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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hiphop som kulturspegel i svensk media : En kvantitativ studie om hur svensk media har gestaltat hiphop från 1980-talet fram till 2024

Ben Hamou, Safia January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker den svenska mediebilden av hiphop utifrån en analys av artiklar från tre av landets största tidningar, Aftonbladet, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet. Studien utforskar hur hiphop framställs i dessa tidningar och undersöker vilka faktorer som ligger bakom framställningen. Studien är kvantitativ och baserad på 200 hiphop-relaterade artiklar från de tre tidningarna. Resultaten från studien har analyserats med stöd av tidigare forskning inom ämnet, svensk och internationell. Analysen bygger på tre teoretiska ramar vilket är intersektionalitetsteori, gestaltningsteori och dagordningsteori. Dessa teorier har bidragit till att ge en djupare förståelse för hur hiphop framställs och inom vilka kontexter i svenska medier. De bidrar även till att belysa de underliggande strukturer och perspektiv som har påverkat rapporteringen. Resultatet av studien visar att maktordningar gällande socioekonomisk tillhörighet, etnicitet och kön har varit styrande i hur hiphopkulturen uppmärksammats av media över tid, och vilka markörer som bidragit till hur hiphopen gestaltats och representerats genom åren i media. / This study examines the Swedish media portrayal of hip hop by analyzing articles from three of Sweden's country's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet, Expressen, and Svenska Dagbladet. The study explores how hip hop is presented in these newspapers and investigates the factors that may have been influenced. This is a quantitative study and is based on 200 hip hop related articles from the newspapers. The results from the study have been analyzed with reference to previous research on the subject, both from Sweden and internationally. The analysis is based on the theories intersectionality theory, framing, and the agenda-setting theory. These theories interact to a deeper understanding of how hip hop is portrayed and contextualized in Swedish media. The result of the study shows that power structures related to socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender have been influential in how hip hop culture has been addressed by the media over time, and which markers have contributed to shaping the portrayal and representation of hip hop throughout the years in the media.

Könsbaserat hat i spelvärlden : Mäns kommunikation med kvinnor / Gender Based Hate in the Gaming World : Men's Communication with Women

Nilsson, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Kvinnor har länge exkluderats från spelkulturen, då det har benämnts som en mansdominerad yta. Med den existerande manosfären inom internetbaserade ytor skapas en plats där kvinnor diskrimineras, sexualiseras, avhumaniseras och tvingas in i sexuella eller romantiska kontexter utan deras samtycke. Med den breda forskningen kring spel och genus har många undersökningar genomförts om ämnet, dock finns det en outforskad yta som gömmer sig rakt framför näsan på oss. Med oändligt många möjligheter och material som ökar varje dag, är detta en perfekt plats för att samla data. Genom en observationsstudie där videomaterial från den internetbaserade källan Youtube undersöks ett genusperspektiv i koppling till det könade hatet mot kvinnor inom spelytan. Då genom en analys visas olika relationer mellan spel och samhället, så som kopplingar till extremism, sexism och traditionella könsroller. Samt andra idéer om kön utifrån samhällets konstruerade verklighet om vad kön bör vara. Som kan ge svar till frågan om hur män kommunicerar med kvinnor inom den historiskt mansdominerade ytan, även kallat spel. Finns det grund att koppla spel till kön och normer, eller är misogyni och dess uttryck inom spelkulturen endast påhittad?

Kvinnliga kriminalvårdares upplevelser av hur de behandlas vid klass 1-anstalter för manliga klienter i Sverige : “Inte optimalt att massa små, blonda tjejer springer på en klass etta”

Malm, Michelle, Kamal, Daria, Panes, Evelin January 2019 (has links)
Följande studie har undersökt hur kvinnliga kriminalvårdare upplever att de behandlas på klass 1-anstalter för manliga klienter i Sverige. Studien undersökte även hur kvinnliga kriminalvårdare behandlades av sina manliga kollegor och klienter. Materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta kvinnor i åldrarna 21 till 25, som är eller har varit anställda vid en klass 1-anstalt i Sverige. Utifrån deltagarnas berättelser kunde det urskiljas att en tydlig machokultur präglade de berörda anstalterna. Deltagarna beskrev bland annat anstalterna som ojämställda, i form av att de kunde uppleva sig underordnade männen. En sexistisk och nedvärderande jargong riktat mot deltagarna framkom mellan både manliga klienter och manliga kriminalvårdare. Vissa egenskaper hos deltagarna visades dock medföra en upplevd trygghet i rollen som kriminalvårdare. En högre ålder och längre erfarenhet ansågs som två trygghetsfrämjande faktorer som förenklade deltagarnas arbete. Som slutsats visade sig resultatet av denna studie till stor del överensstämma med tidigare forskning som finns kring området. Förvånande var att machokulturen på anstalterna utmärkte sig i så pass hög grad, trots att Sverige visat sig vara ett av världens mest jämställda länder. Resultatet bekräftade att Kriminalvården är i behov av utbildning, för att förebygga den ojämställdhet som råder. / The following study examined how female correctional officers in class 1 prisons for male inmates in Sweden perceive how they are being treated based on their femininity. Furthermore, the study examined how female correctional officers are being treated by their male colleagues and inmates. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight women between the ages of 21 to 25, who are or have been employed at a class 1 prison. The participants described themselves as subordinate to the men. Moreover, the male inmates as well as the male colleagues used a sexist and degrading jargon against women. Some characteristics, however, were shown to lead to higher perceived safety as a prison officer. A higher age and longer experience were considered factors that simplified the participants' work. In conclusion, the results were largely consistent with previous research in the area. Surprisingly, the results showed that the macho culture in the prisons distinguished itself to such a high degree, even though Sweden has been proven to be one of the most equal countries in the world. The results confirmed that the Prison and Probation Service is in a need of education, in order to prevent the inequality that prevails.

The Effect of Hostile and Benevolent Sexism on Women's Cardiovascular Reactivity to and Recovery from a Laboratory Stressor

Burgess, Kaleena Dennielle 01 January 2013 (has links)
Hostile sexism is the antipathetic expression of sexism, in which men are antagonistic towards women who threaten their superiority. Benevolent sexism is the patriarchal expression of sexism, where men express protective, yet restrictive, attitudes towards women. Both forms of sexism originate from the view that women are inferior, frail, and only suited for nurturing or domestic responsibilities. Benevolent sexism may be more harmful to women because coping is thwarted by observers' underestimation of its effects (Bosson, Pinel, & Vandello, 2009). The present study aimed to examine women's responses to and recovery from hostile and benevolent sexism utilizing measures of cardiovascular reactivity and recovery. I predicted that women would exhibit greater reactivity to hostile sexism, but impaired recovery to benevolent sexism. Participants were 124 undergraduate women (50% Caucasian, age M = 18.92), with no history of cardiovascular health issues. Sexism condition - benevolent, hostile, or no sexism - was manipulated by exposing participants to comments made by a male experimenter. Cardiovascular responses were obtained during rest, task, and recovery periods. As predicted, women exhibited greater cardiovascular reactivity after exposure to hostile sexism, and women who experienced benevolent sexism showed impaired recovery, compared to the other two conditions. Findings illustrate that hostile sexism elicits immediate responses that resolve relatively quickly. However, benevolent sexism may be more pernicious in terms of psychological and physical health due to its prolonged effects.

Las trayectorias femeninas y feministas hacia lo público en Colombia (1970-2000): inclusión sin representación?

Wills O., María Emma 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Perceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: The moderating role of individualism-collectivism / Percepciones de justicia organizacional y sexismo ambivalente: el rol moderador del individualismo-colectivismo / Percepção de justiça organizacional e sexismo ambivalente: o papel moderador do individualismo-coletivismo

Vaamonde, Juan Diego, Omar, Alicia 25 September 2017 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to explore the association between perceptions of inter- personal/informational justice and ambivalent sexism among Argentinean employees, and to examine the possible role that collectivism and individualism exert on this association. Participants (128 men and 120 women) completed a battery of instruments to measure the variables of interest. Results showed that perceptions of interpersonal and informational justice were negatively associated with hostile sexism, and that, unexpectedly, perceptions of informational justice were positively associated with benevolent sexism. Vertical collectivism and vertical individualism moderated the relationships between perceptions of interpersonal justice and hostile sexism. Findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and practical implications. Suggestions for future research are provided. / El objetivo del estudio fue, por un lado, explorar las relaciones entre percepciones de jus- ticia interpersonal/informacional y sexismo ambivalente en empleados argentinos, y, por otro lado, examinar el posible rol que el individualismo y el colectivismo ejercen sobre tales relaciones. Los participantes (128 varones y 120 mujeres) completaron una batería de reconocidos instrumentos para medir las variables de interés. Los resultados mostraron que las percepciones de justicia interpersonal e informacional se relacionaron negativamente con sexismo hostil y que, inesperadamente, la justicia informacional se asoció positivamente con sexismo benévolo. Colectivismo vertical e individualismo vertical moderaron las rela- ciones entre justicia interpersonal y sexismo hostil. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos hallazgos. Se sugieren futuras investigaciones en el área. Palabras clave: sexismo, valores, justicia interpersonal, justicia informacional / O objetivo do presente estudo foi, por um lado, explorar as relações entre as percepções de justiça interpessoal/informacional e sexismo em trabalhadores argentinos, e, por outro lado, examinar o possível papel desempenhado pelo individualismo e coletivismo em tais relações. Os participantes (128 homens e 120 mulheres) completaram uma bateria de ins- trumentos reconhecidos para medir as variáveis de interesse. Os resultados mostraram que as percepções de justiça interpessoal e informacional foram negativamente relacionadas com o sexismo hostil e, inesperadamente, as percepções de justiça informacional foram positi- vamente associadas com o sexismo benevolente. O coletivismo vertical e o individualismo vertical moderaram as relações entre justiça interpersonal e sexismo hostil. Discutem-se as implicações teóricas e práticas destes resultados. Sugestões para futuras pesquisas são feitas.

Relationships of Sex-Role Identification, Self-Esteem and Attitudes Toward Women to Responses on a Scale of Sexist Humor

Gravley, Norma J. (Norma Jean) 08 1900 (has links)
Theories and research in the field of disparaging humor were reviewed, and sexist humor was studied as representative of this field. The relationships of sex-role identification, self-esteem, and attitudes toward women to the judgement of humor in sexist material were investigated. The Scale of Sexist Humor, developed for this investigation, utilized a set of 50 cartoons and jokes devised to approximate overlapping standard curves on the dimensions of sexist content and humor. Subjects were 57 males and 70 female undergraduate students. Each subject performed a forced Q^-sort of the cartoons and jokes, thereby rating them on a five-point scale of funniness, then completed instruments designed to evaluate sex-role identification (the Personal Attributes Questionnaire), self-esteem (The Texas Social Behavior Inventory), and attitudes toward women (the Attitudes Toward Women Scale), A demographic information sheet was also obtained from each subject to utilize in ancillary analysis.

”Om Gud ville att kvinnor skulle hoppa fallskärm, skulle Gud ha gjort himlen rosa.” : En fenomenologisk undersökning av sexism inom fallskärmshoppning

Arnell, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en fenomenologisk studie av sexism inom fallskärmshoppning. Från ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv är det viktigt att belysa genusnormer i olika institutioner i samhället. Tidigare forskning visar att det saknas en mer djupgående analys av kvinnors upplevelser av fenomenet sexism inom sporten fallskärmshoppning. Undersökning ämnar därför att synliggöra hur kvinnliga licensierade fallskärmshoppare upplever kulturen inom sporten samt vilka strategier de använder sig av. Jag har utfört fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med aktiva kvinnliga fallskärmshoppare för att kartlägga fenomenet. I analyserandet av materialet har två huvudteman identifierats, sexism på hopplatsen samt strategier. De teorier som har använts är hegemonisk maskulinitet och ambivalent sexism teori. Studien visar att fallskärmshoppningskulturen genomsyras av en hegemonisk maskulinitet vilket exemplifierar maktförhållanden mellan män och kvinnor. Fallskärmshoppning är ett litet mansdominerat sammanhang med starka maskulinitetsnormer men kan även spegla andra institutioner. / This thesis is a phenomenological study of sexism in skydiving. From a gender studies perspective it is important to shed light on gender norms in various institutions in society. Previous research shows that there is a lack of a more in-depth analysis of women's experiences of the phenomenon of sexism in the sport of skydiving. The survey therefore aims to emphasize how female licensed skydivers experience the culture in the sport and what strategies they employ. I have conducted five semi-structured interviews with active female skydivers to underline the phenomenon. In the analysis of the material, two main themes have been identified, sexism at the dropzone and strategies. The theories that have been used are hegemonic masculinity and ambivalent sexism theory. The study shows that the skydiving culture is permeated by a hegemonic masculinity, which exemplifies power relations between men and women. Skydiving is a small male-dominated context with strong masculinity norms but can also reflect other institutions. / <p>2022-06-02</p>

Social Attitudes Towards Sexism, Self-Objectification, Fear of Crime, and Trustworthiness-Based Face Ratings

Hughes, Tiana K. 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Was That Sexist?: Open-Mindedness Predicts Interpretation of Benevolent Sexism in Ambiguous Scenarios

Tanner, Meagan C. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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