Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative content 2analysis"" "subject:"cualitative content 3analysis""
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Psykiatrisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom och ångest : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Psychiatric nurses experience of meeting patients with borderline personality disorder and anxiety : A qualitative interview studyPaulsson, Kristina, Westin, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom (EIPS) karakteriseras av dramatiska känslomässiga svängningar, bristande impulskontroll, sviktande identitet/självbild och instabila relationer som manifesteras i självskador, missbruk och en förhöjd suicidrisk. Ofta har patienten utvecklat mindre gynnsamma strategier för att hantera sina känslor och EIPS är i hög grad associerat med samsjuklighet där ångest tillhör ett av det mest frekvent förekommande. Att arbeta med dessa patienter beskrivs ofta som utmanande och den emotionella berg- och dalbana som ofta förknippas med EIPS skapar många gånger frustration hos personalen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva psykiatrisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med EIPS och ångest. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie samt utfört en innehållsanalys av insamlad data. Åtta individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer för att ta del av psykiatrisjuksköterskans erfarenheter. Resultat: Analysen av insamlad data resulterade i tre kategorier och sex subkategorier. Kategorierna var: Utmaningar med patientgruppen, faktorer som påverkar vårdrelationen samt stöd och utbildning. Det framkommer att patientens karaktärsdrag och ångestproblematik präglar psykiatrisjuksköterskans attityder och bemötande och en stor del av vården utgörs av att hjälpa patienten till sunda strategier för ångesthantering. Diskussion: Handledning kan ses ha en betydande funktion i psykiatrisjuksköterskans attityder och därmed bemötande av patienter med EIPS. / Background: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by dramatic, emotional mood swings, lack of impulse control, failing self-image/identity and unstable relationships which manifests in self-harm behaviour, substance abuse and an increased suicide risk. It’s quite common that the patient will have developed less successful strategies to cope with their emotions and BPD is to a great extent, associated with comorbidity where anxiety is one of the most frequent factors. Dealing with these patients is often described as challenging and the emotional rollercoaster which is often associated with BPD poses many times as the main reason for frustration within the staff. Method: A qualitative interview study and a performed content analysis of collected data, eight individual semi-structured interviews with the intent to take part of the psychiatric nurse’s experiences. Aim: The aim of the study has been to describe the experiences of psychiatric nurses in their encounters with patients with BPD and anxiety. Results: The analysis of the collected data resulted in three categories and six subcategories. The categories are as follows: Challenges within the patient group, factors which affect the care relationship and support and education. It is revealed that the patient’s characteristic traits and anxiety disorders characterizes the psychiatric nurse’s attitude and treatment and a substantial part of the medical care consists of helping the patient develop sound strategies for anxiety management. Discussion: Supervision/guidance is seen to have a significant effect involving the psychiatric nurse’s attitude and therefore, approach to patients with BPD. / <p>Godkännandedatum: 2020-01-16</p>
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Sociální významy cvičeníprezentované českými časopisy pro ženy / Social meaning of physical exercise presented by some of the Czech women's magazinesSemotánová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is meanings of the physical exercising presented in the Czech women magazines, which I explored through qualitative content analysis of the articles focused on exercising. Three relevant frames or research areas emerged from foreign literature, which became the frames of the analysis: value of the exercise related to the body, the exercise as possible social field and gender level of these practices. I was specifically interested, if the exercise is presented as activity that helps to create socially disciplined body or individually restituted body for personal needs. Or if the exercise creates specific social field - sphere with specific relationship, rules and capital and if the gender is an important factor, connected to the presentation of the exercises in magazines, focused on women. The results show that the exercise is activity that creates the restituted body so as the disciplined body. It is not possible to define, if it is specific social field. The articles content so positive indications as those, which do not comply with the social field definition. Ideal femininity and ideal woman body should be reached by exercising. This ideal woman identity varies from reader's identity, which magazines define as "common" woman. The gender is an important factor that has...
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Operations- och anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta tillsammans med olika yrkeskategorier under operation - en intervjustudie / Operating room nurses’ and anaesthetic nurses’ experience of working together with different professional categories during surgery – an interview studyAlstergren, Anna, Benavand, Laven January 2022 (has links)
Operations- och anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta tillsammans med olika yrkeskategorier under operation - en intervjustudie AbstraktBakgrund: I Socialstyrelsens rapport från 2019 identifierades drygt 13 000 vårdrelaterade skador mellan åren 2013–2018. Av dessa ledde 213 till dödsfall, varv av 53% av patienterna genomgått ett kirurgiskt ingrepp. Orsakerna till dödsfallen varierade mellan kirurgiska skador, vårdrelaterade infektioner och sviktande organ. Rapporten visade även att 39% av de vårdrelaterade dödsfall hade kunnat undvikas. Forskning visar att operationssalen är en särskild utsatt miljö för vårdskador eftersom det multiprofessionella teamet arbetar tillsammans under stor press och där patienten ofta är i ett sårbart och hjälplöst tillstånd. Teamarbetet mellan professionerna är därför viktigt för att kunna utföra en säker och effektiv kirurgi. Dock är brister i teamarbetet en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att komplikationer uppstår under operation. Motiv: Forskning visar att ett gott samarbete mellan professionerna är grunden för en säker och effektiv kirurgi. Brister i teamarbetet har dock visat öka riskerna för komplikationer under operation, postoperativa vårdskador, mortalitet samt ökade vårdkostnader. Mycket av den rådande forskningen är inriktad på teamarbetet inom hela det operativa teamet och inte mycket från sjuksköterskans perspektiv. Denna studie kan resultera i ökad kunskap om operation och anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av teamarbetet under operation och hur det påverkar deras arbetssituation. Syfte: Att undersöka operations- och anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta tillsammans med olika yrkeskategorier under operation Metod: Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra operationssjuksköterskor och fyra anestesisjuksköterskor. Intervjuerna analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier: Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av bra teamarbete, Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av dåligt teamarbete och Teamets olika roller i operationssalen, och tio underkategorier baserat på deltagarnas erfaraneheter. Konklusion: Studien visar att erfarenheter av bra teamarbete var relaterat till att ha förståelse för de olika professionerna, att ha en god kommunikation samt en god teamkänsla. Erfarenheterna av dåligt teamarbete var relaterat till för stark hierarki inne på salen, stress och att det berodde på personen man arbetade med. / Operating room nurses’ and anaesthetic nurses’ experience of working together with different professional categories during surgery – an interview study Abstract Background: In the National Board of Health and Welfare's report from 2019, just over 13,000 care-related injuries were identified between the years 2013–2018. Of these, 213 led to deaths, of which 53% of patients underwent surgery. The causes of death varied between surgical injuries, healthcare-associated infections and failing organs. The report also showed that 39% of care-related deaths could have been avoided. Research shows that the operating room is a particularly vulnerable environment for healthcare injuries because the multi-professional team works together under great pressure and where the patient is often in a vulnerable and helpless state. The teamwork between the professionals is therefore important to be able to perform a safe and effective surgery. However, shortcomings in teamwork are one of the most common reasons why complications occur during surgery. Motive: Research shows that good collaboration between professionals is the basis for safe and effective surgery. However, shortcomings in teamwork have shown an increased risk of complications during surgery, postoperative care injuries, mortality and increased care costs. Much of the current research is focused on teamwork within the entire operative team and not much from the nurse's perspective. This study may result in increased knowledge about surgery and anesthesia nurses' experiences of teamwork during surgery and how it affects their work situation. Aim: To examine operating room nurses´ and anaesthetic nurses´ experience of working together with different professional categories during surgery. Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews with four surgical nurses and four anesthesia nurses. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: Three main categories: the Nurse's experiences of good teamwork, the Nurse's experiences of poor teamwork and The different roles of the team in the operationgroom, with ten subcategories arose based on the participants' experiences Conclusion: The study shows that experiences of good teamwork were related to having an understanding of the different professions, having good communication and a good team spirit. The experiences of bad teamwork was related to hierarchy inside the operating room, stress and personal issues depended on who they worked with depended on personal characters.
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Sentenced by the court of Social Media - A qualitative analysis of informal justice-related social media mechanisms within the #MeToo-movementUkmar, Victor January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how the #MeToo-movement was influenced by different forms of informal justice on the social media platform Twitter in 2017. Furthermore, online U.S. news media is analyzed in its contributory role during the movement. Thus, these two sites of analysis also highlight the interplay between social media and online news sources. Therefore, the research questions are: R.Q. 1: How were different forms of informal justice facilitated through networked activism on Twitter during the 2017 #MeToo-movement?R.Q. 2: In what ways did the reporting of online U.S. news media contribute to the mechanisms of informal justice on social media during the 2017 #MeToo-movement? Both questions are answered through two independent qualitative content analyses: The first critically evaluates 80 tweets from the social media platform Twitter that were published between October 15 - December 31, 2017, with the hashtag #MeToo; the second reviews 12 online articles from online U.S. news sources that reported about the online proliferation of the #MeToo-movement.While the results contained online shaming of celebrities and public figures, no distinctive forms of punishment or vigilantism could be identified within the samples. Furthermore, victims of abuse engaged in self-disclosure without exposing their abusers. Still, informal justice could be understood as a way to speak up against societal injustice by expressing a clear warning towards sexual perpetrators through digitally networked activism. At the same time, online news source merely reiterated social media developments without engaging in additional online shaming. However, these news sources also participated in #MeToo-related justice by spreading further awareness about the movement. Thus, a reciprocal relationship between social media and online U.S. news media became evident.
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Communi(ty)cating Climate Change-A qualitative analysis of the zero waste movement in CologneKurzner, Jo Anna January 2018 (has links)
This research analyzes the zero waste movement in Cologne, Germany, aiming to findout how media and communication influence pro-environmental (consumer) behavior ofan already environmentally aware target audience. A special focus lies on what dominantchannels and mediums are used as well as what role social media influencers play.Therefore, 15 interviews were conducted in two of the three existing zero waste stores inCologne. The material was subsequently analyzed with a qualitative text analysisaccording to Mayring (2014). The findings revealed that pro-environmental contentresearch online and offline through media and communication can indirectly influencepro-environmental (consumer) behavior of the zero waste movement in Cologne in termsof motivation, inspiration, for information research, or a lively exchange. This dominantlyhappened through the offline community and through face-to-face conversations, but alsowith the use of new and social media. To some extent, social media influencers affecteda younger audience, possibly leading to a consolidation of the individuals’ awareness andattitude as well as an encouragement to take action. However, media and communicationare not the only factors influencing the zero waste consumption behavior. Furtherinfluencers are environmental awareness and consciousness, education, and personalityfactors. Latter can also be an interior barrier, along with family, lack of knowledge, time,and experience. Meanwhile, exterior factors are the economic and organizationalinfrastructure, contradicting lifestyles of the community, and economic constraints thatcould possibly hinder the process towards pro-environmental consumption and behavior.Overall, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the zero waste lifestyleand its drivers as an ideal for pro-environmental behavior, enabling the fight againstclimate change on a local and communal level in Cologne, Germany.
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Redo för yrket? : En intervjustudie om hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor uppfattas av sin omgivning. / Ready for the profession? : An interview- study about how newly registered nurses’ are perceived by their surroundings.Johansson, Charlotta, Löfgren, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under större delen av 1900-talet präglades sjuksköterskeutbildningen av medicinsk vetenskap och en naturvetenskaplig syn på människan var påtaglig. I och med Vård -77-reformen blev omvårdnadsvetenskap karaktärsämne och en holistisk syn på människan införlivades i utbildningen. Sjuksköterskeutbildningens utformning och övergripande innehåll styrs av Högskoleförordningen och sjuksköterskans kunskaper inom yrket styrs av Socialstyrelsens kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerade sjuksköterskor. Kritik har riktats mot dagens utbildning och forskning har påvisat att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor tenderar att brista i många praktiska moment. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa erfarna sjuksköterskors uppfattning om nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor. Metod: Empirisk intervjustudie med deskriptiv kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Under intervjuerna framkom att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor är inspirerade av ny kunskap och kan se på gamla rutiner med nya ögon. Stress och högt arbetstempo påverkar arbetsutförandet negativt. De uppfattades inneha gedigen teoretisk kunskap, dock påtalades svårigheter med att omsätta denna i praktiken. Nyutexaminerade beskrevs som noggranna och fokuserade men med svårigheter i att se helheten i arbetet. Vidare upplevdes de samarbeta väl i team men vara bristfälliga i den arbetsledande rollen. Slutsats: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor är inte alltid redo för de krav som i verksamheten ställs. Främst beror detta på att de saknar erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap. Resultatet av studien tyder på att nuvarande utbildning inte är tillräckligt yrkesförberedande. Klinisk betydelse: Studiens resultat kan genom vidare forskning få betydelse för sjuksköterskeutbildningens framtida utformning. De områden som framförallt bör ses över är undervisning i praktiskt utförande samt i ledarskap. Dessa bör få större plats i utbildningen. / Background: For the major part of the 20th century, the nursing education was dominated by medical science and a scientific view on the human being was distinct. As a result of the Vård-77-reform, nursing science became the main subject of the education and a holistic view of the human being was established. The nursing education is guided by The Higher Education Act, and the competence and knowledge required of the nurse is guided by The National Board of Health and Welfare´s description of competence regarding registered nurses. The nursing education has been criticized and research has shown that newly registered nurses are insufficient in several practical elements. Aim: To examine experienced nurses’ perception of newly registered nurses. Method: An empirical interview-study with a qualitative descriptive approach. Results: Newly registered nurses are inspired by new knowledge and look at old routines with new eyes. Stress and a high workload affect them in a negative way. They were perceived to have a great deal of theoretical knowledge, but were said to have difficulties in applying those to practice. Newly registered nurses were perceived as accurate and focused but with difficulties seeing the work as a whole. They were said to work well in teams but don’t seem to have the ability of leading them. Conclusions: Newly registered nurses are not always well enough prepared for the demands which are required in clinical practice. This is primarily due to lack of experience based knowledge. The result of the study shows that the current education isn’t vocational. Clinical implication: The result of the study can, through further research, be of importance for the future nursing education. The areas that above all need to be investigated are the education in practical skills and leadership. Those subjects need to get more focus in the education.
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Green populism : a new phenomenonCarvalho, Ariana January 2020 (has links)
This study aims at exploring a new phenomenon labelled here as green populism. Building on modern theories of populism and green ideology, this case-study is focused on finding which elements of green populism are present, if any, in Greta Thunberg’s discourse. Using a Qualitative Content Analysis methodology and what is known as a coding process, it was possible to determine that all six subcategories of green populism, defined by this study as a) ecological crisis of cosmic proportion, b) victimisation of "the people", c) blame attribution to "the elite", d) green radicalisation, e) trust in science, and finally, f) intergenerational justice, can be identified in Greta Thunberg’s speeches. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Greta Thunberg is a populist actor which combines both populism thin-centred ideology and green ideology into a new phenomenon: green populism. / <p>Contact: ac222sd@student.lnu.se</p>
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Att balansera mellan ytterligheter : En kvalitativ studie om anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av peroperativ oxygenering / To balance between extremes : A qualitative study about nurse anesthetists’ experiences of intraoperative oxygenationAntonsson, Tobias, Vackdahl, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Syrgas används liberalt hos vuxna endotrakealt intuberade patienter peroperativt för att ge en skyddande marginal mot livshotande hypoxi. Ett överskott av syrgas kan dock öka risken för allvarliga biverkningar med en potentiellt negativ påverkan på både morbiditet och mortalitet. Vilken mängd syrgas som skall användas peroperativt är en omdiskuterad fråga i forskningsvärlden där RCT och metaanalys-studier kommer med motstridiga uppgifter om vad som faktiskt är det optimala oxygenmålet peroperativt. Motiv: Det finns meningsskiljaktigheter kring peroperativ oxygenering där nuvarande forskning om vad som är det optimala för patienten skiljer sig från studie till studie. Författarna av denna studie anser att det behövs en djupare förståelse av den ansvariga anestesisjuksköterskans erfarenheter och tankar kring peroperativ oxygenering, framförallt då det saknas evidens att luta sig mot. Syfte: Att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors tankar och erfarenheter av peroperativ oxygenering hos vuxna endotrakealt intuberade patienter. Metod: Individuella semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med anestesisjuksköterskor (n=10) på två olika sjukhus i mellansverige. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att bearbeta och analysera datan. Resultat: Analysen genererade tre huvudkategorier; En snäv balansgång - Att undvika hypoxi och hyperoxi, Upprätthållande av en patientsäker ventilation är ett mål och Vad är den optimala FiO2-nivån? En vilja om att arbeta evidensbaserat. Konklusion: Det är en pågående debatt internationell om vad den optimala målnivån av peroperativ FiO2 är. Med anledning av det oklara evidensläget visade det sig att anestesisjuksköterskorna arbetar efter beprövad erfarenhet när peroperativ FiO2 ställs in till patienten. De målnivåer av FiO2 som anestesisjuksköterskorna använder innehåller en säkerhetsmarginal för hypoxi och hänsyn tas till patientens sjuklighet. Rutinmässig hyperoxi förekommer inte och höga nivåer FiO2 likställs med ökad risk för komplikationer. Vidare forskning inom ämnet behövs som stöttning för patientansvarig anestesisjuksköterska i dess dagliga arbete. / Background: Oxygen is used liberally in adult endotracheal intubated patients intraoperative to provide a protective margin against life-threatening hypoxia. A surplus of oxygen can however increase the risk of serious side effects with a potentially increased long-term mortality. The use of oxygen intraoperative is a highly debated question in the scientific community, where RCT and metaanalysis studies are producing contradictory results about what the optimal oxygenation target intraoperative really is. Motive: There is a disagreement about intraoperative oxygenation where the current evidence about what the optimal target for the patient really is; this varies from study to study. The authors of this study thereby consider that there is a need for a deeper understanding of the responsible nurse anesthetist’s experiences and thoughts on intraoperative oxygenation; above all when there is no definitive evidence to lean on. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurse anesthetists’ thoughts and experiences of intraoperative oxygenation at adult patients who are endotracheal intubated. Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurse anesthetists (n=10) at two different hospitals in the middle of Sweden. Qualitative content analysis was used to process the data. Result: The analysis generated three main categories; A narrow balancing act – To avoid hypoxia and hyperoxia, Maintaining patient-safe ventilation is a goal and What is the optimal level of FiO2? A desire to work evidence-based. Conclusion: There is an ongoing debate internationally about what the optimal target level of intraoperative FiO2 is. Due to the unclear state of evidence, it turned out that the nurse anesthetists work after proven experience when intraoperative FiO2 is set for the patient. The target levels of FiO2 used by the nurse anesthetists contain a margin of safety for hypoxia and the patient's morbidity is taken into account. Routine hyperoxia does not occur and high levels of FiO2 are equated with an increased risk of complications. Further research is needed in the subject to support the nurse anesthetists responsible for the patient in their daily work.
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Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av intraoperativ kommunikation och dess betydelse för patientsäkerheten. : - en kvalitativ intervjustudie. / Operating room nurse’s experience of intraoperative communication and its significance for patient safety. : - a interview study.Harun, Faina, Lundin, Antonia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt Socialstyrelsen drabbas 10–20% av alla patienter som genomgår ett kirurgiskt ingrepp av komplikationer. Forskning visar att operationsavdelningen är ett högriskområde gällande patientsäkerhet. Operationsavdelningen är en komplex arbetsplats med högt arbetstempo som involverar flera olika professioner. Effektiv kommunikation är en central del i teamarbete och förbättrar operationsteamets samarbete, vilket i sin tur minskar risken för att en negativ händelse sker. Dock är brister i kommunikationen en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att fel, skador och misstag uppstår i samband med en operationMotiv: Majoriteten av de vårdrelaterade skador som sker i samband med en operation beror på ofullständig kommunikation och informationsöverföring. Genom att undersöka operationssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av intraoperativ kommunikation och dess betydelse för patientsäkerheten kan det ge operationssjuksköterskan, men även andra professioner i det interprofessionella operationsteamet, bättre insikt i vilka situationer som påverkar kommunikationen och kan orsaka att patientsäkerheten äventyras. Syfte: Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av intraoperativ kommunikation och dess betydelse för patientsäkerheten. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt nio operationssjuksköterskor intervjuades. Insamlade data analyserades med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Utifrån deltagarnas erfarenheter framkom tre huvudkategorier med tre respektive underkategorier; God kommunikation, Dålig kommunikation och Förutsättningar för säker vård. Konklusion: Studiens resultat visar att kommunikation är ett viktigt verktyg för intraoperativ vård och har stor betydelse för patientsäkerheten. Intraoperativ kommunikation påverkas av olika förutsättningar som inverkar på kommunikationens funktionalitet och kvalité likväl positivt som negativt. God kommunikation karaktäriseras av tydlig information, samspel inom arbetsteamet och individuellt ansvarstagande. Bristande kommunikation karaktäriseras av störningar inne på operationssalen, otydlig eller utebliven verbal kommunikation samt undermålig överrapportering vid personalbyte. / Background: According to the National Board of Health and Welfare 10-20% of all patients who undergo surgery suffer from complications. Research shows that the operating room is a high-risk area regarding patient safety. The operation department is a complex workplace with a high work pace which involves several professions. Effective communication is a central part of teamwork and improves collaboration, which in turn reduces the risk of a negative event occurring. However, shortcomings in communication are one of the most common reasons why error, injuries and mistakes occur in connection with a surgery. Motive: The majority of the care-related injuries that occur in connection with an operation are due to incomplete communication and information transfer. By examining the surgical nurse's experience of intraoperative communication and its significance for patient safety, it can give the operating room nurse’s, but also other professionals within the interprofessional surgical team, better insight into the situations that affect communication and can cause patient safety to be compromised. Aim: Operating room nurse’s experience of intraoperative communication and its significance for patient safety. Methods: Qualitative interview study with individual semi-structured interviews. A total of nine operating room nurses was interviewed. Collected data were analyzed with qualitative manifest content analysis. Result: Based on the participants' experiences, three main categories emerged with three subcategories respectively; Good communication, Poor communication and Prerequisites for safe care. Conclusion: The results of the study show that communication is an important tool for intraoperative care and is of great importance for patient safety. Intraoperative communication is affected by various conditions that affect the functionality and quality of the communication, both positively and negatively. Good communication is characterized by clear information, interaction within the work team and individual responsibility. Lack of communication is characterized by disturbances inside the operating room, unclear or nonverbal communication and substandard over-reporting when changing staff.
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"Vi kan koka kaffe men inte ta hand om trasiga människor" : Kvalitativ enkätstudie om biblioterapins spridning på folkbibliotek i Sverige / "We can brew the coffee but not care for broken people" : Qualitative survey on the diffusion of bibliotherapy at public libraries in SwedenHellmer, Elisabeth, Wennbom, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Introduction. Bibliotherapy is still in its infancy in Sweden compared to the USA which is seen as a pioneer country when it comes to applied bibliotherapy. Research on bibliotherapy shows that the benefits are many and the negative side effects are few, if any. This thesis seeks to understand what factors affect the diffusion of bibliotherapy among Sweden’s public libraries. Method and theory. A link to a web based qualitative survey questionnaire was emailed to public libraries in all regions of Sweden. 90 individuals responded by answering the questionnaire which served as the basis for the analysis. E. M Rogers theory on the Diffusion of innovations was applied to gain a deeper understanding of the collected data. Analysis. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the collected data. Meaning units were chosen from the data and then condensed without losing the underlying meaning. Subthemes and themes were then extracted from the condensed meaning units. The data was analysed in relation to E. M. Rogers theory and previous research which is presented in this paper. Results. Six themes arose during the analysis of the collected data: the role of libraries, employee's needs, effects of bibliotherapy, the concept of therapy in bibliotherapy, knowledge of bibliotherapy and other methods than bibliotherapy. The results of the analysis of the collected data are presented under each theme. Conclusion. The results show that the factors which affect the diffusion of bibliotherapy among Sweden’s public libraries are: knowledge, interest, time, resources, and the name bibliotherapy which in itself causes confusion and expectations.
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