possibility of firms to relocate. The conditions under which welfare decreases with relocation are determined. In such a case, free allowances may be used to prevent firms from relocating. The third chapter compares the efficiency of extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs and the efficiency of an ex-ante tax. The tax allows more ex-ante flexibility regarding market conditions, but the EPR allows more ex-post adaption to cost realizations. As a result, the relative efficiency of the EPR increases with uncertainty of the costs and competitiveness of the market.

Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, Brasil

Taffarello, Denise 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.

Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, Brasil

Denise Taffarello 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.


王憶靜 Unknown Date (has links)
生產者服務業其有創新與改變技術的功能,亦有調節勞力分工擴張、加強組織內部關聯的作用,由於該等功能與作用對於生產力的提昇、就業機會的創造與貿易出口量的增加均具有重要意義,因此它被視為現代生產系統中重要的部門。本研究首先以Gemmell產業成長理論探討各台北都會區產業結構的變遷,證明服務業已然成為現代生產系統中重要的部門;再以產業感應度(sensibility)、影響度(dispersion)分析生產者服務業的產業關聯,證明生產者服務業以服務生產部門為主;爾後再以組織理論(organization theory)中彈性生產(flexible production)及勞力分工(labor division)兩個向度分析生產者服務業的成長及原因,證實生產者服務業能自我創造就業及創新技術獲致成長。其後再以區位商數及成長商數交叉分析生產者服務業在台北都會區的成熟度,顯示台北縣生產者服務業呈顯著的成長然未具輸出性,成熟度較台北市弱,但因接收台北市的廠商而擴張。繼之假設生產者服務業於空間分布受到其所服務的產業影響而分布,利用兩產業間密度斜率(density gradient)的牽動關係分析生產者服務業在空間移動的現象,藉以瞭解我國在生產者服務業所應有的產業區位政策。所得的結論有二:其一,生產者服務業興製造業分布呈現互斥的情況。另外,生產者服務業與人口分布呈現移動一致的現象,亦即生產者服務業與人口的分布,呈互補性顯著的情形。最後以生產者服務業內的國際貿易業為例,分析其路網結構(network concept)後證明該業的集中與台北都會區通訊便利性及聚集經濟不可分。 / Producer Services Industres have the functions of innovation and reformation skills, and the functions to regulate the extension of division of labor and strengthen internal organizational correlation. Since these functions are important for upgrading productivity, creating job opportunities and increasing quantity of export, they are regarded as a vital sector of modern production system.   First, this research tries to make use of Gemmell's Theory of Industrial Development to study the changes in the structure of industries. It shows that Services Sector has become an important sector of the whole modern production system.   Second, this research attempts to use industrial sensbility and dispersion to analyze the correlation of Producer Services Industries. It has proved that Service Sector is a major part of Producer Services Industries.   Third, this research employs two kinds of vector, such as flexible production from Organization Theory, and division of labor to analyze the development and factors of emergence of Producer Services Industry. It has proved that Producer Services Inustries can bring to creation of new jobs, innovation and development of skills.   Fourth, this research uses Location Quotient and Growth Quotient to crossexamine the degree of maturity of Producer Services Industries in Taipei Urban District. It has shown that Producer Services Industries in Taipei Hsian bears a distinct development but not in an output manner. The degree of maturity in Taipei Hsian is lesser than that of Taipei City. And Taipei Hsian can be expanded because of absorbing or attracting the holders of factories from Taipei City.   Fifth, this research assumes that in terms of spatial distribution, Producer Services Industries are distributed according to the influence of Industries served by Producer Services Industries. By means of the linking and relations of density gradients among industries, the phenomenon spatial movement can be illustrated. It can be regarded as a proper industrial district policy of Producer Services Industries.   Two points of conclusion can be made: 1) there is a repulsion for distribution between Producer Services Industry and Manufacturing Industry; 2) there is a phenomenon of concurrent movement between Producer Services Industries and distribution of population. It means that they have a distinct condition of mutual compenstaion.   Sixth, this research tries to make International Trade as an example of Producer services Industries, to analyze the network concept and prove that there are no any separations among concentration of this Industry, convenience of communication in Taipei Urban District and aggregate economy.

Electronic waste governance: sustainable solutions to a global dilemma

Khan, Sabaa A. 11 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour objet les formes, les caractéristiques et les défis de la gouvernance des déchets électroniques. L’auteure explore les impactes socioéconomiques et environnementales de divers types d’instruments conçus pour mitiger les risques à la santé humaine et à l’environnement que présentent les produits électroniques en fin de vie, notamment: les traités multilatéraux qui visent à prohiber le transfert des déchets hasardeux au pays en développement, les législations régionales, nationales et provinciales mettant en vigueur des systèmes de recyclage obligatoire des déchets électroniques, ainsi que d’autres initiatives, publics et privées, basées sur le principe de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP). L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre comment les acteurs impliqués dans le commerce de l’équipement électronique peuvent modeler les systèmes de production, d’usage et du traitement fin de vie des technologies contemporaines pour que ces dernières puissent continuer à faire élever les standards de vie et à avancer le développement des communautés humaines, en respectant simultanément le principe international de l’équité globale, l’environnement naturel et la qualité de vie des générations futures. / This thesis addresses the forms, characteristics and challenges of electronic waste governance. The author explores the socio-economic and environmental impacts of a diverse range of instruments that have been developed to mitigate the human health and environmental risks presented by end-of-life electronic equipment, namely: multilateral treaties restricting e-waste trade flows into developing countries, regional, national and provincial legislations imposing mandatory recycling systems for e-waste, as well as other public and private initiatives based on the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR). The objective of this study is to understand how stakeholders implicated in the electronic equipment sector can model the systems of production, use, and discard of electronics, so that the latter may continue to raise living standards and propel human development while simultaneously respecting the international principle of global equity, the natural environment and the quality of life of future generations.

O empoderamento da mulher: um estudo empírico da Feira do Produtor de Toledo/Pr / The empowerment of women: an empirical study of the Toledo Fair Producer/Pr

Andrade, Fabiola Juliana Rubim de 28 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiola J Rubim de Andrade.pdf: 298208 bytes, checksum: a9d455adc7eac1801b9794a4f55d8b4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-28 / The dissertation was to understand how central concern is women's life strategies, leading to their empowerment. To understand this process, in other words, the empowerment of women, was conducted case study of women producers rural and urban residents of Toledo County who market their products at the Fair of the Producer of the Municipality. It is considered in this study the Fair Producer of Toledo as a social place, where not are only marketed products hand made or from family farming production (such as vegetables, breads, pastries, snacks, sausages, etc.). But, also as a place that offers the potential for accelerating the processes of social change, as manifested in the case studied, through the confluence of several social people, which interact with the aim of changing socioeconomic conditions of their families and their own condition. It is believed, and this is the hypothesis of this dissertation, this will occurs with women participants, who occupy the space at the fair to empower different ways. Was adopted a qualitative methodology, collecting empirical data through of collective and individual interviews, participant observation, rescue of fragments of memories and experiences. The survey found that although most of the workers interviewed the family budget to be covered by income women it is still being controlled by man. Highly prevalent in men to determine what the family should get to eat food, for clothing and other necessities. However, there is a break in the male control because, in that the awareness of women regarding various aspects of their daily life, turns to the work at the Fair of the Producer, the consensus that sustains male power weakens. The process of empowerment of women surveyed still is subtle, because they are influenced by a paternalistic society, and consider her work as a simple aid to her comrades and families. Moreover, these same women feel valued, as they break in one way or another, with the culture that power belongs to the man, puraly because it leaves the family context and get "help" of his comrades and families in work previously considered exclusively female, such as housework and caring with children. / A dissertação teve como preocupação central compreender como se constituem estratégias de vida de mulheres, que conduzem ao seu empoderamento. Para compreender tal processo, ou seja, o empoderamento da mulher, foi realizado estudo de caso com as mulheres produtoras rurais e urbanas, moradoras do município de Toledo que comercializam seus produtos na Feira do Produtor do município. Considera-se neste estudo a Feira do Produtor de Toledo como um espaço social, onde não apenas são comercializados produtos elaborados artesanalmente ou oriundos de produção agropecuária familiar (como hortaliças, pães, doces, salgados, embutidos, etc.). Mas, também como um espaço que oferece possibilidades de aceleramento dos processos de mudança social, que se traduzem, no caso estudado, por meio da afluência de diferentes sujeitos sociais, que interatuam com o objetivo de mudar a condição socioeconômica de suas famílias e a sua própria condição. Acredita-se, e esta é a hipótese desta dissertação, que isto ocorra com as mulheres participantes, que ao ocuparem o espaço da feira se empoderam de diferentes maneiras. Adotou-se a metodologia qualitativa, colhendo-se os dados empíricos através de entrevistas coletivas e individuais, observação participante, resgate de fragmentos de memória e vivências. A pesquisa constatou que apesar da maior parte do orçamento familiar das trabalhadoras entrevistadas ser coberta pela renda feminina ele ainda continua sendo controlado pelo homem. Prevalece o hábito do homem determinar o que a família deve adquirir para o consumo alimentar, para o vestuário e para outras necessidades. No entanto, está havendo uma ruptura no controle masculino pois, na medida em que a consciência da mulher, em relação a aspectos diversos de seu cotidiano, se transforma com o trabalho na Feira do Produtor, o consenso que sustenta o poder masculino perde força. O processo de empoderamento das mulheres pesquisadas ainda é sutil, pois estas são influenciadas por uma sociedade paternalista e consideram o seu trabalho como simples ajuda para seus companheiros e familiares. Por outro lado, estas mesmas mulheres se sentem valorizadas sim, pois romperam, de uma forma ou de outra, com a cultura de que o poder pertence ao homem, simplesmente pelo fato de saírem do âmbito familiar e obterem ajuda de seus companheiros e familiares em trabalhos antes considerados exclusivamente femininos, como o trabalho doméstico e o cuidado com os filhos.

Modélisation de mécanismes institutionnels et impacts bio-économiques de systèmes de gestion de quotas : application à la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne / Modelling institutional arrangements and bio-economic impacts of catch share management systems : application to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery

Bellanger, Manuel 18 May 2017 (has links)
En France, où les droits de pêches ne sont pas transférables, la gestion des quotas de pêche est essentiellement déléguée aux organisations de producteurs (OP), lesquelles se voient attribuer des allocations collectives et sont responsables de la gestion des possibilités de pêche de leurs adhérents. On peut ainsi s’interroger sur la manière dont la présence des OP au sein des institutions peut permettre d’améliorer les performances écologiques,économiques et sociales de la gestion des pêches en comparaison avec d’autres formes institutionnelles telles que les systèmes de quotas individuels transférables (QIT). Les recherches de thèse, comprenant une partie théorique et s’appuyant sur le cas de la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne pour les applications empiriques,sont organisées autour des questions suivantes : (1) Par quels mécanismes les OP peuvent-elles permettre d’améliorer le respect des réglementations et influencer l’émergence de normes sociales ? (2) Quels sont les effets redistributifs de la gestion des quotas par les OP ? (3) Comment les mécanismes de gestion des quotas par les OP peuvent-ils être intégrés dans la modélisation bio-économique pour l’évaluation d’impact de scénarios de gestion ? Les analyses développées établissent l’intérêt de prendre en compte des contraintes induites par différents arrangements institutionnels et les résultats sont notamment examinés au regard des trois dimensions (écologique, économique et sociale) nécessaires à la gestion durable des pêches. Les compromis entre ces différentes dimensions sont mis en évidence dans le cadre de scénarios prospectifs visant une meilleure compréhension des enjeux liés à la gestion des pêches. / In France, where fishing rights are non-transferable, the management of fishing quotas is essentially delegated to producer organizations (POs). POs are granted collective allocations based on the aggregate fishing rights of their members and are then responsible for managing their fishing opportunities. The goal of this research, which contains theoretical developments as well as empirical analyses applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery, is to determine how outcomes of fisheries management are altered by the presence of POs within institutions as compared to alternative governance systems such as individual transferable quotas (ITQs). This dissertation notably brings together bio-economic approaches and institutional analyses to better anticipate the ecological, economic and social impacts of potential governance options. The research questions are the following: (1) What mechanisms could ensure a high level of compliance and what are the potential gains of placing the POs between the regulator and the fishermen? (2) What are the distributional effects of catch share management by POs? (3) What is the added value of integrating institutional arrangements involving POs into bio-economic modelling for the impact assessment of catch share management options? The analyses that were developed establish the ability of institutional design to influence outcomes in catch share systems in terms of compliance, distribution, and ecological-socioeconomic trade-offs achieved by alternative management options.

Can NGOs cultivate supportive conditions for social democratic development? : the case of a research and development NGO in Western Uganda

King, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
There is an emergent consensus that the ‘poverty reduction through good governance’ agenda has failed to meet expectations. The capacity of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to cultivate the political economies and state-society synergies that might be supportive of more pro-poor development trajectories is contested. Advocates of inclusive liberalism identify increased political space for NGOs focused on popular empowerment and policy influence within the participatory spaces created by the good governance agenda. More radical critiques cast NGOs as apolitical brokers of neo-liberal development resources which distract from or are disinterested in more fundamental questions of redistribution. This thesis explores the potential for Ugandan NGOs to cultivate supportive conditions for a more redistributive development process amidst a semi-authoritarian, patronage-based, political regime and within a predominantly agrarian economy, using the lens of a single case study organisation situated in the Western region of the country. The findings suggest Ugandan NGOs should move beyond strategies associated with inclusive liberal governance towards a closer engagement with the politics and political economy of progressive change. Micro-enterprise and economic associational development emerge as more effective enhancers of political capabilities among the poor than strategies aimed solely at promoting inclusive liberal participation because they can tackle the socio-economic power relations that curb political agency in such contexts, and begin to undermine patronage-politics. In contrast, strategies for enhanced inclusive liberal participation engage with the formal de jure rules of the game in ways that either sidestep or re-enforce the de-facto patronage-based political system and fail to tackle the power relations that perpetuate ineffective forms of governance. Creating new cross-class deliberative spaces which engage with grass roots perspectives, can facilitate the emergence of new ways of thinking that promote a more pro-poor orientation among development stakeholders. Triangulation of qualitative primary data and relevant literature leads to the overarching conclusion that NGOs operating in such contexts are more likely to enhance the political capabilities of disadvantaged groups by adhering to a principle of self-determination. This focuses energy and resources on non-directive facilitative support to disadvantaged groups. This enables them to a) make socio-economic progress; b) become (better) organised; c) develop the necessary skills and knowledge to advance their interests; and d) cultivate opportunities for direct engagement with power holders and decision-makers. This approach requires a high level of what the thesis terms ‘NGO political capacity’ and a far more open-ended and programmatic approach to the provision of development aid than currently prevails.

Evaluación de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en el marco de la Organización Común de Mercados. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana

Anido Rivas, José Daniel 25 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] The main objectives of this research were to analyze the role of the fruit and vegetables producer organizations (FVPOs), the recent developments in the fruit and vegetables sector, and the performance of these organizations in achieving one of the main objectives in the F&V Common Market Organizations (CMO) framework (i.e., to concentrate supply or marketed turnovers in the F&V sector), with special emphasis in the Valencian Community, in Spain. A set of indicators and variables were examined in order to study FVPOs dynamics and performance through operational programs (OP) aimed to increase the organization level as a necessary condition to balance the market power within the horticultural value chain. The study has been divided into six chapters, as follows: Chapter 1 summarizes the background research (referring specifically to the evaluations of operational programs by the EU Court of Auditors in 1996 and 2001, research on producer organizations of fruits and vegetables in Spain and / or some specific autonomous community, as well as DEA models to evaluate efficiency). Chapter 2 provides the frame of reference and methodological aspects of the thesis. Chapter 3 develops the theoretical framework widely referred to as the CMO (as instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union), the nature of producer organizations, the value chain and the role of producer organizations under EU legislation to rebalance the power within value chain, and also the chronology of judicial-legal framework governing the fruit and vegetables sector. Chapter 4 briefly presents and discusses recent facts and the main trends of horticulture (referred to agricultural areas, production, prices, value of production and trade variables), within the EU, Spain, and the Valencian Community. Chapter 5 examines the dynamics of producer organizations (and organization or concentration of supply behavior) in the three regions mentioned above, with an emphasis on producers integrated to associations under the legal form of cooperatives and agricultural processing companies (SAT, is Spanish). Finally, in Chapter 6, a model was estimated by using deterministic parametric technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to evaluate the efficiency of a FVPOs sample from the Valencian Community. The research uses a comprehensive epistemic approach, by combining elements of rationalism and empiricism; the first two phases (Chapters 1 to 5) are predominantly descriptive, while the last phase (Chapter 6) is mainly empirical. Secondary sources of information were used, including bibliographic, periodical, and economic-financial (accounting). The main findings point out that at the EU level there is still a strong concentration of power in the retail sector, although it has increased the turnovers marketed by FVPOs. Meanwhile, for the case of Spain there is a slight downward trend in the number of recognized POs although they have increased their importance in their turnovers. Finally, in the Valencian Community the number of FVPOs has increased (7% more than in 2006, although it tends to stabilize) and some of it in their dimension, while they had consolidated their export orientation, and also with signs of a slight trend towards concentration in the F&V sector. The envelopment analysis model and the estimated production function for the FVPOs sample of the Valencian Community concluded that it is possible to improve their performance if FVPOs use more efficiently their inputs, among them, operating funds. / [ES] El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar el papel de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas (OPFH), la evolución reciente del sector hortofrutícola y el desempeño de las OPFH en la consecución de uno de los objetivos fundamentales (concentrar la oferta comercializada a través de ellas), previsto por la Organización Común de Mercados del sector, con especial énfasis en la Comunidad Valenciana, España. Con ese fin se examinaron indicadores y variables para estudiar su dinámica su y desempeño a través de los programas operativos (PO), dirigidos particularmente a aumentar la organización como condición necesaria para equilibrar el poder de mercado dentro de la cadena de valor hortofrutícola. El trabajo ha sido estructurado en seis capítulos: en el primero se sintetizan los antecedentes de la investigación (referidos específicamente a las evaluaciones de los Programas Operativos a nivel comunitario Tribunal de Cuentas de la UE en 1996 y 2001, a estudios sobre organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en España y/o algunas CC.AA. específicas, así como a la aplicación de modelos DEA para evaluar eficiencia). En el segundo se presentan el marco referencial y los aspectos metodológicos de la investigación. En el tercero se desarrolla ampliamente el marco teórico referido a las Organizaciones Comunes de Mercados (en tanto instrumentos de la Política Agraria Común de la Unión Europea), la naturaleza de las organizaciones de productores, la cadena de valor y el papel de las OPFH en el marco de la legislación comunitaria para reequilibrar el poder dentro de ella, así como la cronología del marco jurídico-legal que regula el funcionamiento del sector de las frutas y hortalizas. El capítulo 4 caracteriza y analiza sucintamente el comportamiento reciente y las principales tendencias del sector hortofrutícola (superficie agraria, producción, precios, valor de la producción y comercio), en los ámbitos geográficos de la UE, de España y de la Comunidad Valenciana. El capítulo 5 examina la dinámica de las organizaciones de productores (organización o concentración de la oferta) en los tres ámbitos antes señalados, con énfasis en los productores integrados en entidades asociativas bajo la forma jurídica de cooperativas y sociedades agrarias de transformación. Finalmente, en el 6 se estima un modelo utilizando la técnica paramétrica no determinística del Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA), con la finalidad de evaluar la eficiencia de una muestra de OPFH de la Comunidad Valenciana. La investigación utiliza un enfoque epistémico integral, combinando elementos del racionalismo y del empirismo: las dos primeras fases (capítulos 1 al 5) son predominantemente descriptivas, en tanto la tercera (capítulo 6) es de carácter empírico. Para ello se utilizaron fuentes secundarias de información, tanto bibliográficas y hemerográficas, como económico-financieras (contables). Los principales hallazgos dan cuenta que a nivel comunitario, si bien ha aumentado el volumen de oferta comercializado por las OPFH, aún persiste una fuerte concentración de poder en el sector de la distribución. En España ¿por su parte¿ hay una leve tendencia decreciente en el Nº de entidades asociativas, si bien estas han aumentado su importancia en el volumen de negocios facturado. Finalmente, en la Comunidad Valenciana ha aumentado el Nº OPFH (7% más que en 2006, aunque tiende a estabilizarse) y algunas de ella en su dimensión, al tiempo que han consolidado su orientación exportadora, con indicios de una leve tendencia a la concentración del sector. Del modelo de análisis envolvente y de la función de producción estimada para una muestra de OPFH de la CV se concluye que es posible mejorar su eficiencia si se emplean más eficientemente sus insumos productivos, entre ellos, los fondos operativos. / [CAT] L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació va ser analitzar el paper de les organitzacions de productors de fruites i hortalisses (OPFH), l'evolució recent del sector hortofructícola i l'acompliment de les OPFH en la consecució de l'objectiu fonamental de concentrar l'oferta comercialitzada a través d'elles -previst per l'Organització Comuna de Mercats del sector, OCM-, amb especial èmfasi en la Comunitat Valenciana (CV), Espanya. Amb aquesta finalitat es van examinar indicadors i variables per estudiar la seva dinàmica i el seu acompliment a través dels programes operatius (PO), dirigits particularment a augmentar l'organització com a condició necessària per a equilibrar el poder de mercat dins de la cadena de valor hortofructícola. El treball ha estat estructurat en sis capítols: en el primer es sintetitzen els antecedents de la recerca (referits específicament a les avaluacions dels Programes Operatius a nivell comunitari Tribunal de Comptes de la UE en 1996 i 2001, a estudis sobre organitzacions de productors de fruites i hortalisses a Espanya i / o algunes CCAA específiques, així com a l'aplicació de models DEA per avaluar eficiència). En el segon es presenten el marc referencial i els aspectes metodològics de la investigació. En el tercer es desenvolupa àmpliament el marc teòric referit a les Organitzacions Comunes de Mercats (en tant instruments de la Política Agrària Comuna de la Unió Europea), la naturalesa de les organitzacions de productors, la cadena de valor i el paper de les OPFH en el marc de la legislació comunitària per reequilibrar el poder dins d'ella, així com la cronologia del marc jurídic-legal que regula el funcionament del sector de les fruites i hortalisses. El capítol 4 caracteritza i analitza succintament el comportament recent i les principals tendències del sector hortofructícola (superfície agrària, producció, preus, valor de la producció i comerç), en els àmbits geogràfics de la UE, d'Espanya i de la Comunitat Valenciana. El capítol 5 examina la dinàmica de les organitzacions de productors (organització o concentració de l'oferta) en els tres àmbits abans assenyalats, amb èmfasi en els productors integrats en entitats associatives sota la forma jurídica de cooperatives i societats agràries de transformació. Finalment, en el 6 s'estima un model utilitzant la tècnica paramètrica no determinística de l'Anàlisi Envoltant de Dades (DEA), amb la finalitat d'avaluar l'eficiència d'una mostra d'OPFH de la Comunitat Valenciana. La investigació utilitza un enfocament epistèmic integral, combinant elements del racionalisme i de l'empirisme: les dues primeres fases (capítols 1 al 5) són predominantment descriptives, en tant la tercera (capítol 6) és de caràcter empíric. Per a això es van utilitzar fonts secundàries d'informació, tant bibliogràfiques i hemerogràfiques, com econòmic-financeres (comptables). Els principals resultats donen compte que a nivell comunitari, si bé ha augmentat el volum d'oferta comercialitzada per les OPFH, encara persisteix una forta concentració de poder en el sector de la distribució. A Espanya, d'altra banda, hi ha una lleu tendència decreixent al N º d'entitats associatives, si bé aquestes han augmentat la seva importància en el volum de facturació. Finalment, a la Comunitat Valenciana ha augmentat el N º d'OPFH (7% més que el 2006, encara que tendeix a estabilitzar) i algunes d'ella en la seva dimensió, alhora que han consolidat la seva orientació exportadora, amb indicis d'una lleu tendència a la concentració del sector. Del model d'anàlisi DEA i de la funció de producció estimada per a una mostra d'OPFH de la CV es conclou que és possible millorar la seva eficiència si utilitzen més eficientment els seus insums productius, entre ells, els fons operatius. / Anido Rivas, JD. (2015). Evaluación de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas en el marco de la Organización Común de Mercados. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58046 / TESIS

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