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Exploring the influence of store atmospherics on consumers' buying behaviour in apparel retail stores : an exploratory study in TshwaneNell, Corinne 02 1900 (has links)
This research study aims to obtain a holistic view of the area of store
atmospherics, which forms part of the retail industry. A consumer-centred
response approach was followed. Store atmospherics and its influence on
consumers’ buying behaviour has received very little attention in the literature to
date. Consumers’ views on in-store atmospheric elements and the influence of
these elements on their buying behaviour were obtained. The primary research
aim that was derived from the preliminary literature was therefore to explore the
influence of store atmospherics on consumers’ buying behaviour in apparel
retail stores in the Tshwane region. The type of research design used in this
study was exploratory, making use of a qualitative approach and a
communicative technique of interviews. The selected method was focus group
interviews and naïve sketches. The data gathered was analysed by means of
Tesch’s inductive descriptive coding technique, better known as thematic
analysis. It was found that atmospheric elements have the ability to influence
consumers in either a subconscious or a conscious way. This has a direct
influence on the amount of time that consumers will spend in-store and ultimately
influences their buying decisions and behaviour either positively or negatively.
This had a direct influence on the amount of time that consumers will spend instore
and ultimately influences their buying decisions and behaviours either
positively or negatively, meaning that the consumers’ will display either an
approach- or avoidance behaviour. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Endogenic Production : subjective matter and bodily involvementStällborn, Nils January 2022 (has links)
The word endogenic means growing or proceeding from within, it is commonly used to describe the process of tectonic movement and earth crust formation caused by the extrusion of magmatic material. My project is a metaphorical exploration of the geological term “endogenic process” as well as an exploration of a design approach based on the term.The work explores soft form-bearing structures and textile bodies that contrast in relation to the hard framework of the rectangular room. It touches on material hierarchies in the living environment and the field of spatial design. The research explores the relationship between interior bodies and spatial frameworks. It aims to highlight the importance of the subject within the framework of the rectangular space that divides the interior of most buildings. My work involves exploring the endogenic process as a way of relating to the creative process and through the use of soft structures and drapery creating furniture that engages people with the spatial framework of the rectangular room. It is an exploration of spatial furniture that constitutes a connection and physical involvement between bodies and space, a kind of furniture providing a multiplicity of possibilities.
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The relationship between touch sensation of the hand and occupational performance in individuals with chronic strokeHill, Valerie A. 11 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Stroke is the main cause of disability in the United States. Individuals with stroke commonly report sensory impairment affects their recovery. Motor recovery and sensory impairment are related and impact individuals’ ability to perform valued occupations. Despite the prevalence of sensation impairment after stroke, many occupational therapists fail to include sensation assessment and intervention in treatment planning. The exclusion of sensation in occupational therapy interventions during stroke rehabilitation may be due to the lack of literature supporting the association between sensation and occupational performance. The current study aimed to determine the relationship between touch sensation of the affected hand and occupational performance and satisfaction in individuals with chronic stroke. Using a cross-sectional study design, this study associated factors related to hand sensation and function in individuals with chronic stroke. Fifty individuals with chronic stroke participated in a one-time testing session in which assessments related to sensation, movement of the hand and engagement in daily activities were administered. Correlation analyses were utilized to determine relationships between touch sensation of the affected hand with individuals’ abilities to engage in valued daily activities, arm and hand disability, and manual abilities. The main finding of the study was that individuals with intact sensation reported greater ability to perform valued occupations and satisfaction with their performance, as compared with individuals with touch sensation impairment. For individuals with impaired touch sensation of the affected hand, impairment of touch sensation of the hand did not correlate with individuals’ performance or satisfaction with valued occupations, arm or hand movement, or manual abilities. Collectively, the results of this study reflect the complex interaction between touch sensation, occupational performance, motor functioning, and manual abilities of the affected hand for individuals’ who have experienced a stroke. This study informs therapists, rehabilitation scientists, and other healthcare professionals that client-centered, individualized approaches, including a wide array of clinical assessments and intervention, including assessment of occupational performance and sensation, remain important components in stroke rehabilitation.
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Text and Tapestry: "The Lady and the Unicorn," Christine de Pizan and the le VistesWilliams, Shelley 21 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The luminous, famous and enigmatic The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries are timelss objects at the center of heated scholarly discussion. There are six tapestries, created circa 1480-1500 (figures 1 – 6), and were commissioned by the le Viste family of Lyon, whose heraldic arms appear in each tapestry. This paper seeks to connect the tapestries conceptually to contemporary courtly, feminine ideals, the image of woman in late fifteenth-century Paris, and most importantly to Christine de Pizan's writings, particularly City of Ladies and The Treasury of the City of Ladies, both written in 1405. Through her texts, Christine de Pizan (1363 – 1434) created a noble, dignified image of women that may have influenced the way viewers were intended to perceive The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. While recent scholarly studies have connected the tapestries to contemporary texts, there has not been a discussion regarding Christine de Pizan's influential writings, their surrounding discourse, or the image of a woman as the visual embodiment of the le Viste family in connection to the tapestries. Specific passages in Christine's texts resemble motifs, objects, and underlying messages in The Lady and the Unicorn. While Christine's works may not have been the direct inspiration for the tapestries, both are a part of the visual and textual make-up of the abstracted feminine ideals that were circulating in Paris and France at large in the fifteenth century. The Lady and the Unicorn may also have had a didactic purpose similar to Christine's Treasury of the City of Ladies, displaying for the le Viste daughters through a visual medium the attributes of the ideal maiden. Exploring the cultural context in which The Lady and the Unicorn was created, specifically as it relates to women in society, the upper class, expectations for young maidens, visual and written moral messages for women and their artistic manifestations provides a new understanding of these exceptional tapestries.
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Labor lurking under the surface of glass : Discussion between the visible and invisibleStåhl, Rosita January 2023 (has links)
This text is about visibility and invisibility of work and labor through research from history and present time and through my own work, process and thinking. Through these topics I want to raise discussions and make comments in the field of craft and glass. To evoke our senses and feelings through video, sound and perception of the work and installations together with the properties of glass. To discuss that there are underlying layers of a work of glass that we see in a museum or gallery space. Why some information is visible, and some is lost by the presented state. Is the material and finished product that we see more important than the underlying layers and process? Can we change how we present and document our pieces with information better? Together with the labor of my interest, there is also about the loss of an industry and a personal loss of the time I had there coming to an end.
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På Jakt Efter Teaterns Smak Och Dramats Arom : En Studie Om Sinnena Och Synestesi Som Pedagogisk Resurs Inom Drama- Och Teater-Estetiska LärprocesserSánchez, Harón January 2023 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker sinnena och synestesi som pedagogisk resurs inom det drama-och teaterpedagogiska fältet. Covid-19-restriktionerna under 2020/21 ledde till anpassningar i studien där empiri från fysiska träffar föll bort. Syftet är att lyfta fram sinnena och synestesis roll i drama- och teater-estetiska lärprocesser ur ett fördjupat teoretiskt och ett praktiskt empiriskt perspektiv. Framför allt ur ett multilitteracitetspedagogisk teoretiskt perspektiv och med stöd av L.S. Vygotskis tankar om föreställningsförmåga/fantasi, Augusto Boal´s begrepp om det estetiska rummet och M. Merleau-Ponty syn på synestesi blir viktiga. Metodansatsen som stödjer syftet består av olika fenomenologiskt inspirerade metoder som fokuserar på individens egen erfarenhet. Hela studien genomfördes på två enskilda faser; en fördjupad litteraturgenomgång som kan anses som en litteraturstudie, ett essäskrivande vars empiriska material är två väldokumenterade tidigare drama- och teater-estetiska lärprocesser. Allt insamlat empiriskt material analyserades och kontrasterades med de valda teorier och begrepp. Resultatet i studien visar på en stor inverkan av sinnena på hela barnens kognitiva och kreativa utveckling. I ett pedagogisk/konstnärlig sammanhang visar det sig att sinnena är avgörande bland annat för en optimal förståelse i utövandet av metaxis, en process där eleven/skådespelaren agerar i karaktär och i det indirekt upptäcker den egna individens erfarenheter. Studien identifierar synestesi som ett icke-neurologiskt tillstånd och som en förmåga som kan främjas i drama- och teater-pedagogik och som dessutom blir mer identifierbar inom strukturerade ritualer. Ur ett större pedagogiskt sammanhang belyser studien drama- och teater-estetiska lärprocessers multimodalitet med hjälp av multilitteracitetspedagogisk teori. Detta i sin tur bidrar till att nyansera den “mediepanik debatten” och vidgar diskussionen om den traditionella skolans begränsade syn på multimodalitet och bruket av det i relation till ny medieteknologi. / This qualitative study aims to explore the senses and Synaesthesia as a pedagogical resource in the field of Applied theatre and drama. The Covid-19 restrictions during 2020/21 led to adaptations in the study, where empirical data from physical meetings were not included. The purpose is to highlight the role of the Senses and Synaesthesia in Drama and theatre-aesthetic learning processes, from an in-depth theoretical and a practical empirical perspective. In the theoretical framework become relevant especially the Multiliteracy pedagogical theoretical perspective and with the support of L.S. Vygotsky’s Theory of Imagination, Augusto Boal's concept of The Aesthetic space and M. Merleau-Ponty's view on Synaesthesia. The methodological approach that supports the purpose, consists of various phenomenologically inspired methods that focus on the individual's own experience. The entire study was carried out in 2 individual phases; an in-depth literature review that can be considered as a literature study, an essay writing whose empirical material is two well-documented previous Drama and theatre aesthetic learning processes. All collected empirical material was analysed and contrasted with the chosen theories and concepts. The results of the study show a great impact of the Senses on the cognitive and creative development of the infant. In an educational/artistic context, it appears that the Senses are crucial, among other things, for an optimal understanding in the practice of Metaxis, a process in which the student/actor acts in character and in doing so indirectly discovers his/her own individual experience. The study identifies Synaesthesia as a non-neurological condition and as an ability that can be promoted in pedagogy and that, moreover, becomes more identifiable within structured rituals. In a wider pedagogical context, the study highlights the multimodality of Drama and theatre aesthetic learning processes using Multiliteracy pedagogical theory. This in turn helps to nuance the so-called debate “media panic” and broadens the discussion on the traditional school's limited view of Multimodality and its use in relation to new media technology.
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[pt] No mercado editorial, o livro eletrônico didático tem sido encarado como um grande ponto de interrogação tanto pela adoção em sala de aula quanto por sua cadeia produtiva, muito porque sua demanda foi criada a reboque da revolução digital e não foi possível estruturar um processo ou uma expertise na sua constituição como produto da indústria cultural. As principais editoras brasileiras do ramo, neste contexto, criaram suas coleções a partir do modelo adotado no livro impresso incluindo recursos digitais a medida que a tecnologia permite e que o mercado vem aceitando para compor o livro eletrônico didático. Neste processo, o papel do designer gráfico tornou-se passível de questionamento e porque não dizer reestruturação, oportunidade a qual me parece essencial a descobrir entendendo as nuances dos agentes envolvidos no processo, mas também aberto a entender a cadeia produtiva e mais precisamente o uso em sala de aula, a participação do professor e a performance do aluno frente ao recurso digital. Parto do seguinte questionamento: qual é a contribuição do designer na produção do livro didático eletrônico para que ofereça uma experiência de uso que favoreça o processo de ensino aprendizagem? Para tentar responder a essa pergunta, esta pesquisa se debruça sobre a análise dos componentes digitais do livro didático eletrônico cujo objetivo é mapear, estabelecer conexões e parâmetros para esses recursos que são componentes do objeto de pesquisa. O livro escolhido faz parte do catálogo da Editora Learning Factory S.A é identificado como book app, no que tange sua classificação como livro eletrônico. A metodologia para análise parte de uma pesquisa documental para escolha e critérios de seleção do volume a ser estudado, de cunho exploratório e posteriormente segue o estudo de caso relacionado. Pensar o uso é de extrema importância para se delinear outras possibilidades do papel do designer gráfico como mediador na produção de recursos didáticos, entendendo também sua importância e responsabilidade social na sua práxis cotidiana. Portanto essa pesquisa vem a se somar a outras do mesmo campo dando sua contribuição ao ligar os pontos diretamente relacionados entre produtores/agentes e usuários e público, distantes pelas rotinas, orçamentos e cronogramas dos escritórios, num espaço de reflexão e análise dentro do ambiente
acadêmico. / [en] In the publishing market, the electronic textbook has been seen as a great question mark both for adoption in the classroom and for its production chain, much because its demand was created in the wake of the digital revolution and it was not possible to structure a process or a expertise in its constitution as a product of the cultural industry. The main Brazilian publishers in this field have created their collections
based on the model adopted in the printed book, including digital resources as technology allows and that the market has accepted to compose the electronic textbook. In this process, the role of the graphic designer became questionable and why not say restructuring, which seems essential to me to understand the nuances of the agents involved in the process, but also think about the production chain and more precisely the use in the classroom, the participation of the teacher and the performance of the student in front of the digital resource. Based on the question about the contribution of the designer in a production of the electronic textbook in a way the can enhance the learners experience. In order to answer this question,
this research focuses on the analysis of the digital components of the electronic textbook whose purpose is to map, establish connections and parameters for those resources that are components of the research object. The chosen book is part of the catalogue of Learning Factory S.A / Cultura Inglesa and is identified as book app, regarding its classification as electronic book. The methodology for analysis is based on a documentary research for the selection criteria of the volume to be studied, with an exploratory nature and later follows the related study case. To think about the use is of extreme importance to delineate other possibilities of the role of graphic designer as mediator in the production of learning resources, understanding also their importance and social responsibility in their everyday praxis. Therefore, this research comes to add to others of the same field giving their contribution in connecting the directly related points between stakeholders, distant by the routines, budgets and schedules of the offices, in a space of reflection and analysis within the academic field.
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Rytmen bor i mina steg : En rytmanalytisk studie om kropp, stad och kunskap / The rhythm lives in my steps : A rhythm-analytical study of body, city and knowledgeJohansson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings together a fascination with the city and a keen interest in the knowledge process. The point of departure is the bodily, sensory and emotional experience. That the author uses her own perceptions and experiences and is preoccupied with her own knowledge process means that she writes herself into an autoethnographic context. She also experiments with the writing and allows it to take on a more literary form as she writes about her own sensory impressions and feelings. The term rhythmanalysis is employed as a way of assessing, exploring, interpreting and understanding the world that embraces the embodied experience. Human beings are embodied beings, a claim we can make by referring to our own experiences as well as how we perceive, communicate and interact. The study delves into two aspects of rhythmanalysis, first as a way of describing the knowledge process as rhythm-analytical, which implies that bodily experiences are equally important as intellectual ones, and secondly as a way of talking about the city as polyrhythmic. It follows upon the latter that embodied rhythmanalysis of the city is possible. The rhythmanalysis may ultimately be seen as a project aimed at overthrowing the Cartesian dualism between body and mind. That we are embodied has a methodological consequence that is as simple as it is essential: the scholar exists in the world she studies. The researcher is not a neutral observer. She is a co-creator. She is a body, placed in time, space and history. She is situated, which means that her knowledge is also situated. Thus, the rhythmanalysis encompasses the body, the senses and feelings, and can be described with one key word: movement. It finds support in theories that acknowledge the fluid, the becoming, the situated, the performative, the relational, the dynamic, the material. It seeks methods that experiment, that focus on practices rather than discourses, that are preoccupied with a movable world rather than a static one.
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Hörgeräte / Technisierung der Wahrnehmung durch Rock- und PopmusikPapenburg, Jens 21 March 2012 (has links)
Die Geräte, durch die Musik im Zeitalter der technischen (Re-)Produktion gehört wird, haben sich immer wieder gewandelt. Solche Geräte müssen überhört werden. Nur so kann Musik gehört werden. Trotzdem – so die These der Arbeit – organisieren diese Geräte das Hören und sind Agenturen einer Bewirtschaftung und Technisierung der Wahrnehmung. In der Arbeit wird anhand von zwei Fallstudien aus der Geschichte der Rock- und Popmusik gezeigt, wie solche Geräte sowohl den Hörer als auch die gehörte Musik formieren. Durch Hörtechnologien bilden sich neue Hörpraktiken heraus und die Körperlichkeit des Hörers wird neu bestimmt. Die Anpassung von Klanggeschehen an spezifische Hörtechnologien wird im Mastering – dem letzten Schritt der technischen Musikproduktion – untersuchbar. Die Geräte, durch die Musik gehört wird, sind also weder schlichte Wiedergabetechnologien noch bloße elektrotechnische Artefakte. Vielmehr sind sie Gefüge aus Klanglichkeit, Körperlichkeit und Technologie. Diese werden in der Arbeit als Hörgeräte auf den Begriff gebracht. Die Hörgeräte der Rock- und Popmusik zielen – wie ihre medizintechnischen Verwandten – auf die Materialität der Wahrnehmung. Im Gegensatz zu diesen funktionieren sie jedoch nicht als Prothesen, die an einer gattungsweit postulierten Norm ausgerichtet sind. Statt Normen bergen sie Exzesse – an Serialität und Wiederholung – sowie Eskalationen – von Lautstärke und von hohen und tiefen Frequenzen. Die Arbeit ist in drei Kapiteln gegliedert. Im ersten Kapitel wird die These der Arbeit in Bezug auf theoretische Diskurse der Musik-, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft verortet und eine begriffliche Systematik entwickelt. Kapitel zwei und drei sind Fallstudien gewidmet. In der ersten wird das Jukeboxhören der Rock’n’Roll-Kultur der 1950er Jahre untersucht, in der zweiten das Soundsystemhören der Disco- und Clubkultur der 1970er bis 1990er Jahre. Die im ersten Kapitel entwickelte begriffliche Systematik macht die Fallstudien vergleichbar. / The devices by which music is listened to in the age of technological (re-)production have changed over and over again. These devices must be imperceptible to the ear. Only then can music be heard. Nonetheless – this is the claim of the thesis – these devices organize hearing and are agents of a cultivation and technization of perception. Based on two case studies from the history of rock and pop music, this thesis reveals how such devices constitute not only the listener but also the music which is listened to. Through listening technologies new listening practices emerge and the corporality of the listener is newly defined. The adaptation of sound to specific listening technologies can be analysed during the mastering process, the last step in technological music production. The devices by which music is listened to are thus neither simple technologies of reproduction nor mere electrotechnical artefacts. Rather, they are assemblages of sound, corporality, and technology. In this thesis these assemblages are called “Hörgeräte” (listening devices). The listening devices of rock and pop music target – like medical-technical “Hörgeräte” (hearing aids) – the materiality of perception. Contrary to medical technologies, however, listening devices do not function as prostheses, which are calibrated according to medical industry standards. Instead, they contain excesses – of seriality and repetition – and escalations – of amplitude and high and low frequencies. The thesis is arranged in three chapters. In the first chapter I situate the main argument of the thesis within discourses of musicology, media and cultural studies, and develop my own terminology. Chapters two and three deal with case studies. In chapter two I investigate jukebox listening in 1950s rock’n’roll culture, whilst in chapter three I explore sound system listening in disco and club culture from the 1970s to the 1990s. The terminology developed in chapter one enables a comparison of the case studies.
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