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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A avaliação como dispositivo de subjetivação

Bertoldo, Fernanda 19 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação ancora-se na Linha de Pesquisa História e Filosofia da Educação do Mestrado em Educação da Universidade de Caxias do Sul e problematiza os processos de avaliação escolar em uma perspectiva genealógica. O problema de pesquisa questiona as formas pelas quais a avaliação escolar vem funcionando como um dispositivo na produção de modos de subjetivação. Como referencial teórico, são tomados, principalmente, os conceitos de dispositivo e subjetivação desenvolvidos por Michel Foucault. A investigação está circunscrita a documentos que legislam sobre os processos de educação e, mais especificamente, que regulam o processo de avaliação escolar. O primeiro documento utilizado na análise é datado de janeiro de 1828; a partir dele, apuram-se os enunciados sobre o processo de avaliação até a última LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96) e os pareceres e decretos decorrentes. Os documentos foram obtidos, na maior parte, em um acervo de leis e documentos denominado Base Legis. Nos documentos, buscam-se as condições de possibilidades de um discurso de avaliação em cada formação discursiva. Salienta-se que as análises não operam com juízos a respeito dos processos de avaliação, mas com as condições históricas de seu funcionamento. Diante disso, considera-se o pressuposto de que avaliação vem a ser um determinado dispositivo tecido em diferentes relações de poder e saber, na produção de determinados modos de subjetivação. A análise é produzida a partir da noção de descontinuidade da história. Procura-se pôr em evidência os deslocamentos de discursos que produzem rupturas nos modos de funcionamento, aqui circunscritos na produção – via dispositivo da avaliação – de ―bons cristãos‖ e ―bons cidadãos‖, de um modelo de exclusão e outro de inclusão, bem como a produção da lógica disciplinar na avaliação, atravessada nos sujeitos da escola. A análise não é forjada de modo a caracterizar uma história global, nem mesmo uma forma linear de história, mas a partir da noção de descontinuidade da história. O que se tentou produzir foi uma problematização acerca da constituição desse sujeito da educação pelo processo de avaliação, e isso só foi possível com o rompimento da noção de um sujeito identitário, unitário e autônomo. Interessa a constituição dos modos de ser, em suas relações de poder e saber. Entende-se, assim, a avaliação com um dispositivo – que engloba e coloca em funcionamento os sujeitos, como uma rede que se tece nas arquiteturas das escolas e fora delas; passa pelos comportamentos convencionados, pela dinâmica de circulação; está presente na valoração dos valores morais, nos enunciados científicos, nas legislações, nas organizações espaçotemporais, enfim, nos meandros do que se é, do que se faz e do que se fala. Dessa forma, pode-se afirmar que o dispositivo está inscrito numa linha de força, ligado a configurações de poder que efetivam determinados modos de subjetivação, os quais, nesse processo, produzem os cidadãos, os incluídos e os disciplinados e normatizados que cobrem todo corpo social. / This master‘s thesis is anchored on the research line for History and Philosophy of Education at the Master‘s Program at the University of Caxias do Sul and it discusses the processes of school assessment under a genealogical perspective. The research problem questions the ways through which school assessment has been functioning as a device in the production of modes of subjectivation. As theoretical references, the concepts for devices and subjectivation developed by Michel Foucault are the main support. The investigation is confined to documents that legislate on processes of education and, more specifically, that rule the process for school assessment. The first document used in the analysis is dated January 1828; from it the statements regarding the process of assessment up to the latest LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96) and the stated opinions and decrees resulting from it. The documents were obtained – in its majority – at a document collection called Base Legis. In the documents, conditions for the possibilities of a discourse on assessment in each discourse formation are investigated. It is pointed out that the analyses do not operate based on judgements regarding assessment processes, but on the historical conditions of its functioning. Hence, the assumption that assessment turns out to be a certain device woven in different relationships of power and knowledge, in the production of certain ways of subjectivation. The analysis starts from the notion of historical discontinuity. There is an attempt to highlight the dislocations in discourses that produce ruptures in the functioning, here limited to the production – via assessment – of ―good Christians‖ and ―good citizens‖, from a model of exclusion and one of inclusion, as well as the production of disciplinary logic in assessment going through the subjects of school. The analysis is not forged in such a way as to characterize a global history, not even a linear history, but from the notion of discontinuity of history. What has been attempted was to produce a problematization about the constitution of that subject of the education by the assessment process, and that was only possible with the rupture of the notion of an identity subject, which is unitary and autonomous. There is an interest on the constitution of the ways of being, in their relationships with power and knowledge. Thus, assessment is understood as a device that encompasses and sets up the subjects as a network that is woven in the architecture of schools and out of it; going through behaviors agreed upon, the dynamic of circulation; it is present in the valuation of moral values, in scientific utterances, in legislations, in timeline organizations; in short, in the entanglement of what one is, of what one says, and what one does. That way, it is possible to state that the device is inscribed in a line of power, connected to configurations of power that can put into effect certain ways of subjectivation, which in this process produce citizens, the included, disciplined and standardized ones who cover the entire social body.

Que veut mon enfant ? : La nécessaire fonction subjectivante de l'énigme pour la mère / What want my child ? : The required function of the enigma subjectifying for mother

Vesely-Lesourd, Nathalie 19 December 2015 (has links)
A partir de la clinique de l’enfant et de la mère dans les lieux d’accueil de la petite enfance il s’agit de montrer qu’il existe dans le positionnement maternel, un point de structure relatif à l’énigme, celle que le désir de l’enfant constitue pour la mère, qui est nécessaire pour ouvrir le champ dans lequel la subjectivité de l’enfant pourra se construire. En reprenant la construction subjective de l’enfant dans son lien à la mère nous montrons que lorsque l’énigme qu’est l’enfant pour la mère vient à être empêchée par le savoir scientifique ou névrotique de la mère, la construction subjective de l’enfant se trouve entravée.Nous examinons ensuite les conditions du savoir social sur les pratiques maternantes pour montrer qu’à la différence des temps « anciens » qui reposaient sur le mythe, toujours énigmatique, pour rendre compte des rapports sociaux et donc éducatifs, les temps actuels reposent sur une croyance au savoir scientifique qui évacue la question de l’énigme au profit de la réponse. Les pratiques éducatives prises dans cette croyance au savoir « bien faire » viennent mettre à mal la place vide que réserve l’énigme et dans laquelle l’enfant peut venir développer sa subjectivité, laissant ainsi au-devant de la scène clinique ces psychopathologies modernes que sont les « dys » et les troubles du développement. C’est alors dans la rencontre avec le clinicien que l’enfant pourra retrouver sa nécessaire position d’énigme, qui ouvre à une rencontre avec un regard qui l’unifie, au lieu de le figer, et qui ainsi lui réouvre la dimension de l’amour toujours énigmatique. / From the clinic with child and mother in early childhood reception areas, we demonstrate that exist in mother attitude in front of her child, a point of structure about enigma, desire of the child for the mother. This enigma is required to open the field in which the subjectivity of the child can grown. By resuming the construction subjective of the child in its relationship with the mother we show that when the enigma, that is the child for the mother, comes to be prevented by scientific or neurotic knowledge of the mother, construction of subjective child is hampered.Then we examine the conditions for social knowledge about mothering practices to show that unlike the "old" time that are relied on the myth, always enigmatic, to account for the social and educational relations, current time based on a belief to scientific knowledge which removes the issue of the puzzle for the benefit of the response. Educational practices taken in this belief to knowledge "get it" just to undermine the empty place that reserves the enigma and in which children can come to develop their subjectivity, leaving in front of the clinic stage that these modern psychopathology are the "dys" and developmental disorders. It is then in the meeting with the clinician that the child will need to regain its position enigma, opening a meeting with a look that unifies, rather than freeze, and thus opens his size love always enigmatic.

Le « bios » antique dans la pensée du dernier Foucault / The ancient bios in the thought of the last Foucault

Masi, Paola 12 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a le but de suggérer une interprétation des dernières oeuvres de Michel Foucault à travers la notion de bios. En analysant ses cours au Collège de France depuis 1980 au 1984 et les autres écrits et interventions de ces ans, elle examine le rôle joué par cette notion à partir de son introduction, au début des ans quatre-vingts, dans le cadre du problème du rapport entre subjectivité et vérité et en opposition au sujet chrétien et moderne. Autour de l’idée de bios semble prendre forme non seulment la reconceptualisation foucauldienne de l’idée de résistance, mais aussi la réflexion sur la dimension de la subjectivité, de la subjectivation. À travers l’examen des régimes de vérité que Foucault esquisse (alèthurgie chrétienne, ephistrophê platonicienne, souci de soi stoïcien, parrêsia socratique et vraie vie cynique), ce travail se propose de mettre en évidence comme la notion de bios acquiert une importance croissante à travers les notions de « techniques de soi », de « pratique de subjectivation » et de « vraie vie ». Foucault semble situer le principal enjeu éthico-politique actuel dans le problème de la manière de vivre et du corp, qui constituent l’essentiel terrain de la lutte politique à l’intérieur duquel il est peut-être possible, aujourd’hui, créer une résistance praticable et efficace à la gouvernamentalité contemporaine. / This work aims to suggest an interpretation of Michel Foucault’s last works through the concept of bios. It analyzes his courses at the Collège de France (1980/1984) and other works and speeches from that period, investigating the role played by this concept since its appearance in the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and truth and in opposition to the Christian and modern subject. Around the idea of bios, not only the Foucault reconceptualization of the idea of resistance, but also the linked reflection on the dimension of the subjectivity, of the subjectivation, comes true. Through the examination of the different regimes of truth that Foucault outlines (Christian aleturgie, Platonic epistrophe, Stoic care of the self, Socratic parrhesia and Cynic vraie vie), this work points out that the notion of bios acquires more and more relevance with the notion of “techniques of self”, the practices of subjectification and the “true life”. Foucault go as far as to place the ethical-political real issue at stakes in the matter of the bios, of the way of life, and of the body, that seem to constitute the essential political battleground where it could be possible today, to create a truly practicable and effective resistance to the contemporary governamentality.

La mobilisation comme gouvernement de soi : s'engager et lutter pour la mémoire et la cause des victimes du franquisme en Espagne (2000-2013) / Mobilization as self-government : committing and struggling for the memory and the cause of the victims of Francoist repression (2000-2013)

Smaoui, Sélim 02 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis une quinzaine d'années, l'Espagne traverse un mouvement de réflexion complexe ayant trait au legs de la violence d'Etat perpétrée sous la Guerre Civile (1936-1939) et sous la dictature franquiste (1939-1975). Ce mouvement de « récupération de la Mémoire Historique », selon la dénomination autochtone, regroupe un ensemble d'initiatives militantes (mobilisations « mémorielles », de « victimes », de lutte contre l' « impunité »), qui reproduisent les lexiques et les pratiques en vogue dans les contextes de post-conflit (lutte pour la « justice, la vérité, la réparation, exhumations de fosses communes,»...). Cette thèse analyse les logiques de production de catégories nouvelles de la protestation (« disparus », « victimes », « vérité et justice »...), la circulation internationale de compétences militantes propres au post-conflit (exhumations, militantisme des droits de l'homme »...), des nouvelles lectures à porter sur la violence passée. Cet espace protestataire étant majoritairement composé par un personnel héritier ou issu de la gauche républicaine espagnole, cette thèse rend compte des manières dont ce nouveau militantisme des droits de l'homme a contribué à recomposer l'espace protestataire de la gauche espagnole. / Over the last decade in Spain, the legacy of the political violence perpetrated throughout the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the Francoist regime (1939-1975) became a significant issue among various protest movements. “The Recovery of Historical Memory Movement”, according to the local denomination, gathers a large scale of collective actions in which prevails the use of typical “postconflict” resources, practices and registers : collection of testimonies, mass grave exhumations, mobilization for “Justice, Truth and Reparation”, etc. This thesis analyzes the social logics underlying the production of new protest categories (“disappeared”, “victims”, “truth and justice”), the international circulation of specific “conflict resolution” expertises and authorities (exhumations, human rights militancy), and new readings of past violence. This protesting space being predominantly composed of actors heiring or stemming from the Spanish republican left, I will analyze the ways by which this new human rights militancy has contributed to the recomposition of the local leftist militancy.

Du réel en question, entre effacement et mémoire après un crime de masse : le Cambodge / The real in question, between erasure and memory after a mass crime : Cambodia

Sidoit, Véronique 12 March 2016 (has links)
Après un crime de masse ou un génocide, le travail de mémoire peut commencer dès la chute du régime, ou après un certain temps de latence. Il s’articule avec ce qu’on appelle devoir de mémoire. Au Cambodge, tout le monde s’accorde pour dire que quarante ans après la chute du régime des Khmers rouges, il n’est pas question de devoir de mémoire, tant une omerta semble peser sur ces évènements. Les procès ont permis qu’une parole se libère, que ce silence se lève un peu. Dans un premier temps, nous questionnerons les processus mémoriels pris en charge par le politique et leurs effets d’appropriation de l’histoire par les sujets, puis les processus de symbolisation, d’inscription et de traitement du réel par le symbolique. Nous dégagerons une tension entre division (du sujet) et castration que l’on retrouvera tout au long de ce travail. La question du réel est au premier plan, un réel qui a pris la forme de la jouissance d’un Autre féroce qui a détruit méthodiquement tout ce qui participait des repères symboliques : destruction de la famille, des liens, des institutions sociales, et destruction du langage. C’est au travers des témoignages des victimes, mais aussi des acteurs de ce drame que nous aborderons des notions essentielles pour saisir les rouages de ce génocide telles que la croyance, l’idéologie, et l’idéal de pureté. Nous tirerons un second fil de la tresse que nous garderons tout le long de la thèse, celui du démenti. L’atteinte du langage, autant de la lalangue que de la chaine signifiante, aura des effets de déstructuration qui se vérifie encore de nos jours. En nous appuyant sur la théorisation par Lacan des structures discursives qui organisent le lien social, nous vérifierons notre hypothèse, à savoir que le Discours Capitaliste prospère sur le réel des Khmers rouges, que le réel fait le lit de ce discours. La corruption endémique actuelle nous servira de terrain d’analyse, et nous pourrons vérifier et confirmer notre hypothèse, à condition d’un petit effet de retournement. Nous terminerons ce travail par l’évocation d’un espoir pour le Cambodge, la pratique de l’art, moyen de subjectivation du réel et obstacle du Discours Capitaliste. / After a mass crime or genocide, the work of memory may start from the regime’s fall, or after a certain latency. It articulates with what is called the duty of memory. In Cambodia, everyone agrees that forty years after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime, there is no question of duty of memory, as an omerta seems to weigh on the events. The trial allowed a word to be released, and silence rises slightly. First, we will question the memory processes supported by the political and effects of appropriation of history by the subjects, and then the process of symbolization, inscription and treatment of the real by the symbolic. We will extract a tension between division (of the subject) and castration which we will find throughout this work. The question of the real is at the forefront, a real that has taken the form of jouissance of a fierce Other that destroyed methodically everything participated of symbolic landmarks : the destruction of the family, relationships, social institutions, and destruction of the language. It is through the testimony of victims but also actors in this drama we will discuss essential concepts to understand the processes of that genocide such as belief, ideology, and the ideal of purity. We will make a second wire of the braid we will keep all along the thesis, that of denial.Harm of the language, as many lalangue that the chain of signifiers, will have effects of destructuring that is still true nowadays. From Lacan’s theorization of discursive structures that organize the social link, we will verify our hypothesis, namely that the Capitalist Discourse thrives on the real of Khmer Rouge, that the real is preparing the way of this discourse. The current endemic corruption will be our ground of analysis, and we will check and confirm our hypothesis, with a small turning effect. We will complete this work with a hope for Cambodia, the practice of art, a way for a subjectivation of the real, and an obstacle for capitalist discourse.

L'ironie cynique : une subjectivation sans partage / Cynical Irony : a political subjectivation with no distribution

Zoss, Pascal 26 June 2017 (has links)
Les pratiques performatives de l’art, en particulier celles des années soixante àsoixante-dix, présentent en leurs actes excessifs, corporels, une forme de subjectivationpolitique qui invite à reprendre la « voie courte » du cynisme antique hors des interprétationsfidèles au telos philosophique du « mieux vivre », du « bien » ou du « juste ». Cetterencontre oblige à dégager du rapport anecdotique ou documentaire une compréhensionde la matérialité des actes, de leur résistance à toute leçon rapportée après coup, bref àinterroger obstinément leur reste.D’autre part, en saisissant l’inclusion et l’exclusion sociales comme le résultat de lanaturalisation solidarisée des uns et des autres, de la discrimination des capacités et desincapacités naturelles, la mise à l’épreuve de cette solidarité devient le point nodal de laquestion égalitaire. Les actes cyniques dessinent alors les lignes qui laissent envisager lasubjectivation dans le constant retrait du sujet de son assimilation normative ou policière.L’ironie marque sans relâche ce processus en dissimulant le sujet à l’ombre de ses actes,comme la ruse d’une identification à la nature incompétente de l’exclu. C’est en effet enamplifiant la représentation naturelle de l’exclusion, en lui apportant la plus grande densitématérielle, que la subjectivation cynique ouvre une béance à la frontière qui sépare lespropriétés des inclus et des exclus. Et cette béance qui décharge l’auteur de toute subjectivité,de l’obligation de fonctionner dans le régime policier de l’inégalité, donne son lieuau désir sans sujet, celui précisément que présuppose l’égalité des sujets. / The performative art practices, especially those of sixties and seventies, present aform of political subjectivation within their excessive and body acts, which invites us toresume Ancient Cynicism’s « short route », out of the interpretations that were faithful to thephilosophical telos of « better life », « good » or « right ». This conjunction is a compelling callfor achieving, beyond the anecdotal or documentary report, a wider understanding of themateriality of acts, of their resistance to any reported lesson and, ultimately, to restesslyquestion their remainder.Furthermore, when grasping the social inclusion and exclusion as the result of cohesivenaturalization, of discrimination of natural abilities and inabilities, the actual testingof this solidarity reaches the core of the equalitarian question. Then, cynical acts draw theoutline which let consider the subjectivation within the constant withdrawal of the subjectfrom his normative or « police » assimilation. Irony relentlessly leaves its marks on this processby hiding the subject in the shadow of his acts, as the ploy of an identification to theincompetent nature of the excluded one. It is indeed by amplifying the exclusion’s naturalrepresentation, by giving it the biggest material density, that the cynicism subjectivationopens a gap between the belongings of included and excluded ones. And this gap, whichrelieves the author of any subjectivity, of the obligation to operate within the « police »regime of inequality, gives its place to the desire with no subject, that very one preciselypresupposed by the equality of subjects.

Filosofia na universidade: traçar, inventar, criar. / Philosophy at the University: to design, to invent, to create.

Loyola, Olga Aparecida do Nascimento 04 July 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa teórica, de caráter filosófico-educacional, que examina as possibilidades do ensino filosófico no curso superior. Para tanto considera as condições e limites históricos de um dos locais privilegiados em que esta prática se efetivaria: a universidade. Analisa alguns elementos do processo curricular subjacentes à opção pela inclusão da disciplina Filosofia na universidade. Verifica a identidade e o sentido desse ensino, suas limitações teóricas, históricas e metodológicas. Reflete sobre o tripé formação/transformação/subjetivação, referidos em diferentes graus quando se trata de justificar o ensino da filosofia. Com base em ferramentas conceituais fornecidas principalmente por Friedrich Nietzsche, Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze, examina até que ponto a instrumentalização do conhecimento e do saber filosófico tem afastado a possibilidade da construção de um pensar e agir criativos. Examina como a constituição prática de formas de subjetivação massificadas desvia-se ou dificulta a realização de outras possibilidades como as de desnaturalizar as evidências, promover uma crítica do presente, criar conceitos, e construir a autonomia necessária para o surgimento de outras formas de subjetividades, como criação política, ética e estética. / This paper presents a theoretical research, of a philosophical-educational nature, which examines the possibilities of philosophy teaching as part of University courses. In order to accomplish this, the paper considers historical conditions and limitations of one of the privileged environments in which this practice would be effective: the University. The paper analyses some of the elements of the curricular process which underlie the option for including Philosophy as part of the syllabus in University courses. It verifies the identity and the sense of such teaching, its theoretical, historical and methodological limitations. It also presents a reflection on the three-sided stand educational background /transformation/subjectivation, which are referred to in different degrees when dealing with justifying Philosophy teaching. Based on conceptual tools provided mostly by Friedrich Nietzsche, Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, the paper examines how far instrumentalization of philosophical knowledge has kept away the possibility of building creative thought and action. It examines how practical constitution of massed subjectivation forms either deviates or turns harder the realization of other possibilities, such as denaturalize evidences, promote a critical view of the present time, create concepts, and to build the necessary autonomy for the appearance of other subjectivity forms, such as political, ethical and esthetic creation.

Performances Urbanas: Ecomonia Estética, Poética e Singularidade Multiplas / Urban Performances: Aesthetic Economy, Poetry and Multiple Singularities

Rodrigues, Antonio de Padua 10 April 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa investiga as experiências artísticas inseridas no cotidiano urbano contemporâneo para compreender as perspectivas estéticas latentes nessas práticas, no que diz respeito à sua interferência nos processos de subjetivação hegemônicos promovidos pelas sociedades capitalistas. Foram analisadas as práticas de performances artísticas que fazem apropriação do espaço urbano e outras produções estéticas anônimas e relacionais, que se afastam das proposições usuais e mantêm atitudes que se fundamentam na necessidade de encontrar mecanismos de sobrevivência e de reconhecimento dentro das lógicas contemporâneas. As análises foram amparadas por três grupos de intervenções urbanas como eixo empírico da pesquisa: o primeiro trata das derivas no meio urbano com a utilização de uma moldura clássica como dispositivo disparador da performance. O segundo eixo traz as performances urbanas de sentido relacional propostas pelo coletivo paulista Garrafas Térmicas e por grupos similares, observando as variações e afinidades. Por fim, observamos as práticas artísticas dadas como inscrições poéticas arraigadas no senso comum enquanto experiências conhecidas e não pensadas. A sua contextualização teórica se fez pelo entendimento da arte contemporânea, da estética e da crítica da arte, primeiro por autores como Artur Danto, Anne Cauquelin, Hans Belting e Giorgio Argan. Em seguida, o contato com as ruas remeteu a pesquisa para autores que se utilizam da estética para abordar questões filosóficas, antropológicas e das ciências humanas, como Jacques Rancière, Levi-Strauss, Henry Lefebvre, Frederic Jameson, Máximo Canevachi e Richard Schechner. Esse percurso resumiu-se com a escolha de Michel de Certeau (2014), para a abordagem da produção estética no ambiente urbano, alinhado ao pensamento das táticas desviacionistas emergentes nas práticas cotidianas, e de Stuart Hall (2013), que norteou a reflexão sobre o campo cultural contemporâneo que envolve os sistemas de produção de ideologias implícitas nas produções de relações e de produtos engendradas pela globalização generalista do sistema capitalista. Este estudo também teve o intuito de lançar um olhar sobre o jogo de valores mercadológicos e agenciamentos institucionais que provocam a absorção dessas experiências, transformando-as em objetos estéticos. Verificamos, ainda, qual a relação dos museus e demais espaços e instituições das artes acerca dessa produção estética. / The research investigates the artistic experiences inserted in the urban everyday life in order to comprehend the dormant aesthetic perspectives in those practices concerning their interference in the processes of hegemonic subjectivation promoted by capitalistic societies. The analysis was made on practices of artistic performances that take the urban space and other anonymous aesthetic and relational productions that move away from usual propositions and keep attitudes based on the need of finding survival mechanisms and recognition inside the contemporary logic. The studies were supported by three urban intervention groups as the empirical main point of the research: the first is about the drifting in urban space having used a classic frame as starter device of the performance. The second point shows the urban performances of relational sense proposed by the group \"Garrafas Térmicas\", from São Paulo, and others similar, observing the variations and affinities. Lastly, we observed the artistic practices given as poetical registers rooted in \"common sense\" taken as experiences known and not thought. It\'s theoretical contextualization made itself through the understanding of contemporary art, aesthetic and art criticism, first by authors like Artur Danto, Anne Cauquelin, Hans Belting and Giorgio Argan. Next, the contact with the streets directed the research to authors who use the aesthetic to approach philosophical and anthropological questions and also the human sciences, like Jacques Rancière, Levi-Strauss, Henry Lefebvre, Frederic Jameson, Máximo Canevachi and Richard Schechner. This path was summarized with the choice of Michel de Certeau (2014), to approach the aesthetic production in urban environment aligned to the ideas of emerging deviationist tactics in daily life practices, also Stuart Hall (2013), who guided the reflection over the contemporary cultural field which involves the systems of ideology productions implicit in the making of relations and products engendered by generalist globalization of the capitalistic system. This study also had the objective of directing some attention over the game of market values and institutional agency trades that provoke the absorption of those experiences turning them into aesthetic objects. It\'s was also verified the relation of museums, other places and art institutes regarding that aesthetic production.

A potência da evanescência : diferenças e impossibilidades

Sanchotene, Virgínia Crivellaro January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação versa sobre a parcela evanescente que constrói uma série convergente e, desse modo, impossibilita sua permanência em uma forma última. O estudo da evanescência como a possibilidade de movimentar um corpo afirma a potência do infinito de uma vida finita e a impossibilidade da permanência a partir do movimento incessante do infinitamente pequeno. Afirmar a irredutibilidade do movimento a um ponto de chegada e a possibilidade da criação de um outro si ou de um si sempre provisório é considerado, neste estudo, um modo de inventar a vida. Com Foucault e Deleuze, apresenta-se um corpo como uma estrutura atravessada por linhas que operam e compõem instantaneidades, como forma em constante mutação. Trata-se de produzir ecos entre os domínios da filosofia e da matemática, na afirmação da diferença como aquilo que constitui um corpo. A impossibilidade da permanência é tomada como transgressão de limites impostos, ao considerar uma formação como a produção de infinitas formas. / This dissertation is about the evanescent parcel that builds a convergent series and, this way, precludes its permanence in an ultimate form. The study of evanescence as a possibility of moving an object affirms the potency of the infinite of a finite life and the impossibility of permanence from an incessant movement of the infinitely small. Affirming the irreducibility of movement to an arrival point and the possibility to create another form or an form always temporary is considered, in this study, a way to invent life. Departing from Foucault and Deleuze, an object is presented as a structure crossed by lines that operate and compose instantaneities, as a shape in constant mutation. It is about producing echoes between philosophy and mathematics, considering difference as what constitutes an object. The impossibility of the permanence is taken as a transgression of imposed limits, when it consideres a formation as a production of infiniteness forms.

Singularidade e resistência : um estudo sobre os processos de constituição do educador na greve do magistério público estadual de 2015 /

Souza, Ítalo Matheus Maligere de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Romualdo Dias / Resumo: Este trabalho analisa algumas marcas de possíveis processos de singularização ocorridos em professores que aderiram à greve do magistério público estadual paulista, em 2015. Compreendemos a greve como um movimento coletivo de resistência frente as imposições estatais no que se refere à Educação pública, a Escola e o papel do professor. A atmosfera de conflitos foi constatada por meio das narrativas criadas sobre o evento pelos dois lados envolvidos: Governo do Estado de São Paulo – por meio do jornal Folha de São Paulo – e sindicato dos professores (APEOESP) – através dos boletins informativos. A divergência sobre a educação deve-se à divergência ideológica que norteia a atuação governamental ou sindical. Nesse sentido, há uma preocupação no trabalho em compreender como o avanço do neoliberalismo na política se relaciona com o sindicato e com a educação. Por fim, no final da pesquisa foi resultado de conversas que tivéssemos com 4 professores grevistas da cidade de Limeira-SP. A partir do diálogo eles expuseram suas trajetórias no magistério, suas experiências no sindicato e suas impressões sobre a greve de 2015. / Abstract: This paper analyzes some marks of possible singularization processes that occurred in teachers who joined the strike of the São Paulo state public teaching profession in 2015. We understand the strike as a collective movement of resistance against state impositions regarding public education, the School and the role of the teacher. The atmosphere of conflict was verified through the narratives created about the event by the two sides involved: São Paulo State Government - through the newspaper Folha de São Paulo - and teachers' union (APEOESP) - through the newsletters. The divergence over education is due to the ideological divergence that guides the government or union action. In this sense, there is a concern at work in understanding how the advance of neoliberalism in politics relates to the union and education. Finally, at the end of the research it was the result of conversations we had with 4 striking teachers from the city of Limeira-SP. From the dialogue they exposed their career in teaching, their experiences in the union and their impressions of the 2015 strike. / Mestre

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