Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delft determination theory ."" "subject:"delfi determination theory .""
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Understanding Motivation for Self-directed E-Learning for Professional DevelopmentShameda, Delaney January 2020 (has links)
Professionals need to learn throughout their entire career due to the rapid changes in technology (Zander, Boustedt, Eckerdal, McCartney, Sanders, Moström, & Thomas, 2012). Professional development is a need for professionals to remain updated in their profession (Murphy, 2008). One way professional development occurs is through e-learning, which provides an environment that supports self-directed learning. It is also cost-effective (Hadwen & Galloway, 2008). The authors indicate the importance of professional development and e-learning. However, there is a lack of insight into understanding what motivates persons to engage in these activities. This study thus aims to understand the motivation for self-directed e-learning for professional development. A qualitative approach occurred via semi-structured interview questions, and findings show that people were the top motivator for this type of learning. Results also show that successful e-learning is applying the knowledge or skills learned, and accomplishing the learning goal. The top influential factors include positive emotions, popular search engines, and freedom of choice. Furthermore, persistence and critical thinking support the process, and hindrances had to do with access and disruptions. This thesis argues that autonomous extrinsic motivation is essential for understanding self-directed e-learning for professional development. Additionally, due to the many factors that influence social context, encouraging this form of professional development may be complicated, yet beneficial.
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Vad lockar vuxna individer att delta i Wresfit? : En kvantitativ studie av motivationsfaktorer och hinders påverkan på deltagandet i träningsformen / What attracts adult individuals to participate in Wresfit? : A quantitative study of how motivational factors and barriers affect participation in trainingJansson, Anton, Åkerblad, Thomas January 2020 (has links)
This quantitative study has been done in cooperation with the Swedish Wrestling Association within the research field of sport science. The sports movement in Sweden wants to get more individuals physically active and the Wrestling Association wants to be a part of this by introducing a new training form, called Wresfit. A form of physical training aimed at exercisers, old wrestlers, exercise wrestlers, sports teams, and people who have never before been in contact with neither wrestling or any other sport for that matter. In short, for anyone who wants to try a challenging form of training. The purpose of the study was to investigate what motivates and how barriers influences adult individuals to participate in Wresfit and to describe and compare patterns in participants' responses. To explain this, a psychological theory called Self-Determination theory was used, which is a simplification of reality to investigate people's motivation. Data was collected with the help of a web survey (n=95) among 25 different wrestling clubs in Sweden. The result showed some motivating factors that motivate adult individuals more than others. The highest-rated motivation factors were for the sake of strength, for joy, for the community, and good instructors. The results also show that there are some differences between people with and people without earlier wrestling background. Participants consider that barriers to not participating in the training form are that there is a lack of time, injury problems, laziness, and prejudice against the wrestling. The study's results conclude that in the responses, there were a lot of interesting explanations about problems and measures that the business should change to attract more people without previous wrestling experience.
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Gamifications påverkan på motivation att läsa hos barnAminoff, Erik, Wallén, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Studien avser att undersöka tillämpningen av gamification för att främja motivationen hos barn till att läsa böcker. För att mäta den upplevda inre och yttre motivationen användes det populära ramverket Self-determination theory. I studien undersöktes effekterna de tre frekvent använda designelementen poäng, ledartavla och avatarer genom att implementeras i en webbtjänst som användes för att registrera lästa böcker. Poängen samlades ihop genom att deltagaren läste och recenserade böcker, progressionen visualiserades på en ledartavla där poängen jämfördes med andra klasser, och avatarerna kunde uppgraderas successivt allt eftersom poängen stiger. Analysen visade hur respondenterna uppfattade respektive spelelement i tjänsten utifrån motivationsteorin Self-determination theory. Den visade även hur deras upplevelser skiljer sig i samband med de olika elementen, men att den överlag stämmer överens med den tidigare forskning som gjorts inom andra kontext. Slutsaten som drogs från studien var att resultatet och analysen indikerade att spelelementen avatarer, leaderboards och poäng kan skapa motivation att läsa hos elever mellan 7-11 år. Den visade även på att eleverna hade olika uppfattningar och påverkades olika av de olika elementen i tjänsten.
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Relationship Between Autonomous Motivation and Ego-DepletionHeilman, Mark A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Previous research has shown that exerting self-control on a demanding task can impair performance on a subsequent demanding self-control task. This phenomenon is known as ego-depletion; however, its underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Notable gaps in the literature exist regarding whether participants’ motivation levels can attenuate the depletion effect, and whether trait self-control is related. Drawing from the process model of depletion and the self-determination theory, the goal of the study was to examine whether motivational incentives in the form of autonomy can impact performance on tasks in an ego-depleted state, and the potential relationship of trait self-control. Amazon Mechanical Turk was utilized to conduct this experimental quantitative study with a 2 (ego-depletion: yes or no) x 2 (autonomous reward motivation: incentivized or nonincentivized) between-subjects factorial design. The effects of an autonomous motivational incentive were compared with the effects of no incentive on a convenience sample of online participants (N = 211), half of whom performed a task designed to be depleting of self-control resources, and half of whom performed a non-depleting task instead. Multivariate ANCOVAs showed no significant differences for performance on a subsequent self-control task for any of the experimental groups, and no co-variance of trait self-control was found (as measured by the Brief Self-Control Scale). This study will contribute to social change by increasing understanding of the factors contributing to self-control. This knowledge will be useful to anyone intending to strengthen their own willpower and achieve their goals, and may enable practitioners to better assist clients struggling with addictions and other maladaptive behaviors.
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Exploring the associations of students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards high-stake tests in Physical education. : a correlational study using Self-Determination TheoryHansson, Leonardo, Riesler, Simon January 2022 (has links)
This study explored the associations of students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards high-stake tests in Physical education. The study collected data with questionnaires from 81 Swedish compulsory school students. The questionnaires in this study were based on the Academic Motivation Scale. Furthermore, this study was based on Self-Determination Theory. In congruence with previous research, this study found that females received a significantly higher grade than male students. The results also suggest that there was no significant difference between the different test-groups actual performance. The results of the study concluded that there are no correlations between motivation [towards high-stake tests] and the actual performance of students. Moreover, students were more motivated by external regulation (receiving higher grades) than intrinsic motivation to know (to learn a skill for life). Students perceived higher test anxiety if they were to perform in front of their classmates. However, the test-groups did not perform statistically differently which then leads to the question on the necessities of using these forms of high-stake test since it does not increase performance but is perceived to be more stressful for students. Further research is necessary to draw any generalizable conclusions if there is any correlation between motivation, high-stake tests, and perceived test anxiety.
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Arbeta på kontor eller distans : En kvalitativ fallstudie baserad på den inre motivationen bland medarbetare på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea BankHolm, Sofie, Engström, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Det finns tidigare forskning om distansarbete och hur det samverkar med individersmotivationsupplevelser. Distansarbete har ökat i takt med den pågående Covid-19 pandeminoch Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer. Rekommendationerna har minimerats underen period men återinfördes efter några månader igen, studien avsåg att studera första periodenmed rekommendationer. Medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bank fick välja omde skulle arbeta på kontoret eller på distans. Syftet med studien var att undersöka denupplevda inre motivationen bland medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bankunder tiden med rekommendationer. Undersökningen utgår från Självbestämmandeteorinmed variablerna samhörighet, kompetens och autonomi samt Målsättningsteorin medvariablerna målsättning och feedback. En kvalitativ fallstudie har utförts med avgränsning tillbolåneavdelningen där fyra medarbetare från vardera grupp av arbetssituation har intervjuats.Resultatet visade utifrån Self-Determination Theory att samhörighet har varit viktigt och attkänsla av kompetens funnits under perioden. Autonomi visade på en delad uppfattning ochdet fanns en överensstämmande bild om låg feedback kultur. Hälften av samtligarespondenter har ansett att målsättningen varit hög, de på distans har trots det varit effektivaoch ökat prestationerna. Slutligen har de på distans och en på kontor enligt Goal-SettingTheory känt inre motivation medan de resterande har haft lägre nivå av inre motivation vilketspeglade prestationerna.
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Elevers upplevelse av olika motivationsformer i Idrott och Hälsa : En kvantitativ studie om elevers upplevelse om den generella motivationen i Idrott och Hälsa samt om olika motivationsformer har något samband med fysisk aktivitet efter studietid. / Students' experience of different forms of motivation in physical education : A quantitative study of students' experience of the general motivation in physical education and if different forms of motivation have something to do with physical activity after study time.Palmqvist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Motivation är något som behövs för att utöva en prestation, motivationen är även något som är väsentligt i skolan. Men hur ser motivationen ut idag och var kommer den ifrån? Efter min vfu period började jag se att elevernas motivation grundades i att få bra betyg istället för kunskap i ämnet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers generella motivation i Idrott och Hälsa samt om det finns något samband mellan olika motivationsformer under lektionstid och eleverna fysisk aktivitet efter studietid. Metod: Metoden som användes var en kvantitativ undersökning och en enkätundersökning som besvarades av 57 elever på en högstadieskola. Resultat: Resultatet som framgick var att den generella motivationen hos elever var bra (m=3,6). Tjejer (m=3,8) hade en högre generell motivation än killar (m=3,4). Det starkaste sambandet var mellan integrerad reglering och fysisk aktivitet efter studietid (r=0,77) även sambandet mellan identifierad reglering och fysisk aktivitet var starkt (r=0,66). Skillnaden mellan tjejer och killar var stor vad gäller samband och varierade noterbart. Diskussion: Resultaten visar att motivationen hos eleverna är bra men att tjejer har högre generell motivation till ämnet idrott och hälsa än killar som går emot forskningen, vilket kan bero på idrottskultur i staden där studien utfördes. Studien visade även att det finns positiva samband mellan motivationsformer och fysisk aktivitet efter studietid. Mellan könen varierar det väldigt mellan sambanden
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Motivation and Sense of Belonging: How Do They Impact College Students' Persistence to Graduation?Green, Marissa January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Novice Teachers' Sensemaking in an Era of Accountability: Implications for School LeadersMoulton, Hays K. 20 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Navigating the New Normal: Supporting Motivation in the Remote Workplace : From a Self determination TheoryLindberg, Martina, Steinmann, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Work motivation has been a topic of significance for a very long time, however, since there has been a recent shift towards remote work, traditional motivational theories might need to be reconsidered and applied to the new way of working. The self-determination theory (SDT) is one of many motivational theories, which says that once the three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are reached, individuals will experience high amounts of motivation. In order to dive deeper into the topic of motivation in remote work, the purpose of our study is therefore to explore this area of research by examining how managerial support measures could be aimed at ensuring the feeling of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and in turn manage to possibly sustain motivation among remote workers. With the aim of reaching and fulfilling the purpose of this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with five remote workers working in start-ups or SMEs within the IT sectors, or within companies with a digital focus. The data which we collected through interviews was then thematically analysed by careful coding and put into a variety of themes. Following the presentation of our findings was a meticulous analysis of the generated data, which was the base for our final conclusions drawn on the subject. From the findings, we were able to conclude that autonomy achieved high scores in remote work, and was without exceptions fulfilled for all of our interview subjects. Within competence, the most challenges were detected, however the right supporting measures, like facilitating information sharing, would be able to work against these issues. Lastly, relatedness is oftentimes severely lacking within remote work due to the implied distance, however due to conscious choices to work remotely, individuals will be aware of decreasing relatedness when they start their journey of working remotely. Nonetheless, supporting measures like organising social gatherings or workshops, can limit the lack of feeling relatedness in the remote workplace. This study can assist future researchers that are conducting studies within the growing remote work environment. Furthermore, it can help managers in the workplace to gain an updated view on motivation in remote working, and shift perspective to remotely adapted supporting measures.
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