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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


簡銘宏, JIAN,MING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
吾人皆知, 每股盈余對投資人而言具有相當的重要性, 因為每股盈余可用來衡量股價 的高低, 以做為投資決策之參考。雖然我國證券市場目前正處於Agtmael 所謂的「投 機期」(Speculation),每股盈余對股價之衡量似乎不具價值, 但此乃一過渡現象, 將 來勢必歷經「整理( 崩盤 )期」(Consolidation(Crash)), 而達「成熟期」(Mature) 。屆時, 每股盈余之分析將是投資決策最有用的工具之一。 本研究之目的在於試圖為每股盈余發展一預測模型, 以便將來投資人做投資決策時之 參考。但為顧及投資人取得預測資訊之便, 乃利用我國企業公開說明書上所公布的16 個財務比率做分析, 試圖尋找較具解釋能力之比率建立模型。因此本研究之貢獻除了 幫助投資人做投資決策外, 尚可證明會計人員所編制的財務報表, 具有可用性。 本研究架構, 從問題之發生、認定, 并經過文獻之探討后, 決定以我國上市企業為樣 本, 并以公開說明書中有民國73年至75年之16個財務比率為準, 共取得110 家有完整 之資料。首先將此16個財務比率做主成份分析(Component Analysis), 抽取一組較少 數的財務比率來建立預測模型, 但為加強模型之預測能力, 另外加入總體經濟指數及 行業景氣指數於模型之中。待模型建立完成之后, 再以保留樣本(hold-out sample) 加以檢定該模型之預測能力。 本論文共分五章, 第一章緒論, 其中分四節, 分別就研究動機與目的, 研究的範圍與 限制, 并就預測的貢獻加以介紹; 第二章為文獻探討, 共分四節, 分別對多變量分析 , 時間序列模式, 比率模式及指數模式等文獻加以探討; 第三章為研究方法論, 分四 節加以敘述, 先對每股盈余加以定義, 再就財務比率加以介紹并予以設定, 最后初步 擬定預測模型; 第四章為實證分析, 亦分為四節, 其中對本研究所控制的外在變數及 樣本加以說明, 并就結果加以分析與驗證; 第五章則為本研究的結論及建議。 最后為求進一步推展本研究之模型, 乃將本研究之限制詳予說明, 寄望后續之研究者 能一一克服, 使本預測模型達到完美之境。

The Taxation on Capital Gains and the Stock Price Volatility / 資本利得稅與股價波動

薛雅月 Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This study establishes a model of the stock market involving the rational speculators to investigate whether the imposition of tax on capital gains can reduce the market volatility. The finding is that the effect of tax on the stock price volatility varies according to the types of shocks hitting the market. In the cases of the issuing shock and the dividend shock, raising the tax rate could be a way to stabilize the stock market. On the contrary, when the margin-rate shock occurs, it tends to magnify the effect of the shock and therefore increases the market volatility. Thus, it could be concluded that an increase in the tax rate may increase or decrease the stock price volatility depending on the type of unexpected shocks.

Essays on bond and commodity markets

Pradkhan, Elina 29 June 2016 (has links)
Die erste Studie analysiert den Einfluss von Gläubigerschutz auf die internationalen Anlageentscheidungen in Anleihemärkten. In den Ländern mit einem überdurchschnittlichen Gläubigerschutz wirkt ein verbesserter Gläubigerschutz im Heimatmarkt positiv auf die Nachfrage nach ausländischen Anleihen, reduziert jedoch den positiven Effekt des ausländischen Gläubigerschutzes auf die internationale Diversifikation. Die zweite Studie analysiert die Behavioral Finance Erklärungsansätze für Home Bias. Es wird gezeigt, dass Patriotismus und Intoleranz gegen Unsicherheit einen negativen Einfluss auf die internationale Diversifikation in Anleihemärkten haben. Die dritte Studie analysiert die Vorhersagekraft der Händlerpositionen auf die Renditen der Terminkontrakte für Agrarrohstoffe mittels Quantil-Regressionen. Dadurch können signifikante Granger-Kausalitäten zwischen Händlerpositionen und Renditen entdeckt werden, die nicht durch die traditionellen Granger-Kausalitätstests für den Mittelwert der Renditeverteilung aufgedeckt werden können. Die vierte Studie untersucht die kurz- und langfristigen Einflüsse der Spekulanten auf die Preisbildung in den Edelmetallterminmärkten. Es wird gezeigt, dass die kumulierten Änderungen in Händlerpositionen die Edelmetallterminpreise vorhersagen können. Die letzte Studie berücksichtigt die Nichtlinearitäten in der Vorhersagekraft der Handelsaktivität für Renditen in den Bullen- und Bärenmarktphasen der Edelmetallterminmärkte. Die Richtung der Granger-Kausalität zwischen Handelsaktivität und nachfolgenden Renditen ist oft asymmetrisch in den unterschiedlichen Marktphasen, was durch den unterschiedlichen Informationsgehalt der Transaktionen erklärt werden kann. / The first study analyzes the relationship between domestic creditor protection and foreign investment in bond markets. For the investing countries with relatively high levels of domestic creditor protection, a high level of domestic creditor protection is associated with a higher international diversification in bond portfolios and reduces the sensitivity of foreign investment to the foreign creditor protection. The second study explores the behavioral determinants of home bias in debt markets. It shows that patriotism and uncertainty avoidance reduce international diversification. The third paper analyzes the relationship between financial activity and returns in twelve agricultural futures markets based on quantile regressions. Quantile regressions detect significant Granger-causal effects from trader positions to returns that would not have been unveiled while using the traditional "Granger causality in mean" approach. The fourth essay investigates long- and short-term effects of speculative activity on the price mechanism in precious metals futures markets and shows that accumulated changes in positions of speculators have the potential to forecast returns. The last study accounts for non-linearity in the predictive power of trading activity for precious metals futures returns in bull and bear market states. The direction of Granger causality from trading activity to subsequent returns is often asymmetric across bull and bear markets, which may be explained by the different informational content of trades.

Three essays on managerial behavioral biases

Burg, Valentin 08 June 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht in welchem Ausmaß Manager Optimismus finanzielle Entscheidungen von Unternehmen beeinflusst. Der erste Teil der Dissertation analysiert den Einfluss von Optimismus auf die Ausgabe von Fremdkapital. Optimistische Manager überschätzen die zukünftigen Erfolgsaussichten ihrer Firma. Daher könnten sie Verträge bevorzugen, die die Kuponzahlungen an die zukünftige Entwicklung des Kreditrisikos koppeln (sogenannte PSD Verträge). Diese Hypothese wird empirisch bestätigt. Ein weiteres Ergebnis der empirischen Analysen ist, dass in Firmen mit optimistischen Managern die Kreditqualität nach Ausgabe von PSD sinkt. Der zweite Teil untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Manager Optimismus und Spekulation mit Finanzderivaten in Unternehmen. Optimistische Manager, die ihre Fähigkeiten generell überschätzen, könnten irrtümlicherweise denken, dass sie mit Hilfe von Derivaten in der Lage sind den Markt zu schlagen und abnormale Renditen zu erzielen. Die Studie untersucht Derivatetransaktionen von Goldproduzenten in Nordamerika. Diese Industrie ist besonders interessant durch die ausführliche Ausweisung der Derivatepositionen und durch das klare Exposure zum Goldpreisrisiko. Das Ergebnis der Studie bestätigt die Hypothese dass optimistische Manager in größerem Ausmaß spekulieren und mit den Spekulationen letztendlich Verluste produzieren. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit untersucht die Auszahlungspolitik von Firmen mit optimistischen Managern. Optimistische Manager überschätzen durch ihre verzerrte Wahrnehmung den Wert der Firma und sollten daher eher zu Aktienrückkäufen als zu Dividendenzahlungen neigen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse der Arbeit bestätigen diese Voraussage. Optimistische Manager ersetzen Dividenden mit Aktienrückkäufen, das absolute Niveau der Auszahlungen unterscheidet sich jedoch nicht zwischen Firmen mit optimistischen und rationalen Managern. / This work analyses the impact of managerial optimism on financial policies of firms. The first part investigates the effect of optimism on debt contract design. Optimistic managers overestimate the credit quality of their firms and should be more likely to issue debt contracts that link coupon payments to the future credit risk of their firms (PSD contracts). This prediction is confirmed empirically. Further, firms with optimistic managers that issue PSD experience future deteriorations in their credit quality. The second part analyses the relation between managerial optimism and corporate speculation with financial derivatives. Optimistic managers overestimate their abilities and should be more likely to time markets because they believe that they have superior market timing abilities. The study uses data on North American gold producers because these firms disclose detailed data on their derivative positions and have a clear exposure to the gold price. The empirical results confirm the prediction that optimistic engage in more speculation with financial derivatives and that the cash flow resulting from speculation is lower relative to firms with rational managers. The last past analyses the relation between managerial optimism and a firm’s payout policy. As a consequence of their biased beliefs, optimistic managers perceive their firm’s equity as undervalued and should therefore be more likely to prefer share repurchases over cash dividends. The empirical analyses confirm this prediction: Firms with optimistic managers use more share repurchases relative to firms with rational managers. However, the total amount of payouts does not differ between firms with optimistic and rational managers.


Arantes, Germana de Faria 14 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:49:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GERMANA DE FARIA ARANTES.pdf: 19212865 bytes, checksum: 53015a0a69fca6241554801f6f16d587 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-14 / Many strategic urban areas are degraded or abandoned, without a use or subuse, and they begin to contribute to a new image of the city when rehabilitated. However, with capitalist consideration and the insertion of neo-liberalism principles, it became normal in the practice of urban interventions to transform daily reality into scenes of a spectacle; making cities into goods to be consumed by a selected portion of society. Such interventions are now embedded in political discourses and practices of entrepreneurs, which aim economic success through the improved urban environment. To this end speculation is involved in all phases of the process, prompting and reinforcing the effects produced by these interventions. Gentrification and social exclusion are some of the consequences that occur when the government is an ally or became negligent in the face of actions against the private sector. In the city of Goiania two cases of rehabilitation in idle areas and the referred bilateral joint interests have occurred. Therefore the present study is based on two interventions - Vaca Brava and the Flamboyant parks - both in Goiania. / Muitas áreas urbanas localizadas em pontos estratégicos encontram-se degradadas ou abandonadas, sem utilidade ou subutilizadas e, quando reabilitadas, passam a contribuir para a imagem da cidade.Porém, com a consolidação do capitalismo e a inserção dos princípios neoliberais, tornou-se habitual a prática de intervenções urbanas com o objetivo de transformar a realidade cotidiana em cenários de um espetáculo, tornando as cidades em mercadorias a serem consumidas por uma seleta parcela da sociedade.Tais intervenções encontram-se hoje inseridas em discursos políticos e práticas empreendedoras, que visam o sucesso econômico por meio do melhoramento urbano. Assim, a especulação imobiliária atua em todas as fases do processo, induzindo e consolidando os efeitos gerados por essas intervenções. Gentrificação e exclusão social são consequências certas quando o poder público é aliado ou torna-se omisso diante das ações do setor privado. Nesta pesquisa, utilizaram-se duas intervenções na cidade de Goiânia os parques Vaca Brava e Flamboyant como estudo de caso.


Viana, Paulo Roberto 07 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PAULO ROBERTO VIANA.pdf: 2069051 bytes, checksum: 477b2f3167850fcd5e94c6264b5e7bdc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-07 / This dissertation aims to examine the legal aspect of property tax and Territorial Urban (IPTU) with progressive extra tax purpose in the city of Goiânia, without ignoring their deployment and their possible results with scope reduction and/or inhibition of urban voids and vacant lots in this capital. The trial of this urban instrument is of utmost importance , not only for its social and discouraging aspect of real estate speculation , but also useful for reference and successful outcome , which may be extended to other cities forming the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. We know that real estate speculation undermines the city contiguous and socially just before the more expensive and makes a costly maintenance by the municipality withdrawing funds from all society. Faced with this situation, it is believed that the tax should be used not only to enable the public treasury, but in order to do social justice, so that those who have greater ability to pay should be compelled to contribute more intensively, with the fulcro the abiding property of social function, inserted into the urban space. / Essa dissertação almeja analisar o aspecto legal do Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano (IPTU) progressivo com finalidade extrafiscal no Município de Goiânia, sem ignorar suas fases de implantação e seus possíveis resultados com escopo na redução e/ou inibição dos vazios urbanos e lotes baldios na Capital goiana. A experimentação deste instrumento urbanístico é de extrema importância, não somente pelo seu aspecto social e desestimulador da especulação imobiliária, mas também útil para referência de êxito e resultado, os quais poderão ser estendidos aos demais municípios formadores da Região Metropolitana de Goiânia. Sabe-se que a especulação imobiliária inviabiliza a cidade contigua e socialmente justa, antes a encarece e torna sua manutenção dispendiosa ao Município, que retira recursos junto a toda sociedade. Ante esse quadro, acredita-se que o tributo deve ser usado não somente para viabilizar os cofres públicos, mas para que se faça justiça social, de modo que aqueles que tenha maior capacidade contributiva sejam compelidos a contribuir de maneira mais intensiva, tendo como fulcro a propriedade cumpridora da função social, inserida no espaço urbano.

ÁREAS RURAIS REMANESCENTES NO MEIO URBANO: o Plano Diretor e o ordenamento territorial de Goiânia.

Rezende, Deborah de Almeida 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Deborah de Almeida Rezende.pdf: 20754458 bytes, checksum: 0a0a34d339e490360b52defcb50fbdf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / Investigating the formative elements of the urban environment and aiming to understand the proper use and occupancy of the land proposed by the appropriate Master Plan for Goiânia, this study approached the historical process of urbanization, world and Brazilian relations of the various agents and fields of urban planning and interference conceptual land use. To this end, the analysis of the specific planning of Goiânia, the genesis of its design to the reality of his plans, has established close relationship with the subject of this survey, rural areas remaining in urban areas of this capital. As part of the results, examination of the arguments highlighted here demonstrate the need for specific policies for land use, therefore, to be incorporated into the Macro-zone built, rural areas have suffered the consequences of speculation on the value of the land market, which shows the fragility of the Master Plan 2007 on the land issue. Methodologically the focus combining historical and documentary survey of the literature search of secondary data and field research was made possible through a GIS project, identify, quantify and characterize these rural areas come from lots of places for recreation. Thus, analogies of power relations in the multidisciplinary field of planning intramunicipal demonstrated the spatial dynamics of Goiânia and allowed to set some guidelines for making public policy based on the analysis of the data presented in this project, proposing practical actions articulated to the mutability of urban rurality, enabling obtaining a result utopian balanced. / Investigando os elementos formadores do meio urbano e objetivando compreender o uso adequado e a ocupação apropriada do solo propostos pelo Plano Diretor de Goiânia, este trabalho aproximou as referências históricas do processo do urbanismo, mundial e brasileiro, às relações dos diversos agentes e campos do planejamento urbano e às interferências conceituais do ordenamento territorial. Para tanto, a análise das especificidades do planejamento de Goiânia, da gênese da sua concepção à realidade dos seus planos, estabeleceu estreita relação com o sujeito desta pesquisa, as áreas rurais remanescentes no meio urbano dessa capital. Como parte dos resultados, o exame dos argumentos aqui destacados demonstrou a necessidade de políticas públicas específicas de ordenamento territorial, pois, ao serem incorporadas à Macrozona Construída, as áreas rurais sofreram as consequências da especulação imobiliária na valorização do mercado de terras, o que evidencia a fragilidade do Plano Diretor de 2007 na questão fundiária. Metodologicamente aliando o foco histórico e documental da pesquisa bibliográfica ao levantamento de dados secundários e à pesquisa de campo, foi possível, por meio de um projeto de geoprocessamento, identificar, quantificar e caracterizar essas áreas rurais oriundas de loteamentos de sítios de recreio. Assim, analogias das relações de poder no campo multidisciplinar do planejamento intramunicipal demonstraram a dinamicidade espacial de Goiânia e permitiram traçar algumas diretrizes para elaboração de políticas públicas a partir da análise dos dados apresentados nesse projeto, propondo ações práticas articuladas à mutabilidade da ruralidade urbana, possibilitando a obtenção de um resultado utopicamente equilibrado.


Souza, Dayane Lino de 12 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DAYANE LINO DE SOUZA.pdf: 8499696 bytes, checksum: 646c28f1388b63dcd48bfc369d025923 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-12 / The allocation of value in use and especially of the soil exchange value is consolidated, and this makes the earth one of the most profitable and efficient sources of income of the city, through the action of real estate developers. Real estate speculation is a major element in the urban expansion process of the cities. In this sense, urban interventions are configured on common practices in the cities, being used in political speeches and economic development, hiding their true nature: the real estate overvaluation of certain locality. But it is responsible for urban growth, changing the form and content of elements that fall within the spatial relationships. Phenomena such as gentrification, social exclusion and socio-spatial or residential segregation, occurring over the control of land use. Goiania in this process was no different phenomena like these were, and are part of the urban history of the city. As an example there is the Region city Mendanha, this study object of study the region is the result of socio-spatial segregation, public and private urban interventions, real estate valuation and important socio-spatial transformations. / A atribuição de valor de uso e, principalmente, de valor de troca ao solo está consolidada, e isso faz da terra uma das mais rentáveis e eficientes fontes de renda da cidade, por meio da ação de promotores imobiliários. A especulação imobiliária é um dos principais elementos no processo de expansão urbana das cidades. Nesse sentido, as intervenções urbanas configuraram-se em práticas comuns nas cidades, sendo utilizadas em discursos políticos e de desenvolvimento econômico. No entanto, esses escondem sua verdadeira natureza: a supervalorização imobiliária de determinada localidade. Além disso, essas intervenções são responsáveis pelo crescimento urbano, alterando a forma e o conteúdo dos elementos que se inserem nas relações espaciais. Fenômenos como a gentrificação, a exclusão social e a segregação socioespacial ou residencial ocorrem em detrimento do controle do uso da terra. Em Goiânia, esse processo não foi diferente, fenômenos como esses fizeram e fazem parte da história urbana da cidade. Como exemplo disso tem-se a Região Mendanha. Objeto de estudo deste trabalho, a região é fruto da segregação socioespacial, intervenções urbanas públicas e privadas, valorização imobiliária e importantes transformações socioespaciais.


Achcar, Edy Lamar Waldemar da Silva 13 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edy Lamar Waldemar da Silva Achcar.pdf: 4905000 bytes, checksum: 17b1041b0ec95395efac38581c1bd537 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-13 / With the accelerated process of globalization, the last decades have been watched with intense urbanization, where the cities reaffirm its job as spaces that came gradually adapting to the changes. At this last advanced phase of capitalism, we have seen that beyond the race of production and consumption is declared the dispute between cities to become attracting spaces of this transnational and volatile capital. Thus, the necessity to think and strategically intervene at cities to create competitive environments starting from great entrepreneurship susceptive to great businesses and great economic transactions, with this generating corporative processes at spatial city organization. The strategic plan, tool, utilized in the business management, began to be an element that heads the actions of management of urban space guided by the principles of marketing. As a result, the city of Goiania begins to express the Social- Spatial transformations, present at conformation of a new territorial, ordainment, cited at urban corporatism, in the real state speculation and in the intense private investment, taking the city to equip the so called city marketing. Before this, the analysis of the evolution of Social Well-Being government and even the neoliberal government and the new forms to conceive the urban, incorporating the principles of strategic management, it became possible to elaborate the theoretically base and empiric of our job. / Com o acelerado processo de globalização da economia, as últimas décadas têm assistido a intensa urbanização, onde as cidades reafirmam seu papel como espaços que vem paulatinamente se adaptando as mudanças. Nesta última fase avançada do capitalismo, vimos que além da corrida pela produção e consumo, está declarada a disputa entre cidades, para tornarem-se espaços atraentes, para esse capital transnacional e volátil. Daí a necessidade de pensar e intervir estrategicamente nas cidades, para criar ambientes competitivos a partir dos grandes empreendimentos susceptíveis aos grandes negócios, às grandes transações econômicas e com isso gerar processos corporativos na organização espacial da cidade. O Planejamento Estratégico, ferramenta utilizada na gestão empresarial, passou a ser o elemento norteador das ações de agenciamento do espaço urbano, regido pelos princípios mercadológicos. A partir daí a cidade de Goiânia, passa a expressar as transformações sócio-espaciais presentes na conformação de um novo ordenamento territorial, pautado no corporativismo urbano, na especulação imobiliária e no intenso empreendedorismo privado, levando a cidade a se equiparar às chamadas city marketing. Diante disso, a análise da evolução dos governos do Bem-Estar Social até os governos neoliberais e as novas formas de se conceber o urbano, incorporando os princípios de gestão estratégica, tornou possível elaborar a base teórica e empírica de nosso trabalho.


Oliveira, Ana Carolina Rodrigues de 22 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:15:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Carolina Oliveira.pdf: 2654104 bytes, checksum: d1d1532f82567b281f6c7173c9ef0691 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-22 / This study seeks to understand how the government of the city of Ponta Grossa - PR, through town planning legislation, seeks to shape the urban space, and indirectly lead to the creation of privileged spaces of real estate speculation, given its position adjusted to the interests market. Thus, we evaluated the historical factors of political culture prevailing in Ponta Grossa, zoning structure at different times, the changes produced by these in horizontal and vertical densities of urban space, as well as the implementation and effectiveness of the instruments of the “Estatuto da Cidade” to curb speculation in the current Master Plan. It was found that since the early days the city is dominated by a farmer elite, composed of farmers livestock owners of large properties. It was noted that zoning laws express a conservative mentality by providing only the traditional functional areas and not advance in its essence exclusionary. The Master Plans of the past stimulated the formation of a city scattered and sparse, and the current, while incorporating new tools to combat speculation brought by the “Estatuto da Cidade”, it uses the stratagem of not doing self-administered, allowing the maintenance of a market-enthusiastic planning, in other words, without any control or discipline of the market in favor of the social function of the city and property. / Neste estudo de caso busca-se demonstrar como o poder público do município de Ponta Grossa - PR, através da legislação urbanística, procura moldar o espaço urbano e, indiretamente, induzir à criação de espaços privilegiados de especulação imobiliária, tendo em vista sua postura ajustada aos interesses do mercado. Para tanto, foram avaliados os fatores históricos da cultura política imperante em Ponta Grossa por meio de bibliografia relativa à cidade, bem como sua estrutura de zoneamento em diferentes momentos e as transformações produzidas por estas nas densidades horizontais e verticais do espaço urbano. Também se verificou, nesse momento por meio de entrevistas com integrantes da Câmara Municipal, como tem sido o processo de aplicação dos instrumentos do Estatuto da Cidade para coibir a especulação imobiliária no atual Plano Diretor. Verificou-se que desde os primórdios a cidade é dominada por uma elite campeira, composta de fazendeiros pecuaristas possuidores de grandes propriedades. Observou-se que as leis de zoneamento expressam uma mentalidade conservadora ao prever somente as clássicas zonas funcionais e não avançar em sua essência excludente. Os Planos Diretores do passado estimularam a formação de uma cidade dispersa e rarefeita, e o atual, apesar de incorporar as novas ferramentas de combate à especulação trazidas pelo Estatuto da Cidade, utiliza-se do artifício de não se fazer autoaplicável, permitindo a manutenção de um planejamento mercadófilo, ou seja, sem qualquer controle ou disciplinamento do mercado em prol da função social da cidade e da propriedade.

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