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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theologies Speak of Justice : A Study of Islamic and Christian Social Ethics

Callewaert, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how religious ethics, while retaining its identity, can contribute to political debate and to the understanding of justice. The inquiry addresses these issues by focusing on theological perspectives which challenge the solutions offered to these questions by the liberal paradigm. Three kinds of challenges are studied, each of which is represented by one thinker from the Islamic tradition and one from the Christian tradition, in order to enable a comparative perspective on the contributions of religious traditions. The thinkers studied are: 1) modified liberalism, represented by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im and Duncan B. Forrester; 2) liberationism, represented by Ali Shariati and Gustavo Gutierrez; and 3) radical traditionalism, as developed by Tariq Ramadan and John Milbank. The study is organized around three main questions. First, how can innovative interpretations of religious tradition be plausibly justified? Second, what role should religious arguments and reasons play in the political sphere? Third, what can religious ethics and theological thought contribute to the understanding of social justice? The questions are engaged by means of a critical and reconstructive engagement with the six thinkers. The suggested solutions are assessed in terms of the criteria of authenticity, communicability, and potential for transformation. It is argued that a religious ethic can rely on a tradition without accepting conservative understandings of that tradition. Furthermore, it is argued that the coherence of religious ethics can be made available for public discourse but that the hospitability of the public forum to such contributions needs to be realized through a deepened democratic culture and a critique of power structures which condition perceptions of rationality. While religious ethics do not articulate complete alternative understandings of justice, they articulate contributions by relating justice to human sociality and to transcendence.

Conceptions of God and narratives of modernity : a hermeneutical interpretation of Charles Taylor's A Secular Age

Guyver, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

As práticas docentes e a questão religiosa : elementos de comparação entre Brasil e França / Les pratiques enseignantes et la question religieuse : éléments de comparaison entre le Brésil et la France / Teaching prctices and the religious matter : compairaison elements between Brazil and France

Abuhab Valente, Gabriela 26 June 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'identifier et d'analyser des dispositions et des logiques d'actions des enseignants lorsqu'ils se trouvent face à une situation liée à la question religieuse dans deux pays qui se définissent comme laïque, à savoir, le Brésil et la France. Il s'agit d'une étude d'inspiration ethnographique dans une perspective d'étude comparée. La recherche se situe dans le cadre de la Sociologie de l'éducation et utilise la sociologie de la socialisation et la sociologie pragmatique comme principaux cadres théoriques. A partir de cela, nous analysons les les dispositions et les principes de justice dans la pratique des enseignements brésiliens et français aux collèges publics. Ainsi les questions qui ont motivées la recherche sont : comment les enseignants traitent-ils une situation impliquant la question religieuse ? Pourquoi agissent-ils de cette façon ? Quelle(s) logique(s) d'action sont mobilisées dans les pratiques enseignantes? Quelles dispositions contribuent au "choix" de la logique d'action ? Comment les configurations sociales influencent-elles la question religieuse ? Existe-t-il des différences entre la pratique enseignante liée aux situations impliquant la question religieuse et la pratique enseignante tout court ? Pour répondre à ces questions une trentaine d'entretiens ont été effectués avec des enseignants brésiliens et français et trois établissement public ont été le cadre d'un travail d'observation (deux établissement au Brésil et Un en France), Les deux méthodes donnant accès à la description de situations professionnelles concernant les religions. La façon ont les enseignants gèrent la question religieuse privilégie la logique libérale au Brésil et la logique civique en France. En ce qui concerne les dispositions des enseignants, nous avons identifié des dispositions hybrides dans les actions brésiliennes et des dispositions professionnelles dans l'activité enseignante française. Enfin, nous avons mis au jour une logique d'action propre à la profession enseignante dans les deux pays, ce que nous appelons la logique professorale. / The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the teachers' dispositions and logic of actions when faced with a sotuation related to the religious question in two countries that define themselves as secular,such a Brazil and France. this is an ethnographic-inspired study wich mobilizes a comparative education perspective. The research is situated within the field of the Sociology of Education and uses the sociology of socialization and pragmatic sociology as the main theoretical frameworks. Therefore, we analyze the provisions and pinciples of justice in the pratice of Brazilian and French teachers at public colleges. Thus, the queestions that motived the research are : how do the teachers deal with a situation involving the religious question ? Why do they act this way ? What logic(s) of action are mobilized in teaching pratices ? Wich dispositions contribute to the "choice" of the logic action ? How social configurations influence teaching practice with regard to the religious question ? Are there differences between the teaching pratice itself ? To answer these questions,approximately thirty interviews were conducted with Brazilian and french teachers and three public institutions were part of a field observation (two institutions in Brazil and one in France), the two methods giving access to the description of professional situations concerning religions. The liberal logic identified in the pratices of Brazilian teachers and the civic logic favored in France in situations involving the religious questions are different wayss to guarantee secularism. Regarding teachers' dispositions, we have identified hybrid dispositions in Brazilian actions and professional dispositions in the French teaching practice. Finally, we have brought to light a logic of action peculiar to the teaching profession in both countries, what we call the teaching logic.

Conceptions of God and narratives of modernity : a hermeneutical interpretation of Charles Taylor's A Secular Age

Guyver, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

L’enseignement religieux en Syrie et les droits de l’homme : une étude analytique et critique de la conception et de l’évolution des droits de l’homme et de leur cadre philosophique, politique et juridique dans les manuels scolaires de 2ème secondaire depuis 1963 jusqu’aujourd’hui / Religious Education in Syria and Human Rights : an Analytical and Critical Study of the Conception and Development of Human Rights and their Philosophical, Political and Legal Framework in Textbooks of the Second Secondary Level since 1963 until Today / التعليم الديني في سوريا وحقوق الإنسان : دراسة تحليلية نقدية لمفهوم وتطور حقوق الإنسان وإطارها الفلسفي والسياسي والتشريعي في مناهج الصف الثاني الثانوي منذ 1963 إلى اليوم

Al Zahran, Sohaib 07 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations des droits de l’homme dans les manuels scolaires religieux en Syrie. Elle interroge la perception islamique des droits humains, notamment au regard de leur origine séculière. Elle analyse aussi la place de l’enseignement religieux dans la conception et la promotion des libertés fondamentales, ainsi que les difficultés occasionnées par la confrontation aux enjeux d’ordre politique, philosophique, juridique et théologique. Une approche comparative est développée dans ce but avec d’une part les textes internationaux portant sur les droits de l'homme, de la Déclaration universelle aux conventions islamiques, et de l’autre, avec les travaux portés par le courant de la réforme et le renouvellement de la pensée islamique. En tenant compte du fait que le contenu des manuels s'inscrit dans un cadre temporel donné, il importe de discuter du positionnement quelque peu paradoxal de ces ouvrages au sein d’un enseignement religieux organisé par un État laïque. Il apparaît que, malgré l’existence de doctrines islamiques élaborées en accord avec l’esprit de la Déclaration universelle, dans la mesure où elles avancent une relecture des textes qui font l’objet de la polémique, les manuels restent fidèles à un courant de pensée traditionnel pour ne pas dire archaïque. Les éditions les plus récentes n'ont pas accompli de progrès notables en la matière et se sont au contraire avérées davantage soumises au carcan d'un régime autocratique. Afin de mieux intégrer et faire appliquer les droits de l'homme, l’enseignement religieux syrien doit relever plusieurs défis, dont l'élaboration d'une véritable citoyenneté, le respect de la diversité de la société et la redéfinition de l’État. / This thesis focuses on representations of human rights in Syrian religious textbooks. It analyzes the Islamic perception of human rights, particularly with regard to their secular origin. It also analyzes the role of religious education in the conception and promotion of fundamental freedoms, and the difficulties brought about by the conflict with issues of the political, philosophical, legal and theological order. To achieve this, there implemented a comparative approach to international instruments on human rights, specifically The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Islamic conventions on the one hand, and the work carried out by the school of reform of Islamic thought on the other. Taking into account the fact that the content of textbooks is part of a time frame, it is important to discuss the somewhat paradoxical position of these structures in a religious education that is organized by a secular state. It appears that in spite of the existence of Islamic doctrines developed in accordance with the spirit of the UDHR insofar as these doctrines suggest a rereading of texts that are the subject of controversy, textbooks remain faithful to a traditional, not to say archaic, thinking. The most recent textbooks have not made any significant progress in this area, but are instead subject to the yoke of what proved to be more of an autocratic regime. To better integrate and enforce human rights, religious education in Syria faces several challenges, including the development of effective citizenship, respect for the heterogeneity of society and redefinition of the State.

The Politics of Sympathy: Secularity, Alterity, and Subjectivity in George Eliot's Novels

Koo, Seung-Pon 12 1900 (has links)
This study examines the practical and political implications of sympathy as a mode of achieving the intercommunicative relationship between the self and the other, emphasizing the significance of subjective agency not simply guided by the imperative category of morality but mainly enacted by a hybrid of discourses through the interaction between the two entities. Scenes of Clerical Life, Eliot's first fictional narrative on illuminating the intertwining relation of religion to secular conditions of life, reveals that the essence of religion is the practice of love between the self and the other derived from sympathy and invoked by their dialogic discourses of confession which enable them to foster the communality, on the grounds that the alterity implicated in the narrative of the other summons and re-historicizes the narrative of the subject's traumatic event in the past. Romola, Eliot's historical novel, highlights the performativity of subject which, on the one hand, locates Romola outside the social frame of domination and appropriation as a way of challenging the universalizing discourses of morality and duty sanctioned by the patriarchal ideology of norms, religion, and marriage. On the other hand, the heroine re-engages herself inside the social structure as a response to other's need for help by substantiating her compassion for others in action. Felix Holt, the Radical, Eliot's political and industrial novel, investigates the limits of moral discourse and instrumental reason. Esther employs her strategy of hybridizing her aesthetic and moral tastes in order to debilitate masculine desires for moral inculcation and material calculation. Esther reinvigorates her subjectivity by simultaneously internalizing and externalizing a hybrid of tastes. In effect, the empowerment of her subjectivity is designed not only to provide others with substantial help from the promptings of her sympathy for them, but also to fulfill her romantic plot of marriage.

KG Hammar och Rowan Williams : en studie av två ärkebiskopar ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en jämförande studie av två ärkebiskopar – KG Hammar (Svenska kyrkan) och Rowan Williams (Church of England) - ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv. Syftet var att söka finna postmoderna influenser hos de båda ärkebiskoparna i såväl teori som praktik och undersöka konsekvenserna av ett postmodernt teologiskt agerande.  Undersökningen visade att båda ärkebiskoparna influerades av postmodern teologi i teorin. Hammar förde också som ärkebiskop fram sina personliga postmoderna insikter, medan Williams av olika anledningar generellt valde att endast föra fram kyrkans åsikt. Båda handlingsalternativen medförde såväl kritik som uppskattning. Båda ärkebiskoparna tog fasta på den postmoderna teologins framhållande av dialog som metod: Dialog kännetecknade allt deras handlande, såväl inomkyrkligt som mot andra religiösa och samhälleliga grupper. Trots dialogen kunde dock inte vissa splittringar undvikas. Samhällsengagemanget visade sig däremot till största delen framgångsrikt och visade en postmodern insikt om kyrkans roll i en sekulär värld. Trots att ett postmodernt förhållningssätt inte helt accepterades, medverkade ärkebiskoparnas agerande till att skapa intresse för framför allt religiös dialog bland många olika grupper. / This essay is a comparative study of two archbishops - KG Hammar (Church of Sweden) and Rowan Williams (Church of England) - from a postmodern theological perspective. The aim was to discover postmodern influences for the archbishops in theory and practice, and to investigate the consequences of acting from a postmodern theological perspective. The study revealed postmodern influences in both archbishops' theory. Hammar chose to act according to his personal postmodern convictions also as archbishop whereas, for various reasons, Williams generally chose to speak only for the whole church. Both strategies were criticized as well as appreciated. Both archbishops were committed to dialogue as described by postmodern theology. This influenced all their actions, within the church as well as with other religious denominations and various groups in society. However, even with dialogue certain schisms proved to be unavoidable. The engagement in society proved more successful and showed a postmodern understanding of the church in a secular world. Even though a postmodern course of action was not totally accepted, the archbishops managed to promote a wide interest especially for religious dialogue.

KG Hammar och Rowan Williams : en studie av två ärkebiskopar ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats består av en jämförande studie av två ärkebiskopar – KG Hammar (Svenska kyrkan) och Rowan Williams (Church of England) - ur ett postmodernt teologiskt perspektiv. Syftet var att söka finna postmoderna influenser hos de båda ärkebiskoparna i såväl teori som praktik och undersöka konsekvenserna av ett postmodernt teologiskt agerande.  Undersökningen visade att båda ärkebiskoparna influerades av postmodern teologi i teorin. Hammar förde också som ärkebiskop fram sina personliga postmoderna insikter, medan Williams av olika anledningar generellt valde att endast föra fram kyrkans åsikt. Båda handlingsalternativen medförde såväl kritik som uppskattning. Båda ärkebiskoparna tog fasta på den postmoderna teologins framhållande av dialog som metod: Dialog kännetecknade allt deras handlande, såväl inomkyrkligt som mot andra religiösa och samhälleliga grupper. Trots dialogen kunde dock inte vissa splittringar undvikas. Samhällsengagemanget visade sig däremot till största delen framgångsrikt och visade en postmodern insikt om kyrkans roll i en sekulär värld. Trots att ett postmodernt förhållningssätt inte helt accepterades, medverkade ärkebiskoparnas agerande till att skapa intresse för framför allt religiös dialog bland många olika grupper.</p> / <p>This essay is a comparative study of two archbishops - KG Hammar (Church of Sweden) and Rowan Williams (Church of England) - from a postmodern theological perspective. The aim was to discover postmodern influences for the archbishops in theory and practice, and to investigate the consequences of acting from a postmodern theological perspective. The study revealed postmodern influences in both archbishops' theory. Hammar chose to act according to his personal postmodern convictions also as archbishop whereas, for various reasons, Williams generally chose to speak only for the whole church. Both strategies were criticized as well as appreciated. Both archbishops were committed to dialogue as described by postmodern theology. This influenced all their actions, within the church as well as with other religious denominations and various groups in society. However, even with dialogue certain schisms proved to be unavoidable. The engagement in society proved more successful and showed a postmodern understanding of the church in a secular world. Even though a postmodern course of action was not totally accepted, the archbishops managed to promote a wide interest especially for religious dialogue.</p>

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