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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drama - som ämne och metod

Olsson, Kristina, Gustafsson, Jill January 2007 (has links)
Det här arbetet riktar sig till förskollärare, lärarstuderande och lärare inom skolväsendet samt inom barnomsorgen. Vi är två lärarstuderande vid Umeå universitet som länge funderat på hur dramaarbetet har sett ut och ser ut i skolorna idag. I och med detta arbete har vi haft som avsikt att uppmärksamma just detta och vi ville ge en insikt i hur viktigt drama kan vara i undervisningen för eleverna. Vi ville även visa att drama är mycket mer än bara teater. I drama ingår även lek och skapande. Vi valde att intervjua personer som arbetar med drama i sin undervisning för att få svar på frågeställningarna kring detta arbete. Det vi funnit är att alla lärare kan arbeta med drama i undervisningen om engagemanget finns. Det vi finner glädjande är att eleverna generellt uppskattar detta arbete, vilket vi tycker att man som lärare ska ta tillvara på. Ett sådant arbete skapar trygga, självsäkra, ämneskunniga och mer öppna elever.

Vad är Cloud Computing? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv

Nordlindh, Mattias, Suber, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced. Therefore, the need for IT-competence in a company is reduced, which offers the company to focus on their core business strategy. A problem with cloud computing is that because it is such a new phenomenon, there is no established definition. This makes the subject hard to understand and easily misunderstood. Cloud computing surely seems to solve many of the problems with reliability of systems and hardware that companies struggle with on a daily basis, but is it really that simple? The purpose of this thesis is to understand which types of company preconditions that affect the integration of cloud services in a company. We will also clarify the concept of Cloud computing by divide and describe its different components. To investigate the different types of company preconditions and there approach to cloud services we have performed interviews at different companies in associations with our case study. The result shows that a cloud service only can be integrated to an organization as long as the organization possesses the right preconditions. We think that cloud services can bring great advantages to organizations that meet these preconditions and that cloud services has the potential to ease the way of work for organizations in the future. / Cloud computing är ett nytt trendord inom IT-branschen och innebär ett nytt sätt att arbeta med IT. Tekniken bygger på att användare av en applikation inte behöver installera en applikation på sin lokala dator utan applikationen förmedlas som en tjänst genom Internet. Då applikationen inte körs på någon lokal enhet utan i en datorhall hos tjänsteleverantören behöver inte användaren ha någon mer specifik hårdvara utöver en dator och en Internetanslutning för att ta del av tjänsten. Även IT-infrastruktur och utvecklingsmiljö som tjänst erbjuds på samma sätt inom Cloud computing, dessa tre typer av tjänster kallas för molntjänster. Genom att använda olika typer av molntjänster minskar den interna driften av system, underhåll av hårdvara och således behövs minmal IT-kompetens inom företag, detta tillåter företag att fokusera på sin kärnverksamhet. Då Cloud computing är ett nytt fenomen finns det ingen erkänd definition av begreppet ännu, detta resulterar i att ämnet blir svårförstått och misstolkas lätt. Cloud computing verkar onekligen lösa problematiken med driftsäkerhet som företag tvingas att handskas med dagligen, men är de verkligen så enkelt? Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för vilka förutsättningar som företag besitter som påverkar hur bra olika typer av molntjänster kan integreras i företagets verksamhet. Uppsatsen ska även redogöra för begreppet Cloud computing genom att dela upp och beskriva de olika delar som begreppet består utav. För att utreda detta har vi bedrivit en fallstudie genom intervjuer hos utvalda företag för att undersöka företagens förutsättningar och förhållningssätt gentemot olika typer av molntjänster. Resultatet visar att de rätta förutsättningarna krävs för att ett företag ska kunna integrera molntjänster i sin verksamhet. Vi anser att molntjänster kan medföra stora fördelar för de företagen som besitter dessa förutsättningar, och att molntjänster har potential att underlätta verksamheten för många organisationer i framtiden.

En tudelad litteraturundervisning? : En jämförelse av litteraturundervisningen på gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram och högskoleförberedande program / A Divided Swedish Subject? : A Comparative Study of Literature Instruction in Upper Secondary School:s Vocational and Study-preparing Programs

Eriksson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra litteraturundervisningen på högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram inom 2000-talets gymnasieskola. Utifrån detta formulerades frågeställningar som innefattade jämförelse av likheter och skillnader avseende litteraturundervisningen inom högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram. Mot bakgrund av svenskämnets historiska utveckling inom gymnasieskolan, litteraturteorier, forskning och teorier om svenskämnestraditioner samt de kommande förändringarna gällande grundläggande behörighet till vidare studier och ämnesbetygsreformen undersöktes vetenskaplig litteratur för att besvara syftet. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie där utvald vetenskaplig relevant litteratur analyserades med metoden innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att 2000-talets litteraturundervisning i gymnasieskolan inom ramen för Lpf 94 och Gy 11 uppvisar flera likheter mellan yrkesprogram och högskoleförberedande program avseende innehåll och mål. De två svenskämnestraditionerna svenska som färdighetsämne och svenska som litteraturhistoriskt bildningsämne visades även vara framträdande inom båda programgruppernas litteraturundervisning. Resultatet visade också att svenskämnestraditionen svenska som erfarenhetspedagogiskt ämne kunde karaktäriseras som ett marginaliserat komplement i litteraturundervisningen för både högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram.

Barnfridsbrott : Svårigheter i rättstillämpningen / Penal Provision on the violation of a Child's Integrity

Nejman, Filippa January 2022 (has links)
In July 2021 a new penal provision on violation of a child's integrity, was introduced in the Swedish legal system. The penalty provision is found in Chapter 4 of the Penal Code. It entails a special criminal responsibility for a person who commits a criminal act against a person close to them, when the act is witnessed by a child. Children who witness domestic violence or other criminal acts between parents or persons close to them are a particular vulnerable group. These children often lack criminal law 1 protection. The new provision on violation of a child's integrity has mostly been well received. The child who witnessed the criminal act will now be a plaintiff with the right to his own special legal representative. There will be a chance that the new provision will strengthen the child's right under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This specifically concerns Article 12 the child's right to be heard. Even so there seems to be several difficulties with the provision in the law enforcement. This essay will explore some of these difficulties.

Projection of High-Dimensional Genome-Wide Expression on SOM Transcriptome Landscapes

Nikoghosyan, Maria, Loeffler-Wirth, Henry, Davidavyan, Suren, Binder, Hans, Arakelyan, Arsen 23 January 2024 (has links)
The self-organizing maps portraying has been proven to be a powerful approach for analysis of transcriptomic, genomic, epigenetic, single-cell, and pathway-level data as well as for “multi-omic” integrative analyses. However, the SOM method has a major disadvantage: it requires the retraining of the entire dataset once a new sample is added, which can be resource- and timedemanding. It also shifts the gene landscape, thus complicating the interpretation and comparison of results. To overcome this issue, we have developed two approaches of transfer learning that allow for extending SOM space with new samples, meanwhile preserving its intrinsic structure. The extension SOM (exSOM) approach is based on adding secondary data to the existing SOM space by “meta-gene adaptation”, while supervised SOM portrayal (supSOM) adds support vector machine regression model on top of the original SOM algorithm to “predict” the portrait of a new sample. Both methods have been shown to accurately combine existing and new data. With simulated data, exSOM outperforms supSOM for accuracy, while supSOM significantly reduces the computing time and outperforms exSOM for this parameter. Analysis of real datasets demonstrated the validity of the projection methods with independent datasets mapped on existing SOM space. Moreover, both methods well handle the projection of samples with new characteristics that were not present in training datasets.

Cosmopolitan Divide? : Examining the Tension Field Between Media, Residential Patterns and Cosmopolitan Attitudes

Lindell, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Today, global media such as the Internet provides media audiences scattered across the globe with the possibility of cross-cultural moral interaction upon a plethora of global digital public spheres. Such trends have been the catalyst for increased academic attention to the field of media and morality and the notion of media audiences as global citizens – ‘cosmopolitans at home’, consuming a wide array of mediated, global images and thus enforcing a proximity with the ‘distant Other’. Parallel to such trends is the dichotomous relationship between rural- and urban areas that have emerged as increasingly ambivalent in ‘network society’. Due to the ‘urbanization of media culture’ and the ‘digital divide’, it is argued that rural areas, in an era characterized by global interconnectedness, are rendered dysfunctional. On the other hand however, media can be argued to promote inclusion and new possibilities for rural people.   This study set out to empirically examine the tension field between residential patterns (rural/urban), the media (Internet) and cosmopolitanism. Setting out from the research questions: (1) What variables determine a ‘cosmopolitan outlook’ in Sweden?, (2) Does media use/access promote a ‘cosmopolitan outlook’, and under what circumstances?, and (3) Is there a ‘cosmopolitan divide’ between different residential patterns – and if so: how does it relate to different patterns of media use and access?. To attend the research questions, data from the annual national survey, Riks-SOM 2008, was analysed and the findings indicated the general trends for the Swedish cosmopolitan was, in accordance with other empirical accounts, young and well educated. Furthermore, respondents ‘high’ on Internet use where more likely to be cosmopolitans – confirming theoretical accounts of e.g. Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Dick Hebdige. Also, ‘locality’ proved to be more important for rural people than for people living in metropolitan areas. Finally, men and women displayed different ‘cosmopolitan patterns’: rural women being more cosmopolitan than metropolitan women in terms of a ‘willingness to move to a country outside of Europe’ while men displayed the opposite, following the hypothesis.

Extramural engelska : I skolan och på fritiden / Extramural English : In- and out-of-class

Kleman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har barns och ungas tillgång till olika digitala medier ökat. De flesta elever möter det engelska språket varje dag på något sätt och de är inte bara konsumenter av språket utan de producerar också engelska i olika aktiviteter på fritiden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket utrymme elevernas extramurala engelska får inom ramen för skolans engelskundervisning och i vilken utsträckning eleverna har användning av engelskan de lär sig i skolans undervisning i sina fritidsaktiviteter. Extramural engelska är ett begrepp som innefattar all den engelska som eleverna kommer i kontakt med utanför skolan. Studien omfattar tre lärare och nio elever i årskurs 4-6 från tre olika kommuner i Jönköpings län. Studien har en fenomenografiskt inspirerad ansats och materialinsamlingen har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna arbetat mer eller mindre med en inkludering av elevernas extramurala engelska i engelskundervisningen. Något som var gemensamt för samtliga intervjuade lärare var att de såg en signifikant skillnad i språkliga förmågor mellan de elever som spelade mycket onlinespel och de elever som inte gjorde det. Flertalet av de intervjuade eleverna ansåg sig på ett eller annat sätt ha användning av den engelska de lär sig i skolan på sin fritid. En slutsats som dras är att det är viktigt att undervisande lärare sätter sig in i var, i vilken form och på vilket sätt eleverna möter engelska i sin fritid för att kunna inkludera det i undervisningen i engelska. / Over the past decade, children and adolescents have had an increased access to digital media. Most students get exposed to the English language in some way every day and they are not just consumers, they are also producers of English when they are engaged in different activities in their spare time. The aim of the study is to look into how extramural English is included in English school curriculum and to what extent students have use for the English they learn at school in their spare time activities. Extramural English includes all the English that students come into contact with outside of school. Three teachers and nine students, all from Jönköping county, are included in this study. The students are in grades 4-6. The study has a fenomenographically inspired approach and semi-structured intervjuews have been used to collect the data. The result reveals that the teachers have been working more or less with including the students’ extramural English in school. All teachers that participated in the interviews mentioned that they saw a significant difference in the students’ linguistic abilities between the ones who played a great number of online games and the students who did not. Most of the interviewed students felt in one way or another that they had use for the English they learn at school in their spare time. A conclusion drawn from the results of this study is that it is important for teachers to determine where, in what form and in what way students come into contact with English in their spare time in order to include it in the English school curriculum.

Reconhecimento automático de locutor em modo independente de texto por Self-Organizing Maps. / Text independent automatic speaker recognition using Self-Organizing Maps.

Mafra, Alexandre Teixeira 18 December 2002 (has links)
Projetar máquinas capazes identificar pessoas é um problema cuja solução encontra uma grande quantidade de aplicações. Implementações em software de sistemas baseados em medições de características físicas pessoais (biométricos), estão começando a ser produzidos em escala comercial. Nesta categoria estão os sistemas de Reconhecimento Automático de Locutor, que se usam da voz como característica identificadora. No presente momento, os métodos mais populares são baseados na extração de coeficientes mel-cepstrais (MFCCs) das locuções, seguidos da identificação do locutor através de Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) ou quantização vetorial. Esta preferência se justifica pela qualidade dos resultados obtidos. Fazer com que estes sistemas sejam robustos, mantendo sua eficiência em ambientes ruidosos, é uma das grandes questões atuais. Igualmente relevantes são os problemas relativos à degradação de performance em aplicações envolvendo um grande número de locutores, e a possibilidade de fraude baseada em vozes gravadas. Outro ponto importante é embarcar estes sistemas como sub-sistemas de equipamentos já existentes, tornando-os capazes de funcionar de acordo com o seu operador. Este trabalho expõe os conceitos e algoritmos envolvidos na implementação de um software de Reconhecimento Automático de Locutor independente de texto. Inicialmente é tratado o processamento dos sinais de voz e a extração dos atributos essenciais deste sinal para o reconhecimento. Após isto, é descrita a forma pela qual a voz de cada locutor é modelada através de uma rede neural de arquitetura Self-Organizing Map (SOM) e o método de comparação entre as respostas dos modelos quando apresentada uma locução de um locutor desconhecido. Por fim, são apresentados o processo de construção do corpus de vozes usado para o treinamento e teste dos modelos, as arquiteturas de redes testadas e os resultados experimentais obtidos numa tarefa de identificação de locutor. / The design of machines that can identify people is a problem whose solution has a wide range of applications. Software systems, based on personal phisical attributes measurements (biometrics), are in the beginning of commercial scale production. Automatic Speaker Recognition systems fall into this cathegory, using voice as the identifying attribute. At present, the most popular methods are based on the extraction of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), followed by speaker identification by Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) or vector quantization. This preference is motivated by the quality of the results obtained by the use of these methods. Making these systems robust, able to keep themselves efficient in noisy environments, is now a major concern. Just as relevant are the problems related to performance degradation in applications with a large number of speakers involved, and the issues related to the possibility of fraud by the use of recorded voices. Another important subject is to embed these systems as sub-systems of existing devices, enabling them to work according to the operator. This work presents the relevant concepts and algorithms concerning the implementation of a text-independent Automatic Speaker Recognition software system. First, the voice signal processing and the extraction of its essential features for recognition are treated. After this, it is described the way each speaker\'s voice is represented by a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network, and the comparison method of the models responses when a new utterance from an unknown speaker is presented. At last, it is described the construction of the speech corpus used for training and testing the models, the neural network architectures tested, and the experimental results obtained in a speaker identification task.

Classificação de sismofáceis carbonáticas a partir da técnica Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). / Variability study of carbonate sismofacies applying the Self-Organizing technique.

Bronizeski, Edgar Davanço 26 October 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de soluções para a classificação de ambientes de sedimentação ainda é um desafio, sobretudo em ambientes de deposição carbonáticos. Em reservatórios de óleo e gás offshore, onde a geometria dos ambientes deposicionais é fundamental para a estimativa de viabilidade técnica e econômica de exploração e produção, a discriminação destes ambientes depende de dados indiretos. Nesse sentido, a sísmica de reflexão e seus respectivos atributos funcionam como robusta ferramenta interpretativa. Grandes reservas de petróleo offshore se encontram em rochas carbonáticas constituídas, sobretudo, por calcita e dolomita. Estes minerais, no entanto, não apresentam resposta sísmica contrastante, já que a diferença de velocidade entre tais minerais é inexpressiva. A utilização da amplitude sísmica, unicamente, não possibilita diferenciar propriedades das rochas carbonáticas, tal como ocorre com rochas siliciclásticas. Compactação e hidrotermalismo são fatores pós-deposicionais que influenciam na alteração das características de rochas carbonáticas, e apresentam difícil detecção nas seções sísmicas. Tais fatores necessitam de uma abordagem que envolva as propriedades dos múltiplos atributos sísmicos para a respectiva caracterização. A técnica Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) consiste em ferramenta de análise e visualização de dados vetoriais dentro do espaço dimensional definido pelas variáveis. Trata-se de abordagem multi-atributos em que a identificação e classificação das amostras ocorre de maneira não supervisionada. Neste trabalho são utilizados dados sísmicos dos quais foi extraída a amplitude sobre um horizonte interpretado. Foram utilizados também os atributos do traço sísmico complexo, tais como: envelope, fase instantânea e frequência instantânea, além da impedância acústica e derivada espacial. Estes atributos foram escolhidos em função das características geológicas que representam. Além disso, tais atributos têm sido utilizados em outros trabalhos de classificação de fácies sísmicas. Após uma primeira análise SOM, tendo em vista o realce dos atributos de entrada, foi aplicada a Análise por Principais Componentes (APC). Com base nos componentes obtidos, foi realizada uma segunda análise SOM, obtendo-se assim os resultados que mais corresponderam ao sistema deposicional analisado. Foram identificados também clinoformas nos dados sísmicos, que apresentam correlação com a classificação dos resultados assim como um mapa de distribuição de rochas carbonáticas foi elaborado pela interpretação das classes identificadas correlacionando-as ao poço 1-SPS-0029 associando-o ao modelo de deposição de uma plataforma carbonática. / Developing solutions for classifying sedimentation environments is still quite a challenge, particularly in carbonate sites. It\'s crucial to use indirect data to differentiate the geometry of depositional environment of oil and gas offshore reservoirs when estimating the productions under technical and economical sights. Therefore, the seismic and its attributes work like a powerful interpretative tool. A great amount of oil reservoirs can be found in carbonate rocks, whose main constitution minerals are calcite and dolomite. Those minerals, however, don\'t offer a significantly contrasting response to seismic. The seismic amplitude, by itself, isn\'t a good property estimation to be used on carbonate rocks, as it is on the siliciclastic rocks. Compactation and hydrothermalism are post-depositional influencers on the alteration of carbonate rocks features, and they present a difficult detection on seismic sections. Those factors will need multiple seismic attributes to respective characterization. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) appear as a tool for analysis and visualization of vectorial data within the dimensional space defined by the variables. That\'s a multi-featured approach whose samples identification and classification will occur in a non-supervisioned way. The use of SOM in this paper do not intend to substitute the interpretation of the results, but aims to pop up the intrinsic relations between used attributes. It has been interpreted a horizon, from which it was possible to take the amplitude on seismic as a first attribute. There have also been used acoustic impedance, spatial derivative and complex seismic trace attributes, like reflection strength, instant phase and instant frequency. Such attributes have been chosen by reflecting geological characteristics. After a previous SOM analysis, aiming to highlight raw attributes, there was applied the Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Based on obtained components, a second SOM was performed, leading to results that best corresponded to the depositional system analyzed. Besides, there were identified clinoforms on seismic data, which keep relation with classification of the result.

O design de som de monstros do cinema: uma cartografia dos processos de criação de identidades sonoras na construção de personagens

Ceretta, Fernanda Manzo 26 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-04T12:24:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Manzo Ceretta.pdf: 64197918 bytes, checksum: 89e46d8729046a5162627527f8dcd7bc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-04T12:24:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Manzo Ceretta.pdf: 64197918 bytes, checksum: 89e46d8729046a5162627527f8dcd7bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-26 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This research analyzes the sound design of movie monsters, especially their voices. Chewbacca (Star Wars, 1977), Godzilla (1954) and Predator (1987) constitute our corpus. These monsters have voices composed by designers who have experimented different creation processes, using sounds generated by nature, body and manipulated objects, in order to create the sound identity of these characters. We investigate the contexts of these creation processes and the resulting sounds in their particularities to make a proposition of a method for creating the sound of monsters. Our method covers the potential sources of base sounds and other sonic characteristics such as frequencies, timbre and intensity. The research was based in the observation of the selected audio-visual materials and in the documentation available regarding the making ofs (which is vast, given the popularity of the selected monsters). The thesis is based mainly on articulations with the works of Rick Altman, Michel Chion and William Whittington, on the cinematographic sound, and of Theo Van Leeuwen in his proposition of sonorous analysis / Este trabalho analisa o sound design de monstros do cinema, sobretudo suas vozes. Chewbacca (Star Wars, 1977), Godzilla (1954) e Predador (1987) constituem o corpus da presente pesquisa. Estes monstros possuem vozes compostas por designers que experimentaram diferentes processos de criação, utilizando sons na natureza, do corpo e de objetos manipulados para criar a identidade sonora destas personagens. investigamos os contextos destes processos de criação e os sons criados, em suas particularidades, para compor uma proposta de método de composição de som de monstros, o qual abarca as potenciais fontes dos sons de base e demais características sonoras, como frequências, timbres e intensidade. A pesquisa foi feita a partir da observação dos materiais audiovisuais selecionados e do resgate da documentação disponível sobre os bastidores da criação dos mesmos (bastante vasta dada a popularidade dos monstros selecionados). A tese se baseia sobretudo em articulações com obras de Rick Altman, Michel Chion, William Whittington acerca do som cinematográfico e em Theo Van Leeuwen em sua proposição de análise sonora

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