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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Donationsprocessen; Främjande och utmanande faktorer från intensivvårdssjuksköterskans perspektiv : En intervjustudie / The organ donations process; Promotional and challenging factors fromthe perspective of intensive care nurses : An interview study

Andersson, Erika, Dabija Eriksson, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Omkring 90 000 personer avlider i Sverige varje år varav cirka 200–270 personer kan vara potentiella organdonationer. Det är betydelsefullt att intensivvårdssjuksköterskan känner sig väl förtrogen med rutiner kring identifiering av en potentiell donator och riktlinjer kring monitorering och behandlingsmål för organdonatorn. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av donationsprocessen utifrån två frågeställningar; vilka var de främjande respektive utmanande faktorerna i samband med donationsprocessen? Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ett ändamålsenligt urval genomfördes. Inklusionskriterierna var specialistsjuksköterska inom intensivvård med erfarenhet av donationsprocessen. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide användes och data analyserades enligt kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sexkategorier framkom; Behov av utbildning och praktisk träning, att frågan om donation av någon anledning inte ställs, en sällan förekommande process som är resurskrävande och annorlunda, en positiv inställning och en uttalad vilja, betydelsen av stöd och information, intensivvårdsmiljö är rätt miljö. Slutsats: Studien visade att intensivvårdssjuksköterskor upplevde ett flertal utmanande och främjande faktorer under donationsprocessen. Det finns behov av fler studier inom området. En interventionsstudie före och efter specifik utbildning med både teoretisk och praktisk undervisning behöver utföras för att studera hur och i vilken grad utbildning påverkar donationsprocessen. Det finns en brist på studier som berör varför frågan om donation inte ställs och även detta behöver studeras vidare.

Samhällsvägledarens integrationsarbete : - en kvalitativ studie om yrkes- och kunskapsutveckling / The integration work of the Guidance worker : a qualitative study on occupational and knowledge development

Fridéhn, Emelie, Thyrsson, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
På grund av den globala flyktingkrisen har invandringen ökat markant i Sverige (SCB, 2017). Etableringsreformen genomfördes 2010 för att hantera de samhälleliga utmaningar som identifierats och med huvudsyfte att påskynda nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden (lag 2010:197). Ansvaret för nyanländas etablering fördelades på olika aktörer där Arbetsförmedlingen fick det primära ansvaret. Arbetsförmedlingens främsta uppgift är att stödja nyanlända att etableras på arbetsmarknaden, vilket innebar att såväl familje- och barnperspektivet som hälsoperspektivet hamnade i bakgrunden av integrationsarbetet. Etableringsreformen innebar även att det är varje kommun som står för integrationsarbetet, vilket kan se olika ut beroende på intresse och förutsättningar. Vidare arbetar myndigheter i så kallad vertikal samordning, som bland annat innebär att ansvarsfördelning mellan angränsande uppdrag kan bli en utmaning (Bolman & Deal, 2012). Det kan också innebära utmaningar för nyanlända som ofta har flera olika kontakter med myndigheter och andra verksamheter. I kommunen där föreliggande studie är genomförd identifierades ett behov av en länkande funktion mellan verksamheterna och de nyanlända, därav valdes det att anställa personal i uppdrag som denna länk. Kommunen har valt att benämna dem som samhällsvägledare med brobyggarfunktion. Studiens syfte är att undersöka förutsättningarna för integrationsarbetet i kommunen, samt samhällsvägledarnas yrkesroll och utveckling av professionell kunskap i deras hälsofrämjande integrationsarbete. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod där inspiration hämtats från den hermeneutiska ansatsen. Semistrukturerad intervju och dokument utgör empirin där tematisk analys genomförts. Resultatet visar att samhällsvägledarnas arbete i huvudsak sker som möten med enskilda individer som de följer i sina ärenden. Arbetet kräver stor anpassningsförmåga och bred kunskap, då det är tydligt behovsstyrt utifrån de enskilda nyanlända. Detta är möjligt inom ramen för etableringens riktlinjer och att samhällsvägledaren arbetar mellan verksamheterna och nyanlända. Utvecklingen av samhällsvägledarens professionella kunskap sker i det dagliga integrationsarbetet. Exempelvis möter de utmaningar som ger inlärningsmöjligheter vid samtal med nyanlända. Samhällsvägledaren står i kontakt med verksamheter i kommunen och lär sig hur dessa arbetar, vilket underlättar deras arbete när de möter nyanlända med liknande behov. Samhällsvägledarnas egen livserfarenhet och kulturella kunskap utgör en annan förutsättning för integrationsarbetet. Vidare kan arbetet anses som hälsofrämjande insatser, genom att samhällsvägledaren tydliggör funktioner i samhället som att förklara hur Arbetsförmedlingen fungerar eller hänvisa till Försäkringskassan. Nyanlända kommer i kontakt med rätt verksamhet utifrån sitt behov via samhällsvägledaren vilket kan skynda på etableringsprocessen. Yrkesrollen är ny och relativt outforskad, vilket gör att studien bidrar till viktig kunskap för integrationsarbetet, vilka kompetenser som kan stödja arbetet och hur yrkesroller som ingår i detta kan utvecklas. / Because of the global migrant crisis, the immigration to Sweden has increased markedly (SCB, 2017). The Establishment Reform was implemented in 2010 to handle the social challenges that were identified and its main purpose was to accelerate the newly arrived's establishment in the job market (lag 2010:197). The responsibility for handling the establishment of the newly arrived was allocated among different actors, were Arbetsförmedlingen was assigned the main responsibility. The primary task of Arbetsförmedlingen is to support the newly arrived to establish themselves in the job market, which entailed that the family perspective and children perspective, as well as the health perspective ended up in the background of the integration work. The Establishment Reform also meant that each municipality is responsible for the integration work, which may look different depending on interest and preconditions. Furthermore, authorities work in what is called "vertical coordination", meaning, among other things, that the assignment of responsibility between delimited assignment may become a challenge (Bolman & Deal, 2012). It may also mean challenges for the newly arrived, which is often in contact with numerous authorities and other operations. For the municipality were the aforementioned study was carried out, a need was identified for a function which bridged the gap between operations and the newly arrived, hence personel was hired to carry out this function. The municipality choose to denominate these personel as Community Guidance workers with bridging capabilities. The objective of the study was to examine the municipality's integration work preconditions, as well as the Community Guidance worker's profession and the development of professional knowledge for their health promotional integration work. The study was carried out using a quality method, were inspiration was drawn from the hermeneutic approach. Semi-structured interviews and documents constitutes the empirics were thematic analysis were performed. The result of the study shows that the Community Guidance worker's job mainly is carried out as meetings between individuals that they follow in their matters. The work of the Social Guidance worker demands a great ability to adapt and a broad knowledge, as it is distinctively based on the needs of the newly arrived individual. This is possible within the scope of the establishment's guidelines and that the Community Guidance worker works between the operations and the newly arrived. The development of the Community Guidance worker's professional knowledge is formed in the everyday integration work. They will for instance happen upon challenges that will bring about learning possibilities through conversations with the newly arrived. The Community Guidance worker is in contact with the operations in the municipality and will gain knowledge regarding how they work, which in turn will facilitate their own work when the meet newly arrived with similar needs. The Community Guidance worker's own life experiences and cultural understanding constitutes a different prerequisite for the integration work. Further, this work may be seen as health promotional efforts, as the Community Guidance worker clarifies social functions such as explaining how Arbetsförmedlingen works or refer them to Försäkringskassan. The newly arrived will be put I contact with the correct operation based on their need, via the Community Guidance worker, which may accelerate their establishment process. The profession is new and relatively unexplored, which makes this study a valuable contribution to integration work, what expertise will support integrationwork and how the professions that are part of this work may be developed.

Positioning značky Carla / Brand positioning Carla

Kotíková, Vanda January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "Brand positioning Carla" is focused on the analysis of the position of the brand Carla on the Czech market. My recommendations are based on this analysis. The theoretical part describes current marketing and marketing trends, the components of the marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The second chapter describes the brand's development, history, trends and brand elements. The third part of the theoretical part is focused on marketing promotional and communication activities. Last chapter describes brand positioning. The practical part of my thesis is mainly based on internal information which was provided directly by the Carla company, also other techniques as interviews with company management and a questionnaire were used. The first part is focused on company presentation and history of the Carla company. Then I evaluated its market position and analyzed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the so-called SWOT analysis. Also an analysis of competition and description of the company's distribution channels is included. The next chapter describes the segments which are products targeted. In conclusion, I described the promotional activities of Carla and suggested promotional activities for the company's new product.

Factors Influencing Impulse Buying in Retail Stores / Factors Influencing Impulse Buying in Retail Stores

Giorgadze, Nino January 2014 (has links)
Impulse buying is a widely pervasive phenomenon. Statistics shows that more and more shoppers are experiencing irresistible urge to purchase unplanned and in most cases unnecessary product. Existing researches fall short in identifying most suitable tools that marketers can adopt in order to promote impulsive sales. Therefore, this thesis provides deep analysis of those, controllable factors that influence impulse buying. Particularly four external cues are examined: product display, promotional signage, sensory elements and social atmospherics. Research has deductive approach. First, existing academic articles and research papers are analyzed. Then two different methods of primary data collection are covered. Self-reported online survey is used as a main research tool. Received data of 193 respondents is analyzed in SPSS software using Pearson correlation test and standard multiple regression analysis. Results of store experiment and interviews are covered next. The research concludes that product display has strongest impact on impulse buying, influences and encourages consumer unplanned purchase decisions. Thus, marketers are advised to promote product presentation in the stores.

Marketingový plán pro Jazykovou školu Zachovou, s.r.o. / Marketing Plan of Jazyková škola Zachová, Ltd

Křenová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this presented thesis is to create a marketing plan for language school Jazyková škola Zachová, s.r.o. The thesis includes situational analysis which shows the current situation of the company. According to the analysis, results are defined by the main marketing goals. In the practical part are also determined marketing strategies important for achieving these goals and specified appropriate marketing activity and communication. At the end of the thesis, there are suggested possible ways of controlling the marketing plan and recommended actions for improving the situation and increasing the company competitiveness. The aim of this thesis is to prepare such a marketing plan through which will be achieved the competitive advantage and strengthen the market position.


13 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo busca investigar como empresa e clientes se apropriam do Twitter para construir uma interação de sociabilidade. A partir de uma abordagem interacional da comunicação e à luz de estudos sociopragmáticos, foram analisadas mensagens iniciadas pela empresa ou pelo cliente, publicadas nas páginas de uma empresa de cosméticos e uma de moda no Twitter. Nosso foco foram os tópicos das mensagens e as estratégias de (im)polidez utilizadas para sustentar ou colocar em risco aquele espaço de convivência. Os resultados da análise sugerem que o microblog é visto pelas empresas como uma ferramenta eficaz para o fortalecimento da marca. A escolha dos tópicos e as estratégias de polidez utilizadas buscam reforçar a identificação do cliente com a empresa, o seu reconhecimento e as marcas de pertencimento ao grupo. No que diz respeito ao cliente, observou-se tanto o uso de estratégias de associação, o que atende às condições de um espaço de convivência agradável, quanto o uso, em menor grau, de estratégias de dissociação, que exploram o caráter público do Twitter para realizar ações tidas como menos polidas ou mais apropriadas a canais como o Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente (SAC). / [en] This study aims to investigate how companies and customers use Twitter to build interactions of sociability. Using a communication-interactional approach and social pragmatics studies, the study analyzes messages posted on the Twitter profiles maintained by two different companies. The focus deals with the topics of the messages and the politeness strategies used to sustain or jeopardize the social space. The results indicate that companies use microblogging to strengthen their brands. The topics and politeness strategies are chosen by the companies with the goal of strengthening their relationships with customers. In addition, we observe that customers use strategies of association that meet the conditions of a pleasant social space. Conversely, customers occasionally use decoupling strategies that exploit the public nature of Twitter to perform actions considered to be less polite or more appropriate to other customer service systems.

Health support  services abd challenges for west African immigrant mothers of children with special health needs : An interview study in suburban areas on Swedish cities

Joy, Offor January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and understand how west African immigrant mothers of children with neuropsychiatric disability are been supported by the Lss service provider. Method: Qualitative semi- structured interviews were conducted with seven participants , therein four were west African mothers of children with neuropsychiatric disability, and three were Lss service workers.  The interviews were transcribed and then later thematically analysed. The Result shows that there are challenges for the mothers to understand the supportive information avaliable because of language barriers, therefore making it difficult for the Lss to know whom to provide structural services to, thus there are no health promotional interventions mapped out for the mothers.  A total of five main themes and ten subthemes emerged . Conclusion: The findings from this study showed that west African immigrant mothers of children with neuropsychiatric disability in Sweden have a cultural perception that disability is outlawed and prohibited,  and their insufficient knowledge on the importance of health literacy affects the Lss from providing sustainable rehabilitation  and structural services.

Rektorers perspektiv på hälsa samt deras hälsofrämjande arbete inriktat på psykisk ohälsa bland lärare

Al-Ameri, Hala, Lornell, Hannah, Zhang, Cindy January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för rektorers arbete med att förebygga psykisk ohälsa bland deras lärare. Metod: Studien utgår från en deduktiv forskningsansats där en kvalitativ forskningsmetod har tillämpats. Slutsats: Studien har visat att rektorerna har ett brett perspektiv på hälsa och är medvetna om att en god psykisk hälsa hos lärare är avgörande för en framgångsrik skolmiljö. Rektorerna inför således många olika insatser samt gör anpassningar utifrån deras verksamhet samt de anställdas behov. / Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to depict principals' work in preventing mental health issues among their teachers. Method: The study is based on a deductive research approach where a qualitative research method has been applied. Conclusion: The study has shown that the principals have a broad perspective on health and are aware that a good mental health among teachers is crucial for a successful school environment. The principals are thus introducing many different initiatives and make adjustments based on their workplace and the needs of the employees.

Рекламный буклет образовательного учреждения: речежанровые и стилистические особенности : магистерская диссертация / Promotional booklet of educational institutions: genre and stylistic features

Kolesnikova, P. L., Колесникова, П. Л. January 2014 (has links)
The Master's thesis studies the genre of promotional booklet of educational institutions. Promotional booklet is considered as a complex speech genre, based on information speech genres. The research formulates the concepts of the author and the recipient of these texts, the author characterizes promotional booklets of educational institutions from the perspective of functional stylistics and stylistic tools. The author carried out a comparative diachronic analysis of promotional booklets of USU, Ural State Technical University and UFU. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению жанра рекламного буклета образовательного учреждения. Рекламный буклет описан как комплексный речевой жанр, в основе которого — информационные речевые жанры. В работе сформулирована концепция автора и адресата данных текстов, дана характеристика рекламных буклетов образовательных учреждений с точки зрения функциональной стилистики и стилистики средств. Автором проведен сопоставительный диахронный анализ рекламных буклетов УрГУ, УГТУ-УПИ и УрФУ.

Master Maritime Legal Education Promotional Material : A Critical Discourse Analysis of two Universities established by the International Maritime Organization

Sanchis Simoza, Ana Maria January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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