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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den sociala investesteraren : En kvalitativ studie över hur privatinvesterare söker och värderar aktierelaterad information på sociala medier

Örnros, Gustaf, Karl, Karlsson January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är idag många som aktivt handlar aktier på börsen som ett sätt att få avkastning på sina sparade pengar. En stor del av dessa privatinvesterare är aktiva medlemmar i olika former av forum på sociala medier där de kan ta del aktietips, analyser mm. Detta arbete redogör för vad personer anser som värdefull information när det kommer aktierelaterad information.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att förklara hur aktiesparare agerar, bedömer och förhåller sig till aktierelaterad information som publiceras av andra användare på sociala medier. Metod: I studien har aktiva aktiesparare som huserar i aktieforum på sociala medier intervjuats där de har fått svara på flertalet frågor rörande hur de förhåller sig till aktieinformation på sociala medier. Intervjun har haft en semistrukturerad struktur. Intervjusvaren har sedan analyserats med hjälp av flertalet beteendevetenskapliga teorier. Arbetets ansats har varit induktiv.  Slutsats: Arbetet har lett oss till slutsatsen att det är högst personligt vad som anses vara värdefull information. Vissa föredrar specifika köptips som är lätta att följa, andra föredrar att läsa andras analyser för att sedan själva avgöra om det är värt att investera i det specifika bolaget. En del rör sig i dessa forum enbart för att lära sig hur en aktiesparare bör tänka mer generellt. / Background: Today, many people actively trade shares on the stock market as a way to get a return on their saved money. A large part of these private investors are active members in various forms of forums on social media where they can take part in stock tips, analyzes etc. This work explains what people consider to be valuable information when it comes to stock-related information. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explain how stock savers act, assess and relate to stock-related information published by other users on social media. Method: In the study, active stock traders who appears in stock forums on social media were interviewed where they were asked to answer questions regarding how they values stock information on social media. The interview has had a semi-structured structure. The interview results were analyzed with the help of several behavioral science theories. The approach to the work has been inductive. Conclusion: The work has led us to the conclusion that what is considered as valuable information is highly personal. Some prefer specific buying tips that are easy to follow, others prefer to read other people's analyzes and then decide for themselves whether it is worth investing in the specific company. Some uses these forums only to learn how a stock saver should think more generally.

Develop and Implement an Application Portfolio Management Framework : A case study at Atlas Copco / Utveckla och implementara ett ramverk för organisering av applikationsportfölj : En fallstudie på Atlas Copco

Guo, Jiayi January 2023 (has links)
Application portfolio management (APM) is the ongoing process of managing and optimizing the IT application portfolio to maximize its value. It has become increasingly important since large organizations today rely on hundreds, if not thousands, of applications to operate their businesses which in turn causes problems such as unused, redundant, or inefficient applications. Thus, numerous APM research has been conducted in the past to efficiently manage the application portfolio, but there is a lack of recent studies. This case study, which is a collaboration with Atlas Copco aims to contribute to both research and industry by developing and implementing a simple yet flexible APM framework that yields insightful analysis and application assessments. We propose a comprehensive APM framework consisting of the key phases: Objectives & scope definition, data type definition, data collection, process review and process adjustment. We identify the relevant information to be collected and the essential data analysis methods. To improve the flexibility of the proposed APM model, we also recommend adopting an iterative workflow by focusing on a small set of applications at a time. Our research approach consists in conducting interviews and workshops to gather input from key stakeholders and experts. Additionally, we perform a literature study to establish the theoretical foundation. In the considered case study, Power Apps and Power BI were used to collect and analyze the data. The outcomes were evaluated by the project managers and deemed successful in terms of fulfilling the main objectives. Furthermore, the evaluation reveals that the model is applicable not only within different departments of the company but potentially to other organizations as well. / Organisering av applikationsportfölj är ett sätt att hantera och optimera företagets applikationsportfölj för att maximera dess värde. Det har blivit allt viktigare i och med stora organisationer idag förlitar sig på hundratals, om inte tusentals, applikationer för att driva sina verksamheter. Detta i sin tur kan orsaka problem som oanvända, överflödiga eller ineffektiva applikationer. Således har en del forskning utförts tidigare för att effektivt hantera applikationsportföljen, dock finns det en brist på nya studier inom området. Denna uppsats, som är ett samarbete med Atlas Copco, syftar till att bidra till både forskning och industri genom att utveckla och implementera ett enkelt men flexibelt ramverk som ger insiktsfulla analyser och bedömning av applikationer. Vi föreslår ett ramverk bestående av nyckelfaserna: Mål & omfattningsdefinition, datatypsdefinition, datainsamling, processgranskning och processjustering. Vi identifierar relevant information som ska inhämtas och essentiella datanalysmetoder. Därtill, för att förbättra modellens flexibilitet rekommenderar vi ett iterativt arbetsflöde genom att fokusera på en mindre grupp applikationer i taget. Vår forskningsmetod består i att genomföra intervjuer och workshops för att samla in data från viktiga intressenter och experter. Dessutom genomför vi en litteraturstudie för att etablera den teoretiska grunden. I fallstudien användes tjänsterna Power Apps och Power BI för att samla in och analysera data. Resultatet utvärderas av projektledarna och bedömdes uppfylla huvudmålen. Vidare visar utvärderingen att modellen är tillämpbar i andra avdelningar och potentiellt även på andra organisationer.

College Students and Credit Card Use in the Twenty-first Century

Li, Zhong-Wen 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Kan vi lita på oss själva som konsumenter? : En studie om gapet mellan intention och handling / Can we trust ourselves as consumers? : A study on the gap between intention and action

Rapp, Jennifer, Kungs, Lilly, Lindberg, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur unga kvinnor i Generation Z rationaliserar sina köp av fast fashion trots en växande medvetenhet om modeindustrins negativa aspekter gällande miljö och sociala konsekvenser. Genom att utforska gapet mellan konsumenternas intentioner kring hållbarhet och deras faktiska beteenden belyser studien faktorer som har en påverkan på konsumentens köpbeslut. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Detta för att få en djupgående insikt i hur unga kvinnor inom Generation Z använder sig av rationaliseringar för att rättfärdiga sina köp av fast fashion. Analys av resultatet har utförts i form av en tematisk analys. Teorin Moralisk frikoppling har även tillämpats i ett försök att förklara det beteende som ligger till grund för gapet mellan konsumentens intention och handling. Studien visar att konsumenter i många fall använder sig av Moralisk frikoppling eftersom det ger en möjlighet att separera de negativa aspekterna av fast fashion, såsom miljöpåverkan, från de positiva aspekterna, exempelvis att plagget är billigt, snyggt eller trendigt. Resultatet visar att trots en ökad medvetenhet om fast fashions negativa aspekter, är det rationaliseringar som påverkar varför kvinnor inom Generation Z konsumerar, där pris och begär är de mest betydande drivkrafterna. Studien bidrar till en djupare förståelse av konsumentbeteende inom fast fashion samt en förståelse för de faktorer som påverkar gapet mellan konsumenters intentioner kring hållbarhet och dess faktiska handlingar. Ytterligare förväntas studien att bidra med en ökad självmedvetenhet hos konsumenter kring deras egen konsumtion av fast fashion och därav inspirera till mer medvetna val. Studien är skriven på svenska. / This study examines how young women in Generation Z rationalize their purchases of fast fashion despite a growing awareness of the fashion industry's negative aspects regarding environmental and social consequences. By exploring the gap between consumers' intentions regarding sustainability and their actual behaviors, the study highlights factors that have an impact on consumers' purchase decisions. The study is based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews were conducted. This is to gain an in-depth insight into how young women in Generation Z use rationalizations to justify their purchases of fast fashion. Analysis of the results has been done in the form of a thematic analysis. Additionally, the theory of Moral Decoupling has been applied in an attempt to explain the behavior that underlies the gap between the consumer's intention and action. The study shows that in many cases consumers use Moral Decoupling because it provides an opportunity to separate the negative aspects of fast fashion, such as environmental impact, from the positive aspects, for example that the garment is cheap, stylish or trendy. The result shows that despite an increased awareness of fast fashion's negative aspects, it is rationalizations that influence why women in Generation Z consume, where price and desire are the most significant driving forces. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of consumer behavior within fast fashion as well as an understanding of the factors that affect the gap between consumers' intentions regarding sustainability and its actual actions. Furthermore, the study is expected to contribute to an increased self-awareness among consumers regarding their own consumption of fast fashion and thereby inspire more conscious choices. The study is written in Swedish.

Kopf und Schädel : Methoden des Wahnsinns in Canettis roman "Die Blendung" / Brain and brawn methods of madness in Canetti's novel "Die Blendung"

Riezky, Günther Helmut Dieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Many treatises and disquisitions concerning "Die Blendung" concentrate on the main character, Peter Kien, as well as on other protagonists. In contrast, this dissertation deals with Pfaff, the primitive force and his influence on Peter Kien, the "Brain", the masterspirit. Common traits of these di verse characters are highlighted and it is explained why Pfaff, the brute, manages to exult over Kien, the intellectual. Their interactions and their interdependence are dealt with and it is shown that insanity which is prevalent in both protagonists prepares the way to Kien's doom whereas it leads to Pfaff's survival. / Das Interesse zahlreicher Untersuchungen Uber "Die Blendung" konzentriert sich auf die Hauptperson, Peter Kien, sowie auf andere Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz dazu beschaftigt sich diese Arbei t mi t dem Hausmeister Pfaff, dem "Schadel", und mit dem EinfluB, den er auf Peter Kien, den "Kopf", den Geistesmenschen hat. Es wird versucht, Gemeinsamkeiten, die diese beiden so gegensatzlichen Charaktere aufweisen, aufzuzeigen und darzulegen, warum der Gewaltmensch Pfaff Uber den wirklichkeitsfremden Wissenschaftler Kien zu triumphieren vermag. Der EinfluB, den sie aufeinander nehmen, und die Abhangigkeit voneinander werden aufgezeigt, und es wird aufge fUhrt, wie der Wahnsinn, dem sie be ide verf all en, zu Kiens Untergang filhrt, wahrend Pfaffs Uberleben durch seinen Wahnsinn gesichert wird / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (German)

Kopf und Schädel : Methoden des Wahnsinns in Canettis roman "Die Blendung" / Brain and brawn methods of madness in Canetti's novel "Die Blendung"

Riezky, Günther Helmut Dieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Many treatises and disquisitions concerning "Die Blendung" concentrate on the main character, Peter Kien, as well as on other protagonists. In contrast, this dissertation deals with Pfaff, the primitive force and his influence on Peter Kien, the "Brain", the masterspirit. Common traits of these di verse characters are highlighted and it is explained why Pfaff, the brute, manages to exult over Kien, the intellectual. Their interactions and their interdependence are dealt with and it is shown that insanity which is prevalent in both protagonists prepares the way to Kien's doom whereas it leads to Pfaff's survival. / Das Interesse zahlreicher Untersuchungen Uber "Die Blendung" konzentriert sich auf die Hauptperson, Peter Kien, sowie auf andere Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz dazu beschaftigt sich diese Arbei t mi t dem Hausmeister Pfaff, dem "Schadel", und mit dem EinfluB, den er auf Peter Kien, den "Kopf", den Geistesmenschen hat. Es wird versucht, Gemeinsamkeiten, die diese beiden so gegensatzlichen Charaktere aufweisen, aufzuzeigen und darzulegen, warum der Gewaltmensch Pfaff Uber den wirklichkeitsfremden Wissenschaftler Kien zu triumphieren vermag. Der EinfluB, den sie aufeinander nehmen, und die Abhangigkeit voneinander werden aufgezeigt, und es wird aufge fUhrt, wie der Wahnsinn, dem sie be ide verf all en, zu Kiens Untergang filhrt, wahrend Pfaffs Uberleben durch seinen Wahnsinn gesichert wird / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (German)

Tramas da (ir)racionalidade contempor?nea para a composi??o do mito-tecno-l?gico

Pires, Jo?o Maria 06 August 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:35:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoMP.pdf: 572426 bytes, checksum: 3eb2abb81c860d59d686cd34cb63726a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-08-06 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical / A trama mito-tecno-l?gica, contempor?nea, foi desenvolvida a partir da dicotomia mito-raz?o. Neste estudo, aprofundamos a referida dicotomia tomando como refer?ncia os contextos hist?ricos do Renascimento e do Iluminismo, ressaltando a discuss?o da racionaliza??o econ?mica como fio condutor do desenvolvimento ocidental, no qual identificamos o jogo do racional e do irracional, para assegurar a superioridade da raz?o. No contexto desse jogo, analisamos as implica??es da moderniza??o, para a educa??o, em fun??o da racionalidade instrumental, respons?vel pelo ambiente de adequa??o dos instrumentos tecnol?gicos ao cen?rio da moderniza??o contempor?nea. O novo contexto ? constitu?do por pontos de intersec??o e ruptura entre a t?cnica, a ci?ncia e o mito. Atrav?s da nossa an?lise, percebemos que as necessidades b?sicas para o conjunto da contemporaneidade encontravam-se vinculadas ?s mudan?as nas formas de produ??o, para o qual a m?quina passou a determinar o ritmo do trabalho e a qualidade do produto. Por sua vez, as mudan?as nos processos produtivos promoveram o surgimento das marcas comerciais que, no nosso modo de ver, representaram a s?ntese da perfeita harmonia do mito, da t?cnica, da ci?ncia e da tecnologia, na condu??o da racionaliza??o econ?mica at? ? moderniza??o contempor?nea. Desse modo, a moderniza??o contempor?nea nos chega pela racionaliza??o econ?mica, desenvolvida com o respaldo dos conhecimentos t?cnico-cient?ficos, e comunicada pelas articula??es do mito-tecno-l?gico

全民健保制度下醫療費用支付審查機制之檢討 / Research on health insurance medical payment review of health services of Taiwan's national health insurance system

張志誠, Chang, Chih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995年在台灣實施以來,從設立之初面臨整合困境,到近年來因應健保財務的收支平衡及社會保險財政收入公平性規劃,而於2013年通過了改良版二代健保規劃(補充保費),此意謂著台灣健保也面臨了一般社會保險財務沉重負擔的必然困境,同時也讓主管的衛生機關對於醫療給付的支出更限縮、管制更加嚴格。 注重醫療服務品質、衡平健保財務規劃及醫事服務機構的合理費用支付等三者平衡皆是健康保險制度能夠長久維持的重大元素。然而在總額支付制度之嚴格管制財務規劃下,雖然在名義上,健保局將醫療費用審查委託總額受託團體辦理,但受託單位角色上仍扮演行政協助角色,但健保局仍負責所有審查人員聘任、解僱、及最後審查裁量決定權,最後由健保局執行之行政程序將醫療費用支付給予醫事服務機構。 在當前醫療服務費用審查制度下,招致眾多醫療機構及醫事人員批評審查不公、惡意核刪(viciousness payment subtraction)、欠缺公民參與之黑箱審查等聲浪。細究此指摘聲浪並非空穴來風,實務上仍不免有許多謬誤醫療費用核刪、不確定法律概念(indefinite law concept)及侵犯醫事服務機構及相關醫事人員之財產權、工作權及醫療專業自主權之疑慮。 本文嘗試探討醫療費用審查之法律關係及支付制度角色,並解析目前眾多謬誤醫療費用核刪的法律明確性(principle of clarity and definiteness of law)違反、欠缺法源依據及判斷餘地瑕疵(discretion flaws)。並提出審查機制調整建議,建議將醫療費用審查制度交由公正第三人團體獨立化、專業化、減少爭議審議案件發生及爭審會行政負擔、促進公正審查(impartial review)、公開透明及避免醫療品質快速崩壞。

Jag lydde bara order : Byråkratins strukturella konsekvenser för tillämpningen av ett Individ- och helhetsperspektiv / I just obeyed order

Friborg, Alexandra, Hultgren, Renée January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>In this paper, we have studied the consequences of the bureaucratic or-ganizational structure for the individual- and holistic perspective pre-scribed in the Swedish legislation for social work. We have asked what consequences bureaucratic organizational structure in Max Weber’s terms can have for the individual and how it can affect the street level bureaucrats’ work performance. This is a theoretical study using and comparing earlier theoretical and empirical studies. Several organizational aspect of bureaucracy, listed and discussed in this study, makes it more difficult to implement the prescribed individual- and holistic perspective. At the same time it is demonstrated that the very same organizational features gives the street level bureaucrats the tools to an administrative fast and effective process. Bureaucracy can also create loyalty-bonds, demonstrated in this study, which render possible a structure where one closes the eyes to eventual moral dilemmas that may have negative consequences for the client.</p></p>

Estudo de máquinas elétricas especiais: motor monofásico de pólos inscritos / not available

Amêndola, Cesar Augusto Moreira 29 August 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de um estudo teórico sobre o MMPI. Inicialmente, apre-sentamos um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o MMPI evidenciando os seus aspectos construtivos, seu funcionamento, suas características operacionais e suas possíveis aplicações. Em seguida, elaboramos um modelo físico fundamentado nas teorias do Motor de Indução Duplamente Alimentado (MIDA) e do Motor de Histerese (MH), o qual agrega as principais características operacionais do MMPI e reproduz o processo dinâmico de inscrição de pólos na periferia do rotor. A partir deste modelo físico propomos um modelo matemático, baseado na teoria dos circuitos magneticamente acoplados, constituído pelo equacionamento do MIDA, do MH e das fontes de alimentação do estator e do rotor. Deduzimos teoricamente todos os parâmetros necessários para a simulação computacional. Executamos a sua simulação computacional no software Matlab/SimulinkTM, cujos resultados ilustram o comportamento dinâmico das suas tensões, correntes, fluxos e mecânica. Comparando-se os resultados obtidos na simulação computacional com testes laboratoriais executados pelo CE-PEL, concluímos que o modelo matemático proposto e os parâmetros deduzidos podem ser considerados validados. Finalizando, sugerimos um motor monofásico de pólos lisos a imãs permanentes como uma alternativa mais simples do ponto de vista construtivo, porém com características operacionais semelhantes às do MMPI. / This work deals with a theoretical study on Written-PoleTM single-phase motor. Initially, we present the results from the bibliographical research on the Written-PoleTM motor, evidencing its constructional features, operation process, operational characteristics and some possible applications. Afterwards, we elaborate a physical model based in the theories of the doubly fed induction motor and the hysteresis motor, which incorporates the operational characteristic of Written-PoleTM motor and reproduces the written-pole dynamic process. Starting from this physical model we propose a mathematical model, based on the theory of the magnetically coupled circuits, constituted by the set of differential equations deduced from the doubly fed induction motor, the hysteresis motor and the stator and rotor voltage sources. We deduced theoretically all the computational simulation necessary parameters. We perform its computational simulation in the software Matlab/SimulinkTM, whose results illustrate the dynamic behavior of its voltages, currents, fluxes, torques and speed. Comparing the results obtained from the computational simulation with the CEPEL\'s test results, we concluded that the proposed mathematical model and the deduced parameters can be considered validated. Finally, we suggest a permanent-magnet smooth-pole single-phase motor as an alternative to Written-PoleTM motor. This alternative, even being simpler from the constructional point-of-view, presents operational characteristics similar to the Written-PoleTM single-phase motor.

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