Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic boservice"" "subject:"cublic bservice""
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Employment forecasting using data from the Swedish Public Employment Service / Förutspå antalet personer som hamnar i sysselsättning med data från ArbetsförmedlingenWikström, Johan January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to forecast the number of people registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) that will manage to get employment each month and examine how accurate the forecasts are. The Swedish Public Employment Service is a government-funded agency in Sweden working to keep the unemployment rate low. When someone is unemployed or looking for a new job, he or she can register at the Swedish Public Employment Service. Being able to forecast well how many are expected to get employment could be useful when planning and making decisions. It could also be used as an indicator of how well the Swedish Public Employment Service manages to perform and thus how well the tax money is used. The models employed for forecasting were the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) and the long short-term memory (LSTM). A persistence model is also used as a baseline. The persistence model is a very simple model and the other models are therefore expected to outperform it. For the LSTM model, the use of both univariate and multivariate approaches will be explored in order to examine if the model can be improved with more data. Results from the experiments performed showed that a multivariate LSTM performed the lowest root mean squared error (RMSE) and is therefore considered the best model. However, the robustness of the model over time needs further research. / Syftet med detta arbete är att göra prognoser på hur många av de registrerade på Arbetsförmedlingen som kommer att få arbete en viss månad och undersöka hur noggranna dessa prognoser blir. Arbetsförmedlingen är en skattefinansierad myndighet i Sverige som arbetar med att hålla arbetslösheten låg. När någon är arbetslös eller letar efter ett arbete kan man registrera sig hos Arbetsförmedlingen. Att kunna göra bra prognoser på hur många som kommer att få arbete skulle kunna vara användbart vid planering och beslutfattande. Det skulle också kunna användas som en indikator på hur väl Arbetsförmedlingen använder skattepengarna. De modeller som har använts är seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) och long short-term memory (LSTM). En persistensmodell används också som baslinje. Persistensmodellen är en enkel modell och därför förväntas de andra modellerna prestera bättre. För LSTM-modellen kommer användningen av både envariabla och flervariabla tillvägagångssätt att undersökas för att testa om mer data kan förbättra modellen. Resultat från experimenten visar att det var en LSTM-modell med flera variabler som presterade lägst root mean squared error (RMSE) och anses därför vara den bästa modellen. Det behövs dock ytterligare studier för att undersöka modellens stabilitet över tid.
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A home physiotherapy service for stroke patients in Malta: constraints and recommendations. The process of setting up a home physiotherapy service for hospitalised stroke patients within the public health system in Malta - new knowledge contributing to a strategy document.Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen January 2009 (has links)
Home physiotherapy is a valid service option for the patient who was recently discharged from hospital after sustaining a stroke, as it enhances functional independence in friendly and familiar surroundings, as opposed to an outpatient clinic (Bader 2008).
The aim of this study was to investigate the system responses to the planning and implementation of a home physiotherapy service as an innovation within the Maltese Public Health Service, uncovering barriers or constraints that influenced the introduction and development of state-run home physiotherapy in Malta.
A qualitative approach was used for this research. A case study design was selected because it possessed contextual, descriptive and heuristic characteristics. Study participants planned and implemented the service using the available resources. Policy makers, physiotherapists, stroke patients and caregivers contributed to the study through their responses to, and experiences of, this service innovation. It was both an exploration and an opportunity to learn about service innovation from a Maltese perspective.
A group of stakeholders were interviewed during the planning stage (Phase 1) of the home physiotherapy service. The main purpose of these interviews was to inform the design of the service. Another group of participants was interviewed in the active service stage (Phase 2) - at the beginning and at the end. The purpose here was to gather data from their direct experiences with home physiotherapy. Documents relevant to home rehabilitation were accessed and analysed hermeneutically. These included newspaper media, as it was considered a sensitive instrument to understand social context (Catalán Matamoros 2007; Davis 1990).
Findings and discussion
Data analysis identified categories of findings such as ¿barriers to the implementation of a new service¿, ¿attitudes to home physiotherapy¿ and ¿fragmented rehabilitation service¿. The category components were discussed and linked to the hermeneutical analysis of documents, offering a deeper understanding of the categories within the local context, and revealing a reinforcement of establishment-based health care.
The findings of this study provided an insight into the constraints that would appear if home physiotherapy, indeed home rehabilitation, were introduced by the Maltese Public Health Service. This research had an impact on the state physiotherapy services. Recommendations to help mitigate the constraints in an overarching manner were offered at the end of the thesis. To the international reader with experience in organised home physiotherapy, this study gives a glimpse into how issues that would seem trivial and obvious at first glance become significant challenges¿.challenges that the uninitiated would need to overcome.
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Oenighet, paradoxer och dilemman : -En jämförande studie av arbetsförmedlares, jobbcoachers och rekryterares förslag på stöd till arbetssökandeJansson, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Long-term unemployment is a social problem that is expected to increase in the coming years because of the on-going recession. Unemployment creates dilemmas both for the individual and society in form of an increased pressure on the individual to be reflexive in their identity and self-development and for society which wants to regulate unemployment and keep it under control. In the regulation letter for the Public employment Service for the year 2023, it was clearly formulated that the authority must work to prevent people from falling into long-term unemployment. The purpose with this study is thru qualitative interviews with —Public employment officers, job coaches and recruitment staff— investigate if the first two´s tips to the unemployed people matches what the recruitment staff really want to see in the applications for example.. The empiric of this study will be analyzed with help of Anthony Giddens theory about the modernity and self-identity with terms like, Ontological security, disembedding and expert systems. The result of this study shows that there are divided meaning both within and between the professions, in what are expected from a unemployed person and how they should put themselves at the market in form of how to use the application documents. What also brings to the light it that it often is bad quality on the application documents. These disagreements and dilemmas that the job seeker encounters challenge its ontological security and can negatively affect them. / Långtidsarbetslöshet är ett samhällsproblem som befaras öka under de närmsta åren till följd av den pågående lågkonjunkturen. Arbetslöshet skapar dilemman både för individ och samhälle i form av en ökad press på individ till reflexivitet i sin identitet och personlig utveckling, och för samhället som vill reglera arbetslösheten och hålla den kontrollerad. I regleringsbrevet för Arbetsförmedlingen inför år 2023 var det tydligt formulerat att myndigheten ska verka för att förhindra att människor hamnar i långtidsarbetslöshet. Syftet med den här studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 3 olika grupper —arbetsförmedlare, jobbcoacher och rekryterare— undersöka om de två förstnämndas råd matchar det rekryterarna säger att de verkligen vill ha.. Empirin analyseras med hjälp av Anthony Giddens teoretiska ramverk kring det senmoderna samhället och självidentitet, med begrepp så som urbäddning, expertsystem och ontologisk trygghet. Resultatet på denna studie visar på att det råder stor oenighet både inom och mellan professionerna i vad som förväntas av en arbetssökande och hur den ska marknadsföra sig själv i form av ansökningshandlingar, men där det också framkommer att det ofta råder dålig kvalité på de ansökningshandlingar man tar emot. Dessa oenigheter och dilemman de arbetssökande stöter på utmanar dess ontologiska trygghet, och kan påverka den arbetssökande negativt.
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Factores críticos en la multilocalización de la empresa española: el caso de ChinaPortero Taulet, Borja 01 October 2013 (has links)
Durante la última década ha aumentado notablemente el interés por China y la multilocalización en el
gran gigante asiático, tanto en el campo profesional como en el académico, propiciando el nacimiento
de una nueva disciplina en el campo de la administración y dirección de empresas, la multilocalización
en China.
Las empresas son cada vez más conscientes del papel que China ejerce en su futuro, así como de la
necesidad de tenerla presente en su hoja de ruta a fin de lograr una mayor competitividad en el
mercado global. En este contexto, se han realizado y se siguen realizando muchos y excelentes
trabajos sobre la multilocalización, con notables aportaciones, en especial aquellas relacionadas con
sus rendimientos y métodos. Sin embargo, son más bien escasos los trabajos y aportaciones que
evalúan los factores que inducen a un rendimiento asimétrico y negativo en la multilocalización de
empresas españolas en China.
Desde esta última perspectiva el presente estudio realiza una investigación tanto de carácter
fundamentalmente explicativo, con el objetivo de obtener información relevante respecto al fenómeno
de la gestión de la multilocalización y sus factores asociados en las empresas españolas en China
(fenómeno con una reducida muestra), como de carácter exploratorio, ya que es uno de los primeros
estudios que busca contrastar su contribución con las teorías existentes en la multilocalización.
La tesis se presenta de manera que puede ser entendida como un único tema o como tres líneas de
trabajo diferentes respecto a China, ya que aunque toda la investigación gira en torno a la
multilocalización en este país, centra su atención en tres factores del proceso diferentes y de carácter
Por tanto, las principales aportaciones del presente trabajo de investigación se han focalizado en la
posibilidad de mejorar la efectividad y el rendimiento del proceso de multilocalización en China,
elementos de relevancia para políticos, administraciones públicas, directivos e investigadores. En
paralelo, se ha constatado cual es el verdadero impacto que tienen ciertos factores en el rendimiento de
la multilocalización de empresas españolas en China y finalmente, el estudio proporciona elementos
de valor para llevar a cabo una toma de decisiones documentada, el desarrollo de estrategias de
empresa o la evaluación de políticas de ayuda para empresas españolas. / Portero Taulet, B. (2013). Factores críticos en la multilocalización de la empresa española: el caso de
China [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32491
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A home physiotherapy service for stroke patients in Malta : constraints and recommendations : the process of setting up a home physiotherapy service for hospitalised stroke patients within the public health system in Malta : new knowledge contributing to a strategy documentLungaro-Mifsud, Stephen January 2009 (has links)
Home physiotherapy is a valid service option for the patient who was recently discharged from hospital after sustaining a stroke, as it enhances functional independence in friendly and familiar surroundings, as opposed to an outpatient clinic (Bader 2008). The aim of this study was to investigate the system responses to the planning and implementation of a home physiotherapy service as an innovation within the Maltese Public Health Service, uncovering barriers or constraints that influenced the introduction and development of state-run home physiotherapy in Malta. Method A qualitative approach was used for this research. A case study design was selected because it possessed contextual, descriptive and heuristic characteristics. Study participants planned and implemented the service using the available resources. Policy makers, physiotherapists, stroke patients and caregivers contributed to the study through their responses to, and experiences of, this service innovation. It was both an exploration and an opportunity to learn about service innovation from a Maltese perspective. A group of stakeholders were interviewed during the planning stage (Phase 1) of the home physiotherapy service. The main purpose of these interviews was to inform the design of the service. Another group of participants was interviewed in the active service stage (Phase 2) - at the beginning and at the end. The purpose here was to gather data from their direct experiences with home physiotherapy. Documents relevant to home rehabilitation were accessed and analysed hermeneutically. These included newspaper media, as it was considered a sensitive instrument to understand social context (Catalán Matamoros 2007; Davis 1990). Findings and discussion Data analysis identified categories of findings such as 'barriers to the implementation of a new service', 'attitudes to home physiotherapy' and 'fragmented rehabilitation service'. The category components were discussed and linked to the hermeneutical analysis of documents, offering a deeper understanding of the categories within the local context, and revealing a reinforcement of establishment-based health care. Conclusion The findings of this study provided an insight into the constraints that would appear if home physiotherapy, indeed home rehabilitation, were introduced by the Maltese Public Health Service. This research had an impact on the state physiotherapy services. Recommendations to help mitigate the constraints in an overarching manner were offered at the end of the thesis. To the international reader with experience in organised home physiotherapy, this study gives a glimpse into how issues that would seem trivial and obvious at first glance become significant challenges - challenges that the uninitiated would need to overcome.
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Funktionsnedsättningskod hos Arbetsförmedlingen – en analys av en arbetsmarknadspolitisk konstruktionKängström, Ulrica January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Violência contra a mulher: a percepção dos médicos das unidades básicas de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo / Violence against Women: Perception by the Physicians of the Basic Health Units of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo.De Ferrante, Fernanda Garbelini 13 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo desenvolveu-se como subprojeto de uma investigação denominada: A interface entre a ocorrência e o atendimento de violência de gênero entre mulheres usuárias dos serviços públicos de saúde de Ribeirão Preto". A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno complexo e muito prevalente no Brasil, atingindo todas as classes, raças, etnias e culturas. Mulheres nesta situação freqüentemente buscam os serviços de saúde para tratar sintomas associados à violência. Entretanto, os profissionais de saúde apresentam uma série de dificuldades. Desenvolvemos este estudo, entendendo que a violência de gênero é reconhecida como um problema de saúde pública por afetar a integridade física e mental da mulher, e que existe necessidade de acolher essa mulher no serviço de saúde. O estudo teve por objetivo de verificar a percepção dos médicos atuantes nas Unidades Básicas e Distritais de Saúde sobre a violência praticada contra mulheres por parceiros íntimos. Realizamos uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo com 14 médicos ginecologistas e clínicos gerais, utilizando como instrumento entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Realizamos análise de conteúdo temática utilizando como referencial teórico as teorias de gênero. A análise dos resultados permitiu-nos definir os seguintes temas: 1. Percepções dos médicos sobre as relações de gênero; 2. Percepção dos médicos sobre a violência; 3. Papel dos médicos diante da violência doméstica contra a mulher; 4. Conhecimentos e informações sobre a violência doméstica contra a mulher; que foram divididos em várias subcategorias. De acordo com os médicos, a mulher atual conquistou sua liberdade e independência sexual, no entanto, a hegemonia masculina ainda é muito presente. Compreendem que a violência de gênero ocorre devido às desigualdades que pautam o sistema social que acabam por justificar os eventos violentos como atitudes educativas e punitivas, aceitas pela posição social ocupada pela mulher. Constatamos que alguns desses profissionais detêm conhecimentos sobre os tipos de violência de gênero, são capazes de identificar e muitas vezes acolher essas mulheres e também conhecem os procedimentos para o atendimento e o encaminhamento. Entretanto, muitas vezes não dão andamento aos casos, ignorando-os, ou porque não acreditam que este fenômeno seja de sua responsabilidade, ou ainda devido a uma série de barreiras pessoais e institucionais que impedem uma adequada atuação. Além disso, verificamos a existência de uma invisibilidade institucional que prejudica a qualidade do serviço prestado. Por fim, destacamos a importância do desenvolvimento de treinamento voltado para o profissional da área da saúde, com o objetivo de prepará-lo para melhor assistir à mulher em situação de violência, condição muito presente em seu cotidiano. / The present study was carried out as a subproject of an investigation named: The interface between the occurrence of gender violence and its treatment among women users of the public health services of Ribeirão Preto". Domestic violence against women is a complex and highly prevalent phenomenon in Brazil, where it reaches all classes, races, ethnic groups, and cultures. Women who are victims of this violence frequently seek health services in order to treat the symptoms associated with it. However, health professionals have a series of difficulties in this situation. This study was conducted considering that gender violence is recognized as a public health problem affecting the physical integrity and mental health of women and there is a need to assist these women in the health service. This study has as objective to determine the perception of doctors working in the Basic and District Health Units about the violence inflicted on women by intimate partners. We carried out a qualitative investigation with 14 Gynecologists and General Clinicians using a semi-structured interview as instrument. Data were submitted to thematic content analysis and gender theories were used as the theoretical framework. Analysis of the results permitted us to define the following themes: 1. Perception of gender relations by the physicians; 2. Perception of violence by the physicians. 3. Role of the physicians regarding violence against women. 4. Knowledge and information about domestic violence against women. These themes were divided into various subcategories. According to the doctors, today women have conquered their liberty and sexual independence, but male hegemony continues to be strongly present. They understand that gender violence occurs due to the inequalities of the social system, which end up by justifying violent events as educational and punitive attitudes accepted by the social position occupied by women. We observed that some of these professionals have knowledge about the types of gender violence, are able to identify and often shelter these women, and are also aware of the procedures involved in treatment and referral. However, they often do not initiate the proper steps regarding these cases, ignoring them either because they do not believe this phenomenon to be their responsibility, or because of a series of personal and institutional barriers that prevent an adequate attitude. In addition, we observed the existence of institutional invisibility that hampers the quality of the care provided. Finally, we emphasize the importance of training programs for the health professional in order to improve the assistance to women in violent situation which is very frequently in the daily practice.
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Violência contra a mulher: a percepção dos médicos das unidades básicas de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo / Violence against Women: Perception by the Physicians of the Basic Health Units of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo.Fernanda Garbelini De Ferrante 13 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo desenvolveu-se como subprojeto de uma investigação denominada: A interface entre a ocorrência e o atendimento de violência de gênero entre mulheres usuárias dos serviços públicos de saúde de Ribeirão Preto. A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno complexo e muito prevalente no Brasil, atingindo todas as classes, raças, etnias e culturas. Mulheres nesta situação freqüentemente buscam os serviços de saúde para tratar sintomas associados à violência. Entretanto, os profissionais de saúde apresentam uma série de dificuldades. Desenvolvemos este estudo, entendendo que a violência de gênero é reconhecida como um problema de saúde pública por afetar a integridade física e mental da mulher, e que existe necessidade de acolher essa mulher no serviço de saúde. O estudo teve por objetivo de verificar a percepção dos médicos atuantes nas Unidades Básicas e Distritais de Saúde sobre a violência praticada contra mulheres por parceiros íntimos. Realizamos uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo com 14 médicos ginecologistas e clínicos gerais, utilizando como instrumento entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Realizamos análise de conteúdo temática utilizando como referencial teórico as teorias de gênero. A análise dos resultados permitiu-nos definir os seguintes temas: 1. Percepções dos médicos sobre as relações de gênero; 2. Percepção dos médicos sobre a violência; 3. Papel dos médicos diante da violência doméstica contra a mulher; 4. Conhecimentos e informações sobre a violência doméstica contra a mulher; que foram divididos em várias subcategorias. De acordo com os médicos, a mulher atual conquistou sua liberdade e independência sexual, no entanto, a hegemonia masculina ainda é muito presente. Compreendem que a violência de gênero ocorre devido às desigualdades que pautam o sistema social que acabam por justificar os eventos violentos como atitudes educativas e punitivas, aceitas pela posição social ocupada pela mulher. Constatamos que alguns desses profissionais detêm conhecimentos sobre os tipos de violência de gênero, são capazes de identificar e muitas vezes acolher essas mulheres e também conhecem os procedimentos para o atendimento e o encaminhamento. Entretanto, muitas vezes não dão andamento aos casos, ignorando-os, ou porque não acreditam que este fenômeno seja de sua responsabilidade, ou ainda devido a uma série de barreiras pessoais e institucionais que impedem uma adequada atuação. Além disso, verificamos a existência de uma invisibilidade institucional que prejudica a qualidade do serviço prestado. Por fim, destacamos a importância do desenvolvimento de treinamento voltado para o profissional da área da saúde, com o objetivo de prepará-lo para melhor assistir à mulher em situação de violência, condição muito presente em seu cotidiano. / The present study was carried out as a subproject of an investigation named: The interface between the occurrence of gender violence and its treatment among women users of the public health services of Ribeirão Preto. Domestic violence against women is a complex and highly prevalent phenomenon in Brazil, where it reaches all classes, races, ethnic groups, and cultures. Women who are victims of this violence frequently seek health services in order to treat the symptoms associated with it. However, health professionals have a series of difficulties in this situation. This study was conducted considering that gender violence is recognized as a public health problem affecting the physical integrity and mental health of women and there is a need to assist these women in the health service. This study has as objective to determine the perception of doctors working in the Basic and District Health Units about the violence inflicted on women by intimate partners. We carried out a qualitative investigation with 14 Gynecologists and General Clinicians using a semi-structured interview as instrument. Data were submitted to thematic content analysis and gender theories were used as the theoretical framework. Analysis of the results permitted us to define the following themes: 1. Perception of gender relations by the physicians; 2. Perception of violence by the physicians. 3. Role of the physicians regarding violence against women. 4. Knowledge and information about domestic violence against women. These themes were divided into various subcategories. According to the doctors, today women have conquered their liberty and sexual independence, but male hegemony continues to be strongly present. They understand that gender violence occurs due to the inequalities of the social system, which end up by justifying violent events as educational and punitive attitudes accepted by the social position occupied by women. We observed that some of these professionals have knowledge about the types of gender violence, are able to identify and often shelter these women, and are also aware of the procedures involved in treatment and referral. However, they often do not initiate the proper steps regarding these cases, ignoring them either because they do not believe this phenomenon to be their responsibility, or because of a series of personal and institutional barriers that prevent an adequate attitude. In addition, we observed the existence of institutional invisibility that hampers the quality of the care provided. Finally, we emphasize the importance of training programs for the health professional in order to improve the assistance to women in violent situation which is very frequently in the daily practice.
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Collaborative Trust: A Case Study Of Trust Evolution in a Public/Nonprofit PartnershipOdumodu, Maria Stella 01 January 2014 (has links)
Lack of trust between nonprofit organizations and the communities in which they are located is a well-documented problem in the academic literature. The nature of this mistrust is far less understood, and little is known how community-nonprofit collaborations can overcome these gaps in trust. Guided by Simmel's theory of trust, this study examined the role of collaborative trust between public and non-profit organizations with a focus on better understanding how trust evolves. The research questions focused on how trust was defined and the factors that enhanced and inhibited trust evolution within the context of collaborations between nonprofit organizations and communities. Data were gathered through structured, in-depth interviews with 14 staff and stakeholders, a focus group of 4 management committee members, and the examination of partnership documents.Data from the interviews and documents were inductively coded and then organized around key themes. The themes from the content analysis indicated that the 3 chief executive officers in the partnership embraced the concept of collaboration, invested time at trust building activities, and obtained stakeholder support. This study contributes to positive social change by providing information for policy makers and administrators of public and nonprofit organizations facing similar contexts about how the development of trust can remove the barriers and sustain collaboration to deliver social program services efficiently and equitably.
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Direito à saúde, integralidade e participação: um estudo sobre as entre sociedade e Ministério Público na experiência de Porto Alegre / Right to health, wholeness and participation: a study of society and among prosecutors in Porto Alegre experienceFelipe Rangel de Souza Machado 06 March 2006 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Em 1988, a Assembleia Constituinte, no rastro do processo de redemocratização do país, finalmente apontava para a transformação das políticas sociais no Brasil, cujo resultado foi lavrado na Carta Magna. A partir desse momento, os brasileiros obtiveram o direito de cidadania como estatuto fundamental de nacionalidade, e o direito à saúde como princípio de cidadania. Neste sentido, o setor saúde foi pioneiro nas práticas das políticas sociais no Brasil. A adoção de seus princípios doutrinários e operacionais por lei destacando-se aqui a integralidade significou a afirmação do direito à saúde como caminho de supressão da estrutura fragmentada de organização dos serviços de saúde no Brasil. Integralidade emerge como eixo de organização da defesa do direito à saúde, a partir das propostas de mudanças das práticas no cotidiano dos serviços. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as relações existentes entre os usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a partir dos Conselhos de Saúde, e o Ministério Público (MP) desenvolvida no município de Porto Alegre, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no que concerne à utilização de dispositivos institucionais e jurídico legais no cumprimento do direito à saúde. O foco deste estudo esteve voltado para a experiência desenvolvida entre os anos de 2000 e 2004, no município de Porto Alegre. Historicamente, os Conselhos de Saúde naquele estado têm desempenhado papel de destaque na formulação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas de saúde. O avanço desses conselhos
permitiu-lhes desenvolver novas estratégias na luta pela garantia do direito à saúde, e o MP vem sendo importante parceiro nessa disputa. Nesse cenário, pudemos observar a utilização, cada vez mais freqüente, do princípio da integralidade como recurso legal na discussão encaminhada pelos usuários junto ao MP, no intuito de garantir o direito à saúde. O princípio da integralidade tem sido utilizado como proposta de transformação da própria lógica da gestão de oferta de serviços. O MP tem propiciado uma interlocução cada vez maior entre a gestão dos serviços e os conselhos de saúde, a fim de encontrar melhores saídas para os principais problemas de saúde do município. Esse espaço de diálogo criado pelo MP constitui avanço substancial na compreensão das formas de solução de conflitos, fundando um novo
campo de práticas de aprimoramento do Estado democrático. A atuação conjunta do MP com os Conselhos de Saúde tem levado a instituir novas formas e mecanismos de negociação e
pactuação entre as diferentes esferas dos poderes públicos e sua relação com a sociedade, no que diz respeito à institucionalização de uma gramática civil de direito à saúde. / In 1988, the Constituent Assembly, following Brazils return to democracy, finally pointed to the transformations of Brazilian social policies, whose results were expressed in the
Constitution. From that moment on, for Brazilians citizenship became the fundamental statute of nationality, and health rights became a citizenship principle. In this sense, the health sector pioneered in Brazilian social policies practices. The adoption of such doctrinaire and operational elements by law where the principle of integrality stands out confirmed the
health rights as an approach to suppress the fragmented structure of health services organization in Brazil. This study aims to analyze the relation between patients of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and the Public Prosecution Service (PPS), in Porto Alegre city, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, concerning the use of institutional, juridical and legal instruments to guarantee health rights, mainly from 2000 to 2004. The Health Councils in that city play an important historical role in formulating and supervising the health public policies. The growth of these councils has permitted them to develop new strategies (with the aid of the PPS) in the struggle for health rights. In this context, we could notice that both patients and prosecutors have been often applyed the integrality principle as a legal source to guarantee health rights. As a result, the principle of integrality has changed the
logic of services offer. The PPS has propitiated more and more dialog between services managers and representatives of the Health Councils, in order to find better solutions for the
citizens health problems. This space for dialog, created by the PPS, more than an advanced way to solve conflicts, contributes to the increment of democratic practices, as well of the democratic State. The synchronized action of the PPS and the Health Councils has produced new ways and mechanisms of negotiation and agreement between different fields of public government and society, institutionalizing a new civil grammar of health rights.
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