Spelling suggestions: "subject:"avrättigheter"" "subject:"köprättigheter""
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Barns rätt till utbildning : likvärdighet, ansvarsfördelning och implementeringsskyldighet / Children's right to education : issues of equivalency, division of responsibility and the obligation to implementLiinason, Tella January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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”I am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I am a woman and I am fast.” : En filosofisk analys om rättvisa inom elitidrotten i förhållande till IAAF:s regelverk gällande kvinnor med könsavvikelser / ”I am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I am a woman and I am fast.” : A Philosophical Analysis Surrounding Justices Within the Elite Sports Level in Relation to IAAF:s Regulations Concerning Women With Disorder of Sex DevelopmentPalacios Ibañez, Christabel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has emphasised on justice within the regulation constructed by The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) concerning the eligibility for the female classification (athletes with Difference of Sex Development). Different arguments in IAAF:s regulation has been examined throughout a philosophical analysis to examine the validity of the regulation. The IAAF:s regulation validity is examined through the capabilities approach, which aims to promote individual justice of an individual and what the individual can become to her fullest. The other theory of justice originates from utilitarianism which is a type of justice that aims to bring the most fortune to the greatest amount of people. IAAF:s regulation is a governing tool which controls participation of female athletes in the elite level sport in races at international competitions. The women who get affected by its implementation are women who suffer from DSD (Disorder of Sex Development). The regulation requests that women with DSD, who develop higher amount of testosterone than the average woman, must undergo medication to participate in international competitions in different races. The effect of the medication results in the deterioration of their natural physiological health. IAAF considers it necessary since some women with DSD has an advantage in comparison to the average female athletes in the same race events. Throughout the capabilities approach this may seem as an unjust type of regulation for women with DSD. The theory of utilitarianism may see it as justice for the majority of female athletes. When applying these two types of justice, the capabilities approach and utilitarianism, the result will differ. The sports organisation IAAF has also been compared to other sports organisations. The comparison lies within what sport aims to be for the athlete. Before beginning with the analysis, the history of different control mechanism of the female athletes’ bodies will be presented to show the reader the complexity that lies in the female category of elite sports level.
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En studie av lycka utifrån begreppen självförverkligande och självtranscendens : Är lycka en mänsklig rättighet? / A study of happiness by the concepts of self-actualizationand self-transcendenceWestfahl, Sara January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the concept of happiness via the concepts of self-actualization and self-transcendence. The analyze performs on both an individual level and a level in a society context and also performs from both a descriptive and an analytical perspective. The study refers primarily to two theorists which are Abraham Maslow and Martha Nussbaum. Maslow's theory of a human motivation is about dividing a human´s needs, and therefore motivations, in a hierarchical order. Two of these divisions are self-actualization and self-transcendence. Martha Nussbaum describes the capability approach through partly a list of ten criteria for a human, worthy life. Nussbaum calls this list for the central capabilities. In this study emerged one of the conclusions that, from a rights perspective, the central capabilities can be a tool to increase people's opportunities to choose to become satisfied in levels of self-actualization and self-transcendence.
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Europeiska system i konflikt : Oförenligheter och konsekvenser för de mänskliga rättigheterna / Conflicts within the European systems : - Incompatibilities and Consequences for Human RightsStephan, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
There are some shortcomings in the common, European understanding of human rights. The EU, with its Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe with the European Convention, has in some cases clear incompatibilities when it comes to the interpretation of rights. This in turn, will have a negative impact on states that are affiliated to both systems, but also for those individuals who are experiencing that their rights have been violated. This study aims at analyzing where the conflict lies by using a jurisprudence approach, using a comparative analysis method. The study will also look into the possible solution that could be the EU's accession to the European Convention, thus creating a greater consensus on rights issues.
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Mänskliga rättigheter och socialt arbete inom offentlig förvaltning : En intervjustudie med tjänstepersoner inom socialtjänsten / Human rights and social work in public administration : An interview study with social service officialsLindkvist Vela, Elina January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish government has in national action plans and development cooperation pointed out the importance of relizing human rights at the municipal level. One of the municipality`s areas of responsibility is to attain a social service based on principals of democracy and solidarity. In addition, the social worker must apply national legislation, international human rights commitments and a user- or client perspective. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the importance of employees in the realization of human rights in the activities of social services. The study is based on interviews with employees in the social services. The results of the study are analyzed on the basis of theories regarding democracy, law enforcement and social work. The results show that the social workers in the exercise of authority need to apply different perspectives that are sometimes contradictory. The result indicates that the power to realize human rights in the social services is divided between structural factors and factors that have to do with the individual social worker.
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Mänskliga rättigheter i samhällskunskap : En innehållsanalys av mänskliga rättigheter i läromedel / Human rights in social studies : - A content analysis of human rights in teaching materialsBlomberg, Linus January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the theme of human rights is portrayed in printed teaching materials written for the high school courses social studies 1a1 and 1b respectively. A total of three series from two publishers are analysed, which are the Kompass series, the Liber series, and the Arena series, where each series contains a course 1a1 and 1b. This study will fall under a qualitative content analysis with a comparative element and will use a semiotic-didactic analysis model. The result shows that the subject content of the textbooks for human rights fulfills the central content for the courses social studies 1a1 and 1b respectively. The textbooks differ regarding how big a place the theme of human rights was given in the textbook. The textbooks have several similarities and differences in composition and form of expression.
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Religionsfriheten och lagstiftaren – En studie av det absoluta grundlagsskyddet av den positiva religionsfriheten. / Freedom of Religion and the Legislature – A studie of the Absolute Constitutional Protection of the Positive Right to Freedom of Religion.Wikström, Helena January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Det humanitära hotet i Ukraina efter Rysslands invasion : En kvalitativ textanalys av EU:s åtaganden i Ukraina för främjandet av mänskliga rättigheter.Åkerlind, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
This paper aims to study how the EU has maintained social, economic, cultural and political rights during Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The material used in this essay is official EU document from the different organs of the EU. To answer the question presented in the essay, both different human rights and Normative Power Europe have been used to see how the EU promoted the different human rights based on the idea that the EU is a normative power. To study this subject a text analysis has been used. By using this method, the study has found that social, economic, cultural and political rights all have been maintained by the EU in some way. Especially social and political rights and that the theory Normative Power Europe is applicable.
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Teckenspråkiga barns och ungas kultur i vardagslivet : En fenomenologisk intervjustudieSandström, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Teckenspråkig barnkultur och teckenspråkiga barns kulturupplevelser har hittills inte beforskats inom det barnkulturella ämnesfältet. Teckenspråkiga barns rätt till konst, kultur och språk fastslås i flera svenska lagar: barnrättskonventionen, språklagen och bibliotekslagen. Trots det visar tidigare forskning och studier på försvagad eller utebliven implementering av dessa lagar i det offentliga kulturlivet; döva barn och barn med hörselnedsättning ges inte längre möjlighet att lära sig, anända och utveckla svenskt teckenspråk och det offentliga kulturlivet brister i teckenspråkig verksamhet för teckenspråkiga barn och unga och deras familjer. En fenomenologisk intervjustudie har genomförts med tio teckenspråkiga barn / unga vuxna för att undersöka deras egna perspektiv på kulturupplevelser i vardagslivet. Studien visar att teckenspråkiga barn och unga har gemensamt att de väljer kulturella sammanhang och miljöer där jämställda kommunikationsvillkor råder. De upplever med stigande ålder ett successivt ökande utanförskap i talspråkiga miljöer och kultursammanhang. Teckenspråkiga barn intresserar sig för eget kulturutövande men få har kännedom om Kulturskolans verksamhet. Kulturen kan i viss mån möjliggöra möten mellan teckenspråkiga och icke teckenspråkiga barn och vuxna. En grundläggande förutsättning är visuell tillgänglighet och teckenspråkig kommunikation förenat med öppenhet, respekt och intresse för det teckenspråkiga barnet. Med ett multicentriskt perspektiv kan samhället förstå svenskt teckenspråk som en berikande möjlighet.
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Är FN-stadgans principer förhandlingsbara?Berleen, Tove January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera huruvida betydelsen av FN-stadgans centrala principer angående våldsanvändning, artikel 2(4), 2(7) och 51, kan förändras i och med staters agerande och isåfall på vilket sätt. Uppsatsen innehåller en teoretisk genomgång av icke-våldsprincipen och självförsvarsrätten. Vidare fokuserar uppsatsen på interventioner, med betoning på humanitära interventioner för att knyta an till Mänskliga Rättigheter som ämne. Till sist består uppsatsen av en tillämpning av den teoretiska delen genom en studie av Irakkonflikten 2003. Uppsatsen tar bland annat upp hur framtiden kan komma att se ut när det gäller användandet av preventivt självförsvar och humanitära interventioner, och hur USA:s agerande i Irakkonflikten 2003 kan påverka detta. Min slutsats är att tolkningen av folkrätten kan förändras bland annat genom staters agerande (om agerandet utvecklas till en praxis), men att tolkningen av grundläggande principer som våldsförbudet inte förändras så lätt utan istället är fortsatt omdebatterade. Den princip som kan komma att förändras i framtiden, bland annat i och med Irakkonflikten 2003, är rätten till självförsvar. / The purpose with this paper is to analyse whether the meaning of the central principles according to the use of force, article 2(4), 2(7) and 51, in the UN charter could be changed due to how states act. The paper contains of a teoretical review of the non-violence as a principle and the right to self-defence. Further, the paper focuses on interventions, with the emphasis on humanitarian interventions to put the paper in relation to the Human Right subject. Finally, the paper contains of an application of the teoretical part through a study of the Iraqi conflict 2003. The paper, among other things, brings up the issue about the use of preventive self-defence and humanitarian interventions for the future, and how the US governments acting in the Iraqi conflict 2003 effect this issue. My conclusion is that the interpretation of international law can be changed through states acting (if the acting developes into states practice), but central principles like non-force is not that easily changed, instead it contitiues to be an matter of deliberation. One principle that might be changed through, among other things, the Iraqi conflict is the right to self-defence.
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