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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'ingénierie territoriale vue des pays : une bureaucratie professionnelle territoriale en gestation / Territorial engineering seen from two “pays” : a professional territorial bureaucracy in the making

Lapostolle, Dany 04 March 2010 (has links)
L’étude de l’ingénierie territoriale dans les Pays du Beaujolais et du Roannais en Rhône Alpes, en liaison avec de nombreux autres dispositifs (Contrats d’agglomération, Contrats Territoriaux Emploi Formation, Leader) met en lumière une tendance forte à la recentralisation de la gestion publique territoriale.L’ingénierie territoriale est une bureaucratie professionnelle territoriale coincée entre les injonctions autoritaires de l’État et les velléités d’autonomie du pouvoir local. D’un côté, on observe que l’Europe, les services centraux de l’État diffusent des représentations et les bonnes pratiques aussi strictes que les règles impersonnelles du modèle bureaucratique wébérien. De l’autre côté, les pouvoirs locaux, face aux insuffisances des services déconcentrés de l’État structurent une ingénierie territoriale composite pour se doter de l’expertise nécessaire à leur stratégie de développement. Paradoxalement, c’est dans le cadre des politiques constitutives, que le pouvoir local en se dotant d’un appareil d’expertise, gage d’autonomie, crée les conditions de son propre contrôle et de sa soumission au régime d’agence qui s’impose comme nouveau mode de régulation de l’action publique au détriment de la négociation contractuelle.En d’autres termes, les instruments d’action publique et les savoir mobilisés par l’ingénierie territoriale dans la démarche de projet participent d’une technologie de gouvernement qui ne met pas fin à la rationalité bureaucratique, elle la transforme. / The study of territorial engineering in two “Pays” (rural areas) of the Rhône-Alpes Region – the “Beaujolais” and the “Roannais”, linked to a number of other measures (urban area contracts, territory/employment/training contracts, Leader) reveals a strong trend towards re-centralising the public management of territories.Territorial engineering is a professional bureaucracy caught between authoritarian dictates from the State and local authority desires for autonomy. On one hand, Europe and central State services convey representations and good practices as strict as the impersonal rules of Weber’s model of bureaucracy. On the other hand, local authorities, faced with the insufficiencies of decentralised State services construct their own composite territorial engineering to acquire the expertise necessary for their development strategies. Paradoxically, it is in the context of constitutive policies that local authorities, in acquiring a system of expertise – guarantee of autonomy, create the conditions of their own control and their submission to an agency system which asserts itself as the new way of regulating public action to the detriment of contractual negotiation.In other words, the instruments of public action and the expertise mobilized by territorial engineering in project planning participate in a technology of governance which, rather than bringing bureaucratic rationality to an end, transform it.

Non governmental public action in adolescent fertility : the cases of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay

Pereira Bruno, Javier 05 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of nongovernmental public action (NGPA) in the controversial field of adolescent fertility in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Santiago (Chile) and Montevideo (Uruguay). Embracing a comparative perspective the study investigates the modes in which national policy and institutional environments shape the role of civil society organizations and their margins of autonomy vis a vis other powerful actors such as the State and the Catholic church. Forty one organizations whose mission includes the prevention of teenage pregnancy or the support of teenage parents were studied using a multi-method approach to explore cross national similarities and differences. An exhaustive account of national and subnational policies and programs in this field demonstrates the existence of isomorphic trends in the treatment and framing of adolescent reproductive behavior as a critical issue of public policy in each country. Similarly in all three countries women’s rights organizations play a critical role in the legal recognition and enforcement of adolescents’ sexual and reproductive rights while pro-poor organizations are fundamental actors in addressing the specific needs of teenage mothers and their children. However, important cross national differences were found regarding the modes in which NGPA engages with governmental agencies. As distinctive national marks, the study reveals a strong presence of NGOs in the role of rights watchdogs and monitors in Argentina, a strong alliance between central government structures and technical NGOs to confront resistances to reforms in Chile, and the utilization of NGOs as service providers in detriment of their participation in phases of policy design in Uruguay. Although the language of rights has colonized most of the surveyed organizations, adult-centric practices and discourses are still defining the interaction with adolescents. Adolescent’s demands are rarely voiced and only a few organizations favor their engagement in contentious politics and community activism. Nongovernmental autonomy is severely curtailed as a result of the influence of religion, and the lack of state modernization or financial opportunities, in the three countries. On theoretical grounds, the study highlights the importance of public policy as the arena where the potential of civil society can be maximized. / text

La politique publique des conditions d’accès à l’encadrement sportif en France. Vers une nouvelle gouvernance au tournant du XXIe siècle / The public policy regarding conditions of access to sports training in France. Towards a new governance at the turn of the 21st century

Pierre, Jérémy 11 December 2012 (has links)
Au cours de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle se structure une politique publique des conditions d’accès à l’encadrement sportif professionnel dans le secteur privé. Progressivement, l’Etat instaure un monopole sur celles-ci. Ce travail vise à saisir cette dynamique et à analyser le passage d’une politique publique à une action publique au tournant des années 2000, dans un processus de libéralisation. En effet, des changements législatifs remettent en cause cette exclusivité étatique et engendrent une démultiplication des certifications et des certificateurs permettant d’encadrer professionnellement une discipline sportive. Dans cette nouvelle gouvernance figurent plusieurs institutions (le Ministère en charge des Sports, la filière universitaire STAPS ou encore la récente branche professionnelle sport) et plusieurs dispositifs(les « certifications professionnelles » déclinées dorénavant en trois registres) potentiellement concurrentiels. Dans cette architecture, des expertises et des instruments d’action publique sont éprouvés pour tenter d’apporter davantage de complémentarité et de lisibilité. Ces reconfigurations politiques et ces rénovations des certifications sont à envisager dans un processusd’européanisation de la relation emploi-formation-certification et du dialogue social. Ces velléitésdoivent faire face à l’éclatement du secteur sportif au sein de l’Union Européenne mais aussi à la réticence de certains acteurs face à la mobilité des encadrants sportifs dans l’espace communautaire.Ces trois processus (structuration, libéralisation et européanisation) mettent au jour des thématiques sous-jacentes telles que la professionnalisation de l’encadrement sportif, l’entrée dans l’ère de la certification professionnelle ou encore la recherche de transparence européenne. / During the second half of the 20th century, a public policy takes shape around theconditions of access to professional sports training in the private sector gradually monopolized bythe State. This study aims at comprehending this dynamics and at analyzing the move from apublic policy to a public action at the turn of the 2000s as part of a liberalizing process. Indeed,legislative changes question this state exclusivity and bring about a multiplication of thecertifications and certifiers that make it possible to professionally train, supervise and manage asport. In this new governance, several institutions are represented (the Ministry in charge ofSports, the STAPS university sector, along with the recent professional sports sector) and severalpotentially competitive devices (the "professional certifications" now adapted to three differentregisters). In this architecture, expertises and public action instruments are tested to try and bringmore complementarity and legibility. These political reconfigurations and these certificationrenovations are to be considered in the context of a process aimed at Europeanizing therelationship between employment, training and certification and at opening a social dialog. Thesemovements have to face the explosion of the sports sector within the European Union, but also thereluctance of some actors faced with the mobility of sports trainers in the community space.These three processes (structuring, liberalizing and Europeanizing) bring to light underlyingthemes such as the professionalization of sports training, the entry into the era of professionalcertification and the search for European transparency.

L'action publique à l'épreuve de la participation : Généalogie du projet d'irrigation du Moyen Sebou au Maroc

Kadiri, Zakaria 19 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'analyse de l'action publique dans le domaine de l'eau d'irrigation au Maroc. Nous analysons la rencontre entre un projet étatique d'aménagement, et un territoire rural au Maroc, à travers les configurations des acteurs et les enjeux locaux de ses composantes sociales et politiques. Comment le projet d'irrigation a-t-il permis d'accélérer une reconfiguration des rapports de pouvoirs et du leadership local, que nous avons analysé à travers les logiques des différents acteurs. Nous avons adopté un cadre analytique emprunté à la sociologie politique et basé sur l'analyse de l'action publique dans le domaine de l'irrigation. Ce cadre analytique nous a permis de mobiliser en parallèle deux modèles d'analyse : 1) le modèle synoptique pour l'analyse d'une action publique monopolisée par les acteurs publics, 2) celui des ajustements mutuels pour l'analyse d'une multitude d'acteurs dans une situation où l'Etat n'a plus le monopole de l'action publique. Nous avons fais le choix méthodologique d'analyser les acteurs en action, en privilégiant un travail empirique basé sur l'analyse des pratiques, et en décryptant une généalogie fine du projet d'irrigation du Moyen Sebou au Maroc. C'est une zone aménagée par les pouvoirs publics dans une perspective de gestion centralisée par l'administration agricole. Les négociations avec le bailleur de fonds, surgies lors du débat international sur la Gestion Participative en Irrigation, ont amené l'administration à confier la gestion de l'irrigation après aménagement à des agriculteurs organisés en associations. / The subject of this thesis is the analysis of public action in the field of irrigation water in Morocco. We analyze the confrontation of a state-led irrigation project, and a rural territory in the North of Morocco, by looking at the configuration and interaction of actors and local issues of its social and political components. How did the irrigation project contribute to the acceleration of a reconfiguration of power relations and local leadership in the area? Our analysis examined this question through the logic of the different actors. We worked within an analytical framework borrowed from political sociology and based on the analysis of state action in the field of irrigation. This analytical framework allowed us to identify two parallel models of analysis: 1) the synoptic model for the analysis of public action monopolized by public actors, 2) the mutual adjustments for the analysis of a multitude of actors in a situation where the state no longer has the monopoly of public action. We have made the methodological choice of analyzing the actors in action, focusing on empirical work based on the analysis of practices, and by decrypting a fine genealogy of the Moyen Sebou scheme in Morocco. The area is managed by public authorities in the context of a state-centralized management of the agricultural administration. Negotiations with the financial donors, that took place during the international debate on ‘Participative Irrigation Management', led the public administration to entrust the management of irrigation to farmers who are active in associations.

La ville fiscalisée : politiques d’aide à l’investissement locatif, nouvelle filière de production du logement et recomposition de l’action publique locale en France (1985-2012) / Taxincenties to housing production and urbandevelopment : state policies to support rental investments, new production chain in housing and reformulation of local public action in France (1985-2012)

Vergriete, Patrice 07 January 2013 (has links)
La production du logement en France est au cœur de plusieurs débats académiques : sur l'action de l'Etat, sur les logiques privées de production, sur la gouvernance locale. La thèse selon laquelle un processus de néolibéralisation affecte les sociétés occidentales depuis les années 1970 en offre une lecture transversale. Cependant, l'analyse d'un instrument de la politique nationale du logement – l'aide fiscale à l'investissement locatif – en montre les nombreuses limites, en particulier dans les années 2000. Reposant sur une méthodologie croisant approches qualitatives et quantitatives, notre recherche révèle plutôt l'émergence d'une nouvelle économie politique de la production du logement. En lien avec la décentralisation, la puissance publique se fait duale, avec d'un côté un Etat qui encadre le marché par la réglementation et de l'autre des collectivités qui entrent en négociation avec les acteurs privés. Cette dualité fait d'ailleurs apparaître des contradictions entre enjeux nationaux (notamment macroéconomiques) et priorités locales. En regard, la promotion immobilière se transforme : si les dispositifs d'incitation fiscale mis en place par l'Etat ont amené de nouveaux acteurs et fait naître un modèle de production spécifique, la nouvelle logique d'action publique induit une adaptation des stratégies. La fabrication matérielle de la ville se trouve affectée par ces changements. A la fois parce que la réglementation nationale a un impact sur l'offre mais aussi parce que les inégales capacités de négociation des collectivités avec les acteurs privés exposent davantage les villes petites et moyennes à une production de logements en décalage avec les attentes publiques / Housing production in France is at the heart of several academic debates concerning State intervention, private production models and local governance. In each of them, some authors have expressed the idea that western countries have been affected by a neoliberalization process since the 1970s. But our study of the fiscal aid to rental investment, which is one of the tools of national housing policy, shows the limits of this interpretation, especially in the 2000s. Based on a methodology combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, our research however shows that a new political economy of housing production is emerging. Along with decentralization, there are now two public authorities involved in regulating the market: the State by law and the local governments by negotiation with private parties. And this duality creates contradictions between national issues (especially macroeconomic) and local priorities. In this context, the property development sector has witnessed major changes: if State incentives have induced the emergence of new participants and of a specific model of production, the new public regulation implies a change in strategies. Urban production is concerned by these changes. Not only because State regulation has an impact on supply but also because the unequal ability of local governments to negotiate with developers make small and medium-sized cities more exposed to a gap between real housing production and public expectations

L'action publique locale dans les métropoles : le cas de la gestion du commerce de rue à Mexico et Lima / Local public action in the metropolis : case study of street vending policies in Mexico City and Lima

Stamm, Caroline 15 December 2011 (has links)
L'action publique locale dans les métropoles. Le cas de la gestion du commerce de rue à Mexico et Lima. Alors que la gouvernance métropolitaine fait l'objet de nombreux travaux en sciences sociales, les gouvernements locaux infra-métropolitains sont moins étudiés. Or, ils continuent d'être les acteurs principaux de la régulation des espaces urbains. Ils agissent de manière autonome sur leur territoire tout en étant dans une situation d'inter-territorialité spécifique au milieu urbain. L'analyse comparative de la gestion du commerce de rue à Mexico et Lima montre la mise en œuvre de l'action publique dans les territoires administratifs des métropoles. Elle distingue les centres historiques - vitrines et laboratoires des autorités régionales - des territoires municipaux où les politiques oscillent entre imitation, innovation et inertie. De plus, elle révèle une palette de processus et interactions horizontales et verticales entre les actions publiques des différentes autorités, alimentant le débat sur la fragmentation urbaine / Local public action in the metropolis. Case study of street vending policies in Mexico City and Lima. While metropolitan governance is the subject of much research in social sciences, local and infra-metropolitan governments have been studied less. However, they are still the main actors of urban space regulation. They act autonomously in their territories and are simultaneously in a situation of inter-territoriality specific to the urban environment. The comparative analysis of street vending policies in Mexico City and Lima displays the implementation of local public action in the administrative territories of the metropolis. It distinguishes historical centres –the showcases and laboratories of regional authorities– from municipal territories where the policies fluctuate between imitation, innovation and inertia. Likewise, the analysis contributes to the debate on urban fragmentation by revealing a range of horizontal and vertical interactions and processes between the public actions of the different authorities

"Jornalismo e políticas públicas. A imprensa de São Paulo esclarece a dinâmica da participação política quando cobre o discurso e a ação pública?" (1994-2004) / Journalism and Public Policies,Brazil, Sao Paulo, (1994-2004)

Laurenza, Ana Maria de Abreu 05 August 2005 (has links)
Esta tese Jornalismo e Políticas Públicas analisa uma amostra da cobertura da pauta Políticas Publicas pela imprensa de São Paulo, no período entre 1994/2004, dos jornais “Folha de S.Paulo" e “O Estado de S.Paulo" e das revistas semanais “Carta Capital" e “Veja" . Este estudo parte de um universo de 170 matérias e seleciona 18 textos para refletir se o jornalismo traz em si o potencial de estabelecer relações entre o discurso e a ação pública, comunicando ao leitor a interação que se dá entre Estado, governo e sociedade civil na implementação de uma política pública, no gasto do orçamento para a resolução dos problemas sociais do país. Desta forma, se observa se o jornalismo auxilia na dinâmica da participação política, que possa ser concretizada pela administração pública e o cidadão. A pesquisa reúne reflexões de autores de referência sobre democracia, poliarquia, espaço público, participação dos movimentos sociais, redimensionamento e questões do Estado, governabilidade, uso público da razão e da emoção, a natureza do espaço e do tempo na globalização acelerada, o estado da arte das políticas públicas no Brasil dos anos 90. A partir deste corpus teórico, criaram-se cinco categorias (engenharia social, pluralidade, noção de transformação sócio - política, didatismo e agir público) para se realizar a análise de conteúdo dos 18 textos escolhidos e dimensionar se, apesar da fragmentação inerente à atividade jornalística, a imprensa escrita consegue desempenhar esta tarefa com competência editorial, isto é, refletir o grau de conhecimento e participação que a sociedade brasileira já amealhou sobre Políticas Públicas, informando ainda o caráter matricial da pauta, que perpassa por diversos campos da atividade humana. O comentário a seguir de Theodoro Lowi, esclarece a expressão Política Pública e pontua o significado do termo de que trataremos nesta tese. “ A expressão política pública é um termo engenhoso que reflete a interpenetração entre o governo liberal e a sociedade, insinuando a existência de uma flexibilidade e reciprocidades maiores do que permitem alguns sinônimos unilaterais tais como: leis, estatutos, éditos e semelhantes. Essa difusão reflete novos valores na cultura política relativos à publicização de decisões e à noção da esfera pública como distinta da esfera estatal" Jornalismo e Políticas Públicas conclui que o jornalismo tem em si o potencial de estabelecer relações entre a ação pública e o discurso, quando aborda com competência editorial, pautas relativas às políticas públicas implementadas para resolver problemas sociais. Este princípio se fortalece na medida em que o processo de implantação de uma política pública possibilita em tese a criação e o fortalecimento das relações entre os agentes sociais, através da ação e do discurso, que segundo Hanna Arendt, encerra a condição humana na esfera pública, para Arendt, a esfera das aparências De maneira geral, é na mídia impressa que se processa maior relacionamento critico entre meio de comunicação e o leitor. Ao menos, pressupõe –se que ao público do jornal está consagrada a ferramenta básica da cidadania que é o entendimento da língua e o potencial de expressão, base do relacionamento público. Em relação ao jornalismo, a reflexão sobre sua contribuição no desenvolvimento social mais equilibrado do Brasil, ao estabelecer relações entre discurso ( o pensamento) e ação pública, levantou questões que ajudam a entender melhor a posição híbrida dos jornais e revistas que, são meios de produção privados, portanto visam lucros e defendem interesses vários, ao mesmo tempo em que lançam no espaço mental público, informações e debates. É possível que os jornais, antes de se transformarem em tribunais de execução sumária da reputação alheia, sejam agentes do princípio mais caro da ação política pública : a necessidade de se submeter o pensamento (discurso) ao exame público. / Abstract This Journalism and Public Policies thesis analyzes a sample of press coverage of Public Policy issues in São Paulo between 1994 to 2004, as published by the newspapers “Folha de S. Paulo" and “O Estado de S. Paulo", as well as the weekly magazines “Carta Capital" and “Veja". This study is based upon 170 stories. Eighteen texts have been selected to determine if journalism itself is capable of establishing connections between discourse and public action, communicating to the reader the interaction that takes place between the State, government and civil society for implementing public policy and budget expenditures for the resolution of social problems faced by the country. Thus, the question posed is whether or not journalism furthers the dynamic of public participation, which the government and citizens can put into practice. The research blends the reflections of the referenced authors on democracy, polyarchy, public space, participation in social movements, the redesign and questions of the State, governability, public use of reason and emotion, the nature of space and time in an era of accelerated globalization, as well as state-of-the-art public politics in Brazil during the 1990’s. Five categories were then created from this theoretical body (social engineering, plurality, the notion of socio-political transformation, didacticism and public action) to analyze the content of the eighteen chosen texts and to provide a framework. Despite the fragmentation inherent to journalistic activities, the written press is able to perform this task with editorial competence, that is, to reflect the degree of knowledge and participation that Brazilian society has already gained little by little about Public Policies, which further informs the core nature of the issue and runs through various fields of human activity. The quote below from Theodoro Lowi clarifies this expression of Public Policy and emphasizes its meaning as it is used in this thesis. “Public political expression is a clever term that reflects the blending of liberal government and society, insinuating the existence of greater flexibility and reciprocity than some unilateral synonyms would allow, like: laws, statutes, bills and the like. This diffusion reflects new values in political culture relative to the diffusion of decisions, and the notion of a public sphere that is distinctly separate from the state sphere." Journalism and Public Policy concludes that journalism itself has the potential to establish an active relationship between public action and discourse, when editorial integrity is upheld, on public policies implemented to resolve social problems. This principle is strengthened to the extent that the process for implementing a public policy makes it possible, in theory, to create and strengthen associations among social agents through action and discourse, which, according to Hanna Arendt, confines the human condition in the public sphere, which, for Arendt, is a sphere of appearances. In general, it is the print media that contains the greatest critical relationship between communication means and the reader. At the very least, it assumes that the newspaper’s readership is in command of the most basic tools of citizenship, which are an understanding of the language and the potential for expression, that is, the basis of a public relationship. With respect to Journalism, reflections on its contribution towards a more balanced social development in Brazil, by establishing relationships between discourse (thought) and public action, have raised questions that aid in a better understanding of the hybrid position of newspapers and magazines, which are means of private production, and, as such, seek profits, defend various interests, and attempt to inject information and debates into the public consciousness. Newspapers can, prior to becoming forums for the summary execution of reputations, be agents of the most precious principle of public political action: the need to submit thought (discourse) to public examination.

Financer les politiques régionales : De l’autonomie à la contrainte budgétaire : Le cas des Régions Alsace, Limousin et Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Financing regional policies : From autonomy to budget constraint : The examples of the french Regions Alsace, Limousin and Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Passavant, Lisa 20 October 2016 (has links)
Alors que depuis le début de la décentralisation les ressources des Régions avaient considérablement augmenté, elles se heurtent depuis quelques années (2008-2010) à une situation de contrainte budgétaire. La réforme dite de la taxe professionnelle de 2010 ralentit le dynamisme des recettes fiscales régionales et supprime la quasi-totalité du pouvoir de taux des élus régionaux. Les dotations de l’État, après avoir été gelées en valeur, se réduisent à travers les « pactes » successifs (de stabilité, de responsabilité et de croissance) introduits par différents gouvernements. En parallèle, les transferts de compétences du début des années 2000 (transport ferroviaire et acte 2 de la décentralisation) engendrent des charges croissantes qui rigidifient les budgets des Régions. Nous cherchons, dans ce travail de recherche, à comprendre les causes de ces transformations et à tenter de qualifier les changements qui affectent les ressources des Régions. Nous tentons de déterminer si l’on assiste à une financiarisation grandissante des politiques régionales ou si, au contraire, des capacités politiques demeurent pour les élus régionaux. En nous appuyant sur une analyse comparative entre trois Régions (Limousin, Alsace et Nord-Pas-de-Calais), et en observant les recompositions qui se produisent au sein des institutions régionales, nous proposons de saisir la manière dont le couple politique-finance évolue dans une situation de contrainte financière inédite. / For some years (2008-2010), territorial authorities have been facing a drastic decrease in their resources. The local business tax reform in 2010 has slowed down the dynamism of tax revenues. The regional political representatives no longer have the ability to determine the tax rate. The funds allocated by the State, after having first experienced a freeze in their value, are now reduced as a consequence of successive « stability », « responsibility » and "growth" pacts introduced by different governments. In parallel, the transfers of competences at the beginning of the 2000’s (rail transport and the second act of decentralization) are causing increasingly rigid financial charges for the Regions. Our research aims to understand the causes of these transformations and to qualify the changes that are impacting regional resources. It seeks to determine if there is a growing financialisation of regional politics or if, on the contrary, there is still some local political control despite budgetary constraint. Through a comparative analysis of three Regions (Limousin, Alsace and Nord-Pas-de-Calais), and based on the observation of the reorganization that is happening within regional institutions, our thesis envisages to understand how the political / financial duo evolves in a framework of unprecedented budget constraint.

L'habitat participatif : de l'émergence d'une initiative habitante à son intégration dans l'action publique / Cohousing : from the emergence of an inhabitants' initiative to its integration into public action

Devaux, Camille 25 November 2013 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, émergent sous le vocable « habitat participatif » des initiatives portées par des groupes d'habitants désireux de concevoir et de gérer collectivement un programme immobilier au sein duquel ils disposeraient d'un logement privatif et partageraient des espaces. Des acteurs institutionnels tels que les collectivités territoriales et les organismes d'HLM se sont progressivement saisis de ces projets d'abord circonscrits au milieu habitant pour conduire des actions en faveur de leur développement. Cette thèse interroge les modalités selon lesquelles cette initiative habitante qu'est l'habitat participatif a émergé dans le champ de l'action publique pour y être à présent intégrée et faire l'objet d'un chapitre dans le projet de loi pour l'Accès au Logement et un Urbanisme Rénové (ALUR), dont la discussion a débuté en septembre 2013. A l'issue d'une première partie de cadrage de la recherche, la genèse de l'habitat participatif en France est retracée, à partir de ses références et des acteurs qui le composent historiquement : les habitants. La thèse propose ensuite une analyse du processus de mise en politique de l'habitat participatif : l'origine de la convocation de la puissance publique, ses modalités et l'intérêt porté par les collectivités et les organismes d'Hlm à ces initiatives sont alors analysés. Le processus de mise en politique apparait alors avant tout comme tourbillonnaire. Des éléments précis quant à la traduction concrète de l'engagement des acteurs institutionnels sont avancés en dernier lieu et ouvrent sur une mise en débat des rapports entre acteurs-habitants et institutions / From the early 2000 onwards, cohousing inhabitant-led initiatives have emerged under the French label “Habitat participatif”. They consist in collectively designing and managing blocks of flats in which one can dispose of a private space while sharing the rest. Although they started as inhabitant projects only, institutions like local authorities and social housing landlords have gradually been involved in their development. This PhD research explores the way this inhabitant project became a matter of interest in public action and was given importance in the next Housing law which is discussed since September 2013. After a first part dedicated to research framing, cohousing genesis in France is described through the references it invokes and its initial representatives : inhabitants. Then cohousing agenda-setting is analyzed, looking at the first appeals to public intervention, the shape of this intervention and local authorities and public housing sector's interest in cohousing projects. Cohousing agenda-setting proves to be a whirlwind process. Accurate elements about institutions actual commitment and its consequences are exposed in the fourth part, opening discussion on relationships between inhabitants and institutions

Perceptions et jeu d’acteurs dans la construction de l’action publique et des modes de gouvernance dans la filière agrocarburant et effets structurants potentiels sur le développement au Burkina Faso / Perceptions and stakeholder's interplays in the construction of public action and modes of governance in the biofuel sector and potential structuring effects on the development of Burkina Faso

Gatete, Charly Djerma 16 June 2015 (has links)
Les agrocarburants connaissent un développement tous azimuts depuis le début des années 2000 en Afrique de l’Ouest, sans vision stratégique globale très claire et partagée par les acteurs concernés dans la plupart des pays. Or les stratégies et les interactions des acteurs publics et privés jouent un rôle important dans la construction des filières et de l’action publique. L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser l’action publique décrite comme « l’ensemble des relations [jeu d’acteurs] plus ou moins institutionnalisées, des pratiques et des représentations qui concourent à la production politiquement légitimée de modes de régulation des rapports sociaux » au sein de la filière agrocarburants au Burkina Faso. Il s’est agi d’analyser l’influence du jeu d’acteurs dans l’émergence et la structuration de plusieurs modèles de filière et l’élaboration de la politique agrocarburant burkinabé. Cette thèse a cherché par ailleurs à analyser l’influence des perceptions des acteurs et leurs interactions dans la construction des arrangements institutionnels et des modes de gouvernance des filières. Enfin, à partir d’une analyse multicritère basée sur les perceptions par les acteurs des effets structurants potentiels des agrocarburants sur le développement du Burkina Faso, il a été mis en avant la faible influence de ces perceptions dans l’explication du paysage institutionnel actuel. / Biofuels have renewed a strong development since 2000 in West Africa countries without a clear and shared vision by all stakeholders. However, the strategies and interactions between public and private actors are important in the construction of these biofuels sector and policies. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze public action described as "all relations [stakeholder's interplay] more or less institutionalized, practices and representations that contribute to the production and regulation of social relations" in the development of biofuels in Burkina Faso. It analyzes the influence of stakeholder's interplay in the emergence and structuring of several biofuels sectors and policy development. This thesis has also sought to analyze the influence of actors perceptions and interactions in the construction of institutional arrangements and sector governance. Finally, from a multi-criteria analysis based on the actors perceptions on potential structuring effects of biofuels in Burkina Faso development, it was highlighted the influence of these perceptions in explaining the current institutional landscape.

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