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En plattform för god omvårdnad : omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av kommunikation med personer med demenssjukdom. / A common ground for good nursing care : the nursing staff's experiences of communication with people with dementia.Jönsson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Demens är ett samlingsbegrepp för flertalet kroniska sjukdomar vilka gemensamt påverkar personens kognitiva funktioner i ett successivt progredierande förlopp. Gemensamt är att personens förmåga att kommunicera påverkas. Demenssjukdomarna medför vidare inverkan på den sjukes livssituation, såväl socialt, psykologiskt som fysiologiskt. Symtombilden är beroende av hjärnskadans omfattning såväl som samspelet med omgivningen. Ofta bor personer med demenssjukdom under senare delen av sjukdomsförloppet på ett särskilt boende, där vård och omsorg tillhandahålls. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenhet av kommunikation med personer med demenssjukdom inom särskilt boende. Metoden för studien var kvalitativ, med ansats genom en litteraturöversikt, där systematisk sökning genomfördes i databasen PubMed. Femton artiklar inkluderades, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades via integrerad analys. Resultatet redovisas via tre kategorier vilka sammanfattar omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av kommunikation med personer med demenssjukdom; ”Organisationers ramar påverkar kommunikationens förutsättningar”, ”Personalens strävan efter strategier i kommunikationen” och ”Kommunikationen medför ömsesidiga konsekvenser”. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadspersonalens förutsättningar att kommunicera med vårdtagarna påverkas av utbildning och organisationers struktur och kultur samt tillgången av tid. Omvårdnadspersonalen strävar efter att tolka vårdtagarnas uttryck korrekt. Då tolkningen är framgångsrik upplevs uttrycken meningsfulla. Strävan efter att skapa och upprätthålla en omvårdnadsmässig relation uttrycks, vilket anses vara en förutsättning för god omvårdnad. Förhållandet mellan förutsättningar och framgångsrik kommunikation skapar positiva eller negativa känslor hos såväl personal som vårdtagare samt inverkar på omvårdnadens kvalitet. Slutsatsen ifrån litteraturstudien var att omvårdnadspersonalen har insikt i kommunikationens avgörande roll för kvaliteten på omvårdnaden om demenssjuka personer, men saknar ibland förutsättningar för att kunna skapa en relation till, och sedermera en god kommunikation med, vårdtagaren. Personer med demenssjukdom har under sjukdomens progress, även i slutskedet, kvarvarande förmågor att kommunicera. / Dementia is a collective term for several chronic diseases which jointly affect the person's cognitive functions in a successively progressive course. Common is that the person's ability to communicate is affected. The dementia diseases also have an impact on the patient's life situation, both socially, psychologically and physiologically. The symptoms depend on the extent of the brain damage as well as the interaction with the environment. Often people with dementia during the latter part of the disease course live in a nursing home, särskilt boende, where care and attention is provided. The aim of the literature study was to shed light on the nursing staff's experience of communication with people with dementia in nursing homes. The study was conducted using a qualitative method as a literature review, where a systematic search was performed in the database PubMed. Fifteen articles were included, quality reviewed and analyzed via integrated analysis. The results are reported via three categories which summarize the nursing staff's experiences of communication with people with dementia; "Organizations' frameworks affect the conditions of communication", "Staff's pursuit of strategies in communication" and "Communication entails mutual consequences". The results showed that the nursing staff's prerequisites for communicating with people with dementia are affected by the structure and culture of education and organizations, as well as the availability of time. The nursing staff strives to interpret the care recipients' expressions correctly. When the interpretation is successful, the expressions are perceived as meaningful. The effort to create and maintain a nursing relationship is expressed, which is considered a prerequisite for good nursing. The relationship between conditions and successful communication creates positive or negative feelings in both staff and care recipients and affects the quality of care. The conclusion from the literature study was that the nursing staff has insight into the crucial role of communication for the quality of care for people with dementia, but sometimes lacks the conditions to be able to create a relationship with, and later good communication with, the care recipient. People with dementia have, during the progression of the disease, even in the final stages, remaining abilities to communicate.
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L'influence de la relation enseignant-élève sur les problèmes de comportement d'adolescentes hébergées en centre de réadaptation pour jeunes en difficulté.Spénard, Claudie January 2016 (has links)
Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans une étude longitudinale de plus grande envergure sur la délinquance féminine. Plus précisément il s'attarde à évaluer l'impact des dimensions positive et négative de la relation enseignant-élève auprès d'adolescentes qui vivent des problèmes de comportement sur les plans de la rébellion scolaire, des comportements de violence ou engagées dans la consommation de drogues et d'alcool. Les résultats sur nos trois temps de mesure, soutiennent globalement, que seuls les conflits entre l'élève et l'enseignant jouent un rôle dans la persistance des problèmes de comportement 6 mois plus tard chez les adolescentes en centre d'hébergement.
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A relação ao objeto: um estudo a partir do pensamento de Francisco SuárezMonticelli, Pedro 07 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aims at studying, under the light of contemporary intentionality
problems, the relation to the object in the thought of Francisco Suárez. In spite of being a
research aiming to explain and connect some passages of the work of that author, the focus
is not merely historical, but rather tries to highlight some structural-conceptual aspects
which remain up for debate in contemporary notions of intentionality and objectivity.This
type of research is justified because it offers clarity about conceptual presuppositions
which are not always discussed. In order to bring about such a task within the strict limits
of a doctoral thesis, my work has been divided in four stages, which correspond to the four
chapters of the thesis. First, I deal with the concept of categorial relation in general. Then I
explain the nature of that relation as well as its requisites, with the purpose of showing the
quirks of the notion of relation in the Aristotelian tradition. Then, I deal with the relation
between reason and being of reason, in general. That is done, on the one hand, to show
that the relation to the object is not one of reason, but rather a real relation, and, on the
other hand, to show that the relation of reason can be a kind of object. The next step takes
on the transcendental relation, given that the relation to the object, according to one of its
meanings, is a relation of that kind. Finally, we arrive at the relation to the object according
to a second meaning, namely, that of categorial relation of knowledge. As a conclusion, I
discuss Suárez s position concerning realist and idealist accounts of knowledge / Esta tese tem como objetivo estudar, sob a perspectiva da problemática
contemporânea da intencionalidade, a relação ao objeto no pensamento de Francisco
Suárez. Ainda que se trate de uma pesquisa que busca explicitar e conectar alguns trechos
da obra do referido autor, não se tem como enfoque uma visão meramente histórica, mas se
procura ressaltar certos aspectos conceituais estruturantes que permanecem vivos em
noções contemporâneas sobre a intencionalidade e objetividade. Esse tipo de pesquisa
justifica-se na medida em que traz clareza acerca de pressuposições conceituais nem
sempre discutidas. A fim de realizar essa tarefa, dentro dos limites restritos de uma tese de
doutorado, foi feita uma divisão em quatro etapas, que correspondem aos quatro capítulos
do trabalho. Primeiramente, trata-se do conceito de relação categorial em geral. São
explicados a natureza dessa relação e também seus requisitos com o propósito de mostrar
as peculiaridades da noção de relação na tradição aristotélica. Em seguida, trata-se da
relação de razão e do ente de razão em geral. Isso para, por um lado, mostrar que a relação
ao objeto não é uma relação de razão, mas uma relação real e, por outro lado, mostrar que a
relação de razão pode ser um tipo de objeto. Num próximo passo, passa-se à relação
transcendental, posto que a relação ao objeto, numa de suas significações, é uma relação
desse tipo. Por fim, chega-se à relação ao objeto numa segunda significação, a saber, a de
relação categorial de conhecimento. Discute-se, a título de conclusão, acerca da posição de
Suárez com respeito às posturas realista e idealista do conhecimento
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Kvinnors upplevelse av hälso- och sjukvårdpersonalens bemötande efter våld i nära relationWesström, Maria, Drakenberg, Nike January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett folkhälsoproblem. Våld i nära relation ger upphov till akuta och långsiktiga hälsoproblem hos offren. Syfte: Undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av bemötandet från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal efter att ha blivit utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte användes en deskriptiv design med en allmän litteraturstudie som metod grundad på originalartiklar med kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i två teman; positiva och negativa bemötanden. Positiva bemötanden delades in i kategorierna empati och fungerande skyddsnät. Känsla av empati skapades när bemötandet upplevdes som medkännande, när personalen tog sig tid, var stöttande och motiverande, utförde bekräftande handlingar och vid en god personal-patient relation. Känslan av att sjukvården fungerade som skyddsnät framkom när bemötandet var informativt, professionellt, när kvinnorna erhöll praktisk hjälp och när kvinnan upplevde känslan av tillit. Negativa bemötanden kategoriserades till negativa känslor, diskriminering och bristande skyddsnät. Negativa känslor uppstod när kvinnan upplevde en ej fungerande personal-patient relation och när bemötandet var nedvärderande, empatilöst, skuldbeläggande och oförstående. Diskriminering upplevdes när personalen osynliggjorde våldet eller när patienten upplevde kulturellt förtryck. Känsla av bristande skyddsnät upplevdes när kvinnorna kände sig svikna av systemet, upplevde brist på tid och information och ett icke- professionellt bemötande. Slutsats: Våldsutsatta kvinnor uppfattade bemötandet från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal på olika sätt. Majoriteten upplevde bemötandet som negativt så vidare forskning behövs i området för att identifiera vilken kunskap och utbildning personalen behöver. Detta för att kvinnan ska få bästa möjliga förutsättningar för ett gott bemötande och bra vård efter våld i nära relation. / Introduction: Violence against women is a public health issue. Intimate partner violence generates acute and long-term health problems. Aim: Investigate women's experience of treatment received from health care professionals after being exposed to intimate partner violence. Method: A literature study with descriptive design using original articles with qualitative studies was used to answer the aim of the study. Result: The result was divided in two themes; positive and negative experiences. Positive experiences were divided into categories empathy and functioning safety net. The feeling of empathy emerged when the encounter was experienced as compassionate, the personnel took their time, was supportive and motivated, performed confirming actions and there was a satisfying professional-patient relation. The feeling of a functional safety net emerged when the encounter was informative, professional, the women obtained practical help and a feeling of trust was experienced. Negative experiences were categorized to negative emotions, discrimination and lack of safety net. Negative emotions occurred when women experienced dysfunctional professional-patient relation and the encounter was derogatory, unempathetic, blaming and the professionals did not understand the women’s situation. Discrimination was experienced when the personnel overlooked the violence or the patient experienced cultural oppression. Lack of safety net was experienced when women felt betrayed by the system, lack of time and information and not receiving a professional encounter. Conclusion: Women exposed to violence experienced treatment from healthcare professionals in different ways. The majority had negative experiences which reveals that further research is needed to identify the gaps in knowledge and to further educate personnel who are active in healthcare.
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Boosting Supervised Neural Relation Extraction with Distant SupervisionDhyani, Dushyanta, Dhyani 24 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Förebygger medling återfall i brott bland unga gärningsmän : En återfallsstudie av medlingsverksamheterna i Hudiksvall & ÖrnsköldsvikSehlin, Staffan January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate mediation’s crime prevention effects. The question that has been answered is: which crime prevention effects mediation has had on young criminals who have participated in mediation programs? The investigation was made in relation to a comparable control group and included a reoffence analysis based on a multivariate analysis. This reoffence study mainly focuses on that the mediation prevents crime through the feelings of shame that the young perpetrator has due to the fact that the crime has been made clear and reinforced at the mediation meeting. The following hypothesis is addressed in this study: Mediation involves the trust between the young perpetrator and his/her parents and has a conflict-solving and crime-prevention effect. By committing a crime, the youth has broken the trust with his/her parents, who have condemned the action. The parents feel the shame from those around them, and because of this resume their position against the youth. The main conclusion is that the total population of youths who participated in mediation programs relapsed into crime to a lesser extent than the youths who did not participate in mediation. The risk for a relapse was twice as high for the youths who did not participate in mediation. A statistically significant relationship emerged between mediation and relapse with regard to party and person plaintiff status, but it is not possible to draw any conclusions whether mediation has a better or worse effect between plaintiff status. The significant effect of relapse for respective gender showed that girls relapsed to a lesser extent than boys. It was not possible to statistically determine whether the youths who were born abroad respective born i Sweden have relapsed to a greater extent. Regarding the age groups there was no statistically significant relationship as to whether youths relapsed to a greater or lesser extent depending on whether they were under or over fifteen years of age. Furthermore, it has not been possible to statistically determine whether group mediation has had a different outcome in relapse frequency as compared to individual mediation, and it has not been possible to distinguish whether compensation at mediation has had any effect. There emerged significant relationships between mediation and relapse for the crime categories ‘crime against life and health’, ‘crime against freedom and peace’, ‘burglary, robbery and other theft crimes’ and ‘vandalism’.
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Bortom den passiva aktören : En kvalitativ studie om hur relationen mellan ledare och följare påverkar deras välmåendeDaun, Evelina, Hermansson, Marika January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har syftat till att redogöra och öka förståelsen för hur relationen mellan en ledare och följare ser ut, samt hur denna relation påverkar de bådas psykiska välmående. Syftet har framkommit ur en problemdiskussion som fokuserar på att tidigare forskning till stor del baseras på endast ledarskap och inte följarskap. Att se både ledaren och följaren är dock väsentlig för att förstå relationen och hur de båda påverkar varandra. De båda är en del av samma relation och man bör därför inte utesluta den andra parten för att kunna förstå den ena bättre. Följande studie är baserad på kvalitativ forskning som genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Svaren från respondenterna har tillsammans med tidigare teori inom ämnet bidragit till nya slutsatser inom ämnet. Med hjälp av grundad teori som fungerat som studiens analysmetod har flertalet koder kunnat urskiljas som hänger ihop inom relationen mellan ledare och följare. Den sociala miljön och trivseln på arbetsplatsen upplevdes som väldigt relevant för både ledare och följare. Den sociala miljön påverkade i sin tur hur de båda såg på varandra och hur de mådde. En bra social miljö där ärlighet, öppenhet och delaktighet var vanligt förekommande mellan följare och ledare ledde även till att de mådde bra på arbetsplatsen. En bra social miljö stimulerade alltså ett gott klimat på arbetsplatsen där de inblandade kände större lust att arbeta. Hur ledarna och följarna mår inom en organisation är därför högst viktigt att beakta då påverkar bådas välmående och vilket arbete som utförs. Detta påverkar otvivelaktigt organisationen i det långa loppet. Att se på hur det psykiska välmåendet ter sig inom organisationer är därför ett ämne som bör beaktas av alla som arbetar inom en organisation just nu.
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A model for handling conflict among school teacher in Moses Kotane East / M.H. JaabosigoJaabosigo, M H January 2012 (has links)
This research was undertaken because there is a high level of conflict among school
teachers. The seriousness of the conflict is that it has a negative effect when it is not
handled constructively. If it is not prevented as early as possible. it can be escalated
and become destructive. The researcher was further prompted by the fact that e en
though much research has been done among schoolteachers in schools, little has been
done to prevent the unnecessary conflict. As a result of the high level of conflict
incidents that arc currently prevalent amongst school teacher in Moses Kotane East,
the researcher felt that there is a need for a great deal of rest.:arch on how to handle
conflict among school teachers. There sixty-five (65) schools in Moses Kotane East, fourteen ( 14) high schools, eight combined schools (8) and forty three (43) primary schools. There is one thousand. four hundred and fifty) ( 1450) teacher. including principals, deputies and head of departments. The researcher employed simple random sampling because every member of the population will have equal and independent chance of being included in the sample. Sixteen ( 16) schools were sampled, seven (7) primary schools, four (4) combined schools and five (5} secondary schools. From each selected secondary school eleven (I I) respondents comprising educators, site managers, heads of department or deputy and from each primary school ten (I0) respondents were selected consisting of teachers, site managers, heads of departments or deputy and from each of the three (3) selected combined schools eight (8) respondents comprising site managers, heads of departments or deputy were sampled. From another combined school seven (7) respondents consisting of site manager, head of department and teachers were also sample. The total number f respondents was one hundred and fifty six (156). The study was guided by the following research questions: what is the effective and relevant model for handling conflict among school teachers? What are the types of conflict that occur among teachers of Moses Kotane East? What arc the consequences of these conflicts? What are the strategies for resolving conflicts? What is the role of the site manager in conflict management? What arc the guidelines for handling conflict among teachers in schools? The purpose of this study was to determine how to handle conflict among teachers in
schools. The aim of this study was also to assess and discuss the effective model for
handling conflict among school teachers in Moses Kotane East. Based on research
findings, the aim was to present guidelines or strategies for minimizing exaggerated
focus of conflict among school teachers. The study was quantitative in nature and data
was collected through literature review and questionnaire. Minitab Statistical
Package, version fourteen ( 14) was used to capture and analyse the data. The
following findings emerged from the data analysis: • That unlimited resources are the major causes of conflict.
• When conflic t is handled constructively, it promotes growth and problem solving.
• A Code of conduct for teachers and other additional rules should be drawn for
the teacher.
• Good mediation by the school manager can keep the conflict at the minimal
level. Based on the findings it is recommended that teachers should know the different
strategies for handling conflict. They should know how and when to use those
strategies. The efTective model for handling conflict among school teachers is
therefore very important. A model suggested in this study is a dynamic multidimensional
model for conflict resolution because the phenomenon dealt is by nature
multi-faceted. / Thesis (M. Ed) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2012
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L'évolution de la construction du projet professionnel de collégiennes et de collégiens lors des 18 premiers mois d'études : le rôle des relations socialesCournoyer, Louis January 2008 (has links)
L'entrée aux études collégiales québécoises est marquée de nombreuses transitions et de transformations où le jeune doit rapidement intégrer de nouvelles réalités sur plusieurs plans de vie. Au même moment, les relations sociales s'avèrent plus denses, plus nombreuses et plus changeantes qu'à toute autre période de vie (Bidart, 1997; Charbonneau et Turcotte, 2002). C'est dans ce contexte que se construit et évolue le projet professionnel des collégiens. S'inscrivant dans le cadre d'une recherche plus étendue, soit l'enquête longitudinale Famille, réseaux et persévérance au collégial (Bourdon et Charbonneau, 2004-2006), cette thèse a pour objectif de comprendre révolution de la construction du projet professionnel du collégien en tenant compte du rôle de leurs relations sociales. Par le biais d'une méthodologie mixte, l'analyse du corpus d'entretiens semi-dirigés menés à trois reprises auprès de 74 collégiens a permis plus spécifiquement de : 1) décrire l'évolution de la construction du projet professionnel de collégiens selon deux axes (direction, démarche) et quatre situations (latence, exploration, approfondissement, fixation) ; 2) identifier les relations sociales susceptibles de jouer un rôle d'influence sur l'évolution de la construction de leur projet professionnel (relations familiales, relations hors famille, ressources professionnelles) ; 3) analyser comment et en quoi les relations sociales peuvent jouer un rôle sur l'évolution de la construction de leur projet professionnel (phénomènes par lesquelles se manifeste le rôle des différentes catégories de relations sociales, contexte et conditions d'action). L'apport de cette perspective plutôt inusitée dans le domaine de l'éducation ouvre sur des possibilités théoriques et pratiques en regard de l'évolution du projet professionnel des collégiens et sur la persévérance aux études collégiales. De même, les conclusions abordées peuvent également bien s'intégrer a la proposition de nouvelles avenues d'intervention pour les différents acteurs impliqués dans la réussite éducative et de l'orientation professionnelle auprès de jeunes adultes.
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L'effet de l'alliance de travail entre le superviseur immédiat et les subordonnés de différentes générations sur leur intention de quitterBergeron, Stéphanie January 2013 (has links)
Selon la documentation, le vieillissement de la population québécoise est un phénomène démographique très présent qui complexifie le renouvellement de la main-d'oeuvre, notamment dans le domaine de la santé. De plus, puisque le remplacement d'un employé est coûteux, retenir le personnel est actuellement un enjeu préoccupant pour les organisations. Pour répondre à cet enjeu, la documentation suggère de regarder ce qui se passe sur le plan de la relation entre un subordonné et son supérieur immédiat. L'alliance de travail concept provenant de la psychologie permet d'étudier cette relation supérieur-subordonné, au-delà des aspects fonctionnels, c'est-à-dire la nature même de cette relation unissant le supérieur immédiat à ses employés. Par ailleurs, puisque l'intention de quitter est le meilleur prédicteur des départs effectifs du personnel, cette mesure s'avère pertinente pour mesurer l'impact de la qualité de cette relation. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette recherche est de mesurer l'effet de la qualité de l'alliance de travail entre un supérieur immédiat et un subordonné sur ses intentions de quitter l'organisation ou son poste pour un autre au sein de celle-ci. De plus, puisqu'actuellement, quatre générations différentes constituent le marché de l'emploi, il peut être envisageable de considérer les caractéristiques distinctives de chacune d'elle comme pouvant influencer ce lien. Dans cette étude, 385 employés du secteur de la santé ont complété deux questionnaires. L'un est une version du WAI, adaptée au contexte organisationnel de la relation supérieur-subordonné et portant sur la qualité de l'alliance de travail et l'autre mesure les intentions de quitter. Des analyses en composante principale, de régression multiple et linéaire ainsi que multivariées et univariés ont été réalisées. Les résultats révèlent que la qualité des trois facteurs de l'alliance de travail est liée négativement à l'intention de quitter l'organisation, alors que la qualité d'un facteur de l'alliance sur trois est liée négativement à l'intention de quitter son poste pour un autre à l'interne. L'effet de modération de la génération n'a pas été confirmé de façon concluante. Ainsi, une alliance de travail de qualité entre supérieur immédiat et subordonné est une clé pour agir sur la rétention du personnel. De façon pratique, les organisations ont donc avantage à investir du temps et des ressources organisationnelles pour agir sur la rétention en visant l'amélioration de la qualité de l'alliance de travail supérieur immédiat-subordonné de l'ensemble des employés. Cette étude propose un nouveau construit et un nouveau questionnaire pour comprendre la nature de la relation supérieur immédiat-subordonné, soit l'alliance de travail et ses trois dimensions.
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