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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering / Ecosystem services in urban planning

Engelin Edvinsson, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Ekosystemtjänster är ett relativt nytt begrepp inom fysisk planering och kan beskrivas som de olika gratistjänster människan får från jordens olika ekosystem. Utan dessa gratistjänster skulle jorden inte vara en beboelig plats för människan. Därför är tjänsterna vi får från naturen livsavgörande för vår och andra arters existens. Men trots att ekosystemtjänster är av oerhört värde för mänskligheten och dess socioekonomiska samhälle saknas det idag kunskap om detta område - inte minst inom fysisk planering. Dessa tjänster saknar, vad man kallar, ett marknadsvärde vilket har lett till att det är svårt att uppskatta det ”riktiga värdet” av de tjänster vi får från naturen. Hur sätter man ett värde på exempelvis fördelarna med pollinering, stadsodlingar, de psykiska och fysiska fördelarna med urbana grönytor samt den naturliga vatten- och luftrening som ständigt sker? Det är ingen lätt fråga att besvara. Okunskap om ekosystemens olika tjänster kan få förödande konsekvenser i en allt mer globaliserad värld med ekonomier som ständigt växer. Där majoriteten av världens befolkning bor i städer som växer både på bredden och på höjden samtidigt som jorden står inför globala klimatförändringar med varmare klimat, kraftigare nederbörd et cetera. Ekosystemtjänster har visat sig användbara i många av dessa fall, om de används på rätt sätt. Ekosystemtjänster renar exempelvis vår luft i täta städer, de reglerar temperaturer i städer, de kyler byggnader under heta sommardagar, de har ett rekreativt värde för människor och har även visat sig effektiva för att motverka stress och andra psykiska sjukdomar. Fördelarna är många och kunskap om hur de kan användas på bästa sätt kan ge stora samhällsvinster. Fysisk planering är ett av de främsta medlen för att kunna hantera och nyttja ekosystemtjänsterna på lämpligast sätt. Men trots detta saknas det idag kunskap bland planerare inom detta område. Med min uppsats hoppas jag därför kunna bidra till att väcka fler planerares, arkitekters, politikers och andra aktörers intresse för att förstå värdet av att använda ekosystemtjänster inom stadsplanering. / Ecosystem services are a quite new notion within urban planning and it can be described as those services the human get for free from the Earth´s different ecosystems. Without these free services the Earth would have been uninhabitable. Thereof the services we get from the nature are vital for our own and for other species existence. However, despite the great value and impact ecosystem services have to humanity and our socioeconomic society there is lack of knowledge within this field  and urban planning is not an exception. Ecosystem services do not have any market value and this has lead to difficulties to understand the ”real value” of the services we get from the nature. For instance, how do we value pollination, the benefits of urban farming, the physical and mental benefits of urban green areas or the value of natural purification of water and air et cetera? It is not an easy question to answer. Lack of people´s knowledge regarding the benefits of ecosystem services can have devastating consequences. Especially in a globalised world where the majority of the people in the world live in cities and at the same time when the Earth is facing global warming. However, ecosystem services have proved to be very efficient if they are used the right way. For example, ecosystem services purify the air from impurities and regulate the temperature in our cities, cooling down buildings during hot summer days, they also have a recreational value and have proved to cure stress and other diseases. The benefits are many and if we possess the knowledge of these services and are able to control them in the very best way it can give back social benefits. Urban planning is one of the main means to manage and use the ecosystem services in the best way. Despite this, many urban planners don´t have enough with knowledge within this field. My wish with this dissertation is to contribute and share my knowledge to other planners, architects, politicians and other operators who work with urban planning in a daily basis. I want to grow a seed of interest and write about the importance of why we shoud be using ecosystem services within urban planning.

Die Huflängenregulation bei im Semireservat gehaltenen Liebenthaler Pferden durch saisonale Einflüsse auf Hornbildung und Hornverlust

Herrmann, Claudia 03 February 2015 (has links)
Einleitung Huferkrankungen nehmen einen hohen Patientenanteil in der orthopädischen Pferdepraxis ein. Sie sind häufig begleitet von geringem Hornwachstum und/oder ständigen Tragrandausbrüchen. Hierbei stellt sich die Frage, in wie weit dieses Geschehen durch die jeweilige Pferdehaltung begünstigt wird und wie stark der genetische Einfluss hierauf ist. Vom einzigen rezenten Wildpferd, dem Przewalskipferd, sind Daten zum Hornwachstum und -abrieb mit ausgeprägter Saisonalität bekannt, außerdem existiert bei Haltung im Semireservat ein spezieller Mechanismus des Tragrandausbruches. Diese Faktoren führen zu einer selbstständigen Huflängenregulation ohne Einflussnahme des Menschen. Ziele der Untersuchungen Die Untersuchungen dienen dem Ziel, für das Hauspferd Daten über saisonale Hornproduktion und Hornabnutzung zu erheben und Aussagen über einen eventuell vorhandenen physiologischen Huflängenregulationsmechanismus (wie er auch bei den Przewalskipferden vorkommt) zu machen. Eine suffiziente Ausprägung eines solchen Mechanismus ist für die tierschutzgerechte Durchführung einer Haltungsform, bei der die Pferde weitgehend sich selbst überlassen sind, essentiell. Durch den Vergleich mit dem Przewalskipferd sollen außerdem genetische und umweltbedingte Einflüsse auf die Huflängenregulation geklärt werden, um die Kenntnisse der für eine extensive Pferdehaltung nötigen Umweltfaktoren zu verbessern und zu erweitern. Materialien und Methoden Für die Untersuchungen standen insgesamt 26 Liebenthaler Pferde (Hauspferde) unterschiedlichen Alters (12 Pferde vor 1999 geboren, 14 Pferde ab 1999 geboren) und Geschlechtes (11 Hengste, 15 Stuten) zur Verfügung, die in Semireservat-ähnlicher Haltung leben. Bei diesen Tieren wurden über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr an jedem Huf in monatlichem Abstand die Länge des Rückenteils der Hufplatte, die Hornbildung, der Hornverlust sowie das Auftreten von Hornspalten und Hornchips erfasst. Die Messungen der Dorsallänge sowie der monatlichen Hornbildung und des monatlichen Hornverlustes wurden direkt an den Hufen der untersuchten Pferde durchgeführt, wobei zur Erfassung von Hornbildung und Hornverlust der Distalschub einer artifiziell angebrachten Markierung an der dorsalen Hufwand erfasst wurde. Die auftretenden Hornspalten und Hornchips wurden monatlich fotografisch dokumentiert und im Anschluss nach ihrer Ausdehnung und Lokalisation ausgewertet. Für die Aussagen im Ergebnisteil wurden Methoden der deskriptiven und explorativen Statistik angewendet (Berechnung von Mittelwerten, Streuungsmaßen, Korrelationen, Darstellung linearer zusammenhänge mittels Regressionsgeraden, Varianzanalysen, Scheffé-Test). Ergebnisse Die dorsale Huflänge unterliegt bei den Liebenthaler Pferden einer Regulation, die es ermöglicht, sie nach Ausbildung ihrer individuellen Größe innerhalb einer gewissen Spannweite auch über Jahre hinweg konstant zu halten. Die Dynamik im Jahreszyklus äußert sich mit Höchstwerten im Mai und Minimalwerten im August. Dieses ist bedingt durch die im Verlauf der Jahreszeiten unterschiedlichen Werte bei Hufhornbildung und -verlust. Im Sommer sind sowohl die Hornproduktion als auch der Hornverlust signifikant höher als in den kälteren Monaten. Obwohl Hornbildungsrate und Hornverlust eine positive Korrelation zueinander aufweisen (r = 0,47), lassen sich auch Unterschiede erkennen: im Frühling und Sommer überwiegt der Hornverlust, während sich im Herbst und Winter eine höhere Hornbildung nachweisen lässt. Für die Abnutzung des Hufhorns gibt es zwei sich ergänzende und saisonal unterschiedlich stark wirkende Mechanismen: den Hufhornabrieb und die Tragrandausbrüche als Endergebnis des Chippings. Der Hornabrieb wird vor allem durch die Untergrundhärte gefördert und tritt zu allen Jahreszeiten mit Höchstwerten im Sommer und Minimalwerten im Winter auf. Das Auftreten von Tragrandausbrüchen und den sie bedingenden Hornchips ist vor allem auf die Sommermonate konzentriert, während in den kälteren Jahreszeiten nur wenige und kleinere Ausbrüche stattfinden. Der Prozess des Chippings wird eingeleitet durch die Bildung von Hornspalten im Tragrandbereich zwischen denen es dann durch Spreiz- und Hebelwirkung beim Auffußen zur Bildung eines Querrisses mit anschließender vollständiger Separierung eines Hornchips kommt. Der Tragrand wurde im Ergebnis dieses Ausbruchs auf das Niveau der Hufsohle eingekürzt. Die meisten Hornchips treten in Übereinstimmung mit der Ausbildung von Hornspalten an der lateralen Hufseite auf, außerdem werden die Vorderhufe deutlich öfter durch Tragrandausbrüche verkürzt als die Hinterhufe. Die Bildung von Hornspalten ist in der untersuchten Population deutlich höher, als es für einen regelrechten Chipping-Vorgang nötig wäre. Schlussfolgerungen Für die Liebenthaler Pferde wird die Schaffung von Bereichen mit abrasiven Untergründen auf dem ansonsten mit weichem Boden bedeckten Weidegelände empfohlen, um das häufige Auftreten von durchgehenden Hornspalten (mit der damit verbundenen Gefahr von Schmerz und Lahmheiten) zu minimieren. Bei einem Vergleich mit unter ähnlichen Bedingungen gehaltenen Przewalskipferden lässt die Höhe von Hornbildungsrate und Hornverlust einen genetischen Einfluss auf diese Parameter vermuten. Die Ausprägung der saisonalen Unterschiede ist jedoch bei beiden Rassen gleich, so dass für diese am ehesten die Habitatbedingungen als auslösende Faktoren in Betracht kommen. Beim Liebenthaler Pferd stellt sich eine dem Przewalskipferd ähnliche Längenregulation am Huf ein, wobei einzelne hierfür notwendige Mechanismen auch Unterschiede aufweisen. Somit wird deutlich, dass die Grundlage für eine physiologische Selbsterhaltung der Huflänge die den Pferden angebotenen Haltungsbedingungen sind, während die Genetik und die Domestikation geringere Effekte auf die Längenregulation haben. Auftretende pathologische Erscheinungen (nicht nur am Huf) müssen jedoch auch bei Extensivhaltung der Pferde zur Landschaftspflege erkannt und behandelt werden.

Regulace hazardních her v České republice / Regulation of Gambling in Czech Republic

Foltín, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis investigates the problem of gambling in the Czech Republic. There are analyzed and discussed several aspects of gambling in relation to historical development, the existing legislative system or the specifics of interest and acting of participants by research questions. The offer of the gambling market is very wide. The work focuses mainly on gaming device with which the issue of pathological gambling is associated the most. The important methods, which are used, are pathological gambling analysis, analysis of the legal framework, the analysis of participants and analysis of relevant strategic documents. The thesis analyzes the current state of gambling in the Czech Republic, based on questionnaires addressed to the municipalities and structured interviews with other respondents. The thesis also presents specific measures that can be applied to solve the current problem of gambling in the Czech Republic. Keywords Regulating of Gambling, Gaming Machines, Pathological Gambling, Aspects of State Interventionism, Progress of the Gambling in the Czech Republic, Jurist Legislature, Participants and Interest Groups The extent of thesis: 104 pages, 188 342 characters (including spaces)

“Vi pratar ju aldrig om sexualitet på vår arbetsplats” : - Erfarenheter av att bemöta sexualitet hos personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning bland personal inom bostäder med särskild service enligt LSS / "We Never Talk about Sexuality at our Work" : - Caregivers Experiences of Supporting the Sexuality of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Group Homes According to LSS

Matsson, Tova, Aronsson Lindquist, Heléne January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Erkända globala och nationella dokument framhåller sexualitet som en mänsklig rättighet. Trots detta förbises personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF) rätt till sin sexualitet. Förbiseendet medför bland annat att de får bristande stöd av personal i detta viktiga livsområde varpå deras möjlighet att uttrycka sin sexuella identitet minimeras. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka personals upplevelser av att bemöta personer med IF:s sexualitet inom bostäder med särskild service enligt LSS utifrån sin kunskap och kompetens, samt vad de ser för eventuellt kompetensbehov. Metod: Vi har använt en kvalitativ forskningsdesign och intervjuat sju kommunalt anställda personer inom bostäder med särskild service. Alla informanter har erfarenhet av att arbeta med LSS personkrets ett och några även av personkrets tre. Studiens insamlade empiri har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys och slutligen har vi tolkat vårt resultat med hjälp av ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv på sexualitet och teorier om professionellt handlingsutrymme. Resultat: Studien visar att informanterna har begränsad kunskap och färdigheter i att bemöta sexuella behov hos personer med IF. Dessutom framkommer en övergripande tabukänsla kring ämnet sexualitet med tystnadskultur som följd. Riktlinjer och vägledningsdokument saknas att luta sig emot samt bristande stöd från ledning framkommer. Informanterna uttrycker en stor osäkerhet kring att vara ett sexuellt stöd och efterfrågar omfattande kompetensutveckling för att de ska känna sig kunskapsmässigt och rättsligt säkra att arbeta med sexualitet. Slutsats: För att förbättra stödet och möjligheterna för personer med IF att få vara sexuella personer och bli erkända som sådana på ett respektfullt sätt, krävs det bättre utbildning, riktlinjer samt lagstöd för personalen. Det är också viktigt att arbeta mot de fördomar och tabun som råder kring sexualitet och IF, så att människor med IF inte stigmatiseras och marginaliseras ytterligare. Detta är ett område där personal och samhället som helhet har en avgörande roll, genom att se till att alla individer har rätt till sin sexuella identitet och sina sexuella behov. / Background: Nationally and globally established documents accentuate sexuality as a human right. Although this is the case, people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are shunned regarding their rights to their own sexuality. This precedence leads to caregivers, tasked with supporting intellectually disabled service users, to neglect helping them in this field, giving them less opportunities to express their own sexual identities. Purpose: This study aims to evaluate caregivers experiences when it comes to addressing sexuality in the residential homes of the people with IDs that they support, as well as what competence they deem as necessary to handle such situations. Method: In this qualitative study we have interviewed seven municipally employed, tasked with supporting people with ID within group homes. The empirical data we've collected has been analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis, for which our result has been interpreted while using social constructivist perspectives on sexuality and theories on professional discretion. Results: The study shows that the informants have limited knowledge and lack of skill when it comes to assisting people with ID with their sexualities, as well as coping with the stigma related to the topic sexuality and the culture of silence that follows. Most workplaces lack guidance documents and rules regarding the topic of sexuality and a lack of support from managers. Conclusion: To better help shape the support needs and possibilities of people with ID, allowing them to voice their sexualities and being recognized as sexual beings in a respectful manner; education, guidance, overall rules and regulations are needed for the caregivers tasked to work with them. This is an area where the caregivers and society as a whole have a deciding role, making sure that all people, no matter their abilities, are allowed to express themselves sexually. It is also important that society keeps on working against the taboo that is related to disabled people and sexual expression, which could lead to being stigmatized more than what they already are.

Guidelines for the teaching of reading in the intermediate phase within the context of inclusion

Lategan, Irene Anne Stewart 11 1900 (has links)
As theories on the process of reading have advanced so definitional changes have resulted. This in turn has impacted on the teaching of reading. Comprehension is not the result of successful word recognition, rather, meaning is constructed by the reader using various sources as a frame of reference. Reading requires an interaction between the reader, the text read and the context in vvhich it is read. Reader factors involve language competencies, prior knowledge, vocabulary, the use of strategies and attitudes and motivation. The text may be narrative or expository and encompasses instructional materials. The tvvo broad categories in the context are the classroom setting and the instructional context. An 'interactive' or 'organisational' paradigm underlying inclusion recognises individual differences as being a probable cause of failure but postulates that the school and all that it encompasses, can be a barrier to learning and development. As such it is not deficit driven, attributing failure to learners alone. In the case of reading, this means not attributing reading failure to the reader alone but acknowledging the role of the text and the context. This point of departure is confirmed by an interactive model of disability, which, while still explaining reading deficits, advances that alternative areas also be investigated. Focusing on abilities is conducive to proactivity in the prevention of barriers to learning and development. To be inclusive therefore, mainstream schools generally and classrooms specifically, will need to be reformed and restructured to be more responsive to learners experiencing barriers to learning and development. This will require enhanced teaching methods and flexible support systems. Accommodating diversity presupposes the acknowledgement of each learner's uniqueness in order to meet individual needs. This will be facilitated when in the compilation of a reading programme to meet individual needs, the reader, the text and context are matched through assessment and instruction . A reading programme to enhance the teaching of reading and thereby meet individual needs has been compiled and implemented in a mainstream, intermediate phase class. From this practical experience and the literature studied, guidelines for the teaching of reading have been formulated for teachers in the intermediate phase to use within the context of inclusion. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Orthopedagogics)

Raquitismo e osteomalácia hipofosfatêmicos de origem genética mediados por FGF23: caracterização molecular, óssea e renal / FGF23-mediated inherited hypophosphatemic rickets: molecular characterization, bone analysis and renal evaluation

Colares Neto, Guido de Paula 19 October 2015 (has links)
Introdução: raquitismo e osteomalácia hipofosfatêmicos de origem genética mediados por FGF23 (RQ/OM-FGF23) são caracterizados pelo aumento patológico dos níveis séricos de FGF23 com consequentes hiperfosfatúria e hipofosfatemia. A forma hereditária mais comum é a ligada ao X dominante (XLHR) ocasionada por mutações inativadoras no gene PHEX. Objetivos: identificar a etiologia molecular; avaliar a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e a microarquitetura óssea e, determinar a prevalência de nefrocalcinose (NC), nefrolitíase (NL) e de alterações metabólicas urinárias em 47 pacientes com RQ/OM-FGF23 (16 crianças e 31 adultos). Métodos: as análises dos genes PHEX e FGF23 foram realizadas pelos métodos de Sanger e MLPA. A DMO areal (DMOa) foi avaliada por densitometria óssea (DXA), enquanto a DMO volumétrica (DMOv) e os parâmetros de microarquitetura óssea foram analisados por HR-pQCT. A NC foi classificada segundo uma escala de 0-3 (0 = ausência de NC; 3 = NC grave) pelas ultrassonografia (US) e tomografia computadorizada (TC) renais. A presença de NL foi analisada pela TC renal. Fatores de risco para NC e NL foram avaliados pela urina de 24 horas. Resultados: foram identificadas mutações no PHEX em 41 pacientes (87,2%). A avaliação óssea foi realizada em 38 pacientes com XLHR que foram comparados a controles saudáveis. Os pacientes tiveram maior DMOa em L1-L4 (p=0,03) e menor DMOa em 1/3 distal do rádio (p < 0,01). Em rádio distal, a DMOv total (Total.vBMD) e os componentes trabecular (Tb.vBMD) e cortical (Ct.vBMD) foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Na tíbia distal, os pacientes apresentaram menor Total.vBMD em relação aos controles devido ao déficit no Tb.vBMD (p < 0,01). Além do mais, ao separarmos por status metabólico, os pacientes descompensados tiveram menor Ct.vBMD em tíbia distal comparados aos controles (p=0,02). Quanto aos parâmetros estruturais, em rádio distal, os pacientes apresentaram menor número de trabéculas (Tb.N; p=0,01), maior espessura trabecular (Tb.Th; p < 0,01) e maior falta da homogeneidade trabecular (SD.1/Tb.N; p=0,02). Na tíbia distal, eles tiveram menor Tb.N (p < 0,01), maior separação trabecular (Tb.Sp; p < 0,01) e maior SD.1/Tb.N (p < 0,01). A avaliação renal foi feita em 39 pacientes com XLHR. A NC foi diagnosticada em 15 (38,5%) pacientes pelas US e TC, principalmente no grupo pediátrico em uso intensivo de fosfato. A US detectou NC em 37 (94,8%), majoritariamente como grau 1 (97%), enquanto a TC identificou NC medular em 15 (38,5%): 10 (66,7%) como grau 1 e cinco (33,3%) como grau 2. Quatro (10,2%) pacientes adultos tinham NL determinada pela CT. Além da hiperfosfatúria presente em todos os pacientes, a hipocitratúria foi a alteração metabólica mais comum (30,7%); somente dois pacientes apresentaram hipercalciúria (5,1%) e nenhum apresentou hiperoxalúria. Conclusões: nesta casuística, a XLHR foi a principal forma hereditária de RQ/OM-FGF23. A HR-pQCT foi mais informativa do que a DXA e o compartimento ósseo trabecular foi mais afetado pela doença, particularmente na tíbia distal. Finalmente, a NC foi mais prevalente que a NL; o principal fator de risco metabólico foi a hiperfosfatúria e o tratamento intensivo com fosfato parece ser um agravante na formação da NC / Background: FGF23-mediated hypophosphatemic rickets is a group of diseases characterized by a pathological increase of FGF23 serum levels, resulting in hyperphosphaturia and hypophosphatemia. In this group, the most common form of inheritance is the X-linked dominant (XLHR) caused by inactivating mutations in the PHEX gene. Aims: to identify the molecular basis; to evaluate the bone mineral density and bone microarchitecture; to determinate the prevalence of nephrocalcinosis (NC), nephrolithiasis (NL) and their related metabolic factors in 47 patients with FGF23-mediated hypophosphatemic rickets (16 children and 31 adults). Methods: PHEX and FGF23 were analyzed by conventional Sanger sequencing and MLPA. The areal BMD (aBMD) was evaluated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), while the volumetric BMD (vBMD) and the bone microarchitecture were analyzed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT). NC was investigated by renal ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) and classified using a 0-3 scale (0= no NC and 3= severe NC). The presence of NL was determined by renal CT. Risk factors for NC and NL were evaluated by 24-hour urinary samples. Results: 41 patients (87.2%) presented mutations in PHEX. The bone analysis was made in 38 XLHR patients compared to healthy controls. XLHR patients presented higher aBMD at L1-L4 (p=0.03) and lower aBMD at the distal third of the radius (p < 0.01). At the distal radius, HR-pQCT showed no differences in the vBMD neither in its trabecular (Tb.vBMD) and cortical (Ct.vBMD) components. At the distal tibia, the XLHR patients showed lower Total.vBMD (p < 0.01) compared to controls due to decreased Tb.vBMD (p < 0.01). Moreover, after XLHR patients were sorted by metabolic status, the noncompensated ones revealed lower Ct.vBMD at the distal tibia compared to their respective controls (p=0.02). Regarding to the microarchitectural parameters, at the distal radius, XLHR patients showed lower trabecular number (Tb.N; p=0.01), greater trabecular thickness (Tb.Th; p < 0.01) and more inhomogeneous trabecular network (SD.1/Tb.N; p=0.02). At the distal tibia, they had lower Tb.N (p < 0.01), larger trabecular separation (Tb.Sp; p < 0.01) and greater SD.1/Tb.N (p < 0.01). The renal assessment was done in 39 XLHR patients. NC was diagnosed in 15 (38.5%) patients by US and CT, mainly in the pediatric group that was in phosphate treatment. US identified NC in 37 (94.8%), mostly as grade 1 (97%), meanwhile CT determined medullary NC in 15 (38.5%) patients: 10 (66.7%) as grade 1 and five (33.3%) as grade 2. Four (10.2%) adults patients had NL determined by CT. Besides hyperphosphaturia present in all XLHR patients, hypocitraturia was the most common metabolic factor (30.7%); hypercalciuria occurred in only two patients (5.1%) and none had hyperoxaluria. Conclusions: in our cohort, XLHR was the most prevalent form of FGF23-mediated inherited hypophosphatemic rickets. HR-pQCT was more informative than DXA and the cancellous bone compartment was the most affected by the disease particularly at the distal tibia. Finally, NC was more prevalent than NL; the main metabolic risk factor was hyperphosphaturia and the intensive treatment with phosphate seems to be an aggravating factor in the formation of NC

A política de Promoção por Mérito na rede de ensino estadual paulista: um processo complexo e multifacetado / The policy of Merit-based Promotion in São Paulo state teaching system: a complex and multifaceted process

Souza, Valeria de 25 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valeria de Souza.pdf: 5116971 bytes, checksum: b5cf54a3272b1ca8e1f60ea2874b512f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / This work aims to question the current actions of teacher evaluation, specially the policy of Merit-based Promotion, with the objective of analyzing them according to the manifestations of the educational professionals of the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo. The theoretical references include the following authors: Stephen Ball, with his policy cycle approach; Viñao Frago, in order to understand the concept of reform in the perspective of the school culture, the managers culture and the reformers culture; Claude Lessard, to accomplish the analysis of different approaches about teacher evaluation. This research is considered having quantitative and qualitative nature, involving a descriptive-analytical study of proposals, actions and agents that convey ideas about the policy of Merit-based Promotion. In order to do so, we used documental analysis of 67 questionnaires answered by professionals of the educational system of the state of São Paulo (supervisors, directors and teachers) from 04 Boards of Education (from the great ;region of São Paulo and from the countryside of the state), chosen by their profile in the selection process of promotion in 2012. This work, therefore, investigated the policy of Merit-based Promotion, questioning it concerning the ideas, backgrounds, characters, paths, forms and proceedings that form it, focusing them on the perspective of the discourses and actions of the regulators and questioners (context of the influence and the text production), as well as in the perspective of the academic studies (context of the results/effects) and manifestations of educational professionals who work at the public system of the state of São Paulo (context of the practice). Another aim of this investigation was also questioning how the policy strategies are created and recreated, from the regulators and questioners points of view. The main results allowed us to observe, from the analysis of the multiple contexts, how such policy influences careers, practices and conceptions of the professionals of the educational system of the state of São Paulo, acting as a system of control and standardization. It was also possible to confirm the hypothesis that there are many actors who reinterpret and give a new meaning to the policy of Merit-based Promotion; however, the educational professionals are not the most influent actors in this process / Esta investigação problematiza as ações atuais de avaliação docente, em especial a política de Promoção por Mérito, tendo como objetivo analisá-las segundo as manifestações dos profissionais da educação no âmbito da Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo. O referencial teórico inclui os seguintes autores: Stephen Ball por sua abordagem do ciclo de políticas (policy cycle approach);Viñao Frago para compreender o conceito de reforma na perspectiva da cultura escolar, cultura dos gestores e cultura dos reformadores; Claude Lessard para análise das diferentes abordagens sobre avaliação docente. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa envolvendo um estudo analítico-descritivo de propostas, ações e agentes que veiculam ideias sobre a política de Promoção por Mérito. Para tanto, são utilizadas análises documental e de 67 questionários respondidos por profissionais da rede educacional paulista (supervisores, diretores e professores) de 04 Diretorias de Ensino (da Grande São Paulo e do interior do estado), selecionados por seu perfil em relação ao concurso de promoção realizado em 2012. Esta pesquisa, portanto, investiga a política de Promoção por Mérito, problematizando-a quanto às ideias que a conformam, cenários, personagens, percursos, modalidades e instâncias, focalizando-os na perspectiva dos discursos e ações de regulamentadores e problematizadores (contexto da influência e da produção de texto), bem como na perspectiva dos estudos acadêmicos (contexto dos resultados/efeitos) e manifestações de profissionais da educação que atuam na rede pública estadual de São Paulo (contexto da prática). A investigação procura problematizar também como as estratégias políticas são criadas e recriadas, tanto do ponto de vista dos regulamentadores quanto dos problematizadores. Os principais resultados desta investigação permitem constatar, a partir da análise dos múltiplos contextos, como tal política influencia carreiras, práticas e concepções dos profissionais da educação da rede pública paulista, atuando como mecanismo de controle e padronização. Foi possível confirmar, ainda, a hipótese de que são muitos os atores que ressignificam e reinterpretam a política de Promoção por Mérito, porém, não são os profissionais da educação os atores mais influentes neste processo

EXPLORING MARKET FORCES FOR TRANSMISSION EXPANSION AND GRID STORAGE INTEGRATION : A technical-economic thesis about variation moderators for intermittent renewable power generation in the developed country of Sweden and the developing country of China

Eriksson, Pernilla, Sundell, Martin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Comparative analysis of perceptions of metacognitive processes in traditional school leavers and mature age entry students in their first year of university education

Derrington, Kathryn January 2006 (has links)
Within the educational psychology literature there is an abundance of research in the field of metacognition. The concentration of this research however has been in primary and secondary school contexts with little attention given to tertiary students' understanding or use of metacognition; there has been even less attention to whether age is a factor in tertiary students' perceptions of their metacognitive processes. The primary purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of two distinct groups of first year university students, towards their understanding and usage of metacognitive processes and strategies. The two groups defined were traditional school leavers and mature age students. The findings from the exploration of these perceptions were compared to ascertain the similarities and differences in metacognitive processes between the two cohorts. The data collected for this study were obtained through a process of individual face-to-face in- depth interviews. The choice of this methodology was deliberate in order to gather rich data about the students' perceptions and experiences rather than attempt to measure their levels of metacognition against some predetermined standard. Data were collected and analyzed on the two constructs of metacognition which were identified in the literature search. These were metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive control. A range of affective variables such as self efficacy, motivation and expectancy of success, which impact on students' metacognitive abilities and processes, were also considered in the data collection and analysis. The findings indicated that age was a factor in determining some differences and similarities in students' perceptions of their own and others metacognitive processes. In certain cases the traditional school leavers' recency of experience with formal study was deemed an advantage; in others the life experience of the mature age students was perceived an advantage. In some instances the age of the student had no discernable impact on their understanding of, and ability to, utilize metacognitive strategies. These findings assist to broaden the understanding of student perceptions of metacognition in the tertiary context. The findings also make it imperative that tertiary institutions make fewer assumptions about the skills and abilities of their commencing students based on the criterion of age and offer more opportunities to assist students to understand the value of developing and improving their metacognitive processes.

Aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet / Aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet

Gordon, Barrie James 06 1900 (has links)
Die wêreld soos dit vandag bestaan, is gebaseer op die Internasionaalregtelike konsep van soewereiniteit. State het die bevoegdheid om hulle eie sake te reël, maar die ontwikkeling van die Internet as ’n netwerk wat globaal verspreid is, het hierdie beginsel verontagsaam. Dit wou voorkom asof die Internet die einde van soewereiniteit en staatskap sou beteken. ’n Geskiedkundige oorsig toon dat reguleerders aanvanklik onseker was oor hoe hierdie nuwe medium hanteer moes word. Dit het geblyk dat nuwe tegnologieë wat fragmentasie van die Internet bewerkstellig, gebruik kon word om staatsgebonde regsreëls af te dwing. Verskeie state van die wêreld het uiteenlopende metodologieë gevolg om die Internet op staatsvlak te probeer reguleer, en dit het tot die lukraak-wyse waarop die Internet tans gereguleer word, aanleiding gegee. Hierdie studie bespreek verskeie aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet, en bepaal daardeur hoe die Internet tans gereguleer word. Toepaslike wetgewing van verskeie state word regdeur die studie bespreek. Vier prominente state, wat verskeie belangrike ingrepe ten aansien van Internetregulering gemaak het, word verder uitgelig. Dit is die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Volksrepubliek van Sjina, die Europese Unie as verteenwoordiger van Europese state, en Suid-Afrika. Aspekte wat op Internasionaalregtelike vlak aangespreek moet word, soos internasionale organisasies en internasionale regsteorieë ten aansien van die regulering van die Internet, word ook onder die loep geneem. Die bevindings wat uit die studie volg, word gebruik om verskeie aanbevelings te maak, en die aanbevelings word uiteindelik in ’n nuwe model saamgevoegom’n sinvoller wyse van regulering van die Internet voor te stel. Aangesien die huidige studie in die konteks van die Internasionale reg onderneem word, word die studie afgesluit met ’n bespreking van kubersoewereiniteit, wat ’n uiteensetting is van hoe soewereiniteit ten aansien van die Internet toegepas behoort te word. Die gevolgtrekking is insiggewend — die ontwikkeling van die Internet het nie die einde van soewereiniteit beteken nie, maar het dit juis bevestig. / The world is currently structured in different states, and this is premised on the International law concept of sovereignty. States have the capacity to structure their own affairs, but the development of the Internet as a globally distributed network has violated this principle. It would seem that the development of the Internet would mean the end of sovereignty and statehood. A historical overview shows that regulators were initially unsure of how this new medium should be dealt with. It appeared that new technologies that could fragment the Internet, could be used to enforce state bound law. Several states of the world have used different methodologies trying to regulate the Internet at state level, and this led to the random way in which the Internet is currently regulated. This study examines various aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet, and determines how the Internet is currently regulated. Appropriate legislation of several states are discussed throughout the study. Four prominent states, which made several important interventions regarding the regulation of the Internet, are highlighted further. It is the United States, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union as the representative of European countries, and South Africa. Aspects that need to be addressed on International law level, such as international organizations and international legal theories regarding the regulation of the Internet, are also discussed. The findings that follow from this study are used to make several recommendations, which in turn are used to construct a new model for a more meaningful way in which the Internet could be regulated. Since the present study is undertaken in the context of the International law, the study is concluded with a discussion of cyber sovereignty, which is a discussion of how sovereignty should be applied with regards to the Internet. The conclusion is enlightening—the development of the Internet does not indicate the end of sovereignty, but rather confirms it. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLD

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