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高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management and School Effectiveness in Senior High Schools黃敏榮, Huang, Min Rung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能的現況及其彼此之關係。採用調查研究法,編製「高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能關係問卷」進行資料的蒐集,以臺灣地區公私立高級中等學校教師為研究對象,依學校類型、學校屬性、學校規模、所在區域等四種標準,分層抽取86所學校,共發出1192份問卷,回收1103份,回收率為92.5%,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷為1052份。使用SPSS 18.0 for Windows及AMOS18.0 for Windows套裝軟體,進行描述性統計、因素分析、相關分析、t 考驗、變異數分析及結構方程模式等統計方法,獲得以下結論:
一、 「清晰的組織結構和績效責任」、「校園環境創新」、「行政公關績效」分別最能呈現高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營、學校效能之效果。
二、 高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能現況屬於中高程度,分別以「營造信任的文化」、「外部關係創新」、「教師專業展能」得分最高,「清晰的組織結構與績效責任」、「校園環境創新」、「學生整體表現」得分最低。
三、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺分布式領導現況達顯著差異者為:高中高於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長,男性教師高於女性教師,51歲以上教師高於31-40歲、41-50歲的教師,服務21年 (含)以上的資深教師高於6-10年的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師,大學學歷的教師高於研究所以上學歷的教師。
四、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺學校創新經營現況達顯著差異者為:高中優於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長的學校,男性教師高於女性教師,51歲以上教師高於31-40歲的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師。
五、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺學校效能現況達顯著差異者為:高中優於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長的學校,51歲以上教師高於30歲以下、31-40歲、41-50歲的教師,服務21年 (含)以上的資深教師高於6-10年、11-15年的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師。
六、 學校所在地區、學校規模、校長學歷、擔任校長年資四個背景變項不同之教師,所知覺高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營、學校效能皆無顯著差異。
七、 高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能三者,兩兩之間皆為高度正相關。
八、 高級中等學校分布式領導可透過學校創新經營,增強對學校效能的正向影響力。分布式領導各層面對學校創新經營、對學校效能皆以「領導能量的投入」具有最大間接效果,其次依序為「清晰的組織結構和績效責任」、「自信推動變革的領導者」、「營造信任的文化」。學校創新經營各層面對學校效能的間接效果值由高而低依序為「課程活動創新」、「校園環境創新」、「外部關係創新」、「行政管理創新」。
最後,依據研究結論提出建議,供主管教育行政機關、學校及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to probe into not only the current situation of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness, but also their relationships with each other. With survey research method, a questionnaire entitled The Relationships Between Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management and School Effectiveness in Senior High Schools is applied to gather data from public and private high school teachers in Taiwan area. By employing the stratified random sampling method, there are 1,192 questionnaires sent out to 86 schools, based on their type, attribute, scale, and location. There are 1,103 questionnaires retrieved, making the response rate 92.5%, and there are 1,052 valid questionnaires after invalid ones deducted. The packages SPSS 18.0 for Windows and AMOS 18.0 for Windows are adopted to carry out descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study are as follows:
1. “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The innovation of campus environment,” and “The performance of administrative public relations” can best manifest the effects of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness, respectively, in senior high schools.
2. The current situation of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools belongs to high-intermediate level, with “Build the trustworthy culture,” The innovation of external relations,” and “The abilities of teachers’ professional development” attaining top marks, respectively, and “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The innovation of campus environment,” and “Students’ overall performance” scoring the lowest, respectively.
3. Some significant differences toward the current situation of distributed leadership perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, male teachers higher than female teachers, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those of 31-40 years old or 41-50 years old, senior teachers with at least 21 years of teaching experience higher than those with 6-10 years, serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers, and teachers with undergraduate degrees higher than those with graduate degrees.
4. Some significant differences toward the current situation of school innovative management perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, male teachers higher than female teachers, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those of 31-40 years old , and serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers.
5. Some significant differences toward the current situation of school effectiveness perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those under 30 years old, 31-40 years old or 41-50 years old, senior teachers with at least 21 years of teaching experience higher than those with 6-10 years or 11-15 years, and serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers.
6. Toward distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools, there is no significant difference perceived by teachers of four different background variables--school location, school scale, principals’ academic degrees, and duration as principals.
7. There is a highly positive correlation between distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools.
8. Distributed leadership in senior high schools can reinforce positive influence on school effectiveness through school innovative management. As regards all aspects of distributed leadership, the very one that has the most indirect effects on both school innovative management and school effectiveness is “The input of leadership,” and other aspects in sequence are “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The leader confidently pushing for reforms,” and “Build the trustworthy culture.” All aspects’ top-down values of the indirect effects of school innovative management on school effectiveness are “The innovation of curricular activities,” “The innovation of campus environment,” ”The innovation of external relations,” and “The innovation of administrative management.”
Finally, according to the conclusions of this study, some suggestions are proposed for the educational executive organizations, schools, and the reference of future study.
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台北巿高中圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」之研究 / A Study on Taipei Senior High Schools Library Transformation into the Instructional Resources Center黃瑞秋, Richel Huang Unknown Date (has links)
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國立高中學校行政組織再造之研究-以臺中縣市為例呂培川 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 現行國立高中學校行政組織架構,各校設立之組別大致相似。
二、 各校現行之學校行政組織中較迫切需要再造之處,頗符合現況需求。加強專業養成訓練;採勞務外包制;員額採總量管制。
三、 各校現行之學校行政組織架構較類似甲方案。較傾向於傳統之處室分組架構。
四、 國立高中學校行政組織,多數的填答者認為國立高中之規模區分維持現狀無須調整。
五、 國立高中學校行政組織,教學組、試務組以及訓育組較適合由教師兼任組長。
六、 現行國立高中學校行政組織及運作之缺失︰教師兼任行政工作意願不高;行政工作勞逸不均;行政組織結構缺乏彈性。
七、 現行國立高中學校行政組織改進途徑︰加強行政人員的專業養成訓練;改善各組行政工作勞逸不均;教職員採總量管制。
八、 國立高中學校行政組織再造,可透過將非屬核心業務外包或場所委外經營的方式來提升行政效率。
九、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,可以朝著裁併處室、裁併組別或歸併的方向調整。
十、 國立高中學校行政組織架構調整,以維持現狀的甲案最為填答者支持,反映出普遍冀求安定,但亦有近半數認同再造。
八、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,建議裁併部分處室或組別。 / This study is researching the necessity of adjusting the administration organization in national senior school, and exhaustedly analyzing the condition that a teacher holds a concurrent administrative post. Meanwhile, we can understand the faults of the school administrative organization and its administrative operation, and then we can analyze the improving gateways used nowadays in national senior high schools. Furthermore, we can offer the skeleton of reengineering administration organization, and the references to schools and the managers of the educational administration institution. These researching methods which I used are including “questionnaire survey law” and “visiting discussion”.
The object personnel that I researched were senior high school teachers, concurrent administrators, full-time administrators and some educational administration personnel in manager educational administration institution. As to the questionnaire survey, we took national senior high schools in Taichung City and Taichung County as the matrix of lamination random sampling. We sent out about 500 “asks-the-volumes” and returned 411 “asks-the-volumes”. The recall “asks-the-volumes” were all effective, so the total returns-ratio reached 82.2%.
After literature discussion, investigation and visiting discussion, we come to the following conclusions:
1. The administrative organization skeletons of sections in national senior high schools nowadays are similar to one another.
2. The schools’ administrative organizations now needed urgently reengineering in national senior high schools are: strengthen the professional nurture training, the school services need adopting by “outside the service wraps”. And the specified number of personnel uses the total quantity control. These conform to the present situation demand.
3. The school administrative organization skeleton now traditionally tends to the way of “office room grouping”.
4. The majority of the answerers think that we needn’t adjust the present scale discrimination in high schools’ administrative organization and maintain the present situation.
5. The suitable concurrent posts for high school teachers are the Curriculum and Instruction Section, Examination Section and Extra-curriculum section in national senior high school administrative organization.
6. The demerits in high schools’ administrative organization and their operations nowadays are: teachers are not willing to be concurrent administrative personnel, the administrative affairs unbalance, and the administrative organization structures are lack of flexibility.
7. The ways of improving the schools’ administrative organization in national senior high schools are: strengthen the administrative personnel professional nurture training, balance the service work between sections, and teachers and administrators use the total quantity control.
8. As for the high schools’ re-engineering administrative organization, we may penetrate the outside agent to deal with the non- core business, or place request management in order to uplift the administration efficiency.
9. In proceeding the schools’ re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, we can consolidate offices, or sections, etc., or combine some offices or sections.
10. In adjusting national senior high schools’ administrative organization skeletons, most answerers support to maintain the present situation.
According to the above conclusions, my proposals are as following: --supply the reference
1. The proposals for the educational authorities:
(a) To make the plans of re-engineering organization, be accordance to the future actual demand.
(b) To loose the administrative constitutive law, afford the autonomous flexibility in operation.
(c) To solve the demerits basically from the system surface that the teachers are unwilling to serve the part-time employment, suggest that some jobs unsuitable for teachers can be done by full-time administrative personnel.
2. The proposals for school authorities:
(a) To make the brief measure of working flow, reedit the rules and regulations of school affairs.
(b) To carry on what will be re-engineered positively and urgently.
(c) To transact all labor services done by outside agent to reduce the burden of internal personnel, and incorporate personnel to save the personnel funds.
(d) To afford the non-core business managed by outside agent, exploit the finance, lighten the administrative burden, will be advantageous of re-engineering organization. And proposal that school cafeteria, cooperative, and swimming pool can be managed by outside agent.
(e) To strengthen administrative personnel’s professional nurture training, encourage concurrently administrative teachers to attend the administrative thorough study.
(f) To divide each service labor rationally, avoid the unfair burden in assigning work.
(g) To brief the administrative affairs work flow, activate the school administrative operation mechanism.
(h) To be engaged in re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, suggest consolidating some offices or sections.
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Dans som hälsofrämjande verktyg : en kartläggning av gymnasieelevers hälsaEklund, Fanny, Lawino Maria, Johnson January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Elever idag rör sig mindre, upplever mer krav och mår psykiskt sämre. Ett socialt stöd ökar möjligheten att hantera krav och stress i vardagen. Både fysisk aktivitet och dans har visat sig påverka en mångdimensionell hälsa positivt. Syfte: Studien syftar till att kartlägga eventuella skillnader mellan dansande och icke dansande elevers hälsa. Följande frågeställningar användes för att besvara syftet: Visas en ökad existentiell, psykisk, social, fysisk och emotionell hälsa hos de gymnasieelever som dansar på skoltid eller fritid i jämförelse med elever utan regelbundna inslag av dans? Visas att en ökad existentiell, psykisk, social, fysisk och emotionell hälsa är knuten till dans specifikt eller fysisk aktivitet i allmänhet hos deltagande gymnasieelever? Metod: Undersökningen var kvantitativ och datainsamlingen skedde via webb- och pappersenkät. Enkäten innehöll 31 frågor om samspel mellan kropp, sinne och själ, tro, självkänsla, krav, kontroll, stöd, fysisk aktivitet och dans samt 2 öppna frågor “Vad betyder självkänsla för dig” och “Vad betyder kontroll och stöd för dig?”. 95 enkätsvar analyserades. Bearbetning av resultaten gjordes i Microsoft mjukvara och statistikprogrammet Minitab där testerna utgjordes av oparat t-test. Resultat: Resultaten visade signifikanta skillnader gällande fysisk aktivitet i skolan (p<0,001) och upplevt samspel mellan sinne, kropp och själ (p<0,01) mellan dansande på skol- och fritid och de som inte dansar alls. Inga större skillnader visas i medelvärden mellan grupperna i självkänsla, kontroll och stöd. Endast 34 % dansare respektive 44 % icke dansade upplevde stöd från skolan. I enkätens öppna frågor relaterade dansare (37 %) i högre grad till en egen upplevelse gällande självkänsla i jämförelse med icke dansare (13 %). 46 % dansare och 24 % icke dansare skrev fram en egen upplevelse angående kontroll och stöd. Slutsats: Baserat på studiens resultat kan dans användas som ett hälsopromotivt redskap i skolan då dansande elever relaterade i större utsträckning till egna emotionella upplevelser och redovisar ett ökat samspel mellan kropp, sinne och själ samt fler positiva skillnader i olika hälsodimensioner. Dans som redskap kan också rekommenderas för hälsovägledare och andra professioner som arbetar inom och utanför skolans kontext för att främja hälsa hos unga vuxna. Nyckelord: Hälsopromotion, existentiell hälsa, fysisk hälsa, psykisk hälsa, social hälsa, emotionell hälsa, dans, fysisk aktivitet, gymnasieelever / Background: Students today are less physically active, experience more demands and feel mentally worse. Social support increases the ability to handle demands and stress in everyday life. Both physical activity and dance have been shown to affect a multidimensional health positively. Purpose: The study aims to map health differences in dancers and non-dancing students' health. The following research questions were asked: Can we see an increased existential, mental, social, physical and emotional health of high school students dancing at school or leisure compared to students without regular elements of dance? In participating high school students, can we see any increased existential, mental, social, physical and emotional health linked to dance specifically or physical activity in general? Method: The study was a quantitative study in which data collection was done using web and paper surveys. The questionnaire contained in total 31 questions about interplay between body, mind and soul, faith, self-esteem, control, demand and support, physical activity and dance as well as 2 open questions "What does self-esteem mean to you" and "What does control and support mean for you?". 95 questionnaires were analyzed. Data processing of the results was done in Microsoft software as well as the statistics program Minitab where the tests consisted of unpaired t-tests. Results: The results showed significant differences in physical activity at school (p<0,001) and perceived interplay between mind, body and mind (p<0,01) between those who dance and those who do not dance at all. No greater differences are shown in the mean values of the groups in self-esteem, control and support. 34 % dancers and 44 % non dancers experienced support at school. In answering the open questions, dancers (37 %) related more to their own experience of self-esteem than non-dancers (13 %). 46 % dancers and 24 % non dancers defined control and support by means of experience. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, dance can be used as a health-promoting tool in school, since dancing students relate more to their own emotional experiences and report an increased interaction between body, mind and soul and more positive differences in several health dimensions. Dance as a tool can also be recommended for health counselors and other professions working within and outside the school context to promote the health of adolescents. Key words: Health promotion, existential health, physical health, psychological health, social health, emotional health, dance, physical activity, Senior High School
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La politique d'assurance de la qualité au lycée en Indonésie : le système d’accréditation, la perception du public, et la compétition / The Policy of Quality Control of Senior High School in Indonesia : the Accreditation System, Public’s Opinion, and CompetitionMartono, Nanang 22 June 2016 (has links)
Cette étude parle de l’application du système d’assurance qualité au lycée à l’ère de la Réforme en Indonésie ; de l’interprétation qu’en font les acteurs (gouvernement, école, usagers) et de ses implications. En Indonésie, il existe diverses politiques visant à améliorer la qualité de l'éducation. Premièrement, le gouvernement a créé le « BSNP » pour élaborer le standard de l'éducation nationale. Deuxièmement, le gouvernement a organisé « l’UN » (l'examen national). L’UN est un système d'évaluation standard de l'enseignement au niveau national. Troisièmement, le gouvernement donne de « BOS » à toutes les écoles. C’est une aide financière à chaque école. Quatrièmement, le gouvernement met en place un programme de « certification de l’enseignant ». C’est un processus de certification professionnelle pour les enseignants et les professeurs. Cinquièmement, le gouvernement a changé le paradigme de l'apprentissage. Avant, le processus d'apprentissage utilisait un modèle centré sur l'enseignant ou « teacher centered learning ». Ce modèle a été remplacé par un modèle d’'apprentissage centré sur l'élève » ou « student centered learning ». Sixièmement, le gouvernement a augmenté le budget de l'éducation nationale de 20% du budget national. Septièmement, il mise en œuvre de la gestion scolaire comme base de l’école ou MBS. La MBS est un système de gestion qui fournit une large autonomie aux écoles pour gérer les ressources en fonction des besoins de l'école. Cette étude met en évidence différentes conceptions de la qualité dans le système scolaire notamment au Lycée. Le gouvernement conçoit la qualité à partir de la réussite scolaire selon huit standards de l’éducation. Selon les directeurs et les enseignants, le gouvernement devrait examiner les efforts déployés pour améliorer la qualité de l'école car les écoles évoluent dans différents contextes. Les conditions d'input sont les facteurs qui influent sur ces différences. Ceux-ci comprennent : la capacité socio-économique des élèves divers, l'intelligence de l'élève, et ainsi de suite. Le facteur géographique scolaire devient également un facteur qui détermine le succès des écoles pour répondre aux standards.Les élèves et les parents ont une conception pragmatique de la qualité. Ils voient la qualité de l'école par l’indicateur visible : les installations scolaires, le nombre d’inscrits, la réussite, la qualité des diplômés, la qualité des enseignants, et d'autres facteurs. Ils ne considèrent pas le statut d'accréditation. Le critère d’accessibilité géographique est important pour les parents. Ils choisissent une école près de chez eux pour économiser sur les coûts du transport. Cette étude montre qu’en Indonésie, il existe une concurrence entre les écoles parce qu’elles n’ont pas le même niveau de qualité. Les écoles publiques sont en concurrence avec les écoles privées. Il existe également une concurrence entre écoles publiques. Les parents choisissent librement une école en tenant compte des politiques mises en avant. / This study describes the implementation of high school quality assurance system in the reform era in Indonesia; interpretation of government, schools, and societes about school quality; and school quality assurance policy implications.In general, there are some national education policies to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. First, the government established "BSNP" (bureau of national educational standards) to develop national education standards. Second, the government organized a national examination (called Ujian Nasional or UN). UN is a system of educational assessment at the national level. Third, the government provides "BOS" (School Operation Support) for all schools. This is a financial aid for each school. Fourth, the government provides "teaching certification". This program is a certification process for teachers and lecturers. Fifth, the government has changed the paradigm of learning. Previously the process of learning was "teacher centered learning". After that, the government transformed this model into "student centered learning". Sixth, the government increased the national education budget amounted to 20% of national income. Seventh, the implementation of MBS (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah) or school-based management. MBS is a management system that provides broad autonomy to schools to manage resources according to the needs of the school.This study shows different opinions about the quality of the school. The government saw the quality of the school of the success of the eight schools meet educational standards. According to school principals and teachers, the government should review the efforts to improve the quality of school because each school has different conditions. Input conditions are the factors that influence these differences. These include socio-economic capabilities of students, student intelligence, and so forth. Geographical factors of schools also determine the success of the school to meet those standards.Students and parents have a practical idea. They see the quality of schools with indicators that ca: the school facilities, the number of applicants, school achievement, the quality of graduates, the quality of teachers, and other factors. They do not see the status of accreditation. School is a practical consideration for parents. They chose a school close to home to save on transport costs.This study also shows that competition emerges between schools due to the difference of schools ability and pragmatic view of society. Sociologically, the difference of schools’ quality has caused competition among schools in Indonesia. Public schools have to compete with private schools, as well as with other public schools. School choice policies have motivated parents to choose the desired schools freely.
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A corpus-based investigation of collocational errors in EFL Taiwanese high school students' compositionsChen, Yi-Chin 01 January 2004 (has links)
Many language instructors focus on vocabulary word by word, neglecting common phrases. The result is that English as a Second Language students do not learn to speak idiomatic English (i.e. they make collocation errors). This study of the English compositions of National Tainan Second Senior High School students in Taiwan examined collocation errors, categorizing them according to Benson, Benson and Ilson's Collocation Classification System. An examination was then made of the error types as correlated with general English proficiency.
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Har dagens gymnasieelever nytta av sina datakunskaper på högskolenivå : Får dagens elever arbete på sina gymnasiebetyg inom de nya Data/IT programmen / Do today´s senior high school students have any use of their computer knowledge at a collage level?Molin, Yvonne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose is to analyze if the students have any use of their computer education at a senior high school level or if there is a demand for them to proceed studying. Does the students background have any importance or is it their own motivation that makes the student advance to higher education. In this report we ask ourselves the question, if the students have any use of the knowledge gained at senior high school in computer studies at a higher level. Do the students have any chance for employment based on their senior high school grades in computer studies after graduation? Do the schools that follow the senior high school guidelines within programming and databases give these students an advantage towards those that have not received the same fundamental education? The method used for the survey is a group questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed at one and the same time and then collected to examine the results. The survey results showed that students who seek work based only on their senior high school grades, received only a temporary position for different lengths of time. Computer education at a senior high school is a preparatory education for collage. Those students that have graduated from senior high school and are keeping up to date with collage oriented subjects within the field of programming and databases, give their students an advantage when they begin reading at a more advanced level.
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Music and Dance Education in Senior High Schools in Ghana: A Multiple Case StudyPetrie, Jennifer L. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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學校設施品質與教育成果關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between the Quality of School Facilities and Educational Outcomes廖文靜, Liao, Wen-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在了解臺灣區公立普通高級中學學校設施品質現況,以及學校設施品質與教師組織承諾、教師異動行為、學生學習態度、學生偏差行為和學生學業成就的關係,並試圖建立學校設施品質與教育成果關係模式。研究者使用SPSS for Windows 18.0版和LISREL 8.52版,進行描述性統計、相關分析、變異數分析和因果路徑分析等統計分析,獲得結論如下:
最後,依據研究結論提出建議,供作學校設施規劃設計、教育決策者政策制定及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the quality of school facilities and educational outcomes. The quality of school facilities is measured using five elements, viz. comfortable classroom, facilities maintenance, IT equipment, multiple learning spaces, and architecture functions. The population of this study was 127 public senior high schools in Taiwan, and 74 schools in the population was stratified chosen as samples.
Six major data components were used to complete this study. The first component is the quality of school facilities, the second component is the attitude of the teachers, and the third component is the attitude of the students. To obtain this information, 888 teachers were invited to complete the Assessment of School Facilities Quality and the Attitude of Teachers and Students Questionnaire, where 772 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 86.94%. The fourth and the fifth components are the turnover rate of the teachers and demerit rate of the students of each school which were obtained from principle survey. The sixth component is the score rank from the General Scholastic Ability Test for each senior high school in Taiwan.
A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model, were conducted to analyze the collected data. It is found that school facilities quality is related to educational outcomes. Students performed better in schools with good quality of school facilities.
The conclusions of this study can be illustrated as followed:
1. The averaged quality of school facilities is moderate-high level for public senior high schools in Taiwan; however the quality differences among schools do exist.
2. School context variables, viz. school type, school objection, student sex, school size, and school density will all affect the quality of school facilities.
3. Quality of school facilities is positively correlated to teacher organizational commitment, student learning attitude, and student academic achievement. Nonetheless, quality of school facilities is negatively correlated to student rule-violating behavior and teacher turnover rate, whereas the latter is not significant.
4. In terms of student academic achievement, quality of school facilities has more significant influence on schools with students having lower academic performance than those with higher academic performance.
5. Quality of school facilities directly affects teacher organizational commitment and student learning attitude. Meanwhile, quality of school facilities indirectly affects student academic achievement and student rule-violating behavior.
In this study, relationships between quality of school facilities and several educational outcomes were examined. Some significant results were observed and suggestions on possible adjustments were made. Hopefully these results and suggestions can be useful to school planners and related government officials for future reference.
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The career planning needs of senior public secondary school learners in Gaborone, Botswana / Nnananyana K.E. MekgweMekgwe, Nnananyana Khutsafalo Erminah January 2010 (has links)
Career choice is one of the most daunting decisions one has to make, since it has implications that affect a variety of aspects in one’s life. For adolescents, career decision–making is even more challenging because it is done at a time when adolescents are going through a period of identity formation, and when their core personalities have not yet been fully formed. It is therefore essential to provide systematic career guidance programmes that will assist adolescents in their career development in order to empower them to make realistic career choices.
The school, as a place where adolescents spend most of their time, can be used as a vehicle to promote meaningful career development amongst adolescent learners. However, the contribution by adolescents themselves in determining the appropriate content and career guidance services/activities that will best address their needs is vital.
Senior secondary school learners, in particular, are in a position to articulate their career planning needs and to identify the deficits in existing career guidance programmes.
The situation in Botswana where career guidance forms only a quarter of the public secondary school guidance and counselling programme, which, with all its four components, is allocated only one 40 minute–period per week deserves special attention. Hence, this study set out to determine:
* the career planning needs of Senior Public Secondary School Learners in Gaborone, Botswana as articulated by the learners themselves;
* the extent to which the current career guidance programme in Senior Public Secondary Schools meets the needs of the learners.
A mixed methods design, consisting of the use of a questionnaire to collect the quantitative data and a qualitative method in the form of focus–group interviews, was used to collect the data for the study.
The findings of the study highlight several challenges which hamper the provision of a systematic career guidance programme to the learners, which include limited time, lack of trained personnel and less than optimal career service delivery practices. The lack of key career exploration activities in schools, such as the use of internet resource materials and career video/audio tapes, job–shadowing, career field–trips/excursions and, in some cases, career talks, results in learners experiencing unmet career needs. This situation affects the extent to which the curriculum in place addresses the career planning needs of the learners. No significant differences were noted in the needs of the learners according to gender.
The study reveals that the Career Guidance Programme provides the relevant theoretical frame–work for providing the necessary assistance to learners to make informed career decisions. However, the actual implementation of the programme in the different schools leaves a lot to be desired, with several learning outcomes for the career guidance programme in both Form 4 and Form 5 not being achieved. The effectiveness of the annual career fair as a major method of disseminating career information to learners also came into question since most learners expressed having gained minimal benefit from it. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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