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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomické aspekty PPP projektů / Economic aspects of PPP projects

Brandlová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Thesis is focused on the analysis of the application Public Private Partnership within the financing of public infrastructures projects. Public infrastructure financing has traditionally lain in the domain of public sector. A tightening of many countries' budgets recently has led to an exploration of alternative resources for financing transport infrastructure as e.g. PPP. The aim of the thesis is to compare or evaluate which form of financing (PPP or using only public finance esp. issue of public bonds) is more effective. The thesis is separate into 2 important parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis provides the general description of PPP projects, international experiences and about the legal and institutional framework within the EU and Czech Republic. Practical part of the thesis is focused on the main advantages and disadvantages of PPP projects. Here is also part devoted to the financial models using for the comparison which form of financing (PPP or traditional public procurement) is more efficient. Conclusion of the thesis summarizes the gained findings and also assesses which form of financing is more efficient.

Rozdíly ve vzdělávání a odměňování zaměstnanců veřejného a soukromého sektoru / Differences in education and remuneration of public and private sector employees

Kalášková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with education and rewarding employees and is focused on differences between public sector and private sector in this two human resources activities. Those activities are important part of every functional organization. The goal of this work is to analyze and assess education and rewarding from points of view the employees and organizations, and based on their experiences determine recommendations. The first part of this work includes explanations and definitions of theoretical principles of education with emphasis on education in public sector and also funding of education process and close link to rewarding process. Next part of this work deals with evaluations of questionnaire work which was done between employees of public sector and private sector. Based on conclusion, there are made recommendations.

Medarbetare på den innovativa scenen : ‐ en studie i medarbetares syn på innovation inom kommunal verksamhet

Wihlman, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Stuck in the Middle With You : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen i privat och offentlig verksamhet

Blomfeldt, Fredrik, Näsman, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
The position of middle-management is a role where the manager is at risk of being caught between its management and its employees. Elderly care is an industry that has been discussed a lot, to a large extent on how businesses should be managed and by whom it should be conducted. Middle-management in the business of elderly care thereby possess a vulnerable position in a controversial industry. In this study the aim is to investigate the managers' roles and tasks in both the public sector and the private sector in elderly care. It also aims to examine whether there are differences between the roles and how they in such cases is manifested. Previous researchers treats middle-managements role in elderly care as uniform for both sectors and focuses on the conditions and challenges. The theoretical background of the thesis is partly Ritzers McDonaldization to explain efficiency work in elderly care and Goffman's theories of social roles between the managerial role. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine interviews conducted, divided of five respondents in the public sector and four in the private sector. The result shows that the conditions for middle-management in elderly care for both sectors are similar in most cases, for example responsibilities and economic impact and that middle-management in both sectors experience a lack of time. However, there are certain areas that differ slightly, for example it is described by the private players that they have a better financial situation than their rivals in the public sector. It is also clear from the thesis that there may be other influential factors, for instance whether a home for the elderly run by public sector is exposed for competeition, or if a privately elderly care-unit is owned and fully run in-house. / Mellanchefsrollen är en utsatt roll där chefen riskerar hamna i kläm mellan sin ledning och sina medarbetare. Det är ett stressfyllt arbete. Äldreomsorgen är en bransch som diskuterats mycket, till stor del kring hur verksamheter ska skötas och i vilken regi den ska bedrivas. Mellanchefen inom äldreomsorgen besitter därmed en utsatt roll i en omdiskuterad bransch. I den här studien syftas att undersöka mellanchefers roller och arbetsuppgifter i den offentliga sektorn och privata sektorn inom äldreomsorgen. Syftet är även att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan rollerna och hur de i sådana fall tar sig uttryck. Tidigare forskning behandlar genomgående mellanchefsrollen inom äldreomsorgen som enhetligt för båda sektorerna och redogör för förutsättningar och utmaningar. Den teoretiska bakgrunden i uppsatsen är dels Ritzers McDonaldization för effektiviseringsarbetet inom äldreomsorgen och Goffmans teorier om sociala roller för mellanchefsrollen. Studien är genomförd genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer där 9 intervjuer har genomförts fördelat på 5 respondenter i offentlig sektor och 4 i privat sektor. Resultatet visar att förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen inom båda sektorerna är likartade i de flesta fall, bland annat gällande ansvarsområden och ekonomisk påverkan samt att de i båda sektorerna känner stor tidspress. Vidare finns det vissa områden där det skiljer sig åt en aning, exempelvis redogör de privata aktörerna för att de har en bättre ekonomisk situation. Det framgår även av uppsatsen att det kan finnas andra påverksansfaktorer, bland annat om en verksamhet är konkurrensutsatt eller om verksamheten privat drivs i egen regi.

Hur bör kvalitet definieras? : En tvärsnittsstudie om kvalitetstolkning inom offentlig respektive privat sektor / How should quality be defined?

Ahlstrand, Ludvig, Nguyen, Thanh January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda hur personalen på offentliga och privata vårdcentraler i Borås Stad definierar begreppet kvalitet efter studiens ramar. Datamaterialet samlades in genom att dela ut enkäter, både i pappersform och digitalt. Enkäten delades ut till personalen på vårdcentraler i offentlig- och privat sektor, inom Borås Stad. Tolkningen av kvalitet anses enligt många som mångfacetterad. Det innebär att det finns en svårighet i att hitta en direkt definition till begreppet kvalitet som kan verka generellt. Teorin och tidigare studier är också enade om denna svårighet. Med undantag för begreppet kvalitet, behandlar studien andra begrepp och aspekter som kan gynna tolkningen av kvalitet. Dessa begrepp behandlas i studien som service och effektivitet, men även tidigare forskning behandlar konkurrens som vi tror kan verka som en extern faktor som kan förtydliga kvalitetsbegreppets innebörd. Respondenterna inom offentlig och privat sektor svarar i flertalet frågor liknande eller i genomsnitt likartat, och framhäver även andra aspekter som de anser kan ha en påverkan på kvalitet. Dessa aspekter togs fram genom att respondenten fritt skrev vilken eller vilka faktorer de ansåg kunde påverka kvalitet. Studiens slutsats ligger i linje med tidigare forskning, att kvalitet verkar vara mångfacetterat men att väldigt många är bekanta med begreppet. Det vill säga att många känner till begreppet men är inte helt säkra på definitionen av begreppet. Vi rekommenderar vidare studier kring ämnet inom vårdområdet för att kunna tydliggöra begreppet kvalitet i syfte att använda det mer frekvent i bland annat internundersökningar, som vårdorganisationerna själva ska ha möjlighet att genomföra. / The purpose of this research study was to examine how personnel in both public and private health care centers within Borås, construe and evaluate the concept of quality within the basis of our study. Data was gathered by surveys provided in two forms: printouts and digital copies to personnel in public and private health care centers, within the municipality of Borås. The evaluation of quality is according to many, fluctuating. Moreover, this means that there is a difficult process of defining the concept of quality to a general aspect, to the extent where theories and previous research agree with this statement accordingly. This study also analyzes other notions related to the concept of quality. These notions and concepts are defined as service and efficiency, but we also included competition as an external factor that influences the concept of quality since previous research has done the same. The respondents within public and private health care centers yielded very similar results, but also highlighted additional aspects that may affect quality. These aspects where provided by letting the respondents freely highlight factors that they assumed could affect quality. Along with considering previous research, this study, concludes that the notion of quality is a familiar term to many, yet is a fluctuating concept. This means that many individuals are sure to have some understanding of the concept of quality, but there is great uncertainty in how to define it. Within health care centers, we recommend further research exploring the concept of quality in order to utilize it more frequently among internal investigations, which organizations should be able to perform themselves.

Efektivnost a rozšířenost projektů PPP ve vybraných zemích EU jako alternativy k financování projektů z veřejných rozpočtů / Efficiency and scope of PPP projects in selected EU countries as an alternative to classical public procurement

Nováček, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This paper is dealing with Public Private Partnership (PPP) as the alternative to the classical public procurement. It describes and compares advantages and disadvantages of this approach and explore legislative and institutional setting in chosen countries of EU to comparison. The main focus of the work concerns the comparison of the development of this concept and its current state of use in those countries. The emphasis was on finding a correlation between the number and volume of PPP projects and the state of national economies in the years 2006-2015, especially in the immediate period of the recent financial crisis, when could be expected increased attractiveness of the concept for political representation. On the specific case is explored its economic efficiency and legitimacy.

Analýza motivačního systému odměňování a benefitů ve veřejné a soukromé sféře / Analysis of motivation system of remuneration and benefits in the public and private sectors

Jurák, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The main of the diploma thesis is to elaborate a literature review and implement of quantitative research by questionnaires. In the theoretical part there were described issues of motivation system, employee compensation, motivation of employees and benefits. In the practical part the main aim was the analysis and comparison of benefits of employees in private and public sector. The sub-aim was to determinate satisfaction of employees with system of remuneration and benefits in private and public sector. The second sub-aim was to compare employee benefits in sectors. It was found out that employees in private sector are more satisfied with system of remuneration and benefits. Women who are employed in private sector have more benefits than women in public sector.

Socionomstudenten och arbetsgivaren

Risholm, Folke January 2019 (has links)
Socialt arbete är vad man skulle kunna kalla ett relativt ungt fenomen och ett organiserat arbete mot sociala problem är i Sverige inte mycket äldre än 100 år gammalt. Med det sagt kan man förstå att det sociala arbetets karaktär är under ständig förändring, och förhoppningsvis förbättring. De senaste decennierna har dock socialt arbete präglats av en ny förändringstrend. En privatiseringstrend. Som nyexaminerad socionom är valen av arbetsgivare fler än vad de var för 30 år sedan och alternativen skiljer sig åt. Syftet med denna uppsats är således att undersöka hur den snart nyexaminerade socionomen uppfattar de olika alternativen, som en eventuell arbetsgivare men också rent generellt. Studien är utformat efter kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt förhållningssätt och bygger på fyra olika intervjuer med fyra stycken snart färdigutbildade socionomer. Som teoretiskt ramverk ligger Max Webers teori om byråkrati i idealtypiska termer som grund för arbetet, samt teorin om handlingsutrymme. Tack vare användandet av tematisk textanalys kunde vissa likheter och teman urskiljas ur informanternas utsagor och resultatet kom att skildra en på många sätt homogen uppfattning av brister och risker med olika arbetsgivare. Samtliga informanter talar om en byråkrati som riskerar växa sig för stor för att fungera effektivt, och på ett rättvist sätt. Mot såväl klienter som anställda inom organisationen. Weber talade i pessimistiska termer om hur framtiden skulle komma att tillhöra byråkratin, en uppfattning som han delar med samtliga informanter. Uppfattningen är att en organisation som växer sig för stor, kommer att behöva arbeta på ett ytterst rationellt sätt rent byråkratiskt. Slutsatsen är att en rationell byråkrati inte är förenligt med ett rättvist socialt arbete gentemot klienten eller, återigen, den anställde. / Social work is what one could call a relatively young phenomenon and an organized work against social problems in Sweden is not much older than a century. That being said, one can understand that the nature of social work is under constant change, and hopefully improvement. However, in recent decades social work has been characterized by a new trend of change. A privatization trend. As a newly graduated social worker today, the alternatives to employers are more than they were 30 years ago and the alternatives differ. The purpose of this thesis is thus to investigate how the soon-to-be-graduated social worker perceives the different alternatives, as a possible employer, but also generally. The study is designed according to a qualitative method with an inductive approach and is based on four different interviews with four social work bachelors. As a theoretical framework, Max Weber's theory of bureaucracy in ideal-typical terms lies as the basis for the work, as well as the theory of scope for action. Thanks to the use of thematic text analysis, some similarities and themes could be distinguished from the informants' statements, and the result was to depict, in many ways, a homogeneous perception of deficiencies and risks with different employers. All informants talk about a bureaucracy that risks growing too large to function effectively, and in a fair way. Towards both clients and employees within the organization. Weber spoke in pessimistic terms about how the future would belong to the bureaucracy, a view that he shares with all the informants. The perception is that an organization that grows too large will have to work in an extremely rational way bureaucratically. The conclusion is that a rational bureaucracy is not compatible with a fair social work towards the client or, again, the employee.

Dopady programu Rok jinak na vztah jeho absolventů k organizacím občanského sektoru / Impacts of the program World of Difference on the relationship of its graduates to the organizations of the civil sector

Valentová, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on impacts of the program World of Difference on the relationship of its graduates to the organizations of the civil sector. This paper consists of three main parts. The first one describes the theoretical definitions of the concepts connected with civil sector, organizations of the civil sector, business sector, cooperation between the sectors, values and motivation of the employees in the civil sector and management of Human Resources in civil sector. The second part is focused on methodology of the research, data analysis and the activities of the Vodafone Foundation and the program World of Difference. There are presented the outcomes of the research in the last part. The research is focused on the graduates of the program World of Difference and the fact if they remain in the civil sector after finishing the program. The research is focused on the specifics which they had to meet during the program and if they changed their opinion about the civil sector. According to the research questions, I chose the qualitative research and used methods of semi-structured in-depth interviews. Key words: non-profit sector, civil sector, non-for-profit organizations, motivation, World of Difference

Kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av sin karriärutveckling och sitt ledarskap : En kvalitativ jämförelse mellan offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland

Åberg, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Kvinnor som ledare är fortfarande ett fenomen. Statistik, tidigare forskning och teorierstöder att kvinnor möter på skadliga konstruktioner formade av individer och samhället, ett glastak iarbetslivet. Fördomarna upprätthålls av organisationer, vilket försvårar kvinnors väg till toppen. Dennaundersökning kommer att analysera upplevelser om att vara kvinna som ledare i ett ”jämställt” land,Finland. Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att jämföra kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor iFinland. Frågeställning: Hur upplever kvinnor som ledare sin egna karriärutveckling och sitt ledarskap inom denoffentliga- och privata sektorn i Finland? Teori: Teorin och tidigare forskningen i arbetet är valt för att undersöka kvinnor som ledare.Organisationsteori av bland annat Joan Acker (1990/1992) ur ett genusperspektiv tillsammans medRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J. Mills (1988) och Robin J.Ely och Debra E. Meyerson(2000). Teori och tidigare forskning om offentlig – och privat sektor och ledarskap av J. Norman Baldwin(1987/1990) och Allison T. Graham (1992) kommer att användas i analyserna. Tidigare forskning hävdarbland annat att arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn har högre utbildning, men att det inte finns skillnaderi kompetens. Vidare anses ledarskaps omsättning större inom den offentliga sektorn på grund av reformer. Metod: Undersökningen är genomförd genom att använda av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestående avsemi-strukturerade intervjuer med 14 stycken kvinnliga ledare inom både offentlig och privat sektor. Sexrespondenter från den privata sektorn och åtta från den offentliga sektorn. Slutsats: Min undersökning visar att det inte finns skillnader i upplevd karriärutveckling eller ledarskapbland kvinnliga ledare inom offentlig- och privat sektor i Finland. Dock finns det skillnader i upplevelserom organisation och i karriärutvecklingsfaserna. Ungefär hälften av respondenterna upplevde att de stöttpå någon form av könsbaserade fördomar eller negativa konstruktioner om kvinnor under sinarbetskarriär. / Introduction: Women as leaders are still a phenomenon. Statistics, previous research and theories supportthat women encounter harmful preconceptions or prejudice shaped by individuals and the society. In otherwords a glass ceiling in the working life. Prejudices are perpetuated by organizations, making it difficultfor women to reach higher positions in a organization. This research will examine experiences of being aleader as a woman in a ”gender-equal” country, such as Finland. Purpose: The purpose of his study is to compare female leaders in the public and private sector in Finland. Research question: How do women as leaders experience their own career development and leadershipin the public and private sector in Finland? Theory: Previous research and theory of this study is chosen to support the examination of women asleaders. Organizational theory by Joan Acker (1990/1992) from a gender persepctive together withRosabeth Moss Kanter (1979/1987), Albert J.Mills (1988) and Robin J. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson (2000)among others will be presented. Theory and previous research of the public- and private sector andleadership by J. Norman Baldwin (1987/1990) and Allison T. Graham (1992) will be used in the analyzethe results. Previous research claims, among other things, that workers in the public sector have highereducation, but that there are no differences in the skills or expertise of the workers. Furthermore,leadership turnover is considered higher in the public sector due to reforms. Method: The research was completed by using a qualitative research method consisting of semi-structured interviews with 14 female leaders in total from both sectors. Six respondents from the private sector and eight from the public sector. Conclusion: My research shows that there are no differences in perceived career development or leadersipamong female leaders in the public and private sectors in Finland. However, there are differences inexperiences about organisation and the career development phases. About half of the respndents felt thatthey have encountered some form of gender-based prejudice or negative preconceptions about womenduring their working careers. Keywords: Public sector, private sector, career development, career development phases, power,leadership, female leadership, gender, organization, gender segregation, glass ceiling

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