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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quando tudo nos é estranho para onde vamos? A inserção de imigrantes portugueses no movimento associativo português da cidade de São Paulo / When everything is strange to us where do we go? The insertion of Portuguese immigrants into the Portuguese associativemovement in the city of São Paulo

Antunes, Sofia Martins Peres 07 August 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação é uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia Social. Seu objetivo concentrou-se em investigar se a inserção de imigrantes portugueses, em espaços associativos lusitanos da cidade de São Paulo, pode ser visto como uma tentativa destes de resistirem aos processos de desenraizamento, ocasionados pela ruptura proveniente do ato de emigrar de seu país de origem. O método escolhido pautou-se na análise das histórias de vida transmitidas pelas narrativas orais. Desse modo, embarcamos nas vicissitudes da vida de seis portugueses, nascidos nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 e percorremos três tempos de suas biografias: tempos da infância, período de mudança e, por último, a vida no Brasil. O conceito de enraizamento e de desenraizamento, que rege o aporte teórico da pesquisa, foi extraído da obra da filósofa francesa Simone Weil, difundida no Brasil pela psicóloga social Éclea Bosi. Ademais, ao longo desta dissertação, dialogamos com estudiosos de diversos campos de conhecimento, como sociólogos, historiadores, filósofos e psicólogos, a fim de refletir a respeito da hipótese desta pesquisa, a saber se a participação em uma organização coletiva pode ser considerada um ponto favorável para que o sofrimento da ruptura biográfica não esfacele a memória do passado, preservando os vínculos e as lembranças destes portugueses. Por fim, apontamos que estas organizações foram criadas e mantidas como formas de enfrentar o sofrimento psicossocial gerado pela emigração. Constatamos que a inserção dos seis idosos portugueses nas entidades estudadas foi considerada como um movimento de ir ao encontro do familiar. Concluímos que, ao articular nesses espaços experiências do passado que os impulsionaram para o futuro, provendo ancoramento por meio do respaldo identitário, cultural e memorialístico, estes tiveram, novamente, a oportunidade se re-enraizar / This master thesis is a qualitative research in Social Psychology. Its aim was to investigate whether the insertion of portuguese immigrants into lusitanian associative spaces in the city of São Paulo can be seen as an attempt by these to resist the uprooting processes caused by the rupture resulting from the emigration of their country of origin. The method chosen was based on the analysis of the life histories transmitted by the oral narratives. In this way, we embark on the vicissitudes of the life of six portuguese, born in the 1920s and 1930s and go through three times of their biographies: childhood times, the period of change and, finally, life in Brazil. The concept of rooting and rootlessness, which governs the theoretical contribution of the research, was extracted from the work of the french philosopher Simone Weil, spread in Brazil by the social psychologist Éclea Bosi. Furthermore, throughout this dissertation, we have dialogues with researchers from different fields of knowledge, such as sociologists, historians, philosophers and psychologists, in order to reflect on the hypothesis of this research, to know if the participation in a collective organization can be considered a favorable point for what the suffering of the biographical rupture does not exclude the memory of the past, preserving the ties and the memories of these portuguese. Finally, we point out that these organizations were created and maintained as ways of facing the psychosocial suffering generated by emigration. We found that the inclusion of the six Portuguese elderly in the studied entities was considered as a movement to meet the familiar. We conclude that by articulating in these spaces past experiences that propelled them into the future, providing anchoring through the support of identity, culture and memorialism, they again had the opportunity to re-rooted

Quando tudo nos é estranho para onde vamos? A inserção de imigrantes portugueses no movimento associativo português da cidade de São Paulo / When everything is strange to us where do we go? The insertion of Portuguese immigrants into the Portuguese associativemovement in the city of São Paulo

Sofia Martins Peres Antunes 07 August 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação é uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia Social. Seu objetivo concentrou-se em investigar se a inserção de imigrantes portugueses, em espaços associativos lusitanos da cidade de São Paulo, pode ser visto como uma tentativa destes de resistirem aos processos de desenraizamento, ocasionados pela ruptura proveniente do ato de emigrar de seu país de origem. O método escolhido pautou-se na análise das histórias de vida transmitidas pelas narrativas orais. Desse modo, embarcamos nas vicissitudes da vida de seis portugueses, nascidos nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 e percorremos três tempos de suas biografias: tempos da infância, período de mudança e, por último, a vida no Brasil. O conceito de enraizamento e de desenraizamento, que rege o aporte teórico da pesquisa, foi extraído da obra da filósofa francesa Simone Weil, difundida no Brasil pela psicóloga social Éclea Bosi. Ademais, ao longo desta dissertação, dialogamos com estudiosos de diversos campos de conhecimento, como sociólogos, historiadores, filósofos e psicólogos, a fim de refletir a respeito da hipótese desta pesquisa, a saber se a participação em uma organização coletiva pode ser considerada um ponto favorável para que o sofrimento da ruptura biográfica não esfacele a memória do passado, preservando os vínculos e as lembranças destes portugueses. Por fim, apontamos que estas organizações foram criadas e mantidas como formas de enfrentar o sofrimento psicossocial gerado pela emigração. Constatamos que a inserção dos seis idosos portugueses nas entidades estudadas foi considerada como um movimento de ir ao encontro do familiar. Concluímos que, ao articular nesses espaços experiências do passado que os impulsionaram para o futuro, provendo ancoramento por meio do respaldo identitário, cultural e memorialístico, estes tiveram, novamente, a oportunidade se re-enraizar / This master thesis is a qualitative research in Social Psychology. Its aim was to investigate whether the insertion of portuguese immigrants into lusitanian associative spaces in the city of São Paulo can be seen as an attempt by these to resist the uprooting processes caused by the rupture resulting from the emigration of their country of origin. The method chosen was based on the analysis of the life histories transmitted by the oral narratives. In this way, we embark on the vicissitudes of the life of six portuguese, born in the 1920s and 1930s and go through three times of their biographies: childhood times, the period of change and, finally, life in Brazil. The concept of rooting and rootlessness, which governs the theoretical contribution of the research, was extracted from the work of the french philosopher Simone Weil, spread in Brazil by the social psychologist Éclea Bosi. Furthermore, throughout this dissertation, we have dialogues with researchers from different fields of knowledge, such as sociologists, historians, philosophers and psychologists, in order to reflect on the hypothesis of this research, to know if the participation in a collective organization can be considered a favorable point for what the suffering of the biographical rupture does not exclude the memory of the past, preserving the ties and the memories of these portuguese. Finally, we point out that these organizations were created and maintained as ways of facing the psychosocial suffering generated by emigration. We found that the inclusion of the six Portuguese elderly in the studied entities was considered as a movement to meet the familiar. We conclude that by articulating in these spaces past experiences that propelled them into the future, providing anchoring through the support of identity, culture and memorialism, they again had the opportunity to re-rooted

Une lecture de la modernité par le biais de l’amour et du politique chez Arendt, Weil et Rougemont

Nguyen, Minh January 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de pensée politique, nous chercherons à renouer avec l’idéalité du projet politique moderne en pensant le lien qu’entretiennent amour et politique dans le cadre ce celui-ci. Au niveau du mouvement de la pensée politique, les modernes ont eu tendance à légitimer l’action politique à l’aune de cette norme transcendante qu’est la Raison. L’action politique était alors orientée vers une forme d’utopie. Or, avec le passage de la modernité à la postmodernité, le politique tend à être désormais orienté par une forme de rationalité technique fétichisée. Il est donc question pour nous de renouer avec la mission originelle de la pensée politique qui est de penser les finalités de l’être humain. Pour ce faire, nous allons examiner la nécessaire relation entre amour et politique. Trois penseurs politiques du 20e siècle, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil et Denis de Rougemont, nous aideront à penser le lien entre amour et politique renouer avec l’idéalité moderne. Arendt nous permettra de penser l’amour comme un rapport à l’autre et au monde, qui est une condition de la pluralité. Weil nous permettra de penser l’amour comme une médiation qui institue une forme de subjectivité orientée vers un ailleurs transcendant. Quant à Rougemont, il nous permettra de penser l’amour comme un élément d’une une commune mesure moderne. Nous verrons que la rationalité technique à elle seule ne peut pas guider le politique, qu’elle doit aussi prendre en considération l’amour pour penser des normes définissant le commun. Nous verrons aussi que l’idéalité moderne est intimement liée à une conception de l’amour qui suppose une prise de distance.

Lire la nécessité : obéissance, liberté et décréation chez Simone Weil

Daigle, Julie 07 July 2020 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’examiner la conception originale et controversée de l’obéissance dans l’œuvre de Simone Weil. Selon nous, Weil hérite de son professeur de lycée, Alain, une préoccupation pour deux notions qui auront une forte incidence sur sa conception de l’obéissance, soit la nécessité et l’esclavage, ainsi que la conviction que l’ordre social et la liberté exigent des citoyens un double devoir d’obéissance et de résistance aux pouvoirs. La conception de l’obéissance de Weil est aussi influencée par l’expérience de l’esclavage, essentiellement féminine, qu’elle a vécue en usine pendant l’année 1934-1935. Cette expérience l’amène à approfondir sa réflexion sur les notions de nécessité et de force. Le travail de la politique, selon Weil, consiste à identifier les « vraies » nécessités (à distinguer des « fausses ») auxquelles les individus sont tenus d’obéir. Ces vraies nécessités conduisent Weil à formuler la notion d’« obéissance surnaturelle », laquelle suppose une ambiguïté dans sa compréhension du rapport de l’individu avec la nécessité, entendue à la fois comme liberté et comme esclavage. En dépit de ce qui précède, nous insistons sur l’opposition de Weil à l’esclavage social, de même que sur son éthique de l’amitié. Pour Weil, les Albigeois incarnaient l’amitié et l’obéissance au sens élevé qu’elle leur accorde, c’est-à-dire comme consentement à un objet d’amour. Weil reprend cet idéal dans l’Enracinement (1943), où elle affirme que seul un amour adéquat de la patrie peut entraîner la réapparition en France d’une forme d’obéissance légitime puisque consentie. Cet amour de la patrie doit être protégé de ses tendances idolâtriques par trois vertus : la compassion, l’humilité et l’attention. Par ailleurs, nous illustrons les liens entre l’obéissance surnaturelle et la politique, selon Weil, à partir de quatre figures qu’elle estimait admirablement obéissantes : Jeanne d’Arc, Thomas Edward Lawrence, Arjuna (héros de la Bhaghavad-Gita) et Jaffier (l’un des personnages de Venise sauvée, une pièce de théâtre de Weil). Enfin, malgré le caractère foncièrement polysémique de la liberté dans l’œuvre de Weil, nous identifions dans ses idées sur l’obéissance une certaine parenté avec la tradition républicaine. Celle-ci relève de son opposition à la domination et à l’oppression sociale, de sa défense d’un patriotisme non idolâtrique et de ses arguments en faveur d’une citoyenneté active et agonistique. Le républicanisme de Weil critique toutefois la pensée républicaine en proposant d’en surmonter les tendances machistes ou masculinistes.

Olyckan och det goda : En studie av Simone Weils hantering av teodicéproblemet

Sällström, David January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen beskriver och analyserar den franske filosofen och mystikern Simone Weils hantering av lidandets problem och sätter det i relation till den aktuella diskussionen mellan teodicéförespråkare och tänkare som avvisar teodicésvar på moralisk grund. Analysen behandlar inte teodicéproblemet som ett strikt logiskt och teoretiskt problem, utan lyfter fram hur Weils tänkande knyter an till de andliga och existentiella dimensionerna av problemet. Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att undersöka vilka föreställningar hos Weil, om Gud, universum och människans förhållningssätt till lidande, som bidrar till att göra lidandet begripligt och hanterbart, men också undersöka huruvida Weils förhållningssätt till lidandets problem kan utstå invändningar som riktats från representanter av s.k. ”antiteodicéer”. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är en teori om lidande, ett antal problemkomplex relaterade till teodicéproblemet och fyra invändningar mot teodicésvar. Analysen visar att Weil ser möjligheter för lidandet att integreras i det goda genom att människans olycka kan vara är en källa till Guds kärlek. Hon ser också korset som en resurs som möjliggör gudomligt deltagande i den enskilda människans sårbarhet för lidande. I uppsatsens andra del framkommer att Weils hantering av lidandets problem kan utstå invändningar från representanter av antiteodicéer eftersom hon har en icke-instrumentell syn på lidande och dessutom menar att lidandet måste erfaras negativt för att kunna ha en positiv innebörd.

Kärlek i förintelsetid : En undersökning av kärleksförståelser utifrån Etty Hillesum verk An Interupted Life: The Diaries and Letters of Etty Hillesum 1941 – 1943 samt Simone Weils verk Väntan på Gud.

Nilsson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
It´s not a secret that the holocaust consisted of horrible actions. One fascinating thing is how two female writers, Etty Hillesums and Simone Weil, was able to express something very different in the face of this terrible time. That’s why this essay provides some answers to the question, what understandings of love are expressed in letters from Hillesums An Interupted Life: The Diaries and Letters of Etty Hillesum 1941 – 1943 and Simone Weils Waiting for God? Both authors wrote their letters with an emphasis on God and that God is necessary for love. They also quite agreed that within every human being there is a core. The core for both Hillesum and Weil is either love or needs love and giving attention to or taking care of your own or others core is an act of love. At last, both describes without doubt love as something relational that always needs more than one part. Despite the similarities in the understandings of love expressed in the letters they have several interesting differences. This essay focuses on the relational perspective of love together with three Greek terms; agape, eros and philia and relates them to the understandings that appear in the letters. Sometimes these understandings of love are very much alike and other times not. The main question and its answers challenge us to ask another question to get a holistic understanding of the expression of love found in the letters. How can these understandings of love be understood in relation to overarching themes such as the conception of God and the essence of human beings? By reading and reflecting on these issues based on the letters, it becomes clear that Hillesum and Weil gets to write their own stories and tell something about mankind, God and love in a context marked by unimaginable evil.

I’m Glad You’re Here: Enoughness, Attention, and the Role of Shame in Schools

Smith, Casey Sara 06 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Kris, (o)lycka och (av)skapelse : En studie om andligheten i Karin Boyes Kris utifrån Simone Weils begrepp olyckan och avskapelsen

Tjärnén, Alice January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to explore how religious and spiritual experiences are conveyed in Karin Boye's novel Kris (English translation: Crisis). I study these experiences in the novel by using the French philosopher and mystic Simone Weil's theories of affliction and decreation. The study seeks answers to the following questions: which experiences in the novel are presented as Malin's spiritual experiences? How does Boye portray these spiritual experiences? What can we learn about Malin's spiritual experiences through Weil's theories of affliction and decreation? Affliction is a word that Weil uses to describe a specific suffering. Decreation is a term connected to Weil's idea that the only freedom humans are allowed is to give their consent to God, and give up their created self to become an uncreated self. The result of my analysis is not that Weil's concepts fit perfectly with what happens to Malin in the novel. But her philosophy proves to be useful when it comes to analyzing how Malin must suffer to learn how to uncreate herself, to be able to grow and develop a new self. This happens when she starts questioning the hierarchies that exist in her own family, within the education system, how and what the church teaches and preaches. In the middle of this crisis, she realizes that she is in love with Siv, a woman who she studies with. This love comes with more suffering, but also with a new spirituality that is created through love and light. In her new spirituality she can see things more clearly and it contains more love and light, compared to her earlier spirituality. This love and light are also connected to Weil's ideas in my paper.

Navigating Layers of Care and Attention in Education : A comparative Analysis of Noddings and Weil in "The kindergarten Teacher" Sara Colangelo's Film(2018)

Salehi Najafabadi, Maryam January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the issue of attention based on Noddings and Weil's perspectives. Inaddition, it describes a fictional example for attention. The fictional example critically examinesthe benefits and potential risks of care and attention in modern education. It uses the 2018 film"The Kindergarten Teacher" as an example to explore the ethical boundaries of providing care andattention. The film revolves around a teacher named Lisa Spinelli, who becomes deeply involvedin nurturing a student's exceptional poetic talent. I examine Lisa's behavior using Nel Noddings'theory of care and Simone Weil's notion of attention. Applying these frameworks aims to assessLisa's motivations and actions and gain insight into her conduct.Noddings emphasizes that attention and caring develop in a relationship is a continuous process,not just a single moment. For the relationship to be strong, it must involve mutual responses fromboth parties. When a strong relationship with attention is established, it aids in the learning processespecially for students and children. However, for this relationship to be effective, it needs to bedeep and trustworthy, with responsive interactions. Noddings also suggests that "modeling","dialogue", "practice", and "confirmation" are essential components that teachers and parents canuse to enhance their students' or children's attention within their relationships.Simone Weil's conception of attention is selfless and others-focused. It involves putting asidepersonal goals to meet the needs of others. Weil introduces "impersonality" through solitude,where individuals suspend their sense of self for the collective. True attention requires thedisappearance of self and focuses beyond comprehension, like an act of prayer. Love and desireare crucial, fostering a willingness to be attentive and forget oneself. Weil explores attention's rolein pursuing truth, beauty, and goodness. It is crucial for making supreme efforts and should be theprimary focus of education. She emphasizes observing visual representations withoutinterpretation to gain understanding. Maintaining attention amidst conflicting desires andobligations is challenging. Weil suggests enduring and resisting negative desires while focusing onthe good and virtuous. Individuals can elevate the quality of their attention by detaching fromtemporal concerns. Ultimately, Weil presents attention as a transformative practice that leads tolove, genuine values, and a deeper understanding of the world.

Love’s Weakness: Simone Weil and the Truthful Encountering of Others

Ens, Gerald 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis provides a presentation and analysis of Simone Weil’s articulation of the weakness of love vis-à-vis our encounters with others. It does so both as a way to better examine Christian theological claims about the importance of weakness and as a way of accessing the tensional depths of Simone Weil’s work from an often neglected angle. To achieve this engagement, I read Weil alongside Jean Vanier, whose life and work share with Weil a profound emphasis on the centrality of weakness for meeting others truthfully and lovingly. In Chapter One I draw on both Weil and Vanier to present their shared critique of relationships that are reduced to a pursuit of power and influence over others. I call such relationships “territorial” because they posit human beings as competitors for two-dimensional territory and therefore envision human relationships in essentially competitive terms. Chapter Two is a detailed presentation of Weil’s constructive work on the weakness of love that emphasizes her account of the impersonal, non-egoistic, and unattached relationships we ought to pursue with others. Weil claims that we experience the fullness of reality through an uncompromising embrace of all things, which we can only accomplish through the removal of ourselves in the face of others. We get concrete development of these themes in Weil’s presentation of neighbour love and friendship, which she understands as a total openness to another’s position, circumstance, and being. In the third chapter, I use the theme of communion in Vanier’s work to call into question the way Weil demands our total surrender to the other. I suggest that an absent self cannot be truly weak and vulnerable before others. The central problem, I suggest, is a conception in which any sort of positive presence is necessarily an obstacle and any imposition of oneself necessarily competitive. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / In this thesis, I present and examine Simone Weil’s understanding of how we might avoid doing violence to other people and instead treat other people with love and compassion. The first chapter reads Weil together with Jean Vanier to examine the various ways that power and the attempt to dominate others dictates our relationships with others. In the second chapter I systematically present Weil’s understanding of how we might, through a certain kind of personal death, transport ourselves wholly into the perspectives of other people and thereby practice true compassion towards them. In the third and concluding chapter I use Vanier’s compelling presentation of human flourishing as consisting of heart-to-heart interdependent relationships to critique the refusal of being dependent on others that is both implicit and explicit in Weil’s account of compassion.

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