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Trabalho e relacionamentos - encontros e desencontros em espaços diversos: as experiências de servidores do IFESBullerhahn, Iria 18 December 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-18 / Trabalhar no setor público tornou-se meta de uma grande parcela da população, visando não só a segurança como também outros benefícios que não são propiciados pela contratação baseada na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho. Em alguns casos, como no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo, que possui campus em diversos municípios do Estado, essa busca chegou ao ponto de os profissionais que moram em determinado município fazer concurso ou até mesmo no momento da nomeação aceitar ir para outro local diferente do seu. Essa pesquisa buscou compreender a dinâmica de vida pessoal e de trabalho dos Técnicos Administrativos em Educação (TAE) que estão lotados em campus de cidades do interior. Utilizou-se, para tanto, metodologia quali-quantitativa com triangulação concomitante, do tipo estratégia aninhada. Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de um questionário sociodemográfico e duas escalas (Significados do Trabalho e Bem-estar Psicológico) enviados a todos os TAE que trabalham em campi do interior, resultando em uma amostra de 125 participantes. De maneira complementar, foram realizadas 18 entrevistas a fim de explorar de forma mais detalhada os resultados obtidos. Os dados recebidos por meio do questionário foram tratados com utilização de estatística descritiva e de análise de conteúdo. Os dados das escalas passaram por Análise Fatorial Exploratória, aplicando-se estatística de Alpha de Cronbach para verificar a consistência interna dos fatores, sendo estes depois tratados por estatística descritiva. A entrevista semiestruturada foi objeto de uma análise de conteúdo, de forma complementar ao questionário. Os resultados quanto ao significado do trabalho para esses TAE mostram que a maioria considera o trabalho como uma das coisas mais importantes da vida. Os dois primeiros pontos na ordem de prioridade em relação ao trabalho e demais esferas da vida foram: família e trabalho. Sobre os Produtos Valorizados do Trabalho, os fatores mais expressivos foram: contato social, auto-expressiva e ambiente adequado, agradável e propício. Em relação às normas societais, os respondentes concordam que o empregado deve ter responsabilidade, ser comprometido e respeitar à hierarquia. Por outro lado, também concordam que tem direito à autonomia, ao desenvolvimento no seu trabalho, devendo a remuneração e as tarefas distribuídas serem justas. Além disso, os empregadores devem cuidar da saúde de seus empregados, como também manter um ambiente de trabalho agradável. Sobre o bem-estar psicológico, verificou-se que é importante trabalhar em um campus do interior, uma vez que isso proporciona um processo contínuo de desenvolvimento, permite seguir um propósito de vida, revelado pelo nível de auto-realização e de relações positivas com os outros. De modo geral, mudar de cidade; enfrentar problemas relacionais, de laços familiares e sociais não impactou nos significados do trabalho atribuído pelos TAE ou em seu bem-estar psicológico. Entretanto, o mesmo não se observa ao se comparar os resultados pelos campi de interior. Essa dissertação foi desenvolvida dentro da linha de pesquisa Gestão de Operações no Setor Público. O produto técnico resultante dessa dissertação consiste em um relatório de sugestões ao IFES de forma a melhorar a permanência dos TAE nesses locais.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Sentidos e Significados do Trabalho; Bem-estar Psicológico; Trabalho no Interior. / Working in the public sector has become the goal of a large portion of the population,
aiming not only for safety but also for other benefits that are not provided by
employment based on the Consolidation of Labor Laws. In some cases, such as the
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo, which has
a campus in several municipalities of the State, this search has reached the point
where the professionals who live in a certain municipality make a competition or even
at the time of the appointment accept go somewhere other than yours. This research
sought to understand how the Administrative Technicians in Education (TAE) who
took office in cities of the interior of Espírito Santo perceive their experiences of life
and work and the consequences of these experiences in their work and personal life.
Quali-quantitative methodology with concomitant triangulation of the nested strategy
type was used. The data were collected through the application of a
sociodemographic questionnaire and two scales (Meanings of Work and
Psychological Well-being) sent to all the TAE that work on the interior campuses,
resulting in a sample of 125 participants. Complementarily, 18 interviews were
carried out in order to explore in a more detailed way the results obtained. The data
received through the questionnaire were treated using descriptive statistics and
content analysis. The scales data were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis,
using Cronbach's Alpha statistics to verify the internal consistency of the factors,
which were then treated by descriptive statistics. The semi-structured interview was
the subject of a content analysis, in a way that complements the questionnaire. The
results as to the meaning of the work for these TAE show that most consider work to
be one of the most important things in life. The first two points in the order of priority
in relation to work and other spheres of life were: family and work. In relation to
Valued Products of Work, the most expressive factors were: social contact, selfexpressive
and adequate environment, pleasant and conducive. Regarding societal
norms, the respondents agree that the employee must be responsible, committed
and respect the hierarchy. On the other hand, they also agree that they have the right
to autonomy, to development in their work, and the remuneration and the tasks
distributed must be fair. In addition, employers must take care of the health of their
employees, as well as maintain a pleasant work environment. Regarding the
psychological well-being, it was found that it is important to work on a campus of the
interior, since it provides a continuous process of development, allows to follow a
way of life revealed by the level of self-realization and positive relationships with
others. In general, change of city; to deal with relational problems, family and social
ties did not impact on the meanings of the work attributed by TAE or on their
psychological well-being. However, the same is not observed when comparing the
results by indoor campuses. This dissertation was developed within the line of
research Operations Management in the Public Sector. The technical product
resulting from this dissertation consists of a report of suggestions to the Ifes in order
to improve the permanence of the TAE in those places.
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SINNLIG (sensuous) in Beijing : towards an Artistic EthnographyÅsa, Back January 2018 (has links)
Projektet bygger på åtta veckors fältarbete på en oberoende teater i Peking våren 2017,baserat på antropologisk och konstnärlig metod. Det är ett försök att utveckla begreppet konstnärlig etnografi, samt tillämpa det praktiskt. I detta är konsten inte huvudsakligen en produkt eller en presentationsform, utan ett sätt att tänka, att förhålla sig till världen. Materialet består av fältanteckningar, video, foto, rörelsematerial, personliga berättelser, minnen av dofter, ljud och smaker och någonting så vagt som stämning – stadens tempo, känslan i en repsituation… Hur kan scenen förmedla en plats och dess människor? Kan jag levandegöra mina upplevelser så att de blir angelägna för någon annan än mig själv? Det praktiska arbetet utgör ett försök att besvara dessa frågor. Vilka bilder har vi, och vad ser vi när vi speglar oss i varandra? Vad betyder det att våra världar redan är sammanflätade? Spegeln som bild och lek, träder fram både som tema och metod. Begrepp som exotism, representation och mötet med den andre diskuteras, liksom växlingen mellan identifikation och främmandegörande (”othering”) som en grund för förståelse. Hur påverkas människors liv av Kinas snabba samhällsförändringar, balansgången mellan socialism och kapitalism? Och vilken roll har scenkonsten i detta? Här diskuteras frågor om yttrandefrihet, liksom relationen mellan politik och spelstil, så kallad ”fejk realism”. Frågorna knyts samman genom en diskussion om autenticitet, följd av en betraktelse om utanförskap, för att slutligen återvända till det personliga mötet, till en berättelse om kontaktsökande – om vänskap. / This project is based on eight weeks of fieldwork at an independent theatre in Beijing in the spring of 2017, based on anthropological and artistic methods. It is an attempt to develop the concept artistic ethnography, and apply it practically. In this, art is seen not mainly as a product or a form of presentation, but as a way of thinking, of relating to the world. The material consists of field notes, video, pictures, movement material, personal stories, the memories of smells, sounds and tastes and of something as vague as atmosphere – the pace of the city, the feeling of a rehearsal situation... How can the stage render a place and its people? Can I bring my experiences to life, making them relevant for anybody else? The practical artistic work with an exposition is an attempt to answer these questions. What images do we have, and what do we see when we mirror each other? What does it mean that our worlds are already intertwined? The mirror as image and play appear both as a theme and a method. Concepts like exoticism, representation and the encounter with the other are discussed, as well as the movement between identification and othering, contributing to understanding. How are people’s lives affected by China’s rapid social changes, balancing between socialism and capitalism? What role do the performing arts have in this? Questions about freedom of expression are discussed, along with the relation between politics and styles of acting, the so called “fake realism”. The research questions are tied together in a discussion of authenticity, to finally return to the personal encounter and a story of seeking contact, of friendship. / <p>Sinnlig - the movie finns länkad dels i dokumentet och dels som egen fil</p> / Movit –Direction and Dramaturgy of movement based Performing Arts
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D'une confrontation traumatisante à une rencontre libératrice : éducation non formelle et conditions d'une réciprocité relationnelle sourds-entendants / From a traumatic confrontation to a liberating meeting : non-formal education and reciprocity conditions in deaf and hearing people relationsSargsyan-Sablong, Anna 06 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse des relations interpersonnelles entre les sourds et les entendants, qui partagent de multiples frontières : spatiales, sociales, ou intersubjectives. L’incompatibilité communicationnelle entre eux envoie aux barrières relationnelles et interactionnelles, générant des rapports déséquilibrés entre la société dominante entendante et la minorité sourde. D’une part dans son espace social le sourd est confronté aux incapacités d’expression authentique freinant son affirmation identitaire et affectent son image sociale. D’autre part l’entendant est heurté à des blocages communicationnels qui rendent son parcours émotionnellement éprouvant. Questionnant cet éternel processus d’échec communicationnel, l’objectif de ce travail est de mieux réfléchir à un rapprochement possible des sujets sourds et entendants au-delà du partage des connaissances linguistiques, et cela par le biais de transformation de l’espace social en celui d’apprentissage. La recherche a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’éducation non formelle, en mettant en place une rencontre multiculturelle, qui a réuni en 2011 des jeunes sourds et entendants de 18 à 30 ans, provenant de France, d’Arménie, d’Allemagne et de Biélorussie. Utilisant des outils pédagogiques adaptés, les participants ont été invités à créer leurs propres modes de communication, essayant de dépasser les barrières linguistiques, mais aussi celles représentationnelles et personnelles pour surmonter les obstacles qui les différencient. La recherche a été focalisée particulièrement sur le parcours du sujet entendant. Les analyses ont permis de modéliser le parcours observé de l’entendant dans un espace d’apprentissage, avec une possible évolution du sens projetée vers une tri-dimension spatiale et temporelle, c’est-à-dire Eros (sensitif-affectif), Logos (socio-cognitif), et Muthos (ouverture vers une dynamique de questionnement. / The purpose of this thesis is to focus on interpersonal relationships between deaf and hearing people who share multiple borders - spatial, social and intersubjective. The communicative incompatibility leads to relational and interactional barriers, generating an unbalanced relationship between the dominant hearing society and deaf minority. From one side, a deaf person constantly faces a social space where they’re not able to express themselves authentically, which hinders their identity affirmation and affects their social image. From the other side the hearing person encounters communicational obstacles that make their emotional experience difficult.Questioning the abovementioned eternal communicative failure process, the objective of this research study is to think about a possible deaf and hearing rapprochement beyond of sharing of language skills through the transformation of social spaces into learning ones. The current study was conducted in the context of non-formal education, by establishing a multicultural meeting of among, young deaf and hearing people from 18 to 30 years in France, Armenia, Germany and Belarus in 2011. Developing appropriate pedagogical tools, participants have been invited to create their own forms of communication, trying to overcome language barriers, but also the representational and personal ones, in order to overcome relational distances. This study particularly focused on the hearing participant’s personal experience. The analyses lead the researcher to model the observed hearing participant’s experiences of the learning space, in a possible evolution of sense, projected along spatial and temporal tri-dimension – Eros (sensory -emotional) , Logos (socio- cognitive) and Muthos (openness to new self-questioning capacities) .
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Sinnesmarknadsföring : En studie om hur IKEA tillämpar sinnesstimuli i sin framställning / Sensory Marketing : A study of how IKEA applies sensory stimuli in their servicescapeToma, Maria, Möller, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Syfte Studien syftar till att undersöka hur IKEA praktiskt använder sinnesstimuli för att påverka konsumenternas köpbeteenden och redogöra vilka utmaningar företag kan stå inför vid applicering av sinnesmarknadsföring. Metod Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och ett induktivt angreppssätt. Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av två intervjuer med författare inom ämnet och två observationer på IKEA under olika tillfällen. Urvalet valdes utifrån ett strategiskt urval. Slutsatser Efter genomförd studie kan vi konstatera att det föreligger ett omedvetet arbete med sinnesmarknadsföring. IKEA anammar samtliga sinnen i sin servicemiljö, vissa i mindre omfattning än andra, där synsinnet är mest dominerande. Utmaningarna som företag står inför vid applicering av sinnesuttryck är framförallt brist på kunskap. / Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how IKEA practically uses emotional stimulus to influence consumers purchasing behavior and to explain the challenges that companies face when applying sensory marketing. Method This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach. The survey was conducted through two interviews with authors highly involved in the matter and by observations in IKEA during two separate occasions. They are based on a strategic selection. Conclusions After completed study we found that there is an unconscious work with sensory marketing. IKEA embraces all the senses in its servicescape, some less than others, where sight is the most dominant. The challenges companies encounter with application of sensory expression is mainly due to lack of knowledge.
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Odorama V2 : tentative de médiation technologique de la synesthésie tactile-olfactivePiguet, Géraldine 11 1900 (has links)
La synesthésie est une condition neurocognitive bénigne où les sujets porteurs de cette différence expérimentent des associations sensorielles de manière automatique, involontaire et idiosyncratique. Chez eux, les informations issues d’une modalité sensorielle telle que la vue, entraînent simultanément l’expression des modalités d’autres sens, tel que l’odorat. Cette particularité serait présente chez environ 4 % de la population mondiale (Hubbard, 2007). Il existe des dizaines de formes répertoriées (Day, 2011) et la teneur de leur expression varie d’un individu à l’autre (Simner, 2013). La synesthésie tactile-olfactive est présente chez 0,3 % des synesthètes (Day, 2011). Elle entraîne des perceptions olfactives selon les textures et autres sensations tactiles. La synesthésie a plusieurs impacts sur le quotidien des synesthètes, car elle affecte notamment leur façon de percevoir et de ressentir leur environnement. Puisqu’il s’agit d’une forme de développement neurocognitif alternatif (Ward, 2019), il peut être considéré comme un type de neurodiversité à part entière. Les expériences synesthésiques sont difficilement exprimables par le langage, ce qui peut provoquer un sentiment d’exclusion (Nielsen et al., 2013). Une des façons de favoriser l’inclusion est l’empathie (Masten, Morelli et Eisenberg, 2011), qui peut être suscitée grâce à des œuvres et des expositions artistiques qui impliquent l’engagement physique des spectateurs (Raboisson, 2014). Nous avons donc tenté de créer une expérience artistique permettant aux participants d’expérimenter avec leur corps les effets de la synesthésie tactile-olfactive. Cependant, il n’existait pas de média capable de réaliser la médiation de ce phénomène sensoriel. Nous nous sommes donc attelées à la conception et à la réalisation d’un tel artefact. En appliquant la méthodologie de la recherche-création, et en particulier les principes du mouvement DIY du « faire », nous avons créé un prototype de machine simulant les effets de la synesthésie tactile-olfactive. Toutefois, cette entreprise de création d’un dispositif de médiation technologique s’est révélée ardue et notre création finale ne ressemble pas exactement au prototype que nous espérions produire. Nous sommes allées aussi loin que nos compétences techniques nous le permettaient pour livrer un objet qui nécessiterait des améliorations futures. Le présent mémoire présente le cadre conceptuel et théorique ainsi que le processus de création dudit artefact. Grâce aux enseignements tirés de l’analyse de notre pratique, nous concluons qu’il existe plusieurs enjeux sociaux et techniques dans la pratique du « faire » en tant que méthode de création d’artefacts technologiques. Nous discutons finalement le rôle qu’un tel projet de recherche-création peut jouer dans la sensibilisation du public vis-à-vis des phénomènes neurocognitifs que sont la synesthésie et la neurodiversité. / Synesthesia is a benign neurological condition in which subjects experience an automatic, involuntary and idiosyncratic cross-activation of the senses. For them, the information from one sensory modality (e.g. sight) triggers a response from another sensory modality (e.g. smell). This condition is estimated to be present in at least 4% of the population (Hubbard, 2007). Dozens of forms of synesthesia exist, and their expression varies from one individual to the next (Simner, 2013). Smell-touch synesthesia affects around 0.3% of the synesthete population (Day, 2011). It induces olfactory perceptions according to textures and other tactile sensations. Synesthesia impacts the day-to-day lives of synesthetes, as it affects the way they perceive and feel their environment. Since it is a form of divergent neurocognitive development (Ward, 2019), it can be considered a form of neurodiversity. Like any form of neurodiversity, its manifestations are difficult to express with language. This can lead to feelings of exclusion (Day, 2005; Nielsen et al., 2013). One way to promote inclusion is through empathy (Masten, Morelli, & Eisenberg, 2011), which can be facilitated through physically engaging artworks and exhibitions (Raboisson, 2014). Our goal was to create an artistic experience that allows participants to physically experience the reality of touch-smell synesthesia. However, as there was no media able to mediate this sensory phenomenon, we tried to understand how to design and build one. By applying a research-creation methodology, and in particular the principles of the DIY “maker movement,” we intended to create a prototype capable of simulating the effects of touch-smell synesthesia. However, this process of creating a device for the technological mediation of the senses proved to be a difficult one, and our final prototype is not exactly what we hoped to produce. We went as far as our technical skills allowed us to and we delivered an object that would require some future improvements. This present Master’s thesis presents the conceptual and theoretical frameworks as well as the process of creating this artefact. Based on the lessons learned from our practice analysis, we conclude that there are several social and technical issues that need to be addressed in the “maker” practice as a method for creating technological artifacts. Finally, we discuss the role that such a research-creation project can play in raising public awareness of synesthesia and neurodiversity.
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Hur vår sinnesstämningen påverkas av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap : En konceptdriven undersökning av hur en användarupplevelse skulle kunna designas för att öka kontakten med vår nära omgivning / How our senses and mood are affected by an augmented soundscape : A concept driven study of how a user experience could be designed to enhance our engagement with our everyday surroundingsNyström, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Nyfikenhet och känsla av att kontakt med vår omgivning är viktigt för vårt välbefinnande. Däremot bidrar kombinationen av att vara hemmablind och mobiltelefonens tjuvande av vår uppmärksamhet till att vi distanserar än mer från den. Genom att engagera människor genom ljud för att rikta vår uppmärksamhet mot omgivningen och bort från mobiltelefonen kan man väcka nyfikenheten till liv, och på så sätt få ökad kontakt med omgivningen. En konceptdriven designstudie ligger till grund för ett designkoncept som den här kandidatuppsatsen presenterar. Syftet är att studien skall skall bidra med insikter och lärdomar för framtida forskning inom området. Arbetet undersöker hur användarupplevelsen av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap potentiellt kan designas för att människor ska få ökad kontakt med sin omgivning. I en empiriskt studie får deltagarna jämföra hur deras sinnesstämning påverkas av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap med det naturliga ljudlandskapet i en, för dem, känd miljö. Resultatet visar att det går att påverka användarens sinnesstämning, men att det råder delade meningar om den ger ökad kontakt med omgivningen. Slutsatsen blir att; sinnesstämningen påverkas olika, vilket kan bero på vilka personliga preferenser användaren redan har med sig. / Curiosity and a sense of connection with our everyday environment is important for our well-being. However, the combination of not being able to appreciate what is close to us and smartphones stealing our attention just makes a larger gap between us and everyday environments. By engaging people through sound to direct our focus towards our surroundings and away from the smartphone, you can bring your curiosity to life, and in that way get an enhanced connection to the everyday environment. This paper presents a design concept based on a study made with a Concept-Driven Design method. The purpose of the suggested design concept is that the insights and knowledge that is drawn from it can be used to help future research within the field. This paper examines how a user experience of an augmented soundscape could be designed for people to enhance their connection to their surroundings. In an empirical study, participants get to compare how their mood is affected by a natural soundscape compared to an augmented soundscape in an everyday environment. The result shows that all of the participants' mood was affected by the soundscape, however when it comes to enhanced connection to their surroundings only 40% of the participants said it did. A conclusion was made that the mood is affected differently depending on personal preferences and previous experience.
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Tactile Stories : My Collection of Embodied Memories From an Act of LearningSmedeland, Nadia January 2022 (has links)
In my thesis project, I am questioning how we, as interior architects, can design and use material in a creative, sustainable and sensory way when the common workflow of our practice is becoming increasingly more digital and distanced, when quality and prices are being pressured by the consumer system and when production, to a great extent, has moved to developing countries. I believe that when we distance ourselves from the practical knowledge and process of making, we are also distancing ourselves from understanding how our bodies inhabit the world. How are we to design meaningful and multi-sensory spatial experiences, create something to connect and care for, when we are working from a distance, far away beyond the horizon? In my view, all spatial experiences are multi-sensory, meaning that we experience them through more senses than our gaze. Therefore, I believe it is important to practice as an interior architect through embodied methods of making, not limiting our understanding of space to two-dimensional representations such as computer models or drawings. Through tactile, slow and repetitive hands-on practice, I learn about the material wood and its sensory qualities and let the material guide me in my process. My project shows my collection of embodied memories from that learning process in an archive of wooden pieces and three pieces of furniture. All telling a tactile story of their own to be experienced with our senses.
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Upplevelser av butiksatmosfärer med materiella och immateriella faktorer i fokus : En fallstudie av Porsche Center i Segeltorp och i MalmöLindberg, Celine, Forsstedt, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the bachelor’s thesis is to examine whether the atmospheric experience differs between two different stores within the same brand, depending on tangible and intangible elements. The authors have focused on how certain selected elements have been implemented in the store environments, to identify whether these can steer the atmospheric experience in different directions. The research question in the study is: Do the atmospheric experiences differ between stores within the same brand, depending on tangible and intangible elements in the store environment? To investigate the research question, three semi-structured interviews were conducted (one interview for Porsche Center Segeltorp and two interviews for Porsche Center Malmö). The respondents were representatives with experience in the research area, such as the CEO and marketing managers. In addition, participatory observations were performed at Porsche Center Segeltorp and Porsche Center Malmö, with focus on tangible (for instance textiles and furnishings) and intangible elements (for instance colors and scents) within the store environments. The findings from the observations and interviews show that different implemented tangible and intangible elements in a store environment result in different atmospheric experiences. The added scent at Porsche Center Malmö had an impact on the observers’ atmospheric impression, where the scent had a stronger association with the brand rather than the store environment. In addition, the bright colors and light inputs contributed to the observers' perception of the store environment as larger, which gave an intuition of exclusivity. Furthermore, the observers state that the sense of taste does not occur naturally in the atmosphere. Thus, it cannot trigger gastronomic experiences. However, the results do also show that the staff hospitality contributed to an increased level of well-being by offering snacks and beverages, which in turn improved the overall experience of the atmosphere in the store. Intangible elements such as scent and color have been shown to have a major impact on how the atmosphere is experienced by the recipient. Thus, it can be to a company's advantage to take both tangible and intangible elements into consideration, in order to steer the recipient's atmospheric experience in the desired direction. / Kandidatuppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om upplevelsen av butiksatmosfären i två butiker inom samma varumärke, skiljer sig från varandra beroende på materiella och immateriella faktorer i butiksmiljön. I undersökningsprocessen har författarna lagt fokus på om skillnader i utvalda materiella och immateriella faktorer kan styra atmosfärupplevelsen i olika riktningar. Frågeställningen som undersöks är: Kan upplevelsen av butiksatmosfären skilja sig mellan butiker inom samma varumärke beroende på materiella och immateriella faktorer i butiksmiljön? För att undersöka detta har tre semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts (en intervju för Segeltorp och två intervjuer för Malmö). Respondenterna är väl insatta inom ämnet, såsom verkställande direktör och marknadsansvariga. Dessutom har en deltagande observationer utförts på Porsche Center Segeltorp och Porsche Center Malmö, där författarna till studien har observerat butiksatmosfären i syfte att analysera valda materiella (till exempel textilier och inredning) och immateriella faktorer (till exempel färger och dofter) i butiksmiljön. Resultatet visar att skillnad i materiella och immateriella faktorer inom en butiksmiljö resulterar i olika upplevelser av atmosfären. Den tillsatta doften på Porsche Center Malmö hade en inverkan på mottagarens upplevelse av atmosfären, där doften fick en starkare association till varumärket än till butiksmiljön. Dessutom bidrog den ljusa kulören och stora ljusinsläppet i butiken till att observatörerna upplevde atmosfären som större, vilket gav en intuition av exklusivitet. Vidare konstaterar observatörerna att smaksinnet inte förekommer naturligt i atmosfären, och kan därmed inte utlösa gastronomiska upplevelser. Resultatet visar dock att personalens gästvänlighet mot observatörerna, i form av att erbjuda dem något att dricka och äta, bidrog till ett ökat välbefinnande som i sin tur bidrog till en förbättrad helhetsupplevelse av atmosfären. Immateriella faktorer såsom doft och kulör har visat sig ha stor inverkan på huruvida atmosfären upplevs av mottagaren. Därmed kan det vara till ett företags fördel att fästa anseende vid samtliga faktorer i syfte att styra mottagarens atmosfärupplevelse i önskad riktning.
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Att inkludera estetiska lärprocesser i svenskundervisning : Möjligheter och utmaningar ur lärares perspektiv / To Include Aesthetic Learning Processes in Swedish Teaching : Opportunities and Challenges from Teachers´PerspectiveFagerberg, Martha January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge about teachers’ attitudes towards aesthetic learning processes and how they, based on their perception of opportunities and obstacles, chose to include aesthetic elements in Swedish teaching. The study focused on the teachers’ perceptions, which means that the analysis of collected data material has a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews were used as a method to collect material. Eight active Swedish teachers working in grades 4-6 chose to participate in the study. They participated in individual digital interviews. The teachers in this study were positive about working with aesthetic learning processes, as it was seen as engaging and knowledge-enhancing for the students. However, the teachers’ own attitudes towards working aesthetically differed between the teachers. Some expressed that they enjoyed working aesthetically, while others felt greater uncertainty and ignorance within certain aesthetic forms of expression. Uncertainty was seen as an obstacle. Other perceived challenges were lack of time, lack of resources, assessment difficulties and that aesthetic activities were not prioritized. The result showed that the teachers would like increased access to resources and requested competence development in the area. The result revealed a connection between teachers’ knowledge of, interest in and application of aesthetic learning processes. / Syftet med denna studie var att fördjupa kunskaperna kring lärares inställning till estetiska lärprocesser samt hur de utifrån sin uppfattning om möjligheter och hinder valde att inkludera estetiska inslag i svenskundervisningen. Undersökningen fokuserade på lärares uppfattningar, vilket betyder att analysen av insamlat datamaterial har en fenomenografisk ansats. För att samla in material användes semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. Åtta verksamma svensklärare som arbetar i årskurs 4–6 valde att delta i studien och deltagandet skedde genom enskilda digitala intervjuer. Lärarna i studien var positivt inställda till att arbeta med estetiska lärprocesser, då det sågs som engagerande och kunskapsstärkande för eleverna. Lärarnas egen inställning till att arbeta estetiskt skilde sig dock mellan lärarna. Några uttryckte att de tyckte mycket om att själva arbeta estetiskt medan andra kände större osäkerhet och okunskap inom vissa estetiska uttrycksformer. Osäkerheten sågs som ett hinder. Andra upplevda utmaningar var brist på tid, brist på resurser, bedömningssvårigheter och att estetisk verksamhet inte prioriterades. Resultatet visade att lärarna önskade ökad tillgång till resurser samt efterfrågade kompetensutveckling inom området. I studien framkom ett samband mellan lärarnas kunskap kring, intresse för och tillämpning av estetiska lärprocesser.
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Termální lázně Yverdon, pět smyslů v architektuře / Thermal baths Yverdon, five senses in architectureČermáková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Thesis on thermal bath spa in Yverdon solves problems of nowadays inadequate necessities of the spa area and the anticipated future direction of the city.
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