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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Främjande av cirkulärt byggande : En undersökning av införandet av producentansvar i byggbranschen / Promoting circular construction : A study on the implementation of producer responsibility in the construction industry

Morczynska, Karolina, Nilsson, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
Den globala uppvärmningen har lett till allt mer omfattande konsekvenser för klimatet och är ett internationellt problem. Sverige har beslutat att genomföra en omställning till nationell cirkulär ekonomi för att nå klimatmålen i Agenda 2030. Målen syftar till att främja hållbar utveckling i ekonomisk, social och miljömässig bemärkelse för att skapa ett hållbart samhälle. Byggbranschen står för en femtedel av de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige och det är därför viktigt att identifiera och implementera nya och innovativa lösningar för att minska klimatpåverkan och bidra till en mer hållbar utveckling. För att återanvända material effektivt är det avgörande att ha en förståelse och planering av projekt som täcker hela processen från början till slut. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om ett producentansvar, liknande bilindustrins, går att tillämpa inom byggbranschen för att minska miljöpåverkan och gynna omställningen till cirkulär ekonomi. För att utforska möjligheterna till det har en semistrukturerad intervjustudie utförts med sju respondenter som har bakgrund i privat samt kommunal sektor inom bygg- och fastighetsbranschen. Tidigare forskning visar att befintliga arbetsprocesser inte är anpassade för att tillämpa den cirkulära modellen, vilket innebär att det är nödvändigt att ändra nuvarande arbetssätt. Resultatet från intervjustudien har jämförts med tidigare forskning och tyder på att de vanligaste hindren för ökad återanvändning är tids- och resursbrist, begränsad kunskap, en outvecklad marknad, outvecklad digitalisering samt otillräckliga garantier på återbrukat material. Branschen behöver hitta effektiva lösningar i arbetsprocessen samt i tekniken för att öka kunskapsnivån. Med ökad kunskap är det troligt att företag i högre grad kommer att vara mer benägna att anta cirkulära arbetsprocesser. Trots de många utmaningarna indikerar tidigare forskning och de genomförda intervjuerna att en omställningen är möjlig. Slutsatser som kan dras efter genomförd studie är att orsaken till att övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär ekonomi inte har genomförts beror på bristande kunskap och erfarenhet. För att främja en mer hållbar byggbransch krävs utveckling och tillämpning av olika tekniska innovationer, i form av digitala program och tjänster som möjliggör enkel delning av BIM-filer mellan aktörer. Det är även nödvändigt att skapa en branschgemensam organisation som tar hand om avfall och distribuerar vidare byggmaterial för återbruk. Branschens komplexitet, med avseende på byggnadens livslängd och antal aktörer, medför att producentansvaret måste anpassas efter branschens specifika utmaningar och behov. Producentansvaret för en färdigställd byggnad bör fördelas mellan aktörer inombyggbranschen under olika skeden av byggnadens livscykel. Tillverkaren av byggmaterial eller byggprodukter åläggs det ursprungliga producentansvaret, vid byggnation tar byggherren över producentansvaret och vid försäljning överförs ansvaret till nästa ägare av byggnaden. Genom att kombinera producentansvar och en total innehållsförteckning för uppförda byggnader skapas tydliga riktlinjer och specifikationer för materialens sammansättning och hantering. En omfattande och tillgänglig innehållsförteckning kan bidra till bättre bedömning av materialens lämplighet för återanvändning och återvinning. / Global warming has resulted in escalating climate impacts, posing an international challenge. The construction industry in Sweden is responsible for one-fifth of the country's total greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, it is crucial to identify and implement innovative solutions to mitigate climate impact and foster sustainable development. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing an extended producer responsibility, similar to the one in the car industry, within the construction industry to reduce environmental impact and facilitate the transition to a circular economy. To achieve this objective, a semi-structured interview study was conducted, involving participants from the private and municipal sectors of the construction and real estate industry. Prior research indicates that current work processes are not aligned with the requirements of the circular model, necessitating a change in the way work is conducted. The results reveal several common obstacles to increased reuse, including time and resource constraints, limited knowledge, an underdeveloped and immature market, inadequate digitalization, and insufficient guarantees regarding the quality of reused materials. Despite these challenges, all respondents express belief in the feasibility of overcoming them. The industry must find effective solutions within work processes and technology to enhance knowledge and understanding. The study concludes that the transition from a linear to a circular economy primarily hinges on a lack of knowledge and experience. Additionally, it highlights the urgent need for extended producer responsibility to reduce the amount of waste deposited within the construction industry. Given the complexity of the industry, the implementation of producer responsibility must be tailored to its unique characteristics and not treated on par with other sectors. Prior to introducing producer responsibility, numerous steps must be addressed and resolved.

Cross-Border Film Production: The Neoliberal Recolonization of an Exotic Island by Hollywood Pirates

Frampton, Anthony 02 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Den emotionellt hållbara filmprocessen : en dokumentärfilm blir till / The emotionally sustainable film process : the birth of a documentary film

Löfgren, Emilie January 2022 (has links)
Hur skapar och utvecklar jag metoder för en filmprocess som värnar mitt eget och mina medarbetares mentala och känslomässiga välbefinnande när vi gör film om svåra frågor? Hur tar jag hand om mina medverkande? Hur ser min film ut som är sprungen ur en sådan arbetsprocess? Hur har arbetet med terapeuten Cilla Holm, tidigare filmproducent, bidragit till en hållbar filmprocess? Filmbranschen präglas av högt tempo och utmattningssyndrom är inte ovanligt. För fyra år sedan blev jag utmattad och efter att ha sörjt mitt gamla jag och min nya stresskänslighet kom jag fram till att jag inte tänker acceptera att jag inte ska kunna arbeta med det jag älskar, film och skrivande. Jag tänkte att det måste finnas andra sätt att arbeta med film och fortfarande få må bra. En text om skapandet av min dokumentärfilm Om sorg (2022) och metoden som jag kallar för Den emotionellt hållbara filmprocessen. / How do I create healthy working methods that benefit my own and my team members mental and emotional wellbeing while making film about difficult subjects? What does a documentary sprung out of these methods look like? How has the collaboration with Cilla Holm, film therapist and former film producer, contributed to make the process emotionally sustainable? The film industry is fast paced and burnout is not uncommon. Four years ago it happened to me and I had a total identity crisis. After grieving my old self, my ability to multi-task and my newfound stress intolerance, I came to the conclusion that I will not accept that I have to leave the film industry. I wanted to keep working, I just had to find another way to do it. A text about the creation of my documentary About Grief (2022) and the method that I call The emotionally sustainable film process.

Solid waste reduction management with special reference to developing countries

Human, Etienne Hugo 30 November 2005 (has links)
Sustainable development and the Triple Bottom Line integrated sustainability concept focus on the choices between the imperatives of economic efficiency, social development and environmental sustainability. Corporate governance is being imposed by stakeholders and corporate social responsibility is indicated as being the most important socio-environmental demand being made on contemporary leaders. The influence of idealism and realism on, and the reasons for failure of, solid waste reduction projects in terms of sustainability is the foundation of the theories postulated in this research. It is the objective of this research to identify the motivational factors, with special reference to developing countries, of social capital, including management processes leadership and people management, that will augment solid waste reduction projects that are lethargic at starting, or deteriorating, to achieve sustainability. The methodology is to review the literature available to identify the augmenting (motivational) factors, and use analytical philosophical and empirical research to test formulated constructs using hypotheses. The criterion for the research sample is to obtain the opinions of environmental specialists in South Africa using a questionnaire. The technique employed is multivariate data analysis to identify the type of interdependent relationships, including cluster and multidimensional scaling analyses. Hypothesis testing, in this research, leads to the conclusion that additional motivational factors are needed to support the economic imperatives to make the process sustainable. `Reality' is statistically significantly different to `idealistic'. The inference is that for solid waste reduction projects to succeed leaders from government and the private sector are required, through the use of legislation and taking into consideration the value of waste, to instil economic incentives. According to this research, personal values and belief systems have little to contribute to the process of sustainability. The outcome of this research provides a strategy-benchmarking-model that leaders can use to target and prioritise their efforts in respect of achieving success with waste projects. The contribution it makes to the knowledge base of the subject and responsible leadership is contained in its summation of the augmenting factors required, their relative importance, and the lessening of the complexity of approach to these projects. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.


詹婷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
從知識經濟到創意經濟,我們看到一個新的產業典範來臨,主導現階段經濟發展的正是創意,並且能不斷生成、運用、及永續發展。 創意經濟時代,創意產業以智慧財產權為核心,是文化與商業的結合,要真正形成產業,進而產生效益並創造產值,在產業價值鏈的建構、智慧財產的創造、保護、流通與運用等面向,需要進一步探討與落實。 電影產業是創意產業的火車頭,是十分複雜的綜合體,談到電影,一般人應該是直接想到好萊塢,最近幾年,印度寶萊塢與韓流可能也映入腦中,後臥虎藏龍時代,華語電影則迅速竄起,吸引各界目光。 惟典型的關於電影討論與研究,多集中於電影發展的歷史、電影類型、電影風格、電影導演或演員的藝術成就、以及電影市場展介紹等。 電影創造的過程是最複雜的創意管理,電影的保護、流通與運用的過程,更是最複雜的智慧財產權管理,透過電影產業價值鏈當中契約交易過程,將可作為經濟財的智慧財產權的價值極大化,並經由多元管道及平台重複運用,是一項繁複的產業化的跨領域整合。 近年來,我國開始逐漸重視智慧財產相關理論研究與實務運作,惟相當程度仍侷限於所謂高科技產業的適用,就型態、內涵、及營運模式迥異的創意產業,由於其本身具有不同邏輯的產業特性,是否或如何適用,或是如何創新,相關研究仍屬缺乏。 從智慧財產權的創造、保護、流通與運用的角度,深入探究創意產業當中的電影產業,必須先了解電影產業的發展歷史、現況、與趨勢,並應同時針對產業特性以及產業價值鏈進行分析,才能夠清楚探討電影產業的智慧財產權管理相關議題。 對於高度變動性、內部價值鍊密切結合、混合複雜的創意團隊或個人的電影產業,實則是由各類型的契約組成,因此,透過交易契約內容之審視,將是分析及了解現代化電影產業結構及發展的重要切入面向之一,也才能真正活化電影產業並促進發展。 具有現代商業概念及操作的管理機制,在電影產業中已經同等重要,這項具有創意性的管理,即是由電影製片所擔綱,電影製片就如同一位新創事業的創業家,要致力於如何將促成一部成功電影的所有必要元素統籌成一份專案事業計畫,促成投資者投資,籌募足夠資金,並協調創意人完成電影專案並推向市場。 面對文化與藝術的體驗性、創意工作者對其作品的高度重視性、創作的不可確定性、成本的變動性、消費者及市場的不可預測性等,本研究從經濟運作及市場交易法則切入,探討電影產業背景、發展趨勢、產業價值鏈、與產業特性,並以製片觀點,分析電影產業的智慧財產權管理與相關實務契約,將商業及管理概念導入文化創意產業當中,以形成具體的產業發展典型。 文末並提出研究與研究建議。 以創意產業中相對複雜的電影產業作為研究對象,本研究希望除了促成並強化電影產業本身商業與藝術結合的健全發展之外,也期望可以作為其他創意產業領域發展的重要典範。 尤其是,創意產業由於具有無體性特質及外溢效果,在流通與應用本即具有多元化面向與特質,不能以傳統意義上的單一產業視之,而是藉由跨越多個產業多樣平台的價值實現過程,將相關產業連結在一起,包括動畫電影、影視與數位內容、數位影音、數位典藏、行動應用、表演藝術、流行音樂、品牌授權、甚至文化創意園區發展、閒置空間再造、文化觀光、城市及國家行銷等,將是跨越領域與界線的融合。 / In the transition from a Knowledge-Based Economy to a Creative Economy, we see the advent of a new industry mode. What dominates present-day economic development is Creativity, which is able to be regenerated, applied and developed in a sustainable fashion. In the age of the creative economy, the creative industries are centered on intellectual property rights, and are a union of culture, art and commerce. In order for them to become real industries, generate profit and create output value, we need to further explore the establishment of an industry value chain, and create, protect, circulate and apply related intellectual property. The film industry is the driving force of all creative industries. Film is an extremely complicated synthesis. The process of making a film involves the most sophisticated creativity management expertise, while the process of protecting, circulating and utilizing a film requires the most complex intellectual property right management skills. Through the contract negotiation process within the film industry’s value chain, the value of intellectual property rights as economic goods are maximized. With multiple channels and repeated use of application platforms, film-making is a complex multidisciplinary integration process. In recent years, Taiwan has begun to pay more attention to the study of the theory and practice of intellectual property. However, this study has so far been limited to applications of the high-tech industries. With regards to the creative industries, whose forms, contents and operating modes are rather different from those of the high-tech industries, little study has been conducted due to their different industry characteristics. To investigate the film industry from the angle of creating, protecting, circulating and applying intellectual property rights, one needs to first understand the history, current status and trends of the film industry as well as analyze the industry’s characteristics and value chain before investigating issues concerning management of the industry’s intellectual property rights and revitalization of the industry. Modern-day business concepts and management mechanisms are equally important to the film industry. The producer is charged with this creative management task. The producer is like the entrepreneur of a newly established business, who endeavors to turn all the elements a successful film contains into a business plan, raise sufficient funds and coordinate efforts to complete the film and release it. From economic and market perspectives, this study examines the film industry’s historical background, trends, value chain and characteristics. In addition, from the producer’s viewpoint, the study analyzes the industry’s management of intellectual property rights and contracts, and introduces business and management concepts into creative industries in order to form a concrete industry development model. At the end of the study, it puts forward its research findings and suggestions for future research. With the film industry, a relatively complicated industry within the creative industries, as the subject, the study hopes to promote integration of commercial and artistic aspects, as well as aspiring to set an example for other creative industries. As a result of their intangible nature and spillover effects, the circulation and application of creative industries possess diverse facets and qualities and therefore cannot be viewed as a single industry from a traditional perspective. Rather, through a value realization process spanning several industries and a variety of platforms, relevant industries that include animated features, visual and digital content, digital videos, digital archives, mobile applications, performing arts, popular music, and brand authorization are linked. Creative industries even include development of cultural parks, rejuvenation of disused spaces, cultural tourism, and city and national marketing. They are a fusion of different fields and boundaries.

Metafor - en metod att göra det privata personligt

Uddenberg, Molly January 2013 (has links)
In this study I have met three authors in a dialogue seminar on their literary work. The discussion, starting from texts by Lacan and Socrates, revolved around the dichotomy of personal and private, and how to benefit from personal material in one’s literary work. The three authors reflected on the writer Karl Ove Knausgård and the photographer Sally Mann, who both are working with their own immediate family as a motif. In Knausgård, you can find a strong and self-dissecting writer persona as a medium of creating recognition in the readers mind. In Sally Mann the metaphorical dimensions of this family motifs transforms them to images of much more general relevance than their private settings. On the subject of truth and story I also reflect on the different approaches that the authors Primo Levi, Viktor Frankl and Imre Kertész have on their experiences of the Holocaust. Finally the importance and relevance of metaphors as a way of getting a touch of one’s own private material is starting to be investigated. / I det här arbetet har jag samlat tre författare i olika genrer till ett dialogseminarium om sin arbetsprocess. Samtalet, som utgick från texter av Lacan och Sokrates, kretsade mycket kring författarens arbetsvillkor och de olika metoder som författarna använder sig av för att hitta sin frihet i förhållande till dem. I samtalet blev det uppenbart hur beroende alla författarna är av en förstående medarbetare. Okunskap och felläsning från en dramaturg eller redaktör kan bokstavligt talat bli förödande.    Dialogmötet kom att kretsa kring frågeställningar om hur man skiljer privat och personligt. Vi diskuterade författaren Karl Ove Knausgård och fotografen Sally Mann, som båda jobbar med sin egen familj som motiv. Genom att Knausgård använder sig själv som en roll visar han på en möjlighet att närma sig ett eget material. Hos Sally Mann är det istället de metaforiska dimensionerna i de vardagliga motiven som gör sig tydliga.    Också i Imre Kertész skildring av förintelsen förvandlas den till något större: en metafor för hur ödet och slumpen kan påverka våra liv. Hans berättelse blir på det sättet mindre beroende av vad som är sant, än skildringarna av två andra överlevare från Auschwitz: Primo Levi och Viktor Frankl. Vilket inte betyder att de andras texter saknar metaforisk styrka.    Avslutningsvis går uppsatsen in på författarnas sätt att använda metaforen som ett verktyg för att berätta. Metaforen är alltid en bild av någonting annat, den skapar en fördjupning och oförväntad igenkänning hos läsaren. Den ger också möjligheter för konstnären/författaren att berätta saker som hen inte kan säga på andra sätt.  Metaforen uppstår genom igenkänning i skapandet. Man kan välja att gå med den, eller aktivt gå emot den för att fördjupa textens eller filmens metaforiska dimension.    En viktig aspekt för yrkeskunnande inom konsten och författarskap är att aldrig ligga före i sitt arbete genom att oroa sig för vad omgivningen ska tycka och tänka. Då finns det en risk att man blir en feg konstnär, vilket är förödande för ens skapande.

Gamintojo ir paslaugų teikėjo atleidimo nuo atsakomybės už žalą, padarytą dėl nekokybiškų produktų ar paslaugų, pagrindai / Producer's and Service Supplier's Grounds of Exoneration from Liability for Damage, caused by Defective Products and Services

Skukauskaitė, Neringa 09 May 2006 (has links)
This work analyses producer‘s and service supplier‘s grounds of exoneration from liability for damage, caused by defective products and services. Author presents the conception of producer‘s and service supplier‘s exonerating grounds and designates their place in Lithuanian civil liability system. Thurthermore, work presents an explanation of relationship between circumstances exonerating from liability those of defective product producer and defective service supplier, also their relationship with other circumstances exonerating from civil liabity.

Solid waste reduction management with special reference to developing countries

Human, Etienne Hugo 30 November 2005 (has links)
Sustainable development and the Triple Bottom Line integrated sustainability concept focus on the choices between the imperatives of economic efficiency, social development and environmental sustainability. Corporate governance is being imposed by stakeholders and corporate social responsibility is indicated as being the most important socio-environmental demand being made on contemporary leaders. The influence of idealism and realism on, and the reasons for failure of, solid waste reduction projects in terms of sustainability is the foundation of the theories postulated in this research. It is the objective of this research to identify the motivational factors, with special reference to developing countries, of social capital, including management processes leadership and people management, that will augment solid waste reduction projects that are lethargic at starting, or deteriorating, to achieve sustainability. The methodology is to review the literature available to identify the augmenting (motivational) factors, and use analytical philosophical and empirical research to test formulated constructs using hypotheses. The criterion for the research sample is to obtain the opinions of environmental specialists in South Africa using a questionnaire. The technique employed is multivariate data analysis to identify the type of interdependent relationships, including cluster and multidimensional scaling analyses. Hypothesis testing, in this research, leads to the conclusion that additional motivational factors are needed to support the economic imperatives to make the process sustainable. `Reality' is statistically significantly different to `idealistic'. The inference is that for solid waste reduction projects to succeed leaders from government and the private sector are required, through the use of legislation and taking into consideration the value of waste, to instil economic incentives. According to this research, personal values and belief systems have little to contribute to the process of sustainability. The outcome of this research provides a strategy-benchmarking-model that leaders can use to target and prioritise their efforts in respect of achieving success with waste projects. The contribution it makes to the knowledge base of the subject and responsible leadership is contained in its summation of the augmenting factors required, their relative importance, and the lessening of the complexity of approach to these projects. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.

Die materiële produksie van Afrikaanse fiksie (1990-2005) : ‘n empiriese ondersoek na die produksieprofiel en uitgeweryprofiel binne die uitgeesisteem (Afrikaans)

Venter, Marthinus Rudolph 04 August 2008 (has links)
This study lays a foundation for the empirical mapping of the material production of Afrikaans fiction from 1990 to 2005. The primary research question, namely, how to map Afrikaans fiction production during this period, has been answered through both descriptive-qualitative and statistical-quantitative empirical research. In the first, contextual descriptive component, qualitative research is used to describe the context within which Afrikaans fiction production takes place. The impact of transformation shifts on the production and producer landscapes are mapped through a description of the publishing system. Within this system, book production is regarded as an institution that has inter-systemic relationships with other sub-systems, including institutional contexts (such as media, cultural, literary, educational and library sub-systems), as well as broader societal contexts (such as political, economic and technological contexts). Transformation shifts in the producer landscape (including the establishment, conglomeration, mergers, take-overs and closures of publishing houses) are described through profiling the relevant producers (including publishing houses and other kinds of producers) who contribute to this landscape. In the second, statistical empirical component, quantitative research is used to sketch the contours of Afrikaans fiction production through the construction of production and producer profiles. On a theoretical level, the study follows a sociological and institutional approach to empirical literary studies. This study has been positioned within the developing field of book and publishing studies, specifically within the parameters of the epistemology of production statistics. Itamar Even-Zohar’s poly-system theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of the field of cultural production form the theoretical framework. Several methodological instruments were developed for the purpose of this study, including a new model of the publishing system, a database of production statistics (the Production Database of Afrikaans Fiction – PDAF), and two typologies of kinds of producers and fiction publications according to which both producer and production categories can be distinguished. The publishing system, the PDAF and the two typologies have been proven useful instruments for the mapping of book production. These instruments will contribute to the fields of book and publishing studies through their application to research on other production categories. The PDAF is a useful resource for measuring the growth and diversity of Afrikaans fiction production. The study concludes that Afrikaans fiction production between 1990 and 2005 was incisively influenced by transformation shifts. Publishing in this field became more challenging in that Afrikaans fiction production had to wean itself from the artificial institutional privilege and substantial state support it had enjoyed and was forced to become economically independent. By 2005, there were far fewer significant producers of Afrikaans fiction in the producer landscape than in 1990. In some production categories, fiction production has shrunk, while, in others, it has grown. Overall, the production profile of Afrikaans fiction has greatly diversified, with Afrikaans fiction appearing in a wide variety of production categories. Afrikaans fiction remains the most diverse and best-developed indigenous tradition of fiction production. The challenge for future case studies is to investigate the relationships between production patterns and specific transformation shifts in the publishing system in terms of specific production categories. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Information Science / unrestricted

Conditional Truths: Remapping Paths To Documentary 'Independence'

Lang, Ian William, n/a January 2003 (has links)
(Synopsis to introductory statement): An introductory statement to five documentary films made by Ian Lang in Australia between 1981 and 1997 exemplifying  a 'democratising' model of sustainable and ethical documentary film production. This document critically reflects on the production process of these films to accompany their submission for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Publication at Griffith University. It finds that a contemporary tendency towards 'post-industrial' conditions allows an observational film-maker to negotiate a critical inter-dependence rather than a romantically conceived 'independence' traditional to the genre. [Full thesis consists of introductory statement plus six DVD videodiscs.]

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