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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores organizacionales relacionados a la autonomía de los organismos reguladores en el Perú y su análisis en OSINERGMIN

Silva Blanco, Adán, Solis Valencia, Jaime Mauricio 11 April 2018 (has links)
Las reformas económicas impulsadas desde los años noventa implicaron la constitución del rol regulador del Estado el cual exige ciertas condiciones para su adecuado funcionamiento. Una de estas condiciones es la autonomía de los organismos reguladores como instituciones eminentemente técnicas, y por ello, separados de las influencias políticas y privadas que pueda haber sobre ellos. Es sobre dicha autonomía que se enfoca la presente investigación. Para ello, se emplea una metodología cualitativa y exploratoria, y comienza con una búsqueda de la literatura a dos niveles. El primer nivel se enfoca en el desarrollo de un marco teórico que fundamente el rol regulador del Estado. Y, en un segundo nivel, en el desarrollo de un marco conceptual para identificar y caracterizar los factores organizacionales que se relacionan con la autonomía de los organismos reguladores. Adicionalmente, se validan los mismos para el contexto peruano mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos. Luego de ello, en la investigación se plantea analizar cómo se manifiestan los factores más relevantes para un organismo regulador peruano. Por ello, se desarrolla un método de recojo de información basado en un índice de independencia reguladora y adaptado para el caso peruano de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos con las entrevistas a expertos. Esto permitirá recoger estructuradamente la información referida a los factores organizacionales y analizarlos en un regulador de servicios públicos peruanos. Los aportes de la investigación son dos principalmente. El primero corresponde a la construcción de un marco conceptual para el análisis de factores organizacionales relacionados con la autonomía de los organismos reguladores. Además de ello, se identificó a los más relevantes en el contexto peruano: el mandato independiente, el directorio estable e idóneo, el presupuesto autónomo y las políticas de recursos humanos. El segundo aporte nace de la contrastación del marco conceptual construido y su análisis en OSINERGMIN, cuyos resultados demuestran que a pesar de ser uno de los organismos reguladores que posee mayor reconocimiento internacional y una mayor tradición autónoma, los factores analizados muestran ciertas restricciones que hacen al regulador vulnerable de las influencias, principalmente políticas. Estas restricciones existen a pesar de contar con un marco normativo regulatorio que establece expresamente a OSINERGMIN como entidad autónoma. Cabe resaltar que este análisis se centra en la agencia reguladora estudiada (OSINERGMIN) pero los resultados iniciales aquí encontrados se pueden complementar con una investigación más profunda que, ampliando la muestra, produzca resultados generalizables a la totalidad de organismos reguladores de servicios públicos en el país. / Tesis

Role supervizora v rámci krizového řízení / The Role of Supervisor in the Crisis Management

KŘENKOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The theoretic part of my dissertation is devoted to the management by crisis and the integrated salvage system, their organization, single components and system of their management. Farther I occupy here with the chapter of supervision, namely with its function, course, role and position of supervisor and supervider. In the first part of my dissertation I mention a mediation and debriefing too as the possible options of supervision. The research objective in the practical part of my work is characterize the possibilities of a participation of supervisor or supervision into the system of the management by crisis. This part of my dissertation was worked up both by the quantitative and qualitative method. I have chosen data collection for the anonymous interrogatory. The workers of IZS in the South Bohemian Region formed the target group. 82 informants formed the total research set. The data processing was by the qualitative method by means of SWOT analysis. I surveyed two hypotheses. Hypothesis No.1 {--} The IZS workers have poor awareness of the supervision advantages and risk of its absence. In Hypothesis No.2 {--} I presumed that according to the IZS workers the supervision in the workplace is not important.

Supervisão, flexibilização e desregulamentação no mercado de trabalho: antigos modos de controle, novas incertezas nos vínculos de trabalho da enfermagem / Supervision and flexible labor market: old fashions and new incertainties in Nurses` Labor Relations.

Solange Baraldi 23 March 2005 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou analisar o modus operandi e o sentido do trabalho de enfermeiros na implementação de uma política de recursos humanos compensatória e específica para esta categoria: o Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem (Profae). O marco teórico-metodológico utilizado evidenciou o cenário sociopolítico-econômico onde a implementação de políticas neoliberais tem induzido e fortalecido a flexibilização das relações de trabalho, descobrindo o trabalhador de proteção social, marco que já atinge o setor saúde. A coleta de dados ocorreu nas Agências Regionais (ARs), suas principais instâncias de acompanhamento e monitoramento, utilizando a supervisão como instrumento de trabalho. Da amostra de sujeitos entrevistados (39 enfermeiros), depreende-se que são profissionais com múltiplos vínculos de trabalho, tendo, em geral, um misto de vínculo formal com informal e jornada de trabalho maior que 45 horas semanais. Nas ARs, tanto públicas quanto privadas, a maioria relatou não possuir vínculo formal de trabalho (carteira assinada). Os enfermeiros mais jovens encontravam-se quase que plenamente em regime flexível de trabalho, não desfrutando de nenhum tipo de proteção social. Ao contrário dos acima de 30 anos, que relataram possuir certo grau de proteção social, inclusa a aposentadoria, na medida em que algum tipo de vínculo formal foi estabelecido anteriormente. A história de vínculos estáveis e, diríamos, "mais permanentes", quando comparados aos trabalhadores por regime de prestação de serviço (flexível), nos delinea modelos de gestão peculiares às políticas neoliberais. O processo de supervisão realizado pelos enfermeiros apresentou características afetas ao caráter educativo (ação técnico-pedagógica), controle (ação administrativa) e articulação política (ação política), sendo o conteúdo administrativo o mais presente em seus discursos. O sentido e o modo de funcionamento de seu trabalho já absorvem elementos circunscritos aos eixos estruturantes das políticas públicas na era da mundialização do capital - que sempre necessitam de capital humano para sua execução. O presente estudo encontrou os seguintes elementos: pagamento por produção; divisão fragmentada do trabalho; critérios de seleção e remuneração salarial variável; trabalho a distância; profissionais qualificados e polivalentes; sensação de autonomia e liberdade profissional; reduzida governabilidade e poder na tomada de decisão; dedicação comprometida mediante múltiplos vínculos e falta de tempo; presença marcante do que é "novo"; programação de atividades substituindo modelos de planejamento; maciça operacionalização sistemática das ações. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the modus operandi and the sense of work in nurses within the framework of the implementation of a specific compensatory policy for this professional cathegory, the "Professionalization Project for workers in the Nursing Area" (known by the acronym Profae in Portuguese). The theoretical and methodological framework of this study, was aimed to show the political, social and economic landscape in which the neo-liberal policies have promoted the use of flexible labor relations, leaving health workers unprotected in terms of social rights. The data collection was done in a set of the main agencies that carry out the monitoring and follow-up of this processes, the Regional Agencies (RA´s) and the supervision was used as a working instrument. The sample (39 nurses) shows that there are professionals with multiple jobs, both formal and informal, working more than 45 hours a week. In the RA´s, public and private, the largest share did not have legal labor relationship, according to labor laws (that require an individual document signed by the employer). Younger nurses were almost all in flexible and informal job relations, without any kind of social protection. This may mean that younger workers are affected by labor de-regulation and that there is no chance - in the foreseeable future - that this protection can be achieved by other means. On the other hand, nurses over 30 years old seem to have some sort of social protection in terms of retirement and other benefits, that result from previous labor contracts. In regard to the supervision process carried on by this nurses, it has training and educational features (technical and pedagogical action) but also control and political facets (administrative and political action), being the administrative content the main feature in these workers´ answers. The sense and way of work of these workers encompasses the characteristics of the main axis of the globalization process: payment related to production; division and fragmentation of the labor process, recruitment, selection and remuneration following flexible patterns; working in different localizations, tele-working and seldom in face-to-face meetings; highly qualified and multitasking professionals, perceived professional autonomy and freedom; shrinking capacity of governance and power to make decisions; compromised performance due to multiple jobs and lack of time; a remarkable appearance of "news"; activity programming as a substitute of planning models; a massive operationalization of actions.

L'accompagnement individuel des élèves par le Conseiller Principal d'Education, entre éthique et responsabilité : étude compréhensive d'une posture en tension / Pupils individual accompaniment by the dean of studies (educational principal counselor C.P.E. in French) between ethics and responsibility : a comprehensive research about a position with tension

Mikaïloff, Nathalie 02 December 2015 (has links)
Le Conseiller Principal d’Éducation (C.P.E.), figure d’une division du travail éducatif dans l’établissement scolaire du second degré, participe dans son champ de compétences spécifiques, à l’accompagnement du parcours scolaire des élèves sur les plans pédagogique et éducatif. L’entretien individuel constitue une activité privilégiée de ce suivi de l’élève, dans un contexte professionnel où le C.P.E. reste soumis à des représentations faussées de son métier liées à son histoire. En questionnant sa posture face à des attentes parfois contradictoires de l’institution, ce travail de recherche propose une démarche compréhensive pour tenter de comprendre comment le C.P.E. peut engager une relation d’accompagnement individuel tout en exerçant ses responsabilités d’organisation de la vie collective dans l’établissement. Il s’inscrit dans un cadre théorique qui définit le concept d’accompagnement en lien avec les notions d’éthique et de responsabilité. La méthode, d’inspiration phénoménologique, s’appuie sur des entretiens de recherche visant à recueillir le récit du vécu de professionnels, suivis d’une étude confirmatoire par questionnaire. Les résultats mettent en évidence la cohabitation de trois types de posture chez le C.P.E. accompagnant l’élève à différents moments pédagogiques de leur rencontre : celles intimement liées du compagnon, qui lui porte une attention bienveillante, et de l’accompagnateur qui se charge d’étayer son parcours ; la figure du guide intervient pour inscrire l’action individualisée dans un cadre socialisant. La relation d’accompagnement s’enrichit en outre de la création de collectifs de travail au sein de l’établissement. / Deans of studies (educational principal counselor : C.P.E. in French) play a key part in French high schools as they supervise and support pupils in their educational and learning training. They carry out their training supervision mostly with individual interviews of the pupils, this takes place in a professional context in which deans of studies suffer from misrepresentations about what their jobs consist in, misrepresentations often inherited from the history of their role in schools. By questioning the Deans’ position when sometimes confronted with contradictory expectations from the institution, this research aims at presenting a comprehensive approach about in trying to understand how deans can commit themselves in a personal supervising relationship with pupils while at the same time being responsible for organizing collective life in schools. It lies within the theoretical concept of accompaniment linked to the notions of ethics and responsibility. The method is inspired by the phenomenological principle and supported by research interviews to collect stories of professional lives, followed by an online survey for audit. The results reveal three kinds of professional positions for C.P.E. accompanying pupils at different moments during their training. The first position, one of a companion in a caring relationship, and the supervisor supporting the pupil in his training, are linked to one another. The guide acts so as to make a personalized action fall within the scope of a socializing frame. Indeed the supervising relationship gets improved to the seting up of collective workshops in the schools.

Relationship Between Novice Counselors' Supervisory Attachments and Boundary Practices and Perceptions

Nanna, Glenda Hill 01 January 2019 (has links)
Novice counselors may struggle to understand and follow ethical guidelines for boundary behaviors with clients. When counselors violate therapeutic boundaries, harmful consequences can result for clients and counselors. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the possible relationship between novice counselors' (NCs') attachment to supervisors and NCs' ethical perceptions and boundary practices. This study addressed the possible predictor variables of age, gender, relationship status, and practice setting. Bowlby's attachment theory provided the framework for the study. Survey data from 114 NCs were analyzed using descriptive statistics and hierarchical linear regression. Each regression analyzed predictors of age, gender, relationship status, and practice setting in model 1 and added level of attachment anxiety and level of attachment avoidance to supervisor in model 2. Findings indicated that NCs' level of anxious attachment predicted serious boundary violations (BVs). Those with higher levels of attachment anxiety reported more BVs and perceived more items as BVs. Level of attachment avoidance also distorted ethical perceptions; those high in attachment avoidance considered more items to be boundary crossings and BVs. The variables of age, male gender, and an urban practice setting significantly predicted higher reported boundary crossings. Males more often did not consider behaviors to be BVs, and more females agreed with expert perceptions of items which were neither a boundary crossing nor a BV. Age was significant but contrary to previous findings because in this sample, as age increased, reported BVs decreased. Findings may lead to changes in how counselor educators and supervisors train NCs to manage boundaries in therapeutic relationships.

Reliance Of The Field Supervisors On Experience-Based Tacit Knowledge And Barriers To Knowledge Sharing

Priyansh Dogra (8689728) 17 April 2020 (has links)
<p>Generally, the trade supervisors are seen swapping stories about how they have done things differently in their previous projects that had resulted in saving man-hours and resources. Since most of them are doing repetitive tasks for years, they rely mainly on their judgments and intuition while making decisions and have developed a plethora of knowledge throughout their experience. They often find it difficult to articulate the knowledge they have acquired most of which is tacit. There is a need to identify this tacit dimension of knowledge to harness it effectively as tacit knowledge is one of the factors determining the competitiveness of a construction firm. The skills shortage in the industry is further aggravated by the growing workforce. Employee retirements and knowledge loss are compelling the specialty contracting firms to capture this tacit knowledge to prepare the future workforce. This study posits an instrument to gauge the reliance of the field supervisors on tacit knowledge and identifies barriers to knowledge sharing through case studies involving electrical contracting firms. The findings of this research clearly show that the experience level of an individual is related to the reliance on tacit knowledge. Most of the experienced field supervisors rely on the tacit dimension of knowledge to perform the major day-to-day routine tasks at the construction site. The education level of an individual seems to have no significant relation with the acquisition and usage of tacit knowledge. Findings also suggest that the viewpoint of the management and the field team are disparate regarding the barriers to knowledge sharing. Management feels that lack of formal processes prevents the trade professionals from sharing their knowledge among themselves whereas according to the field team lack of socialization is identified as the key barrier. Similarly, managers' resistance to change is identified by management as the key barrier that prevents supervisors or managers from sharing their knowledge with the subordinates whereas, for the field team it is the lack of encouragement from the management. Moreover, according to management, lack of formal processes is the key barrier at the organizational level but for the field team, it’s the silo mentality of the managers. The organizations must incorporate the feedback from the field team into the decision making related to knowledge management (KM). The developed framework will benefit the trade contractors to identify on what type of knowledge the field supervisors are relying to perform a particular task and eventually categorizing knowledge into explicit and tacit.</p>

Evaluation of teaching practice at the University of Limpopo

Mampa, Sekgati Samuel January 2019 (has links)
Thesis(Ph.D. (Education Curriculum Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / This study reports on the evaluation of Teaching Practice necessary for guiding future best practice of Teaching Practice at the University of Limpopo. The key research question answered in this study was: How is Teaching Practice implemented at the University of Limpopo? The study is embedded within the interpretive paradigm. A qualitative research approach was employed using case study design. Case study design was used in order to explore the research questions that guided the entire study. This enabled the researcher to interact with the participants, immerse himself in the data for better and deeper understanding of the implementation of Teaching Practice. The case study design was also adopted because the researcher had no control over the implementation of Teaching Practice. In other words, the researcher could not manipulate the behaviour of the participants involved in the study. Purposive sampling was used to select knowledgeable and information rich participants comprising of the Director of the School of Education, three Heads of Department, the Teaching Practice coordinator, two academic staff members in the Teaching Practice Unit, the Teaching Practice administrative officer, six academic staff members, six four-year Bachelor of Education in Senior and Further Education and Training students, six Postgraduate Certificate in Education students, four schoolbased mentors in Limpopo, and four school-based mentors in the Mpumalanga Province. Data were captured through document analysis, semi-structured interviews and observations. Inductive analysis was used to analyse data from the documents. Data from semi-structured interviews and observations were analysed thematically. Findings from the documents, semi-structured interviews and observations were used to make recommendations for establishing an Integrated Model of Teaching Practice at the University of Limpopo. The study revealed lack of appropriate policy for Teaching Practice; lack of clear frameworks for the responsibilities of supervisors; student teachers and school-based mentors; lack of school-university partnerships; inadequate training of supervisors and school-based mentors in relation to supervision and assessment of student teachers; lack of a structured programme on the induction of student teachers into schools; poor human, physical and financial resources, and an inappropriate model for Teaching Practice.

Lärares användning av visuellt stöd för språklig tillgänglighet : En undersökning ur speciallärarens perspektiv / Teachers´use of visual support for language accessibility : A study from the special needs teacher´s perspective

Rådström, Lisa, Lindholm, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers' experiences of using visual support and organizational prerequisites for this. The aim is also to better understand how special needs teachers can support teachers to use visual support to make teaching accessible to students with language vulnerability. We conducted a qualitative interview study with ten teachers in grades 1-6. Our research questions were: how do teachers use visual aids and what effects do teachers see by using visual aids and finally how can special needs teachers support teachers in the use of visual aids. The results show that teachers use many different types of visual aids. Most of them use group-level support, such as structural support for the day or lesson. All teachers report that the visual support clarifies and strengthens the language. When it comes to how the special needs teacher can support teachers in the use of visual support, most teachers want the special needs teacher to have a driving function that spreads knowledge and ideas and holds pedagogical discussions. The teachers also want the special needs teacher to have a supervisory role and provide support to teachers in developing the learning environment at group or individual level.

Förbättring av kommunikation i byggprojekt / Improvement of communication in construction projects

Safai, Marjan January 2019 (has links)
I byggbranschen är effektiv kommunikation en förutsättning för att uppnå lyckade projekt. I en bransch där olika parter sammansluter i projektorganisationer för att leverera produkt till beställaren kan kommunikationen vara en utmaning. Det är essentiellt för projektledare att kommunikationen fungerar väl och att den når yrkesarbetarna på ett smart och effektivt sätt, så att berörda parter i varje projekt vet om vad som ska göras och hur de ska gå tillväga. Denna studie syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur systematisk kommunikation kan förbättra byggprojekt av mindre karaktär genom att ta tillvara på hur verksamheten väljer att kommunicera. Studien granskar samspelet mellan projektledande arkitekt, arbetsledare och yrkesarbetare för att utreda möjligheter för förbättring av kommunikation i byggprojekten. För att utreda detta belyser studien vad som i kommunikationsväg fungerar väl i mindre byggföretag och vad som inte fungerar och hur de delar som brister skulle kunna tänkas förbättras. Genom undersökningar har uppfattning skapats om hur parterna upplever samarbetet i projekten kopplat till kommunikation i nuvarande och tidigare projekt. Vidare behandlar rapporten vikten av att säkerställa att bygghandlingar och annan dokumentation är korrekt för att minska risk för problem under byggnation och minska kommunikationssvårigheter. Resultatet påvisar att den mest uppskattade kommunikationskanalen är möten då det möjliggör för beskrivningar i detalj och uppföljningsfrågor. Studien visar även att projekten är känslig för ändringar i projektorganisationens personalstruktur och att det således är viktigt att säkerställa att projektdokumentation tas tillvara på i ett forum som kan nås av projektets aktuella deltagare. / Construction projects are becoming more complex at the same time as more pressure is put on time, costs and quality. Therefore the construction insutry shows an increasing need of tools and communication systems. In an industry where different parties combine in project organizations to deliver the product to the client, communication can be a challenge. It is therefore essential for project managers to ensure that the communication works well and that it reaches the workforce in an efficient way. This study aims at creating an understanding of how communication can improve building projects of a smaller nature by taking advantage of communications methods. The study examines interactions between project-leading architects, supervisors and professionals workers to investigate opportunities for improving their communication. The projects investigation has led to an understanding of how three different parties in smaller construction project experience the cooperation of their projects linked to communication. Furthermore, the report deals with the importance of ensuring that construction documents and other documentation are properly prepared and distributed to reduce the risk of construction problems and reduce communication difficulties. The result shows that the most appreciated communication channel is face to face meeting, thus it allows for detailed descriptions and follow-up questions. The study also shows that the projects are sensitive to changes in the project organization's staff structure and that it therefore is important to ensure that project documentation is utilized in a forum that can be reached by the project's participants

Do different sources of social support moderate differently between job insecurity and individual and organizational outcome variables?

Syoufani, Lygian January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to determine whether different sources of social support play different roles in moderating job insecurity and its outcomes, identify which source of support is more important and whether there are gender differences in terms of interest variables between men and women. This research was intended to support business actors and employees from the trade, tourism, and hotel sectors by providing the necessary support to manage the consequences of work-family interference, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions associated with job insecurity. Data was collected by sending a questionnaire that included information about the study and how the data will be handled and several questions from several well-established survey scales (N=220). The study found no interaction between job insecurity and social support – neither from supervisors nor colleagues. The hypothesized moderating effect of sources of support generally, and previous findings about supervisors being a more important source of support were therefore not supported in this study. Also, although gender differences on the variables of interest in this study could be seen, none of it was statistically significant. The results of the regression analyses show that different combinations of job insecurity and sources of social support predict the outcome variables.

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