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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Vi räddar liv och vi behövs. Jag kan inte se vilket annat alternativ det finns för de här ungdomarna." : En kvalitativ studie om Statens institutionsstyrelse ur ett personalperspektiv / "We save lives and we are needed. I can't see any other alternative for these youths" : A qualitative study on the National Board Of Institutional Care from a staff perspective

Olsson, Elina, Ruiz Nilsson, Amanda, Svefors, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
En placering på Statens institutionsstyrelses (SiS) särskilda ungdomshem förekommer i de situationer då frivillig vård inte anses tillräcklig för ungdomen och tvångsvård ses som det enda alternativet. SiS har under många år kritiserats gällande de särskilda ungdomshemmen och fortsätter att visa på allvarliga missförhållanden och brister. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur tvångsvården på samtliga SiS särskilda ungdomshem i Sverige fungerar ur ett personalperspektiv, vilket ämnar komplettera befintlig kunskap. Det insamlade materialet grundar sig i tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer med både verksam och icke verksam personal på olika nivåer inom SiS. Genom att identifiera faktorer som personalen upplever påverkar deras möjlighet att utföra sitt arbete har tre åtgärdsförslag med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning genererats. Dessa berör behovet av förbättrad kommunikation, kompetens och enhetlighet inom verksamheten. Studiens åtgärdsförslag ämnar därmed att bidra till en förbättring av verksamheten samt ökad kunskap om upplevelsen av att arbeta inom SiS. / A placement in the special youth homes operated by the National Board of Institutional Care (SiS) occurs in situations where voluntary care is not sufficient for the youth and compulsory care is seen as the only alternative. SiS has been subject to criticism for many years regarding the special youth homes and continues to show serious shortcomings and deficiencies. The aim of this study is to examine how the compulsory care functions in SiS special youth homes in Sweden from a staff perspective, aiming to complement existing knowledge. The collected data is based on twelve semi-structured interviews with both active and non-active personnel at different levels within SiS. By identifying factors that staff perceive as impacting their ability to execute their work, three proposed actions have been generated based on existing research. These proposals address the need for improved communication, competence, and consistency within the organization. Therefore, the study's recommendations aim to contribute towards enhancing SiS and the understanding regarding the firsthand experience of working within the organization.

”Vad är alternativet?” : SiS-personals perspektiv på placeringar vid psykiatriska tillstånd / “What is the Alternative?” : SiS-Staff Perspective on Placements for Psychiatric Conditions

Larsson, Emma, Westrin, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur behandlingspersonal på SiS-institutioner uppfattarvillkoren för att behandla tvångsomhändertagna ungdomar med psykiatriska tillstånd. Enskilda intervjuer med behandlingspersonal från SiS-institutioner har genomförts. Begreppen habitualisering och typifiering användes för vidare analys av resultatet tillsammans med olika förhållningssätt gentemot ungdomarna utifrån personaltyperna informella supporters, administratörer och vårdgivare. Resultatet påvisade att en majoritet av ungdomarna på SiS-institution har psykiatriska tillstånd. Behandlingspersonalen ska behandla psykosociala problem, men det framkommer att de även behöver hantera ungdomarnas psykiatriska vårdbehov trots bristande kompetens. De möjligheter och hinder som framkommit är ofta sammanvävdamed varandra men de aspekterna av vikt är behandlingsmetoder, formell och personlig kompetens samt personalens förhållningssätt gentemot ungdomarna. Även organisatoriska faktorer har framkommit ha en påverkan på behandlingsarbetet. Studien visar att felaktig behandling kan förlänga ungdomarnas sjukdomsförlopp. Vi anser därför att behandlingssituationen för placerade ungdomar med psykiatriska tillstånd behöver förbättras. / The study aims to explore how treatment staff at SiS-institutions perceive the conditions for treating youths with psychiatric conditions in compulsory care. Interviews were conducted with staff from SiS institutions. The concepts habitualization and typification are used for analysis of the results along with different approaches towards the youth based on the staff types informal supporters, administrators and caregivers. The results indicate that the majority of youths at SiS-institutions have psychiatric conditions. While the staff's primary focus is on treating psychosocial issues, it became evident that they handle the youths' psychiatric needs despite lacking competence. Identified possibilities and challenges are intertwined, emphasizing the importance of treatment methods, formal and personal competence, and the staff's approach. Organizational factors are found to influence treatment outcomes. The study shows that incorrect treatment can prolong the youths' illness. Therefore, we believe that the treatment situation for youths with psychiatric conditions needs improvement.

Textvärld för särskilda : Lärares uppfattning och åsikter om Literacy, inkludering och dess nytta för den tvångsvårdade eleven i Sverige. / Literacy for the secluded : A Survey of a Teaching Staff´s Opinions and Knowledge on Literacy, and it´s Benefits for the Incarcerated Juvenile Student in Sweden.

Forsberg, Ebbe January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this survey is to examine how teachers at The Swedish National board of special directories (Statens institutionsstyrelse, SiS) perceive the juvenile students’ text worlds/ Literacy, and how they are used as resources in their reading- and writing-related education. Questions regarding how this category of juveniles should be met in the public school system, and the means used to support the students in their reading and writing development, have also been touched upon. The cumulative results signify that these teachers tend to express that the use of the students’ Literacy is important and constructive, and that the students’ own choices should be at the centre of the education in this school environment. There seems to be a tendency that teachers employing reading and writing to a greater extent in their teaching have more explicit views on the students’ Literacy, and its usefulness for their reading and writing development. The preferred methods of educational strategies are those who engage the students by giving them an understanding of the reasons and purposes of their study assignments. This creates an enhanced intrinsic motivation, which fosters the students’ study abilities. / Denna undersöknings syfte är att undersöka lärares åsikter och uppfattningar om hur undervisningsmetoder anknutna till Critical Literacy är använd och hur dessa metoder fungerar som hjälp för ungdomar inom Statens institutionsstyrelses skolverksamhet. I undersökningen har frågor som berör lärares åsikter om elevernas textvärld undersökts och på vilket sätt elever med behov av stöd inom läs-och skrivproblematik undervisas. Lärare har även tillfrågats vad de skulle rekommendera för elever som riskerar att komma inom institutionsvården. Undersökningen har utförts med hjälp av en webbenkät inom myndighetens eget system, samt analyserades med hjälp av statistikanalysprogrammet SPSS. Undersökningens resultat visar tecken på att lärare inom Statens institutionsstyrelse har en tendens att använda metoder för läs-och skrivutvecklande stöd, som innefattar personlig kontakt och en strävan efter att utveckla en inre motivation. Detta sker genom att aktivt arbeta på ett sådant sätt att elevens förståelse för syftet med undervisningen prioriteras. Kunskapen om de begrepp som behandlas är generellt god och den samlade bilden av vad lärare tenderar att föreslå som arbetsmetoder för det allmänna skolsystemet är sådana som är ämnesöverskridande och gynnar ett omedelbart återkopplande av resultaten av elevens arbete och ger en möjlighet att delta i den offentliga debatten. Resultatet tyder även på att lärare i denna undersökning ser elevens egen inre motivation till utveckling av läs-och skrivförmågan som centralt, för att kunna lyckas med detta.

Monte Carlo Simulation Based Response Estimation and Model Updating in Nonlinear Random Vibrations

Radhika, Bayya January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The study of randomly excited nonlinear dynamical systems forms the focus of this thesis. We discuss two classes of problems: first, the characterization of nonlinear random response of the system before it comes into existence and, the second, assimilation of measured responses into the mathematical model of the system after the system comes into existence. The first class of problems constitutes forward problems while the latter belongs to the class of inverse problems. An outstanding feature of these problems is that they are almost always not amenable for exact solutions. We tackle in the present study these two classes of problems using Monte Carlo simulation tools in conjunction with Markov process theory, Bayesian model updating strategies, and particle filtering based dynamic state estimation methods. It is well recognized in literature that any successful application of Monte Carlo simulation methods to practical problems requires the simulation methods to be reinforced with effective means of controlling sampling variance. This can be achieved by incorporating any problem specific qualitative and (or) quantitative information that one might have about system behavior in formulating estimators for response quantities of interest. In the present thesis we outline two such approaches for variance reduction. The first of these approaches employs a substructuring scheme, which partitions the system states into two sets such that the probability distribution of the states in one of the sets conditioned on the other set become amenable for exact analytical solution. In the second approach, results from data based asymptotic extreme value analysis are employed to tackle problems of time variant reliability analysis and updating of this reliability. We exemplify in this thesis the proposed approaches for response estimation and model updating by considering wide ranging problems of interest in structural engineering, namely, nonlinear response and reliability analyses under stationary and (or) nonstationary random excitations, response sensitivity model updating, force identification, residual displacement analysis in instrumented inelastic structures under transient excitations, problems of dynamic state estimation in systems with local nonlinearities, and time variant reliability analysis and reliability model updating. We have organized the thesis into eight chapters and three appendices. A resume of contents of these chapters and appendices follows. In the first chapter we aim to provide an overview of mathematical tools which form the basis for investigations reported in the thesis. The starting point of the study is taken to be a set of coupled stochastic differential equations, which are obtained after discretizing spatial variables, typically, based on application of finite element methods. Accordingly, we provide a summary of the following topics: (a) Markov vector approach for characterizing time evolution of transition probability density functions, which includes the forward and backward Kolmogorov equations, (b) the equations governing the time evolution of response moments and first passage times, (c) numerical discretization of governing stochastic differential equation using Ito-Taylor’s expansion, (d) the partial differential equation governing the time evolution of transition probability density functions conditioned on measurements for the study of existing instrumented structures, (e) the time evolution of response moments conditioned on measurements based on governing equations in (d), and (f) functional recursions for evolution of multidimensional posterior probability density function and posterior filtering density function, when the time variable is also discretized. The objective of the description here is to provide an outline of the theoretical formulations within which the problems of response estimation and model updating are formulated in the subsequent chapters of the present thesis. We briefly state the class of problems, which are amenable for exact solutions. We also list in this chapter major text books, research monographs, and review papers relevant to the topics of nonlinear random vibration analysis and dynamic state estimation. In Chapter 2 we provide a review of literature on solutions of problems of response analysis and model updating in nonlinear dynamical systems. The main focus of the review is on Monte Carlo simulation based methods for tackling these problems. The review accordingly covers numerical methods for approximate solutions of Kolmogorov equations and associated moment equations, variance reduction in simulation based analysis of Markovian systems, dynamic state estimation methods based on Kalman filter and its variants, particle filtering, and variance reduction based on Rao-Blackwellization. In this review we chiefly cover papers that have contributed to the growth of the methodology. We also cover briefly, the efforts made in applying the ideas to structural engineering problems. Based on this review, we identify the problems of variance reduction using substructuring schemes and data based extreme value analysis and, their incorporation into response estimation and model updating strategies, as problems requiring further research attention. We also identify a range of problems where these tools could be applied. We consider the development of a sequential Monte Carlo scheme, which incorporates a substructuring strategy, for the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems under random excitations in Chapter 3. The proposed substructuring ensures that a part of the system states conditioned on the remaining states becomes Gaussian distributed and is amenable for an exact analytical solution. The use of Monte Carlo simulations is subsequently limited for the analysis of the remaining system states. This clearly results in reduction in sampling variance since a part of the problem is tackled analytically in an exact manner. The successful performance of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering response analysis of a single degree of freedom nonlinear oscillator under random excitations. Arguments based on variance decomposition result and Rao-Blackwell theorems are presented to demonstrate that the proposed variance reduction indeed is effective. In Chapter 4, we modify the sequential Monte Carlo simulation strategy outlined in the preceding chapter to incorporate questions of dynamic state estimation when data on measured responses become available. Here too, the system states are partitioned into two groups such that the states in one group become Gaussian distributed when conditioned on the states in the other group. The conditioned Gaussian states are subsequently analyzed exactly using the Kalman filter and, this is interfaced with the analysis of the remaining states using sequential importance sampling based filtering strategy. The development of this combined Kalman and sequential importance sampling filtering method constitutes one of the novel elements of this study. The proposed strategy is validated by considering the problem of dynamic state estimation in linear single and multi-degree of freedom systems for which exact analytical solutions exist. In Chapter 5, we consider the application of the tools developed in Chapter 4 for a class of wide ranging problems in nonlinear random vibrations of existing systems. The nonlinear systems considered include single and multi-degree of freedom systems, systems with memoryless and hereditary nonlinearities, and stationary and nonstationary random excitations. The specific applications considered include nonlinear dynamic state estimation in systems with local nonlinearities, estimation of residual displacement in instrumented inelastic dynamical system under transient random excitations, response sensitivity model updating, and identification of transient seismic base motions based on measured responses in inelastic systems. Comparisons of solutions from the proposed substructuring scheme with corresponding results from direct application of particle filtering are made and a satisfactory mutual agreement is demonstrated. We consider next questions on time variant reliability analysis and corresponding model updating in Chapters 6 and 7, respectively. The research effort in these studies is focused on exploring the application of data based asymptotic extreme value analysis for problems on hand. Accordingly, we investigate reliability of nonlinear vibrating systems under stochastic excitations in Chapter 6 using a two-stage Monte Carlo simulation strategy. For systems with white noise excitation, the governing equations of motion are interpreted as a set of Ito stochastic differential equations. It is assumed that the probability distribution of the maximum over a specified time duration in the steady state response belongs to the basin of attraction of one of the classical asymptotic extreme value distributions. The first stage of the solution strategy consists of selection of the form of the extreme value distribution based on hypothesis testing, and, the next stage involves the estimation of parameters of the relevant extreme value distribution. Both these stages are implemented using data from limited Monte Carlo simulations of the system response. The proposed procedure is illustrated with examples of linear/nonlinear systems with single/multiple degrees of freedom driven by random excitations. The predictions from the proposed method are compared with the results from large scale Monte Carlo simulations, and also with the classical analytical results, when available, from the theory of out-crossing statistics. Applications of the proposed method for vibration data obtained from laboratory conditions are also discussed. In Chapter 7 we consider the problem of time variant reliability analysis of existing structures subjected to stationary random dynamic excitations. Here we assume that samples of dynamic response of the structure, under the action of external excitations, have been measured at a set of sparse points on the structure. The utilization of these measurements in updating reliability models, postulated prior to making any measurements, is considered. This is achieved by using dynamic state estimation methods which combine results from Markov process theory and Bayes’ theorem. The uncertainties present in measurements as well as in the postulated model for the structural behaviour are accounted for. The samples of external excitations are taken to emanate from known stochastic models and allowance is made for ability (or lack of it) to measure the applied excitations. The future reliability of the structure is modeled using expected structural response conditioned on all the measurements made. This expected response is shown to have a time varying mean and a random component that can be treated as being weakly stationary. For linear systems, an approximate analytical solution for the problem of reliability model updating is obtained by combining theories of discrete Kalman filter and level crossing statistics. For the case of nonlinear systems, the problem is tackled by combining particle filtering strategies with data based extreme value analysis. The possibility of using conditional simulation strategies, when applied external actions are measured, is also considered. The proposed procedures are exemplified by considering the reliability analysis of a few low dimensional dynamical systems based on synthetically generated measurement data. The performance of the procedures developed is also assessed based on limited amount of pertinent Monte Carlo simulations. A summary of the contributions made and a few suggestions for future work are presented in Chapter 8. The thesis also contains three appendices. Appendix A provides details of the order 1.5 strong Taylor scheme that is extensively employed at several places in the thesis. The formulary pertaining to the bootstrap and sequential importance sampling particle filters is provided in Appendix B. Some of the results on characterizing conditional probability density functions that have been used in the development of the combined Kalman and sequential importance sampling filter in Chapter 4 are elaborated in Appendix C.

Optimisation des méthodes algorithmiques en inférence bayésienne. Modélisation dynamique de la transmission d'une infection au sein d'une population hétérogène / Optimization of algorithmic methods for Bayesian inference. Dynamic modeling of infectious disease transmission in heterogeneous population

Gajda, Dorota 13 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se décompose en deux grandes parties, "Estimations répétées dans le cadre de la modélisation bayésienne" et "Modélisation de la transmission de maladies infectieuses dans une population. Estimation des paramètres.". Les techniques développées dans la première partie sont utilisées en fin de la seconde partie. La première partie est consacrée à des optimisations d'algorithmes stochastiques très souvent utilisés, notamment dans le contexte des modélisations Bayésiennes. Cette optimisation est particulièrement faite lors de l'étude empirique d'estimateurs des paramètres d'un modèle où les qualités des estimateurs sont évaluées sur un grand nombre de jeux de données simulées. Quand les lois a posteriori ne sont pas explicites, le recours à des algorithmes stochastiques itératifs (de la famille des algorithmes dits de Monte Carlo par Chaîne de Makov) pour approcher les lois a posteriori est alors très couteux en temps car doit être fait pour chaque jeu de données. Dans ce contexte, ce travail consiste en l'étude de solutions évitant un trop grand nombre d'appels à ces algorithmes mais permettant bien-sûr d'obtenir malgré tout des résultats précis. La principale technique étudiée dans cette partie est celle de l'échantillonnage préférentiel. La seconde partie est consacrée aux études de modèles épidémiques, en particulier le modèle compartimental dit SIS (Susceptible-Infecté-Susceptible) dans sa version stochastique. L'approche stochastique permet de prendre en compte l'hétérogénéité de l'évolution de la maladie dans la population. les approches par des processus Markoviens sont étudiés où la forme des probabilités de passage entre les états est non linéaire. La solution de l'équation différentielle en probabilité n'est alors en général pas explicite. Les principales techniques utilisées dans cette partie sont celles dites de développement de l'équation maîtresse ("master equation") appliquées au modèle SIS avec une taille de population constante. Les propriétés des estimateurs des paramètres sont étudiées dans le cadre fréquentiste et bayésien. Concernant l'approche Bayésienne, les solutions d'optimisation algorithmique de la première partie sont appliquées. / This work consists in two parts, "Repeated estimates in bayesian modelling " and " Modelling of the transmission of infectious diseases in a population. Estimation of the parameters". Techniques developed in the first part are used at the end of the second part.The first part deals with optimizations of very often used stochastic algorithms, in particular in the context of Bayesian modelling. This optimization is particularly made when empirical study of estimates based on numerous simulated data sets is done. When posterior distribution of parameters are not explicit, its approximation is obtained via iterative stochastic algorithms (of the family of Markov Chain Monte Carlo) which is computationally expensive because has to be done on each data set. In this context, solutions are proposed avoiding an excess large number of MCMC calls but nevertheless giving accurate results. The Importance Sampling method is used in combination with MCMC in Bayesian simulation study. The second part deals with epidemic models, in particular the compartimental model SIS (Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible) in its stochastic version. The stochastic approach allows to take into account the heterogeneousness of disease evolution in the population. Markov Process is particularly studied where transition probability between states is not linear, the solution of the differential equation in probability being then generally not explicit. The main techniques used in this part are the ones based on Master equation applied on SIS model with a constant population size. Empirical properties of parameters estimates are studied in frequentist and Bayesian context with algorithmic optimization presented in the first part.

Utvärdering av metoder för framställning och kontroll av digitala terrängmodeller

Persson, Erik, Sjöwall, Fredric January 2012 (has links)
Today there are many applications of digital terrain models (DTM) and the requirements of low uncertainty increases. Most of the DTM are produced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS) and total stations. Guidelines for the preparation and verification of DTM are found in Swedish Standards Institute – Technical Specifications (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 and SIS-TS 21145:2007. These were defined in collaboration between Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket, and Swedish Road Administration, Vägverket, to satisfy the needs of requirement formulations in the production of DTM planning, design and construction.   The purpose of this paper is to produce and control DTM over Åkermans kulle, located west of the University of Gävle, according to SIS TS 21144:2007 using GNSS with network-RTK, TLS and ALS. Control of these was then performed by profile surveying with total station in accordance with SIS-TS 21145:2007 and by comparing the models against each other. Based on these results the control methods were evaluated. The area is approximately 2 ha and consists of very rough grassland with some vegetation. The post processing of the data was done in software SBG Geo Professional School, Cyclone 7.3 and Microsoft Excel.   The profile-based verification showed that GNSS gives the smallest deviation from reality for this type of area, with a mean deviation of 0.048 m, while the TLS and ALS deviated 0.162 m and 0.255 m. For the surface based control the largest deviation was between ALS and GNSS with an average deviation of 0.270 m and the smallest between ALS-TLS with an average deviation of 0.099 m.  In the production of DTM aim, uncertainty requirements, area and type of terrain should be taken into account and carefully analyzed. Based on this analysis, the most suitable method should be selected. Profile measurement is the most suited method for control since it generates a veracious depiction of the reality. Our results show that for hilly vegetated areas GNSS are preferable while TLS and ALS are more suited to plane areas without vegetation. A single national standard for the production and control of the DTM should be developed as only technical specifications exist today. / Användningsområden för digitala terrängmodeller (DTM) är idag många och kraven på låg osäkerhet ökar. DTM kan framställas med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrester laserskanning (TLS), flygburen laserskanning (FLS) eller totalstation. Riktlinjer för framställning och kontroll av DTM finns i Swedish Standards Institute - Tekniska specifikationer (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 och SIS 21145:2007. Dessa framtogs i ett samarbete mellan Banverket och Vägverket, idag Trafikverket, för att tillfredsställa behoven av kravformuleringar vid framställning av DTM för planering, projektering och byggande.   Syftet med detta examensarbete är att framställa DTM över Åkermans kulle, beläget väster om Högskolan i Gävle enligt SIS-TS 21144:2007. Detta med hjälp av GNSS med nätverks-RTK, TLS och FLS, samt kontroll genom profilinmätning med totalstation enligt SIS-TS 21145:2007 och ytbaserad kontroll av modellerna mot varandra. Utgående från dessa resultat utvärderades kontrollmetoderna. Området är ca 2 ha stort och består av mycket kuperad ängsmark med viss vegetation. Efterbearbetningen av inmätta data skedde i programvarorna SBG Geo Professional School 2012, Cyclone 7.3 samt Microsoft Excel.   Den profilbaserade kontrollen visade att GNSS är den metod som ger lägst osäkerhet för denna typ av område, med en medelavvikelse på 0,048 m, medan TLS och FLS avvek 0,162 m respektive 0,255 m. För den ytbaserade kontrollen var de största avvikelserna mellan FLS och GNSS, med en medelavvikelse på 0,270 m och den lägsta medelavvikelsen på 0,099 m mellan FLS och TLS. Vid framställning av terrängmodeller bör syfte, osäkerhetskrav, areal och typ av terräng tas i beaktande och analyseras noggrant. Utifrån denna analys bör den mest sanningsenliga metoden väljas. För kontroll är profilmätning med totalstation mest lämpat då det ger en sanningsenlig bild av verkligheten. Våra resultat visar att för kuperade vegetationsrika områden är GNSS att föredra medan TLS och FLS passar bättre för plana områden utan vegetation. En gemensam nationell standard för framställning och kontroll av DTM bör tas fram då det i dagsläget endast finns specifikationer.

T? estin An?mnesis? uma an?lise da an?mnesis no m?non de Plat?o

Porto, Wanderlan Santos 16 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:12:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WanderlanSP_DISSERT.pdf: 791090 bytes, checksum: 1f1f88320e524c6875d48d14995e222d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Cette th?se a pour objectif principal examiner comment les M?non, Platon listes l'an?mnesis avec les autres th?ories qui sont abord?s dans ce dialogue et, par cons?quent, essayer de comprendre ce que c'est. Cette recherche vise dans un premier temps situ?es dans d'autres dialogues de Platon la survenance du terme anamn?sis ? veifique les points qui relient ces oeuvres ? clarifier la compr?hension d'un plus appropri? dans le M?non. Jetez-y aussi, quels sont les ?l?ments de la platonicienne th?orie de la connaissance sera reliant le dialogue afin de prouver que le M?non, qui est la question centrale aret?, garde un conflit dans la sophistique et la philosophie. Ce choc entre ce qui se passe papapep indirectement par l'interm?diaire de son M?non enseign?, et Socrates qui conteste la th?se de l'?thique et le relativisme ?pist?mologique. Nous voyons aussi, de quelle mani?re le dialogue est donn?e de prendre une voie d'acc?s au savoir qui est configur? comme s?rs, ? savoir an?mn?sis. L'interrogatoire de M?non depuis le d?but dans les appels d'enqu?ter ?ristique cet int?r?t, que lorsqu'ils sont confront?s ? des int?r?ts les am?nerait ? l'?tat apor?tique initial et qui est progressivement remplac? par l'aporie fondamental de connaissance, ce n'est point pour aporie la compr?hension de an?mnesis. En prenant la dialectique comme m?thode d'enqu?te dans le dialogue, il est n?cessaire de la part de Socrates et M?non, de quitter le didaskein et en profiter pour math?sis que la construction des connaissances. Il ouvre de mani?re un des principaux enjeux dans ce travail examine si le an?mnesis permettre l'acc?s aux moyens et si elle a un statut similaire ? mn?me. ? un moment o? Socrate explique dans le dialogue qui est le an?mnesis par monstration monstration fait avec esclave de M?non il est l'utilisation d'?l?ments mythiques que, selon notre analyse, permettre ? comprendre le sens de dialogue les connaissances qui montre l'opportunit? d'apprendre, qui est la an?mnesis / Esta disserta??o tem como principal objetivo analisar de que modo no M?non, Plat?o relaciona a an?mnesis a outras no??es que neste di?logo s?o discutidas e, deste modo, tentar compreender o que ela ? . Esta investiga??o visa inicialmente situar em outros di?logos plat?nicos a ocorr?ncia do termo an?mnesis para que verifique-se os aspectos que interligam estas obras a fim de precisar a compreens?o do sentido mais adequado no M?non. Verificar-se-? tamb?m, quais elementos da teoria do conhecimento plat?nica v?o se interligando no di?logo de modo a revelar que o M?non, que tem como quest?o central a aret?, resguarda um conflito entre a sof?stica e a filosofia. Tal embate acontece indiretamente entre G?rgias atrav?s do seu ensinado M?non, e S?crates que nega as teses do relativismo ?tico e epistemol?gico. Observamos tamb?m, de que forma se d? a assun??o de uma via de acesso ao conhecimento que se configura como mais segura, a saber, a an?mnesis. O questionamento de M?non desde o in?cio do di?logo nos instiga a inquirir esse interesse er?stico, que ao ser confrontado com os interesses socr?ticos levaria-os ao estado apor?tico inicial e que paulatinamente ? substitu?do pela aporia fundamental do conhecimento, esta aporia ? ponto de partida para a compreens?o da an?mnesis. Ao assumir-se a dial?tica como m?todo investigativo surge a necessidade por parte de S?crates e de M?non, de abandonar o didaskein e assumir a math?sis como possibilidade de constru??o do conhecimento. Abre-se assim uma das quest?es principais que este trabalho analisa, ? se a an?mnesis ? possibilidade acesso ?s Formas e se a mesma possui um estatuto similar a mn?me. No momento em que S?crates explicita no di?logo o que ? a an?mnesis, atrav?s da mostra??o feita com o escravo de M?non, h? a utiliza??o filos?fica de elementos m?ticos que, segundo nossa an?lise, permitem a compreens?o efetiva do sentido da constru??o dialogada do conhecimento que exterioriza o que se deseja aprender, ou seja: o que ? a an?mnesis

The frequency of social dysfunction in a general population sample and in patients with mental disorders: A comparison using the Social Interview Schedule (SIS)

Hecht, Heidemarie, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1988 (has links)
The frequency of social dysfunctions in a general population sample and in different diagnostic groups was investigated by using the Social Interview Schedule (SIS). Based on the results of the general population sample, several of the a priori derived cut-off scores of the SIS were modified. The analysis of the general population sample revealed sex-specific relationships between age and different aspects of social functioning. Especially for younger women significantly more objective social restrictions, were found due to the burden of multiple role responsibilities. With regard to different diagnostic subgroups including patients and mostly untreated cases from the community sample with Affective Disorders and Anxiety Disorders, results indicate that the degree of social impairment and dysfunctions and the degree of satisfaction with different role areas are strongly dependent on type of disorder and on former treatment status. Specific findings are: (1) The highest number of social impairments and dysfunctions were found in cases and patients with affective syndromes and in schizophrenic patients, but not in schizoaffective patients. (2) Management difficulties and dissatisfaction in intimate relationships were primarily found in depressed women. (3) Unlike anxiety patients, anxiety cases, although mostly chronically ill, had significantly less objective impairments and a lower rate of dissatisfaction than depressed cases. The results are discussed with special reference to the possible key role of depression for the development of social dysfunctions, as measured by the SIS. (4) Problems were, however, acknowledged concerning the use of the SIS with severely disturbed chronic schizophrenic patients.

Arken : Bostäder i stadens skärgård / Arken : Residences in the archipelago of the city

Andersson, Jennifer, Franke, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Ett stenkast från stadsdelen Liljeholmen i Stockholm ligger området Lövholmen. Ett idag till stor del övergivet industriområde där man möts av krossade rutor, förfallna byggnader och nedklottrade fasader. Stockholms stad har tillsammans med en rad olika byggherrar gjort en stadsplanering som är ett förslag om ändring i detaljplan, från ett industriområde till ett bostadsområde. Stadsplaneringen Strukturplan och ramverk för Lövholmen innehåller föreslagna riktlinjer om utformningen för en ny stadsdel. Syftet är att utforma ett gestaltningsförslag till en av fastigheterna enligt den nya detaljplanen som om den vunnit laga kraft, me även att undersöka hur planlösningar kan påverka människans hälsa och trivsel. Förslaget kommer förhålla sig till strukturplanens direktiv där målet är att göra Lövholmen till en tryggare och trevligare plats. Detta kommer göras med hjälp av analyser och undersökningar från allmänhetens önskemål och synpunkter. Resultatet, Arken, kommer visa ett bostadsförslag med en arkitektonisk anknytning till platsen som kommer göra Lövholmen till en mer harmonisk plats. Bostadsförslaget kommer medföra gemenskap för människor som bosätter sig i kvarteret samt genom genomarbetade planlösningar som grundar sig i undersökningar kring människans välmående. / A few steps away from the district of Liljeholmen in Stockholm lies the area of Lövholmen. A largely abandoned industrial zone where visitors are greeted by crushed window panes, dilapidated buildings and defaced facades. Stockholm City has along with a number of different developers made a proposal for a change in the detailed development plan, from an industrial area to a residential area. The urban planning Strukturplan och Ramverk för Lövholmen contains proposed guidelines for the design of a new neighborhood. Our purpose in this thesis is to design a residential proposal as if the detailed development plan has won legal force, also to examine how floor plans can affect human health and well-being. The proposal will relate to urban development guidelines by Stockholm stad, where the aim is to make Lövholmen a safer and nicer place. This will be done with the help of analyzes and surveys from the public's wishes and views. The result of our vision; Arken, will consist a housing proposal with an architectural connection to the place that will make Lövholmen a more harmonious site. The housing proposal will bring a sense of community to people who settle in the neighborhood as well as elaborated floor plans based on surveys on human well-being.

Flytten utan sammanhang : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på ungdomar som omplaceras mellan SiS och HVB.

Moss, Erik, Kindkvist, Jimmy January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om tre verksamhetschefers och en behandlingsassistents uppfattningar om hur ungdomar som vistas på Hem för vård och boende (HVB)- eller Statens Institutionsstyrelse –hem (SiS, som kan använda låsbara avdelningar), påverkas av de omplaceringar som sker när ungdomen flyttar från SiS till HVB. I den här studien fokuserar vi på en specifik del i behandlingen, som kan påverka ungdomar som är vårdplacerade – omplaceringar mellan vårdboenden. Vi undersöker bland annat hur dessa omplaceringar går till/skulle kunna gå till, samt vilka anledningar som kan tänkas vara bakgrunden till att en ungdom omplaceras. Som underlag för vår studie har vi utöver litteratur och forskning inom området, genomfört fyra intervjuer med personal från HVB och SiS boenden. Vi använder anknytningsteorin och Sense of coherence modellen som teoretisk referensram. Resultatet visar att det finns brister gällande omplaceringar. Samtliga informanter önskade mer tid till förberedelserna i arbetet med ungdomen som ska flytta in. Ett önskemål vore att det från beslut till inflyttning skulle ta 3-6 månader, då det ger möjlighet för personalen på det nya boendet att besöka ungdomen och börja knyta band redan innan flytten ska genomföras. Slutsatsen blir att omplaceringen spelar roll för ungdomens behandling och vistelse på boendet. Samtidigt är det oroväckande att det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för hur dessa omplaceringar ska ske. Om mer resurser och tydligare riktlinjer kring omplaceringar gavs, kan det minska det antal omplaceringar där ungdomen tvingas flytta tillbaka till SiS. Idag får ungefär var fjärde ungdom flytta tillbaka igen. / This paper investigates the perspective of managers' and processing staffs concerning young people living on a Home for care or living(HVB)- or Institutional board of the states- home (SiS - they can use lockable departments), and how they think youths are affected by the transfer between SiS and HVB. This study focus on factors that can affect young people's health - replacing youths between different nursing homes. The paper investigates how these replacements are performed/could be performed, as well as the underlying factors that might explain why a youth is being relocated. As a basis for our study, in addition to the literature and research in the field, we have conducted four interviews with personnel from HVB- and SiS- accommodations. We use the attachment theory and the Sense of coherence theory as a theoretical frame. The results show that there are shortcomings in the process of redeployment. All informants wanted more time to prepare the work of a youth who is about to move. A proposal from the informants, was that the process from decision to the actual moving should take between 3-6 months. This would give the staff in the new accommodation a chance to visit the youth and begin to build ties, before the move is implemented. The conclusion is that the transfer has an important role in the treatment and the stay of the youth. At the same time, it is of great concern that there are no clear guidelines for how these replacements should be performed. If there would be more resources and clearer guidelines for how redeployments should be handled, it might perhaps reduce the number of shifts where young people are moving back to SiS. Today approximately one of four youth needs to move back.

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